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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So the Hairy Koala thinks that it's better to have rat-infested abandoned buildings rather than properties making money and paying taxes?


Apparently so. As much as gentrification can be a scourge on functioning, healthy neighbourhoods, It is  a good thing when it comes to saving derelict, buildings from becoming a danger due to the decay wrought by time and neglect, not so much when it involves tearing them down or leaving only a facade. From what Michael said when he discussed the revitalization with Morgan, it may be that ELQ is planning a combination of both. I kind of hope that the hippie wombat orange Dunklemonkey does not have any sort of a valid point in this because he's rushing off half-cocked with next to no information and I hate everything that comes out of his smug mouth. 


On the plus side, he's meeting his destined soul-mate, Lauren and they will doubtless find each other through true love and follow their bliss straight out of town,  after mooching the fare off someone. What????

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 7


Thanks.  Not sure who Kristina is.  Has she been on the last 2 months?


Apparently so. As much as gentrification can be a scourge on functioning, healthy neighbourhoods, It is  a good thing when it comes to saving derelict, buildings from becoming a danger due to the decay wrought by time and neglect, not so much when it involves tearing them down or leaving only a facade. From what Michael said when he discussed the revitalization with Morgan, it may be that ELQ is planning a combination of both. I kind of hope that the hippie wombat orange Dunklemonkey does not have any sort of a valid point in this because he's rushing off half-cocked with next to no information and I hate everything that comes out of his smug mouth. 


On the plus side, he's meeting his destined soul-mate, Lauren and they will doubtless find each other through true love and follow their bliss straight out of town,  after mooching the fare off someone. What????

Levi grosses me out for so many reasons.  His pontificating on things he sorta kinda maybe knows is just one reason.  I'll buy the greyhound bus tickets for him and Kiki.

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I was highly annoyed to see that the Port Charles newspaper led in bold headlines (usually reserved for the announcement of wars or general elections) that Sobby's baby was dead et etc. It seems to me that the writers are trolling us...


And why oh why didn't BMOC Mikey at least ASK NED before taking Auntie Tracy back into the company--and also ask the other stockholders who helped toss Tracy out when she was known to be with Puke? Now watch Puke and Tracy get hold of that building project and ruin it for everybody! They will probably use substandard materials and get the company sued for that, and Levi will cackle evilly and say "I told you so" to the city.


Speaking of the city, what happened to the plans that Felicia was making to run for mayor when Scotty was running for DA?


Im going to change my username to "Cyclops" because today when Levi was talking shit about Edward, im pretty sure lasers shot out of my eyes.  


He and Keeks are soulmates. 


Someone needs to check Maxie for blindness and brain damage.  Im a straight guy and I seriously dont understand why she hasn't jumped Nathan's bones yet. 


Anyway, Samtrick is my happy place.  I know Ron will eventually ruin them and/or kick them aside for the next shiny toy, but right now I am loving them.  I love how awake Jason and Kelly are around each other.

Edited by Tiger
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Overall, I didn't think today was too bad.


I couldn't find very much to love about it. It was incredibly boring for a Friday episode and not even a shirtless Morgan was enough to save it for me. Mainly because he's forced to be in scenes with such a crappy character. She brings absolutely nothing to the team. Kiki, you should be riding the bench. You're hardly starting material.


My one thing, hmm my one thing. I'm going to say yay for new character interaction. Morgan and Maxie in the same scene leading into Monday. With the dreaded Dunkleman, but it's better than nothing. I also liked Morgan talking about Sam's past to Kiki. At least he acknowledges he knows who she is. I just want to see characters in scenes with different people for a change. I wouldn't mind if they did a standalone episode with people that never interact together, just so we can get something fresh. Oops, I realize I've just set up the perfect scenario for BC and KT to have their dreams come true. Ah well, I'm not wishing for Britt/Morgan, but I'd definitely like to see any two people that aren't enmeshed in the same storyline shake things up a bit, if only for a day.


The only thing that the Sonny/Franco scenes showed me is that Carly has truly terrible taste in men.


  • Love 3

It's so strange how the planets  have shifted, and Carly and Sonny are careening toward each other leaving Ava and Franco twisting in the wind. Carly is more mixed up and less self-aware than Maxie. And it's past time for Sonny to be exposed as AJ's killer. Likewise the driver of the black mystery car.


Why didn't Anna and Nathan just give Ric police protection instead of making his family and friends think he was dead? I'd sue the department.


I don't think it's unfair or politically incorrect. I have similar complaint with Scifi shows & the lack of male eye candy vs the sexy skin tight/minimal clothed female I've talked about a pool set for that reason. Guys in swim trunks & ladies in swim suits/bikinis would be fair for everyone.


I keep thinking, "Hey, IIC, you film in L.A.  Don't tell me you can't find a beach to do a location shoot at".


Kiki never seems to be short of money, either.  Are Dr. Silas' pockets that deep?


I could swear there was some sort of blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene where she landed a job at the Haunted Star.  Or maybe that was Starr that got the job.  I really didn't care about either character enough to pay close attention.


Thank you to whomever is speeding up the AJ reveal. Cue to Angry Micheal!


I just worry that they are speeding up the reveal so they can have maybe two scenes of Michael being angry, then the whole thing gets dropped as RC pivots to another plot point and the next thing we see is all is swell in Sonny's world.


It's a little ironic that Molly wonders aloud who would run someone off the road and just drive away, both because she's talking to Rafe and because her elder sister did the same thing with Claudia, and the fetus died.


Her mother was also involved in a hit-and-run which ended up killing someone.


On the plus side, he's meeting his destined soul-mate, Lauren and they will doubtless find each other through true love and follow their bliss straight out of town,  after mooching the fare off someone. What????


I have the smush name for the pairing - Leaky!  ;)




Also, why are all of Tracy's take over ELQ campaigns about sabotaging the current CEO thereby making them look bad. It always ends up making ELQ look bad. Does Ron not know any other business type storylines.


He did a takeover story on OLTL once where Dorian Lord took over Buchanan Enterprises by din't of getting her hands on a bunch of stock, so he knows that.  I believe early on in SK's return to the show they were setting up a stock battle between A.J. and Tracy.  Then Pickle Lila hit.

Edited by yowsah1

Every time Sonny "threatens" someone with "the only reason you're still breathing" line is one time too many. He is an inefficient, short, greasy moobster who shot AJ in cold blood and is not man enough to fess up to Michael. I won't even get into the Carly part of this all, it is just too maddening.


The next time Orange Glow threatens someone the way he did today, whoever it is should just pick him up by the collar, hold him away while he kicks his little legs and flails his little arms while the person walks over and drops him in the nearest trashcan.


Now how horrible is it that Show had me on Franco's side??  I hate Show for that alone.  

They both deserve to be smothered, hopefully when Big Carly rolls over on them in bed.  Neither one would stand a chance.

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The thing that upsets me the most is that if everyone moves to the Brownstone, the wall paper in Maxis apartment will cease to exist.  The wallpaper in Maxis apartment brings me more joy than having to watch yet another episode that has Sonny in it.


Props to having Tracy and Roho act in scenes without Carly and Luke.  No matter how great these two actors are, there just ain't no romantic chemistry between Tracy and Luke or Roho and Carly.


At the very least, Morgan and Kiki have been given something to do except to whine. Morgan probably ticks me off more than Kiki and Levi and Rafe combined.  He really takes after his on-screen Dad.

Edited by sunnyface

Maxie, you need to look more embarrassed than you actually do. You are fucking a guy so stupid as to think that harassing the guy doing the reno is going to change corporate policy? You are better than that. 

Levi, fuck off. What's next? Gonna go yell at some undocumented workers at a construction site because you don't like Home Depot policies? Plus it's fucking Morgan, a guy so dumb he didn't clear the cobwebs before scraping! Who doesn't know that?! And he's shirtless in a construction area! Jesus Christ these people! 

  • Love 9

I wouldn't mind if they did a standalone episode with people that never interact together, just so we can get something fresh. Oops, I realize I've just set up the perfect scenario for BC and KT to have their dreams come true. Ah well, I'm not wishing for Britt/Morgan, but I'd definitely like to see any two people that aren't enmeshed in the same storyline shake things up a bit, if only for a day.


Ugh yes! I just want something fresh. And selfishly I want my faves to interact since most of the time they're with characters I don't particularly care for. Give me Morgan with Britt/Brad or Ava with Nathan or Morgan and Nathan. Or Rosalie and anybody I previously mentioned!


I got a kick out of the Franco/Sonny/Carly scenes. They were supposed to be hilarious, right?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Having random characters interact apparently doesn't jibe well with the block taping method--the taping method that sucks but isn't going anywhere because it apparently saves a ton of money.  It's a real shame.  I was watching old clips on youtbe a few weeks ago, and the difference was striking.  Characters used to move around in episodes all the time, with people floating in and out of sets and in and out of different storylines.  You might have, say, Sam and Patrick stting together at Kelly's, and then Alexis and Molly and TJ might come in, and TJ would peel off to talk to Jordan whie Sam and Molly would chat while Patrick got called to the hospital, and by the end of the episode, Patrick and Liz could be at the hospital with Nikolas and Britt while Sam and Jordan were meeting for the first time and bonding over pie. 


Now, you can turn on the show, watch the first segment, see 4 different pairs or triads in 4 different sets, and if you're not interested in those particular groups, you might as well turn it off because that's where they're going to be and who they're going to be talking to for the entire hour, if not for the entire week (or in the case of Silas/Nina in the drab-ass living room from hell, possibly the entire month).  And when they've used up the footage from that group on that set, the characters are either going to disappear entirely for a couple of months, or (if they're Sonny and not capable of disapearing) are going to start a new cycle in a new group/set.  It's really terrible storytelling.

Edited by Rancide
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Thanks, Rancide - I always forget about the block taping, in part because I don't really understand it.  Is it that they tape big chunks of one story line at once, and so only those actors are around?  And then we see those scenes spread out over several days?  I get that it's less expensive, but surely there's a way to have one or two all-cast days of taping every month or so, just so we can get integration.  I get really tired of so many two- or three-character scenes, and the total lack of integration among characters/ stories.  


I don't mind Morgan scraping paint before cleaning the cobwebs - I guess this show has lowered my expectations when it comes to how things work in the real world to such a point that this is not bothersome at all.  I mean - look what they do to medical and legal situations!  I really don't want to see Kiki and Morgan living together, though.  Even though Morgan seems over Kiki/ Michael, living with your ex-wife while she's dating your brother and you're worried that her mother is pregnant with either your or your father's baby is just a little much.  

Maxie, you need to look more embarrassed than you actually do. You are fucking a guy so stupid as to think that harassing the guy doing the reno is going to change corporate policy? You are better than that. 

Levi, fuck off. What's next? Gonna go yell at some undocumented workers at a construction site because you don't like Home Depot policies? Plus it's fucking Morgan, a guy so dumb he didn't clear the cobwebs before scraping! Who doesn't know that?! And he's shirtless in a construction area! Jesus Christ these people! 

Mainly lurking here as I catch up with the cast of thousands that's current GH, but I note with sadness that the two low-forehead [as opposed to low-brow] characters--Rafe and Morgan are still here. Morgan I can stand, he does some humour from time to time, but Rafe? For the sake of all that's holy, who dug up this kid? And have they never heard of electrolysis? Get some more space between those eyebrows and the hairline! It won't help the lack of acting skill, but it might help me.

And Levi! Where in hell did he come from? [Geographically, I get the idea, that's not what I mean.] The character is repulsive, the grooming is past bizarre, and as Mrs OMB [whose name I've always loved], observes, he says stuff so stupid and out of date that it's impossible to imagine who'd listen to him.


OTOH, I am enjoying Roger Howarth's last few days immensely. Nice change.

  • Love 3

Thanks, Rancide - I always forget about the block taping, in part because I don't really understand it.  Is it that they tape big chunks of one story line at once, and so only those actors are around?  And then we see those scenes spread out over several days?  I get that it's less expensive, but surely there's a way to have one or two all-cast days of taping every month or so, just so we can get integration.  I get really tired of so many two- or three-character scenes, and the total lack of integration among characters/ stories.  

They block tape to save money. It costs to put up and tear down sets, and to set up the sets for taping, so if they need to tape scenes in Kellys to be used over episodes, they'll tape those in a couple of days instead of taping scenes for episodes in the order that the episodes will be shown.

The last day of taping until July 21, was Thursday. The scenes taped that day might be edited into episodes airing Aug 1, while scenes taped on Wednesday by different actors could be used in August 7 episodes.

I'm not sure how many episodes they have in the can, or where they pick up taping on the 21st - if it is the episodes for the week of Aug 10 or so, or if it is further out than that.

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Now how horrible is it that Show had me on Franco's side??



I find that I am also on Franco's side.  My rational is that in the past both men have done horrible things, however, unlike Sonny, Franco feels remorse and shame about the things he has done and is trying to be a better man.  Sonny sees nothing wrong with the evil things he has done and blames everyone but himself for his actions.  He continues this behavior because he feels justified/entitled to keep doing what he has been doing because he is a "good family man".  Sonny will never change.   

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So I'm guessing Morgan & Kiki will continue to bond while Michael is busy having an actual job.  Kiki will feel lonely, Morgan will be bored, & they'll start banging again.




Franco feels remorse and shame about the things he has done and is trying to be a better man.


I don't see Franco feeling much remorse & little to no shame about what he's done.  He (& Carly) seem to take the position of "Tumor did it.  Get over it.".

Edited by OnceSane
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If Lauren cheats on Micheal for the terrible crime of having a job, then I demand a Maxie/Special Kitty/Mikey triangle. Shirts will fly, tears will fall, voices may rise. But Lauren will not be mooching off of AJ's son anymore.

Are we for real at Roger's last days? Is he auditioning for a better soap role? Between coming to work and looking hot again in suits, it looks like it.

Also, I don't know who made up the name Det Special Kitty, but I love it.

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I think that may have been Cattitude...if it was it makes purrrrfect sense.  He makes me purr and want to rub up against his legs.....among other things.


Damn....I have officially turned into a cougar.  Move over Ava!


Are you guys serious that RoHo is maybe leaving?  They just gave him something good to work with (ELQ) instead of just panting over Carly.  I still want to see more of a Franco/Joss face off.  Sonny is merely a bug to be squashed.  Couldn't happen to a 'nicer guy' <sarcasm>.

  • Love 4

I haven't heard anything about RoHo leaving, though it is in my daily prayers that he does.  That being said, I could see this as the beginning of the end storyline wise. He's like a volcano about to erupt about Sonny killing AJ, paranoid that he could be losing Miss Moneybags and furious that she isn't listening to/ standing by him.  I also heard something that Heather may be making a reappearance soon?  If so, I could see him getting so possessive, psycho about Carly, he could actually kidnap her and lay blame back on Heather to cover his tracks.  


Really, the best he's been since coming on as Franco has been this past week when he and his twu wuv have gotten into it about her running off to mother Sonny.  Hell, I've even like Sonny threatening Franco!  (Hey, anything happens, it's win/win for me.  MAD-Mutually Assured Destruction.  Don't like either characters, let them take each other out).  RoHo is showing again,he's good as a psycho, not the shloopy lover.  Bring on more Psycho Franco! 

Edited by MSquared
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If Lauren cheats on Micheal for the terrible crime of having a job, then I demand a Maxie/Special Kitty/Mikey triangle. Shirts will fly, tears will fall, voices may rise. But Lauren will not be mooching off of AJ's son anymore.

Also, I don't know who made up the name Det Special Kitty, but I love it.



Re: "Detective Special Kitty", I dont know who came up with that nickname or why Nathan was given that nickname, but it cracks me up everytime I read it.



I think that may have been Cattitude...if it was it makes purrrrfect sense.  He makes me purr and want to rub up against his legs.....among other things.


Damn....I have officially turned into a cougar.  Move over Ava!


Ya'll left out part of his name it is MY det Special Kitty, I will take him home and love him and squeeze him and lick him all over, clothing optional.

He is mine all mine, so back off....hiiissss.

Ya'll can have Morgan the werewolf, he has too much fur for my taste.(JK)


Grrpants09 do I take Maxie/Special Kitty/Michael triangle to mean they would share my det Special Kitty?, b/c sign me up, the more naked(oops did I say that outloud) Special Kitty the better!

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TMWT finally found a way to make me tolerate, even like Franco, for a minute. But then I can rationalize a huge length of slack for anyone that hates Sonny.  I will enjoy it now because I'm sure the thought of the Glittery Hoo-Ha will prevent him from actually doing anything about it.

If Neener ends up hating on Sonny I'm screwed but I figure the possibility of that is remote.

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The (fairly reputable) scoop over on SON was that the original ideas for Howarth's new character involved either a Quartermaine heir or Dr. Tom Hardy. The roles were considered not dynamic or flashy enough, so Ron and Frank chose Franco.



"Big mistake.  Huge!"   (TM Pretty Woman).


A crafty Quartermaine cousin or Dr. Tom Hardy would have been excellent choices!  And a character is just as dynamic or flashy as you write them to be, for crying out loud. 


I'm wondering if the people running this show are actual psychopaths, since they can't seem to imagine that a normal person with a healthy aversion to killing and kidnapping could still be interesting. 

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The (fairly reputable) scoop over on SON was that the original ideas for Howarth's new character involved either a Quartermaine heir or Dr. Tom Hardy. The roles were considered not dynamic or flashy enough, so Ron and Frank chose Franco.


Considered by whom? Ron and Frank, or their bosses? Either way, that thinking is so wrong-headed, it honestly boggles me. Tom Hardy should be on this show, and I'd be interested to see what Howarth could do in that kind of role. (In my head, that also opens the door for Hot Young Doctor Tommy, who could clash with the old man at the hospital, like Tom so often clashed with Steve, and romance Maxie. Or Lucas. Or both!)


'Flashy,' my ass. This show has too much flash and not nearly enough substance.

Edited by Melgaypet
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I suspect it was a combination of both of them and ABC.


Kristen was also considered for Serena or Anna Donely, but then the two of them hit on the idea of combining the existing search for Sam's father with a Jerome story and Julian Jerome, and they decided to create the Jerome family resurgence instead.

Well thank the soap deities she was cast as Lauren "Kiki" Jerome and neither Serena or Anna since I actually care about who plays either of them. I remember the last time an important character was cast just to give someone a job (Steve Webber).

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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the original ideas for Howarth's new character involved either a Quartermaine heir or Dr. Tom Hardy. The roles were considered not dynamic or flashy enough, so Ron and Frank chose Franco.


Wait, wait, wait ... a legacy character like Tom Hardy or a Quartermaine to help bolster that legacy family isn't flashy or dynamic? So of course the better choice is to go with the serial killer. Alrighty then. This pretty much sums up all the things wrong on this show.


Franco is neither dynamic nor flashy when you get right down to it. And we all know why: it's the writers job to make a character interesting. Oh the actor can help to be sure, but the writing has to be there too.

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Roger would have been phenomenal as Tom Hardy. And he probably wouldn't be leaving soon.

I want Ron fired. Yesterday. You don't let Sean Kanan, Roger Howarth, Kassie De Pava (sure he could have had her too), nor Brandon Barash just stroll out the door while Kristen Alderson and others mug their way through scenes. Barf!!!

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The Franco/Michael stuff is totally going to be another fake out with Carly saving vile Sonny yet again. Damn show.

Loved Morgan's WTF face at Levi. Guy is a total jackass.

I liked Morgan and Kiki's conversation. They were talking as friends with no secret chemistry/lust bullshit. And for once she's working and not freeloading off of people. Now all she needs to do is kick Nina in the face.

Please don't let TJ be the name on the computer... with Rafe stealing his car. Guy has been through enough.


I have my doubts about Roger Howarth's ability to play anyone other than Todd Manning, and having seen his level of "dedication" to this current (admittedly thankless) role, I'm really glad he was not cast as Tom Hardy or a Quartermaine cousin. While the writing for Franco leaves much to be desired, part of the problem is Howarth's "performance". I have a visceral hatred for actors like him who do have talent but choose to phone it in. (Other prominent culprits: Jason Thompson, Michael Easton.) IMO, these guys have so little respect for their employers, colleagues and fans to actually pull this shit. You're not enthused or challenged by the role written for you, but you're paid to perform so you should bloody well perform. In any other career, non-performance for the reason of "job role bores me" would entail a pink slip, for which this trio are well overdue.


In my book, actors like Ryan Paevey and Jimmy Deshler deserve so much more credit because they may lack talent but at least they try earnestly and give a damn about their characters. In fact Deshler was almost good on Friday, and I've seen of flashes of it from Paevey too. When it boils down to it, their characters are no better written than Franco, Silas or Patrick. Yet they're not showing up just to collect their paycheck but actually trying to earn it. At least in their cases, if we were to blame someone for their non-performance, it'd be the folks who cast them. [/rant]

Edited by stacey
Fixing double post
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I have a visceral hatred for actors like him who do have talent but choose to phone it in. (Other prominent culprits: Jason Thompson, Michael Easton.)


Both Patrick and Silas  play doctors and for years the hospital is basically used as a doormat for the mob.  I think that there were maybe two days in the past two weeks where the hospital was even used.  In defense of Roho, the guy had a no win situation of playing a revolting character and became born-again with Carly as his savior.  On the other end of the spectrum, ME was given a huge storyline replete with new characters and the guy's acting chops consist of smirks, faraway glances, and the occasional raising of an eyebrow.  After months of watching boring scenes about a strange foreign character that no one cares about, the big reveal consisted of him barely able to squeeze out ONE (1) tear.   Jason Thompson is a cutie but needs to change his 'vitamin' regimen.

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Did Sonny ever get around to burying his "dead" brother, Ric? Or did it happen off screen?

When Molly was going through Ric's personal affects, I wondered about where's the funeral/memorial service.

I tried to let it go because my irritation started to set in. Ric gets no service yet every heavy handed minute of a towel's well tended memorial including front page acknowledgment was displayed on this FAKATA show. Yes, we know he's alive but the characters don't.

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Ugh can you imagine what would had happened if it would have lived?

If TJ got his car stolen by Rafe, this story screws two kids over. I may not like him that much, but if Ron wants to push me? I'll choose the legacy character over a towel that the father was like whatever about mostly till the end of time. Yeah, send another teen to prison. Because that works out so well. And my dear Jasus can TJ get a break? Like, can he win the lottery or something? I don't want Argo and The Boobs going after two troubled teens. And eyeroll, Argo, you and Sabweeena were not a family. You were so annoyed and inconvenienced by towel baby and her.

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