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S03.E05: I'm Ironing The Captain's Shorts


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I think the whole thing with the Don Julio 1942 was contrived to give us a 'yay for them!' moment at the back end of the charter. Yes, Kate prevailed and did her chief stewardess position proud by locating one bottle of Don Julio 1942 at the 11th hour. I don't think that Don Julio 1942 is any more difficult to purchase at any higher end liquor store than Patron Platinum is. It costs around $100-$150 a bottle and comes in it's own little wooden coffin. (a hint at what throwing down too many can do to you). For that price, It's a sipping tequila, not a shot tequila and I saw the guest throwing down shots of it which sort of surprised me because I thought they'd sip it slowly since they were so adamant that it had to be Don Julio 1942 specifically. Having it brought to the ship personally must have doubled the price.

I'm still on the fence about Rocky. I think she's got aspirations to be a big Broadway star and thought her exposure in Below Deck would be a step up on the ladder to that dream. And it may be the case. She's exactly the 'type' of person Broadway loves. She's loud, animated, has a strong voice, is physically fit and is attractive. I find her annoying that's all. When she says she wants 'a man...a man.. a MAN' I had to chuckle because she behaves more like 'a child....a child....a CHILD!' Most  mature, sophisticated adult men are attracted to a woman who is secure with herself, and Rocky really isn't. Outrageous behavior, and demanding attention by doing crazy, off-the-wall antics aren't things that a secure person does. It's the an insecure person gets the attention they need.


I'm not sure whether I like Dale yet. I would never be attracted to his 'type'. He's just looks like he should be a guest, not a deckhand. He said his parents had 'some money' and he had a lot of privileges growing up. Long hair on men isn't usually attractive to me personally. Dale seems to feel more comfortable being treated to comfort rather than providing it. I just expect the word 'dude' will come out of his mouth at any moment.


The big tip they each got ($2500) was great. The largest salaries go to Captain Lee Rosbach and the second largest salary goes to the culinary chef, Leon. Kate takes third place in the salary division. Bravo has cut their charter cost to less than half for a 2 night 3 day excursion. I'm not sure why Bravo cut the rate so significantly this season but I'm thinking that they must be having a harder time than they thought they would getting rich people to shell out $87k for a 3 day cruise, now it's $35,000. The one week charter still costs $175,000 per week plus the expected 15% gratuity added on top of that.


*editing to apologize for the redundancy of the Don Julio info. I stepped away in the middle of my post and came back an hour later and hit enter then saw the other post about Don Julio.  Screw tequila anyway, that stuff leaves you with a monster head rocking headache.

Edited by HumblePi
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I liked these guests.  Even though main client guy insisted on opening bottles with his teeth.  And I think at one point he opened two at one time!  Yikes!  Did they say what he did for a living? 

And Kate dismissing the request from all the guests for the 1942 was a big mistake.  I get that some clients put frivolous items on their list but if all the guests ask for it I would think it is important.  But as someone pointed out it looks like they only get the info the day before charter?  That doesn't seem right but how would I know as I will never have the kind of money it would take to charter a yacht for 3 days. But the big guys happiness when the bottle showed up was nice.  He must REALLY like 1942!

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I wonder if Kate could have headed off some of the whining by informing folks up front that they hadn't been able to procure their preferred tequila, but would continue trying to do so. It would have at least made it seem like their request hadn't been dismissed, just turned out to be problematic. Of course, no one knew how life-altering the absence of the Don Julio was until they started grousing. (Personally I'd have been a lot more put out by being served beef cheeks when I requested well-done filet, but then a good steak is my 1942.)

  • Love 10

I got a vibe that he doesn't like Kate all that much. He was relentless with the botox conversation with her. Even if what he was saying was true, She was not amused. 

I agree there was definitely some tension.  She clearly has zero patience for the kind of bullshit he makes a living schilling to the public, and he has a hard time adjusting when that happens based on what I've seen (which is way too much).  Amy didn't seem all that into it either, though, and it was fun to watch Kate's resting bitch face morph into a more genuine scowl.

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I wonder if Kate could have headed off some of the whining by informing folks up front that they hadn't been able to procure their preferred tequila, but would continue trying to do so. It would have at least made it seem like their request hadn't been dismissed, just turned out to be problematic. Of course, no one knew how life-altering the absence of the Don Julio was until they started grousing. (Personally I'd have been a lot more put out by being served beef cheeks when I requested well-done filet, but then a good steak is my 1942.)


I agree!!  And, forgive my culinary ignorance, but are beef cheeks just what they sound like - the cheeks of the cow?  


I am not a very adventurous eater, and that would probably be something that I would NEVER order in a restaurant - I got the feeling this group of passengers had pretty normal food requirements.  They wanted "butterflied filet mignon", which is something that I, even with my unrefined palate, would never order (I'm not a fancy eater, but I do know good steak and how to prepare it, LOL!!).  They also mentioned that they ate chicken fingers while they went on land, and just wanted a cheese plate when they returned, so I got the feeling that their focus was more on good/premium alcohol than on fancy, pretentious food choices.


I didn't like it when Leon said "well, I'll give them beef cheeks instead of the filet", and I never liked it when Ben used to mock guests for their food requests.  These are the guests that are paying to be on the boat - they should have what they want, not what you think they should have!!  If they want to eat Froot Loops for breakfast and Velveeta grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, then you give them Froot Loops for breakfast and Velveeta grilled cheese for lunch.  They are paying you to serve them.  First rule of dealing with customers - the customer is always right!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 10

didn't like it when Leon said "well, I'll give them beef cheeks instead of the filet",


I did not like it either.  I think he or Kate said when they asked for butterflied filets it sounded like a "well done kind of man".  I love a good steak but like it medium rare on the rare side so I don't get it when someone orders a good cut of meat and asks for it to be well done.  Save yourself some money and order the cheap cut and burn it as it will taste the same.  And if someone at my table orders orders their steak well done I tell the waitress to have the cook/chef put my steak on last.  It never fails that my steak is over cooked when someone orders theirs well done.  And I will send it back if it is.  But back to the beef cheeks, just exactly is that cut?  Is it really the cheeks of a cow?  Butt cheeks or face cheeks?

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I did not like it either.  I think he or Kate said when they asked for butterflied filets it sounded like a "well done kind of man".  I love a good steak but like it medium rare on the rare side so I don't get it when someone orders a good cut of meat and asks for it to be well done.  Save yourself some money and order the cheap cut and burn it as it will taste the same.  And if someone at my table orders orders their steak well done I tell the waitress to have the cook/chef put my steak on last.  It never fails that my steak is over cooked when someone orders theirs well done.  And I will send it back if it is.  But back to the beef cheeks, just exactly is that cut?  Is it really the cheeks of a cow?  Butt cheeks or face cheeks?


I just googled "What are beef cheeks", and found this link:




this is what is says:


"The name 'beef cheek' refers to the facial cheek muscle of a cow. It's a very tough and lean cut of meat and is most often used for braising or slow cooking to produce a tender result. You may need to order them ahead from your butcher. If beef cheeks aren't available, beef brisket cut into pieces of the same weight make a good substitute."


So basically, clients are asking for filet mignon, and Leon is giving them a lower quality cut - one that needs to be braised or slow-cooked, rather than cooked to order individually, grilled or pan-seared/finished in the oven.  


Now, I'm thinking that given this, and the fact that he pre-cooked the meal prior to the guests' return to the boat, he is kind of a lazy chef.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

Okay, this guest opening his beer bottles with his teeth is gross.  He's only doing it for attention.  At one point he ripped the beer bottle open with his teeth and looked directly at the camera to make sure they filmed him.  Dumb.  Hope he see how stupid he really looks.

I'm guessing anyone who pays a lot of money, even at the discounted Below Deck rate, to be filmed and shown on national television looking like fools, does a lot of things for attention.

  • Love 1

Yes, Leon was giving them offal. And while offal is a big thing with foodies, clearly these folks would not qualify as such.

Also, Patron '42 can be found in any decent liquor store that caters to the duty-free set. I wanted to give Kate the addresses of at least three places in Nassau that has it. But, you know, drama.

  • Love 2

Well here's my take on this episode: He wanted filet and he wanted it butterflied. That's the way I like mine done. Sorry whoever posted upthread but I've evolved from raw meat. I want it cooked til it doesn't bleed all over my plate. He wanted 1942 Don Julio. What's the problem? Get it for him. My Total Wine store has it for just over $100 a bottle. They must charge a huge premium to drive it out to the boat. They were easy guests with simple tastes. Give them what they want, they are paying for it. Save your fancy for those who want it. And if a personal chef gave me something I DID NOT order I would march to the kitchen and they would be wearing it! Leon needs to listen it's gonna be his downfall. I think so far this year except for the non ordering of the tequila Kate is a near perfect stew. Not Leon's fault he's trying to cruise ship it on the guests' food.

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Have to give Kate some credit for her upselling in The Great Beef Cheeks Caper - as she was serving and describing the dish, she gave it a good spin by her comment that "This is one of Chef Leon's most popular dishes".  The problem seems to be that it is only "most popular" to Chef Leon!


I'm beginning to think Leon may be just a good cook with a limited repertoire, which might work alright for quick charters/quick turnovers, but must get pretty redundant to the crew.  They may well be getting the same dishes week after week/charter after charter.  Boring...

Edited by Tunia
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I'd think that the crew are responsible for making their own meals in the crew galley, although they might get a shot at leftovers if there's extra from prepping the charter guests' meals.


Well here's my take on this episode: He wanted filet and he wanted it butterflied. That's the way I like mine done. Sorry whoever posted upthread but I've evolved from raw meat. I want it cooked til it doesn't bleed all over my plate.

I agree, medium-well is my preference for steak but I'm far more willing to settle for overcooked than undercooked. (And a tenderloin or NY strip cooked to well-done by someone who knows what they're doing is MUCH better than a round or skirt steak!)

  • Love 2

I think so far this year except for the non ordering of the tequila Kate is a near perfect stew. Not Leon's fault he's trying to cruise ship it on the guests' food.


I don't think I would have considered myself a huge fan of Kate last season but I was really happy for her return and now I'm loving her.  I think out of all of the reality franchises, I'd love to get a drink with her.  She's smart and has a great sense of humor.  She'd be a hoot to catch a buzz with.

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It should be noted that though the guest listed filet, he loved the beef cheeks to the point that he finished one if the other guests plates. I seriously don't get Kate bitching about the food, the guests have all raved about the food and as long as he isn't repeating meals during the same charter I don't understand her issue. I mean I understand she doesn't like him but complain about his communication issues not his food.

  • Love 9

It should be noted that though the guest listed filet, he loved the beef cheeks to the point that he finished one if the other guests plates. I seriously don't get Kate bitching about the food, the guests have all raved about the food and as long as he isn't repeating meals during the same charter I don't understand her issue. I mean I understand she doesn't like him but complain about his communication issues not his food.

My guess is that it has to do more with her perception of his attitude than with the quality of his cooking. The guests--who are paying for these custom trips--ask for certain meals; he arrogantly says, "I'm ignoring what they say they want and making what *I* want to make." I'd be irritated with that, too. Like: Dude, I wanted a McRib, make me a McRib, not a wagyu beef burger!

Now, if he made the same menu, charter after charter, but there *were* no special requests? I wouldn't have an issue with that, either.

But maybe she doesn't really have all that much room to speak. After all, she kinda blew off the Don Julio request until the guests made a stink. (And I would agree that might have been production... somehow egging the guests on because they knew Kate hadn't bothered to try to order the booze they requested.)

  • Love 3

To be fair, I think Eros was sailing out of Great Abaco which is probably about 90 miles from Nassau and even further from Freeport.  So getting the tequila may not have been as easy as some are assuming.  But yeah, in retrospect, Kate and whoever was in charge of ordering supplies should have, if they could, planned ahead.


The other interesting storyline is the long distance relationship between Eddie and his girlfriend.  The only cruising season Eddie does now is Below Deck as far as I can tell and according to his interviews.  The rest of the time he's in Baltimore working on a tugboat.  So, how long is filming done for Below Deck?  Six to Eight weeks?  Geez, if that's the case, the girlfriend couldn't handle it?  Maybe it's time for Eddie to move on.

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lovebug1975, on 22 Sept 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

Whatever happened to that cute replacement last season......with the southern accent.  i liked him.


Logan!  (It took me a few mins. to remember the name).  I liked Logan too but I can see why he was replaced.  He was too normal and didn't bring the drama.  They frequently had Logan on night watch so he was usually missing all the manufactured day time drama - which is bad if you want to remain on a reality show (JMHO).

breezy424, on 23 Sept 2015 - 11:06 PM, said:

To be fair, I think Eros was sailing out of Great Abaco which is probably about 90 miles from Nassau and even further from Freeport.  So getting the tequila may not have been as easy as some are assuming.  But yeah, in retrospect, Kate and whoever was in charge of ordering supplies should have, if they could, planned ahead.


The other interesting storyline is the long distance relationship between Eddie and his girlfriend.  The only cruising season Eddie does now is Below Deck as far as I can tell and according to his interviews.  The rest of the time he's in Baltimore working on a tugboat.  So, how long is filming done for Below Deck?  Six to Eight weeks?  Geez, if that's the case, the girlfriend couldn't handle it?  Maybe it's time for Eddie to move on.


Yeah, I was thinking this too.  I also read somewhere that Eddie works in the Baltimore area when the show's not filming and I was thinking "Whoa, if Bravo only films for 6-8 weeks or so, Eddie and his GF are not long for this world".

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Ok, I have a problem in that I always think someone resembles someone else and no one agrees.  That said-- did anyone else think that tall, toothy, little pony tailed Dane looked remarkably similar to tall, toothy, little pony tailed Joe from Survivor?!?!  I thought it was him!  Then I wondered if he was some actor playing parts on two shows on different channels!  Am I (once again) crazy?

To be fair, I think Eros was sailing out of Great Abaco which is probably about 90 miles from Nassau and even further from Freeport.  So getting the tequila may not have been as easy as some are assuming.  But yeah, in retrospect, Kate and whoever was in charge of ordering supplies should have, if they could, planned ahead.


The other interesting storyline is the long distance relationship between Eddie and his girlfriend.  The only cruising season Eddie does now is Below Deck as far as I can tell and according to his interviews.  The rest of the time he's in Baltimore working on a tugboat.  So, how long is filming done for Below Deck?  Six to Eight weeks?  Geez, if that's the case, the girlfriend couldn't handle it?  Maybe it's time for Eddie to move on.

Wait, what? Eddie works on a tug boat in Baltimore???  I wonder where he lives in Bmore? Hmmm...

  • Love 1

What the hell was the deal with the Don Julio 42? The one guy seemed like he'd be happier vacationing in a liquor store than on a yacht, and that appears to have started well before cabin fever should have had time to set in.


Not ordering it ahead of time was the first professional misstep I've seen Kate make. All of the passengers listing it on their request forms should have tipped her off it was important to have it on hand, though no one could have predicted the degree to which their happiness depended on having that particular brand of tequila.


I'm an Irish whiskey girl. I've never cared for tequila but I admit DJ '42 is nice, really, really, nice (Giving thanks to my sweetie for making me try it.) So, so smooth.  It's sipping tequila not something to do shots with.


Yup, Don Julio made that second tip envelope appear.

  • Love 2

I agree!!  And, forgive my culinary ignorance, but are beef cheeks just what they sound like - the cheeks of the cow?  


I am not a very adventurous eater, and that would probably be something that I would NEVER order in a restaurant - I got the feeling this group of passengers had pretty normal food requirements.  They wanted "butterflied filet mignon", which is something that I, even with my unrefined palate, would never order (I'm not a fancy eater, but I do know good steak and how to prepare it, LOL!!).  They also mentioned that they ate chicken fingers while they went on land, and just wanted a cheese plate when they returned, so I got the feeling that their focus was more on good/premium alcohol than on fancy, pretentious food choices.


I didn't like it when Leon said "well, I'll give them beef cheeks instead of the filet", and I never liked it when Ben used to mock guests for their food requests.  These are the guests that are paying to be on the boat - they should have what they want, not what you think they should have!!  If they want to eat Froot Loops for breakfast and Velveeta grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, then you give them Froot Loops for breakfast and Velveeta grilled cheese for lunch.  They are paying you to serve them.  First rule of dealing with customers - the customer is always right!  


I could have a billion dollars in the bank and my face would still light up if there were extra toasted, buttered on both sides, frosted strawberry poptarts available for me on the boat. Just saying.

  • Love 3


Now, I'm thinking that given this, and the fact that he pre-cooked the meal prior to the guests' return to the boat, he is kind of a lazy chef.


Very lazy, "Catch me a fish", beef cheeks "good but glorified shortribs", I even saw a can of Birds custard powder in the kitchen."


Lazy, lazy, lazy, and stubborn, stubborn, stubborn.

  • Love 9
Very lazy, "Catch me a fish", beef cheeks "good but glorified shortribs", I even saw a can of Birds custard powder in the kitchen."


Lazy, lazy, lazy, and stubborn, stubborn, stubborn.



Not. A. Fan.


There was no way for Kate or anyone else to know whether the guests decided to treat themselves to a meal on land. And if they didn't, and came back wanting a fresh meal, they'd have gotten those Beef Cheeks that had been dried out in the oven for hours.

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I seriously don't get Kate bitching about the food, the guests have all raved about the food and as long as he isn't repeating meals during the same charter I don't understand her issue. I mean I understand she doesn't like him but complain about his communication issues not his food.


They were lucky that the guests liked the beef cheeks. Had they gotten as offended that they didn't get filet as they were that they didn't get 1942, it could've resulted in a lower tip in the end.  So I can see Kate's problem with the food.  Although, she needs to zip it because she didn't produce the requested booze until the 11th hour. 


If I was the primary and, pre-sail, had specified Alaskan King Crab legs and instead was served Snow Crab legs - no matter how delicious - I'd still be plenty disappointed because I love me some King Crab and there's a huge difference.  That's not enough for me to cut the tip but if I'm spending that kind of dough, I want what I specify. 


For that kind of money, I want a mallet, a bib and a table piled high with King Crab legs.  And bowls of melted butter and lemon. Serve me some dinky Snow Crab legs, and I'd probably not cut the tip (if service otherwise was good) but I'd be visiting the bridge for a chat with the Captain.

  • Love 4

Annnnnd....I almost forgot, speaking of beef cheeks.


Eddie:  More beef, less cheeks, please and thank you.  He's getting that bloated, pasty-looking face from either too much food or booze or both.  Seeing him get into the hot tub damn near broke my heart.  I'll try to remember the Eddie of Olde, looking right and tight, in his dress whites.


Maybe he's stress eating.

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lah715, on 23 Sept 2015 - 10:18 AM, said:

Newbie on this board - love this show - my guilty pleasure :-)  As for the showdown - I think Leon is going


WELCOME !!!  and commence the snark ...

Annnnnd....I almost forgot, speaking of beef cheeks.


Eddie:  More beef, less cheeks, please and thank you.  He's getting that bloated, pasty-looking face from either too much food or booze or both.  Seeing him get into the hot tub damn near broke my heart.  I'll try to remember the Eddie of Olde, looking right and tight, in his dress whites.


Maybe he's stress eating.


Oh, I felt the same!  :(

  • Love 1

They were lucky that the guests liked the beef cheeks. Had they gotten as offended that they didn't get filet as they were that they didn't get 1942, it could've resulted in a lower tip in the end.  So I can see Kate's problem with the food.  Although, she needs to zip it because she didn't produce the requested booze until the 11th hour. 


If I was the primary and, pre-sail, had specified Alaskan King Crab legs and instead was served Snow Crab legs - no matter how delicious - I'd still be plenty disappointed because I love me some King Crab and there's a huge difference.  That's not enough for me to cut the tip but if I'm spending that kind of dough, I want what I specify. 


For that kind of money, I want a mallet, a bib and a table piled high with King Crab legs.  And bowls of melted butter and lemon. Serve me some dinky Snow Crab legs, and I'd probably not cut the tip (if service otherwise was good) but I'd be visiting the bridge for a chat with the Captain.


I am totally ON BOARD with the Alaskan King Crab Legs, ryebread.  If I could afford it, I'd be ordering boatloads whenever the Deadliest Catch Collection is selling them on EVINE.  I watch those sales pitches with a drool cup firmly attached to my chinny chin chin.  :-D


Eddie doesn't float my boat, so I don't care if he gets all bloaty.  He's all yours, ladies and gentlemen.

  • Love 2

I'm clearly in the minority, but I wasn't a fan of Ben. And Leon doesn't bother me that much.  I may feel differently about him as time goes by, so far so good.  I was disappointed to hear that Ben is coming back.  He always annoyed me, although I'm not sure why.  I just didn't like his attitude & he seemed to have an over-inflated opinion of himself.


On another note (sort of), Kate shouldn't really be pointing fingers at anyone.  If a specific drink was specified as a favorite, she should have made sure it was on  board.  These people are paying a ton of money, and since they're asked for their preferences they have every right to expect them to be provided.  Sure, people screw up, but she didn't acknowledge that she had messed up.  Just that she knew they all wanted it but thought they wouldn't care once they were aboard.  I thought that was really lame for someone who prides herself on providing excellent service.  I hated that she was treated like a hero because she had it brought in.  They should have been enjoying it for the entire trip, and absolutely it should have been there in the first place.   She easily could have had it there for them when they arrived, but she chose not to.  She should probably pay more attention to what she's doing instead of spending so much time critiquing everyone else.  (I don't especially dislike Kate - Sometimes I'm totally on her side.  But I think that was a rookie-type mistake and should have made her realize that she's not perfect either.)

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 7

Agree, or else it might have been done on purpose for drama?

I didn't watch last season much, just caught a few of the last episodes, and even just from that bit Ben didn't impress me either. From what I remember it seems it took him hours to get a dish out and he never got the food out when the guests wanted it. Leon might be a wet blanket but he gets the food served mostly on time and it looks way better than Ben's. Leon's main problem is that he only sticks with what he knows and sort of ignores the guests' requests (Mexican spaghetti instead of typical Mexican food, beef cheeks instead of filet mignon).

  • Love 4

I am totally ON BOARD with the Alaskan King Crab Legs, ryebread.  If I could afford it, I'd be ordering boatloads whenever the Deadliest Catch Collection is selling them on EVINE.  I watch those sales pitches with a drool cup firmly attached to my chinny chin chin.  :-D


Eddie doesn't float my boat, so I don't care if he gets all bloaty.  He's all yours, ladies and gentlemen.


WHAAAT?  Deadliest Catch Collection?  What IS this?  I swear, you can buy anything on EVINE. 


My market had KC legs for $7.99/pound this summer.  And the juiciest, sweetest red cherries for .99/pound.  Michigan sweet corn, 12 ears for 2 bucks.  Best summer for eating of my life. 


I like Eddie but he doesn't do it for me, either.  It just makes me sad to see a young man, who looked so smart, trim and clean cut go to pot(belly).  Boating = overindulgence - too much food and drink and sun - and he looks to be headed in the direction of a middle-age fat cat that you see at marinas everywhere. Barefoot, bloated and beer-bellied with sun damage.  Ohhhh, that sounded mean, but when he climbed into that tub, got seated and the camera settled on his face, that's what he reminded me of. And it was a bummer.  I hope he dumps the cheater and gets himself sorted.

  • Love 5

Fundamentally, the guests kept talking abut how they didn't have the liquor, but never mentioned not having the filet. In fact, they complimented every dish. So Kate can stop complaining about the chef.

I didn't like Ben much, too full of himself and too into doing whatever he wanted regardless of the guests' preferences. Yeah, Leon didn't have filet but he served steak, Ben I would have served tofu in the form of a steak if that was what he was into at the moment.

I also thought Leon's presentation was as "fancy" as anything Ben did.

  • Love 4

Ben strikes me as someone who is a decent cook who coasts by on a lot of charm and that accent. I can see the value of that in the yachting world.


There are a lot of self-important chefs strutting around - thanks in part to reality TV - so I don't take their competitive natures too seriously. I know THEY take themselves seriously, but I don't.


How many of these people end up making a reliable career with a salary that provides for housing, retirement, insurance? With the exception of Captain Lee, and Eddie if his gets his wish to climb the ranks, how many will age out of yachting without a reliable alternative?

  • Love 2

I could see Kate easily transitioning into concierge work for a hotel/resort if she finds that life on a yacht doesn't suit her anymore. Or becoming one of those talking heads making snarky comments on cable nostalgia shows. And Connie looks to have the skills to become a scuba instructor/adventure guide, which would probably also suit her personality to a tee.

  • Love 3

I didn't watch last season much, just caught a few of the last episodes, and even just from that bit Ben didn't impress me either. From what I remember it seems it took him hours to get a dish out and he never got the food out when the guests wanted it. Leon might be a wet blanket but he gets the food served mostly on time and it looks way better than Ben's. Leon's main problem is that he only sticks with what he knows and sort of ignores the guests' requests (Mexican spaghetti instead of typical Mexican food, beef cheeks instead of filet mignon).

Has anyone really complained about Leon's meals? All I recall is compliments. So if the guests are satisfied and saying the meals are great, then Kate is just being bitchy to amp up drama. Ok, so Leon did beef cheeks two charters in a row. Only the crew know that so what does it matter? I think Kate just wants her pal Ben back and enjoys making Leon look bad. I don't see Leon as the type to quit mid-season just because Kate's so nasty to him, so I'm wondering how it is that Ben returns.

  • Love 3


Has anyone really complained about Leon's meals? All I recall is compliments. So if the guests are satisfied and saying the meals are great, then Kate is just being bitchy to amp up drama. Ok, so Leon did beef cheeks two charters in a row. Only the crew know that so what does it matter? I think Kate just wants her pal Ben back and enjoys making Leon look bad. I don't see Leon as the type to quit mid-season just because Kate's so nasty to him, so I'm wondering how it is that Ben returns.

I've never had the impression that Kate dislikes Leon because of the meals he chooses to make, but rather the unbelievably dickish way he responds when she dares to ask a question about it.

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