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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sam: for telling Patrick she wants to sleep with him tonight, then closing the door, plotting to get Jake over to the house, and then trying to manipulate him into spilling the secret. I rolled my eyes at her telling Jason Danny's "climbing the walls" when he was just coloring at the table, not making a sound. She looked so sad when Jason left. Liz and Patrick are both utter idiots for thinking they've 'won' in this mess.

Sam is SO OOC or highly delusional. Trying to screw Patrick later that night!? Knowing Jason is alive!? Quickly agreeing to a divorce!? Lol, please, show. My cheeks hurt from cackling.

  • Love 1


Valerie owned Lulu's behind in that scene with Dante.  Dante is just so p*ssy whipped now that he's bedding someone other than Lulu!  Get it, Valerie!


You go, Val Girl! Princess Lulu doesn't have her "Day-ddy" Luke to fix her golden life up now! Lulu sent the signed separation papers to Dante, and so he signed them too, assuming she wanted that from him. But Lulu has fixed it so that Dante is going to be in the wrong whether he signs them or not. If he signs, he will be told he deliberately runied the marriage and now does not love Lulu or want to preserve the marriage (more screaming and tears from Lulu); if he doesn't sign, he will be standing up to Lulu's explicit signed demands in the legal order for separation (more screaming and tears from Lulu that he didn't sign after she went to all the trouble of getting them preparing and signing them herself.)  I believe that Lulu really went to visit him because she itched to see how he had obeyed her, either in signing the papers or tearing them up. If her secret wish was that he would tear them up, she may be unconsciously wanting a macho-man like Day-ddy Luke who would yell back at her instead of passively coping with her rage by bedding another woman.


He's feeling bad but he chooses to sign, and has mixed feelings of sadness but also relief from Lulu's pressure and self-righteous screaming. Val is there is bind up his wounds from the constant "whipping" Lulu is giving him whenever they cross paths. Val definitely chased him, but Lulu kept making it easy for Val to win. So Val told Lulu that.


Princess Lulu's bitchface was a sight to see. She's had it coming for years. Although I know it is an opinion that is not popular, I think Dante was right to escape from that abuse that Lulu was heaping on him. They need counseling--both sides need it.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

I rolled my eyes at her telling Jason Danny's "climbing the walls" when he was just coloring at the table, not making a sound.

RME too. I then I didn't think Jake would be all that thrilled about coming to play with a littler kid.  Does he know they are half brothers? Still usually boys are more excited to go play with "big boys" so Dead Now Alive Jake must be excited to bring his new little brother over to the dark side.


Baby Avery looks like Princess Charlotte.


Who the hell writes this mess? And this is why I took an almost seven year break from soap operas and am only watching this crap in passing. How the hell has Lulu become the bad guy or Dante the wronged one when her husband fucked her cousin and lied for months about it? And because she didn't forgive him after a few measly days of groveling (and personally I really didn't see much groveling or much of anything - honestly is the actor just over the pairing because he has not convinced me once that he's heartbroken over this) and filed separation papers he fucks the cousin again? And dude that Valerie chick - WTAF? I thought Liz was smug and annoying but that one gives her a run for her money. Why has Lulu not backhanded that chick back to wherever the hell she came from?


And then this Jason/Sam/Liz/Patrick nonsense. Let's put aside the fact that this was dragged out for a year, only to still have the fact that Liz knew he was Jason still this big looming secret and he still doesn't remember shit. But whatever... So Jake/Jason goes on and on about wanting to know who he is. Then when he finds out, is pretty much, "eh I still don't remember any of it so whatever, peace."


I loved Sam shaming him slightly with that "tie up loose ends" shitty line but she should have punched him in the face and told him to go fuck himself and enjoy his "family and happiness" with the desperate and delusional nut. Like even if Jason does not remember his life with Sam, the two of them were friends before he found out who he was. Hell he found out partly because she was so determined to help him get the answers he wanted. And yet it's like "well I don't remember that life with you so whatever..."


How about you take a few days or weeks and try to reassess everything instead of "well yeah sorry, this is the life I know now."  So what was the point then of wanting to know who you really were? While I can't stand Carly and didn't agree with everything she was saying, she was right in telling him to not just rush into any decision that quickly with everything that just happened.


And forget about any relationship and feelings for Sam, has Jason done diddly to bond with and get to know his SON with Sam? Or does Danny not fit in his little "happy family" with Liz and her boys. Sam can do so much better in my opinion. Let the desperate one have him. After all, when a person is as pathetic as Elizabeth is for Jason, just let her have him. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 15

I missed the Helena death.  DVR didn't record those days.  Were there witnesses?  Did she really die or is it some bullshit?  Are they playing that Little Boy Jake was attached to her and is actually mourning Helena? (As much as that little fella can show emotion).


Sorry for all the questions, just catching up.


Still standing by my theory that NuJason won't give a shit that Liz knew.  He will blow off Sam and he and Liz will be the end game/root for couple.  I've had this feeling ever since Billy and Kelly hooked up real life. Backstage romance/hi-jinx/feuds, etc prolly skews more story than we'll ever realize. All of this is based on nothing but my gut so I can't defend it in court.


Sam will need a love interest with NuJason occupied and Patrick gone.  Any ideas who it might be?

MB should always share scenes with babies. His acting seems much more natural and it's really the only time I think I've seen Sonny's genuine smile.


Avery is a bundle of awesome cuteness.


I agree with previous posters that Sam is delusional, trying to move on from Jason with Patrick. While she does love Patrick, her heart belongs to Jason. I give her credit for trying to take the high road, but the PI in her isn't going to let go of this secret. I'm glad that she caught herself and decided not to use scary little Jake to find out what the secret is. Liz, on the other hand, is a bit too enthusiastic about Jason starting the divorce process. With the way she's acting, how can Jason not suspect something's up with her? Just crazy or bad writing? (Never mind. I know the answer.)


I can't even with Dante and Valerie. Dante is completely out of character and it's pissing me off.  The old Dante would fight for Lulu, not jump in bed with her cousin. And someone needs to slap Valerie. Hard. Repeatedly.

  • Love 10

I missed the Helena death.  DVR didn't record those days.  Were there witnesses?  Did she really die or is it some bullshit?  Are they playing that Little Boy Jake was attached to her and is actually mourning Helena? (As much as that little fella can show emotion).


Yes, A doctor, Nik, Liz, Jason, and Sam. re, is she really dead: Don't know. re: Jake, I don't think so.

  • Love 1

Since nothing else was on, I tuned in today (just in time to hear Clinton Kelly screech for everyone to have a fabulous day), and couldn't believe how much worse this show has gotten.  Is there no rock bottom?


What have these writers done to Dante?  He's completely unrecognizable. 


And that Valerie creature can just fuck right off and die any time, though that could be said for most of the characters these days.  At least Sam trying to manipulate that demon kid was pretty funny.  Surely he saw right through her clumsy attempt, given that he's spent that last few years with the dragon queen and his mother now lies as a matter of course.

  • Love 7



He's feeling bad but he chooses to sign, and has mixed feelings of sadness but also relief from Lulu's pressure and self-righteous screaming. Val is there is bind up his wounds from the constant "whipping" Lulu is giving him whenever they cross paths. Val definitely chased him, but Lulu kept making it easy for Val to win. So Val told Lulu that.

Princess Lulu's bitchface was a sight to see. She's had it coming for years. Although I know it is an opinion that is not popular, I think Dante was right to escape from that abuse that Lulu was heaping on him. They need counseling--both sides need it.


Abuse? What abuse are you talking about? And constant whipping? You mean her "self-righteously" getting angry that he slept with her cousin in their bed and then lied to her for months? She's barely even had a month to process it. Cry me a river over Dante's supposed pain and anguish because Lulu is justifiably mad at him. If he was any kind of man, and not his father's son, he would have sucked it up and realized this was on him, and that maybe hopping aboard his wife's cousin the second he signed separation papers wasn't the thing to do.


Lulu is not "making it easy for Val to win" because she didn't immediately roll over and forgive Dante for breaking their trust. And if Val was the decent person she claim to be she wouldn't be trying to pounce the second Dante is most vulnerable (not that Dante is acting like he cares about his marriage much.)

  • Love 15

Why is Liz even bragging to Patrick that her fiance needs to divorce his wife in order to marry her? Liz, honey, that isn't anything to brag about.


So it seemed from all of the individual Liz and Patrick scenes, and their ones together, that they are basically trying to project their own feelings onto Sam and Jason, or what Patrick and Liz THINK JaSam should feel.

  • Love 6

I continue to be disgusted that Lulu hasn't beaten the shit out of Dante and Val. Even fucking Sabrina probably would have snapped by now. I actually think I hate Val more than Dante. Dante is a piece of shit but Val is practically gleeful over Lante's marriage busting up. And on what planet does the side piece get to blame the spouse that got cheated on? Then she pretends like she used to feel remorse when she knows damn well that she's been scheming to get that dick this whole time. Dead Now Alive Jake needs to come get her.

Carly did to Bobbie, when she caught her with Tony in their cabin, Maxie did with Liz when she found out about Lucky. I just don't think in either instances were supposed to see either of them as right.

You go, Val Girl! Princess Lulu doesn't have her "Day-ddy" Luke to fix her golden life up now! Lulu sent the signed separation papers to Dante, and so he signed them too, assuming she wanted that from him. But Lulu has fixed it so that Dante is going to be in the wrong whether he signs them or not. If he signs, he will be told he deliberately runied the marriage and now does not love Lulu or want to preserve the marriage (more screaming and tears from Lulu); if he doesn't sign, he will be standing up to Lulu's explicit signed demands in the legal order for separation (more screaming and tears from Lulu that he didn't sign after she went to all the trouble of getting them preparing and signing them herself.)  I believe that Lulu really went to visit him because she itched to see how he had obeyed her, either in signing the papers or tearing them up. If her secret wish was that he would tear them up, she may be unconsciously wanting a macho-man like Day-ddy Luke who would yell back at her instead of passively coping with her rage by bedding another woman.


He's feeling bad but he chooses to sign, and has mixed feelings of sadness but also relief from Lulu's pressure and self-righteous screaming. Val is there is bind up his wounds from the constant "whipping" Lulu is giving him whenever they cross paths. Val definitely chased him, but Lulu kept making it easy for Val to win. So Val told Lulu that.


Princess Lulu's bitchface was a sight to see. She's had it coming for years. Although I know it is an opinion that is not popular, I think Dante was right to escape from that abuse that Lulu was heaping on him. They need counseling--both sides need it.

Number one, Lulu and Lucky have spent more time and effort in their adulthood fixing up and taking care of Luke than the other way around. Even with Laura's mental problems, she had the decency to go to France in order to not be a burden on her children and to not bury her head in the sand.


Compared to other women, in fiction and in real life, Dante got off a lot easier. It wasn't just that he slept with another woman, he in fact lied to Lulu about, and she ended up finding out in a mortifying way. He was feeling bad? He fucked another woman in their martial bed, then they both blame her for them fucking, both times. And I trying to see the constant abuse that Lulu would heap on Dante. She apologized to him when she believed that all he and Valerie did was kiss, because she did see she should have trusted Dante with Luke/Cassadine thing. When she referred to the kiss, all she said how relieved she was that is all they did. She didn't hold it against one bit. Then she went back on track to  expanding their family, totally normal to do when you have a 2 year old, and even more urgency when psychos kidnap you and render you infertile and you have one embryo left after their peons steal the remain embryos you had. 


Then she found out they did screw, so understandably she had a freak out and is now on the fence about continuing with their marriage. Most normal people would try to show they are serious about their relationship or marriage and not even date anyone until the person they cheated on started dating other people. Dante didn't even wait for the ink to dry. When Patrick finally confessed about him and Lisa to Robin and apologized, Robin didn't forgive him on the spot (though I thought she forgave him to soon), which it seems Dante was expecting. It has been less than month, and it doesn't help one bit that Valerie blames Lulu for her sleeping with Dante. Dante really should have shut that shit down if he wanted to get back in Lulu's good graces. 


As for Valerie, I rewatched the 4th of July clips as well, and while the first time she said we shouldn't be doing this, she did feed into Dante's mistaken belief that Lulu was cheating with Dillon, even when anyone else, like his mother, would tell him to sort it out with Lulu before jumping to conclusions. In fact she pretty implanted the idea that Lulu was all of the sudden having an affair, even though they weren't even having mild disagreements about petty shit at the time and seemed as close as ever.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 10


I have no horse in the Dante/Lulu/Valerie mess.


And maybe that's why although Dante and Valerie are being 100% completely horrible, I just can't bring myself to care. Like people are enraged, and I'm just all...what's going on with Carly's hair? It looks HIDEOUS. That two tone color is just so bad. And the loose curls, I just hate. I was slightly amused at her grabbing Liz and practically throwing her across the room.


LMAO at Laura pretending that Nik is some innocent flower. These evil, evil women, I tell you.


Meanwhile, I was completely creeped out by Sonny's creepy whispering to Avery. Loved her looking offscreen when he was cradling her like, "get me the hell out of here and away from this dude".

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4

LMAO at Laura pretending that Nik is some innocent flower. These evil, evil women, I tell you.

I was also laughing at Nik's tears over HELENA. Like, what is HAPPENING on this show!? Who are these people!? Nik, Dante, Liz, Patrick, Anna, etc, just UNRECOGNIZABLE. And SONNY...SONNY...is singing lullabies to his kid like he's The Greatest Father Who Ever Fathered.

  • Love 7

Sonny will be the one to find Robin.

I'm surprised even they didn't bring up the 20th anniversary of Stone's death. It would have been a good opportunity for Sonny whitewashing.

I'm surprised they didn't have Michael S. come back as Ghost!Stone! to tell Sam that she's The Most Beautiful Woman He's Ever Seen In His Afterlife. And then Patrick would be like, "It's about time you get out of Sam's life, Stone!!"

  • Love 4

Dante didn't even bother to talk to his wife when he thought she was having an affair. He instead choose to climb all over her cousin in their marital bed. By the time Lulu came back, Dante practically had her bags packed and was declaring their marriage over, yet he somehow can't grasp that Lulu might be conflicted over this and need time to cool down, even with the separation papers. 




So, so true. And it makes Valerie's screeching even more ridiculous. 


I could maybe understand if it had been years, but it really has not been that long. And I know using logic with this show is pointless, but IRL, it can take a long fucking while to get over infidelity, if ever. So, shut your pie hole, Valerie. Sorry that Lulu isn't getting over her pain on yours and Dante's timetable. Good grief. 


I hate infidelity storylines for many reasons, but mainly because they warp into some weird thing where the person who cheated is the one everyone feels sorry for, etc, and the onus is now put on the hurt party to make amends or get over their pain ASAP, otherwise the first person to come sniffing around their estranged ex feels the need to point out that the person, you know, who got cheated on took too long. Not that I see fans feeling sorry for Dante, but characters. Valerie certainly does with the load of bullshit she threw out today at Lulu. What-the-fuck-ever though.

  • Love 7

Jason is an insufferable, condescending, cowardly, selfish, demanding prat. Some things just never change.


Aside from the vets (who?) that barely get airtime once a week, or a month, or Lucas and Brad (who and huh?) getting a chance to further their relationship or show doctors actually doing work at GH, as silly as that sounds...absolutely none of these characters appeal to me.


I just want them all to fall into a bottomless pit and let that be the end. How can I root for such awful, terrible people who just get worse and worse as time goes on?


Hayden is like white noise, everything about her signifies nothingness. That "Curtis" fellow is another worthless thug that serves no real purpose, why was he even cast? But then again, why am I even asking?


I've got a cheating husband acting the victim along with the wife's slaggard cousin sniffing down at her from upon her high horse.


Sonny is still alive. Carly is still alive. Morgan is still alive. Kiki is still alive. The Nina is still alive. The SERIAL KILLER is still alive. And I have to stop there or else I'll make myself sick thinking of all the worthless losers that are showcased on this show on such a regular basis.


I cannot even comment on Laura's behaviour...another pointless endeavor to bring on a vet and then wreck and ruin her beyond recognition, imho.


And as far as the so called "love quadrangle" goes between Sam, Jason, Patrick and Liz...it's like toxic waste. I feel as if it's hazardous to my health watching that loathsome bunch behave so abhorrently.


And to top everything off, whatever action that's going on (loosely termed) is moving so bloody slowly it's like Groundhog's Day in soap hell.


As if the idiots in charge actually believe that this bollocks they're putting on the screen is worth taking their time with and we're all just sitting around with baited breath, so eager for what's to come the next day.


I am at a loss...well at least for a loss of a words that aren't expletives, because I have tons, and tons, and TONS! of those handy dandy.

  • Love 8

I apologize to anyone if my repeated partisanship for Dante and Val is irritating. IMHO I truly see it the way I am  saying, that they all three need counseling, and all three have a guilty part in this triangle mess. Thanks for your toleration and patience with my viewpoint. I'm enjoying reading and thinking about your differing arguments and opinions.

  • Love 4

Was it really necessary to kill of Constance Towers?  She's going strong. Still diabolically delicious despite the drivel they gave her in the last few years. I'm sitting here waiting for Robert.  What they've done to Anna is another crime.  I also can't wait for Robert and Laura to see each other. At least give me that.  It's been

more than 30 years since they've been on together.

  • Love 2
The Q's are Yankee fans because God is a Yankee fan and they wish to be closer to Him


It is so nice to think about spring and baseball (despite you being wrong about which team that God likes).  One can only imagine what these writers/FV have in store for us this winter.


I believe Curtis is a new contract player. He's a criminal


Rage simmering - 3...2...1. 

I was home sick last week and waded in from the barge to watch a couple of episodes in real time (remote was across the room).

Are there actual fan communities somewhere, applauding this tripe? Thinking this is compelling daytime drama? If so, what drugs are they on? Do they have one working brain cell between them?

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 7

Who are Curtis and Hayden?




what's going on with Carly's hair? It looks HIDEOUS. That two tone color is just so bad. And the loose curls, I just hate.


This was my first thought upon seeing her yesterday. It's really bad.


I'm happy to see more posters start to refer to the Jiz spawn as Dead Now Alive Jake.


It's too good not to use.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

In the words of one Hank Hill in regards to Jake: "That boy ain't right".


And he can't act, imo. I know he's just a little kid and all but really, it's painful watching him doing whatever it is he thinks he's doing, or even worse is being instructed to do.


I couldn't even watch the whole of his scenes with Danny and Sam. Danny is bad enough all on his own, another child who seems both bored and sleepy at the same time. But Jake's dead eyed, monotone, and just the general flat affect he seems to display is beyond the pale for me.


And of course none of this would even be possible if it weren't for Wreck It Ron wanting to bring this kid "back from the dead" just because he wanted to say he did (could).

  • Love 6

Dear God, how I hate these people. My primary entertainment from watching this show consists of deciding who I hate most on a given day. Today I hate Carly, Sonny, Jakeson, Liz, Patrick and Sam. I'm refraining from hating Ava because she messes with Carly and Sonny. I'm not hating on Dante because he's too stupid to hate at this point. 


Jakeson, Liz, Patrick and Sam all need a time out. Or I need a time out from them. On the good side: KeMo can rock a pair of legging jeans! On the bad side: everything else. It sucks that BM has the most chemistry with BH ... although, that's definitely a case of "he's the nicest guard at the concentration camp." You know who really has chemistry in this  goat rodeo of a story? BH and KeMo. Their scenes, while highly annoying to someone like moi who hates both Jason pairings, gave every appearance of being played by conscious, nay caffeinated, actors. When Sam accused Liz of never accepting the "real Jason" and yearned for Liz (or the stewardess or the pilot) to respond, "you mean, the hit man Jason?"


They weren't on but top of my hate list is still Alexis, followed by Alexis and Julian. Hate. 



Greg Vaughan return to this crap fest might keep me off the barge. He was wasted on Days after his first year. Just don't make him Lucky again. I've had enough Lucky.

  • Love 2
(shallow note) I'm not liking Carly's bigger hair.


I like it when they let LW's natural waves show, but this Farrah-esque style does her no favors. But man, does she have a TON of hair. 


MB should always share scenes with babies. His acting seems much more natural and it's really the only time I think I've seen Sonny's genuine smile.


He's always really great with babies and the younger actors; when HP first came out, Sonny and Molly had some really nice scenes together where Mo really shone. It helps that the Avery baby is so awesome. She keeps everyone on their toes.


Was it really necessary to kill of Constance Towers?


Helena's not dead. There's no way they'd kill her off that benignly. Even with Luke gone, her death won't be less than opera buffo.


Add me to the list of people who don't understand Jason. He wants to know who he is but ignores it when he finds out. So which is it? I get he might not be happy knowing he was a hired killer, but don't ask questions if you don't want to know the answers. They don't show him at all wrestling with what he's learned. Some soul-searching should be shown. Good lord. It's so stupid.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

On a previous page, a poster put out the idea that maybe the show is being so poorly written so that it'll be cancelled. Does this remind anyone of the Crimson s/l, where Derek hired WENEVERCARED to run the magazine into the ground due to ineptness so that all of his tax problems relating to the magazine would be solved when the mag folds? Interesting parallel...


Oh, and Hells is SO not dead. She lives on in Alive Not Dead Jake. She shrunk herself down, had a minion return Jake to Cassadine Island, and is wearing one of those masks supplied by her buddy Faison.


One last comment: Even though Vincent Irizarry just signed with Days, the IIC should hire him to reprise the role of Dr. Deliciously Devious David Hayward, thus giving GH a top-notch SURGEON plus a real love interest for Anna (absent RF!S, of course).


My work here is done.

  • Love 4

My DVR gave me an early Christmas present and only caught a bit here and there.  From what y'all are saying sounds like my blood pressure is better off.   Hope everyone had a great T-Day.  I used the last of the turkey in soup last night.  Pretty tasty (if I say so myself).


Helena is sooooo not dead.  Missed Curtis....cute, huh?

  • Love 1

On a previous page, a poster put out the idea that maybe the show is being so poorly written so that it'll be cancelled. Does this remind anyone of the Crimson s/l, where Derek hired WENEVERCARED to run the magazine into the ground due to ineptness so that all of his tax problems relating to the magazine would be solved when the mag folds? Interesting parallel...

I thought of that too, especially when Nina asked for a bigger budget to create splashier, more fashion forward spreads, and Julian stated he wouldn't be giving them any money and see what they can do on social media, which seems to be what TIIC have GH do now, except they have them keep cutting the budget.

Add me to the list of people who don't understand Jason. He wants to know who he is but ignores it when he finds out. So which is it?

I don't think he ignored it. He went to find Helena, she fucked around some more, and then she died. And now Jason has Liz, Patrick, and Sam herself telling him he should get a divorce rolling.

The real WTF part of this story at this point is not ONE person telling Jason to contact Robin. It's gross and appalling after everything she did, even if Patrick believes she wasn't the one who saved Jason because she told him otherwise. She still has the most knowledge and she LEFT because of Jason.

Which brings me to...will Jason and/or Patrick mention Robin today?

A) No.

B) Hell no.

C) Omg, stop, no.

D) By Robin do you mean Sam?

E) What Would Nathan Varni Want?

  • Love 3

I thought of that too, especially when Nina asked for a bigger budget to create splashier, more fashion forward spreads, and Julian stated he wouldn't be giving them any money and see what they can do on social media, which seems to be what TIIC have GH do now, except they have them keep cutting the budget.

Word has it that Frank is furiously rewriting scripts so it wouldn't surprise me if that was one of the rewrites.

  • Love 1

No, he's pretty bad, even for a child actor. I agree.



I can't help but think that the kid would much rather be playing or having actual fun than being forced to act. Because from all I've seen, he's doing what he's told, aka Mommy/and or Daddy want this kid padding his acting resume but he seems to not care one iota about this business. 


Here's hoping they're saving up for college at least.

I don't think he ignored it. He went to find Helena, she fucked around some more, and then she died. And now Jason has Liz, Patrick, and Sam herself telling him he should get a divorce rolling.

The real WTF part of this story at this point is not ONE person telling Jason to contact Robin. It's gross and appalling after everything she did, even if Patrick believes she wasn't the one who saved Jason because she told him otherwise. She still has the most knowledge and she LEFT because of Jason.

Which brings me to...will Jason and/or Patrick mention Robin today?

A) No.

B) Hell no.

C) Omg, stop, no.

D) By Robin do you mean Sam?

E) What Would Nathan Varni Want?

F.  Who?

  • Love 6

I don't understand why no one has talked to him about the last time he lost his memory or mentioned looking for Robin since she got it back for him last time.

Yup. And I also don't get why no one thinks it's odd that Robin hasn't called Jason yet or wanted to talk to him. I guess Patrick is too busy up Sam's ass and rolling his eyes at Robin's possible PTSD.

Yup. And I also don't get why no one thinks it's odd that Robin hasn't called Jason yet or wanted to talk to him. I guess Patrick is too busy up Sam's ass and rolling his eyes at Robin's possible PTSD.


At least Sam has mentioned Robin, however briefly it was. Maybe she'll get back to that. And I can't put all the responsibility for thinking of Robin on her. Patrick hasn't mentioned or thought of Robin is relation to Jason/his memories at all, except to yell at her for always brushing him off on the phone.

  • Love 2

They did, but Jason was also a pretty willing participant. He was all mad that the Qs wouldn't leave him alone (fair enough), so he threw in his lot with Sonny and the mob (an overreaction if there ever was one).


The old "get me some space or I'll become a hitman" thing? Kids! 


Jason was willing. I just loathe the holy thing that Carly and Jason's friendship has become. 

  • Love 7
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