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  1. It makes no sense. Liz apparently can't have scenes not about Franco or Jake anymore.
  2. So so glad Liz got to talk Jake down and it wasn't Franco or anyone else. The rest meh.
  3. I get that. But why were liason fans brought into it? It could just be someone with more reserved sensibilities.
  4. All due respect, but I see liason/jiz fans called out on this board all the time. I don't see anyone saying that because someone doesn't like carly they must be a brenda fan with a secret agenda.
  5. I get that soaps create biases. But why are the only biases being highlighted here biases against jason and sam? It happens to every character every day and we all come into this show with biases. Personally I thought it was a good love scene but all soap loves scenes are awkward with the weird cutting. They are laying on each other in the middle of the bed and then all of a sudden they are straddling on the edge of the bed. Kemo was great and looked banging. BM as usual left something to be desired. Does he know how to show emotion? He was just going through the motions and relying on the choreography to bring the sexy. Oh and Nik is a pig.
  6. I don't get the comment about the person on twitter. Not everyone that says something negative about the golden couple is a secret liason fan. Maybe they just didn't like it or thought it was shot oddly? Is everyone that criticized a liason love scene a rabid jasam fan that deserves to get called out? Is not liking a Jasam love scene so unbelievable that the opinion has to come from someone with a bias? Everyone, and every couple, gets criticized. For some reason whenever its Jason or Sam, people feel free to blame Liz/Liason fans and make it seem like they are crazy. I don't get why that's ok. I thought BH and BM had no chemistry, and I didn't like them. And I'm a Liz fan who ships Liz with basically everyone but Sonny! But I am not going to judge fans for what they like or don't like.
  7. I don't think Liz was that awful when she first started! She was a schemer, sure. But she always had heart. She and Sarah had mended their relationship before she was raped. However, this Hayden thing is unbelievably stupid. Liz could have compassion, I guess, but Hayden has been badmouthing her all over town and to her face for months. Hayden did the same thing Liz is doing, taunting Liz about Jakeson, when she was keeping a secret about her identity from Nikolas. They are two peas in the same pod basically. This story is definitely doing Liz no favors though. The writing for Liz in the past few years is always one step forward, two steps back. I don't like that she is a part of this "reveal." I'm hoping the reason her writing is this annoying is because of BH"s contract negotiations. But the real piece of shit is Nik. He hasn't paid one iota for the Jakeson lie. He has barely been confronted or insulted. At least Liz had some degree of comeuppance. Nikolas has faced no consequences at all. And now he gets to stand there insulting Hayden, the woman he tried to kill!!!! So dumb.
  8. Ehh Hayden has been bitch facing and having a smug-off with Liz since she arrived in PC. It's not just Liz doing the snarking. Even St. Sam doesn't like Hayden, so Liz is on the side of the angels -;)
  9. But Liz is right that Hayden is lying. And Liz is right that Hayden wouldn't like the answer if she asked Nik to choose. Because even if Nik chose Hayden, it wouldn't work out for Hayden anyway because Nik would resent having to make that choice. Plus who is Hayden to call someone else a freeloader lol? One of the things I like about Liz is that she has always worked for and supported herself and her children (even when she first came on the show, she always worked). Unlike 97% of the characters on this show. And it's not Liz's kids fault that they (1) are Liz's kids and (2) have different dads. So Hayden is just being unpleasant to be unpleasant even toward children. When Carly called out Liz for the whole Jason lie (and back when Carly told Liz anyone in heat can make a baby back in 2008), everyone was cheering even though who the hell was Carly to say something like that to someone else after what she's pulled? Hypocrisy is the bread and butter of soaps. Liz is just one of many. Just because Liz is the queen bee of lying doesn't mean she's wrong in this situation.
  10. Haha well it seemed like he wanted sam there to make a point that sam is in his life and Elizabeth will need to deal. Which is all true but sort of bad timing.
  11. It was jasons decision for Sam to come when jake was being discharged, she didn't even want to but of course gave in. Jason is trying to make drama where it doesn't need to be. Elizabeth will have to and shoukd get over her issues with Sam (and the writers are taking one step forward and two steps back with), but jason was trying to make it an awkward situation on purpose. He wanted to rub Sam in Elizabeth's face. Sam taking the apparently 30 minute trip to Philadelphia isn't the problem, it's dumbass Jason.
  12. Nothing new about BH's contract, right? Wanted to make sure I haven't missed anything.
  13. I do like that sam gave into jasons bullying to come to the hospital when she didn't want to and liz didn't give in about Franco even if it was petulant. I understand that sam is jasons wife and liz will have to put up with her. It just seemed like jason took the wrong moment to push the issue. Liz and sam had made peace so maybe give them both some time to come to terms with it. I really don't see why jason forced sam to be there for Jakes discharge other than to start drama or make liz uncomfortable. Which liz might deserve but the time is not right. This was a happy moment for him to share with his son, not a painful moment where he would want sams support. Basically liz has set herself up to be in the "wrong" whenever she interacts with the killer and his mob moll because she lied. But that doesn't mean jason isn't a douche. I actually don't think liz should be mad at sam for blowing up her house. It wasn't on purpose.
  14. Yep. Liz being passive-aggressive about the bike, I had no problem with that. I actually liked all the performances in that scene (I will grudgingly admit even BM...he felt more like Jason to me). Liz's love for Jason is one of those things that goes in and out. In 2008, she told Patrick she was only infatuated with Jason, then in 2012, she has always been in love with him etc. etc. Liz viewing Jason as a safe place when things get rough and the "one that got away" feels more real to me than saying she has been in love with him all this time. I think most people have that relationship in their lives...the one they wish they took a chance on and wonder what it would have been like. But she's living in the past. The part that weirds me out though is that BM is not Jason. He acts nothing like him. I actually feel that, more than Sam, Liz loves this Jason. Sam is still figuring out if she loves this Jason or not. As for Jason, I have no idea what his feelings are. He did love Liz and now he doesn't based on her lie. Fine, makes sense. But now he's all about Sam without really getting to know her in a romantic sense (have they even gone on a date? talked about mundane couple things?). It's so strange and so instant. I get that he is getting more of Jason's memories about Sam and feels those feelings, but all the Jasam stuff feels so forced to me. And, as I said, this Jason is nothing like old Jason, so why is Sam all of a sudden so crazy about him? Liz had romantic feelings for Jake before he was Jason, she was on her way to loving him. Sam did not. If Liz hadn't lied about Jason's identify, would Jake still be with Elizabeth? Or would he have these feelings for Sam? The writers took the easy way out by making Liz the deceiver. But, in a way, I am glad because I really don't want Liz in scenes with Jason anymore.
  15. I agree that if she was over him by now it would make no sense, and she's not actively stopping Jason and Sam from exploring their insta-feelings, but I still feel like the show is portraying her as the interloper, or at least a third-party.
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