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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So, can somebody explain the Luke story to me?

HA HA HA, just kidding!

But I gather he's definitely Luke now, not Bill Eckert, not someone n a mask, just Luke and he's apparently been full on psychotic for over a year now and alternately running criminal enterprises, hangin' with fellow evil-n-elderly Helena, moving corpses around, and locking himself up to pretend he was kidnapped?

  • Love 7

I really enjoyed Tracy/Bobbie and Dante/Lulu/Valerie, and actually liked the cliffhanger of Lewq pulling a gun on Tracy & Bobbie. I don't know much about Multiple Sclerosis so I'll leave future criticism of how Ron will portray it to you all. But every time Ron touches an issue like this or assisted suicide, burns, etc., I have to groan because Ron has a history of doing these type of stories poorly.

The Port Charles to Corinth wormhole must be located near Kelly's since yesterday and today characters went from eating there to Pennsylvania in the time it took Dewq to clean his litter box.

When Alexis was talking about Nina going to stay with Nathan I was confused because the apartments above Kelly's are just bedrooms and everyone uses the same bathroom. I am genuinely confused as to why Franco & Nina are still on the show. Blackmailing Olivia for a fee hotel room isn't a story. All Olivia would have to do is confide in Sonny and he could make this two freaks disappear.

Sloane is still an asshole. I really liked GM as Dusty on ATWT but he just sucks as Sloane.

Edited by Tiger

So, can somebody explain the Luke story to me?

HA HA HA, just kidding!

But I gather he's definitely Luke now, not Bill Eckert, not someone n a mask, just Luke and he's apparently been full on psychotic for over a year now and alternately running criminal enterprises, hangin' with fellow evil-n-elderly Helena, moving corpses around, and locking himself up to pretend he was kidnapped?

See this is me. I was trying to figure out how the new promo about Luke figured into his evil doings and all out bid for ELQ stock. After a few minutes, I laughed and said "this is MoRon therfore...reasons".

I need TG to retire but this is GH and I don't get nice things.

  • Love 1

If Franco tells Julian about the baby all Olivia has to do is say Franco is lying and/or was fucked up on acid and is imagining things. If Julian isn't demanding a paternity test now why would he demand one just because that piece of shit Franco said something? Even if he did ask for a paternity test, how hard can it be to pay off a lab tech or hack into the computer and change the results. People do it all the time.


I blame Anna and Plywood for Jordan's incompetence today. Knowing that her life is in the hands of those fools has to be distressing.

  • Love 4

If Franco tells Julian about the baby all Olivia has to do is say Franco is lying and/or was fucked up on acid and is imagining things. If Julian isn't demanding a paternity test now why would he demand one just because that piece of shit Franco said something? Even if he did ask for a paternity test, how hard can it be to pay off a lab tech or hack into the computer and change the results. People do it all the time.

If Ron had a one-day lab technician working under Brad (keeping Brad's hands clean this time) who Olivia or Ned paid to change the results, AND hired Alison Sweeney to play the technician…I wouldn't complain about stunt casting for a whole month.

  • Love 4
All Olivia would have to do is confide in Sonny and he could make this two freaks disappear.


Not if he puts Shawn on the job.


Sonny has wanted Franco gone for ages. Olivia shouldn't be the straw that broke the camel's back. Her problem is nothing compared to what Franco has done to other people. It's her fault in the first place she spilled the beans to Franco, LSD trip or not. Ugh. The plot-point writing is the worst.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Not if he puts Shawn on the job.


Sonny has wanted Franco gone for ages. Olivia shouldn't be the straw that broke the camel's back. Her problem is nothing compared to what Franco has done to other people. It's her fault in the first place she spilled the beans to Franco, LSD trip or not. Ugh. The plot-point writing is the worst.


I just want Franco to be brutally murdered and I don't care who does it or why.

  • Love 9

For what purpose is Franco using this info against Olivia? Honestly, these characters are all useless, but I don't even know why Franco and Olivia would interact.



So he can provide the Nina with a "Love Shack" since he has no money, or purpose, to do anything about actually taking care of himself or her without resorting to his usual bottom-feeder behaviour.


And Olivia is just an idiot of massive proportions who would tell the last person on Earth who should know the true paternity of her "bun in the oven" the truth.



I was really hoping RoHo's stint on The Flash would turn into something permanent, but alas, his character was killed off this week. Oh well...




Aw dammit. We can never have nice things, not ever.  

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

On Days of Our Lives, Wally Kurth played Jane Elliot's love interest. Did you happen to watch?


Oh, maybe that's it?  I did not know that.  Wikipedia says JE was on DOOL from 1987-1989.  I don't have any memory of watching DOOL during that time period, but I would have been only 7 or 8 at the time and only would have seen it during summer breaks (whereas GH I watched year-round with my grandma after school).  I guess could have seen it and not really known what I was watching.  That certainly would explain my literally decades-long assumption that Ned and Tracy were married, or used to be married or something.   That's very interesting.  Thanks!

  • Love 1

Bobbie, really? I can understand being disappointed to hear your sister is dead, but you barely even remembered she existed and certainly didn't know anything about her. It's been 50+ years since you saw her, tone down the hysterics.


Bobbie's so happy to have a storyline I think she'd burst into tears if you told her Melissa & Joey has been canned.

  • Love 5

"You know BOBBB!!!"


The hell?  That was a bizarre, yet hilarious, delivery choice by Sloane.


Pretty boring episode overall.  I don't particularly care about Olivia's baby drama, the mob junk, or the Fluke Vortex.  Insanely enough, I kind of like Franco and Nina, so those scene were okay.  The best part was the preview for Monday's show which featured more of the comedy stylings of Tony Geary.

  • Love 1

I can't watch MSt and RoHo simper and smirk their way through scenes. They're just awful.


Jordan's hair is amazing.


Tracy: I'm sorry, Bobbie. Patricia passed.

Bobbie: You mean she's dead?


No, Bobbie. Patricia aced her road test and got her driver's license. She'll pick you up for the mixer tonight at 7:30. 


LOL that Sonny trusts Shawn's instincts. They're as accurate as his aim.


I hate Sloane. He's Sonny as commissioner: smarmy, arrogant, delusional, and disrespectful to women.

  • Love 20

I love those bullshit moments the show tries to covertly slip in, like Franco stating he ruined Carly's relationship with Michael (she did that all her own after she repeatedly poked Franco with a stick, daring him to lash out), and that Carly loves Michael more than life itself (a laughable claim, at best).


Like I've never SEEN Carly in action. Ever. For the last two decades.

  • Love 6


Jordan gets on my nerves so hard nowadays. Like I don't understand what she thought being undercover in the mob would entail. Again, I blame Shawn.

I know, right? She's been an undercover DEA agent for years. I assume she's gotten the good on criminals before, so why would wearing a wire make her so nervous. She was meeting Duke at the metrocourt, not at an abandoned warehouse.

  • Love 6

I'm ReRon-ing my "that was a waste of an hour" statement from last week.

That was a waste of another hour.


I just watched the last three days in FF and all three were def a waste of at least an hour. And out of all that boring crap the Jake stuff is by far the worst and that is saying A LOT. It is worse than a dog chasing his tail b/c let me get this straight Jake's current fake life it so great that his past fake life must be fake b/c current fake Jake is sooo much better off having a harem of women panting after him and an evil devil with horns hidden in his hair trying to foil his fake life. I just keep LOL that everyone is soooo sure my two fake jakes is such a "good person" in his soul. I mean ya'll tried to tell me he isn't Jason he is St. Jasus. RME....I just want this whole fakesta of a mess to end along with SamTrick, Olivia's baby lie, let's all steam roll over Jordan, Avakillmenow, The Luke whatever it is mess, Spixie's idotlove and LOOK mobwar. The only decent story is let's all gang up on Michael the smug.

  • Love 1

Hey Jordan, you were supposed to get Duke to say he wanted a hit on Julian, not say it for him! Geez, she couldn't have been more obvious if she wore a neon sign that said 'I'm wearing a wire.' duke may be stupid but he isn't THAT stupid. Hell, even Mordumb would have picked up on that.

And LOL at Bobbie not comprehending what 'Patricia passed' meant. I guess Mordumb is rubbing off on her.

Edited by Sake614
  • Love 4

Is nina and franco the new Lucy and scotty? When I say that I mean them back in the day when they was the troublemaking couple in town.

I'd actually be fine if RH was Scott's son and he and Nina were a troublemaking couple but then RH shouldn't have been brought back as Franco. Franco is not an adorable rapscallion. He's a serial killer who has intentionally tormented many other characters.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

I just want Franco to be brutally murdered and I don't care who does it or why.

I'd like someone to beat him to death with Nina and then beat Luke to death with Kiki.


Hey Jordan, you were supposed to get Duke to say he wanted a hit on Julian, not say it for him! Geez, she couldn't have been more obvious if she wore a neon sign that said 'I'm wearing a wire.' duke may be stupid but he isn't THAT stupid. Hell, even Mordumb would have picked up on that.


Ian played that scene well.  you could see his expression change very slightly when he realized Jordan was entrapping him.  And he changed from Julian threatened me to --- all's OK now.

  • Love 7

First - all the good we saw on Show today.  Dante was on.  So was Tracy.  Bobbi wasn't bad.  Okay, I'm done!


LOL that Sonny trusts Shawn's instincts. They're as accurate as his aim.


I hate Sloane. He's Sonny as commissioner: smarmy, arrogant, delusional, and disrespectful to women.


That scene was actually minorly funny.  Shawn tells Sonny he thinks he was wrong about Jordan.  He can't hit the broad side of a barn, and now we see how terrible his "instincts" - the ones Sonny says he has - are just as bad.  No matter that the guy is an amoral cretin who had no trouble selling Jordan out just a week ago, I guess.  This character has hid head so far up his ass he's double-dipping.


Ditto with Sloan.  The guy looks like he bathes in the grease pit at Kelly's.  And I'm so sick of the men on this show - and the other remaining soaps that I watch - treating women like such garbage.

Oh!  Julian can also go fall down a mineshaft too.  He's gotten so smarmy, and his self-love is reaching ridiculous levels.  If Jordan did want to shoot him, all she'd have to do is wait 5 seconds till he checked himself out in a mirror or the reflection off a window.  When he closes his eyes all he sees is himself.  And Alexis is an idiot.  But then again, she always has been when she's anywhere near an available man.


Is nina and franco the new Lucy and scotty? When I say that I mean them back in the day when they was the troublemaking couple in town.


Nina and Franco are the new Lucy and Scotty for me.  Because I loathe them as much as I loathe the originals.  I can completely believe Franco is Scotty's spawn - he's got the obnoxiousness down pat.



I'd like someone to beat him to death with Nina and then beat Luke to death with Kiki.


Oh, I do like the way you think!

  • Love 3

Bobbie, really? I can understand being disappointed to hear your sister is dead, but you barely even remembered she existed and certainly didn't know anything about her. It's been 50+ years since you saw her, tone down the hysterics.

I think it was believable because she now realizes that she lost her chance to make amends..  Plenty of people have feuds and don't seek out a relative/old friend, but then get upset once they pass.

I know we need to suspend a lot of logic especially of space, time, age, etc... in order to watch this show.  But...


Valerie gets knocked out by ancient Luke.  When she comes to, she sees Dante and Lulu. Lulu tells her that Dante is a cop.  It takes another 5 minutes or more of conversation before Val tells them that 1) Pat is alive and 2) Luke knows where she is.  She knows Luke is dangerous.  She knows he may want to hurt her mother.  But no...  let's not disclose that info upfront.  Let it come out slowly.  She's like Wojciehowicz on Barney Miller.   Slowly releasing critical info drip by drip.


Sloane did look better with short clean hair.  I don't like Anna's police or federal agent work.  We saw all the public meetings with Anna and Jordan in the park (which also doubled as Julian's home for a while) that were oh so clandestine.  Then meeting her in a room at the Metro Court where anyone could see her come and go.


Speaking of which... why doesn't Carly look at the security tapes to see what the activity is by Jake's new old wife's room has been.  She's a snoop.  Doesn't believe in privacy (of others).  Seems like this would be right up her alley.

Edited by Lola16
  • Love 7

Greyson McCouch looks better but his voice is so cartoonish. I don't remember him sounding like that at all. It's really weird.

And dubbel zout is right, he's the cop version of Sonny. They need to meet so they can fall into the black hole of douchitude that would form in back of them.

Dante and Lulu looked pretty stylish. They need to appear on the cover of Vogue: The Shire edition.

Valerie is okay so far. Although I can't help but feel they picked that name out cause Pat was last mentioned in 1978 before Ron dug her back up again, and they just decided to base her name on a 70s pop culture reference (Valerie Harper).

Or perhaps my brain is fevered, heh.

That dress should not be worn by someone who waves her arms around as much as Olivia does. I hope Nina and Franco at least got a whiff of her b.o.

  • Love 5

I totally think the Luke story has been rewritten a few times en route to the checkout.  Just hope we get our money's worth in next week's big reveal.

Only a FEW times?? It feels like they are thinking it up every other day and I am not even watching the Luke parts of it. Tony, I am sure Amsterdam is lovely this time of year, and always. Wouldn't you rather be there? But seriously, Tony Geary does not look well and I am not understanding why they are dragging out this ill-thought out, obviously not-long-term-planned, audience-rejecting storyline.

  • Love 7

I think it was believable because she now realizes that she lost her chance to make amends..  Plenty of people have feuds and don't seek out a relative/old friend, but then get upset once they pass.

I could understand it more if she even KNEW Patricia. But the way she was talking before, she had only vague recollections of even having a sister. They certainly weren't close, and she hasn't seen or heard from her in over 50 years, maybe 60. That's more than just a feud. I'm okay with disappointment but the hysterics for someone she doesn't know were too much IMO.

  • Love 3

What kinda surprised me yesterday was that Show allowed Scotty and Alexis to do competent lawyering that had nothing to do with the mob. That Franco stuff, believe it or not, was imo actually kinda smart. It wasn't overtly underhanded as in "omg magical pardon, ur free!" or "here's a cancer, dude, so ur cleared, k?", where his crimes were whitewashed. Had something like this been done originally or if Roger was playing this no good long lost brother of Dominique's that Scotty was sooooo sick of getting out of "messes" that just happened to spark with Silas Clay's troubled wife, it'd work. The scenes with Roger/Michelle in the court make me think it's not so much their constant performance, but inconsistent writing, direction, and the whitewashing of a one shot villain that drags them down. But eh. We got to see decent lawyering.

  • Love 4

I could understand it more if she even KNEW Patricia. But the way she was talking before, she had only vague recollections of even having a sister. They certainly weren't close, and she hasn't seen or heard from her in over 50 years, maybe 60. That's more than just a feud. I'm okay with disappointment but the hysterics for someone she doesn't know were too much IMO.

It was still her sister and the way JZ has played it I think Bobbie has built up this idea of having z second chance and then when Tracy told her, she lost only that second chance with Patricia but also any hope of getting her brother back. Beyond that, family has always been important to Bobbie.

I still think it's bullying that we don't have Laura & Lucky around for this, but I'm so glad they brought back Bobbie and have given Jackie something to do. The way Jill & Bob marginalized the character after 2002 was a travesty. Even if they no longer wanted to give Bobbie romantic stories, she should have been the ambassador to the younger generstion, offering advice, commenting on history and being involved in all of the Spencer stuff.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 6


The scenes with Roger/Michelle in the court make me think it's not so much their constant performance, but inconsistent writing, direction, and the whitewashing of a one shot villain that drags them down.


Yeah it certainly doesn't help. I do like RoHo especially when he played Todd. But MSt does not fit on this show at all. I'm not sure better writing would make me like Franco/Nina any better.

  • Love 4

t I'm so glad they brought back Bobbie and have given Jackie something to do. The way Jill & Bob marginalized the character after 2002 was a travesty. Even if they no longer wanted to give Bobbie romantic stories, she should have been the ambassador to the younger generstion, offering advice, commenting on history and being involved in all of the Spencer stuff.

Absolutely. I felt her absence was glaring when Lucky and Elizabeth were sobbing for Jake in the hospital, and approached about organ donation - both because she experienced losing BJ and because she was so important in the lives of Lucky and Elizabeth when they were teenagers. I hated that adult JJ never had a scene with JZ :(.  And, it was glaring when Bobbie was not there for the intervention re: Luke's drinking, while Carly - who always had an adversarial relationship with Uncle Luke - was part of the circle of tough love. Big fail on the part of Show. 

  • Love 5
I'm pretty sure y'all know that I usually have a *lot* to say, but this is two days in a row that I have nothing.  It's so boring that I can't even find rage to spew.  I'm hoping that something I care about happens next week.  Until then, bottoms up!


I've tried to watch yesterday's show twice, now, and turned it off a few minutes in each time. I had wanted to make my own assessment of a cleaned up Sloane. But, ehhhh, the drivel that passes for dialogue on this show makes my ears bleed.

Yeah it certainly doesn't help. I do like RoHo especially when he played Todd. But MSt does not fit on this show at all. I'm not sure better writing would make me like Franco/Nina any better.

I hate that Nina is this wide eyed, oh gosh golly type of woman. I'd like to see her play a woman. It's sad or rather angering that here's an actress that is capable of playing a manipulative, seductive woman without yelling but instead we get this wide eyed bullshit like a deer and a puppy were drugged. Then there's Roger Howarth who's playing a serial killer, but we aren't supposed to remember that, much like we are not supposed to remember a lot of things. Todd Manning, Roger Thorpe era is done. We aren't in an era where writers can go there and then come back. Ron needs to realize that.

He needs to write for the show he has, not the show he wishes he had. It's not OLTL and it's not GH. It's like... I don't know.

  • Love 4

After a couple of pretty decent days recently we've returned to the treadmill of suck especially with Jordan who was once an MVP... now? the show has failed her so hard that when she inevitably gets killed, it'll be merciful.


Sloane. Begone.


The only bright spot was Bobbi. As someone who is estranged from my siblings due to me being gay, I can empathize with Bobbi's sadness when she thought that Pat was dead - the chance to reconnect again was forever gone. I wished they'd played that out a little more. That's the kind of stuff that soaps used to do really well. But like that she and Tracy are being proactive and used their brains to get to see Pat.


Luke is very tired, please go away now. I don't care why we saw him drugged up in Miscavige, I don't care how long he's had a split personality, I just don't care.

  • Love 10

I hate that Nina is this wide eyed, oh gosh golly type of woman. I'd like to see her play a woman. It's sad or rather angering that here's an actress that is capable of playing a manipulative, seductive woman without yelling but instead we get this wide eyed bullshit like a deer and a puppy were drugged. Then there's Roger Howarth who's playing a serial killer, but we aren't supposed to remember that, much like we are not supposed to remember a lot of things. Todd Manning, Roger Thorpe era is done. We aren't in an era where writers can go there and then come back. Ron needs to realize that.

He needs to write for the show he has, not the show he wishes he had. It's not OLTL and it's not GH. It's like... I don't know.


Ugh, so much this. It makes me uncomfortable when what I'm seeing is so far removed from what I'm hearing. The woman is approaching 50, as is RoHo ( I think?) but act like frail. giggly tweenagers.  The visual dissonance is jarring. Also with the  Kiddie quad acting as adults

Also Luke and Helena are so scary! Not, they look as about as scary as a couple of Q-tips.

But I'm watching anyway because I'm loving Michael but then I love anyone who hates Sonny. They don't have to be perfect, just hating Sonny does it for me, I'm easy like that.

  • Love 5

I'm pretty sure y'all know that I usually have a *lot* to say, but this is two days in a row that I have nothing.  It's so boring that I can't even find rage to spew.  I'm hoping that something I care about happens next week.  Until then, bottoms up!


I went out for happy hour and only had two glasses of wine, drove home later, then tried to watch and kept falling asleep. Wine doesn't usually make me this drastically tired, so I'm blaming the show. Yesterday was horrifically boring.

  • Love 2

Ugh, so much this. It makes me uncomfortable when what I'm seeing is so far removed from what I'm hearing. The woman is approaching 50, as is RoHo ( I think?) but act like frail. giggly tweenagers.  The visual dissonance is jarring. Also with the  Kiddie quad acting as adults

Also Luke and Helena are so scary! Not, they look as about as scary as a couple of Q-tips.

But I'm watching anyway because I'm loving Michael but then I love anyone who hates Sonny. They don't have to be perfect, just hating Sonny does it for me, I'm easy like that.

I'm digging Micheal Quartermaine too, but it also doesn't hurt that Chad Duell seems to be doing a wonderful job imo. He's been given the proverbial ball and is running a marathon with it. Also, the story of Micheal becoming a Quartermaine and going against Sonny/Carly is literally years in the making. It wrote itself the moment Jason named AJ's child after Sonny. But imo the bigger topper will be when Micheal takes on Jason. That's the biggest thing Jason has to own up to. Fuck this romance triangle bullshit. I don't care who Billy Miller's Jason kisses. I want scenes of him and Micheal hashing out why Jason decided to orchestrate and help Carly and Sonny keep him from his family. I want him to acknowledge his part in AJ's death too and feel bad about it. I want the family drama. I don't care about JaSam, Liason, nor Carson.
  • Love 12
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