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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The plaid around Duke's photo was a nice touch, even though it cracked me up a bit.


Nice to see that Duke's death is ALL ABOUT SONNY.


Who else should it be about? Sonny is the one who's hurt the most!


Way to honor Duke be killed by a mobster by threatening to kill another mobster, Sonny.


The hair and eyebrows in those flashbacks! LOL.

  • Love 7

And Lulu manages to prove she's a complete shallow, unfeeling moronic idiot because her idea of comforting Anna is to tell her that Duke was a snappy dresser.  I'm hoping there's room to bury or cremate her too, along with Lucy and Duke.  And if Det. Kitty isn't also secretly wishing this too, then he's not half the man-for-Anna I think he is.


You mean Maxie, right? 

  • Love 1

And Robin was once Michael's baby-sitter, and now Sabrina is baby-sitting him too. Damn you Ron, you bastard!




Instead, we get Anna asking Patrick if he got in touch with Robin, and he's like, "No. Sorry," with that irritated, douchey facial expression he gets when his ex is mentioned.


Seriously, why is JT playing all the Robin mentions this way? It's very odd.


I think I actually cried during this ep and like I don't even know why because it surely wasn't well written or actually poignant.

  • Love 3




Seriously, why is JT playing all the Robin mentions this way? It's very odd.


I think I actually cried during this ep and like I don't even know why because it surely wasn't well written or actually poignant.

JT's acting choices, and the writing for Patrick & Anna makes so sense if you fanwank that Helena or Dr. O or Faison, or a combination thereof, did something to erase their love/concern/whatever for Robin. Patrick's bitchy attitude today contrasted with the way he looked at Robin's picture a few weeks ago at least suggests that JT is bringing it to the stage, even if Ron isn't bringing it to the page.

  • Love 5

Meanwhile, back at Meerkat Manor, Nick is saying that it's too bad that Elizabeth and Jake are over before they've started, because of the danger, and the danger to her kids, but Elizabeth brushes that off with "Accidents happen".  "Accidents happen"......so I guess when her son Jake died, that was just easy peasy, lemon squeezy.  But she's a great mom and a great nurse.  Just don't be her kid or her patient if she's got any chance of getting laid in her immediate future, because then, you're in "Accidents Happen" territory, I guess.


The above scenes made me seriously (actually, literally) want a Pam wakes up and Bobby's in the shower resolution to everything that's happened on this show for I can't count how long. This is an earnest question: would you (all/any of you) be up for that -- just a total reset. Maybe Patrick wakes up; Robin's in the shower. I could go for this, provided someone else take over the show.


JT's acting choices, and the writing for Patrick & Anna makes so sense if you fanwank that Helena or Dr. O or Faison, or a combination thereof, did something to erase their love/concern/whatever for Robin. Patrick's bitchy attitude today contrasted with the way he looked at Robin's picture a few weeks ago at least suggests that JT is bringing it to the stage, even if Ron isn't bringing it to the page.


I don't have to fanwank it, because I can't figure out how either JT or Finola are supposed to deliver any of their Robin related lines. I figure either JT is just really pissed at what's been done to his character, or he's just playing the only option they've given him, that he's hurt and angered by Robin's "choice" to leave their family.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 5

In fact, the thought has crossed my mind that if Liz would clue Patrick in about Jake really being Jason and Jakson does start remembering some key things, they could concoct a scheme where they convince Jake he needs more surgery for 'reasons' so Patrick can go back into his soup for brains and try and make sure he remains clueless about who he really is.  


That would mean RC would have to stop throwing himself on every grenade in sight to make sure that Patrick remains clueless as to what is happening and blameless in what will happen.  Which means it will Not.  Ever.  Happen.


 I have no idea what Sonny actually does if he doesn't allow drugs or weapons in his territory and gets all mad when real mobsters are involved.


Human trafficking.


It's the only thing that makes sense.


Am I wrong to hope that Sonny shoots Jakson to get even for Duke's death?  It could be epic if Liz or Nik's sees it and say to Sonny, "you just shot your best friend"?


How about a murder-suicide?  I could get behind that...

  • Love 4
In fact, the thought has crossed my mind that if Liz would clue Patrick in about Jake really being Jason and Jakson does start remembering some key things, they could concoct a scheme where they convince Jake he needs more surgery for 'reasons' so Patrick can go back into his soup for brains and try and make sure he remains clueless about who he really is.


Fuck no. And not because of the "protecting Patrick" POV, but because RC has already warped almost everyone else insofar as there are really no good folks under his pen anymore and, instead, GH is full of shitty antiheroes/"gray" assholes disguised as edgy citizens. And there are enough of them. Too much.


Patrick may be a fellow asshole right now, but an outright scumbag criminal? No, and I'd prefer it remains that way. One can be an ass yet still not a criminal.

  • Love 6

Lots of random thoughts about today's show:


Calling off the hit does not re-set Duke at Good Guy.  He still put it out there in the first place. No sale on that one.


Sloan with his comforting of Anna.  The writers sure don't understand the whole "people who are antagonistic but yet attracted to each other" dynamic.  At least I don't see red with him like I did when they had Dr. O comforting Anna.


Emma's an android, like in A/I. Because she has absolutely no hang ups at all over the revolving door of women Patrick brings in his home.


I hate fake outs like Duke appearing to Sonny.  I was just listening to a podcast of the creator of Mad Men, and he said "I'm not doing 'how to keep a moron in suspense.' That's not my game." But we do know whose game it is.


It was nice to see Lynn show up and be so on point for her scenes.  Considering how little acting practice she gets of late, she really showed up and did well.


Enough of "we were going to run away and start blah, blah, blah."  Anna, you pushed Duke away for most of two years. It's hard for me to care that, miraculously,2 hours before he died, you decided to accept him completely.


The girls send Dante and Nathan on ahead to comfort Anna. I'm fanwanking that they know the score and are fine with it. 


Man, do Dante and Anna look cute together. 


Sonny crashed Robin's wedding when Patrick didn't want him there.  Now he crashes Duke's despite how Anna might feel about him. Well, at least he didn't have sex at it.  A step up for him.


Wow, TJ has filled out a lot.  A reminder how much I FF this show when I do watch.


How white Billy Miller is compared to how orange WDV is must have been hell on the lighting people. 


The least they could have done was let Mac and Felicia out of the vet closet.  They did just that.  But why didn't they let John York in to the hair and make up room?


OMG, the flashbacks. Duke and Anna were a handsome, handsome couple. Even as an RNA fan, I can appreciate the pretty.  I think Finola's acting has grown leaps and bounds since 1986.  But oddly, Ian was so much more natural and charismatic back then than he is now.  Maybe he's Finola's living portrait of Dorian Gray.


It's a shame that they were not given one single scene these past two years that matches those moments from decades again.  It's interesting that they put so many clips from the recent scenes in the flashbacks.  The snippets suggest that there was a great story.  But these snippets WERE the bulk of the story.  That's so much part of the problem of this show.  There's no meat to the stories. They are moments, literally weeks or months apart at times.  

Edited by Francie
  • Love 10

The flashbacks gave me some feels, but I do wish they had let the part with Anna discovering Duke at Obrecht's clinic breath a little more.  Although, if they had shown Duke's joy at finally seeing her again or Duke calling her his hero while he adoringly kissed her hand, it would have been even harder to swallow his turning his back on her for Sonny.


I also liked Lucy today.  One would think she'd learn from what happened with Duke and Anna and dedicate herself to winning back Kevin, but today was probably the last we'll see of her for a while.

  • Love 5
Seriously, why is JT playing all the Robin mentions this way? It's very odd.


We need Ulkis to whip up some dialogue where Finola Hughes and Jason Thompson play the scene out. Something like:


Finola:  Jason, we can't have this Duke memorial episode pass without a mention of Robin.

Jason: I know. I've been bracing for it.

Finola: Since we can't acknowledge how odd it is that she's not here and has had so little contact with us, it's probably best if we keep it as short as possible. 

Jason: Agreed. Oh, and I'm sorry for the loss of your screen partner.

Finola/Anna:  Thanks.  Okay, so here we go. Have you heard from Robin? I haven't been able to get ahold of her.

Patrick: No. No I haven't.

  • Love 14

The above scenes made me seriously (actually, literally) want a Pam wakes up and Bobby's in the shower resolution to everything that's happened on this show for I can't count how long. This is an earnest question: would you (all/any of you) be up for that -- just a total reset. Maybe Patrick wakes up; Robin's in the shower. I could go for this, provided someone else take over the show.


Yes. I would reset basically everything this writing regime has done. And why not? They've undone basically any good they ever did -- Robin's rescue by her family over a year ago now rendered a cruel, pointless joke. Ditto for AJ's resurrection from the dead. And Duke's. The Fluke story finally, completely ruining what was left of Luke and changing midstream a million times. Sonny goes to prison finally, but for 2 seconds.

They don't even give a shit about their own stories! So reset it all.

  • Love 3

JT's acting choices, and the writing for Patrick & Anna makes so sense if you fanwank that Helena or Dr. O or Faison, or a combination thereof, did something to erase their love/concern/whatever for Robin. Patrick's bitchy attitude today contrasted with the way he looked at Robin's picture a few weeks ago at least suggests that JT is bringing it to the stage, even if Ron isn't bringing it to the page.

I feel like the writing/JT/whatever plays it differently every time there's a Robin mention. When the story first started he was angry...then he became indifferent...then it was "I'm over her, let's hook up Sam!"...then it was "Robin who?"...and now it's like this irritating/annoying thing he has to deal with, like a fly that won't stop buzzing near your face.

Basically, the show still has no idea what he's supposed to be acting like. He's just "happy with Sam and deserves to be happy!"

  • Love 2

No, Emma Drake, Duke will not be returning from the dead like your mother and most of the residents of Port Charles have (except, oddly, neither Patrick nor Sam). Ron and Frank made sure to establish that Duke was indeed Duke and that Anna had spent six hours with his body (i.e. he didn't die and get switched and then spirited away). He won't be coming back, it's not a dream. And, like Sonny, all you can do is sit up and cry at the thought that it had been a dream and Duke had outwitted everyone. I'm surprised they didn't have someone pull at Duke's neck to make sure it wasn't a mask. And, oh yes, Emma, AJ is gone too because we saw him ascend the General Hospital stairways with Lila and Edward waiting for him. But oh yup, killer for the mob, Jason, is alive and well and has not one but four women (Sam, Carly, Liz, and Hayden) running around making themselves crazy over him.


Looking forward to the live show if for no other reason than I will be boom mike hunting because I miss Dark Shadows.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 5

Loved the flashbacks of Duke and Anna.  Wasn't watching then, so it was all new to me but I liked seeing Duke act alive.


Sam talks like her education stopped at junior high. We're all so pretty... wearing pretty clothes.  Yes, that's the important thing at a funeral.  LOL at the box of garage sale finds - bedroom stuff.


Can't Liz and Nik remind Hayden that she can still go to jail for fraud?   And Nik really needs to get the upper hand with that one.


I don't find it unrealistic that Robin is still held captive.  After Helena escorted her to Paris and put her in a cave (or whatever that was), she must have put someone in charge.  We've seen Helena in PC after that.  Supposing that henchman is still keeping Robin captive at Helena's orders.  What's not realistic to me is Anna not reaching out to Robin directly about Duke's death and accepting Patrick's lame ass indifference about not reaching Robin.



Jake is Julian's patsy to Sonny.

TJ finds out why Duke paid his tuition.

  • Love 3

I admit I'm a day behind, and maybe I wasn't paying enough attention before, but honestly, didn't Julian initially order the hit on Duke? Why else was Carlos at the Metro Court trying to take out Don Grandpa a few weeks back? I was never under the impression Carlos went rogue.


The only thing that could redeem the Hayden crap is if it turns out this whole thing is just an elaborate cover, and she's a plant for Helena. She is a trained assassin and she's come here to kill a whole lot of people. Throw names in a hat, it probably won't matter who you pull out.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9

This sentimental Sonny dream about Duke is cracking me up. How much screentime did they share? Like 10 episodes in all? \


And I can't handle Anna waving away the fact that Duke was a man who had no problem calling in a hit. I mean, as long as he was going to stop it to run away with her, yada yada....that's not the smart Anna I love. But that was a lovely little clip montage at the end.

Edited by TheGourmez
  • Love 4

I admit I'm a day behind, and maybe I wasn't paying enough attention before, but honestly, didn't Julian initially order the hit on Duke? Why else was Carlos at the Metro Court trying to take out Don Grandpa a few weeks back? I was never under the impression Carlos went rogue.


That's the way I remember it.  Can't remember about whether Sonny knew about the hit attempt on Jordan, though.  I know he and Duke had talked about it at one point, when Duke first suspected she was undercover.  But, later, Duke and Bruce were talking at the gym like it was just between the two of them.  I would love it if Sonny did know and Shawn found out.  Any bets on how fast he'd come around to Sonny's way of thinking because Jordan betrayed their good selves.

  • Love 1

You mean Maxie, right? 



 Oh i did, thanks for catching that.  


I guess I caught what Maxie has and I'm not even a snappy dresser.



Re the typing of Lulu's name for Maxie's in the originally-referenced post, I wouldn't call that 'catching what Maxie has.'  I would say that mixing up the names is very understandable - considering that, now, when these two very blonde heads are together, it's sometimes hard to tell them apart.


Carrying on with more morning coffee.  

  • Love 1
The only thing that could redeem the Hayden crap is if it turns out this whole thing is just an elaborate cover, and she's a plant for Helena. She is a trained assassin and she's come here to kill a whole lot of people. Throw names in a hat, it probably won't matter who you pull out.


Take out Anna's and Dante's names from the hat, and I'm on board.

  • Love 8

Sloan with his comforting of Anna.  The writers sure don't understand the whole "people who are antagonistic but yet attracted to each other" dynamic.  At least I don't see red with him like I did when they had Dr. O comforting Anna.

I was home sick yesterday, and decided to watch, and ugh, this McCrouch dude, who is now playing Sloane, is just so, so , SO GROSS. Not just the character, but I find the actor so fugly, with his attempt at the scrub. Blech. Ptoooeeey.  And why Anna didn't just backhand and wipe the floor with Leisl, I will never understand. Finola should have just adlibbed and done just that, since there are no retakes. No? Knowing the fuckwits in charge, they probably would have done a second take.



Enough of "we were going to run away and start blah, blah, blah."  Anna, you pushed Duke away for most of two years. It's hard for me to care that, miraculously,2 hours before he died, you decided to accept him completely.




Sonny crashed Robin's wedding funeral when Patrick didn't want him there.  Now he crashes Duke's despite how Anna might feel about him. Well, at least he didn't have sex at it.  A step up for him.




It's a shame that they were not given one single scene these past two years that matches those moments from decades again.  It's interesting that they put so many clips from the recent scenes in the flashbacks.  The snippets suggest that there was a great story.  But these snippets WERE the bulk of the story.  That's so much part of the problem of this show.  There's no meat to the stories. They are moments, literally weeks or months apart at times.  


1. I KNOW! That irked me beyond the normal beyond. Sorry Anna, but I can't really sympathize or empathize--and, and...I can't come up with the words, because the disonance...I just HATE the writers. That is all. But Finola was really awesome in those scenes.


2. Francie, I know you meant FUNERAL, not wedding, right? I fixed it for ya.


3. Yeah. Those snippets from the past two years did nothing for me, but the earlier ones did make me smile.  I don't know if it's my extreme hate for the show runners, but I feel nothing when they show emotional scenes. Nothing. Exception being anything with Robert, Anna and Robin. Go figure.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 3




Seriously, why is JT playing all the Robin mentions this way? It's very odd.


I think I actually cried during this ep and like I don't even know why because it surely wasn't well written or actually poignant.


For what could have been.


So I really can't not get over the fact the funeral is literally what 12 hrs less even from when Duke died. WTF?  It's abysmal writing it really is. This is also the night after the nurses ball? The hell. The time line these days is more screwy than ever.

  • Love 3

Maybe, if Grayson McCouch smiled a little it might help. LOL!!! All he does is growl and make faces. He's a good looking guy but I think he is miscast. That said, I'm not exactly sure why he's miscast. The first guy wasn't even on that long or that much. I just remember he was taller and blonder. So, I can't figure out what's wrong. Is McCouch wrong for the part or is Sloane just not needed? I know that killing Duke is a dumb idea but is the character of Sloane a dumb idea, too? Maybe, if McCouch took off his shirt more...........LOL!!

  • Love 2

If William deVry wanted to get William Shatner on the show, this would have been the most oppportune time:


"Of our friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... Scottish."

I want the AJ and Duke resurrections. But everything after that is shitty


All during Anna's vigil over Duke's body, I was making Walking Dead Walker guttural sounds and commenting, "Double tap him, Anna! He's turning!"


Re: the Anna/Duke flashbacks - Baby Anna and her 80s hair!

  • Love 6

For what could have been.


So I really can't not get over the fact the funeral is literally what 12 hrs less even from when Duke died. WTF?  It's abysmal writing it really is. This is also the night after the nurses ball? The hell. The time line these days is more screwy than ever.

Maybe duke was half Jewish? I kid....but yeah wouldn't a body, especially a victim of homicide, be kept for at least a few days for the investigation? Although this is the same pcpd that didn't test jake for residue immediately. Guess there were budget cuts.


Sam talks like her education stopped at junior high. We're all so pretty... wearing pretty clothes.  Yes, that's the important thing at a funeral. 

To be fair, it kind of did. She never graduated high school, she got her GED onscreen after the Alexis is her mother reveal. I know that's not what you meant, but had to throw it out there. And telling a 10 year old they look pretty, even for a funeral, isn't that far fetched imo. She was trying to cheer her up a little. Ymmv.

  • Love 9

Less than three hours until the first live show begins. EEEEE! I'm so excited for the potential fuckups!

I want to see someone run into a door, someone else break character, and a third do an accidental fall during a key emotional scene (or sex scene--I'd love to see Nik/TC trip and fall right by the bed and see if Hayden/RB just cracks up).

  • Love 5

Seriously? Ron says he does not remember either the Hell No wedding or Live Week? No wonder he has such a terrible problem with continuity, if even standout events like those did not live on in his memory.


I think it's less "doesn't remember" and more "refuses to acknowledge that his ideas now are not brand new, entirely created from his own imagination."  

  • Love 9

So Duke gets half the cast to see him off while AJ gets two scumbags banging on his grave.  Just when I think I'm over it.


And spare me Sonny giving a shit about one of his biggest ass kissers.  They knew each other for five minutes and most of that time Duke just enabled him.


Hey, for a lifelong professional narcissist  like Sonny, a talented enabling ass kisser is a mega valuable source of narcissic supply.  (Why else marry Carly multiple times?  He knows she's got that down!  Plus, he gets to bang her.)  He's gonna miss Duke's frequent and enthusiastic tongue baths and relentless support of his worst ideas.


Oh, and love the scumbags banging on AJ's grave point.  Almost as much as I loved the plaid on Duke's portrait.

Edited by Reo

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I floved Rebecca Budig as OriginalGreenlee on AMC. She was like a junior Erica Kane -- wealthy, bitchy, entitled, would do whatever or WHOMever to get what she wanted -- but not a psychotic beast like Lisa Niles or WE NEVER CARED. And I would like Hayden to stay on GH because, let's face it, the show needs another character like that. Britt's gone, Liez doesn't exactly fit the bill, and Budig is damned good at playing this type of character. Perhaps she's a Cassadine or has a connection to another core GH family (wouldn't it be funny if she turned out to be a Webber and related to Liez?). There's a lot of possibilities to be mined here, and Budig would be excellent. Use some of Geary's salary to pay her. Get rid of some of the dead wood (I'll let you ponder your own personal choices, but I'd start with Nathan, Sloane, Patrick, Sobrina and Kiki).


Since I mentioned Sloane, I agree with the posters who are turned off by the new guy. OriginalSloane was certainly easier on the eyes. I think, however, that either TPTB felt he was too young to hook up with Anna (NEVER!) or that Ron has dreamed of poaching GMcC for years, even though I can't remember the last soap he did. Well, Ron's memory is long, but only when it comes to grudges and payback, certainly not anything useful like storylines or motivation or any of that pesky storytelling stuff we love from our soaps.

  • Love 5

I took the nicest nap yesterday when the show came on, it literally put me to sleep. But what I gathered from the few scenes I saw before falling unconscious is that no funeral in PC is actually about the dead person but Sonny.         


Connie was best remembered as Sonny's split personality bimbo, A.J. was just "that guy" who Sonny killed in cold blood, rutted with Ava on top of his grave and then only got a slap on the wrist as a punishment for his murder, and now Duke got to be buried with the title of Sonny's so called "Ride or Die Bestie for Life"*.


Everything always comes back around to Sonny on this crap show. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so rank and ridiculous.                   


*Of course he's in second place after the one and only Jason 'Saviour Mob Prince of PC' Morgan.    

  • Love 2

We had a huge ad break that started at 39 minutes, ran 'til 44 minutes in, and then local news cut away, because a verdict has been reached in the Boston Marathon Bombing trial. Granted, we won't get the verdict until after the show is over, but we have to sit here and listen to the idiot anchors talk about nothing, instead of returning to the show, until there is actual news to report. 

After the episode, will someone please recap what happened after Hayden left Windermere? Thank you.

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