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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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TJ crying made me tear up...that kid is good! 




I thought the same, Tequan has quite the talent, imho, but they just waste him. Look at how long he had to grow out that baby mustache before he got more screen time?  It's insane to me.


So much of the SERIAL KILLER and the Nina and their "romance" today that I nearly took out my rage on my poor telly. Why can't those slaggards just die in a hotel fire? We need another hotel fire, stat.


And if Sonny and Carly were to find themselves stuck in an elevator during the blaze...I wouldn't mind that myself.



I was born and raised in Queens but I do not sound like either Denise nor Fran Dresler.



"Clearly you're doing it wrong. Townie." - Ron as he blocks you on twitter.



If only Sloane hadn't hung around for so long to be annoying, but at least I got some Julian and Sam and Lucas scenes, and without bullets. Those three actors, imo, really have such great chemistry and play off each other very well.


I long ago gave up on Julian the mobster being anyone of substance, but Julian the barely to believed middle aged Dad of two 30+ year olds' I can still enjoy. 


I don't care if it's the real!Ava or fake!Ava or Fasion in a bodysuit/mask, I just don't care.


So Val just "happens" to have a criminology degree that she can use to work for the PCPD, as if they really care, as long as she doesn't take anyone hostage or openly work for the mob she could probably be a lead detective. 


I am not sure if the actress and Dom have any kind of real chemistry, imho, but at least whatever might happen won't involve stolen embryos/babies/DNA tests, and I better not have just jinxed myself.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5

Kudos writers, I didn't think they were gonna remember Dante having the latex allergy too when FakeAva mentioned it.


And I was pleasantly surprised that Dante told Lulu about the baby. 


Kiki: Don't they have . . . DNA tests . . . at General Hospital for when mumblemumblemumble




My favorite part may have been Morgan asking "is she really mumblemumblemumble?" and everyone ignoring him. Poor Morgan


Also someone tell them to SPEAK UP


Nik is acting so full of antipathy that I expect his next scene to be of him laying on the couch, and going, "fine, I hired a hitman to kill someone. Yeah, I know it's not like me but whatever like I care" and then he's gonna shove his hand in his waistband.


If you have Lulu having a flashback to a scene that never previously aired and Nina and Ric meeting off screen, then wake up and realize you have too many damn characters you're trying to showcase.


So close-up on Kiki and Morgan, and then do a wide-cut (is that what it's called?) on the room and they're gone and Valerie is there out of nowhere. Horrible editing moment.


Franco says he couldn't handle it if Ric took away the parts of Nina that make her her. I could handle it! I could handle it a lot!


I think it goes without saying that I always enjoy Dante is So Done With Everyone's Bullshit Hospital.


re: NJ accent, there are a few people who have the accent, but not many. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 12

I am not sure if the actress and Dom have any kind of real chemistry, imho, but at least whatever might happen won't involve stolen embryos/babies/DNA tests, and I better not have just jinxed myself.


Valerie will get pregnant. Or they'll find out about the Stavros-Lulu embryo just as Dante sleeps with Valerie, so it can be a double bomb in Lulu's face. You know it!

  • Love 3

As long as he's being charged with attempted murder, he is guilty. He took the shot, just because he shot at FrancoJake and hit a planter beam in the ceiling and Ava?Nik's hitman was actually responsible for shooting OliviaGreenlee, doesn't mean that he didn't attempt to murder someone. 


And, why does everyone say that Ron repeats storylines? That's just silly.


LOL! Point taken.

So Ava dipped her fingertips in acid and is using the "I use a lot of chemicals doing hair" excuse for why she doesn't have fingerprints? Okaaaay. I guess it's better than a vampire brother, but that bar is pretty low. That accent needs to go though.

If I'm forced to FF RiH because Ron refuses to accept that WE NEVER CARED about WE NEVER CARED and the SERIAL KILLER'S romance, I'm going to be pissed.

TJ, save your tears for the real victim: The oil can Shawn's bullet actually hit. I bet it's bleeding out oily tears all over the garage floor as I type.

And Shawn, go fuck yourself. You too, Sonny.

  • Love 12

Michael didn't drop the clinic.  The clinic site became a crime scene and was thus stuck in legalities that will be tied to Luke's "trial," I suppose.  So the project is on hold is how Michael put it.


As someone who lives in New Jersey, NuAva's NOT sporting a Jersey accent.  We don't talk like that, contrary to popular opinion.  The word "JOISEY" has never been spoken by a Jerseyite ever.  You know who DOES speak like that?  People from Brooklyn.  They come down to the Jersey Shore to hang out at the clubs and the beaches, and so then everyone thinks people from New Jersey talk like that.  We don't.  The Jersey Shore crew, who I despise, are mostly from New York.  I have cousins galore from Brooklyn, and NuAva's accent is all Brooklyn.


It's all subjective, but I think CD/Michael is sexy.  I wouldn't say "super hot," because that's more the beefcake stuff ala Nathan, imo.  I like sexy better anyway because it's can be both obvious and understated.  I know a lot of people think BM is the cat's meow, and I just.don't.see.it.


I think Jordan deserves TJ's anger.  This isn't about what Shawn did because TJ knows that Shawn does for a living, and he wasn't happy about it.  The bigger issue is that Jordan LEFT her son and chose to pursue a career in law enforcement.  She couldn't manage TJ and so she gave him to Shawn to raise.  When Shawn got into the mob, Jordan didn't put an end to Shawn raising TJ.  She could have.  She could have stepped in and protected her son, but it would have compromised her "assignment."  So she let them get closer and closer.  Now she's the person that could put Shawn away for life.  TJ's anger is about Jordan not wanting to raise him and HER putting him with Shawn to raise, where he developed a loving relationship with Shawn, and now she's ripping Shawn away from him too.  Logically, Shawn is a bad person, but for TJ, it's the only parent he's ever known.



I did enjoy that as well. I am a Sloane fan, which is part of that understated sexy thing that I mentioned above.  I'm liking him more and more, and I loved how dismissive he was of Carly.  I also liked his reaction to NotAva.

TJ was more than 16 when he came on the show, so Jordan had him a lot longer than Shawn. She didn't know Shawn had decided to kill for a living. HE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE TJ'S FATHER. She was a police officer, and she was undercover. Same as Dante. She is the good guy. Shawn is a murderer for hire. An educated very likable *at first* man who took the wrong road. She was TJ's parent, and now because she was a cop not a welfare mother she is the bad guy. No way. Shawn was gone and she was raising TJ alone. He kills for a living and if he would get a plea bargain if he sold out his boss. We know Sonny is a saint and will never go to jail .So Shawn keeps his mouth shut and bye bye . TJ and the race baiting makes me sick. Shawn put a bullet in her head, a bullet knows no color, go to jail, go straight to jail do not pass go. To bad if I had to pick , I would pick Shawn over Sonny, but only if he got out of the mob. JMO. Just when you think the show can't get any worse, Re-Ron shows you how wrong you are. As for Sloane The actor was very popular on ATWTs but then they had decent writers.
  • Love 9

Broad Channel and Rockaway Beach Queens Native. I never even heard any one who spoke like Denise or Fran...



And I have never used the word broad referring to a woman and pokey referring to jail.



Or when Brook Lynn returned, all of a sudden she was referring to the refrigerator as an "ice box," in the 21st century, no less; something that was used back in the '40s , '50s, '60s? And her Broaaaaaad Brooklyn accent that came out of nowhere. At least, I don't remember it being so bad, like Lois-levels of bad when she first showed up as a teen.

  • Love 2

It seems there are viewers who think the instant Jake is told he is really Jason he will automatically/instantly/miraculously remember who he is and drop into the old life he had with all his old repressed memories, etc.  I sure hope not.  Jason Stone Cold Morgan was not a wonderful character.  We really do not need him back.  I prefer Jake to Jason.  I certainly don't understand or appreciate the sentiment that Danny needs to be with his father who just happens to be a mob killer.  Yes, Jason Morgan was Sonny's enforcer.  Why would anyone wish that sort of father on a child? 


People are hoping for the reveal to cure everything wrong with this storyline because that is literally the only thing interesting about Jake right now. And, believe it or not, there are many Jason Morgan fans out there. They like the character despite knowing what he is and they are hoping Jake is not all that is left of their favorite character. 

  • Love 2
Kudos writers, I didn't think they were gonna remember Dante having the latex allergy too when FakeAva mentioned it.




I imagine he keeps a pair of gloves in his desk for emergency reasons so if ever he sees, say, his entire family being booked for some reason he can just start chewing on one so he has to be taken to GH for a mini vacation/getaway.

  • Love 10

Okay, I liked Lucas/RPs quotes and voice with the "hey so... "Denise"" Hee.

Dante telling Lulu may not be a good thing in the bigger picture of the more people who know a secret the faster it'll come out. But the Dante and Lante fan in me loves he wasted no time telling Lulu. I wondered what would happen there since I love the Lulu/Olivia relationship but I figured Ron would just not acknowledge Lulu having interest in the baby at all until maybe the truth coming out would cause a Lante fight, enter Valerie. Too bad though most of that conversation is part of the off screen show. I understand, can't cut into Morgan and Kikis air time or the feelings of a hit man and the town serial killer.

Tequan did a good job. TJ remains on my shit list, but Tequan deserves better than this.

ETA: I complained about Queens stuff yesterday. It still annoys me, I'm typing this from Queens after all, but Brooklyn's took a beating from the show for a while so I guess I can't complain too much.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

In the beginning that was the focus of his anger. Now he's apologizing to Sonny for what his mother did to him, and even after seeing the headline and knowing exactly what Shawn did, he's still defending Shawn. And Molly is backing him up by saying Shawn is a 'good man.' Um, no, he isn't. He was hired to kill Jake, which in itself is a crime, and ended up taking down an innocent bystander. That's called murder for hire and is not something to be commended.


Someone told me last night that Jordan deserves TJ's anger as well, that she "abandoned" him to Shawn's care, and I'm like, That is so totally not the point. Shawn is a criminal. As of right now he's guilty of shooting Greenlee/Hayden/Rebecca Budig, and the Johnnie Cochran nonsense TJ was spouting yesterday doesn't wash with me., To a very limited degree, I can see why he'd want to defend Shawn, but that doesn't also mean he shouldn't wise up.

  • Love 5

I only watched the first 20 minutes today, than had to leave.  But what the hell was up with the extremely awkward way Nikolas greeted Lulu today?  I thought maybe he pulled something in his back or something, he was just so....stiff.  It was strange.


And...would they really announce in front of the mob they want the guy to flip on that they offered him a deal?  The hell?  If it was a REAL mob and not the gummy mob that shit would have gotten Shawn killed.


Off to youtube all of the non Franco/Nina/Liz stuff.

This Shawn/Jordan/TJ crap is so completely fucked up. We're probably going to get weeks or months of TJ acting like an asshole with Jordan but he won't say shit about Shawn choosing to go to prison and abandon him rather than turn on Sonny.


This Ava Denise Richards crap continues to be ridiculous. How much worse is this going to get?

  • Love 8

Dante is awesome. That is all.

Actually, someone on Ron's team must be at least smarter than The Captain & The Mooch, because the bone marrow changing DNA, hair products removing fingerprints, and the latex allergy are all legit science.

Anybody know when Fin's last day is?

This Ava Denise Richards crap continues to be ridiculous. How much worse is this going to get?

You know Ron is going to read that, and in the words of Barney Stinson declare "challenge accepted". Edited by Tiger
  • Love 1

I was born and raised in Queens but I do not sound like either Denise nor Fran Dresler.

born and raised in Brooklyn and NEVER spoke like that, EVER. In fact my speech teacher in HS used to call on me to properly pronounce words for that exact reason lol! My niece does have a Brooklyn accent that sometimes makes me nuts but I've gotten used to it, and she's family lol!

  • Love 1

Dante makes everything worth it once again.


But honestly, with the exception of Franco/Nina and TJ/Shawn (all of which I fast forwarded) this ep was actually entertaining to me. I'm watching it as a comedy again and it works.


The editing for this ep was really weird. I feel like there were parts of scenes that just randomly got taken out or something. It was strange, but hilarious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

I loved Sonny sneering "You proud of yourself?" to Jordan. Yeah, I think she probably is, you nitwit. She arrested one of your goons.


I'm so tired of Lulu's jealousy over Valerie. It's so stupid (for now). Lulu needs something constructive to do to keep her imagination from running wild.


the bone marrow changing DNA


It wouldn't match Ava's original DNA, but wouldn't there still be some familial link? Avery is Ava's daughter.


It's one big preen-off when WdV and GMcC are together on-screen.


LOL at Lucas's A Few Good Men quote and lack of response from anyone.

  • Love 6

What I loved: KeMo and NLG's faces/non-verbal reactions to "Denise," Lucas saying Jack Nicholson's line from A Few Good Men, and "Denise" telling Morgan (paraphrasing here) handsome and dumb are not contradictory. Also, the way Dante treated "Denise" was great. Love ya Dante.


What I hated: Carly and Sonny's entitlement (always). Sonny walking past Elizabeth into her own home because he wants to talk to Jake right this second - when she clearly didn't say come in - just irritates me. Jake isn't even Sonny's employee, and Sonny does not know Jake is Jason. Carly's entitlement annoyed me less because I don't like nuSloane, but seriously, she's not Jake's significant other and she has no say in Sloane getting a demotion or promotion...unless annoying other police officials to death with her mouth counts.  

  • Love 4

I watched GH today online and used the close-captioning to liven things up since Show itself was making my brain explode between The Nina and Franco and that gassy balloon animal named Shawn, and it was a riot!


The first time Ava said "It's DENISE DEMUCCIO!", it was close-captioned as "if he needs to chill all with house winery fire".  


That was good, but the next time was even better.  This time, at the police station, when she said I'm Denise DeMuccio!", it was close-captioned as "Me ginnocchio rats or mice".


I'm all in favor of letting THAT online site's close-captioning write the entire show.  It could only make anything The Nina or Franco say much better than what we hear now, and just imagine what it would do for Dr. O.

  • Love 9

I loved Sonny sneering "You proud of yourself?" to Jordan.


It's shit like this that makes me want Sonny removed from this show with extreme prejudice.  What. An. ASSHOLE.


The poor kid is fondling his Rosary beads with a passion.


I just read that as, "The poor kid is fondling Rosalie with a passion" and was all, "Was there a plot point I missed?"

  • Love 13

It's shit like this that makes me want Sonny removed from this show with extreme prejudice.  What. An. ASSHOLE.


And this is why TJ has descended to rat crap level with me.  He gives his mother shit about being one of the good guys while letting that talking can of beefaroni Shawn off the hook, and he'll never even resent Sonny for letting him take the rap.  


I wish somebody would beat Sonny into a stupor and use that asshole Ric to do it.  

  • Love 7

I can't believe that I would rather be watching the Fluke crap than this nonsense. When did this show become must not see tv? Sonny is throwing shade at Jordan for doing her job and taking down a hit man, yet she's painted at being a bad guy? Don't even get me started on this Denise crap, and the unriveting Jakeson and Kiki/Morgan. Finally, they throw in a wedding with two characters who never interacted. At least Maxie the bimbo hasn't been onscreen in a while to lower this show to the abyss.

Is it sad that I want Denise and Morgan to go at it already? Ava/Morgan had so much wasted potential.

TJ crying sort of got to me. Same with Shawn- another wasted potential on a decent actor. Now we are going to be treated with Jordan being the town pariah for being a cop.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 4

How did Sonny not burst into flames when he asked Jordan if she was proud of hersel? Seriously!? I don't know how RC keeps a straight face when he is writing this stuff. I must say there is a real mass exodus for GH this summer. Geary quits, Hughes taking 3 months off, Carlos & Sean written off, Kurth to DOOL, Lisa Locerio maternity leave and wherever the heck Michael Easton is? Yikes! Luckily, we still have Maurice Bernard.<rolls eyes> <sarcasm>

  • Love 7

Just binged watched the last 8 episodes.


Where's Nathan and Maxie?  Ellie and Spin? 


Julian lost his hotness to me with all his "my son" demands.  Yea, it's your sperm most likely.  But it's Olivia's body pushing it out.  Take a breath.   And what the heck was the Jerome family reunion scene about?  Mourning the dead baby?  Announcing he's leaving the mob again?


Ned is really the driving force here.  Did he get his shares back?  How come no-one has evicted Nina from the hotel yet?  Where is Franco living?  With Scott?  Or on Julian's old park bench?  Didn't mind Ned involving Dr. O in the plot.  Didn't like Dr. O getting all schmoopy about Franco and that Charlie Brown striped sweater painting.


I liked Nik ordering a hit on Hayden.  I thought he should have had a henchman toss her over on the boat but this is good too.  Nothing against the actress but the character was getting too demanding.  Surprised they didn't have her say Ja---- as her last words.


Oh Liz.  I sent the kids away for the weekend in case anyone tries to retaliate against you.  Ugh. 


And, Rick is marrying Nina for get money? Make Franco jealous? I know it's a dumb story by a annoying writer but why would Rick marry Nina?

To get to the ELQ shares?  Free penthouse suite?  To get sympathy?


I loved Sonny sneering "You proud of yourself?" to Jordan. Yeah, I think she probably is, you nitwit. She arrested one of your goons.


I'm so tired of Lulu's jealousy over Valerie. It's so stupid (for now). Lulu needs something constructive to do to keep her imagination from running wild.


It wouldn't match Ava's original DNA, but wouldn't there still be some familial link? Avery is Ava's daughter.


LOL at Lucas's A Few Good Men quote and lack of response from anyone.

Jordan should have replied, Yes. Yes I am.  #dumbass  And TJ is taking after Molly with his misplaced indignation and admiration of the 'bad' parent.


I'd think Ava would have come back as a distant cousin which would explain the partial DNA match.  This whole hairstylist look-alike who happens to save up the $10 Chinatown bus fare to go to Julian's apartment because she looks like a presumed to be dead woman who used to run an art gallery --- CRAP storyline.


Guess after Silas saved her sorry ass, he burned off her finger prints and is now watching Olivia's baby in the city hospital storage room.


New Kiki was doing some weird snake charmer undulating motion while kissing Morgan - she did it in both scenes.  Made me laugh both times.  Almost as much as when she flashed her tatas to Morgan (both times), reminded me of Old Kiki doing that to Michael in his office.  Also made me laugh.


Someone mentioned (Sonny?) that the investigation as to who kidnapped baby AJ is still ongoing.  By whom?


Valerie looked weird today from that one angle when talking to Dante.  She's a major shit stirrer.  I had hopes for the character in the beginning but now meh. What job did she have back in PA?  Is she still paying rent?  Was there a service to Pat?  Did she ever fetch her stuff?


I thought maybe the Lucas actor blurted out that line at the wrong time.  Everyone had such a nonplussed reaction to it and then he was all "what" about it. Odd but funny.



Patrick gained some hotness points when he barked at Sam and Liz.


Kinda felt there was a missing show from last week to this week.  When I watched Tuesday's show, I rewound it because I thought I missed something.  Then checked my On Demand to make sure that Monday's episode was a repeat.  Something felt very off.

Edited by Lola16
  • Love 2

I missed a good part of today's show and, funny, I'm not inclined to go back and catch up.  What I did see...


I don't know what the accent "Denise" is sporting is supposed to be officially, but my closed captioning said [brooklyn Accent].


Don't the police normally take DNA samples with swabs in the mouth?  But, if the bone marrow transplant issue is in play, I guess that'd ruin their surprise for us.  And who needs reality, anyway?


T.J....  Oy.  Did he even ask if Shawn actually tried to murder someone, or he thinks it's okay because Shawn works for the "good" gangster?  I don't even know with this kid.  Shawn working for the mob?  Aces.  Jordan working for the mob?  Bad.  Jordan working for the good mobster?  Good.  Jordan working for the cops?  Badder.  Doesn't wanna take a car from Jordan.  Will take a college education from Duke.  Bad mobsters who kill should go to jail.  Shawn, who tries to kill and works for the good mobster, shouldn't.  Pick a lane, writers, because I don't even know who this kid is supposed to be.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 9

Dante is awesome. That is all.

Actually, someone on Ron's team must be at least smarter than The Captain & The Mooch, because the bone marrow changing DNA, hair products removing fingerprints, and the latex allergy are all legit science.

 , , ,

You know Ron is going to read that, and in the words of Barney Stinson declare "challenge accepted".


I wonder if he'll eventually use the apparent fact that cheek swabs will show the original DNA...


 - A

  • Love 1



The word "JOISEY" has never been spoken by a Jerseyite ever.

Jerseyite here and I second this!  The only people who say the word "Joisey" are people who are not from New Jersey.  And they are always so proud of themselves as if they are the first ones to ever say it.  Lol.


The actor who plays TJ is good.  Too bad they always give him crap stories to play out.


So once again Julian says he's done with the mob and once again Alexis looks all smug and believes him.  Change the record people this one has worn thin.



Nik is acting so full of antipathy that I expect his next scene to be of him laying on the couch, and going, "fine, I hired a hitman to kill someone. Yeah, I know it's not like me but whatever like I care" and then he's gonna shove his hand in his waistband.

So much this.  Nik is acting like he truly doesn't give a shit about anything.  What's up with him??

  • Love 1

Oh Liz.  I sent the kids away for the weekend in case anyone tries to retaliate against you.  Ugh

The PC mob doesn't do overtime. It would absolutely kill their turnover on gummy bear profits. So their hit men only work from Friday to Sunday night. This also gives them plenty of time to get home in time for Game of Thrones.



I thought maybe the Lucas actor blurted out that line at the wrong time.  Everyone had such a nonplussed reaction to it and then he was all "what" about it. Odd but funny.


Sam/Kelly gave him a hilarious look too, wish there was a close up on her face, but you get the gist when she turned her head.

  • Love 3

So let's pretend the police can't prove Denise-Ava is Ava-Ava.  Her plan is to do a poor Marissa Tomei impersonation for how long?  And she's giving up this lucrative career as a hair stylist --- leaving her Queens salon to live in upstate NY with no money, no friends, no job, nothing --- just because she looks like someone who is believed to be dead?  Where is she staying?  Park bench?  Maybe Michael should turn the Brownstone into a hostel. 

  • Love 3
It wouldn't match Ava's original DNA, but wouldn't there still be some familial link? Avery is Ava's daughter.



I'm assuming we're going to get some story where everyone (or most people, with one or two holdouts who refuse to believe she's not Ava) thinks that Denise is some long lost twin cousin/sister of Ava's. 


Shawn telling Jordan "I took his father from him once, I won't do it again."  No, you are not noble, asshat.  You've had many chances to be noble over the course of your time in PC, but, much like Duke, you were dickmatized by Sonny.  So you chose life as the world's most incompetent hitman.  If you wanted to be noble, especially with regard to TJ, then you would sit him down for a man to man talk about how his mother is a good woman who made some very huge personal sacrifices to help get criminals off the street, and while being upset at missing so much time with her is understandable, TJ should count himself lucky to have one parent who is willing to put it all on the line to do the right thing. 

  • Love 12

Her plan is to do a poor Marissa Tomei impersonation for how long?  And she's giving up this lucrative career as a hair stylist --- leaving her Queens salon to live in upstate NY with no money, no friends, no job, nothing --- just because she looks like someone who is believed to be dead? 


I guess she's going to to this crappy JOISEY shit until our heads explode.  Which shouldn't be long.  Show is seriously thinning my cranium lately.  Only more Dante can save me.



Shawn telling Jordan "I took his father from him once, I won't do it again."  No, you are not noble, asshat.  You've had many chances to be noble over the course of your time in PC, but, much like Duke, you were dickmatized by Sonny.  So you chose life as the world's most incompetent hitman.  If you wanted to be noble, especially with regard to TJ, then you would sit him down for a man to man talk about how his mother is a good woman who made some very huge personal sacrifices to help get criminals off the street, and while being upset at missing so much time with her is understandable, TJ should count himself lucky to have one parent who is willing to put it all on the line to do the right thing. 


SO TRUE!  I thought, for just a second, that Shawn was actually going to say something like that to TJ or to Jordan, but nah, all we got was Beef Jerky pouching out his cheeks, looking like a fun house version of Mikey who doesn't like anything.

Since Show is sending Shawn out even dumber than when he came in, can they at least have the most incompetent hitman ever trip over his laces, or give himself a wedgie on the way out?


I guess Sonny telling Shawn that "it's not over" means that Sonny will be putting Shawn's picture on his dresser, along with all the other morons who have sacrificed themselves at the Altar of Coppertone.  


I used to think TJ was too good for Molly, that he deserved better than that persistently spoiled adenoidal brat.  Now he seems a perfect fit for the delusional yet judgemental Davis clan.  I guess all you need to get in with that family is to have your head stuck permanetly up your ass.

  • Love 5

I was told I needed to get off the barge and watch TRi performance. Man I may not the scenario but same if TRi didn't play the hell out of those scenes.

He made my eyes tear up and I don't give two sits about Shawn or this story. I did want to give TJ a hug thou.

TRi, is so wasted on this show.

Put me down for AvaDenise/Morgan. BC mat be an idiot but at least I could cut the volume off and enjoy.

Damn why did I have ghost Carlos and Special Agent Devane with a side of Brad/Lucas in the preview???

ETA: I want all you New Yorkers and Jerseyite to remember the above conversations about accents when Southerners tell you we all don't sound the same either. Lol, I'm from Tennessee currently living in Texas and I am frequently asked where I'm from.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 5
Sonny walking past Elizabeth into her own home because he wants to talk to Jake right this second - when she clearly didn't say come in - just irritates me.


Ugh, I hated that, too. It was obvious she didn't want to let him in. Typical Sonny to push his way past someone, especially a woman.


T.J....  Oy.  Did he even ask if Shawn actually tried to murder someone, or he thinks it's okay because Shawn works for the "good" gangster?


The latter. Sonny is the only mobster who lives by the "code," which is laughable given how many times he's shot at/killed the wrong person.


Lucas made a pop culture reference to something from last century. How shocking! #eyeroll


It wasn't from a TV show with a heavily gay following. That is shocking.


I'm assuming we're going to get some story where everyone (or most people, with one or two holdouts who refuse to believe she's not Ava) thinks that Denise is some long lost twin cousin/sister of Ava's.


I'm sure you're right, KerleyQ. I was mostly wondering if they'd even acknowledge there was some overlapping DNA. Julian's reaction to this might be amusing. Mainly, though, my feelings seesaw between "ugh" and "zzzzzzz."


Put me down for AvaDenise/Morgan.


Only if something permanently shuts down her larynx. I could only barely stand Lois's braying. I cannot take Denise DeMuccio's AT ALL.

Edited by dubbel zout
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  Once again, someone else sacrifices themselves for Sonny. Like Duke and Michael before him (among others), Shawn didn't just fall on his sword for Sonny; he leapt on it. BTW, Shawn, re your telling TJ about loyalty, what about your loyalty to TJ, aka your son, asshole? Speaking of asshole, that's what TJ is for his recent treatment of Jordan, who has done some wrong things, but at least they were for the right reasons, most of the time. As for Sonny's daring to judge Jordan, at least she killed the right guy for the right reasons, unlike his killing AJ. Shawn is going to prison because of his choices, not Jordan's. Shawn chose to work for Sonny, Shawn chose to be a criminal and he chose to go to prison, abandoning TJ in the process. If Shawn truly cared about doing the right thing, he wouldn't have done any of that in the first place.




Lucas hasn't been too badly tarnished, although giving Carly Michael's new number was shitty.


He has tragic taste in men.


  Carly, Nina, Dr. O's & Kiki's taste is much worse. So was Jordan's, until recently.


 Everything's better with Dante.

Edited by DollEyes
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