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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Wow. Well, you sure can't say it isn't timely. Still, the idea of a story like this in Ron's hands...I guess I'll just have to hold my breath. I want to be optimistic, but I think pretty much all of us would be legitimately worried. Tequan will certainly do it justice though. I thought it was incredibly sweet TJ went to buy the earrings for Molly.


Ugh, could Liz be any more pathetic and desperate? Feel guilty all you want, it won't stop you from sleeping with Sam's husband, will it? And the way she's decided to play god by keeping Danny and the rest of the Q's in the dark is highly gross. I guess when it's all over and done with finally and the secret is revealed in 2020, she and Nik will finally have their time together.


So let's see, we're supposed to be rooting for Franco, Nina, Madeline, Liesl or Ric? Not exactly a glowing list of resumes. Speaking of, I wish I could get a job as easy as Jake did.


I don't like Rosalie, but I'm not a fan of Sabrina either. Tough spot to be in. If Sabrina was going to go all bad girl though, why couldn't she just do that and stay with Carrrrrrrlos? That's where the real chemistry was. I'm going to go watch that vid of them singing again.


Nina must tower over Sam by like a foot.

  • Love 6

Jake is the dumbest person to walk the earth.  "I had this strange flash again about Sam and Danny.  How odd."   10 minutes later "I wonder if I will EVER have any memories of my old life???" 


That is all.


Oh wait...STFU Liz.  Nobody cares that you "feel" guilty.  Maybe if you actually stopped screwing him and told him the truth you'd have a leg to stand on.

I don't believe Liz feels guilty about Sam at all (I know she said it, I just don't believe her). Danny maybe, but Sam? Liz doesn't give a shit. And, really, she doesn't give any fucks about Jason and Danny missing time together either or she'd tell the truth.

  • Love 9

I think there are absolutely important, timely stories to be done about young people of color being mistreated by law enforcement, and I think the soaps have a perfect environment to do them 5 days a week, in people's homes everyday, the way soaps have always been able to tell social issue stories. But I don't think GH has any real commitment to any characters of color (or most characters, period), so I find it obnoxious that they're just now remembering Tequan Richmond exists. I like Val, I like Jordan in doses (she still shouldn't be Commish, though), I like T.J. but they have almost no character build between them. Sean Blakemore was wasted. It feels like they're doing this story, whatever it turns out to be (I suspect not much), all at the last possible moment after being shamed into it, yet they still expect to be complimented and congratulated for being "on the cutting edge".

  • Love 7

Wow. Well, you sure can't say it isn't timely. Still, the idea of a story like this in Ron's hands...I guess I'll just have to hold my breath. I want to be optimistic, but I think pretty much all of us would be legitimately worried. Tequan will certainly do it justice though. I thought it was incredibly sweet TJ went to buy the earrings for Molly.


Ugh, could Liz be any more pathetic and desperate? Feel guilty all you want, it won't stop you from sleeping with Sam's husband, will it? And the way she's decided to play god by keeping Danny and the rest of the Q's in the dark is highly gross. I guess when it's all over and done with finally and the secret is revealed in 2020, she and Nik will finally have their time together.

I'm so confused; I want to stand up and applaud Becky & Tequan while simultaneously slapping the shit out of Liz & TJ.

So let's see, we're supposed to be rooting for Franco, Nina, Madeline, Liesl or Ric? Not exactly a glowing list of resumes. Speaking of, I wish I could get a job as easy as Jake did.

I'm not gonna lie, Ric Lansing could probably rip a baby out of some wimmins womb, dye his hair 'Legend of Zelda' blonde, AND inject Robert Mutha!fucking Scorpio with propofol, and I would still root for him because of Rick Hearst.

  • Love 7


But Mike does have a pretty big reason to at least not fully trust Rosalie. He told Sabrina that Rosalie has some huge secret. Michael's never pressed Rosalie on it, but he knows Rosalie's been forced/blackmailed into doing some pretty shady stuff because of this secret. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for it to be used against her again. Michael still doesn't really know her that well.

True, but Michael also saved her life and slept with her.  So, him being Michael, he's going to want to see the better side of her.  He probably feels that she simply had to do what she had to do, but that they are on different terms.  Heck, I even thought that they were on a different level than how she treated Nina.  Rosalie is a sociopath who doesn't seem to care about anything or hurting anyone, and I can't imagine what her stupid secret is, but I can't wait for Michael (and Sam and Sabrina) to kick Rosalie to the curb.  


I disagree that Sabrina was the one making it about Jason or that she kept saying "because of Jason." She said that once. Earlier in the episode Sam said that if Michael was in trouble it was definitely a problem for her. Sabrina expressed surprise because she didn't realize they were that close. Sam said that Michael was Jason's favorite person and because of that she would do anything to help him. Later, Sabrina wasn't sure if Sam would take the case and Sam said even if she weren't taking clients she would make an exception for Michael. That's when Sabrina said "because of Jason." To me clearly thinking about their earlier conversation.



I can see your point, but I don't think even for a second that Sam loves Michael only because of Jason.  She has her own relationship with him, and the audience has seen that.  If RC isn't familiar with the Sam/Michael relationship, he should catch up with some old episodes.  Sabrina is the person who made the point about "because of Jason," but yes, Sam should have said, "No, not just because of Jason.  He's like a brother to me."  Oh well.


At least Jake mentioned that Michael got the bomb off the boat.

Yes, finally!  It's nice that Jake acknowledged that Michael did about 98% of the saving that night on the Haunted Star.  He was only a few feet from the deck railing to throw the bomb over when Sonny showed up, and yet everyone praises Sonny as the person who saved everyone.  GMAFB.  Sonny saved Michael (more or less), but Michael saved the people on the boat.


I kind of enjoyed the Nik/Liz scenes, mostly because Nik hates listening to Liz whine on about Jakeson. It's exactly what he deserves.

He does seem to have this wonderful disdain now whenever he sees Elizabeth like he's thinking "God, how long do I have to listen to her this time droning on and on about Jason."  (Insert eye roll).  LOL.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 3

Jake can't figure out who is despite all the neon signs flashing in his and my face whenever he appears on my screen, but he is the person to investigate a cooperate espionage. Ron is so full of shit and the declining ratings is prove.


Also, if he is going to be shirtless and play a "soldier" maybe Jake should do some sit ups, crunches or whatever. Those man boobs ought to go. Stat. 

  • Love 3

When Sabrina popped up in the middle of the day without the baby she is the nanny of, I actually thought of that Seinfeld when Jerry was dating his maid, "What did I just pay for?" ...and then Rosalie went there


This is why I thought it was ick that Sabrina stayed on as the nanny when they started dating/kissing/whatever they are doing now, you just know someone was going to go there.


Did Michael hire Sam to investigate Rosalie or did Sabrina, I missed that part.  So nice to see Sam working.

  • Love 1

I think there are absolutely important, timely stories to be done about young people of color being mistreated by law enforcement, and I think the soaps have a perfect environment to do them 5 days a week, in people's homes everyday, the way soaps have always been able to tell social issue stories. But I don't think GH has any real commitment to any characters of color.


It's Ron's lazy writing too. Repeating stories got to be too obvious, so he made an assistant read a newspaper so he could fish for plot ideas. Maybe he hopes to pick up and develop the plot thread from reading future newspapers or watching CNN. We would be asking too much to expect him to think out a plot in which young people of color are being mistreated by law enforcement.


Did Michael hire Sam to investigate Rosalie or did Sabrina, I missed that part.  So nice to see Sam working.


Sabrina did. For reasons.


Is Sam going to be doing this pro bono? Because I don't think Sabrina could afford to pay Sam for the months that she will be investigating as RC's story never seem to progress in a timely manner.

  • Love 2
I can see your point, but I don't think even for a second that Sam loves Michael only because of Jason.  She has her own relationship with him, and the audience has seen that.  If RC isn't familiar with the Sam/Michael relationship, he should catch up with some old episodes.  Sabrina is the person who made the point about "because of Jason," but yes, Sam should have said, "No, not just because of Jason.  He's like a brother to me."  Oh well.




He does seem to have this wonderful disdain now whenever he sees Elizabeth like he's thinking "God, how long do I have to listen to her this time droning on and on about Jason."  (Insert eye roll).  LOL.



That was basically my point in my original post.  The way the dialogue was written made it sound like Sam's relationship with Michael depended only on Jason, and it absolutely did not.  Jason was the reason Michael and Sam were in each others lives, sure, but their relationship was/is a lot deeper than obligation to a "dead" guy.  They are family, regardless of blood.


Nikolas made me laugh today with his delivery when he told Liz that she and Jake were happy together.  I forgot the exact dialogue, but he sounded so damn bored/disdainful it was great.


Sabrina did. For reasons.


Is Sam going to be doing this pro bono? Because I don't think Sabrina could afford to pay Sam for the months that she will be investigating as RC's story never seem to progress in a timely manner.


I don't think Sam would charge for this.  Like she said, it's Michael and ELQ.  They are her son's family, so it is her business too.

  • Love 1

There was this wierd show on today in the GH timeslot, strangest part is that it had a few actual GH characters doing cross-overs, I think....


The main storyline seemed to revolve around a Sargeant Schultz-type character with a ludicrous stage-German accent, except the guy was dressed in drag, wearing a white coat.  This person was all "I KNOW NOTTINK!" talking to what looked like this giant, perverted evil hand puppet.  The evil puppet kept making self-referential jokes because the guy finds himself SO funny.  Nothing much they were saying made any sense, and then in walked an actual clown.  Really, I'm not making this up.  It was this bizarre clown, all dressed up but with what can only be a clown mouth.  It was at least 3 feet long across her face and painted in blood red as if she'd stopped off to dine on roadkill on the way.

Frankly, I didn't find it that funny after a while.


But there was a Monica sighting!!  Finally!  Okay, okay, it was just a photograph in a frame, but after watching that german broad, the clown and the puppet I really needed something familiar.  Then Jake, surrounded by family photos, talking to his nephew, recollecting dreams that directly tie him to his family and of course nobody, including him, seem to connect one dot to another.


Down at the station a storyline setup that has been dragged out over at least two days came to thudding conclusion.  And I do not think GH is trying to sell a socially responsible storyline.  It's not within the skill set of the writing staff.   Instead we have an almost insulting reference to real events, while the storyline is centered around a pouty little shit who wanted to buy a present for an equally pouty little shit.  And (my apologies to Ric L:ansing fans) defended by the sleaziest slease other than the mollusk known as Sonny.  E W W is all I can say about Ric these days.


Nic wants ELQ, Michael wants to keep it.  Yawn......  Rosalie is a snake.  Sabrina isn't.  snore...... Sam was pretty good today, but she was paired up with The Nina and that's just never good.

I thought Jake was applying to be a security guard. LOL at Michael hiring him to be ELQ's Security Chief. Usually those jobs require a college degree and I would guess at least ten years of experience, but what the hey, Danny grabbed Jake's finger, so that's good enough for Michael.


I guess Michael is a fan of the old "pull my finger" routine.  I hope, in that case, he keeps a can of Febreze close by when Jake's around.

  • Love 1

Minus the Niz whining, today wasn't half bad. I liked Sam and Nina


Sabrina's reaction to being called a hooker was refreshing because she was pretty calm about it.


I agree. Sam fans should watch today's show. That's the most entertaining I've seen her be since she told Patrick while they were in bed that he had successfully made her forget/distracted her for "a few minutes." The only times I've liked the Sam character in the past were when when she was being a sweet, supportive sister to Kristina and/or Molly. If she continues to mess with Nina or Rosalie, I could become a fan. 


I liked that Sabrina's reaction to Rosalie was basically rolling her eyes and calling it a lame insult. If someone said that to Carly, they'd get a snarl and bearing of teeth inches from their face. Elizabeth would do the bitchface. Lulu would do her wide-eyed "How DARE you" look...etc. 

  • Love 3
I'm not gonna lie, Ric Lansing could probably rip a baby out of some wimmins womb, dye his hair 'Legend of Zelda' blonde, AND inject Robert Mutha!fucking Scorpio with propofol, and I would still root for him because of Rick Hearst.


I know. This is where I am, too. Ric is reprehensible on just about every level, but damn if Rick Hearst doesn't still make me like him.


I think there are absolutely important, timely stories to be done about young people of color being mistreated by law enforcement, and I think the soaps have a perfect environment to do them 5 days a week, in people's homes everyday, the way soaps have always been able to tell social issue stories.


My problem with this story is that by bringing in Mayor Lojack, who we know is dirty (or at least very grubby), it makes me wonder if this story is actually a way to bring the election nonsense back to the forefront. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Jake can't figure out who is despite all the neon signs flashing in his and my face whenever he appears on my screen, but he is the person to investigate a cooperate espionage. Ron is so full of shit and the declining ratings is prove.


Also, if he is going to be shirtless and play a "soldier" maybe Jake should do some sit ups, crunches or whatever. Those man boobs ought to go. Stat. 


Sorry to be all sensitive - guy here, but unless you are OK with us making disparaging comments about women's weight and looks, I personally would appreciate less of the "man boobs" comments. 

  • Love 6

Sorry to be all sensitive - guy here, but unless you are OK with us making disparaging comments about women's weight and looks, I personally would appreciate less of the "man boobs" comments. 


I personally thought Jake looked pretty good in his shirtless scenes myself.  The guy has a beefy man's body, and IMO his chest has a hotness factor I haven't seen on many other guys on this show.  JMO.

  • Love 4

Sorry to be all sensitive - guy here, but unless you are OK with us making disparaging comments about women's weight and looks, I personally would appreciate less of the "man boobs" comments. 


If you are playing a guy that is supposed to be in tip top shape, I am going to expect you to be in tip top shape. 


I am in for the entertainment and looking at flabby hairy chest is not my idea of fun. 

  • Love 1

It would have been so cool if a bomb had gone off in Dr. O's office. Nothing big, just a little something to kill everyone in the room.


It's like you're reading my mind


I can see your point, but I don't think even for a second that Sam loves Michael only because of Jason.  She has her own relationship with him, and the audience has seen that.  If RC isn't familiar with the Sam/Michael relationship, he should catch up with some old episodes.  Sabrina is the person who made the point about "because of Jason," but yes, Sam should have said, "No, not just because of Jason.  He's like a brother to me."  Oh well.


He's also like a nephew to her - in that he's her actual nephew because she's married to his uncle






  • Love 5

Is GH really gonna try to tackle race relations with this TJ thing? Cause all GH watchers I'm pretty sure know criminals can be black, white or orange.

I hate that I think like the show sometimes. When Sabrina popped up in the middle of the day without the baby she is the nanny of, I actually thought of that Seinfeld when Jerry was dating his maid, "What did I just pay for?" ...and then Rosalie went there.

It was big news about 2 years ago - racial profiling by stores.  I remember quite a few incidents at Barney's.  Oprah herself had an incident overseas.  So kudos for GH in tackling the issue now (would have been better back when it was new news but hey...).   Glad TJ isn't turning to a life of crime but I don't like that he thought to shove the guard so he could visit precious Shawn.  If he ran out and the guard slipped while chasing him and TJ got arrested for leaving, that would have been more in character.


Hate that the show made Sabrina a nanny --- as if her RN degree and experience is interchangeable.  Wonder if Ron got fired, if he'd be OK with playing the Hamburgler.  You know, it's pretty much the same - both are creative jobs. 


Also hate that the show is setting up Michael's love life with interchangeable Latinas. Both of whom are now hired help.  #smh


Rosalie's secret was not supposed to be something she had done, but something about her past and related to her overbearing father.  Today Nina says it's something Rosalie did. 


I floved the scenes with Nina and Molly.  Comic gold.  I floved them even more than Silas at The Floating Rib Mon-Tues.


No more Franco, Dr O or Magda.  And someone brush Magda's hair please.  Don't like Liz's hair either but everyone else's hair was good today.


How is Jake getting by with no social?  Can't Alexis file for a new one?  Or he can get some temporary one?  Maybe Ric can buy him one.

Nina saying "I was taking it easy" when Sam brought up her faking being crippled was absolutely hilarious. Also, I love how nobody bats an eye when people get out of prison anymore. It's just, "Oh, hey there. Where've you been?"


Totally cool with Nik and Liz's devolution into the Macbeths. Folding laundry is the new "Out, damned spot!"

  • Love 3

Liz is entering into Sonny territory with the constant hand-wringing over doing something terrible, but not feeling guilty enough to actually do the right thing. Just talking about how bad its making her feel that somehow absolves her of guilt.


I'll be the first to say it, Ric and Jordan should totally have an affair. (Nina gets cheated on (cue a new round of crazy), Molly and TJ's heads would collectively explode, he represents Sonny, who she is trying to put away. The conflicts just write themselves. Therefore, it will never happen) 

  • Love 7

Oh, dear. Oh, my my my. Who let ReRon bingewatch "The Wire"?


Show is trying SO hard to get an Essence award. Just.... no.


I'll only take this if we get a flashforward that TJ takes over Sonny's territory as the only 'son' worthy to succeed him.  Especially with Dante as Police Commissioner.


I do like Ulkis' "spoilers". Only because I want to see LoD-ish shenanigans behind this rather than "gee, the people of Port Charles are RACISTS".


Also, if he is going to be shirtless and play a "soldier" maybe Jake should do some sit ups, crunches or whatever.


For some reason that really doesn't bother me, I like my men a bit on the bigger side anyway and find BM sexy as hell. Wow the show is so bad my only comments about it now are on appearances, heh.


But can't be said enough Franco and Nina do not belong on this show

Biller Miller is on the bulky side but it works for him. It's funny because I think he & Burton are the same height but Miller has always come off "heavier". That said, his "bad day" in the looks department is miles ahead of me. I think Miller is doing a great job on GH but I preferred him much better on Y&R. Either way, he's a stud and can sorta act. LOL!!!!n

It was big news about 2 years ago - racial profiling by stores.  I remember quite a few incidents at Barney's.  Oprah herself had an incident overseas.  So kudos for GH in tackling the issue now (would have been better back when it was new news but hey...).   Glad TJ isn't turning to a life of crime but I don't like that he thought to shove the guard so he could visit precious Shawn.  If he ran out and the guard slipped while chasing him and TJ got arrested for leaving, that would have been more in character.


Hate that the show made Sabrina a nanny --- as if her RN degree and experience is interchangeable.  Wonder if Ron got fired, if he'd be OK with playing the Hamburgler.  You know, it's pretty much the same - both are creative jobs. 


Also hate that the show is setting up Michael's love life with interchangeable Latinas. Both of whom are now hired help.  #smh


Rosalie's secret was not supposed to be something she had done, but something about her past and related to her overbearing father.  Today Nina says it's something Rosalie did. 


I floved the scenes with Nina and Molly.  Comic gold.  I floved them even more than Silas at The Floating Rib Mon-Tues.


No more Franco, Dr O or Magda.  And someone brush Magda's hair please.  Don't like Liz's hair either but everyone else's hair was good today.


How is Jake getting by with no social?  Can't Alexis file for a new one?  Or he can get some temporary one?  Maybe Ric can buy him one.

Do you really think the mob killer for hire actually paid taxes on his ill gotten gains ? Alexis is such a rotten lawyer, she can probably just buy him one, Maybe Sonny can just force someone to give him theirs. ELQ will have to have one,.So

That said, I'm all for them [sabrina and Rosalie] calling a temporary truce and teaming up to beat the shit out of Keeks & AT LEAST NINE OF US NEVER CARED.


Into it.


It feels like they're doing this story, whatever it turns out to be (I suspect not much), all at the last possible moment after being shamed into it, yet they still expect to be complimented and congratulated for being "on the cutting edge".




I'm gonna have to fast forward this story for sure. First of all, the thought of RC writing it is scary as hell. Also, TeRi does absolutely nothing for me acting wise.

  • Love 2

I can't believe they're going for the 'shopping while black' story. And that JordN actually apologized to TJ for keeping him locked up! He shoved a guard because he was late getting to the PRISON to see Shawn. Like he couldn't possibly have gone tomorrow instead? Like maybe he could show some respect for authority? And the guard wasn't wrong that because TJ is the connissioners son, they'll try to sweep it under the rug. That's exactly what Jordan tried to do until the mayor said no.

There is no way Ron is going to do this story justice, not that it even deserves it. Does it happen IRL? Sure it does. But GH is not the show to shine a spotlight on it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the straw that's breaking this camel's back.

Ron can't even write a normal 'soap opera' storyline, so now he thinks he's writing a socially relevant storyline?

No offense to the actor, but TJ is an idiot in a kingdom run by idiots.

I can watch the news if I want serious issues, well, maybe not these days but that's for another forum. I want my soap operas to include, you know, soapy Love In The Afternoon goodness.

This show is nothing but garbage wrapped in ten-day-old newspaper which was previously wrapped around dead fish.

It all stinks.

  • Love 3

This new Dillon is awful. 


Tracy was so pathetic looking at old pics of Luke/Laura. Though I did like her scene with Sabrina.


Its so weird I have done a 180 on Sabrina. Once they got away from the Disney princess like story I have liked her a lot. Plus she isnt shoved down my throat anymore. Thats Nina/Franco's job now.


Did Sam say that Elizabeth was her bestfriend??

  • Love 4

This is the first time in months I have been able to watch live, which is the only time I feel valid about commenting.


I watched yesterday's show (Rosie calling Sobby out), and then today's live.




1. TJ's story is painful to watch. Not compelling, it is like some seventh graders got tasked with writing and acting out a racial justice class play.


2. We get it Ron, Rosie the Evil PA is backstabbing the man who has done nothing but extend her trust and support.  Please stop running it into the ground.


3. Maybe Sobby should be around the child she is the nanny for. To be fair, the actress did do a good job with the argument yesterday.


4. Enough with the 'Liz want's Jake's man meat' garbage. She always does, every time, and she will get it soon enough, but let's do a different story for a few weeks first, please.


5. How is Jake a better PI than Sam?


6. I wish TG the actor was in better physical shape, because a few punches would have made those 'Luke gets yelled at 'scenes much better.

  • Love 1

1. TJ's story is painful to watch. Not compelling, it is like some seventh graders got tasked with writing and acting out a racial justice class play.


I cringed a little at Dominic Zaprogna's acting towards the end of the show. "How! How?!" I almost expected him to yell out "woe betide me!" I'm harder on you because I love bb.


ugh Dillon being let in on this secret offends me as a Dante/Lucky fan than as a Lante fan grrr. I would still be mad even if Dillon weren't bland and wasn't a cheesy actor, but he is and it make it even woooorse.


Rosalie may be the smartest person on the show.


You can tell Laura hasn't been in town lately because she said Nik is a good parent.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

This new Dillon is awful. 


Tracy was so pathetic looking at old pics of Luke/Laura. Though I did like her scene with Sabrina.


Its so weird I have done a 180 on Sabrina. Once they got away from the Disney princess like story I have liked her a lot. Plus she isnt shoved down my throat anymore. Thats Nina/Franco's job now.


Did Sam say that Elizabeth was her bestfriend??



No, that she was Patrick's best friend.

  • Love 1

Did Sam say that Elizabeth was her bestfriend??

No she said Patrick and Liz were best friends.

Does Nik's new personality include the ability to give the most awkward hugs on the planet? He did it before with Lulu and today with Laura.

Did Sam say that Elizabeth was her bestfriend??

No she said Patrick and Liz were best friends.

Does Nik's new personality include the ability to give the most awkward hugs on the planet? He did it before with Lulu and today with Laura.

  • Love 2

Does Nik's new personality include the ability to give the most awkward hugs on the planet? He did it before with Lulu and today with Laura.

I think he's only able to give Awkward Hugs of Secret Evil right now.

Remember when the worst thing about Nik was his douchey entitled attitude when pursuing women who were already in relationships?

Good times

  • Love 3

I'm glad that TJ knows about the hit on Jordan. Maybe he'll ease up on the whole "mobsters good, cops bad" crap.


I liked the scenes between Sabrina and Tracy. But I was struck, yet again, about the inappropriateness of Sabrina wearing 4 inch heels for her nanny gig. (Liz and Sam are also guilty of inappropriate footwear. I don't know why, but it always takes me out of a scene. )

  • Love 4

Laura saying Spencer was brave to return to school cracked me up. First of all, she hasn't seen him in ages. Secondly, his "disfigurement" is as severe as a bad scrape. Thirdly, Spencer is a drama queen who overreacts if he has a hangnail.


I get Lulu's loyalty toward Tracy, but what happens between Tracy, Luke, and Laura is none of her business. Lulu needs to butt out. 


NuDillon is really bland. Even when he yelled at Luke, he was dull. 


I don't want to watch Valerie try to soothe away Dante's white guilt. Ugh, this story. It does sound like a seventh grade skit for racial justice day. And to make this a "connection" between Dante and Valerie? Ugh again.


TJ does know that Shawn was Sonny's hit man, right? Why didn't Jordan gently remind him of that? TJ's anger at Jordan is so childish. He refuses to see any layers because it would mess up the Jordan = bad idea he's holding on to so tightly.

Edited by dubbel zout
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