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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I loved Liz's scenes today!


I'm so glad that she's not begging Jason to be with her again, and that she knows its over between them.


I'm not holding my breath that Show has turned a corner where Liz is concerned.  It's like they throw the Liz fans the tiniest bit of a bone that the horrible character assassination and ridiculous villianization is finally over, and then almost the very next day they're back to making her the object of hatred by having her say things like, "I'd do it all over again" and everything is right back to square one.  I'm not watching again until I can be absolutely, 100% assured that Liz won't be treated like the goat to the pet Jasam (or any other pet, for that matter).  And it doesn't look like that will be happening anytime soon.


I think there's a home intruder on the loose in PC, no one knows yet because the cops are Dante and Nathan, who had targeted Liz's house but of course Jake scared him away upon seeing him from a distance.


I wonder if they are going to do a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" story where Jake keeps seeing the intruder or maybe Liz does a few times, but everybody dismisses it as Liz trying to manipulate Jason to get him back, and nobody believes her when she says she's in danger... then lo and behold...  I mean, we're just about due for another Port Charles female to be kidnapped, right?

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 2

I actually thought bm and bh had chemistry today which is the first time I saw him have chem with anyone. (I didn't watch the Robin/jason scenes so I can't judge his Chem with kmc). Ugh. Why does lizs first scenes of the new year have to be with that douchturd? Why is spinelli so annoying? Why does this show insist on telling us how special jasams true love was every show for the past month? Stop telling us and show it #freeliz. Why are nina and Franco on my screen? Why can't liz have scenes that do not feature or relate to jason????

  • Love 4

Spare me the heavy sighs and moobyness of the SERIAL KILLER and WENEVERCARED couple. He is a killer and she is a woman who stole a baby from a womb of a mother-in-childbirth. Surely, both are incapable of tender love.


It's like watching two deadly snakes spawning.


Or two hideous iguanas rotating their basilisk orbs in ecstasy.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 9


I was just DYING to find out if the Nina and the SERIAL KILLER would finally make the business and become a "real" couple with "real" feelings and "real" shitty camera work to tie it all together!

Hey, if anyone deserves happiness, it's these two.  Well, it's these two after every other character in Port Charles, even including those whose names end with "Corinthos". 

Jason stayed with Liz for months, yet can't seem to find the linen closet to get his own damn blankets. 

Poor Lulu.  Can't a girl hiding a wanted fugitive ever catch a break?

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I got through today very quickly, because I don't care at all about anything involving Nina, be it personal, professional, or medical. I had heard tell of Michelle Stafford being some kind of amazing actress on other shows, so she must be either miscast or completely adrift at sea in this role. Also, there were several fat juicy scenes of Spinelli and Sam talking about their one true love, Jason. There was a third character in the scenes, but you could have put Michelle Obama at that table playing herself with BA and KMo and I wouldn't have been curious enough to watch. Spinelli and Sam's voices in the same scene... too much. 


I liked Becky. The writing has been all over the place since the reveal, but she's almost managing to unify it and get a coherent POV in. I watched Liz/Jason and the kid. The kid is an awful actor, but I do think the story works better with Jake alive. And I always thought killing him off was over the top, even if it did provide the short-term amusement of that mystery story in which everyone in Port Charles was revealed to be driving down Lexington on the night in question. I never like it when I sense that a child character is being killed as a solid to another fan base, to get the loser woman in the triangle out of the picture "for good," which is how that reeked to me.


I also watched the Dante/Lulu/Johnny stuff, but that wasn't so great. Right now, that story seems so low stakes that I cannot figure out where they're going with it or what they want us to think. What's the point of essentially ending Dante and Valerie while still having Lulu so hellbent on destroying her?

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 2

What a hideous episode.


Those of you who know me, know I don't FF. Masochist is my middle name, because I've sat through every crappy episode of this shitfest for the last two years and two months when I rejoined the show after a hiatus. Today, I FF'd the psychos' sex scene. Fuck that shit. I don't want or need to watch it. [And I'm on a very anti-RH characters in general kick right now because I've fallen down the YT rabbit hole of 1993 Spring Fling and all the really gross, violent stuff Todd did to Marty. Not just the original rape, but how he cornered her in the alley when he got the scar, and when he trapped her in the church. My unpopular off-topic opinion is that Todd never should have been redeemed, I don't give a crap what happened to him, he was a sick, disgusting freak monster that should have died a long time ago.] See, I did bring it back to Franco because I feel the same way about him.


Shut up, Lizzie. Shut up, Morgan. Shut up, Kiki. Shut up, Spinelli. Shut up, Dante. And please shut up, Zombie Kid That Can't Act and Who Never Should Have Been Resurrected In The First Place.

  • Love 16


I also watched the Dante/Lulu/Johnny stuff, but that wasn't so great. Right now, that story seems so low stakes that I cannot figure out where they're going with it or what they want us to think. What's the point of essentially ending Dante and Valerie while still having Lulu so hellbent on destroying her?


Lulu is being such a cock-teaser with Johnny. She should stay far, far away from him since he is a fugitive and couldn't she be charged as aiding or sheltering a fugitive? Instead he is supposed to be doing a job for Lulu by ridding PC of Valerie. I hope it all backfires on Lulu and she gets in severe trouble. Shouldn't she be going home to check on Rocco instead of hanging out with a fugitive?


And why is Ellie bouncing all over the place with Spinelli? Didn't he have to cut and run not so long ago (around Thanksgiving) back to Portland because Ellie broke her ankle? Why isn't Ellie still on crutches?


  • Love 1

I had a thing for RoHo's redeemed Todd back in the day, especially during the beginning of Todd and Blair's supercoupledom, so I didn't mind when Todd came over to GH with the Starr and McBane.  It was after making them all new characters just to keep those three actors, two of which are now gone, that the show used up all of my RoHo goodwill.  That scene today with Frina was truly stomach-churningly bad.  


Sort of glad that Lulu stopped things with Johnny before they went too far.  I still want to see Johnny giving Carly all kinds of living crap for her remarrying Sonny.  And my weak fantasy is the possibility of a reunion romp between the two now that Carly isn't getting any from her beloved midget moobster.  


Shut up, Morgan.  Oh, for the love of whatever deity you believe in, shut up, Spinelli.  His eternal flagellation of JaSam almost made me physically ill.  


ETA -- flagellation should've been fellatio.  Sorry about that.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
  • Love 2

I wonder if they are going to do a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" story where Jake keeps seeing the intruder or maybe Liz does a few times, but everybody dismisses it as Liz trying to manipulate Jason to get him back, and nobody believes her when she says she's in danger... then lo and behold... I mean, we're just about due for another Port Charles female to be kidnapped, right?

Hey, that's Sam's job! Or was until Robin so rudely stole it and refused to quit being kidnapped for years.

  • Love 13

I watched the NYE and yesterday's episode back to back, so Sonny and his leg tingle and him and Carly cheering to him being out of prison for murdering a legacy character without naming him was bad enough to make me see Double Sonny. It's like imo Nick Newman on Y&R getting murdered, Shawn Douglas Brady on Days, Ridge on B&B. Except they don't have the decency to let the murderer be bothered by his crime. Sonny is supposed to have this huge conscience, well where is it? The thoughtless dismisal of the characters that built this show for over 50 years and stories like everyone asking Morgan if he's taking his pills is why this show is tanking imo. And btw why can't Morgan drink a beer on his meds if Sonny can tote a gun, fling barware, drink whenever, conduct criminal activity as his job? Damn. Let Morgan go for a walk or drink a beer. Leash the one with the violent past and record who doesn't take his meds often.

  • Love 5

What's the point of essentially ending Dante and Valerie while still having Lulu so hellbent on destroying her?


I guess they're propping Valerie. Like that's the only thing that makes sense. Now, why in the ever loving fuck they're so hell bent on propping Valerie, I don't fucking know.


What's the deal with Franco seemingly buying Nina's necklace from some shady guy on the docks?  He can't go into a store?  Or is this some yet-to-be-revealed misdirection afoot?


Maybe it's to show what a 'town pariah' he is; he can't even go into a store because people are like "Hey, uh, that guy is a SERIAL KILLER." Everyone is just so mean to him!

  • Love 8

Am I supposed to assume that Jake got brainwashed, so he is incapable of understanding that Jason and Liz are no longer together, so he can't stay overnight and that they can't be a family? Becuase that's the only thing that makes sense. He's nine, not four.


And yeesh, yes, that was so painful to watch. 


Why is Dante acting as if he was the cuckolded husband? Like others have said (or used this phrase), Dante, take a seat. No, you can STFU and take a thousand gazillion seats.


The fact that the new headwriters have been on this show for years and are shilling this horseshit is disgraceful.


Oh and Spinelli can also just STFU!!!!


What did Ellie do to her hair? Looked like someone took a weed whacker to it.


JP and SA have only been writing the show for a few months, although I think JP may have done breakdown writing for GH in the past (and maybe SA was a staff writer at some point, I'm not sure).


Unless you mean they've been writing for soaps for years, which is correct. I wasn't sure which one you meant. :)

 And the boat was full of drunken partyers celebrating New Year's Eve-- but finding a pair of glasses in a stateroom means Lulu is up to something. Dante has become as incompetent as the rest of the PCPD.


I always thought  the thirtysomething set must have been the weirdest (aging myself here, I know). Ken Olin would be directing his wife (Patricia Wettig) in love scenes with other actors. Seriously icky.


Hey, I'm almost 27 and I LOVE thirtysomething. I have all four seasons on DVD. :)


I always thought it was funny when KO and PW had scenes alone together, though, knowing they're married IRL.

Edited by UYI

Today, I FF'd the psychos' sex scene. Fuck that shit. I don't want or need to watch it. [And I'm on a very anti-RH characters in general kick right now because I've fallen down the YT rabbit hole of 1993 Spring Fling and all the really gross, violent stuff Todd did to Marty. Not just the original rape, but how he cornered her in the alley when he got the scar, and when he trapped her in the church. My unpopular off-topic opinion is that Todd never should have been redeemed, I don't give a crap what happened to him, he was a sick, disgusting freak monster that should have died a long time ago.]

This is back when shows really did redemption stories vs "reasons", "Helena" or ignored the consequences all together. I remember being shocked that I went from hating Todd, to actually liking him and then loving him with Blair. He was never a white hat but I loved him none the less.

Now we have Nina ripping out a baby from a mother's belly, Franco causing a young man's rape in jail, Sonny killing a legacy character (the biological father of his son) and we are told to love them because......whatever new lame excuse.

  • Love 13

I'd read it, if he did, because RoHo actually seems like a genuinely nice guy. NLG with her tell all, would simply call out every other person except herself. Boring.  And yeah I guess the POV of someone too nice to call divas out for being divas, would be boring to read too, but I'd take reading RoHo's pov over NLG's any day of the week.


He's notoriously private, so even if it would be an interesting book (and it would be), I'm almost positive it will never happen.

  • Love 2


This is back when shows really did redemption stories vs "reasons", "Helena" or ignored the consequences all together. I remember being shocked that I went from hating Todd, to actually liking him and then loving him with Blair. He was never a white hat but I loved him none the less.


I understand and agree that they definitely did a full and complete redemption story for Todd. I just loathe him so much that I'm wishing he died way back when. Then we would never have had Todd on our show, and then we'd probably be rid of Franco too. Cut the head off at the source. Apologies to the Todd/Blair shippers, I know there are a bunch.

  • Love 1

I had a very complicated relationship with Todd on OLTL, I'll not lie. I loathed him in those early days. That scene in the alley was terrifying to me. I hated Marty but I was cheering her on every step of the way in getting that monster. It was a long, slow process to redeem the character and, honestly, I can't say that it was necessarily a redemption so much as a method of making him viable. He never became a good guy and he's probably one of the last characters that actually remained true with.


In a lot of ways, I feel that Todd was a death knell for heroic and outright good characters. Howarth was something special playing that character and it's something he has not managed to replicate with anyone else. After the initial struggle of coming to terms with finding myself sympathizing with Todd when it came to his father (Peter Manning) and then out-right rooting for him during the Hospital Rapist storyline... I found that I never felt particularly bad about liking the character because he always managed to fuck up his life and lose the things that mattered the most to him. He did not have the entire town of Llanview singing his praises and excusing everything he did. (He had fans who did that.) Now, granted, he did have a support system in Llanview but he was as successful at driving them away as he was at fucking up his own life.


It's the opposite of what GH has done with Sonny and with Jason. I also think that Roger leaving the show as often as he did helped keep that 'always fucks up' theme going because they had to come up with reasons to write him out but leave the door open for him to come back. One of the more unfortunate things to happen to the character was when TSJ was in the role for eight years and things took a definite turn of 'Todd's always right even when he does horrible things' -- and they brought back Tea and added a daughter to bolster the ranks of the Todd supporters (even if there were rocky periods, it always ended up the same.) That was only fixed with Howarth returning and a lot of the more egregious damage done to the character wiped out.


Hell, the network show even ended with a raging fuck up (Todd thinks he killed Victor, lies about it, schemes to cover it up and blame someone else, gets caught) so there was always an uneasy balance with the character...


Which bears no resemblance to what is happening now with Franco... where they just hand-waved everything. Todd's march into viability took well over a year and, again, it resulted in him being able to be used as a character long-term rather than everyone in town loving him. Compare that to the eye-blink that was Michael's anger at Sonny and Carly and now just being as completely on their side as he ever was. Todd's initial run had lifelong consequences... as did his follow up fuck ups and as much as I loved Blair and Todd (and still do) the fact was that, generally, I fell on Blair's side and often thought she forgave him way too quickly. I also felt that she suffered far more than Todd for doing far less than he.


But that's also a problem soaps have developed in the last couple of decades.

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 20
I had a very complicated relationship with Todd on OLTL, I'll not lie. I loathed him in those early days.


You weren't supposed to like him, though. He was a horrible person who did horrible things. Even after they worked so hard to make him viable, he still was a terrible person who did terrible things, but they were kept in check by Todd knowing that, with painful self-awareness. And there were always people around to remind him. 


The problem with Franco is that we're supposed to buy the brain-tumor excuse, and now we're supposed to forget he was a SERIAL KILLER. Sorry, a 10-minute DVD presentation can't wipe out the horror of what Franco did. And his "love affair" with an emotionally warped and damaged woman is not endearing. It's gross, even if Nina seems into it.


Tl; dr: I agree with everything you wrote, Dandesun.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

I do agree that you can't compare Todd to Franco in how their stories evolved and absolutely there was actual writing, thought process, and time spent on Todd's while as Franco was just snap your fingers and oh, he's okay now. I still hate them both. 


It is interesting that as private as RH has been purported to be, that he's finally doing a solo fan event. 

  • Love 1

I do agree that you can't compare Todd to Franco in how their stories evolved and absolutely there was actual writing, thought process, and time spent on Todd's while as Franco was just snap your fingers and oh, he's okay now. I still hate them both. 


It is interesting that as private as RH has been purported to be, that he's finally doing a solo fan event. 


I know. His doing a solo fan event is one of those things that make me go 'is this the end times?' It's very weird. Also, having seen the pricing of it and what you get?


Let me put it this way: ONE glass of wine with dinner. And it's probably some child sized glass at that.




And it's probably not even good wine. You probably get a choice between House White and House Red. And there are precious few restaurants that can get away with that, let me tell you!


I blame that douchewad Franco. He probably knows nothing about wine. Todd Manning knew how to pour a proper glass of wine... at the very least, he was generous with it!

  • Love 6

Weirdly I kind of liked the Franco /Nina scenes.  Of course I don't think of RH as "franco the serial killer" and I block out most of Nina's annoying behaviour, if I do that then a story about a woman who was in a coma for 20 years and was tentative about sex kind of makes sense; in a vacuum.  It relates to nothing on GH.  But in total isolation, without any backstory of the characters, I kind of like the scene.  Of course that is no way to write a soap, having characters that have to be seen in such isolation to even be tolerated.  On the other hand I cannot view Sonny in any other context, and can't stand Patrick standing by smiling while Robin slobbers all over him.

  • Love 3

Oh PLEASE, show, stop abusing me. Why oh why oh why did you have Alexis offering sex advice? Are you trying to kill me?


Sam was cute with Molly and Kristina. Kristina still grates.


And Liz, I hate to be the one to tell you, but notdeadJake was shuttled between homes before he didn't die so ... shut up.

ETA -- flagellation should've been fellatio.  Sorry about that.  



I've tried that excuse myself. He didn't believe me. 

  • Love 4

Line of the day goes to Robin.




OR at least 2 moments of the day go to Robin.


Her glee over Grandma Carly and the Legion of Doom reference to Obrecht

Those were both wonderful. Third favorite was her grumble about Obrecht not using English when she knocked the door.

Are we not going to get Robin and Nicholas discussing Helena had her? He's in the hospital but awake, right?

  • Love 1

Lucky didn't adopt Jake. He's the father of record on the birth certificate because he was married to Luz when Jake was born and I think she was still lying to him about being Mason Jorgan's father.

They'd need to address the paternity before filing for custody and Lucky should actually be around for that - but I can't have nice things and FV would probably cast an RP clone as a recast anyway

  • Love 4

I thought Liz was kinda annoying with her, "Oh noes, now Jake will be torn between two homes!".  Yes, Jake should have legitimate issues, but the show has done a bad job addressing them so the foundation isn't there. 


And again, no concern for Cam and Aidan, just the Son Of Jasus.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

I doubt it's any weirder than usual. A lot of them are probably good friends with the significant other of their on-screen love interest. Laura Wright I think is pals with Maurice's wife, Bradford and Brandon are pals, etc etc. On NCIS: LA, in real life, the actress is married to her on-screen love interest's brother, so she is having on-camera make out sessions with her brother-in-law. And her husband is a stunt double for his brother on the show too. Now that, I often wonder how awkward is that situation, heh. 

Emily Van Camp and Chris Pratt were playing brother and sister on Everwood when they were dating.

  • Love 3

My guess would be that Patrick is the one who gets the job.  Given how brilliant he is supposed to be.  That said his tenure as CoS of GH on NS2 was disastrous and he hated doing it.  On the other hand Robin was a decent CoS although there was griping about some of the regulations she put in place (like different departments having different colors of scrubs as if no other hospital has ever had a policy like that)

  • Love 1

As much as I like Finola/Anna, I'm getting very tired of her relentless "Julian killed Duke" obsession. I've been watching GH a long time, and I remember when the Jerome family sent white roses to Anna after Duke's first non-death* and the conversation that followed about how white roses meant the feud was over. In fact, I believe Anna testified about that in someone's trial.  


Sooo . . . I know that Duke's second or third reveal at being alive might cause the Jerome family to believe they might have called off the feud prematurely, but the ONLY people seriously seeking revenge/retribution/reparations in this go-round were Duke and Anna. And to that extent, anything that happened is a direct result of their preoccupations with the past.  Every time Anna starts back up about it, I just want to scream "LET IT GO!!!"


The characters deserve better and the audience deserves better. If Anna is such a wonderful crime fighter, I'd rather see her turn her eyes to  Sonny and dedicate herself to bringing him down. 


* only on TFGH


I feel so much better now that I've vented. That is all. Carry on. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 6

So Jason and Liez are going to get a custody agreement for Dead Now Alive Jake even though Lucky is his legal father and his parental rights haven't been terminated? Is Jason also going to get custody of Aiden, who is the legal AND biological son of Lucky? What about Cameron? Show may want me to forget that Lucky exists but I haven't and I won't. 

  • Love 5

As much as I like Finola/Anna, I'm getting very tired of her relentless "Julian killed Duke" obsession. I've been watching GH a long time, and I remember when the Jerome family sent white roses to Anna after Duke's first non-death* and the conversation that followed about how white roses meant the feud was over. In fact, I believe Anna testified about that in someone's trial.  


Sooo . . . I know that Duke's second or third reveal at being alive might cause the Jerome family to believe they might have called off the feud prematurely, but the ONLY people seriously seeking revenge/retribution/reparations in this go-round were Duke and Anna. And to that extent, anything that happened is a direct result of their preoccupations with the past.  Every time Anna starts back up about it, I just want to scream "LET IT GO!!!"


The characters deserve better and the audience deserves better. If Anna is such a wonderful crime fighter, I'd rather see her turn her eyes to  Sonny and dedicate herself to bringing him down. 


* only on TFGH


I feel so much better now that I've vented. That is all. Carry on. 

Good Lord, I hate defending Duke. HATE it.


But when the show re-introduced Julian, he was targeting Duke. Julian was smirking (well, he's always smirking, but still) when interviewing Duke for a job about his 20-year work gap. The clear implication was that Julian knew where Duke was all along.  Julian relished that fact.


Ron loved to play it both ways, so he only had Robert and Luke say that the Jeromes were responsible for Duke being imprisoned. But Olivia was dead by then. They all were dead by then but the mistress and Julian. WPP or not, I think we're supposed to understand that Julian reached out to his goons who made it happen.


All the miscarriage stuff was bullshit, as that was all Olivia. I hate that Ron made Anna *coughanddukecough* look like a fool having them go on about that.


But Julian did target Duke from the get go. And he did order Duke's death in the end.  Look, Duke paid for his hit by being killed.  I think it's only fair Julian suffer the same fate.


Then, I'll happily agree that she should sing a chorus of Let it Go.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6

The problem is Ron didn't really care about Julian and Duke and Anna's history, outside of the "Oooh, look, history!" of it all.  So the whole thing was really underplayed with what should have bigger moments - like Duke showing up at Julian's door and revealing that he knew who he was -  treated like afterthoughts. 


Because while I was fine with Duke hating Julian forever, it was hard to really invest in the feud and the dumb things he did to service it - like throwing in full throttle with Sonny that he ended up betraying the woman he was doing it all for - when Julian didn't act like he remembered who Duke was 85% of the time.

Edited by TeeVee329
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