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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I missed the intro for Ronn Moss's group, did they say his name?  Do we know who he's going to be, if not Blackie (Thank Ghu!)


And did he dye his hair?


I don't know if he dyes his hair or if he just slaps on a dollop of shoe polish every morning.  Ronn Moss looks like the before picture for Debbie Boone in LifeStyle Lift.

They really should warn us before doing a closeup of the guy.  For a second I thought my tv had tuned into The Walking Dead.


And can we get the little kid love triangle off the television? That just makes me feel creepy all over watching those three.


I so agree.  I don't like disliking children, but GH these days has me thinking Scrooge had it right.  Spencer is like this tiny Hannibal Lector.  Him telling Britt they should discuss things over "an adult beverage" was painful to hear.  He's not cute - he's a creepy little hypersexual psychopath.  Not that there's anything WRONG with that......


Ron C. is so in love with his own humor.  Too bad none of it is even remotely funny.

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I noticed on twitter that they were trying to compare the Haunted Stars with Magic Milo. NO Ron, the girls kept their clothes on!!! In the case of under age Molly, thank god, as to the rest I wouldn't mind seeing them in scanty undies. Sorry, does that make me a bad person? If so what does that ,male Ron who keeps striping down the actors HE wants to see?

Did anyone else find the outfits the Haunted Stars were wearing to be a little weird? It kind of felt like they were throwing back to the 80s but not quite. It was tight and form fitting up top but then they all weirdly poofed out at the hips and it was not flattering on any of them and actually made them all look fat, and we all know none of them are fat.

For the past month or so, I've been deleting GH off the DVR without bothering to watch, but decided to give the nurses ball a shot.  A few random thoughts...

- who the hell is Luke? 


- I want to slap Spencer. And I say this as someone who likes kids. They need to lose the kiddie triangle immediately. Actually, they need to go back to the timeless soap cliche of kids being mentioned but rarely seen till the teen years. This is just awful. 


- Lucas was awfully good at stripping. I love how obviously awkward Chad Duell feels when dancing/stripping. 


- where has Milo been hiding? Did they seriously bring him back just to strip?


- TJ being included in that act was gross. He's supposed to be in high school.


- why bother mentioning Blackie? Is there some backstage feud, and they're hoping to shame Stamos into appearing next year? 


- why is Maxie with this Levi guy? He is not cute. At all. If they wanted an Australian on the show, bring back Ethan. He was kinda cute and at least has ties to the canvas. Levi should kidnap Spencer and disappear with him for good. 


- they need to reunite Nic and Britt. 


- why are they lumping Lulu, Maxie, and Sam into an act with the much younger Kiki and Molly? They should perform something more age appropriate. 


- Kiki/Starr cannot sing. They need to stop allowing her to, ugh. 

- why bother mentioning Blackie? Is there some backstage feud, and they're hoping to shame Stamos into appearing next year? 


I thought it could be for that reason when Lucy said something about "Blackie failing to mention a scheduling conflict," but I did like that she added that everyone in PC misses him and that he'll always have a home there. I thought it was going to be a "stick it to him" moment, but it didn't really turn out that way. Either way, I'd like John Stamos to swing into town at some point, maybe with his adopted sister Laura on his arm. 

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There were bits and pieces of yesterdays show that were good. Loved Brad singing and getting into his song and scooting around the tables to Lucas, but the look on his face was priceless when going around Dante, PS really is a find. Player was awesome and sounded just as good as there record, they didn't look like they were lip syncing? Lucas on the drums is hot.


Haunted starlets were a big fail for me and yes KeMo,Kst,ER all look way too old to be doing that song. Piph stomping on Mac's dummy was just mean. The Puke stuff doesn't fit at all with the ball. Nuff with the kids please



Ron C. is so in love with his own humor.  Too bad none of it is even remotely funny.


This times a thousand

Im glad the Nurses ball is over because there was a lot of synthesized digital no talent musical productions. Hardly anything like its former self. Thanks to TIIC, that's about all we get in this age of electronics. Nothing original nothing real, nor thought out, just yoplait embedded commercials and fluff!! The only thing I was surprised to see was Ron Moss and his shoe polished head with squinty stretched eyes. Even he isn't real!!

I couldn't take the Purina scenes or the Sabweena lovefest at the end. We get it Ron. You love TCa/Sabrina not KMc/Robin. Move the fuck on.


But...but they are the 21st century's answer to the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus! That spesh-ul!


Okay, I can't. I fucking HATE Sabrina, her useless spawn, and the ass licking that NEVER EVER ENDS for her. DIE, SPAWN, DIE! (I'd add Sobby, but she is Teflon. But at least she'd be miserable.) TeCa's maternity leave cannot come fast enough.

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I have no idea when or how it happened, but I now like Britt! When she first came on, and for months after, I thought she was a horrible person, a horribly written character, and not that great an actor. But now I'm all about her. Weird. I've come around on Brad a little too.

I'm so over Levi already. Does he have some nefarious intent with regard to the Felicia's Inca jewelry? He changed course on going to the ball right after seeing it on tv, and then commented on it immediately when he met Felicia. Just seemed weird. Regardless, he's awful.

Liz and Ric, yes please.

  • Love 1

Well.  What the fuck??????????


I laughed so long and loudly when Dr.O reappeared that the man working in my basement came up to see if I was OK.


Here's something that bothers me about Sabrina in with her baby.  PUT YOUR DAMN HAIR IN A PONY.  I cannot be sanitary the way it hangs.  My niece spent 188 days in a hospital with her son who had severe cardio problems and had to keep her hair back or up back.  She's also a rabid GH fan and I'm wondering how these scenes are affecting her.


Lyn Herring has always annoyed me and she continued to do so today {and I'm stunned at how manly her hands are.  Yeah, I'm a bitch}.


I can't understand Dr. O.'s character--is she really mother of the year?  I liked her better with her witty barbs and take no prisoner attitude. This needy woman puzzles me.


Since this is a soap I can root for a Britt and Nic reunion and hope that Liz dies from carbon monoxide poisoning.  I also want her to get her kid back.


I hope Ron doesn't do something really stupid and release a Dr. O's Greatest Hits" cd.  OK, I'd buy it if it included "Is That All There Is?"


The vigil at the hospital wa cringe inducing.


eta:  Levi's "Jennifer Anniston" hairdo has got to go.  Actually, he needs to go.

  • Love 1

Well.  What the fuck??????????


I laughed so long and loudly when Dr.O reappeared that the man working in my basement came up to see if I was OK.


Here's something that bothers me about Sabrina in with her baby.  PUT YOUR DAMN HAIR IN A PONY.  I cannot be sanitary the way it hangs.  My niece spent 188 days in a hospital with her son who had severe cardio problems and had to keep her hair back or up back.  She's also a rabid GH fan and I'm wondering how these scenes are affecting her.


Lyn Herring has always annoyed me and she continued to do so today {and I'm stunned at how manly her hands are.  Yeah, I'm a bitch}.


I can't understand Dr. O.'s character--is she really mother of the year?  I liked her better with her witty barbs and take no prisoner attitude. This needy woman puzzles me.


Since this is a soap I can root for a Britt and Nic reunion and hope that Liz dies from carbon monoxide poisoning.  I also want her to get her kid back.


I hope Ron doesn't do something really stupid and release a Dr. O's Greatest Hits" cd.  OK, I'd buy it if it included "Is That All There Is?"


The vigil at the hospital wa cringe inducing.


eta:  Levi's "Jennifer Anniston" hairdo has got to go.  Actually, he needs to go.


YES YES YES to your post. 


I can't stand Lyn Herring either.  Lucy Coe was an unlamented character to me while she was gone.  But she keeps sticking around like gas after bad food.  And just as entertaining.


I appreciate that the woman portraying Dr. O. is talented.  But, for me, it's impossible to take a cartoon character villian and then inject that villian with mommy issues and expect me to care.  She's not Lila Quartermaine - she's a looney tune.  This is where Ron C. would do best to restrain himself.  He can't write himself of this corner.  He decided to take Frau Blucher from "Young Frankenstein" and stick her in General Hospital.  He can't change her into "I Remember Mama" NOW and think it will float.


And that hair on Levi.....it must be a wig.  Either that, or he's transporting an Irish setter on his head just like Mitt did on the top of his car.

Edited by boes
  • Love 4

I also want her to get her kid back.


I feel similarly about Britt and Ben (I refuse to call him "Rocco"). While she's not his biological mother, I enjoyed her with him. I also enjoyed seeing Britt, Nikolas, Spencer, and Ben as one happy family. While Britt will never get Ben back (unless Lulu and Dante bite it and leave him to Nik who has since gone back to Britt), I think Britt deserves some happiness. I also think Nikolas needs to end up with someone with a little bit of bite, which I think Britt provides. It'll never work with Liz, IMO.


And as I've mentioned before, it never really bothered me that Britt stole Lulu and Dante's embryo. While it was totally wrong, I can't stand the Falconeris. Both are some of the most holier-than-thou citizens of PC. I mean, wasn't it Lulu who tried to kidnap Maxie and Spin's daughter, Connie, once she realized she wasn't going to be granted custody? She's no saint when it comes to children. 

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I enjoyed the performances from the ball. Idk about others, but I really enjoy the lighter-fun stuff on soaps. Emma's solo song was so adorable! But the best part of everything had to be the "You're Not Alone" at the end. That is THEE song! Everytime I hear it, I just want to cry. I'm glad the writers have seemed interesting in keeping it around. I think it'll always be Patrina's song.


The Lucy-Scott-Kevin stuff was emotional and what better time to make it the front burner story than during the Nurses Ball, cause we all know it wouldn't happen any other time.

To me Sabrina is like fetch - it's never going to happen. I am still hoping that against hope that the baby is Carlos's.


This is my first Nurse's Ball but the only act I really liked was Player and that is only because I happen to love that song.


I loved Ned pulling one over on Fake Luke. Would have loved it better if they had made Ned the CEO instead of Michael but I'll take what I can get.

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For such a big event, the nurses ball comes off very amateur, what with all the acts cancelling and random people filling in. Was it always this way? I don't remember. 


Why did Obrecht give up Nathan? 


I wish this show would have some stable older couples. Why can't Lucy and Kevin be together? This triangle garbage is a story that should be given to a daughter of theirs, not a couple with their history. The only other stable older couple on the show is Mac and Felicia, right? And they've been married less than a year. 

Just did a marathon of the NB and I thought overall it was good.  Lots of drammmma and cool (although autotuned...but most pop fluff these days are) songs and thank you Jasus! the death of Mr. Mumbles.  Piph for the win!


KG is just the best.  As someone else here said no matter what crap they throw her way she spins it into gold.  And the woman can sing.  Her take on one of Willie's best songs was just brilliant.  I'm a singer (more years than I like to admit..;-)) and IMO she nailed it.  And in the context of doing it for Britt & Nathan had me in tears.  Yeah...I'm an old softie.


Loved the gowns...I likes my sparklies....Lucy had what 12-15 changes?


Who did RH piss off in the hair dep't?  Bump-its are so  *inserting my best valley girl accent* yesterday.....


Somebody mentioned Levi zeroing in on Felicia's necklace.  Maybe they're returning to the whole Aztec Princess story.  Just sayin'...could happen.  I wouldn't put anything past Ronnie


I love "Baby Come Back" and kinda know of Ron Moss as a soap star (never watched him) but had no idea he was a band member.  I think he and MB shared the same can of shoe polish.


And on a shallow (barely tickling my toes) note....musicians can kick it till they die but for heavens sake guys, dress your age.

  • Love 2

QUOTE - Somebody mentioned Levi zeroing in on Felicia's necklace. Maybe they're returning to the whole Aztec Princess story. Just sayin'...could happen. I wouldn't put anything past Ronnie

(Because I'm doing this on an iPad and don't know all the 'codes'.

This was my original thought. Early on he glommed onto Maxie because she's blonde and wanting but once he heard of the Inca Princess necklace he decided to stay, ultimately to get his hands on it. I really can't stand him and hope he's gone soonest.

The nicest thing about the NB is I can watch each episode in about 10 minutes. Lots of FF.

As noted above, again it turned into all about Sabrina at the end.

And everyone best step away from my post as I'm sure it (and me) are about to be struck by lightning, but I think the best thing for the Sobby storyline would be for the baby to die. It would draw Patrick and Sobby together (not that I want that) and provide JT something to do besides look totally bored in their scenes and like he was mentally reviewing the script so he'd be awake when it was his time to speak.

Finally - praise the DVR and you posters- I can record this stuff and FF thru so much, then catch up on what I missed by reading your comments.

Edited by Originalroux

I can have convenient soap ethics with the best of them, but I can never get on board with the idea that, if I don't like a soap character, it's cool to steal their baby.  It's not OK that Sonny, Carly, and Jason stole AJ's son from him for his entire childhood, and it's not OK that Britt stole Lulu and Dante's baby.  That kid is not Britt's.  Her wanting him to be, her loving him, her being "good with the baby," doesn't magically make him hers.  


And Lulu's hands certainly weren't clean in the whole Connie/Georgie mess, but she was on the receiving end of a huge mindfuck there.  Maxie chose to lie to Lulu and Dante and not tell them about the miscarriage (thus not allowing them the chance to grieve and process that loss) and not telling them that the baby she ended up carrying was, in fact, not theirs.  She handed that baby over, still allowing them to believe it was theirs, and kept her mouth shut until Brad blew her lies out of the water.  I don't think anyone would handle it well when the baby they believe is theirs, who they love and bond with, is suddenly revealed to not be their child and the cruel lie perpetrated on them by their best friend, someone they trusted with something so important and personal.  Britt was a whole other ball game.  She always knew that baby wasn't her own.  She wasn't desperate to be a mother, or even all that interested in being a mother, she merely wanted someone else's baby as her pawn to try and get a man back who didn't want her.  Yeah, she finally ended up bonding with the baby, but she knew he was never hers, so that's on her and her choices and her pathetic need to have her bitch of a mother's approval so much.  

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Today was the first day I've watched in a few weeks, and I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised!  Except for Shawn, Carly,  and that Franco creature, it was as close to old school GH as I've seen in a very long time.  Ron Carliavati obviously did not do any of the writing, except maybe for the name-calling and hair-pulling between Bobbie and Lucy.  How I wish RC would go away so that Anna, Duke, Lucy, Scott, Kevin, Felicia, Mac, and Alexis (with Julian!) could be on more often.

I am glad they kept covering over Nancy Lee Grahn's body at the problem areas. I remember fondly watching her and Mason back in the old days.


Speaking of women of a certain age, Lynn Henning shold be playing the grandmother wise advice giver outer, not the 22 year old in her first love triangle. I did like the initial transition she did back in the old days, from prim librarian to crazy slut, but that was a lot of years ago and the miles are showing on her.


As for mile high sex, yuck. People have to use those. Plus, I was just on Southwest this week, a smaller jet, and I barely had room to sit down in the restroom. How could they go to town in a small jet?


The other romances were okay.

Felicia has certainly aged better than Frisco. She, Alexis, and Anna are the most beautiful women of a certain age on GH and from the looks of them, have never had any cosmetic surgery. At least it doesn't look that way to me. Mac looks good, and so does Kevin and even Scotty. But, Luke??? Please, he just is what he is. Old and crusty looking.

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So Felicia is likely going to be the next mayor of Port Charles? I guess that's cool. I mean, she's never shown outside the Floating Rib and I don't even think she and Mac have a place to live, but she's gonna run for mayor. Neat. 


Today's episode worked for me. I was happy to see Julian and Alexis hit the sheets (and loved Alexis' new bedroom!), Kevin and Mac arguing and then making up at the bar, and Felicia protecting Lucy at the hotel. Even Carly and Franco didn't irritate me as much as they usually do. 

I wasn't going to watch today but did when I saw all the vets getting love. I'm glad I did. I FF Canco(sore), I just can't with them. I loved getting to see Mac/Kevin & Lucy/Felicia's friendships. I even enjoyed Bobbie acting a fool over a guy, that's just not that into her.

I like Lucy/Kevin & Lucy/Scottie together.

I'm happy they did a decent job (for this show)I. With Alexis' bedroom set. I wish one of the vets had a house or Brownstone.

I honestly don't see john Stamos ever coming back as long as Ron is in charge of this show. They had a major twitter war last year when Ron wanted him to come back just to play drums for Rick Springfield. And he tweeted that he was NOT asked to return this year, so Ron can kiss my ass with his 'blackie is always welcome' crap. Because while the character may be welcome, it seems pretty obvious that the actor is not.

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OK, so obviously I haven't been paying attention. I thought the lady Shawn was in scenes with today was his sister which made today uncomfortable for me to watch. I'm guessing TJ's dad is Shawn's brother?

TJ's dad & Shawn were friends & fellow soldiers. Shawn killed TJ's dad during a friendly fire incident. This is what caused Shawn's PTSD.

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