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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Olivia should have been written off the show years ago.



I've been saying this about so many characters lately.


She was going to be written off in 2012 and then I dunno how she was spared. There was some gossip that they decided to keep her and Steve around for a little bit longer because of Ron bringing Heather on. After that, I am convinced LLC's hardcore ingratiating (I'm not trying to be mean, I remember all the time in 2012 it was just LLC constantly tweeting how awesome her script was) and her willingness to do whatever/take whatever they'd give her convinced them to let her stay.


I could deal with her staying but no more a) giving her story and b) interacting with Sonny. There is no one who looks stupider/more hypocritical when they kiss his ass than her, imo. I mean, there is the fucking spot where she saw him standing over her son's body with a gun!!! There!!! It's right there!!! She just walked over the spot like 10 times in 10 seconds! And she's spouting how death is too good for someone else?? Take a seat, Olivia, take a seat. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 11

I love LLC, but Olivia...  I like her when she's not around Sonny.  I love her relationship with Dante and her relationship with Lulu.  I think I could have really liked Ned/Olivia if the show hadn't let WK slip through their fingers (or written the whole dead baby lie thing).  But with Sonny, it's just rage-inducing.  If they aren't willing to write her having the appropriate attitude around him, then just keep them out of each other's orbit and let them be polite when family ties dictate they are in the same place at the same time. 

  • Love 16

And Sonny doesn't exactly sound loving when he talks about Carly being her mother (what) cancelling out all of Avery's Jerome blood. I mean I don't even know where to start with that.



This! I was hit with a splitting headache when I heard that; it was almost stroke-worthy. Half of Avery's flesh and blood is still Jerome, even if we assume that Sonny really is her father. It's stupid that Sonny thinks he can just proclaim that Carly is Avery's real mother. Adoption (or in this case, mere babysitting) trumps Avery's biological parentage? It's the Michael Quartermaine story all over again. Sonny and Carly covet a child, and stop at nothing to gain control of it. The strange artificial parenthood is like an erotic bond that Carly and Sonny share.


And Sabrina is irritating again, mincing around as Princess of Quartermaine, working on Michael to forgive Sonny. Hired as a nanny, smug Sabrina has worked her way quickly into being mistress and confidante. Her excuses for Sonny make me sick, and I don't understand her motivation to excuse him. She claims to care about Michael, yet she subtly defends his brother's killer again and again.


Why doesn't that judge put the kibosh on scowling Franco? Yelling in court, rising and striding around like a caged animal, Franco should be hauled away by the bailiff and cool his heels waiting in suspense for news. He's a brat who craves attention, and doesn't respect the court.


Can't AvaDenise be fined or disciplined for showing up to testify dressed like that?





  • Love 6

She was going to be written off in 2012 and then I dunno how she was spared. There was some gossip that they decided to keep her and Steve around for a little bit longer because of Ron bringing Heather on. After that, I am convinced LLC's hardcore ingratiating (I'm not trying to be mean, I remember all the time in 2012 it was just LLC constantly tweeting how awesome her script was) and her willingness to do whatever/take whatever they'd give her convinced them to let her stay.

I could deal with her staying but no more a) giving her story and b) interacting with Sonny. There is no one who looks stupider/more hypocritical when they kiss his ass than her, imo. I mean, there is the fucking spot where you saw him standing over son's body with a gun lady!!! There!!! It's right there!!! You just fucking walked over the spot like 10 times in 10 seconds! And she's spouting how death is too good for someone else?? Take a seat, Olivia, take a seat.

I will forever want her off the show as long as she's written like Sonny's PR Agent. This is the man that nearly killed her son and cheated on her with a murderer. Need I say more?


I also don't understand how the writers of this show have characters, with straight faces, ask Michael if he will forgive Sonny. SONNYKILLEDHISFATHER. STOP IT, SHOW! STOP.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 9

I am at the point where I don't know if I can continue to watch. She was really, really, really gross. I bet she's going to be thrilled that Ava's alive so she can be sent to prison. I'm sorry, but if anyone in my family was murdered, I'd be glad they died. Oh sure, Liv. Baby Leo needs to be kept from Julian, but the man who SHOT YOUR SON is totes fine with raising Avery. And I know I'm not objective, but cancelling out the blood of Ava? Fuck off, you stuttering greaseball. Just NO.


Again, all of his crimes are just handwaved away no matter what. Pardon, bi polar disease, whatever.


I wish he had never come on this show.

The sickest thing about it is she talking to a man that has been pardoned for murder. First degree murder! What about justice for the mother of of his victim. No, instead he gets to go back to his big mansion, cuddling the cutest thing on this show,still in power and planning his wedding. At the very least, aside from fucking Morgan, Ava has been suffering more.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 2


Can't AvaDenise be fined or disciplined for showing up to testify dressed like that?


Unless they were going to wait for her to change, why should she be fined or disciplined? They dragged her out of her apartment to testify immediately. Like she said, she had no choice.


I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I want Liz and her lies back. I'd rather watch that crap than this. At least Liz is pretty to look at, unlike Sonny.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 3

I can't believe they had Olivia spout that stuff with a straight face. I could maybe get behind it if she wanted something from Sonny and was trying to butter him up, or she was desperately trying to convince herself that Julian had gotten out of the mob. But no, it was completely sincere, and because Julian was taken down to the station, he had to be guilty, never mind that when it's Sonny who gets interrogated, it's always because the commissioner is a big old meanie who holds a grudge.


Okay, Julian probably is back in the mob—he's had a few too many guilty looks whenever it's mentioned—but that doesn't make him any worse than Sonny. Oh, wait. It does.

  • Love 3

Hey, it happens sometimes.

I wanted Olivia to have a baby, but I wanted it to be Johnny's dammit.

For me, it isn't that the baby is so much younger than Dante (and a year younger than his son), it is that as someone mentioned it is there are too many fucking babies, there isn't a real relationship with Julian (or a lot of babies being born) and there is something unsettling that he newish little half sister is his dad's & Ava's kid and brand new brother is his mother's & Ava's brother Julian kid.

  • Love 4

Thank goodness I'm on the barge, because Sabrina being Sonny's new ass kisser is causing rage. What the hell, writers! She should be supporting Michael, not making excuses for the ass that killed his father. This is pretty much the last straw and I will continue to delete all the episodes without watching until the new writers bring some life back into this show. Or the Jake reveal so I can see Liz being kicked to the curb.

  • Love 4

I watched the entire show today, as as experiment in how much horrible tv I could sit through.  The whole fucking show was about Nina and Sonny. 


Never again.



Again, all of his crimes are just handwaved away no matter what. Pardon, bi polar disease, whatever.


I wish he had never come on this show.


So do I.  It really has not been the same since MB came on.  It's quite depressing. 


I was watching on old Hart to Hart episode the other day (from 82 or 83), and in it Jennifer won a contest for a walk on spot on a soap.  It's always interesting to see primetime shows from that era use a daytime soap as a basis for that week's plot.  Pretty sad that a genre that used to be that popular is now down to four, and that the one that used to be the best is dominated by repulsive characters like Nina and Sonny.

  • Love 1

Idle thoughts as summer wanes and schoolbuses begin to beetle by the gate again...


  • If Olivia didn't flop down and open her legs for mobsters, she wouldn't have to worry so much about keeping the subsequent children from meeting their daddies. Why can't she connect the dots?


  • Now that Mo-Ron's script days are dwindling, and Carson's re-re-re-re-rewedding is scheduled, will we have to suffer Lucy Coe's off-the-wall antics as the marriage officiator? Can't we have a normal clergyperson?


  • Since Sonny's home is the site of the nuptials, if potential assassins and evildoers plan to interfere, will they find their job more difficult?
  • Will Maxie brighten up those black roots in time for the wedding?
  • Why is wooden Nathan still trying to figure out who kidnapped Avery? She was found unharmed long ago, Old news.



  • Love 2
Why is wooden Nathan still trying to figure out


His appearances have been very soothing for my Sonny/Franco/Nina/Kiki rage and cute to watch as he strains to spit out his dialogue. 


Congrats RC/FV!  Y'all have taken GH to new lows.  One can only imagine the stuff (e.g., blowing up the hospital) that was the fine line - besides the dismal ratings -  that was crossed that caused RC to get fired. Never have I been this close to typing an obscenity and I've been on this internet thing for over two decades and started watching this show over four decades ago. 

  • Love 4

I don't understand why TPTB think showcasing the mob, Carson, Nina, Franco and Keeks will fix or even save this show.

I didn't watch but as a nurse, I'm appalled that they had perfect test score Sabreeeena, say Sonny wasn't at fault for his actions because he is bipolar. I also can't believe we are rehashing good mobster Sonny vs ever other mobster being bad and evil for 554257983248522441th time. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.

I have been holding on by a freaking thread but I can't and won't be tuning in to Sonny, Jason or Carly propping. They are what drove me away when I returned in 2006. You can't make the murdering mobsters, killers and liars the moral compass of a fucking show. You need Laura's and Robin's to balance it out.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 12

That is so beyond stupid. They would almost be better off not mentioning AJ's death than ... reminding the audience and trying to convince them it's totes ok in the most idiotic ways possible.

Sabrina tried to kill another woman's unborn baby. As a nurse entrusted with medical care. And got away with it. No wonder she is a-ok with stupid excuses for murderous behavior.

  • Love 15

For me, it isn't that the baby is so much younger than Dante (and a year younger than his son), it is that as someone mentioned it is there are too many fucking babies, there isn't a real relationship with Julian (or a lot of babies being born) and there is something unsettling that he newish little half sister is his dad's & Ava's kid and brand new brother is his mother's & Ava's brother Julian kid.

There were 6 pregnAncies and 5 babies born in RC's three years and more than half of them are related to the Jerome family

I also don't understand how the writers of this show have characters, with straight faces, ask Michael if he will forgive Sonny. SONNYKILLEDHISFATHER. STOP IT, SHOW! STOP.



It isn't even that they ask him IF he will forgive Sonny; it's the implication that he SHOULD forgive Sonny that I find so rage inducing.  Wouldn't most be like "Yeah, Michael, killing AJ in cold blood and then lying about it is horrible.  I totally understand why you don't want to be around Sonny anymore and why you would find it impossible to have any kind of relationship with him going forward"?  Instead we get, "Michael why are you being so mean to Sonny?  He loves you - when are you going to get over him shooting that fat loser AJ?"


So much hate!

  • Love 18

Dear god, Olivia gave me a rage blackout today, how can she justify Sonny and Snarly being Avery's parents when she kept Dante away from Sonny for over two decades and is currently keeping baby Leo away from Julian because they are both mobsters.

Don't forget the minute Dante was involved with his *now* sainted father .The man shot him in cold blood and Because he didn't die right away was planning to shoot him again. Then he blamed Olivia because he didn't know he was his son GAG ME ! I am not a big Julian fan but has he put any of his kids in danger by his own hand .You know bombs in cars , pushing the girlfriend out of the way and son gets shot, takes protection off said son after causing him to be in jail. Olivia needs to go. The stupidity of this show burns .

  • Love 2

For me, it isn't that the baby is so much younger than Dante (and a year younger than his son), it is that as someone mentioned it is there are too many fucking babies, there isn't a real relationship with Julian (or a lot of babies being born) and there is something unsettling that he newish little half sister is his dad's & Ava's kid and brand new brother is his mother's & Ava's brother Julian kid.

Holy crap, am I slow! Just realized Dante's new baby sister on his father's side and his new baby brother on his mother's side will also be cousins to each other...Oh, show, way to keep the GH family tree from forking!

  • Love 2


...have characters, with straight faces, ask Michael if he will forgive Sonny. SONNYKILLEDHISFATHER. STOP IT, SHOW! STOP.

But he didn't meeeaan it!  Carly said so.  It was teh bipolar, where it's okay to do whatever you want.  And AJ had been choking Ava so Sonny was totally justified to shoot AJ, who was begging for his life.   Sonny had to kill AJ, rather than just telling him to back off.

And how great was it that Carly and Maddy could commiserate over having family members with mental illness.  Isn't Madeline the reason that Neenah is mentally ill?  Is secretly drugging your daughter the sign of a sane person?  How about killing a pharmacist to hide your crime?

  • Love 3

Holy crap, am I slow! Just realized Dante's new baby sister on his father's side and his new baby brother on his mother's side will also be cousins to each other...Oh, show, way to keep the GH family tree from forking!

Understandable, considering that there is very little family interaction on this show (though Ava and Julian have more contact with each other than most) to remind you. 

  • Love 1
She should be supporting Michael, not making excuses for the ass that killed his father.


I don't mind Sabrina challenging Michael's feelings about things—I think that's genuinely a good thing. The better he understands why he thinks the way he does, the better he can explain it to others. But for her to start propping Sonny that way, when she has only the most minimal experience with him, is absurd. And she's been a nurse for all of three years, so her professional experience with mental illness is next to nothing. STFU, Sabrina.

  • Love 5

I would think MB would be put off by this 'Sonny killed AJ because he's bipolar' shit. Implying that being bipolar means you kill people is so offensive.


I think dude only cares about Sonny's viability as a character and the show going on for just a leetle while longer. Or at least, prioritizes it before any representation of bi-polar.

  • Love 3

Sabrina should have been a Sonny and Carly plant.  Something held over her head to get her to do their bidding.


First, that she helps get Michael to give Avery back.

Second, to get Michael to soften towards Sonny and Carly and ultimately forgive both of them without them having to do any work.


There, her bizarre remarks explained.

  • Love 2

Who is the third Jerome baby?  Avery, Olivia's, and.... ?  I'm happy I managed to tune one out.


Avery still better be Morgan's eventually.  Or Avery could just die (once it's no longer played by its current most adorable baby ever seen on television).  Sonny has too many damn children.  


I guess Danny counts as a Jerome baby?

Edited by ulkis

Avery is better off having been hatched than having greasy thug Sonny or dimbulb Morgan as her father. Then again, her mama is no great shakes, either. The child is doomed.

Believed the same for baby Kristina Davis. I begged for her paternity to turn out to be anyone else's child. Including Ned, Coleman, Jax, some random one night stand or even Reginald the butler. Anyone but Sonny.

Sabrina can just go and die now. I hate her so damn much. At this moment more than even murderer Scummy and NULOCHCarly. Kiki is more useful and holds more purpose than Sabrina right now.

  • Love 3
Believed the same for baby Kristina Davis. I begged for her paternity to turn out to be anyone else's child. Including Ned, Coleman, Jax, some random one night stand or even Reginald the butler.


I'd still pay money for Kristina to be Jax's kid. One, it would make Carly foam at the mouth. Two, it would mean no Sonny DNA. Three, I always loved Jax/Alexis. And four, I don't care about Psycho Jerry, so even if this would make things skeevy, I don't care. LOL! (Besides, women sleeping with more than one family member on a soap is like a rite of passage.)

  • Love 1

Believed the same for baby Kristina Davis. I begged for her paternity to turn out to be anyone else's child. Including Ned, Coleman, Jax, some random one night stand or even Reginald the butler. Anyone but Sonny.

Sabrina can just go and die now. I hate her so damn much. At this moment more than even murderer Scummy and NULOCHCarly. Kiki is more useful and holds more purpose than Sabrina right now.

I wouldn't go that far. ;)

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