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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Oddly parents tend to do that when one is born a boy. Shut up, Maya.

I dunno, I'm withholding judgment until we find out how much the Avants knew, when they knew it, and what they did with the information. If they were told by a doctor when she was a baby or a young child that there was potentially a physiological issue with Maya's gender identity, yet they chose to ignore or try to overrule it with their own preference then I'm gonna be in her corner on that score. She seems to be generously describing them as being rather provincial instead of the worse things she could say.

That said, oh em gee I wanted to reach into screen and shake her. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. However, Maya's probably the kind of driver who makes three left turns instead of one right one.

what the guy did to the previous woman, he will do to you

Or that the way you got him is the same way you'll lose him. Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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For the love of God, woman!  "I used to be a man!"  It's not that freaking hard.  Rick does look like she's speaking Swahili but considering how long she's taken to deliver this one sentence, I can kind of understand his confusion.  What a pair of nimrods!


So I guess it goes without saying that Rick doesn't perform oral?  Why doesn't that surprise me?  That big-headed jerk is so getting what's coming to him and I don't even mean the transgender business; it's finding out that every word Maya speaks apparently aren't pearls of truth and wisdom after all!  Who'd have guessed???  Well, other than the rest of the free world!


What's the over/under on whether she'll actually get this said on Monday?  And Ricky's reaction promises to be epic!  I somehow don't think he'll be going to PC route, though he could surprise me....

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Rick might actually be mentally slower than Eric.


So now the only way that Rick finds out from somewhere else is if his alert goes off and he stops Maya in mid confession ?  F__K you writers !


Otherwise Maya gets to finish telling him and remain the honest woman of integrity we all know ? F__K you writers !


All this buildup and it's Maya that tells him ? She could have told him on Monday and saved us a week of circle jerking in the cabin ! F__K you writers !


This shit reveal is what we get after months of this story ? F__K me for continuing to watch this show !


Sorry if this offended anyone.

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Rick is definitely learning impaired. When she says her outside didn't match her inside, he thinks she means the physical environment in which she was living. Is Myra the first transgender he's ever known in any shape or form? Does he not read or watch TV? I don't know any transponders, but I know what that expression means.

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Rick is definitely learning impaired. When she says her outside didn't match her inside, he thinks she means the physical environment in which she was living. Is Myra the first transgender he's ever known in any shape or form? Does he not read or watch TV? I don't know any transponders, but I know what that expression means.

Oops! Meant transponders. Watching again and cracking up at this "because they raised me as a boy" bullshit. Why couldn't she have just said because I was born a boy and then shown us Rick's shocked expression to be continued on Monday. Instead they are playing us for fools with this long, drawn out crap.


I think Rick is going to definitely have a meltdown but then may put up a public front while secretly tormenting her at home so he can keep his job. Fooled you once, Eric...


I need to get a life!

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Transponders are some kind of electrical thing - I don't think auto-correct wants you to type transgender.  :-)


I have been catching up on my podcasts and am in the middle of the On Point episode on transgender, aired the week after Bruce Jenner gave that interview on tv.  Which I didn't watch but Tom Ashbrook always has good guests and it's very interesting. 

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*Including Loading Dock Guy



Rick might actually be mentally slower than Eric.


So now the only way that Rick finds out from somewhere else is if his alert goes off and he stops Maya in mid confession ?  F__K you writers !


Otherwise Maya gets to finish telling him and remain the honest woman of integrity we all know ? F__K you writers !


All this buildup and it's Maya that tells him ? She could have told him on Monday and saved us a week of circle jerking in the cabin ! F__K you writers !


This shit reveal is what we get after months of this story ? F__K me for continuing to watch this show !


Sorry if this offended anyone.

What offends me is the fact that the one and only thing I was looking forward to was Rick finding out via Google alert, but now Maya, defender of truth, justice, and the American way gets to tell him first :(  All this build up about will Nicole out the secret? will Wyatt?  will Bill?  will Carter?  All of that FOR NOTHING!!!


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For the love of God, woman!  "I used to be a man!"  It's not that freaking hard.  Rick does look like she's speaking Swahili but considering how long she's taken to deliver this one sentence, I can kind of understand his confusion.  What a pair of nimrods!


So I guess it goes without saying that Rick doesn't perform oral?  Why doesn't that surprise me?  That big-headed jerk is so getting what's coming to him and I don't even mean the transgender business; it's finding out that every word Maya speaks apparently aren't pearls of truth and wisdom after all!  Who'd have guessed???  Well, other than the rest of the free world!


What's the over/under on whether she'll actually get this said on Monday?  

Since she's already started, I say by the first half of the show Maya will have clarified her identity. Ideally, within the first minute or two.


Of course, at this rate, who knows?


I tell ya. This show has me doing research on sex reassignment surgery. I don't mind, but it's interesting to see whether or not what the show's offering viewers is accurate.


Was Maya ever wealthy? Did a relative pay for her procedure(s)? Perhaps these are details that have yet to be revealed. Back during one of my earlier periods of watching, Rick met Maya when she was working at cafe. From what I just read, if she had her surgery done in the US, she would have needed more than tips from serving lattes to pay for it. 


Edited for the billionth time because spelling counts.

Edited by C76
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Dr. Google (aka Bridget the miracle internet doctor) actually performed Maya's surgery while attending medical school in Copenhagen. After all, Bridget's talents span the specialties -- primary care, pediatrics, cardiology, OB/GYN and IVF. Since the surgery was a class project, Maya was able to get the surgery for a handsomely reduced rate.


Otherwise? You got me.

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Maybe Maya's criminal ex-boyfriend paid for the surgery with his ill-gotten gains.


That or her own seem like the most likely explanations but it wouldn't surprise me if they gloss over this one.  But someone that's never been seen on-screen paying for the surgery would be better, since then we could look forward to the mysterious benefactor appearing someday - and injecting some life into this storyline.

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I can not wait for this reveal to be over.  It's too bad the writers didn't pick someone more interesting to be transgendered, because it could have been a great story.  But instead they picked Maya, who next to Rick is the most boring person on the canvas.  Plus, they're unlikeable and mean-spirited so I can't get invested in what happens with their relationship. 


Eric and Brooke's hand wringing, simpering, and excusing is also sickening.  I've come to despise the both of them.  


I'm not looking forward to Steffy at all.  Does anyone know if JMW's contract is short-term (please please please let it be so!)?

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Maya had a reason to be mean to Caroline, Caroline had been mean to her.  And Caroline had Rick, the guy Maya wanted back.  Maya has allowed the minor mistreatment of Ivy and Alli, but I think I heard her say, "Rick," like she was going to stop him, but then she said, "You are so bad."  If more secure, like married, I think she would have gotten him to stop that nonsense.  She understands what Rick needs and gives it to him.


I have never warmed up to Steffy, although she seems to want people to like her, she seems to expect to be liked.  Funniest scene with her was her in that wedding getup--dress, veil, mountain boots--to marry Liam.  Pleasantest scenes with her, getting seriously involved with Bill.  I would be glad of several repeats of that.


The one who raises the hackles on my neck is Katie.  She is about to get back into action, I think, and we'll get to see a full-blown righteousness attack.  And, if Bill goes after Steffy, complete and total scolding, utter condemnation, full-on frontal crying, with or without ring-tossing and child-withholding.  Her smug happiness at one-upping Brooke while Brooke was down took away any points her intelligent, pleasant banter might have gotten her.        

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Ya know, I watched Thursday & Friday's episodes (for obvious reasons) and actually really enjoyed them. Although, I did despair that Eric was stuck talking with Brooke over two episodes while the other boys got to go outside and play. Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.


I wish [brooke and Eric] would just go off and have sex or something, because they are certainly presenting as a couple of late. And I would prefer that to watching the two of them slice and dice every friggin emotion their little Tyrant feels.


I'd rather impale myself.


Rick might actually be mentally slower than Eric.




I feel strongly that this needs re-posting:



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Rick, as we say in French is "pas trop bright".  He probably assumed that "raised as a boy" meant that Maya's parents wanted a son so they could name him after Grandpa Myron and when they saw that baby "Myron" had an innie instead of an outie, decided to raise their kid as the son they always wanted, biology be damned.


That guy has so many issues that he bullied Aly and Ivy into cataloguing them and giving them ISBN numbers.  SMH.

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Rick was giving me Joey Tribbiani from Friends aura all through that dialogue.  That dialogue made Rick look like someone incapable of dressing himself in the morning let alone running a successful fashion house.  By the time Maya got to the birth certificate, Rick should've figured it out--most teenage boys today would've picked up on what Maya was alluding to.

Well, $Bill is lending some soap authenticity to the storyline with his reaction, even though it didn't really come off as the truth when he claimed it wasn't about Maya, it was about Rick.  Of course, it's about both of them, or he wouldn't be using one to get to the other.

Still, I'm reasonably entertained and it's a helluva lot better than that crap formerly known as the Young and the Restless.

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What nonsense is this with Eric and Brooke? Ridge tells them that he went to Bill in an effort to intercede, and instead of thanking him, they fix their mouths to criticize him? Eric, questioning Ridge’s intentions, with “maybe you wouldn’t mind that so much”, and both of them making statements about Bill listening to Ridge. I mean seriously, what the fuck? Maybe Bill won’t listen to Ridge, but at least he tried. And not only that, he got the truth out of Wyatt. In the meantime, Brooke and Eric, anxious about the welfare of their Golden Child, have been engaged in handholding, while projecting dramatically about the shredded remains of Rick after he has been cuckolded by Thor’s Hammer. I am tired of them and their roaming about. Stop talking about it and act!


Oh my goodness, but it appears that Bill will go for the gut punch, by including an altered photo of Maya as she would appear as Myron. Could this lead to the fall of the house of Spencer? Katie and Liam are going to be steaming mad, particularly Katie. I see a rift the size of the Grand Canyon forming in Katie and Bill’s marriage. Could that open the door for a returning Steffy? How about Katie and Liam? Next to Quinn, Katie is the only person I would like to see Liam with. Of course Quinn would only be a learning curve for Liam, nothing lasting, but very important all the same. But I could see a real romance between Liam and Katie. And I think it would rock Bill to his core. Talk about a gut punch.


I had said earlier that Maya should have put a Power Point presentation together to aid her in telling Rick. However, after watching Rick struggle to process what Maya was saying, I realized that the cryptic statements on the presentation slides would only have left Rick more befuddled. So instead of a visual aid, maybe Maya should have brought something interactive, say, like a Myron/Maya Colorforms set:


Maya, holding a fully clothed Colorforms likeness of herself  “This is the Maya you know today. This is not the Maya I used to be”


Rick looks on in pained understanding.


Maya, removing the Colorfoms wig, displaying a two inch buzz cut, with high and tight on the sides.


Rick, with slightly scrunched eyes “so, you used to like your hair really short?”


Maya, shaking her head no, removes Colorforms Maya’s blouse, while simultaneously placing a Colorforms bottle of estrogen into Colorforms Maya’s hand.


Rick, with very scrunched up eye’s and knitted brow, and a small head shake “you were a streaker?”


Maya, removing Colorforms Maya’s pants, “no, Rick, I used to be Myron”.


Rick “crickets”

Edited by RuntheTable
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Maya has allowed the minor mistreatment of Ivy and Alli, but I think I heard her say, "Rick," like she was going to stop him, but then she said, "You are so bad."  If more secure, like married, I think she would have gotten him to stop that nonsense.  She understands what Rick needs and gives it to him.


I'd disagree that the treatment given to Ivy and Alli has been minor. But YMMV. I'd also say if Maya were a better person it wouldn't matter if she is married to Rick or not. If she believed what he wais doing was wrong, she should get him to stop. Maya doesn't have an issue with Rick's behavior because she's as big a jerk as he is and has been treating many characters badly just because she can.



I could see a real romance between Liam and Katie


Me too. They have chemistry. Bill would flip. By the way, I thought Liam and Katie were in charge of Spencer Publications - why is Bill allowed to pull rank when both of them said no to this Maya story?



I mean seriously, what the fuck? Maybe Bill won’t listen to Ridge, but at least he tried. And not only that, he got the truth out of Wyatt. In the meantime, Brooke and Eric, anxious about the welfare of their Golden Child, have been engaged in handholding


Brooke and Eric are just wastes of space right now. Ridge really did try to shut down Bill, as did Katie. Brooke and Eric stood around and did nothing. I want them both gone.

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I love me some Ridge and Caroline but hot dog was Bill on fire telling Ridge off and reminding him that a lot of this mess started with him 'seducing' Caroline and by doing that he pulled Bill into this mess.

Why is no one saying to Maya that it's not just that she used to be a man, but this lie also includes knowingly lying about why Rick can't have bio kids with her? That's a whopper of a thing for a couple and it's not a medical condition she had no prior knowledge about. Yes, they can adopt but the point is she's lying about who she is and it does affect their lives together and their potential family.

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For someone to be IN CHARGE  of a company, Rick is about the dumbest asshole Ive ever seen. Why are him and MYRON playing twenty questions?? Too long an drawn out. The DOE eyes aren't working anymore!! Some folks just cant take a hint, and the Rickster is one of them. Tell the poor slob that you are/were a man and let him curl up in a fetal position, or twirl himself into a rage. Just for the love of god, out with it@!!!!!!

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elling Ridge off and reminding him that a lot of this mess started with him 'seducing' Caroline and by doing that he pulled Bill into this mess


Bill can shut the hell up about any of that as far as I'm concerned. First of all, he pulled himself into this mess since Caroline's love life really isn't any of his business. Second, if Bill hadn't 'seduced' Brooke then Ridge would be with Brooke and not Caroline - so Bill really started this mess!!



Why is no one saying to Maya that it's not just that she used to be a man, but this lie also includes knowingly lying about why Rick can't have bio kids with her? That's a whopper of a thing for a couple and it's not a medical condition she had no prior knowledge about.


Is anyone allowed to say anything to Maya? But yes I agree, her lie is about far more than her former sex.

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I love me some Ridge and Caroline but hot dog was Bill on fire telling Ridge off and reminding him that a lot of this mess started with him 'seducing' Caroline and by doing that he pulled Bill into this mess.

Why is no one saying to Maya that it's not just that she used to be a man, but this lie also includes knowingly lying about why Rick can't have bio kids with her? That's a whopper of a thing for a couple and it's not a medical condition she had no prior knowledge about. Yes, they can adopt but the point is she's lying about who she is and it does affect their lives together and their potential family.


Maya should have started out "the talk" by saying she couldn't have biological kids of her own.  Then when Rick assured her it didn't matter (odds are he would have said that, anyway - true or not...) - that's when she should have explained why. Because (IMO) the issue of kids is the biggest lie she's told Rick. He assumes because she had a deceased daughter that kids were a viable part of the proposal. And they aren't.

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Finally, they've addressed the elephant in the room. Myron was named after a grandfather and wasn't given the name as a cruel jest by his parents.

Eric and Brooke: as useless as tits on a mitten. Scratch that. Busty mittens not only keep your hands toasty in the winter; they can also comfort a nursing baby. Eric and Brooke have no use.

It is amazing that anyone could believe Rick would react violently when all he's done is shoot a gun at his ex-wife and brother. Dude cannot be serious wondering why Maya might be afraid. I see Rick frequents the same barber shop as Liam, where dumb haircuts must earn them extra points on their platinum cards.

Bill, we get it. You're a bad ass mofo. A bad ass juvenile mofo.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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They totally went the PSA route, first with Nick "enlightening" Ridge. I guess the twist is that Rick seems to be cool about it for now. He said that Maya accepted and understood why Rick didn't tell her the truth about who he was when they first met, so since he fell in love with the person she is, it's okay? Kinda anticlimatic, but I'm glad Rick didn't react the way Brooke and Ridge seemed to think he would. I get it, Rick has had many a moment of being unhinged. We'll see what happens after the "shock" wears off, and the media fallout sure to be caused because of $Bill.

Edited by Ladybugnine
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I think the PC Powers That Be wanted to set Rick's reaction up like this so that it is perfectly clear that what sends him over the edge is the fact that the world knew about this before him and not that she's transgender. I agree that the Rick we have seen would not be okay with this. But hey, when you've found The One, something as trivial as transitioning won't matter to you, right? Get ready for the real fireworks when he sees why his phone has been lighting up like a Christmas tree.

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This story would have had so much more impact if Rick and Maya weren't utter jerks.  I just can not get invested in their relationship at all, because of the bullying and general ugliness in which they have treated people who were not in positions of power.


Nick and Ridge's conversations was odd.  Nick is of course correct about the discrimination and abuse that trans people have to deal with, but none of that should give Maya a pass on how she's treated other people.  She's not been nice, especially to poor Ally.  Maya has gleefully participated in degrading her, what with having Ally bring her and Rick ice cream in bed after they just got done screwing, having Ally make them breakfast on the promise Rick would look at her shoe designs, kicking Ally out of her room and forcing her to give it to Nicole, laughing at Ally behind her back, etc.  That shit is not acceptable.


If Bill wants to get back at Rick, why not shame him for his abusive and petty behavior as CEO?  That would be far more embarrassing, IMO.  The fact that he loves a transgendered woman is not a story, not a scandal, and nothing to be ashamed of.


Also, Brooke's outfit is fucking hideous.  I can't even believe KKL allowed wardrobe to put that vest-thing on her body.

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Pretty much a complete anticlimax, after all that buildup. Both of them have a weepy self-pity session, and fall into each others' arms, with violins. But at this point, to have Rick become vitriolic and unforgiving would have been just another platitude, so the options for writing with some imagination had dispersed. I didn't expect the rather stretched parallel with his not having told her her he was a Forrester in the first place, though. Hardly the same situation, but it served its purpose. Now they both get to play the victims.

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I saw today's show. One thing I want to comment on is Nick. 


According to his lines in his discussion with Ridge, I gather that Nick firmly believes that transgender people don't have to be honest with their partners about their identity.  Who told TPTB that this line of thinking is a good idea?  


I'm not transphobic, but I sure as hell am liarphobic. I realize the writers may be thinking about the people who have been prosecuted and murdered. Yet I can't agree with the idea that people who are trans shouldn't be honest with their loved ones about who they are. 


Hell. Why wouldn't they want to be? If someone can't love you for who you really are, then as far as I'm concerned, they don't truly love you. Period.

Edited by C76
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Pretty much a complete anticlimax, after all that buildup. Both of them have a weepy self-pity session, and fall into each others' arms, with violins. But at this point, to have Rick become vitriolic and unforgiving would have been just another platitude, so the options for writing with some imagination had dispersed. I didn't expect the rather stretched parallel with his not having told her her he was a Forrester in the first place, though. Hardly the same situation, but it served its purpose. Now they both get to play the victims.

By playing victims, would they become even more insufferable? Would Eric, being the old fool he is, give Rick and Maya his blessing to bring a hurricane instead of just the rain? Will Brooke start snapping her fingers once again in making every Forester employee tow the because her son is really a tolerant caring person? If I was Ridge, Carolyn, and Ivy I would not tolerate Rick and Maya being proclaimed, by Eric and Brooke, to an even higher level as Tsar and Tsarina. Screw family as Rick and Maya seemed to profess by their terrible childhoods.

I'm glad that Rick didn't go off the deep end with Maya but Rick's reaction, after all the build up and hype, was a little disappointing and anticlimactic. It would have been better, for me, if Rick let Maya walk out the door and than reconciled with her a day or so later.

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It was totally PC and not in character for Rick but, dammit, I think I bought it. Either that or my living room became very dusty and that's why there was water around my eyes. Yeah, yeah, that's it.

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I really like Nick and my wish* is he sticks around. He's pretty laid back and cool he could possibly be a friend for Ally and/or Ivy.

I purposely didn't use the h word. LOL

Edited by Petunia13
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The way he talked to Ridge, Nick came across as self-righteous and judgmental to me. Guess he doesn't know that Maya is a lousy person who treats other people like garbage. And I agree with others that a transgendered person should be honest with the person they are involved with.

Rick's reaction at the end was total codswallop. Not in character at all.

"Forrester in TRANSistion!" ::snerk:: Go Bill! ;-)

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I saw today's show. One thing I want to comment on is Nick. 


According to his lines in his discussion with Ridge, I gather that Nick firmly believes that transgender people don't have to be honest with their partners about their identity.  Who told TPTB that this line of thinking is a good idea?  


I'm not transphobic, but I sure as hell am liarphobic. I realize the writers may be thinking about the people who have been prosecuted and murdered. Yet I can't agree with the idea that people who are trans shouldn't be honest with their loved ones about who they are. 


Hell. Why wouldn't they want to be? If someone can't love you for who you really are, then as far as I'm concerned, they don't truly love you. Period.


I haven't seen today's episode but while I don't think trans people owe most of their acquaintances any explanations, sexual intimacy - other than maybe a single hook-up - is different.  PC or not, there are a lot of people who can't handle any challenges to their own femininity/masculinity and have very rigid ideas about DNA and gender.  There are probably just as many people who think they would be okay with it in abstract but in reality, maybe not so much.  Not disclosing takes away their rights to make that decision for themselves.  Any long term relationship where a trans person doesn't disclose is based on a lie of omission.    


Of course, juvenile stuff like Austin Powers doesn't help either.  And Rick is not a guy who handles humiliation very well.   

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If the show truly wanted to make it real they can follow some of today's current headlines on the subject of Bruce Jenner with his family.  It is not solved in a few minutes no matter how much love is involved.  Ridiculous handling of the subject not helped by adding Nick.      

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If the show truly wanted to make it real they can follow some of today's current headlines on the subject of Bruce Jenner with his family.  It is not solved in a few minutes no matter how much love is involved.  Ridiculous handling of the subject not helped by adding Nick.      

Seriously, they could learn a lot from that episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians that aired last night. It is nothing like how they portrayed today with Rick.

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I guess they decided that to tell the story they needed a bad guy and that bad guy is Bill, as predicted.  But Wyatt is a bad guy too.


I think they took the safe route and while I don't think Rick would have accepted it just like that, I do like the twist that everyone including Maya expected him to not be okay with it.  So what this says is that he really truly loves her (we know we know) and therefore it doesn't change anything for him.  This is different than say the Bruce Jenner story because Kris married a man who wants to become a woman.  Here, Rick is in love with Maya, not Myron.  So it makes sense to me and I agree it is very PSA like.  If you think about it though, a lot of soap storylines take that route when they tackle a controversial subject for the first time.  


I also hope they don't have Rick all chill with the fact that Ridge and everyone else knew.  And that it is in the press.


So if Rick and Maya stay together I wonder where they take this takeover storyline.  Clearly the Spencers blew it, so now it will be Ridge leading the takeover?


In spite of the PC approach to this, I liked this storyline.  It got a lot of people talking about it and with Bruce Jenner's interview it was timely.  


Oh, and I thought it was funny that Eric was wishing that Maya would just abandon the whole idea and break up with Rick, and it was Brooke that said that Maya really truly loved Rick!

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Seriously, they could learn a lot from that episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians that aired last night. It is nothing like how they portrayed today with Rick.


Yes I watched them back to back and couldn't believe the difference, so unfair to the whole issue, epic fail for B&B!

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Why is no one saying to Maya that it's not just that she used to be a man, but this lie also includes knowingly lying about why Rick can't have bio kids with her? That's a whopper of a thing for a couple and it's not a medical condition she had no prior knowledge about.


She's not lying. Maya never identified as a man she always identified as a woman, that is what transgender is. If she had ever identified as a man or was a gay man wanting to be a woman it'd be a different story, she always identified as a woman. If I was dating a man who was "formerly" in a woman's body and I couldn't tell and they always identified as a man and they told me, sure I'd be surprised but if I loved them then I'd love them and that's that.


I don't see what business it is of anybody's (anybodies?) and I find it frustrating that people keep playing it like she was a dude. She was never a dude she was a woman trapped in a man's body and she rectified it, same as Bruce Jenner. I think it's ignorant to suppose that how you view someone is how THEY identify, I appreciate what Miley Cyrus said on self-identification earlier this week and I agree. People looking at her like she is a guy who lied to Rick need to understand that she was never a guy. I also love what Eric had to say to Brooke about putting people in boxes. I just loved it, can't wait to watch the episode.


Also the kids issue is a non-starter for me since some people choose not to have children, I am one of these people and so are some of my married friends. We actively make the choice not to procreate it is something we don't want for ourselves so to assume that kids or biokids were automatically on the table as a hetero couple I think rings false.


There are also plenty of people who want to adopt children, Angelina Jolie didn't even want to have biological kids but did it because Brad wanted it. There's Connie Briton, Charlize Theron, Sandra Bullock, Katherine Heigl and countless other woman who could have had biological kids but made the choice to adopt because it's what they wanted so again I think it's a gross assumption that her being transgender is a problem in her relationship for reasons of procreation.


I also call bullshit to the notion that it's not in character for Rick to forgive her and that he would have flown into a rage. The only thing in this world that can cure hate is love and Rick truly loves Maya, it is not impossible to believe that his love for her could overcome his hatred for any "lie" by omission she told. Because again, Maya has always been Maya to Maya, she has always identified as a woman and this was about taking the steps to be accepted in the world as she sees (and has always seen) herself.  


This is also the same soap opera that retconed someone giving birth to being transgender so why on earth couldn't they make Rick's love for her overcome his darker side. She has proven to be the only one who can calm the beast inside of him and frankly I thank god they chose to tell a story of love instead of a story of hate. As someone who could be in the same position as him (gender reversed however) and make the same choice, I applaud them and I am grateful for the choice they made to tell a loving positive story instead of forcing me to watch a story of abuse and recrimination when the world is already so dark as it is. Finally B&B does something right, I hope they keep the wonderful KM on and lead KM and JY into supercouple territory. 


On a shallow note. John McCook and Jacob Young look smokin' with their full facial hair, I haven't checked in on this show in a while and was pleasantly surprised by the looks. Usually facial hair doesn't do it for me but wow! Hey good lookin'!!

Edited by slayer2
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I am disappointed that B&B mostly went with the PSA route and that Rick forgave Maya so easily and quickly.  This is a guy who earlier this year went ballistic and fired a gun and was insufferable to many people.  I know Brad Bell said this would be a love story but I wish he would've took the time to rebuild Rick/Maya's relationship.  It just doesn't ring true that Rick would act this way.   Jacob and Karla did a good job though.

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I just finished watching today's episode and it must be my damn allergies or something because my eyes were quite teary.


KM and JY sold the hell out of their scenes and for the first time, I was 100% sold on them as a couple. 


Sorry to those who hated that they went the so-called PSA route, but honestly, I think this is true to Rick's character. Clearly, he hates lies but he loves Maya and love is stronger than hate. When he realized that she was going to walk out that door and out of his life, he remembered back to their early history when he himself had lied about his identify to Maya. So I don't find the fact that he forgave her so quickly to be out of character at all and I refuse to accept that this isn't the real Rick and that only Rick the gun-shooting Prick is the only acceptable version of who he is.


It's just not that black and white.


I think Rick's question about Carter was more that she hadn't shared that with Carter when they were a couple (and a thrown-together, superficial one at that) and that she only felt comfortable telling Rick. I do think Rick is going to be furious when he finds out others knew before him but Maya didn't tell anyone else before Rick - Nicole, who already knew from their childhood and parents was attempting to blackmail Maya about it and Carter overheard who blabbed to Ridge, Nicole blabbed to Wyatt who blabbed to Liam and company, and Charlie guessed by snooping in Maya's purse. So the only person she actually told was Rick. 


But today's show was everything I was hoping for - that Rick would love Maya because of, not in spite of, and accept her for who she really is just as she accepts him, flaws and all.


I can only hope they grow together and rise above all of the haters out there, Bill at the helm.


Speaking of, I was a Bill fan from day one but I despise the character now. He is claiming he's doing this partially to avenge Caroline and also show Rick as being incompetent. What does Maya being transgender have to do with the price of tea in China, exactly? As for Caroline, Caroline is the one who cheated with Ridge - emotionally for weeks before it turned physical and Maya is not to blame for outing them. And Caroline was a nasty little bitch to Maya for a long time because of her non-Beverly Hills background and the fact that Rick preferred Maya to her for a time so no matter how hot CaRidge is (which, not for this gal), I'm not going to forget that. Maya absolutely did wrong to cheat with a still-married Rick but Caroline is no little innocent victim in need of rescue by her big bad uncle. If Bill had wanted to out the Rick/Maya affair that would be more of an even playing ground but to suggest that outing Maya for being transgender, to use something that was in place LONG before she ever laid eyes on Rick, and to use something so personal and painful is just disgusting and wrong and not even in the vicinity of Maya outing Caroline and Ridge's affair, which was outed in a private, small boardroom meeting, not in a trashy tabloid rag destined to go viral in 0.02 seconds.


And this is just Bill's way of getting back at Rick and trying to oust him as CEO of FC so that what, Bill can take over and add it as another notch to his belt? Again, what exactly about this reveal makes Rick incapable of running the company? 


Not a damn thing and if Katie left him over this, for once, I'd have to shut my trap and agree with her. 


I hope this nastiness only strengthens the Rick/Maya relationships and they let the haters keep right on hating.

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Also the kids issue is a non-starter for me since some people choose not to have children, I am one of these people and so are some of my married friends. We actively make the choice not to procreate it is something we don't want for ourselves so to assume that kids or biokids were automatically on the table as a hetero couple I think rings false.


I don't know.  Rick made a big deal about Ridge not being a "real" Forrester.  And he did bring up kids with Maya at least once that I recall.  Maybe Rick will decide that he'd rather have Maya than bio kids but it wasn't right for her to keep that from him. Making the choice as a couple to adopt or not have kids at all is one thing, not sharing the fact that your options are already limited, seems like a deal breaker to me.  YMMV...


Of course, there's always lots of soapy drama to be mined when one half of a couple is infertile and the other starts to feel that clock ticking.

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People looking at her like she is a guy who lied to Rick need to understand that she was never a guy.


Regardless, she was lying to him all this time because she didn't tell him the truth about herself. Rick has been yammering for months about the truthfulness and wonder of Maya. Well guess what? Not telling him about her operations and so forth is a lie of omission. I don't care for me that's what the issue is.


I find this couple completely sickening because of the way they have treated everyone around them. As for love? Whatever. I see two desperate people who just blab on and on about how wonderful the other is when the truth is they know nothing about each other. If they did Rick would have known about Myron long before now.


Frankly, I find it completely unbelievable that Rick went right into acceptance mode. He has never been shown to be mature enough for such a reaction. I think even the most well adjusted person would likely need a little time to digest this information.

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