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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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  Lt. Baker's arresting Steffy was awesome, in all its face-cracking glory. Steffy's doing what she wants without giving a shit about the consequences is vintage Steffy and it's about time karma bit her in the ass for it. 


  Wyatt's defending Steffy again came out of left field. Last time I checked, Ivy was Wyatt's girlfriend, not Steffy. Liam's waffling is getting contagious. 

  • Love 7

Isn't it amazing how doing the right thing is the same as doing exactly what Steffy wants?  I understand that soaps need hypocritical, asshole characters but I don't understand why they have to have so many defenders and proppers.  It's not enjoyable to watch people like this come out on top again and again and again. 


Watching Steffy, Wyatt and Liam try to berate Ivy into submission was one of the most uncomfortable things I've watched in awhile.  Ivy should be asking herself why Wyatt is always so ready to come to Puffy's defense.

  • Love 12

I'm hoping the new chickadee is their granddaughter. There was something odd in the way she looked at him and said something about him becoming a grandfather yesterday or the day before. A mistress or love child wouldn't say something like that. The tone and her expression was off like maybe he's already a grandparent. Maybe he paid off the mother to keep quiet. Surely the person formerly known as Myron could have skeletons or an unknown child in the world.

I wish Puffles would return to Paris and take Waffles with her. Matter of fact, send this nu-gen on an extended off-screen holiday. Let them go source materials in South Africa or Dubai. I'm sensing a partner switch. Heaven knows Puffles and Waffles have no chemistry or heat this time around. Watching paint dry is more exciting.

I had to laugh at Zende and how quickly the mood turned sour. He gave it the old university try. Fact is, some men are turned off by pregnant women--even when the baby is their child. In this case, his girlfriend is pregnant by his uncle. Nobody can fault him for being turned off. Nicole chose this surrogacy, and this is a drawback. That unethical doctor told her it would impact both of them.

  • Love 9

Lt. Baker is one of the best characters on the show.  I could watch him arrest and antagonise Puffy every single day.  Why isn't he on more often?  Get rid of Carter, Zzzzzzzende and Thomas and replace them with Lt. Baker.  Whatever happened to Charlie Baker?  Did he disappear when Bridget disappeared?

  • Love 5

Isn't it amazing how doing the right thing is the same as doing exactly what Steffy wants? I understand that soaps need hypocritical, asshole characters but I don't understand why they have to have so many defenders and proppers. It's not enjoyable to watch people like this come out on top again and again and again.

Watching Steffy, Wyatt and Liam try to berate Ivy into submission was one of the most uncomfortable things I've watched in awhile. Ivy should be asking herself why Wyatt is always so ready to come to Puffy's defense.

Why does Ivy have to take the high road to appease "her cousin". First with the video and now with the order of protection. Ivy has to capitulate while Steffy continues to dictate.

Does Ivy still have feelings for Liam? It seemed that way. Does Ivy realize that it would cost her a fortune to keep maple syrup on her waffle.

How long before Sasha will be working for FC? I thought for sure that Nicole would be the one to stop the so called romantic interlude. Instead it was Zende when he reached "the baby bump" to be. Question: if a tree falls, in the woods, does it make a sound? Equally important, if a virgin gives birth, as a surrogate, is she still considered a virgin after the baby is born? I guess a C Section would make that question a mute point.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 6

Isn't it amazing how doing the right thing is the same as doing exactly what Steffy wants?  I understand that soaps need hypocritical, asshole characters but I don't understand why they have to have so many defenders and proppers.  It's not enjoyable to watch people like this come out on top again and again and again. 


Watching Steffy, Wyatt and Liam try to berate Ivy into submission was one of the most uncomfortable things I've watched in awhile.  Ivy should be asking herself why Wyatt is always so ready to come to Puffy's defense.


It would at least make some sense if this led to Wyatt and Ivy eventually having it out and discussing how he's being so lenient towards Steffy because he's still pissed about the Thomas thing, and he feels like what Steffy did was her punishment for that, or something.  

  • Love 4

"Maybe I should just move back to Paris." YES. PLEASE. Take the waffle with you.


Again, this is all about poor, poor Steffy. Cousins just drop like flies in front of her. Everyone better run and stroke her massive ego. Forget the girl who almost died. And then got hurt again. Whose own boyfriend isn't even in her corner because that self-righteous bratz doll barely managed to bat her false lashes at him. And again Ivy has to take the high road, do what's best for the company, but no one else ever does. There's a giant public scandal at this company every week. I'm not even a huge Ivy fan but this whole storyline is ridiculously ugly.


Lt. Hot Dog is dead to me. That is not how restraining orders work. "Oh, you REALLY want to talk it out? Sure. Smell ya later."

  • Love 8
Gudzilla, on 17 Dec 2015 - 4:26 PM, said:Gudzilla, on 17 Dec 2015 - 4:26 PM, said:Gudzilla, on 17 Dec 2015 - 4:26 PM, said:Gudzilla, on 17 Dec 2015 - 4:26 PM, said:

Ha !


I thought Zende was going to say the baby kicked him in the face.


Did it look to anyone else that they were having NO sexxytime FUN at all?


That is one lousy date night Nicole was invited to: Zende sneaks her into his room, no food, no drinks, no preamble. Zende plows ahead while Nicole want to take her time for the "perfect" all-nighter. He finally warms up, then comes to a complete halt in the general vicinity of Uterus-ville: No Vacancy ... Close your eyes and think of Sasha, ya' drip! 


<blerg> That was awful.


Now a little Yuletide do-dah for cat-lovers ...





And what's Christmas without the JingleCats?





Nope, not creepy and crazy-making at all ...

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 10

I feel like the plant wants Waffles back. In the spoiler vid for tomorrow, she's talking about how they had good times and were good together. Bell, is this restraining order some crazy attempt to allow the plant and Waffles to get closer again? He's spent more time with her this week than in the past six months and how many times is Whiny going to show up at FC in the same day? He has visited like 2-3 times. To chat with Liam (they made these crazy things called phones), to bring Ivy (she was struggling to get up and walk but she wanted to work?), and to chat with Steffy (umm there's texting, Facetime, iChat, Skype, Oovoo, etc...you just had to show up again). Same applies to Waffles.

  • Love 4

I just played the JingleCats video, and my cat came running in from another room to see what the hell was going on!

When Ivy was in the hospital and Wyatt seemed firmly in Ivy's corner, I was convinced this whole partner-swapping odor that had been hanging in the air was finally gone. Now, I'm not so sure again. The winds change with every episode!

  • Love 6
That is one lousy date night Nicole was invited to: Zende sneaks her into his room, no food, no drinks, no preamble.

That scene made me kinda sad for Nicole. I guess now that she's already knocked up Zende doesn't feel like he needs to put much effort (or dollars) into courting her. And this is after their one and only date was in the kitchen of the house they both live in. Zende may be a Forrester but he sure is a cheap one. I guess he's used to getting by on his looks.


How long before Sasha will be working for FC?

And living in the Forrester-Avant boarding house. Of course Show will have to make it convenient for Zende to slip around with her. What would be funny though is if Maya lets her live in her and Rick's old fcuk pad because for sure there's going to be some of that going on.


I guess either Sasha was wearing really high heels yesterday or Zende was wearing lifts in his shoes today because I thought she'd be towering over him. Today they looked around the same height unless there was some camera angle trickery in play. And I know it's only her second day but I still feel like Sasha is trying too hard. IMO the actress could stand to dial it back a notch or ten.


I just played the JingleCats video, and my cat came running in from another room to see what the hell was going on!

Mine too. And it's not like big fuzzball's never heard it before because I have the CD full of those songs and I play it every year.

  • Love 5

I just played the JingleCats video, and my cat came running in from another room to see what the hell was going on!


Mine too. And it's not like big fuzzball's never heard it before because I have the CD full of those songs and I play it every year.


My cat avenges himself by shitting in my purse when I turn on the JingleCats.

  • Love 4

Did it look to anyone else that they were having NO sexxytime FUN at all?

It looked more like nap time than sexytime to me! And what was with Zzzzzende the other day saying "yep" when Sasha said Nicole is lucky. Full of yourself for no reason much?



Did everyone forget what happened the last time Ivy relented for the family? Steffy promptly fired her ass.

I certainly remember that! And then the next time she played the "we're family we should get along" game, she tattled on Ivy to Wyatt. Oh, but I forgot, she REALLY tried hard not to tell him. I hope Ivy finds a copy of the Aly vid-eee-yo and blackmails Puffy's ass again.
  • Love 8

It looked more like nap time than sexytime to me! And what was with Zzzzzende the other day saying "yep" when Sasha said Nicole is lucky. Full of yourself for no reason much?



I certainly remember that! And then the next time she played the "we're family we should get along" game, she tattled on Ivy to Wyatt. Oh, but I forgot, she REALLY tried hard not to tell him. I hope Ivy finds a copy of the Aly vid-eee-yo and blackmails Puffy's ass again.


Forget blackmail, just make sure it gets into Lt. Hot Dog's hands ASAP.  

  • Love 9

That fucking bitch didn't get arrested?!? Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? And everyone is comforting *her*? Show teases me that Steffy is going to get arrested for an actual real life crime and then takes it back?

Fuck this, bring back Hope. I can't stand Princess Steffy, and if the show has to have a perfect princess, I can sit through Hope. This crap with Steffy is giving me rage blackouts -- I can't believe I used to love her character.

Of course, the real fucking princess is Liam. He certainly isn't any kind of leading *man*. When he said he was there for Ivy, I damn near threw my glass across the room. The problem with Liam is that he's a written as if he isn't a lying, manipulative douche. We're just supposed to believe that he intensely feels... whatever he feels with whoever he's with at the given time. It's not HIS fault that he feels what he feels! AAAAAAGH! I liked that Ivy was allowed to say that they were in love and building a life together until Steffy blew it up, but again, rage blackout at Liam's smug smile of remembrance in response.

And since when do victims of restraining orders get left in a room with their attacker BY A COP who came there to arrest said attacker? And why is Ivy the unreasonable one given that the first fucking thing Steffy did was violate the restraining order? Why does Ivy have to back down? Steffy will just fire her again!

Sorry about all the swearing, but I haven't been this angry at a fictional show in a while.

(P.S. Unpopular opinion, but I'm not hating Sasha at all. She obviously enjoys having something to hold over Papa Avant's head, and the show could use a sexy vixen. Yes, by all means, tone down the hair tossing but really, she isn't bad and shows promise. I'm looking forward to seeing what skeletons Papa has in his closet!)

  • Love 15

I liked that Ivy was allowed to say that they were in love and building a life together until Steffy blew it up, but again, rage blackout at Liam's smug smile of remembrance in response.

What bothered me about that scene is that now, it isn't that Princess Steffy of the two-toned hair did something wrong, it's that Ivy can't get over her jealousy.
  • Love 6

Of course, the real fucking princess is Liam. He certainly isn't any kind of leading *man*. When he said he was there for Ivy, I damn near threw my glass across the room. The problem with Liam is that he's a written as if he isn't a lying, manipulative douche. We're just supposed to believe that he intensely feels... whatever he feels with whoever he's with at the given time. It's not HIS fault that he feels what he feels! AAAAAAGH! I liked that Ivy was allowed to say that they were in love and building a life together until Steffy blew it up, but again, rage blackout at Liam's smug smile of remembrance in response.


And this, ultimately, is why I always think of Liam as a second-generation, slightly bug-fixed, Ridge Forrester: he's at least allowed to be a little bit more considerate of his women's feelings (and his being more of an overt would-be peacemaker is nice, IMO--Ridge was more superficially interested in that than anybody except perhaps Stephanie herself), but his waffling and his general love-the-one-you're-with-but-then-there-was-that-thing-that-time attitude is almost exactly that of the Original Waffle.

  • Love 4

This whole thing with Liam v. Wyatt and all the women being up Liam's ass is really old and I've only been paying attention to this show since the middle of 2014.  Although I don't care about either of them, I hate when shows try to pull this shit with one being some kind of prize.


I guess this is going to lead to Quinn getting airtime not for a story for her but to get revenge for her 30ish year old son. 


Someone bring back Hope to complete the trifecta and just to see the dust cloud Liam would generate when it comes to Steffy and Ivy.

  • Love 6

And this, ultimately, is why I always think of Liam as a second-generation, slightly bug-fixed, Ridge Forrester: he's at least allowed to be a little bit more considerate of his women's feelings (and his being more of an overt would-be peacemaker is nice, IMO--Ridge was more superficially interested in that than anybody except perhaps Stephanie herself), but his waffling and his general love-the-one-you're-with-but-then-there-was-that-thing-that-time attitude is almost exactly that of the Original Waffle.

I agree in part: Ridge was a waffle, but by God his ladies got to have fun as he took his time bouncing back and forward with trips to Europe and dining at the best restaurants and some measurable effort at romance.

When have Liam's ladies ever enjoyed themselves? Hope went to fucking THERAPY because she had sex to keep him around. Steffy was barely boarded to Paris after her miscarriage before he was going back to Hope. Enough said.

About the only thing that Liam has on Ridge is that he hasn't slept with drunk/drugged women who were taken by his brothers. But storytelling wise, I find Liam to be lower on that totem pole than pre sex change, doe eyed Maya because he never ACTS, he just always REACTS or gets led around the nose by someone else. This drives me crazier thst even Brooke's repeated bullshit I've been sitting through for the last 16 years.

  • Love 5

Liam defines the "banality of douchebaggery." He's a dull, mewling fuckwit who pulls odious stuff like dumping his girlfriend at her cousin's funeral, and yet you can tell he's all up his own ass about what a nice, sensitive guy he is. Women inexplicably fight over his mediocre penis, and his cartoonishly macho father dotes on the waffling weasel. Wyatt's not perfect by any means, but I cannot fathom why any man, woman, child, or alpaca would prefer Liam to him. Lt. Baker and his hot dog have more chemistry than Liam and his murderous fiancee.

  • Love 16

Arggg! I'm now done with Ivy, especially since she knows Wyatt doesn't want to be anybody's second choice again. Didn't they bond over that? Now she says she'll be happy with him as a second choice? Fuck you, Ivy.

I'm also done with Zende. He was not against Nicole's decision. Well, he was for it before he was against it before he was for it again. Whatever...HE WAS WITH HER WHILE THE SEED WAS BEING PLANTED. That doesn't exactly scream, "I'm totally against this." Fuck you, Zende.

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 15

Sorry, I meant Ivy now wants to get back together with Liam.

Some times I think that Pratt, of Y&R and Bell is the same person. There can't be two writers that suck so bad. Or can there be?

Hilary wakes up to find she's doesn't love Devon but Neil and now we have Ivy waking up to want a second chance with Liam. Is she going to pull a Steffy and demand Liam's affection to drop the order of protection where Steffy demanded Liam in the deal to take over FC? Maybe Liam does have more on "the ball" than Wyatt.

We also have Thomas 3.0 in Sasha. Sasha is in LA a day and she is hitting on Zende as fast as a Asp can strike. At least Thomas had somewhat of a history with Caroline and he gave Ivy a few days warning.

I don't blame Zende because here Bell has it right. There are quite a few men that don't want to have sex with a pregnant woman even if it's their baby and quite a few men that won't have sex, with their wives, after they become a mother.

  • Love 4

Ivy, oy. While I can't blame her for trying to take one last shot at Liam before he marries Steffy, what I don't like is her doing it while keeping Wyatt on reserve. If she had any respect for him at all she'd break up with him because he's nothing more than a consolation prize to her. But yeesh, why would she want a guy who can so easily bounce back and forth between women? If he'd dump his fiancee for her now what's to say he wouldn't dump Ivy--again--for Steffy later? Ugh, have some self-respect, Ivy.


There are quite a few men that don't want to have sex with a pregnant woman even if it's their baby and quite a few men that won't have sex, with their wives, after they become a mother.

It seemed to me that Zende wasn't that interested in having sex with Nicole before she was pregnant. I'm thinking Carter is more his type...yeah, I said it. Whatever, screw Zende and his feelings. I bet over in the millionaire's tiny artist loft, Ridge is putting it to Caroline just fine while she's carrying his grandchild.

  • Love 8

It seemed to me that Zende wasn't that interested in having sex with Nicole before she was pregnant. I'm thinking Carter is more his type...yeah, I said it. Whatever, screw Zende and his feelings. I bet over in the millionaire's tiny artist loft, Ridge is putting it to Caroline just fine while she's carrying his grandchild.


Zende isn't much of an emotional read. His skillset includes widening his eyes, wrinkling his brow, smiling and blinking. His voice is an under-whelming monotone.


If Zende wanted Nicole, she was throwing herself at him before surrogacy was mentioned or the insemination.


He wanted Nicole to choose his emotional blackmail over Maya and Rick's emotional blackmail, and now he's punishing her for giving her body to them and not him.

  • Love 6

Ivy, oy. While I can't blame her for trying to take one last shot at Liam before he marries Steffy, what I don't like is her doing it while keeping Wyatt on reserve. If she had any respect for him at all she'd break up with him because he's nothing more than a consolation prize to her. But yeesh, why would she want a guy who can so easily bounce back and forth between women? If he'd dump his fiancee for her now what's to say he wouldn't dump Ivy--again--for Steffy later? Ugh, have some self-respect, Ivy.

Ugh, this. That drove me bonkers when Hope did it, and it's no better when Ivy's doing it now.

Actually, it's worse, because by that point, I assumed self-centeredness was programed into Hope's DNA. Ivy is fully aware of Wyatt's history of being a consolation prize and is STILL pulling this, along with kissing on Rapey McCreeper, which...what was even the point of that, when he's been cut outta this love quad of doom?

Which reminds me, is TK still doing his partial workweek scheduling? I only check in here, but it must be killing the pacing when Ridge can only be on screen a few days outta the month.

  • Love 6

I hate all these cardboard cut-outs (I refuse to call them people). 


Ivy has valid reasons to be scared of Steffy.  We've seen it on-screen.  But now they're going to spin it as Ivy is jealous of Steffy again?  Rick and Maya are all worried about how this surrogacy affects Maya's bobbleheaded little sister now, after she's knocked up?  Sasha and Nicole are besties from childhood, but Sasha is making moves on Nicole's boyfriend the same day she hits town?  Wyatt loves/cares about/has feelings for Ivy but he's going to do Steffy's bidding?   WTF?


There's no reason to get invested in any of these characters or their relationships because they change every damn day and make no sense anyway.  Who acts like this?


And another thing.  Didn't Ivy have the realization that "life is short" when she watched Steffy bash Ally over the head with a tire iron?

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 15

There is ZERO chemistry between Nicole and Zende! Was that supposed to be passion?

Hell, there was more passion between Amy and Sheldon on last night's TBBT.

Just watched the last two show back-to-back. So, lemme get this straight: Ivy's electroshock therapy fried her circuits so hard that she no longer loves Wyatt, and Lame is her OTP? Puff Adder got off scott-free for ignoring the restraining order (even Erica Kane went to jail every so often), and the Ringling Brothers are both asking Ivy to back off? Discount Alicia Keys is a big old THOT that'll wrap herself around Zzzzzzzzzende like a diaper on a baby's ass the first chance she gets? (But I do like her energy.) The senior Avants are still awesome, but Saha is holding a secret over Pops, and who the hell knows how that will turn out.

Did I miss anything? No? Okay. Um, fuck you, Show. Just...fuck you. It might be time for me to take a break.

Edit: posted before I read everyone else's thoughts. Sheesh, if we're all feeling some kind of way about Show, it's days are numbered.

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 7

Well, I've finally seen it. Brad Bell completely destroyed a character with Ivy. She went from a fairly likable refreshing character, to a villain and now, THIS? Her behavior today reminded me of all the times when Taylor was supposedly happy with another man and suddenly woke up one morning back in love with Ridge.


So how's this supposed to work? Like hell, Steffy is going to allow Waffles to go back and test the waters with Ivy.


Zende and Nicole are terrible together. Sasha puts Brooke (of the old days) to shame in how fast she swooped in on Zende. The guy who plays him leaves me stone cold. Terrible actor, not all that hot (to me.) Yeah. Pair him with Carter.

  • Love 9
He wanted Nicole to choose his emotional blackmail over Maya and Rick's emotional blackmail, and now he's punishing her for giving her body to them and not him.

If that's what's going on, I'd see it as a bit of a retcon. I never got the impression that he'd given it that much thought because he didn't really have much of an emotional investment in Nicole. He seems to have gotten swept into her family drama because he was there and didn't opt to remove himself from it. Like Liam, Zende tends to react more than act, I think.


Zende's behavior now seems to me to be merely about losing what he thought was going to be easy access to sex. He's got the access, with 100% no risk or cost, and his own mind seems to be doing the punishing. I gotta give Sasha points for sizing up that situation with a quickness. He'll probably be parking his man car in her lady garage before the new year.

  • Love 6

I haven't watched yet, so, is Ivy basically telling Liam "I'll drop the restraining order (and this whole issue) if you dump Bratz and get back with me?"  Um, Ivy?  You do realize, of course, that Waffles could agree with your plan, dump Steffy, take you out on a date or two, and then, when all the legal drama has been halted, at your doing, he can waffle right on back over to Steffy, right?  And, once again, you would have shot yourself in the foot, because Steffy would, of course, fire you with a swiftness once you dropped everything.  And good luck getting the restraining order back in place when Liam tells Lt. Hot Dog that you agreed to drop everything to get him back, and this is all a plot to get Steffy out of the picture so you could get her man.  


Not that I think Liam would think of all of that on his own, but, once he no doubt goes running to Steffy to tell her that you wanted him back like that, she'll have zero problem plotting that obvious con.  


And that rant isn't even taking into account the elephant in the room - why in the ever loving good name of fuck do you want that waffling douchebag back?  I've had bottles of milk capable of a more long term non-waffling commitment.  You have a guy who you seemed to be perfectly into before this, one who would not dream of waffling on over to some other girl, one who was ready to forgive you for macking on your fucking cousin, one who has been demonstrated to be superior in the sack, and you're all "eh, but he's waffling weasel of a brother, who dumped me at my cousin's funeral, might be willing to take me back for five minutes to save his current love interest from prison!"  


I can't even.  

  • Love 15
Cupid Stunt, on 18 Dec 2015 - 7:55 PM, said:Cupid Stunt, on 18 Dec 2015 - 7:55 PM, said:

He wanted Nicole to choose his emotional blackmail over Maya and Rick's emotional blackmail, and now he's punishing her for giving her body to them and not him.


Joimiaroxeu, on 18 Dec 2015 - 10:46 PM, said:Joimiaroxeu, on 18 Dec 2015 - 10:46 PM, said:

If that's what's going on, I'd see it as a bit of a retcon. I never got the impression that he'd given it that much thought because he didn't really have much of an emotional investment in Nicole. He seems to have gotten swept into her family drama because he was there and didn't opt to remove himself from it. Like Liam, Zende tends to react more than act, I think.


When Nicole and Zende were first introduced he played the dutiful and respectful young man, a parent's wet dream. He was a little taken aback at how flirtatious and direct Nicole was with him and his family's business. She backed up a step when she learned Zende was a Forrester by adoption, but never stopped flirting and announcing her interest in him altogether.


With the slow buildup of work-related/no dating/no socializing/Carter's Advise Gymnasium, they were inches away from The First Sexxxy Time Romantic All-Nighter Floating On A Simultaneously Orgasmic Pink Cloud when Maya and Rick instantaneously decide WANT AVANT-FORRESTER BABY TO MAKE OUR DREAM LIFE COMPLETE! and approach Nicole to be their surrogate (the "Nicole donates an egg and someone else carries precious cargo" is given limited attention). Nicole tells Zende and he's originally against it; it will take their barely simmering relationship and stop it cold (Translation: Zende doesn't get to have sex with Nicole first). Maya and Rick work on Nicole's need to pay back her original betrayal in outing Maya's gender reassignment and loyalty to their relationship. Nicole hems and haws. Zende waffles back and forth from Nope to IloveyourespectyouI'llbethereIadmireyourcharitableactforyoursister blah blah blah IalreadytoldyouIdidn'twantyoutobeasurrogate ... Pick a lane ya' dope ... and he ends up saying Good Bye to Nicole's Hymen, with the whole Avant famdamily, at the insemination that miraculously works the first time.


So a few minutes of therapy with Carter pass, and Zende decides to try again, but Nicole has all-day Morning Sickness and she's not feeling up to going out with Zende (Translation: Zende's plans to get laid in his bedroom are no more and will have to reschedule First Sexxxytime with Nicole), and he's visibly upset (See: Wrinkled brow and bottom lip pout). But a happy accident of Sasha's visit, an unconventional introduction and eyeful of Sasha in her knickers, and cutting Nicole away from the Avant herd to sneak her up to his bedroom with no romancin', no foreplay, no nothin', turns into a full stop with the realization, "Ruh Roah! You're carrying another man's BABY and a speculum took your virginity and I really really really really really really wanted to be your First. Poopy Pants. Why didn't you listen to me when I said I didn't want you to be Maya and Rick's surrogate? I know I said would try to be supportive, but didn't know I would feel this way!" -- Sure you did, you dimwit. You should have gone with your first instinct and stuck with it.


What a total dullard Zende is -- Girl he loves is knocked up by syringe and he can't get it up. Sexxxy best friend of Girl wants to werk her way up to Forrester Creations from fast food franchises, is showing Zende sympathetic girly scooters. Another drip Bn'B womenfolk are going to salivate and fight over


A love story written Maury Povich.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 13


Her behavior today reminded me of all the times when Taylor was supposedly happy with another man and suddenly woke up one morning back in love with Ridge.


Right? And of course it always happened with zero reasoning.


I hesitate to call any of these things that populate this show characters because there is no development involved at all. Just plot point, plot point, plot point.


Ivy now wants Waffle back? Why? A week ago she was turning to mcRapist. Why? Who the hell knows the answer to either of these questions. There is no reason and no development outside of just 'cause. 

  • Love 9

You want Waffles back take his dumb ass and leave the one person who would have your back no matter what, stupid asshat!

The only problem is, now that it counts he really doesn't have her back, he even made a beeline over to Bratz to express how "wrong" the restraining order is. If Ivy had more than one brain cell in her head, she'd drop them both, head back to Australia, and never have anything to do with these people again (family or not).
  • Love 9

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