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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I was talking about Spencer, re: the lisp.

Yes, my bad, I realized that after the fact.  I too noticed a change in his speech pattern.  Plus he seemed a little less annoying than usual.  Franco, on the other hand, still annoying.  


Also, Morgan, if you're going to put on sweatpants so as not to tempt the lady, throw on a shirt while you're in there.  

  • Love 1

I hate to admit it, but I liked the Luke/Ethan stuff.  It's the only part of Luke's farewell tour that I've liked.


I kind of liked seeing Ethan, and I was enjoying the Luke Ethan stuff for a while.

Then -- and usually I don't notice things like this --  Luke/Geary switched from a heartfelt conversation with Ethan to ordering him around and being in father/protector mode. Something about the way it was done made me think it was a scene contrived more to show off AG's "acting range" than it was to advance the plot. 

But on the other hand, people have been calling me a cynic since I was 19, and that was a long time ago, so maybe it was just me always thinking the worst.

  • Love 2
If I tilt my head to the side and squint one eye, I can maybe see that, from Dante's perspective, Lulu sleeping with someone else would be an "adventure", in the sense that it would be an escape from him and the baby and domestic life. Sort of.


Considering Lulu's baby rabies and her continued gushing about being a mother, I don't think "adventure" means getting away from her domestic life. Maybe if she'd get out of the apartment more than once a week, she wouldn't go off half-cocked on idiotic trips. This story is all to give Dante a stupid reason to cheat. He doesn't even confront her first? Ugh.


Speaking of ugh, Ethan. I've never been a fan. When Luke and Ethan jumped off the bomb and then were all relieved, I wished it had then blown up. 


And with more ughs than there are stars in the sky: Spencer. Why does Nik feel he owes his 9-year-old drama-queen son any explanation whatsoever? Also, since when is Spencer some sort of defender of social justice? Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.

  • Love 4

But does Lulu potentially having an affair with Dillon really fit then?  That's not really tied to any lust for adrenaline/Spencer adventures.

It is if she thinks she's like her daddy, who got involved with Felicia and long before that had that 'weekend in Hong Kong' with Holly. I think it's deliberate storyline that Luke is on this adventure with two of his exes, and now Lulu's showed up with her sort of ex. Maybe the show wants us thinking that deep down, she has Luke-like tendencies. I can't recall if she was still with Logan the first time she and Johnny had sex, but I do recall that she was drawn to Johnny at least in part because he was a little wild/adventurous.

  • Love 1

It is if she thinks she's like her daddy, who got involved with Felicia and long before that had that 'weekend in Hong Kong' with Holly. I think it's deliberate storyline that Luke is on this adventure with two of his exes, and now Lulu's showed up with her sort of ex. Maybe the show wants us thinking that deep down, she has Luke-like tendencies. I can't recall if she was still with Logan the first time she and Johnny had sex, but I do recall that she was drawn to Johnny at least in part because he was a little wild/adventurous.


I've always thought Lulu was way more like Luke than Laura, despite the show trying to hammer in the "Laura and Lulu are alike because they have fragile lady brains" every once in a while.

  • Love 7
I've always thought Lulu was way more like Luke than Laura, despite the show trying to hammer in the "Laura and Lulu are alike because they have fragile lady brains" every once in a while.


Lulu got some of Luke's sense of adventure, but she's a complete idiot about it, and I don't know where that came from. Luke at least has some sort of end game in mind when he runs off. Lulu's idea is "I'll go with. What are we supposed to be doing?"

  • Love 4

I wonder if Silas knows where his towels go when he's not home. Ew.

So I guess they're saving Lucky until the end of this story? The only use I ever had for Ethan was the Johnny Bromance.

Dante left his kid with Sonny?! I bet he was shipped off to whatever closet Joss is stashed in. Everything about this story makes me mad as a Dante fan. Everything.

  • Love 8

I have no honor. Apparently my word can't be trusted.  I say one thing and then do another.  And, I have a sick need to indulge in my worst thouights.


In other words, I'd fit in just fine if I lived in Port Charles.


I swam back to Show from the Barge for the worst of all possible reasons, to see if Luke and Ethan were still as odious a twosome as they used to be.  BINGO!!  They just might be even worse.  You can just see Geary sucking in his metaphorical gut in their scenes together, and Ethan whips his hair around and flashes his dentyne smile like a failed Hollywood starlet.  I just stared in fascinated horror as those two overacted, over-emoted and bloviated all of their scenes.  

And although I knew it wouldn't happen, I was yelling at the screen, TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE DAMN BOMB AND BLOW UP!!!


I never liked Luke, not even when he and Laura were an item but as the years went by and we were increasingly told that Luke was this fierce stud, this brilliant conniver, this paragon of manhood and the bane of all the poor wimminsfolk, it got funnier and funnier.  Then when Ethan the Wet Dream showed up, it moved from comedy into farce.  


So I've seen it, now back to the Barge, until I break down again for the worst of all reasons and sneak another peak.  


Damn, though, Geary, how many farewell storylines do we have to watch until you leave already??  

"It's too bad "throwing your remote at your tv while watching 'General Hospital'" isn't covered by Samsung's warranty."


Dear Spenser family, You are not The Incredibles.


 Nope, they're far more like The Insufferables.

  • Love 16


Dear Spenser family, You are not The Incredibles.


Well, maybe Laura is a little bit of Ms. Incredible, putting up with a blow hard for as many years as she did.  The rest of the pack are more like Syndrome, completely inept, but yet they don't realize it. 


Yes, I've watched The Incredibles with the smaller members of my family too many times.....don't judge.   LOL

  • Love 3

I've always thought Lulu was way more like Luke than Laura, despite the show trying to hammer in the "Laura and Lulu are alike because they have fragile lady brains" every once in a while.

I thought JMB's Lulu was more like young Luke, for ex. the Markham Islands storyline, the "like father, like son" snark re: Logan and Scott, dating Johnny and being exposed to the crazy of Anthony Z. ER's Lulu doesn't remind me of young Luke or Laura, and yes a lot of that is because she's been all about having babies with Dante.

  • Love 6

Call me crazy, but for as much as I mock "Dirty Dodge" and the gross Ethan/Luke relationship, I've always found Nathan Parsons talented and think the character is full of potential. The most I liked Ethan was in his very strange, fluid and bicurious relationship with Johnny Zacchara - he still comes off that way to me. Anyway, I thought NP wasn't doing the usual smirking and grinning he learned from Tony Geary and instead was very present and emotional, and I actually found the scenes with Ethan and Luke touching, despite TG doing his usual pissing-on-the-territory routine that he seems to do now any time Ethan shows up, in which he loudly declares that THIS IS MY HANDSOME BIOLOGICAL SON, I PUT THE BABY IN HER, MY SPERM MADE HIM FLESH, HE IS MY TRUEST SPAWN, AN EROTIC ROGUE WHO SPARKLES IN THE LIGHT  Ethan should still be a Scorpio.


Also, one amusing moment, despite their overwhelming blandness: Dillon and Lulu with the guards. "I can explain this." Long, long beat, then Lulu throws sand in their eyes. I cracked up.


The Nikolas/Spencer scenes at ELQ were actually shockingly decent, because the show was clearly somewhat unsettled by fan feedback on the kid recently and let him evolve a little. That's the most I've liked the royal tyke in over a year. So, that and Sam/Jason (and the Jason/Michael scenes from the day prior) is the good stuff for the last couple shows.


As to the bad, fucking Denise acting all aggrieved when people mention suspicions about her obviously being Ava with her shifty bug eyes. "That old line again, huh?" Old line? You've been in town a week! And then there's Morgan, pouring his heart out about his deep feelings for a chick (he thinks) he's known maybe a week or two in show time? That's almost as insanely rushed as the whole Dante/Lulu quad. It's idiotic even for Morgan, and the Morgan Standard is not something you want to drop below.


All the horrendously jarring, out of place Franco/Obrecht solo besties stuff, the Kiki/Morgan/Denise mess, and before that, Nina, Franco, Ric and gross Madeline (gotta have a scene where Ron gets to fanboy over how Donna Mills has still got it after all these years!) - it's all of a piece. It all feels wildly alien to GH, like that weird shit you got from the Megan McTavish era with JFP, or the insane stuff Gloria Monty tried to put over in the early '90s right before getting fired. It feels like it's happening on a different soap, except it's this soap and it's what's crippling anything remotely good mentioned above. And it's got to change.


Also, I know we say this a lot, but everything going down with Dante, Val, Lulu and Dillon is moving at the speed of methamphetamine. I have never been big into Dante/Lulu but ths dude is ride or die for his marriage; he would never go here like this, this fast. But this story and so many others are moving with absolutely no regard for the audience's intelligence or history. Meanwhile, we get every single beat and moment with Franco, Obrecht, Nina, Denise/Ava, Kiki, Morgan - this is the crux of the fundamental crisis with the show.


Also: Was it really a good idea to let Tony Geary do that fall to the floor and desperate clinch with Nathan Parsons, or did he insist on it himself? Because he looked real fragile when he (slowly) rose.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 17
All the horrendously jarring, out of place Franco/Obrecht solo besties stuff, the Kiki/Morgan/Denise mess, and before that, Nina, Franco, Ric and gross Madeline - it's all of a piece....snip.... It all feels wildly alien to GH, .. snip.. It feels like it's happening on a different soap, except it's this soap and it's what's crippling anything remotely good mentioned above. And it's got to change.


What a waste of resources!  It's not just the writing (Roho/Dr. O/Denise/) or the acting (Kiki/Morgan), the blocking and repetition steps over the boundaries for even a soap opera. The solution is to get rid of Franco/Nina/Dr. O (yes - i would like Sonny/Mob gone too), and write a few more lines of script for the remaining scenes.  The only new characters that should be hired should be replacements for Dr. Matt and Dr. Larrs.  Who am I kidding?  The only reason that the hospital scenery has been shown of late is to have a serial killer and a psychotic eat snacks from a vending machine and exchanging alleged 'wit'.  Talk about JARRING - What a STAIN on the history of GH!  Que Lastima.  Qu'elle domage.  How can you NOT find drama or scripts writing about a hospital?  RC/FV haven't gotten over that their soap was cancelled. 

  • Love 3

My only experience with Ethan is from watching some Ethan/Kristina stuff after she got beat up by her boyfriend and I liked him then. But heavens I thought NP was terrible in these scenes yesterday. I was so embarrassed for him. I think NP is fairly good on The Originals though so once again I have proof that this show ruins actor's abilities.


This show makes BS look so odd. She looks so pretty in her twitter pics though. I wish Valerie/Dante had a better story because I feel like I could really be down for them but the writing/plot is just so awful and they don't really have the kind of chem that would make me overlook that.


I think I fast forwarded pretty much everything else.

  • Love 3

Considering Lulu's baby rabies and her continued gushing about being a mother, I don't think "adventure" means getting away from her domestic life. Maybe if she'd get out of the apartment more than once a week, she wouldn't go off half-cocked on idiotic trips. This story is all to give Dante a stupid reason to cheat. He doesn't even confront her first? Ugh.


Speaking of ugh, Ethan. I've never been a fan. When Luke and Ethan jumped off the bomb and then were all relieved, I wished it had then blown up. 


And with more ughs than there are stars in the sky: Spencer. Why does Nik feel he owes his 9-year-old drama-queen son any explanation


whatsoever? Also, since when is Spencer some sort of defender of social justice? Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.


Think maybe Re-Ron realized making the kid an attempted murder double murderer was  just a little much for his favorite, Those sand bags let go on Cam and Emma. So now he is reading the riot act to his dad. Tomorrow he will be back to just annoying. Am I the only one who thinks adults picking on kids  for his lisp is a little much. He has a lisp , so what .

I kept on waiting for Dante to throw his beer bottle the way Sonny tosses barware proving along with being short and liking pasta, he is indeed his father's son.


He kept throwing the bottle tops to the floor violently and marring the finish. Does that count?  

Oh! I forgot - I spent the whole episode wondering why Spencer had a tear streak on his face until he mentioned the fiya. I was like, "am I supposed to be thinking he was weeping over Nikolas stealing ELQ???"

They could have at least given him one of RH's old scars. It's not a burn, but better than the dab of Vaseline.

  • Love 2

Call me crazy, but for as much as I mock "Dirty Dodge" and the gross Ethan/Luke relationship, I've always found Nathan Parsons talented and think the character is full of potential.


I did appreciate that he actually sounded scared standing on his financially convenient pressure bomb, and that he is still his lighthearted old self. And he has nice shoulders mumble mumble. He really oughta shave though.


And I thought it was kinda sweet when Holly/ES grinned when she saw him. :ducks from Francie:


Also, one amusing moment, despite their overwhelming blandness: Dillon and Lulu with the guards. "I can explain this." Long, long beat, then Lulu throws sand in their eyes. I cracked up.


I didn't crack up, but I was impressed by the moment of cleverness.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2


Didn't he DIE ONSCREEN? Pure genius man, bringing a seemingly dead character back from the dead. That hasn't been done since......Tuesday?

Next week, Scotty starts getting strange phone calls in the middle of the night. Suddenly there is a woman on his doorstep. It's DOMINIQUE! She really didn't die! The Cassadines made it look like she had cancer and died slowly in Scotty's arm, but in reality she was given a heavy drug, name redacted, that mimics the symptoms of a brain tumor. She's been looked away in a Cassadine prison for all these years, because reasons, and now she is back. To be relegated to once a month like all the other old schoolers, but back nonetheless.

Meanwhile, back to where Robin is being held hos....I mean on vacation. It seems she isn't a prisoner after all, but she is now living in Paris with Stone. Yes, that's right folks, he really didn't die of AIDS. Again, it was a Cassadine trick. The drug they used on Dominique? Also mimics the symptoms of AIDS....Well you know the rest. Stone was being held captive for all these years, because....reasons, but Robin was reunited with him (offscreen) when she saw a twitter post from a guy named @StoneCatesHeyIAMALIVEFORREALZCOMESAVEME and she used her inherited spy skills to crack the code. But that's not all, Duke is living in their detached garage apartment. WAIt, you all thought he was dead dead? Again? It turns out when he died the first time, his inner organs were replaced with titanium. So the bullet bounced off his heart, and he passed it the next day. Dr O was in cahoots with....the Cassadines. This time there was no real reason for it, because well....it's Duke and nobbody gives a shit, but they had some free time and got bored.

I love this post.

  • Love 8

I always preferred Holly to Anna. I will defend Anna, but I like Holly a little bit more.

I saw Holly/Robert fall in love on YouTube over 20 years after it aired and it's still one of my favorite GH stories and one of GH's best love stories. I adored them together - so I hate Luke even more than normal right now

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

I know this Dante story is OOC and it is kind of gross that he would use Valerie and I don't even find her attractive at all anyways...but, but ,but...   DZ  was kind of hot today, sorry is it wrong for me to want to see some hot DZ? 

I think the actress is very pretty, and wasn't well served being used solely to prop Dante during the silly RACISM storyline, but the character did impress by blocking the first attempt by Dante for love making.


I hate this version of Lulu, so I am fine with it

  • Love 2

Next week, Scotty starts getting strange phone calls in the middle of the night.  Suddenly there is a woman on his doorstep.  It's DOMINIQUE!  She really didn't die!  The Cassadines made it look like she had cancer and died slowly in Scotty's arm, but in reality she was given a heavy drug, name redacted, that mimics the symptoms of a brain tumor.  She's been looked away in a Cassadine prison for all these years, because reasons, and now she is back.   To be relegated to once a month like all the other old schoolers, but back nonetheless.


She'll be played by Melinda Culea and after 2 days get killed off by Donna Mills for not remembering whether she was with Mac or Sumner first.

  • Love 2

Shouldn't Frank Smith be about 100 yrs old?


Been ages since I've watched this show. Back when Molly's sister was being abused by her boyfriend. Oh, and I see Sonny and  Carly are a couple again. Nuts.  


As someone pointed out, Ron was at least on staff when they brought back from the dead 500 year old Victor Lord Sr.  So once more, Ron's grabbing old scripts and crossing out the names of past characters.

  • Love 2

I liked Carly saying that Rocco never stays at Sonny's.


Was Sonny giving TJ permission for Molly and TJ to have sex in TJ's room when he said TJ could do anything in there?


But seriously, worst father ever. Tell Carly to mind her own business, it doesn't matter how much she harangues him, and to move on. And Carly, please spare the concern. Please. Why does Dante talk to him at ALL again??? (rhetorical question, sigh)


It was cute when Maxie said where's my Lulu. The fake eyelashes were not though.


Valerie: who could that be?


I dunno Valerie, a friend? A relative? A neighbor? Your undead mom in a wheelchair?


I started cracking up when Frank Smith appeared, not because I thought it was that funny because I could just hear the groan Tony Geary must have made when he read that in the script. And sorry, I know he has minions and all but Laura looks ridiculous being scared by the old guy in a wheelchair. Unless she thought he was a zombie. Then maybe I'd get it.


Dillon (as passionately as corn): If you want to shoot Lulu you'll have to get through me


me: oh lord


Valerie: The fourth of July was my mom's favorite holiday


me: oh for fuck's sake


I suppose if it had been arbor day Valerie would have talked about how she and her mother used to go out and plant trees together [insert Nathan West joke here].


Dante: let's watch the fireworks. In honor of your mother. Also, let me put my penis in your vagina. In honor of your mother.


You can tell Dante's sad, cause he didn't have time to spike his hair apparently.


Kiki: You're so great. I'm so lucky to have you.


Okay, let's leave aside the shit where I couldn't give a shit if poor poor Kiki will get hurt. Where in the WORLD would Kiki get this idea that Morgan is some pure creature who would NEVER cheat or lie or steal or DRUG PEOPLE, a plan in which she got her panties in a self-righteous twist about. MORGAN SUCKS YOU AND YOU KNOW IT KIKI.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The plot point-itis is just making me frustrated.


I'd probably have more to talk about if I watched the Luke scenes, but I couldn't.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 16

On any halfway decent drama, the moment a person proudly proclaims that everything in their life is perfect- that would be the moment everything starts to fall apart. (BTW Sonny being nauseatingly pleased with how everything is coming up Corinthos was rage inducing)


Come on Ron. Please, please please. Don't start having original thoughts now. Make everything in Sonny's life go Boom! How about resurrecting some of his enemies for a change (the Sorels, the Riveras, an Alcazar, a Zacchara?)

  • Love 7

The Dante and Valerie scenes were painful.


The Ava and Franco scenes were sickening.


Am I supposed to care that Frank Smith is alive? I'm aware of who he is but I wasn't watching when he was on originally so this really means nothing to me. My only take away from this is that Ron plans on bringing back every dead character in Geriatric Hospital  history.



I suppose if it had been arbor day Valerie would have talked about how she and her mother used to go out and plant trees together [insert Nathan West joke here].


Did you know that Dr. O gave birth to the talking tree in a forest?

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