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S27.E02: Get In There And Think Like A Dog

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I have a new hashtag suggestion for the green team. #STFUJustin

He is so irritating, it sucks the fun out of this show for me. And the challenges were not fun. That cardboard looked like it was placed there just for them, a whole bunch of it looked brand new. And like many of these challenges with a bunch of teams, the dancing people looked like they wanted it to all be over so they could go home.

And "I made you! You came out of my belly!" could have been left unsaid by Mom in Pink. Along with "It's a million dollars, I'll buy you new feet!" to the girl running barefoot.

I love Ernest and Jin, their joy at just being there is contagious. But if they keep up with the sob stories every week, I'll FF. I feel for them, but OK already.

Bye cousins! You left with smiles on your faces.

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Team Paparazzi yikes. The guy wanted to do cardboard and the girl complains and he asks her what she wants to do and she says she don't know. Well instead of just standing there contimplating just do the damn cardboard since you don't know.


The statue would be hard if you're really bad at navigation. Surprised that the reporters were the only ones that did it.


That roadblock tango looks like a nightmare to do. Especially if you're not coordinated and have no rhythm. Which I'm notso if that was me, my partner would have to do it lol.


I didn't like the ending because the three teams that I were liking were the final 3 teams. I really thought it was the end for Team Dancer because they got out of the cab and were at a dead end. I was like how could the track team fall back so far, did they get out of the airport last? They were lost during cardboard for a little bit. Sorry to see Double A leave, yea it sucks to only run two legs.


Justin, STFU, omg, I'm not going to change my mind on him like I did with team dentist. Someone punch him and that green hat. Team Texas one of them pulled a hamstring racing to the finish line like Dave and his achilles tendon. 

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Too many of these teams are aggressively lame at best or obnoxious at worst.  Especially the front of the pack.  And I have no idea why the eliminated team was eliminated.  Not satisfying.


Kelsey and Joey seem like they're competent and fairly likable and I think are my favorites.  Ernest and Jin could be if they stop relying on the sob story.  Don't mind either of the female teams.  Not a fan of any of the other couples and the Texas boys are actively obnoxious.  I have no opinion on the mom/son team yet.

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Hey Amazing race teams--did no one every tell you to take off your hat when you walk into a church?


Some of that cardboard looked "staged".

I was thinking the same thing about hats in church. I definitely agree on the cardboard as well, a lot of it was brand new, unused.

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cooksdelight, on 02 Oct 2015 - 7:56 PM, said:

I have a new hashtag suggestion for the green team. #STFUJustin




Also, this is the first time I actually caught James Earl's name.  I'm hoping she named him after "Jones" and not "Ray".


Still lovin' TeamTexas.  Still liking the cheerleaders.  The reporters seem cool.  My heart goes out to the homeless dancers.  Sorry the Wrestler Cousins couldn't make it.


And that wonky ankle is going to bite TeamPaparazzi somewhere down the line.  I'm not saying next episode, but somewhere down the line.


Lastly, that tango music was making me climb the walls, too, and not in a good way.  They couldn't have picked a nicer sound or alternate?

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So much for the cousins reaching for the heights Charla hit. They raced well enough .  .  they just happened to be the last team to get a cab, and they couldn't beat the Dancers and Track Stars in a footrace. Unlike Team TMZ, they can hold their heads up.


If I had to choose between Green and Texas, I go Green. Justin & Diana being fans partially makes up for their flaws. And I like how they wear "27" in the field. Tanner & Josh come off an alpha male assembly line. While it would suck for them to get an early boot due to a pulled hamstring, we would be saved weeks of potential douchery. I mean, they were running hard for second place when they could have let Alabama have it.


Speaking of Alabama . . .  "You came out of my belly!"??? Oh, wow. Denise needs self-awareness, and fast.


Happy the Dancers are still in it, especially after their doo doo encounter. On the local front, Krista rocked the Roadblock . .. though she had her hair bundled like Tiffany did last week, and that kinda bugs me. I gotta be able to tell them apart beyond the mere inches of height difference.


Forgive me if this was asked last week . . .  what kind of name is "Logan" for a woman?


ETA: Who had the title quote? Wikipedia doesn't have an answer yet.

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Hey Amazing race teams--did no one every tell you to take off your hat when you walk into a church?


Some of that cardboard looked "staged".


Yes, yes, yes!  The cardboard still had those plastic ties that hold it in place.



And I simply adored watching the dancers from Philly tango -- they had fun!  (And then, I heard their story -- those poor young men!!)


The team that went home broke my heart.  So many people I don't like still in it (cough - "I made you in my belly").

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Also Justin is annoying but seeing him continue to steam Team Texas' clams and seemingly not care or be aware of it is going to be hilarious.

Justin doesn't bug me but I agree about the hilarity.  I don't know what the Texas guys obsession with Justin was, they should just focus on their own race.  Glad to see the Green Team come in first.


Sorry to see the cousins go; am glad the dancers stayed.  I'm not sure if they have staying power though. The one who did the dancing did look graceful.


The paparazzi team annoys me, they can go.  No one else does really except for Texas; which I was neutral on them until all the complaining about Justin.


I'm sure the cardboard is put there for the racers; other tasks have been obviously set up.

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I'm crushed that the cousins are gone. They were fun and not obnoxious and I think they had more to show us. Sooo disappointed.


I was loving the dancers until they pulled out the "homeless" story at the mat. Usually I'm sympathetic, but somehow that annoyed me.


I hate the male Chac. Last week he was a jer to his wife and this week he says: "16 years of school and I'm on the street collecting trash." First of all: nothing wrong with collecting trash, and if nobody would do it, you'd be buried in yours. 2nd: You're on the Amazing Race. If you feel sorry for yourself and think it's beneath you, whatever the task, shut up! Give your slot to someone who will appreciate it more and not be a pill to watch. Grrr.  I also noticed that his wife was carrying both their packs. I might like her, and I don't know why she's with this guy.


I was relieved they didn't treat us to any squeamish weirdness about the same sex tango partnering.


I loved the tango roadblock, but I hated that the spent as much time with the camera on the face of the waiting partners as they did on letting us see the actual dancing. In what universe is that a more interesting view?


I didn't mind Justin last week but this time he did get on my nerves-- a lot. I was surprised, though, to see him share a drink with a local (out of the same straw, no less!). I have trouble sharing a drink with a friend; sharing with a stranger would skeeve me to an extreme degree, so I sort of admired his lack of squeamishness.

Running barefoot on the city streets was even more horrifying to me, though.

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I have a new hashtag suggestion for the green team. #STFUJustin

He is so irritating, it sucks the fun out of this show for me.


Same here. He seems to be a competent racer but I don't know if I can take an entire season of him.


Forgive me if this was asked last week . . .  what kind of name is "Logan" for a woman?

That surprised me, too. I assumed that she was Chris.

Like The Dancers but I fear that they won't last long. Team Texas are the typical alpha males but at least they are pretty to look at.

Pink Mama, Chac Attack and the Cheerleaders annoy me so far.

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I was surprised, though, to see him share a drink with a local (out of the same straw, no less!)

That guy could have had just about anything in that container, you couldn't see what was inside. No, no NO way would I do that.

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This is really starting to turn into the Justin/Diana and Tanner/Josh show, eh?  I'm one of the few that don't mind 'The Green Team', but man, it's almost entirely too obvious that they're setting up the season-long rivalry with these teams in the final 3 (for the record, I have no idea the outcomes of future episodes).


I thought it was an alright episode.  The detour was a little mundane.  I fully understand why almost every team picked the cardboard.  The "grind it out" physical task is always a lot less risky than the one that requires more brains and precision.  Interesting RB, though that tango music really grated after a while.  And a genuinely tense finish.  I was really hoping the cousins would last though.  Of the final 3 teams, I was rooting for Ernest and Jin to get the boot.  I'm already weary of their sob stories, and the cousins seem like really cool guys, and I didn't want 2 of the 3 girl teams to be the first teams out.

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It's official...I hate Team Stoopid Green Hat. Justin is irksome and annoying but I can't figure out any specific cause for my dislike (aside from the stoopid hat). Just do not like.

I'm not a fan of the smarmy Texas boys either, but their intense dislike of Justin makes me want them to outlast their rivals.

The dancing brothers are fun but I agree with others here that the sad story is going to wear thin very quickly. I feel bad for their situation & I hope things turn around for them. However...when you go on a game show to compete for a big cash prize, EVERYBODY ELSE in the game has just as valid a reason as you for wanting/needing the money. Of course you will feel your need is greater than anyone else's, but telling the same story over and over doesn't earn you extra sympathy points towards winning the cash.

Mom & Son team...UGH. Mostly due to Mom. I think the son may be better off with some distance between him and his family.

As for the rest...

Doctor/Dentist dude has a God complex IMO.

Paparazzi team is a solid NO based on their choice of career. I blame them for making/keeping people like the Kardashians "famous".

I don't have any rational reason for disliking the cheerleaders other than it bugs me to no end when women with long hair insist on wearing it loose and flowing All. The. Time. There is no need to have to pause every three seconds to flip hair out of your way while doing athletic activities or when you are bent over working on a puzzle/craft/food prep etc. Hair ties are not expensive and do not take up much room in a backpack.

So I guess I like the Anchors and the Track Girls the most so far.

Edited by BusyOctober
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The title was a misquote. The actual comment by Justin was 'Get in there and DIG like a dog." I rewound and listened to it several times. Did anyone else catch that?

Edited by Pfj99
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Team SuperFan is going to really grate after awhile.   Last week was just the worst when they screwed up taking the FF.   This week was just the bestest because they came in first.   It's going to be like that all season because it's all about being in the show.   Not the actual race being run.


I am glad it was planted cardboard.   Because it seems to be that people gather that cardboard to earn money to eat.   Having the racers do it means someone doesn't get paid that day.   But with planted cardboard the regulars can still make their rounds and eat that day.


Sorry the cousins went.   They seemed like nice guys.   Glad the dancers are still in it.   I expected them to get out of the tango faster.   Fine they do hip-hop, but stil they have rhythm.   Which I so totally do not have.

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As with some previous teams (the former NFL player comes to mind) I'm hoping that Ernest and Jin mentioning their story is producer driven.  I really like what I've seen of these two and hope to learn more about them as the season progresses.  I'm not sure which brother danced the tango but he was beautiful to watch.

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Oh man I liked the cousins.

The basilica was unbelievable. My mouth just dropped open and I kept saying wow, which incidentally I also did the first time I visited St Peters in Rome. Lol

I think I would have chosen the statute detour. Digging through trash containing God know what in there? Ick

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I don't mind the Texas guys, they seem helpful to other teams which I like. Justin on the other hand seems like the type to sit back and cackle while people are struggling so ugh. Was sad to see the cousins go, but the ending was exciting because I didn't want any of the remaining teams to be eliminated.


I hope we don't have to hear too much more of the dancing brothers sob stories. It puts me in a weird place because then I have to root for them to win, and I like to choose based on personality not life story. I thought the Basilica was beautiful and also appreciated that the teams were good sports about the tango.

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I am glad it was planted cardboard.   Because it seems to be that people gather that cardboard to earn money to eat.   Having the racers do it means someone doesn't get paid that day.   But with planted cardboard the regulars can still make their rounds and eat that day

I was worried about that, too. If they didn't plant the cardboard, hopefully they gave the regulars a paid day off or something. Having the racers running around the street would disrupt normal business anyway.


What annoyed me about Justin was him saying he would be better at the dance than his partner. Shut up and support her. It's easy to brag when you don't have to actually do anything, but it makes you a dick.


Also, I wanted the waiting team mates to be quiet while the actual dances were happening (not the practices, just the actual "trying to get approved" parts), instead of calling to their partners while they danced. I kept thinking all that "encouragement" would distract them and make them lose their places.


I do like that Justin doesn't seem aware that the Texans are obsessed with him. I believe he's truly excited to be there, and doesn't realize he's actually the alpha team's biggest worry. It's kind of funny, really. Texas knows their own weaknesses, too, and I kind of like that they admit they aren't going to win unless they can use their brawn to compensate for other skills. Still, their anger and (apparent) single-focus on Justin is a bit off-putting. They're not enjoying the experience either.


Justin making a deal to not share info, and neither his partner nor the people he made the deal with acknowledging said deal and turning around and immediately sharing info with the Texans is, I think the moment Texas really went full-on into hate mode toward him. I did actually think it was super-stupid to share info like that, though. They are the alpha team! Don't do the non-physical tasks for them! Maybe someone thought they'd get the discarded Express Pass out of it, but they didn't show anything to indicate that, so it just seemed kind of strange.


The thing about the dancers is that they are so likable, I'd root for them without the sad story. Every time they tell the story I feel like they are asking me to root for them, when they really don't need a sob story to get me to do it. It's just bad strategy. They are so appealing anyway, they don't need the extra hook.

Edited by possibilities
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After seeing the preview for next week I'd be ready to slap Justin silly- holy cow he's like a little bratty kid.

What was the deal in the airport? was Justin running around giving away the address to the Basilica? He's pretty much sucking up to everybody within earshot it seems.

That was my first thought too- take off the hats for respect inside the Church!! yeesh...

Tango was fun to watch (then again I can't hear the music all that great lol). Most of them were great at it- of course the partners could have just shut up for a bit while the ones doing the dancing could concentrate a bit better...

Had to laugh re Double A- "I'm going in!" on the cardboard detour. Sad to see them go though :( Would have preferred some of the others in the top half of the group to go. As for the brothers and their 'sob story'- it's the same ole-- producer driven/nudged to keep 'interest' on them. I don't care about their story (though awful it is)- I just like them for them and how they race.

I thought it was interesting that the last 3 teams were having so much trouble getting a cab- so many were driving right by them.

Next week: "Heeeey Amigooo!" - I am almost sure Tanner or Josh will accidentally slap Justin somehow... while I'm no fan of alpha male teams and don't have a final opinion on T/J I really hope the guy with the pulled hamstring is ok.

Edited by cooksdelight
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Also, this is the first time I actually caught James Earl's name.  I'm hoping she named him after "Jones" and not "Ray".


Maybe Carter?


Papparazzi woman can shut it, right now.  She doesn't have KF to explain her evilness.


Those angels kept reminding me of the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who.


That was "art"?  It looked like a mannequin.


What the hell is Texas's problem with Team Green?


Why did Alabama mom and son have to use American dollars?


The music accompanying the tango is the traditional music associated with tango.

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Not understanding some of this, Justin's not my favorite but:



Justin on the other hand seems like the type to sit back and cackle while people are struggling so ugh.

He actually told one the teams (I can't remember) that it was a dance challenge on his way out.



What annoyed me about Justin was him saying he would be better at the dance than his partner. Shut up and support her. It's easy to brag when you don't have to actually do anything, but it makes you a dick.


He did nothing but praise her from beginning to end. Speaking of, who thought it would be good to have the partners loudly encouraging the dancer while they were trying to concentrate? Producers- I'm looking at you.


so sorry to see the cousins go, maybe they'll come back in a 'second chances' race.

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Also, this is the first time I actually caught James Earl's name.  I'm hoping she named him after "Jones" and not "Ray".


Still lovin' TeamTexas.

I thought the same thing regarding James Earl's name.


As for the second part, I feel kinda feel sorry for you, since there's nothing to like about them.  Nothing.


Anyway, this leg was so fast-paced, it was actually hard to keep track of all ten teams!  I mean, I managed it, but . . . it was still not very easy.


But the teams:


Justin & Diana: Yeah, I'm not big on Justin, but I do like Diana.  She seems nice, and she killed that Roadblock, while Justin had a good strategy for the Detour.  I do have to say that having so many deal with other teams might hurt them, though.  I hope he's careful with that.  A well-earned win for them this week.


Tanner & Josh: The Detour was about the only thing they did right this week.  Tanner fucked up the Roadblock three times, more than any other person.  And then, he pulled his hamstring trying to race out Denise & James Earl for a first-place finish he and Josh weren't even going to get.  Just like @Maxyrama, I smirked, too, at that.  Second place, but I'm gonna root for them to be gone sooner rather than later if they keep up this obsession with Justin & Diana.


Denise & James Earl: So far, they seem like one of the stronger parent/child teams we've had in recent seasons.  They kept their calm and focus at the Detour, and James Earl, from what we saw, did an excellent job at the Roadblock.  Seems like they'd have had second had they seen the right entrance to the Pit Stop, but third isn't bad.


Logan & Chris: We've already seen hints that they're going to fight.  Chris chose one Detour, then switched to the other at a breakneck pace, frustrating Logan in the process.  That said, they did the Detour fairly well, and Logan seemed to do a great job at the Roadblock.  Got out of that task in second, but their cabbie taking them to the wrong entrance to the Pit Stop made them lose two places, dropping them into fourth.


Cindy & Rick: If this team has any weakness, then I'd say it's Rick.  He's wound too tightly, even when they're doing well.  They seemed to struggle just slightly with the Detour, but Cindy rocked out the Roadblock.  Nothing else seemed to go wrong, so they finished in a steady fifth place.


Tiffany & Krista: A much better leg run by them this week.  They seemed to struggle with the Detour and got snippy with each other for a moment, but Krista made up the time at the Roadblock and seemed to be one of the very few to finish it on her first try.  Excellent recovery after last week, and a well-deserved sixth-place finish.


Kelsey & Joey: So they were the only team to do the Fletero Detour, and they seemed to make some good time at it.  Kelsey also made good time at the Roadblock, another one to get it done on her first attempt.  Seventh place was decently earned.


Jazmine & Danielle: These girls had a lot of problems, starting with getting to the Cartoneros Detour last and being shut out of getting a cart to use.  At least Tanner & Josh gave them theirs, though.  They seemed to do a decent job catching up with that task, and Jazmine definitely rocked out the Roadblock, which probably made all the difference in getting to the Pit Stop.  I don't know how they made it after being the last ones to get a cab, but I'm glad they finished eighth.


Ernest & Jin: I'm still a bit confused as to what happened to drop them so far down.  They finished the Detour relatively quickly, and Jin did the Roadblock in no time at all.  I'm guessing it was the cab issue that nearly put them out of the race.  Nonetheless, they're in ninth place and need to get it together.


Alex & Adam: I'm sad to see them go, since they seemed likable and rootable.  They did the Detour so quickly, too.  I guess Alex failing the Roadblock once lost them enough time that their cab problems made all the difference, because if he hadn't failed, it's highly likely they'd have survived.


So far, I like both women's teams (Tiffany & Krista and Jazmine & Danielle), Logan & Chris, Kelsey & Joey, Ernest & Jin, Denise & James Earl, Cindy & Rick, and, to an extent, Justin & Diana (only because they chap Tanner & Josh's hides).  Tanner & Josh are generic alpha-males.  Don't care for them at all.  In fact, if their obsession with Justin keeps up, I might grow to hate them.


Good episode.

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I don't have any rational reason for disliking the cheerleaders other than it bugs me to no end when women with long hair insist on wearing it loose and flowing All. The. Time.


I am disliking the cheerleaders because they keep trying to call themselves athletes.  No.  You are involved in an activity that takes talent, strength and stamina.  That doesn't make you an athlete.  Some cheerleaders try to call themselves athletes because they "compete" with other teams.  Well so does the chess team and the math team.  Doesn't make them athletes any more than cheerleaders. 

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So enjoying having show back on.  Thought the teams did fairly well in the tasks tonight.  Taxis are still causing problems for some of them though.


Really sorry to see the cousins go.  I liked them so much and hate that they won't get to see more of the world.  Also sorry to say this, but I was hoping it was the dancers.  I like them a lot, especially Jin, but I hate the sob story, and I especially hated it at the Mat.  What did they expect Phil to do about their homelessness?  Give them an automatic win, buy them a house, start a GoFund for them?  I do feel bad for them, but the answer to their problem is not (IMO) going on yet another reality show, but finding a long term solution.  Was the last reality show a one season only?  Don't know anything about the Dance Crew franchises.


Like everybody really.....well, except Mr. Green Hat.  He is really rubbing me the wrong way.  My heart goes out to Diana.  Is she sure she wants to marry this guy?

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I am disliking the cheerleaders because they keep trying to call themselves athletes. No. You are involved in an activity that takes talent, strength and stamina. That doesn't make you an athlete. Some cheerleaders try to call themselves athletes because they "compete" with other teams. Well so does the chess team and the math team. Doesn't make them athletes any more than cheerleaders.

Not trying to be snarky but your post actually made me think about what an athlete really is. So I looked up the definition.

Athlete | Define Athlete at Dictionary.com


noun. a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in a sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skill. Origin of athlete Expand. Latin. Greek.

From the definition, competitive cheerleaders certainly are athletes.

I was sad to see the cousins go, but I didn't want to lose the other two last place teams either. I find Justin annoying because everything is so extreme, like being on a roller coaster. I dislike the Texans more so--shrug--go Justin!

Edited by NYCFree
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Not trying to be snarky but your post actually made me think about what an athlete really is. So I looked up the definition.

Athlete | Define Athlete at Dictionary.com


noun. a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in a sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skill. Origin of athlete Expand. Latin. Greek.

From the definition, competitive cheerleaders certainly are athletes.



The general definition that is commonly used is that an athlete is one who participates in a sport.  I just think some cheerleaders and even dancers try too hard to convince everyone that they are athletes as if that is necessary to legitimize what they do. (former dancer here).

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I'm sorry, cheerleading at a professional sports team level is seriously an athletic endeavor. They made an NFL squad (similar to what is shown in DCC: Making the Squad) not some middle school jv team where no one gets cut. They can call themselves athletes all they want in my book.


Justin was, is, and will continue to be insufferable. Probably all the way to the finale or close. To me he's like a wannabe, try-hard Boston Rob w/ a tenth of the charm. Diana might be fine but the fact that she wants to marry him makes me question her judgement. I hope Texas does successfully turn every other team against them.


Bummed for the cousins, but I'm also shocked (and reasonably impressed) that the track girls chose to wait around for a cardboard cart to come open when Team Texas finished the detour. Admittedly we don't know quite how long they waited, it might have only been a few minutes...however had they immediately bailed to the other detour option like probably 80% of TAR teams would've done if faced with that seemingly desperate situation......that easily could have been the end for them. But they trusted their speed and physical fitness to make up time prior to the Tango task, and it paid off for them.


Nobody is getting particularly friendly edits at the moment, minus maybe the dancers and maybe the newscasters who've barely been present through two episodes. 

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Tanner & Josh are generic alpha-males.  Don't care for them at all.  In fact, if their obsession with Justin keeps up, I might grow to hate them.

The alpha males have done very well through the seasons.  Tanner and Josh are hardly annoying.  Annoying would be crybaby Justin, the bickering paparazzis, the cheerleaders, the domineering mom.

Edited by ifoundit
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I was amazed that there was only one late-evening flight all day from Rio to Buenos Aires.  Was this a bunching combined with HOO?  How could there not be many flights during the day? 


And I hate it when they do not show the time spacing between teams at the start of a leg -- I like to know how far apart they were (or not) at the end of the previous leg. 

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It seemed like the anchorpersons did the statue task reasonably quickly and efficiently and that they should've made it to the Detour in a higher position. Maybe the park where they had to place the statue was farther away from the Detour than the place where the cardboard was weighed. 


Also, it seemed like there was a gap between when the first batch of teams were practicing/finishing the tango and the second group started. Was there a limit on how many teams could work at the same time or was there really that much difference in the times the teams arrived there? Sometimes it's so hard to tell with the editing.


The track star who commented about the need for ab strength to hold oneself up sideways made an interesting point-- something I wouldn't have thought about. 


My favorite part was when the little guy cousin jumped into the recyclable bin and his partner shut the door on him. 

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The alpha males have done very well through the seasons.  Tanner and Josh are hardly annoying.

No, they're annoying.  First, because, like other alpha-male teams, they're boring.  And second, they spent more than half of this episode bitching and moaning about Justin.  So yes.  They're not "hardly" annoying.  They are annoying

Edited by Paron Xanthis
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No, they're annoying.  First, because, like other alpha-male teams, they're boring.  And second, they spent more than half of this episode bitching and moaning about Justin.  So yes.  They're not "hardly" annoying.  They are annoying

Well, crybaby Justin is a jerk.  I have no prob with Tanner and Josh.


BTW, the guys were really cool to the track stars - letting them know where they left their cart.  If not, they could likely have been eliminated.

Edited by ifoundit
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I love Ernest and Jin, their joy at just being there is contagious. But if they keep up with the sob stories every week, I'll FF. I feel for them, but OK already.


Thinking that they may be looking for someone to set up a GoFundMe page for them in the event they don't come into TAR dollars.


Hey Amazing race teams--did no one every tell you to take off your hat when you walk into a church?


Technically, since they were in a Catholic cathedral, having head covering is a sign of respect.  At one time, it was required.  It's been only the past 25-30 years or so that this has been relaxed by the Church here, (but the South American countries might cling a bit harder to tradition, as does much of Europe).  Then it all went to hell with the acceptance of jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and the like.

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The second week in and I'm still having difficulty getting "into" this season. The teams and the tasks don't seem very interesting and I spend a lot of time hitting the mute button whenever Justin is onscreen.

I loved the tango roadblock, but I hated that the spent as much time with the camera on the face of the waiting partners as they did on letting us see the actual dancing. In what universe is that a more interesting view?


I found the editing of that task very odd. They started on the "wall" and then apparently stopped filming while the team member was hooked up to the support lines and then restarted filming with the dancers on the "floor". I don't suspect any finagle-ing when the cameras weren't running, but the procedure just bothered me.

I also wondered about how much time passed between legs. If team Texas left to start the 2nd leg at 9:40am, they must have had a 24 hour pit stop. Then they had an evening flight to an HOO task they can't do until the following morning. So it's basically 48 hours between the finish of leg 1 and the first task of leg 2. I don't know why I find that strange but I do, especially so early in the race.

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The fact that the only name I can remember is Justin is not a good thing in this case. Here's hoping he gets eliminated soon.


I thought the boxes looks obviously planted too, too many were nicely folded & stacked & didn't look used at all.


And "I made you! You came out of my belly!" could have been left unsaid by Mom in Pink. Along with "It's a million dollars, I'll buy you new feet!" to the girl running barefoot.

It could have been worse, in the finale for CSI when Gil asked Catherine where the new trainee came from, Catherine replied "My vagina!". Be glad she said belly.

I thought it was interesting that the last 3 teams were having so much trouble getting a cab- so many were driving right by them.

I noticed that too & wondered how much of being ignored by the taxi drivers was due to two teams being black & the other being dwarves.

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Thinking that they may be looking for someone to set up a GoFundMe page for them in the event they don't come into TAR dollars.



Technically, since they were in a Catholic cathedral, having head covering is a sign of respect.  At one time, it was required.  It's been only the past 25-30 years or so that this has been relaxed by the Church here, (but the South American countries might cling a bit harder to tradition, as does much of Europe).  Then it all went to hell with the acceptance of jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and the like.


Not for men.  Men took their hats off in church.  Women had to wear a hat or other head covering.

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Well, crybaby Justin is a jerk. I have no prob with Tanner and Josh.

BTW, the guys were really cool to the track stars - letting them know where they left their cart. If not, they could likely have been eliminated.

Good for you in not having any problem with them.  I don't agree, but good for you.


Justin was also good to Tiffany & Krista by letting them know what the Roadblock would involve, so AFAIC, it balances out.

Edited by Paron Xanthis
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I was amazed that there was only one late-evening flight all day from Rio to Buenos Aires.  Was this a bunching combined with HOO?  How could there not be many flights during the day? 


Surprisingly, not too many non-stop flight options. I did a quick search on ITA Matrix for Rio-EZE for tomorrow,  and there were six total options- 3 that left at about  10:00am, a 2:30pm, a 4:18 pm, and the 8:55pm flight that would be the one the Racers ended up on if the flight schedule was pretty much the same as it was in June. Most routes between the two cities require a connection in Sao Paulo, which adds another 2+ hours to the route, and in TAR-land it's often better to just go with the non-stop option instead of risking missing a connecting flight to gain 15 minutes that may not matter if you hit a bunch point after arrival.

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I have two adult sons.   I have never in my life said anything to the effect of "I made you, You came out of my belly" to either of them.  And especially not in the context of taking credit for something they did.   Pink Mom (is that what we're calling her?  I have no clue who is who yet) irked me with that comment, remembering that she and her son stopped talking when he came out as gay.  Yeah, don't accept his sexuality, but take credit when his dancing skills give you an advantage! 


(ETA:  fixed awkward wording)

Edited by backformore
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