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S31.E05: A Snake In The Grass

Tara Ariano
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That's a blindside!  Not sorry to lose Monica.  She added nothing.  Even though I voted for her, she was really a bit of a waste of slot.  I suppose in her defense she was never able to do a heck of a lot in terms of game play.  But not sorry to see her go.  Super happy it wasn't Kelly or Spencer.  Was only able to catch bits and pieces as I'm at work.  Will have to catch up later, but I was happy to see another tribe not named Angkor lose.  Nice break for Woo and Abi.  


I hope Abi is getting a bad edit or pissed someone off that decided to get even with her by making her out to look horrible (Kass did say she was bossing people around prior to filming starting-though I think it was meant as a joke, but I know people that would totally do that).  She's a colorful character, but that crossed the line with Woo, imo.  However, after Tasha agreeing with her for the sake of her own game, I agree with what I've seen others say on here: if people are going to keep an unlikable goat around to the end to ensure their chances of winning, I'd rather see the goat win.  And have the jury say they took the easy way out by taking someone unlikable and un-strategic to the end just to make it easier for themselves to win (yeah, I get it is a strategy, but it is a boring strategy on both counts).

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All what was missing with that Clam-drama was "I'm tired of hearing about the fucking clams!"* and. "Honey, I will always wave my finger in your face." (giggles) that was such an Australia call back. (as well as I guess Kimmy is either: not vegan - or seriously calmed down). 



I am on team Kimmy. I love how she picked it up. Kelly too. 

also - yes show. that is a blindside. Now I don't have to figure out who Monica is anymore. 

I honestly can't remember if Stephen was this dumb/nerdy in S18. (where I am actually on chapter wise in Evolution of Survivor). 


Shut up Abi. Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut. Up.


v. good episode. 


*I am aware the original rant involved chickens ;)

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I want to like Kimmi, but it's a pet peeve of mine when somebody cites "she is playing for herself" in a confessional as a reason to vote somebody off.


Why didn't Kimmi, Stephen or Jeremy clue Kelly and/or Spencer into the vote for Monica? Now they know that they have no shot at being higher than fourth in that group.


I knew Kelly wasn't going anywhere when she hadn't received a single confessional this episode.


Disappointed that Monica went home so early, as I thought she had a lot of potential in Samoa. Even in this episode, she didn't come off that poorly to me.

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Bwahaha... Fishbach gives the other team a point! And an awesome blindside!!

And finally An'Kor gets a win. How hard is it to aim with that contraption? I wonder how many times they shot that we didn't see, because it seems like it would take forever.

Monica... the ocean is full of clams, if you take two dozen from that small cove, the clam population will not be affected. I get the impression she talked incessantly. Every tribe has one. :)

Monica... the snake in the grass. Courtesy of Kimmi. And Monica's own lack of awareness. It looks like Wiggles and Spencer were left out of the loop?? HA, did Monica get whiplash or what??

I want a baby monkey. My cat Rudy would mother it and groom it and hug it and call it George.

I'm tired of old school/new school. Enough already. I hear old people/young people when that's said, for some reason.

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So is the older and wiser Kimmi no longer vegetarian?

Tasha is definitely getting a good edit. It takes a lot of wit to pull off the usurping moves they've made in the last 2 weeks. And a lot of patience to deal with someone like Abi, who she's handling Very well. I hope she doesn't go the way of my first dog in the race, Jeff.

Again the old-school versus new school. Is this what this whole season is going to be about? Now why couldn't Abi be evicted the way Monica was? That blindside was so satisfying. If you see a snake, get rid of it immediately before it bites you.

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Bayon wasn't thinking at that reward challenge. They needed a tall person in the barrel, not short little Monica. Her height slowed her down in unwinding that rope. I wish Angkor could have won first but at least they have the tarp. They worked pretty well together and Woo was a beast. Tasha and Savage are nuts if they keep Abi over Woo. They need him to win challenges until the merge.


Ta'keo's food reward isn't that great if anyone has a blood sugar issue. Nice hair, Joe! I can't believe Keith would manscape, but he obviously did. Now Abi is mad at Woo because his mom lived???? I guess having a tendon transplant has the same life and death gravity as a heart transplant.


One of Keith's bounced on the ground and hit a target. Angkor wouldn't have won without Stephen's help (ha). Yay, the baby monkey!


Now THAT was a blindside!

Edited by Lamb18
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I'm really impressed with Spencer. The guy is playing hard. Glad he got to stay.

I love a good blindside! Loved the stink eye Monica gave everyone when Jeff started calling her name out. They made the right decision to boot her off, she was too flighty.

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I want to like Kimmi, but it's a pet peeve of mine when somebody cites "she is playing for herself" in a confessional as a reason to vote somebody off.


Why didn't Kimmi, Stephen or Jeremy clue Kelly and/or Spencer into the vote for Monica? Now they know that they have no shot at being higher than fourth in that group.


I knew Kelly wasn't going anywhere when she hadn't received a single confessional this episode.


Disappointed that Monica went home so early, as I thought she had a lot of potential in Samoa. Even in this episode, she didn't come off that poorly to me.


My guess is they may have been afraid Spencer and Kelly would in turn try to flip the vote or clue Monica in with what was happening.  Perhaps go to Stephen or Jeremy and say the 3 of them were forcing a tie unless one of them flipped (I don't think Kelly would have voted to keep Monica in, however).


To me, this is how you craft a blindside.  Tell as few people as possible.

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The editing on this episode was obvious. The moment they showed the conflict of Kimmi and Monica at Bayon, I knew they were going to lose immunity. That was solidified when Spencer said they seem to lose reward but win immunity. And Monica's blindside was also obvious. Way to talk yourself right out of the game there idiot. It wasn't stupid of Monica to think long term and about her end game but what was stupid was making it obvious that's what she was doing.


Then added to the fact that Kimmi already did not care for her, which by the way showed how clueless she was since I don't think she even realized Kimmi didn't like her, and she was done. I do wonder if this decision will come back to bite Jeremy and company, down the road. Speaking of Jeremy, is he downplaying his strength so as to not seem like too much of a threat after the merge? This is the second time he lost the reward (albeit Monica helped with that one) and then he sat out the immunity challenge. Just a little odd...


It is interesting that after all the talk of having the numbers when the tribal switch up happened, both tribes had members cannabalize their four person team and keep the two who were supposed to be easy pickings. Good for Angkor getting that win. I really do hope Ta'Keo goes to tribal next week. Not because I have anything personal against anyone in that tribe but I want to see some real dynamics there and especially see Kass, Joe, Ciera and Keith go to tribal at least once before the damn merge happens. 

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Loving Kimmi. I really wished she had wagged her finger in Monica's face. She may have relaxed her vegetarianism into being a pescatarian.


Abi dear, a tendon transplant is no where near as serious as a heart transplant. If Woo's Mom hadn't gotten the new heart, she would have died. If you hadn't gotten the new tendon, you would be limping, or possibly on crutches or a cane. Maybe worst case scenario in a wheelchair. Totes not the same. She really can't stand when it isn't about her, can she? Ugh.


I didn't like Keith much in his first season, but liking him a lot more now.

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Again I had to hold my breath that Spencer wasn't going.  Even though it saved him I still hate when people vote out somebody in their alliance.  It never works out for them.


They would have been stupid to vote out Spencer.  Who knows when they are merging and if it wasn't for him they wouldn't even be coming close in these challenges.


I knew Monica was going when she got all that screen time in the beginning.

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Why didn't Kimmi, Stephen or Jeremy clue Kelly and/or Spencer into the vote for Monica? Now they know that they have no shot at being higher than fourth in that group.


Yeah, I was wondering that too. You blindside Monica in a way that doesn't really gain you any loyalty from Spencer or Kelly. 


And Kimmi showed what can be frustrating about the "old school," way of thinking, "Oh my God! She's talking about a women's alliance! How dare she!" Kimmi, you're a woman. You have no shot beating Jeremy, Stephen, or Spencer in a F3. You're enabling their victory. 

Edited by loki567
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Now THAT"S a bleeping Blindside..  Nice.


Notes from the top:


The grateful Woo.  Savage or Tasha should make him a f2 deal.  He'll give you the million.


Abi  clueless but strangely still in control


Cat Fight!!!!  Invisible Monica vs. old Kimmi.  I lean to Monica.  Sensible use of resources.  I smell Tribal Council here.


Go Woo.  Get that ninja mojo going ya'all need it.  


Spitting Keith wins the top prize.  TKO cleans up.  At least Woo gets them some shelter.


Now Keith stumbles into a F5.  they could go far.


Spencer: Where did the round boat come from?  I recognize it from TAR as a regional thing, but I must have missed something.


Abi goes psycho on the Woo story.  (I agree with Abi, but she should STFU about it).


Tasha maybe gets a clue.  Grab the Woo!  Repent later.  


They set up anybody losing immunity.  Hmmmmmm


I like the fact that everybody has to shoot.  Challenge beast Woo.  and Spitting Keith.


Nice to see Fishback is staying.  


Monica wanted this TC.  Careful what you wish for. 


Fun Episode.

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Not sad to see Monica go as I wanted Spencer and Wiggelsworth to stay in the game longer, so glad they did. IDK why for the most part Monica would try and break the 4 strong she had on her tribe. If she had kept her mouth shut it would have been Spencer and Wiggelsworth who would be voted out and most likely Wiggelsworth would have been sent home.


Kimmi is no better though. IDK why when someone wants an all female alliance to push through to the end, one female just doesn't want it and goes squealing to the men.


I bet Angkor is happy they didn't get rid of Woo, he helped them win both reward and IC. They need to keep Woo for as long as possible while they're still a tribe until the merge happens.


Abi is such a despicable person. Woo talks about how his mother had a heart attack and has a second chance at life and Abi says that she got some surgery on her knee. So we're comparing a life and death situation to her raggedy ass knee surgery. GTFO Abi. She's such a bitch. I guess Woo might wanna keep personal stories to himself. I guess it's not as fascinating as Savage's supermodel story. 


Tasha saying it's work to keep Abi in the tribe, well you had plenty of chances to vote her ass out, but you didn't. She doesn't add anything to the tribe or help win anything.

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They always say not to get comfortable.


Monica got comfortable enough to send out feelers to Kimmi about a coup of sorts. Bad idea.


I am curious to see if there is any backlash from the Bayon members elsewhere.


So far, 3 tribals where the original tribe with a majority on the new tribe sent a member home. Nice to see the gameplay.

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Not sad to see Monica go as I wanted Spencer and Wiggelsworth to stay in the game longer, so glad they did. IDK why for the most part Monica would try and break the 4 strong she had on her tribe. If she had kept her mouth shut it would have been Spencer and Wiggelsworth who would be voted out and most likely Wiggelsworth would have been sent home.



She didn't though she wanted to vote out Spencer. 

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Welcome to the game, Kimmi. Monica worked your last nerve, you wanted her gone, you got rid of her.  Hats off to you. Kimmi's come full circle from her first season.


This is the second time he lost the reward (albeit Monica helped with that one) and then he sat out the immunity challenge


It was a skee ball challenge. Not really strength related.


 Takeo five might very well be the five to beat they have strength, smarts and skills while everybody else in Bayon is all over the place.


I was happy to see Angkor get its first IC win. Abi still brings nothing but chaos to the proceedings. I'll give her that.

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Abi dear, a tendon transplant is no where near as serious as a heart transplant. If Woo's Mom hadn't gotten the new heart, she would have died. If you hadn't gotten the new tendon, you would be limping, or possibly on crutches or a cane. Maybe worst case scenario in a wheelchair. Totes not the same. She really can't stand when it isn't about her, can she? Ugh

Abi mentioned her grandmother needed a heart transplant also, and didn't get one. She died. As did her aunt. The mention of her ACL tendon transplant was later on.

That round boat that Jeremy and Spencer had was cool, I'd like to take one of those whitewater rafting. :)

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That round boat brought back memories of TAR Flo.

I thought it was interesting that Jeremy said he doesn't trust Spencer, despite Spencer's attempts at conveying "feelings."

Edited by Haleth
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Yeah, I was wondering that too. You blindside Monica in a way that doesn't really gain you any loyalty from Spencer or Kelly. 


Kimmi said Spencer would join with them next time because he'd ally with anyone to stay in the game.  It didn't matter who they voted for, he'd still work with them next week if they had to vote out Kelly.  Plus, they didn't need to the votes, so why tell people they don't consider part of the alliance?


Monica wanted this TC.  Careful what you wish for. 


As soon as she said that I knew she was going home.

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Kimmi said Spencer would join with them next time because he'd ally with anyone to stay in the game.  It didn't matter who they voted for, he'd still work with them next week if they had to vote out Kelly.  Plus, they didn't need to the votes, so why tell people they don't consider part of the alliance?


Because you make it clear to them you're not a part of their alliance. 

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Savage saying Jeff "is in a better place" cracked me up.

I'm not sure voting out Monica was a smart move. That feels like a vote that could come back to haunt them.

It's hilarious that Spencer gets the strategic player rep when he's had very little impact on any of the tribal councils he's gone to, both this season and Cagayan.

Edited by Skeeter22
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I really wish Survivor would stop giving everything away in the edit. "Monica, do you think this vote is locked up? I MEAN, DO YOU REALLY?" 


Outside of the telegraphed blindside, kind of a meh episode for me.

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In Abi's defense she was laughing while  telling Tasha, "Maybe I should tell the story about my tendon transplant."  She clearly didn't think it compared, but was joking about needing a sad story to tell and yes she knew those heart transplant stories have more sad endings than not. 


I think it's always bad game play to argue about small stuff on Survivor the way Monica was about the clams, but Kimmi was doing the same thing by refusing to go along with Monica's wishes.  Not that I agree with Monica's worry over depleting the ocean but when Kimmi interviewed that she hated listening to other people's opinions, I flashed back to the Alicia fight and wanted Kimmi to be the one gone.  Respecting other opinions is part of life but Kimmi seems to think it should all go her way with no irritating input from others.


I really don't think one woman telling another that they should keep the girl-numbers up is a bad thing.

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That's a blindside! Not sorry to lose Monica. She added nothing. Even though I voted for her, she was really a bit of a waste of slot. I suppose in her defense she was never able to do a heck of a lot in terms of game play. But not sorry to see her go. Super happy it wasn't Kelly or Spencer. Was only able to catch bits and pieces as I'm at work. Will have to catch up later, but I was happy to see another tribe not named Angkor lose. Nice break for Woo and Abi.

I didn't vote for her. Could not remember who she was. I like the idea of a women's alliance but she was not reading the room. I did vote for Wiggles and it would have made my heart sick to lose her. So happy that she and Spencer stayed! Also liking Kimmi 2.0--no longer the militant vegetarian.

Hate, hate , hate Abi. How dare she downplay Woo's Mom's near-death from heart failure to her tendon surgery? For Abi, nothing that happens to anyone is as important as what happens to Abi.

Did not like Keith in his first episode, did not vote for him, and have no idea how he got voted in, but damn, the old dude (tho younger than me) can throw a ball.

Edited by GenL
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Kimmi is no better though. IDK why when someone wants an all female alliance to push through to the end, one female just doesn't want it and goes squealing to the men.
Yeah, I don't really get that either. Monica wasn't threatening Kimmi, so why should Kimmi care enough to break the 4-person alliance over it? Plus, it keeps Kimmi's options open, which seems like it should be a good thing. Does Kimmi really think she's better off going to merge with Spencer and Wigles--two people she's clearly not aligned with--then a player who wants to work with her? 


I hope this vote comes back to haunt Kimmi because it seems like really bad game play, and I don't like it when bad game play gets rewarded.

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Savage saying Jeff "is in a better place" cracked me up.


This was my most favorite thing in the episode.  Abi sad about Varner leaving, Savage:  "he's in a better place now".  Hahahahahahahahahaha!! 


I assume that means Varner is on the same farm that my puppy is on......

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Yes, Kimmi, how dare Monica suggest something that might help you guys out later on. Spencer staying benefits Jeremy. He's been up Jeremy's butt since day one of the switch.

It's not like she was turning on the original four. She just threw something out there that she thought might be something to consider for her and Kimmi.

Kimmi didn't like her, used this as a way to get her out, and I hope it bites her in the ass.

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It was nice to see a different tribe at tribal.

Only Abi can turn heart breaking story into a competition. There are ways to say what she did that was not one upsmenship. Maybe "I am happy your Mom had a good ending." and stopping there. If you must, "The same thing happened to my Mom and she wasn't so blessed."

But Abi is Abi. Then to add to it she goes to Tasha and talks about Woo's emotional manipulation. Uggghhh

I am a bit surprised that folks think that there might be alliance among original Ta Keo. Two of the members were voted out in a tribe where they have the majority. Clearly there were huge divisions. Terry and Kelley and Kelly ans Spencer have good reason to remain with their new tribes. They are outnumbered with Ta Koe anyway.

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Chairs with cushions?  Hammocks?  Refreshments?  I feel like I'm watching Survivor: Mall Experience.  It wasn't enough to give them kerosene and wood chips along with the flint this season, or to give them BBQ stuff.  I'm even used to them getting blankets and tarps occasionally.  Now they get furniture.  I miss the days when a "reward" was making twelve of them split a Snickers bar. 


Bye, Monica.  I didn't care one way or another whether she went home, but at least she's spared having to hear Probst talk about how useless she was during a reward challenge like he did tonight.  Sometimes, Jeff really needs to shut up.


I like that both Spencer and Joe are making efforts to improve their social game (in their own ways).  I hope they go far.  


Nice showing by Woo this week in both challenges.  

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I don't know who Monica was. I can't be bothered to find out. And I'm happy she got blindsided. Or "#blindsided." There's a small part of me that wants Kimmi to win because Probst put her on a list of five women whom he didn't think would win. How awesome would it be if she won and rubbed the check in Probst's face? Not nearly as great as Woo's mother coldcocking Abi-Maria, but it would be satisfying.


Hard to get a read on what's going on with more people dipping their torches into the fire. Anybody else think it's weird for Keith to be in a potential F5? He has shown up in challenges, I'll admit.


I'm guessing Kimmi Is a pesca- . .. .  pistor- . . . she can eat fish.


ETA: Teary Woo is hard for me to take. Poor guy.

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Look at Kimmi, the powah playa!


I wonder how much Kelly Wigles tried to work it back at camp.  Did she even ask how the vote would go?


It's interesting to see  Keith in a true alliance.  Actually Joe too in the sense that last time it was just other young kids he liked hanging with.   And it warms my heart to see overrated  conceited jerk Terry excluded.   I just never have liked the guy.

Edited by vb68
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"Kimmi and Monica . . . clamming and crabbing" sounds like a double-entendre that Probst would drop at one of the challenges.  


Monica's WTF face, alone, made her casting worth it.


I agree that the editing has been pretty ham-fisted this season.  And I wonder if Spencer being given the flashing-neon-light, horn-blaring "hey, I've used this 'second chance' to really change" narrative is another example of that?  If he wins, I think he'll be the most-poorly-concealed winner (editing-wise) ever.

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Chairs with cushions? Hammocks? Refreshments? I feel like I'm watching Survivor: Mall Experience. It wasn't enough to give them kerosene and wood chips along with the flint this season, or to give them BBQ stuff. I'm even used to them getting blankets and tarps occasionally. Now they get furniture. I miss the days when a "reward" was making twelve of them split a Snickers bar.

Those cups they were drinking out of looked like some I bought from Pier One. Survivor is beginning to look like a resort vacation with a few muddy bad mashups thrown in every three days.

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Savage saying Jeff "is in a better place" cracked me up.

Hee! Me too.

Kimmi turning on Monica had nothing to do with a Women's Alliance. Monica was annoying Kimmi, and she needed a better push for the men to get on board with getting rid of her than "I don't like her." If it was someone she liked who had suggested a women's alliance, she'd be on board. So either Kimmi tells the guys "I don't like Monica" and risks looking catty and disloyal, or she says "Monica wants a women's alliance!" and makes Monica look disloyal and shows the guys what's in it for them if they get rid of her. She may not even consciously realize she was doing it but I'm sure that's what it was about. Guys, us women are that simple and that complicated.

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It's hilarious that Spencer gets the strategic player rep when he's had very little impact on any of the tribal councils he's gone to, both this season and Cagayan.


Spencer's claim to fame, IMO, is that when he is part of a tribe he seems to be consistently on the verge of being voted out, yet manages to be the one not chosen to be ousted Every Single Time.  So what do we call that - good at sucking up at the last minute?  Slightly less dangerous than the complete wackos?  Makes one wonder how he would have fared if up against Abi :)  I think his point tonight at Tribal was that this was the first time in his Survivor career (as he put it :) that he felt a bond with some of the tribe going in, rather than knowing he was the bottom rung from the get-go.  Even though he still knew he was on one of the bottom rungs!  But still felt better as a tribe member than he had since about week 2 of his original stint.


Loved the looks on ALL of the faces during the final vote read!  Now that's a blindside - both the blindsided person AND the two who thought they were going!  Hahaha and well done!  Had there been a jury, Jeremy would have won the "pokerface" vote -- Kimmie and Stephen were very smug.


Count me as one of the surprised when Kimmie was practically waving her finger about their right to eat clams!  I have watched every ep of Survivor, and have always said that if I were on the show, I would copy Kimmie's veg stance in order to get out of eating gross shit on that particular immunity challenge.  Which I need to leave the room for when it is just on my TV.  So I always saw her extreme POV as smart game play, esp. since it was only in season 2 or 3 :)


Tasha - to me has been always "whatever" - but she worked herself up on my "like" meter with her TH of "This sucks!  But it's the game and what I'm given, and I'm playing it!"  No whining about what happened to them (unlike all of the whining we have done here on her behalf :)  I like that!  And now I will weigh in on the green flower/headband:  while I don't' particularly like it, it amuses my sense of whimsy that she chose to take it out there and wears it at every TC :)  That I like.


Old school vs. New school:  Yes, it's tiresome and boring.  Yes, I get that it's the "catchphrase" of the season, and we will hear about it until week 39.  YES, YES, YES, YES, YES I like it better than the supreme angst of BvW!!!!! 

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"There's a small part of me that wants Kimmi to win because Probst put her on a list of five women whom he didn't think would win. How awesome would it be if she won and rubbed the check in Probst's face? Not nearly as great as Woo's mother coldcocking Abi-Maria, but it would be satisfying."




I had forgotten about this.  Oh yes, one of the women on that list HAS to win to rub her check into Jeffy's smug smirk.  Who were the other 4 women on the list? I recall Kass was one.

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In the eating challenge in Australia, Kimmi ate a worm


I know some vegans that won't eat honey because they don't want to take it from bees, but I know others that say their veganism doesn't extend to insects and do eat it. I guess it depends on the person.

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Thanks, legaleagle53. I wouldn't have even known the word if not for Robot Chicken.


susannot . . .  thanks for the love. I don't remember the exact list, though I'm guessing Probst got wood when Shirin and Peih-Gee were voted out.

I know that Abi Maria and Kass were two of those women, though Kelly Wigglesworth and Tasha were not on that list of five "no shot" women.

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