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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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On WWHL Lynn told Andy that her oldest daughter had a baby and he's a year old now.  Andy was surprised and didn't know the daughter had a baby and that Lynn was now a grandma.  Hello!!!!  Lynn was on the show with her grandson at Tamra's granddaughter's baby shower.  Lynn had the baby in the carriage and she and Tamra were discussing him and what it feels like to be a grandparent.  Doesn't Andy even watch the show?  Cripes.  Also, a viewer asked Lynn if her other daughter was still in the adult entertainment business.  Lynn said no.  Ugh, that whole situation disturbs me beyond words.


I thought it was hysterical when Vickie was talking about how it was HER show.  LOL!!!

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I've always heard others on this and other sites claim that Alexis was for the most part "harmless". That seems to be the word that is most often used to describe her. It never seemed like anyone really liked her much before the supposed "gang up" on her from the others. Even when people were defending her, it seemed hard for anyone to really come out and say they liked her. It was always about how "harmless" she was. She was dumber than hair. I don't think there has ever been a dumber HW on any franchise and I just cannot tolerate dumb; especially when someone has the financial resources to not be dumb if they care to change. The one thing I have to point out, however, is that the thing that bothered me the most was that she was so unable to have any thoughtful reflection on her own behavior.  There are lots of good examples, but none of them were as good as the reunion when the whole deal about Jim and Peggy came up. She was so clear in her opinion that the fact the affair remained a secret was Peggy's fault. That Peggy for some reason had more of a responsibility to clue in Alexis as to what happened than Jim did. Of all the stupid things I've ever heard any HW say, this will always go down as the stupidest. If she didn't want to make a huge deal of it and blame Jim, I get that. But she did want to make a huge deal out of it. She didn't want to forget about it. She wanted to be angry about it and place all the blame on Peggy. Dumb bitch.


The letter to Andy was beyond funny. The best thing that ever happened to Alexis was when Tamra called her "Jesus Jugs".  It got her more attention than anything else ever did. As she said in her letter, she was well aware she would take crap for coming on the show as a "Christian", dressing as she did, talking as she did, and drinking like a fish. That was always the storyline for Alexis, and way before anyone was ever judging Tamra for talking about her religion, they were doing the same for Alexis. Her Bravo blog very often had nothing but comments from viewers who were offended by her behavior and what it might say about Christians. Her story was that of the unlikely Christian, and she is no doubt very unhappy to see her story now being played by Tamra, who is still employed by Bravo. 

I have to go with Lynne Curtain being the dumbest RHOC ever.  Alexis has a two year degree.  I am thinking higher education doesn't work for her.  I thought both she and Lydia were harmless and they just happened to be Christians. 


I never saw Alexis drunk or realized that Christians could not drink.  Most of all what most people were attacking Alexis about were her fake boobs and nose job and how dare she call herself a Christian-Tamra included.  Tamra has been called out on the Jesus Jugs before and chose to apologize to Jesus instead of Alexis.  Alexis is tame compared to Heather in the bragging about material things-I always get the impression it is okay for Heather because she has bigger and better material things.


I never understood why Peggy (other than the fact I truly believe it was her ticket onto the show) wanted to bring up her relationship with Jim.  Why did she think Alexis needed to be filled in? She never had to say a word.  There is no harm in not disclosing and there are times I think people are much better not having a list-especially people that marry in their late thirties like Jim.  I do appreciate the fact it was Peggy's exit when Tamra asked about the size of his penis.  I think  Tamra proved Alexis point for discretion-who the hell asks a question like that about another women's husband's penis?

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Snooze. So why was Vicki sweating so much? Seems like Tamra was too. Here are the real questions:


Best Dress - Shannon

Best Shoes: Meghan

Best Accessories - Meghan 

Best makeup - Shannon

Best Hair - Heather

Best overall - Shannon


Worst Dress - Tamra (the stomach keyhole was awful)

Worst Shoes - Vicki (high school prom)

Worst Accessories - Vicki (too much)

Worst Makeup - Tamra

Worst Hair - Tamra

Worst Overall - Tamra

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I think it was TJ Maxx, but yes! This story was not cute, and actually made me think something was really wrong with Vicki's mom. Not only did she damage someone's classic motorcycle, but then she hid in the bathroom from the cops and shouted at them that she had a pistol! That whole story was insane. 

This made me think of something and I don't even know if I can explain it right but......do some people lose their minds before death?  Legit question, I swear.  I know this guy who was a nice guy and then all of a sudden he turned into a complete asshole.  He was just nasty.  He even wished death upon me to my face and I never did anything to this guy.  He turned into an asshole towards everyone.  Then a few weeks later he had a massive heart attack and died. What Vickie's mom did was a real asshole move as well.  I wonder if your body somehow knows you are going and it messes with your brain making you do irrational things.  

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I guess I'm in the minority here, I enjoyed the talking rather than screaming. Also as an adoptive mom and a step mother boy did that conversation get convoluted beyond recognition. I don't know if it was because Vicki was drugged and couldn't think fast enough but she really stuck her foot in her mouth. Im sure Vickis adopted siblings will find peace knowing their dead mother loved that just a little bit differently. Step kids and adopted kids......not the same thing Vicki!

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I was pretty bored watching this episode. Not because lack screaming, but the lack of interest I had in any of the BS the women were talking about. This season has really sucked. If Brianna will once again make another appearance just to tell us she can't stand Brooks and Vicki didn't believe that he came on to her, I'll probably skip the next episode. For a busy mother and nurse who always acted above this petty show, Brianna can't seem to stay off the show or reunions. Go live your life Brianna. When was the last time she has even been in the same room with Brooks? Am I wrong, or have we heard the "Girth Brooks" name before? Except this time it is Vicki who Brianna wants to shame by implying that Vicki didn't believe her. Who cares at this point.

As for Alexis and the email, I don't think she should have commented. I do understand why she did. Tamra and the other women were vile to Alexis for what ever reason. Tamra was definitely the ring leader, so while I'm sure Alexis wants to move on and forgive I'm sure it's hard. She might be a Christian but not a saint. Watching Tamra find religion must be hard to watch (if she doesn't believe it is sincere) and not shake your head at it because, Tamra made fun of her for that very thing.

Edited by imjagain
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Respect has to be earned.  It isn't conferred upon a person for having hung on the longest.

Also, Jeana confirmed and Andy agreed with was it was Jeana and her family that show creator Scott Dunlop had in his mind while developing the idea for the show, not Vicki.

       I really do not think Vicki is capable of saying one sentence without a lie in it.

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Good grief people. Why do I have to go through three pages of non-relevant bickering before getting to the comments about last night's episode??


Aww, non-relevant bickering is my favorite type of bickering.


Well, I'm also a Real HoWives fan so, needless to say, non-sensical bickering is also my bailiwick.........

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This might be inappropriate to ask, but if you keyed someone's motorcycle, would you hang around after the deed? It struck me as very odd that she did it in full view of the restaurant she saw him enter and then parked where he could get her license number and call the police while she was shopping at K-Mart.

I think it was TJ Maxx, but yes! This story was not cute, and actually made me think something was really wrong with Vicki's mom. Not only did she damage someone's classic motorcycle, but then she hid in the bathroom from the cops and shouted at them that she had a pistol! That whole story was insane.


The story about Vicki' s mother and the motorcycle was sort of funny, I guess, on the surface. But not really. Unless her mom had early onset Alzheimers or some other health issue, I think this woman had anger and control issues. I also think it gave a little bit of a window to some of Vicki's personality issues all these years. 

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I'll never want proof, but just because it could possibly be read as an asset, I will not believe that Brooks has a penis or anything else that could possibly in some way elicit desire or a positive reaction from anyone.  Ever. 


motorcitymom65, re Alexis - I credit her not for harmlessness, though I do think she's pretty harmless, but for never IMO showing the level of nastiness of most of these women.  I never thought she was saying that Peggy was to blame for an affair but I do think, while the lion's share of the WTFery of course goes to Jim, that it is very, very, VERY bizarre and creepy to insinuate yourself into a friendship when you've had a sexual relationship with the woman's husband, when you yourself admit that he wanted nothing to do with you and so you broke into his place to try and force him to talk, and you know to a near-certainty that his wife did not know that you really dated and/or slept with each other for a long time.  To maintain that relationship and that silence long-term, not over just one encounter to satisfy a sick curiosity, is not the behavior of a decent person.  Peggy and Micah Fuckface Tanous were not good people, which is not to say the Bellinos are getting Nobel Prizes for Being Awesome too soon.  But those two were incredibly, personally judgmental and mocking of the Bellinos and they were worse - 'holistic living' plus implants plus completely fake businesses plus mocking - just nasty all the way around.  Jim's fault, mostly, but Peggy LOVED having that on Alexis and really luxuriated in it.


Tamra is a waste of genetic material and a loathsome, vile woman.  Look at her smirk off domestic violence allegations.  Look at her exploit her minor daughter.  Look at her laugh at her truly cruel treatment of Alexis.  Some souls can't be saved, whether 'saved' denotes a state of religious attainment or simply treating people with something like the Golden Rule.  She is a truly terrible person with pure using bitterness at her core, and I truly believe she is incapable of love.  Which brings me to...


The transgenerational fuckery represented by Icki and Icki's equally icky mom.  Vicki's story about her mom, the Harley, the cops - I'm going to write now without assuming Vicki's mother suffered from some form of dementia.  Unsurprising story.  Vicki is a garbage person, and so was her mom.  Classic RHOOC moments like Mama Icki refusing to say she loved her - come ON.  That's not cute.  Icki is an oozing pile of needy pus but how would anyone like to deal with a mom like that?  And it gets paid forward and on and on and on.  Tee-hee, my mommy destroyed property and defied cops in a way that would've ended with gunfire if she were younger and a person of color!  Hee hee hee!  What a spitfire!   Vicki and permadrunk Billy and her mom have always grossed me out.  So crass, so selfish, so greedy, so unimaginably stupid.


Every time I think of the whole cast, I want to raise a glass to Heather.  I could not be around this group of shrieking, attention-whoring, frequently drunk, injected and inflated idiots.  I don't know how she does it.  I know they aren't her real friends but even still. 

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Toward the end of the epi, they'd show Vicki and her face looked very strange----sweaty and shiny. All I could think of was she looked corpse-like. She also needs a real stylist to dress her. I'm tired of seeing her boobs straining against too tight dresses. Vicki, you're of an age where it's time to pack those puppies up and put them away.

If I were Tamra's daughter, I'd hate her forever because of her talking too much about what should be private matters. How dare Tamra disclose such things, especially knowing that many teenagers are so very easily embarrassed, not to mention that the poor girl will probably take a lot of crap from other teens.

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I wonder where Jim's oldest daughters stand with their step mother Allison?  lauren and Hayley will always have ties to Allison through their younger bother and sister. I am sure she loved them just as much as Meghan.  I think the point was lost that step-children come into your life through marriage, whereas adopted children are brought into one's life as the only legal parents barring some undoing of the adoption.   Because Meghan is incredibly rigid in her thinking I don't think she is able to see the difference.


Meghan also blew the car thing.  Vicki was saying take away privileges, when Vicki announced she was buying Briana a car because she was grumpy, I think all Meghan heard was Briana was behaving poorly and Vicki rewarded her with a car.  I would have to say I don't think Michael has exactly burned up the town with all his working.  I think he stumbled aimlessly trying to deliver pizzas one summer when he had essentially flunked out of school and then proceeded with a career in on line gambling and bartending in LA.  I think Michael has been very much gifted with a job and the hard work is having to deal with his mother.

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You know they are saving the Brooks/cancer thing for the last part, so I wasn't expecting much this ep, so I wasn't dissapointed. 


Why these women insist on wearing clothes that make them look uncomfortable for a 12 hour shoot, I will never understand. Vicki looked the worst by far, what with her FUPA and flappy boobs in the uber low cut white dress. No Vicks, you did not invent the RH, you don't automatically get respect when you act like an ass. I agree she was on something, she couldn't keep her eyes open. That story about her mom was bizarre. If my mom keyed an expensive motorcycle and got arrested, I'd be mortified and try to get her to therapy, not laughing about how funny it was. And I get that Vicks is sad about her mom, most people are sad to lose a parent, but Vicks takes it to another level. The first set of holidays is usually the hardest and then it gets better. But Vicks said it is getting worse. Maybe she is just creating melodrama, but it should be getting better, not worse. 


Tamra comes in second in the looks bad competition. HD is not her friend. I knew she wouldn't  own her behavior after Andy read the letter from Alexis. I knew nothing about the stuff that went on her with daughter and I'm appalled, frankly. To use social media that way is insane. 


Heath is in no place to talk, what with her leeches, but I agree, doing colonics all the time is not healthy. 

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Instead of just reading her email, they should have Alexis on - either at the Reunion or on WWHL.  That would have had a much greater impact.  Missed opportunity on BRAVO's part.

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Does anyone believe that it cost $10,000.00 to paint a motorcycle?  Sounded like more Vicki exaggeration.  I could see the attorney's fees, fine, bail and the restitution adding up to $10,000-but not a paint job.

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This made me think of something and I don't even know if I can explain it right but......do some people lose their minds before death?  Legit question, I swear.  I know this guy who was a nice guy and then all of a sudden he turned into a complete asshole.  He was just nasty.  He even wished death upon me to my face and I never did anything to this guy.  He turned into an asshole towards everyone.  Then a few weeks later he had a massive heart attack and died. What Vickie's mom did was a real asshole move as well.  I wonder if your body somehow knows you are going and it messes with your brain making you do irrational things.  

I'm not sure about that happening just b/c you're about to die,but having a stroke (or mini one) can change one's personality. That would explain her sudden death as well. I think I heard one can have several mini-strokes before the "big one".


I guess I'm in the minority here, I enjoyed the talking rather than screaming.

You know, I have to be thankful for that.


The story about Vicki' s mother and the motorcycle was sort of funny, I guess, on the surface. But not really. Unless her mom had early onset Alzheimers or some other health issue, I think this woman had anger and control issues. I also think it gave a little bit of a window to some of Vicki's personality issues all these years. 

Not to speak ill of the dead, but I didn't think Vicki's mother was that great a person in the first place. I remember her mocking the color of Vicki's die job, being chased around the house by Vicki to extract an "I love you", etc. I spspe the motorcycle story was funy, but only in a "this is how fucked up my mother is!" way.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Snooze. So why was Vicki sweating so much? Seems like Tamra was too. Here are the real questions:


I kept thinking, clearly they are all over Vicki because no one clued her in that her face was shining to high heaven.  She seriously needed some powder. (And then I remembered about Ramona making a big show of powdering someone's (Sonja?) face during the NY reunion and had a giggle.)


Tamra sure did have some serious crow's feet action going on with her eyes.  I couldn't decide if it was because she had too much makeup on, or because she was sitting there fake crying for so long and squinting up her little beady demon eyes.

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Watching tonights reunion I have two thoughts....1) It strikes me as odd that since Vicki's Mom died at home and not at a hospital or under a doctors care that there was no autopsy.  Normally, it's mandatory.  2)  her Mom keyed someone's classic Harley....classy move.

When my sister-in-law died at home, an autopsy was required. However, she had no underlying (known) medical issues (she wasn't on any medication whatsoever). The medical examiner told me that if she had any known/documented medical issues, they could have put that on the death certificate and the autopsy would not have been necessary.

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For some reason I can't access beyond Page 2 of this thread, so forgive me if someone has already posted.  But there is something called Follicular Lymphoma which is one of the diseases under the umbrella of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.   Can any doctor on the board strike in?   As I understand, this lymphoma is indolent and sometimes kicks up and is treated then and it goes back into its cage.  There is no cure for it as there is for other kinds of Non-Hodgkins, but you can live with it for decades.  One of my friend's moms has had it for maybe 25 years.  She's still around and living well.  Maybe that's what Brooks has, and he's goosed it into a life-or-death situation.  As I've said before, my husband is a survivor of Non-Hodgkins.  And the cure rate is really really high.  But he was diagnosed at an (apparently) earlier stage than Brooks and he was a lot sicker on diagnosis than Brooks appears.  Also he was a lot less energetic and was tired All.  The.  Time. when he was going through chemo.  Oh yes, and he lost all his body hair.  Not just the hair on his head, but his eyelashes, eyebrows, ass, chest, everywhere.  It grew back but it took a while.  He started to lose it on the first treatment and after the second it was gonzo.  I see Brooks still has quite a lot of hair on his head.  Just sayin'...

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That's right!

I totally forgot about that.

I wonder if Eddie said something beyond that to get Tamra going?

Then again, it doesn't take much for Tamra to fly off the chain.


RIght?! Let's not forget that moment when Eddie said something flirtatious to Vicki and Tamra responded by putting Brooks's hand on her boob. Overreaction is par for the course with Tamra.

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You know they are saving the Brooks/cancer thing for the last part, so I wasn't expecting much this ep, so I wasn't dissapointed. 


Why these women insist on wearing clothes that make them look uncomfortable for a 12 hour shoot, I will never understand. Vicki looked the worst by far, what with her FUPA and flappy boobs in the uber low cut white dress. 



I love you for saying FUPA!  

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RIght?! Let's not forget that moment when Eddie said something flirtatious to Vicki and Tamra responded by putting Brooks's hand on her boob. Overreaction is par for the course with Tamra.

LOL, I forgot about this. Knowing how much Tamra hates Brooks makes it even better. Edited by imjagain
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Most of these women need to tone it down and they could start by wearing clothes that fit properly.  They’re also too old to pull off the harsh blond hair with black eyeliner/black mascara.  Vicki, Shannon, and Tamra look stuck in their era.  Same for Lauri Waring who was on WWHL last night.

Gretchen has had too much work done, but the last time she was on WWHL she had darkened her hair a bit and ditched the eighties curls.  I thought it was a change for the better.

Jeanna is a yawn.  I suppose she’s only coming back because Vicki needs an ally.  And yes, Vicki was definitely on something at the reunion.  Her eyelids looked heavy.  

Trivia:  It was Brianna who outed Brooks and Vicki’s relationship years ago during a reunion.  Brianna said while Vicki was still married to Don, she saw texts from Brooks on Vicki’s phone saying they loved each other.  If I was Vicki, Brianna’s camera time would be minimal.  Brianna must need the money.   

Tamra should shut up about her custody issues. Alexis did herself no favors by writing that e-mail.

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It was a viewer question from 'Kimberly from Chicago.' I stand corrected on that. It was Andy's choice to raise the question about adoption during a discussion of step vs bio children that led me to believe he was an ass that doesn't know the difference between 'step' and adoption.

In light of the long post I just made about the issue, I'm going to drop it now, so that I don't become repetitive.

With all respect, I would drop it as it's somewhat offensive, particularly since you acknowledge that you "don't have any particular sensitivity to the issue." There are millions of step children who only have one natural parent in their lives and are fully loved (and not in a way that's "different") by their step-parent. I'm one of them who is lucky enough to have a step father who loved me as much and treated me no differently than my half-siblings. If he or anyone suggested that he cannot or does not really love me as much because I'm not bio or adopted, it would insensitive at best. The suggested bright-line distinction you keep trying to make is hurtful and demeaning. And Vicki's and Tamra's suggestion that any natural parent would not want a step parent to love an treat thier child as their own is strange. As long as the step parent respects the boundaries of the natural parent, I think the bio parent would unselfishly want their kid to get all the unconditional love he or she could get. But unselfish are not words that would ever be used to describe the two. And Tamra's statement that Simon loved Ryan until their bio children were born and then "it was different" is gross. Thank god all step parent are not like Simon. Children in a household should never be treated differently -- whether bio, adopted or step. Mehgan (and I dislike her) should be commended for taking an interest in Hayley's life. There is nothing wrong with acting like her mother -- and now, Mehgan is the only mother she has.

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I just can't believe that Brooks could be as monstrous as Briana makes him out to be.  Briana wanted him out her mother's life, and Ryan wanted to rule the roost.  In fact, I'd go as far to say that this all began with Ryan wanting to be the only male in that house so he could control everything.

Didn't someone other than Briana at an earlier reunion imply that Brooks had manhandled Vicki, prompting a weak denial from her? I remember her reaction was more like a half-hearted attempt to cover something up than an indignant denial.

Tamra's statement that Simon loved Ryan until their bio children were born and then "it was different" is gross. Thank god all step parent are not like Simon.

I assumed Tamra was piling on the b.s. again when she said that since she sent Ryan off to live with her mother soon after she married Simon.

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I believe Briana.  She told the truth about Brooks saying he told Ryan to beat her but Vicki tried to twist it and say Briana misunderstood....until the recording was played for everyone and then her excuse was he was drunk.  Drunk, sure, but my husband would never say something like that to anyone, under any circumstances.  Vicki has screwed Briana over for this POS too many times.


Small confession. This always sends me down The Color Purple (which is one of my favorite tear jerker movies) wormhole. Every time I read that Brooks told Ryan to beat Bri, I picture Briana as Sophie saying:


"You told Harpo to beat me"



I thought it was hysterical when Vickie was talking about how it was HER show.  LOL!!!



When I saw that little snippet last night it made me realize one thing: for all her saying she is in talks for a spin-off and acting like she won't be back are just that --acts. She truly believes this is her show. She is not just the star or the OG of the OC but the inventor that started it all so she will never, ever leave of her own volition. No matter that she has not a single ally currently on the show, she won't be run off and leave it to the likes of Tamra, Meg and Shannon. I bet she tries to get Jeanna or Gretchen or some new chick on but she ain't going nowhere.


When was the last time Tamra wasn't seated directly next to Andy? Hmmmm.....  Let's see how long this new Christian way of living lasts? Because seriously the more true you are to those Christian tenets, the further down on the Bravo reunion couch your ass sits. LOL!!

My DVR cut off so I completely missed Alexis' email.


Vicki just can't make cogent arguments. Stepchildren vs adopted children thing was a mess. A mess! She just sounded like a complete dummy. I know that Vicki is the main villain this season and she was the most vocal on the whole stepmom thing but please none of the housewives were feeling what Meghan was saying about the issue.


Ought to be a law against Vicki wearing that shade of pink lipstick ever again. I don't know why she insists on trying to make it work. It looks terrible and aging. Glad to see the rest of the wives embraced some colored lipstick.


Meghan looks better as a blonde to me.


Heather's dress looked cheap. I mean clearance rack at Forever 21 cheap. So unlike her but she at least looked comfortable. I never understand showing up to a HW reunion in a sausage casing dress that requires 2 layers of spanx where you dare not part your knees lest your vag be exposed to the world when you know your ass is going to be sitting there for at least 10 hours. 

Edited by islandgal140
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Small confession. This always sends me down The Color Purple (which is one of my favorite tear jerker movies) wormhole. Every time I read that Brooks told Ryan to beat Bri, I picture Briana as Sophie saying:


"You told Harpo to beat me"




When I saw that little snippet last night it made me realize one thing: for all her saying she is in talks for a spin-off and acting like she won't be back are just that --acts. She truly believes this is her show. She is not just the star or the OG of the OC but the inventor that started it all so she will never, ever leave of her own volition. No matter that she has not a single ally currently on the show, she won't be run off and leave it to the likes of Tamra, Meg and Shannon. I bet she tries to get Jeanna or Gretchen or some new chick on but she ain't going nowhere.


When was the last time Tamra wasn't seated directly next to Andy? Hmmmm.....  Let's see how long this new Christian way of living lasts? Because seriously the more true you are to those Christian tenets, the further down on the Bravo reunion couch your ass sits. LOL!!

My DVR cut off so I completely missed Alexis' email.


Vicki just can't make cogent arguments. Stepchildren vs adopted children thing was a mess. A mess! She just sounded like a complete dummy. I know that Vicki is the main villain this season and she was the most vocal on the whole stepmom thing but please none of the housewives were feeling what Meghan was saying about the issue.


Ought to be a law against Vicki wearing that shade of pink lipstick ever again. I don't know why she insists on trying to make it work. It looks terrible and aging. Glad to see the rest of the wives embraced some colored lipstick.


Meghan looks better as a blonde to me.


Heather's dress looked cheap. I mean clearance rack at Forever 21 cheap. So unlike her but she at least looked comfortable. I never understand showing up to a HW reunion in a sausage casing dress that requires 2 layers of spanx where you dare not part your knees lest your vag be exposed to the world when you know your ass is going to be sitting there for at least 10 hours. 


Isn't that what's she's trying to achieve with the leeches?

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Instead of always playing the innocent victim and making Simon out to be the bad guy, Tamra doesn't get that she's been a horrible example for her daughter.  And considering what a mess she made of raising that loser Ryan.....

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Ought to be a law against Vicki wearing that shade of pink lipstick ever again. I don't know why she insists on trying to make it work. It looks terrible and aging.


I hope Ramona from RHNYC is reading this.  That dreadful pink she had on her mouth during the THs (with a red dress yet!) made her look 105.  


Also, while I applaud Meghan's intention to act as a mother to Hayley, and I'm sure she really will do her best, I can't help but say that her husband's record of serial marriage will probably mean that she is will be functionally out of Hayley's life within the next 5 years.  Sadly, I doubt the marriage will last longer than that.  Hayley won't be an adolescent then, but a young woman.  But she will still need a mother...

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Maybe I'm reaching here, but I get the feeling that Briana and Ryan baited and set up Brooks many times to get him out of Vicki's life.  I think they'd hang and drink with him, then steer the conversation to subtle, but inappropriate talk.  Brooks, being shit-faced (and kind of an idiot), fell for it every time because he wanted them to like him.  


I just can't believe that Brooks could be as monstrous as Briana makes him out to be.  Briana wanted him out her mother's life, and Ryan wanted to rule the roost.  In fact, I'd go as far to say that this all began with Ryan wanting to be the only male in that house so he could control everything.

I think Ryan thought Brooks was in the way of what he thinks is rightfully his -- Vicki's estate.

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I assumed Tamra was piling on the b.s. again when she said that since she sent Ryan off to live with her mother soon after she married Simon.


Yea, I don't think Simon ever had a chance to get close to Ryan. I think he likely viewed his children differently because he raised them and actually had a say in how they turned out. Tamra coddled and made excuses for Ryan, when she wasn't casting him aside because he didn't fit into her new life. So the Ryan Simon had to live with was resentful and lazy and spoiled. He didn't feel like he had to follow the household rules and pretty much shit on every opportunity Simon gave him. There was a difference there, a Tamra-made difference. 


That's why Andy and Heather were right when they told Vicki she can't just make sweeping judgments about ANYTHING. There are so many different dynamics. There are step-parents who are totally involved with their step-children and love them the same as their own kids. There are step-parents who likely have nothing to do with their step-kids. My sister married her husband when his son 11. Her husband and his ex do not get along, and the ex likes to play games with him, involving the child. My sister isn't perfect and she has made mistakes during her time navigating this whole step-parent thing, but the ex has deliberately done things to try and make her son hate my sister. She tries, but there is too much crap going on there. She does love him, but she just had her own baby and it is not the same. Not for her. It's not because she's a bad person. It's just not. Her step-son was basically made to dislike her from day one and when he comes over he makes things really tense, and now he's coming over less and less. His mother coddles and spoils him and justifies everything he does. So there's only so much my sister can do. Her relationship with him will never be like the one with the new baby. 


My husband on the other hand was raised by his step-father, calls him dad, and loves him just as if he were his biological father. 


Every single situation is different. I, personally, think Megan is laying it on too thick, simply because she just hasn't been around long enough to form these intense bonds she talks about. But I don't think it's impossible for a step-parent to have an amazing, loving relationship with their step-children. Vicki's point was very ignorant, as is most of what she says. 

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I assumed Tamra was piling on the b.s. again when she said that since she sent Ryan off to live with her mother soon after she married Simon.

I didn't know that, thank you. That sounds like something Tamra would do. I'm sure Ryan was an impediment to fully realizing Tamra's perfect shiny happy shiny family. And Simon did not seem like someone who ever loved Ryan or thought of him as a son. I know Ryan gets a lot of shit from the viewers and some of it deserved. But I have some empathy as he had Tamra for a mother and a step father who never treated him like he belonged. Even Eddie (who himself was adopted as an adult by another man) considers Ryan no more than "another man" competing for a limited pool of resources.

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The story about Vicki' s mother and the motorcycle was sort of funny, I guess, on the surface. But not really. Unless her mom had early onset Alzheimers or some other health issue, I think this woman had anger and control issues. I also think it gave a little bit of a window to some of Vicki's personality issues all these years. 



I'm not sure about that happening just b/c you're about to die,but having a stroke (or mini one) can change one's personality. That would explain her sudden death as well. I think I heard one can have several mini-strokes before the "big one".


You know, I have to be thankful for that.


Not to speak ill of the dead, but I didn't think Vicki's mother was that great a person in the first place. I remember her mocking the color of Vicki's die job, being chased around the house by Vicki to extract an "I love you", etc. I spspe the motorcycle story was funy, but only in a "this is how fucked up my mother is!" way.


Classic RHOOC moments like Mama Icki refusing to say she loved her - come ON.  That's not cute.

Vicki's mom was always a beast to her.  This new and improved lovefest has only come about the last couple of years, probably coinciding with Vicki's rise in popularity and becoming the OG.  I think Vicki's endless neediness comes from never truly feeling loved by her mom.

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Even though the discussion about step-children versus biological children got all muddied up with the stupid question about adopted children (shouldn't have been part of it), I agree with what Vicki and Tamra were trying to say to Meaghan in Tahiti. I don't believe for a minute that Meaghan truly wishes a spoiled 17 y.o. that she's known for a hot minute, was her own child. C'mon that's not like helping raise and nurture a step child from a young age. The whole thing was bullshit on Meaghan's part and just part of her fake persona. Her own husband told her to just leave it alone because she's NOT Hailey's mother and Hailey is grown.

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Good grief people. Why do I have to go through three pages of non-relevant bickering before getting to the comments about last night's episode??

Amen and Thank You!!! I got up all excited to settle in with my coffee and read about,you know,the reunion. NOT 3 pages of does Brooks have cancer or not. Brooks cancer was not even brought up on the show last night! Is it to much to ask for the reunion to be about,you know,the actual reunion?

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That's why Andy and Heather were right when they told Vicki she can't just make sweeping judgments about ANYTHING.



Vicki missed her cue.  This was the time for her to SCREECH in her Vicki-crazy bellow, "It's MY OPINION!!!"

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I didn't know that, thank you. That sounds like something Tamra would do. I'm sure Ryan was an impediment to fully realizing Tamra's perfect shiny happy shiny family. And Simon did not seem like someone who ever loved Ryan or thought of him as a son. I know Ryan gets a lot of shit from the viewers and some of it deserved. But I have some empathy as he had Tamra for a mother and a step father who never treated him like he belonged. Even Eddie (who himself was adopted as an adult by another man) considers Ryan no more than "another man" competing for a limited pool of resources .

Not to defend Eddie but I'm pretty sure Eddie and Ryan got along pretty well till recently. I'm not even sure they don't get along now, they seemed fine while Ryan bitched and complained while walking through Ryan's new home. I think Eddie might have just gotten to know Ryan better. Ryan would annoy the hell out of me if I had to spend any amount of time around him. He seems lazy and entitled.

Edited by imjagain
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I wonder if Megan's new breast are the result of a prophylactic mastectomy. She talked about her family cancer history, the fact that her mom had one, and that she had the BRCA test. If not, that wasn't a wise decision since breast cancer is more difficult to detect with implants. I would think give her history she would err on the side of caution.

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Amen and Thank You!!! I got up all excited to settle in with my coffee and read about,you know,the reunion. NOT 3 pages of does Brooks have cancer or not. Brooks cancer was not even brought up on the show last night! Is it to much to ask for the reunion to be about,you know,the actual reunion?


To be fair, this thread was started several days ago, so everyone was talking about what was shown in the previews of the reunion, which of course was the ladies talking about Brooks' cancer ad nauseam.

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And pancreatitis can lead to pancreatic cancer, especially if it's chronic, though the chances are slim. So, similar analogy.  Tamra had cervical cancer (cough HPV), and Brooks had pancreatic cancer (cough pancreatitis).


Is there any stone these disgusting people won't leave unturned?


Shannon's next story line is her pristine colon and every week we'll be treated to a show and tell. It is about what I am expecting at this point.

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 But there is something called Follicular Lymphoma which is one of the diseases under the umbrella of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.



Maybe someone called him "follicularly challenged," and he jump-started that into full blown cancer.


As I've said before, my husband is a survivor of Non-Hodgkins.  And the cure rate is really really high.  But he was diagnosed at an (apparently) earlier stage than Brooks and he was a lot sicker on diagnosis than Brooks appears.  Also he was a lot less energetic and was tired All.  The.  Time. when he was going through chemo.  Oh yes, and he lost all his body hair.  Not just the hair on his head, but his eyelashes, eyebrows, ass, chest, everywhere.  It grew back but it took a while.  He started to lose it on the first treatment and after the second it was gonzo.



I can say the same for my son who was in his late 20s at the time. 

Shannon's next story line is her pristine colon and every week we'll be treated to a show and tell. It is about what I am expecting at this point.



Poor needy needy Shannon...taking the word of every wacko and charlatan within OC.   I hope some famous doctor (it will probably require "famous") will get her to understand that some of the treatments she enjoys will cause some long-term problems.  Money is a dangerous thing to so many people.

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You guys--something is wrong with me!  I actually thought Tamra looked nice.  WTH.  It's like I don't even know myself anymore. OK to be fair, I was watching it on our bedroom TV with is neither large-screen or HD, so perhaps I'll have a different perspective when I catch a re-run on the big screen. But I really liked the color of her dress, and I thought her hair looked good.  I'll just show myself the door...


OTOH, my tiny TV still couldn't cover up Vicki's terrible outfit.  That low-cut look is not cute on you, girl.  And I agree 200% that she HAD to have sedated herself with something - whether it be Rx drugs or benadryll!


Amen and Thank You!!! I got up all excited to settle in with my coffee and read about,you know,the reunion. NOT 3 pages of does Brooks have cancer or not. Brooks cancer was not even brought up on the show last night! Is it to much to ask for the reunion to be about,you know,the actual reunion?



Good grief people. Why do I have to go through three pages of non-relevant bickering before getting to the comments about last night's episode??


Awww I know!  Life is hard!  *sad face*



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The story about Vicki's mom - When Vicki was relating the story she said when Billy told her she had been arrested for road rage Vicki responded, "Of course she was" which leads me to believe this was just how she behaved all the time. If not, if this was out of character for her, Vicki and Billy were remiss in not having her seen by a doctor. Maybe Vicki was too busy to be bothered cuz, you know, SHE WORKS! She's not siiting at home spending her husband's money like those layabout stay at home moms! And Billy was probably too drunk. I had an elderly relative who started acting aggressive and getting into it with his neighbors. Knowing this wasn't his usual personality one of the neighbors called his daughter and told her what was going on. His daughter took him to the doctor thinking it might be his meds. After testing it was discovered he had blockage in his carotid arteries so lack of blood flow to the brain can cause aggresive behavior. Could be what caused Vicki's mom to have an aneurysm or stoke.

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With all respect, I would drop it as it's somewhat offensive, particularly since you acknowledge that you "don't have any particular sensitivity to the issue." There are millions of step children who only have one natural parent in their lives and are fully loved (and not in a way that's "different") by their step-parent. I'm one of them who is lucky enough to have a step father who loved me as much and treated me no differently than my half-siblings. If he or anyone suggested that he cannot or does not really love me as much because I'm not bio or adopted, it would insensitive at best. The suggested bright-line distinction you keep trying to make is hurtful and demeaning. And Vicki's and Tamra's suggestion that any natural parent would not want a step parent to love an treat thier child as their own is strange. As long as the step parent respects the boundaries of the natural parent, I think the bio parent would unselfishly want their kid to get all the unconditional love he or she could get. But unselfish are not words that would ever be used to describe the two. And Tamra's statement that Simon loved Ryan until their bio children were born and then "it was different" is gross. Thank god all step parent are not like Simon. Children in a household should never be treated differently -- whether bio, adopted or step. Mehgan (and I dislike her) should be commended for taking an interest in Hayley's life. There is nothing wrong with acting like her mother -- and now, Mehgan is the only mother she has.

Wasn't Jim married 3 times? So Hayley DOES have another (step) mother in her life that she has known way longer then the gurgling giraffe  As a step parent who has custody of the kids I find her ......well.....just shut up Megan.....

ETA----Step parent who HAD custody...There all grown now...

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And I get that Vicks is sad about her mom, most people are sad to lose a parent, but Vicks takes it to another level. The first set of holidays is usually the hardest and then it gets better. But Vicks said it is getting worse. Maybe she is just creating melodrama, but it should be getting better, not worse. 


Not knocking this statement about Vicki and the loss of her mother, but I do think grief is a very individual process and each person experiences and reacts to loss differently. My father died 35 years ago, my only sibling 10 years ago, and in the past few years the holidays have gotten harder for me than ever, specifically because I miss them so much. 


For all I dislike about Vicki, I do feel sympathy that her mother died suddenly during the filming of the season. I believe she is lying about some part of Brooks' story -- whether it's 100% or 50% or 5% I just don't know and basically don't care -- and that the sudden loss really threw her for an emotional loop and probably made her act even more crazy, irrational, clingy, needy, neurotic, whatever. For her best interest, I wish she'd take a season off  and go somewhere not to "whoop it up" but to take time to listen to her own thoughts for once and re-center herself. But hey, who am I kidding? This is Vicki Gunvalson and she probably can't wait to start filming the next season. (If there is one. I hope NOT.)

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