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S14.E07: Haute Tech Couture

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Based on the fact that Swapnil had yet to win a challenge, I found Zac's comment that Swapnil was coasting because he thinks he "has this thing in the bag", rather interesting and puzzling.

I found that entire discussion utterly mystifying.  I've never heard them say anything like what Zac was talking about, and it just seemed to come completely out of the blue.  Except for last week, I have thought and the judges have expressed that all his garments have been quite good and very well-constructed, and I have seen that many people have felt that he has been robbed of first place more than once.  The only thing I can imagine is that in fact they did see that footage of his ill-considered remarks and took umbrage.  Otherwise it's just baffling. 

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I don't think Swapnil was defeatist from the heartbreak of never winning. He was flat out arrogant: 


This is exactly what I think. As for Zac's comments, they may well have been making these comments about Swapnil all along, but the editors' focus has been on other things (like Blake's foolishness or the Poor Ashley vs the Evil Women crap). Just because something seems out-of-the-blue to the viewers doesn't mean it was out-of-the-blue as events were happening. Frankly, I haven't been terribly impressed by Swapnil in previous challenges, whatever his placements have been.


But the other designers seem to love him, which probably wouldn't be the case if he were a lazy ass who kept landing in the top, so until we see further evidence beyond this one-off pissing on his work ethic I'm going to keep loving him


I'm not sure it would matter to the other designers whether he was lazy or not. It doesn't really affect them unless they are doing a team challenge with him. He could be a lazy ass, but a cool guy to talk to. 


As for his smoking, I couldn't care less. People overeat, people drink, people pump out polutants by driving their cars when they could be using public transport, people do all kind of shit that's bad for their own health and/or affects the environment of others. 


I hate having one unconventional materials challenge each season. These seasons with two or more push me to stop watching the show altogether. If I wanted to see craft projects, I'd watch a crafting show. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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So sorry to hear about your kitty. :(


Jake's dog was sick and he was told he'd have to be put to sleep, so Jake opted to leave the competition.  It was all very sad.   Joseph got auf'd for making what he thought was a "sexy" blue and black dress out of mouse pads.  It was a deserved aufing, IMHO.

Thank you, beaker73! Poor Jake! That blue and black number was hideous. Thanks again!
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Who is looking for Rachel Zoe to be a personality? On her last show she was just an angsty drama queen every minute. Who wants more of that? The commercials are trying way too hard to make her and her entourage seem clever and fun and it just is not working. They're making me like her even less, and I didn't think that was possible.

I adore Rachel Zoe! Her employees are annoying but she's great. I wish she and her fashion expert ilk could be guest judges every week like they used to be.


They are doing a really poor job of continuity. Normally they'd interview everyone about Ashley for the aftermath but we got nothing. Now out of nowhere there's a swerve in Swapnil's narrative.

Edited by anonymiss
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I know this will sound morbid but when I got my dog, I already knew how his life would end - with me petting him and telling him how much we all loved him while he was put to sleep. I wanted him to be surrounded with kind words and love and affection as he fell asleep peacefully. Years later when he got sick, I got a phone call from the vet saying there was nothing more they could do for him. I was upset (and even more upset at knowing I had to tell the rest of my family) but I thought okay, we will gather everyone together, take him to the vet, and let him go peacefully. So imagine how distraught I was when I walked downstairs right after getting this phone call and found him already dead. I felt like I had failed him, letting him die alone and possibly in pain. And the worst part was knowing that I was right there in the house when it happened. Instead of being with him, I was upstairs on the phone with the vet when I should have been downstairs with him the moment that it happened.


A friend of mine recently had to put her cat to sleep. She knew he was very sick but every time he showed the tiniest bit of improvement, she said she was going to try to hold out hope. I was like no, as much as you want to believe he will get better or die naturally in his sleep, make the choice and let him go so that you can definitely be there with him when it happens or you may be wracked with guilt afterward.


I understand, ElectricBoogaloo. One of my first long term cats got deathly sick (she was on medication) while I was away for Christmas (hubby and I have no children, and so we never get to be home for Christmas - we are expected to be the ones to travel - 20 years now). The veterinarians where she was staying called to inform us that there was nothing they could do. Since we were out of state visiting my in-laws (who were in bad health themselves) we would not have been able to drive back in time, so I reluctantly gave the permission to put her down. After I got over the shock, I regretted not having asked them to put the phone to her ear so I could tell her goodbye, but I knew it was likely too late to call back, and it would've been awful for them if she'd already been put down. But I always regretted that my Chobee had to be put to sleep in a mostly strange place with people she only knew a little bit.


I vowed that with my remaining kitty, that I would be there when he had to pass, and I was... though I entirely also understand the "getting better" thing. My George did that a couple of times and each time we'd take him back for treatment, but if I had to do it again, I wouldn't, because it was just prolonging the inevitable... which we finally figured out. Fortunately he wasn't in pain, just very tired. But as I promised, I was with him, and as whimsey98 said, it was very peaceful. He even said goodbye to us: a meow (well more a mah-eh, he never really was a meower) to both my husband and me as he looked at us both in turn, then he curled up in my lap, purred as I petted him, and went to sleep. He was asleep when they put him to sleep. I never regretted it.


So I entirely understand Jake wanting to be there for his dog. After not being there for my first cat, I wasn't going to make that mistake again, and was so glad that I was there for my second cat. I wouldn't have missed it.

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Wonder if Jake's dog was a rescued greyhound. They are indeed very sweet dogs. Good for him for going home.


Definitely was. AKC greyhounds have a completely different "look". That video package killed me, because his grey looked SO much like the one I had... they are AMAZING dogs, unlike any other breed. Although they are usually also good for people with allergies, I've become allergic even to them... No more pups for me.


As for the fashion: Thought Ashley should have taken this one. And happy to see Joseph and his matronly fashions auf'd.

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A quick search shows that Swapnil's placement has been:

Episode One: In. (He made a mini dress in blue and a black/blue print with a crisis-cross detail at the neckline.)

Episode Two: High

Episode Three: High

Episode Four: High

Episode Five: High

Episode Six: High

Episode Seven: Low

So, although I didn't appreciate his "I just want to be safe" comments (and yuck to the smoking, Swapnil!) and I did think he kind of phoned it in this week for whatever reason, I absolutely think that Zac's comments about being tired of Swapnil's sloppiness and arrogance had to have come from being given footage of his conversation with Candice. Where else could it really have come from?! He has been consistently in the top and has had plenty of positive feedback, and very little criticism at all, and suddenly Zac Posen is fed up with him. I smell "UnREAL" levels of manipulation.

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So, although I didn't appreciate his "I just want to be safe" comments (and yuck to the smoking, Swapnil!) and I did think he kind of phoned it in this week for whatever reason, I absolutely think that Zac's comments about being tired of Swapnil's sloppiness and arrogance had to have come from being given footage of his conversation with Candice. Where else could it really have come from?! He has been consistently in the top and has had plenty of positive feedback, and very little criticism at all, and suddenly Zac Posen is fed up with him. I smell "UnREAL" levels of manipulation.


Agree that something was being manipulated regarding Swapnil.  Were there no negative sound bites from the other contestants about him?  There should be something.  As for the smoking, I'm not a fan but I would assume that a decent percentage of the PR contestants are smokers, just because that's often the case with young artists.  I hate it when I see beautiful young ballet dancers smoking after a performance, I hate it when I see DWTS pros smoking, but it's very common in some cultures or professions. The thing is, you know he wasn't the only contestant taking a smoke break, or multiple breaks for whatever reason.  He was targeted for some purpose. 


As for this episode, I've always enjoyed some aspect of the unconventional materials challenge in the past, being really impressed with one or two of the designs, but not this week.  It was very meh.  But Edmund gets my vote as the contestant I'd most like to hang out with.  :)

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"Keep on, keepin' on", Swapnil. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. For fuck's, sake, though, just don't get FAT.


Yeah, and some of that was meant to be sarcastic. Puff, puff.




I am a thoroughly unapologetic fat fucking smoker, so neener, neeners, all you wieners.  :-D


Also, my heart goes out to Jake and to all my fellow posters who have lost or are dealing with the illness of your beloved pets.  I cry for you, and with you; hand to the black hole where my heart should be.  Every one of your posts has brought me to tears, and I've got the ugly cry face happening (happily living alone, so only the critters can see it)..


I barely paid attention to the challenge or the runway - Jake & his dog gutted me that much.

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So funny how PR decided to do this weird "Swapnil smokes and is therefore EEEEEEEEEvil" edit out of left field.


Half of my friends and some of my family smokes.  It doesn't affect the relationship.  They don't do it around me or in my house.  It's obviously bad for their health but people are adults and there's only so much you can say or do.


I thought the shot of Swapnil smoking and smiling outside made him look like a movie star.


I liked Ashley's design because it really made me smile when it came out on the runway.  There's a reason the show edited it to be the last design in the show.   It was cute and special in my opinion.  I didn't get the fuss over Kelly's.  Well made but boring effect.


Lindsay is much too neurotic and intense for me.  She always seems on the verge of a breakdown.


Let me add to the chorus of Aube's worshippers.  TheFashionSpot has her listed as the following:  Aubé Linda Jolicoeur.  Not sure which is accurate because Tim never pronounces the last accent. She is so incredibly fine. Her Instagram https://instagram.com/aube_linda

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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What shocks me is the number of chefs who smoke. Doesn't that kill your taste buds? I'm always surprised watching Top Chef and seeing them all hanging out and smoking.


Swapnil's attitude surprised me. I don't think we've seen that at all from him. Made me a little sad because I really like him. I don't want him to be an arrogant prick. He's very talented. I thought he had some humility in there too. We'll see what happens next week. 

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A friend of mine recently had to put her cat to sleep. She knew he was very sick but every time he showed the tiniest bit of improvement, she said she was going to try to hold out hope. I was like no, as much as you want to believe he will get better or die naturally in his sleep, make the choice and let him go so that you can definitely be there with him when it happens or you may be wracked with guilt afterward.

This is such a tough decision! Our vet was very good about describing the likely outcomes for treating our older greyhound when she was diagnosed with bone cancer. We had to keep reminding ourselves to make the best decision for HER and to put aside our wishful thinking. Ziva made it easy for us; none of the oral meds touched her pain. To hear our stoic warrior baby sobbing was an unmistakable sign that it was time to say goodbye. The vet who came to our home to provide euthanasia gave Ziva a shot of morphine before the final injection and our sweet pup was able to relax and stretch out on the floor with us for a few minutes wearing her customary goofy grin. Quite apart from knowing that he would have been unable to concentrate on his work, I imagine that Jake realized that the time had come and didn't want to cause any further suffering for his dog.

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What shocks me is the number of chefs who smoke. Doesn't that kill your taste buds? I'm always surprised watching Top Chef and seeing them all hanging out and smoking.

Cigarettes are a really strong psychoactive drug, and one of the things they do is encourage the production of brain chemicals which help with focus and alertness. So yeah, I think you do tend to see people who work brutal hours (or in the case of models and dancers, people who work brutal hours and aren't allowed to eat) smoking.

As scandals go, I think that one was pretty weak sauce. Candice had to spend at least as much time away from her work filming that talking head about what a slacker Swapnil is as Swapnil did walking away to clear his head, and if he's a stress smoker he's been ducking outside for cigarettes since day one.

I think the judges leaned on Swapnil as an excuse not to put Candice's poorly made, tasteless (what were those white eye cups?)version of a dress we've seen in every unconventional materials challenge on the bottom because they think she makes a good talking head and because the editors tragically lost their special pet last week and they need something to point the cameras at.

Also, Alexandria is rocking Ashley's hair color now, I just discovered, which fills me with glee.

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OT, I smoke too and also love food and can taste everything. Not sure where the "kills your tastebuds"

comes from?

But, yeah, smokers have to be cast as evil, less-than, type of people. We are the last group that can be shamed. Even alcoholics can't because disease.

Anyway Swapnil will make the finals unless he gives up, I think. But he needs to pull out an impressive, carefully made look next time.

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OT a bit, my cat Finney died ON THE WAY to the specialist hospital because our local vet wouldn't let her go home with us. Imagine my shock when we arrived and they told us shed died in the car.

I always felt terrible we hadn't just disobeyed the vet and taken her home to be in her house, petted and loved, instead of in a carrier en route to the evil vet (as she would see it).

From now on when time comes I am going to arrange home euthanasia. Cats in particular don't like going to the vet and thwir last day should not have anxiety in it,

Although one time my beloved Lucy (see pic!) a beitish shorthair mix whose silky fur was as soft as a bunny, and a tic, swollen like a red jellybean. That time she was easy to scoop up and go th the vet. She was all, get this thing off of me!

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Let me add to the chorus of Aube's worshippers.  TheFashionSpot has her listed as the following:  Aubé Linda Jolicoeur.  Not sure which is accurate because Tim never pronounces the last accent. She is so incredibly fine. Her Instagram https://instagram.com/aube_linda

Aube is french for Dawn, without the accent mark.


OK, so her name means Dawn Pretty BeautifulHeart?


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is a young woman who has her parents' support.


And yes, she is awfully good.

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Do y'all really think the show was setting up the narrative that Swapnil is evil because he SMOKES?


I didn't get that impression, although I'm probably wrong, but I thought they used that as a device to show him "frittering away his valuable time instead of designing with his trash he got from the dumpster."


I mean, as previously mentioned, Jay McCarroll smoked and he was never villified and he was shown out smoking on the sidewalks many times.


I am a former smoker and I say to each his own, but as said, hubby and I have health problems related to smoking and we've been quit for over 10 years, so YES, I wish everyone would quit. You can't ever undo that damage, I don't care what anyone says.


But honestly, if TPTB were trying to make us UNroot for Swapnil, due to his smoking only, they failed. I think it was just a small part of the larger story about how he is now a slacker and has been the whole time even though we've never SEEN that, and he's been in the top every single challenge except this one.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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I agree that the smoking was more to show Swapnil taking breaks than to vilify him. That was kind of the Swapnil edit this week. It completely turned me off just because I hate smoking and the smell, but that's not Swapnil's nor the editor's issue, it's purely my own. Not every feels that way or the tobacco industry wouldn't still be enormous.

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OT, I smoke too and also love food and can taste everything. Not sure where the "kills your tastebuds"

comes from?

Research has shown that smoking affects both your sense of taste and your sense of smell (and your sense of smell affects your sense of taste). I used to work in a lab that studied smell and I can tell you that this isn't some myth created by anti-smoking groups. There have been scientific studies for years about this. But smoking doesn't completely rob you of either sense so it's not like you become the taste/smell equivalent of beinf blind. You can smell and taste things but not the way you used to. For example, smoking can block the receptor that makes coffee taste bitter.
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Thanks for the translation of Aube & "Linda" in French. I could figure out "pretty heart," but didn't know Aube nor Linda. Way cool nom (see what I did there;)).


Linda is spanish, which is just another level of cool, I think :)

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This is exactly what I think. As for Zac's comments, they may well have been making these comments about Swapnil all along, but the editors' focus has been on other things (like Blake's foolishness or the Poor Ashley vs the Evil Women crap). Just because something seems out-of-the-blue to the viewers doesn't mean it was out-of-the-blue as events were happening. Frankly, I haven't been terribly impressed by Swapnil in previous challenges, whatever his placements have been.


Yes.  I suspect Swapnil has shown the arrogant over-confidence and blasé attitude to the judges a few times.  I don't think the show decided to edit Swapnil negatively and mislead the viewers.  I think Zac's comment was in a difficult spot to edit out, and they were obligated to give us a taste of what Zac was referring to.  Tim was also quite adamant in his belief that Swapnil blew off the challenge.

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I was really glad that no one said that later in the talking heads. I thought that at least one person would say that he was giving up a huge opportunity for "just a dog" or something similar so, like Jake, I was already gearing up to have to refute that statement. It really got me when he and Tim were talking about the unconditional love that pets give you. Fuck, I just started tearing up thinking about while I was typing that.


I know this will sound morbid but when I got my dog, I already knew how his life would end - with me petting him and telling him how much we all loved him while he was put to sleep. I wanted him to be surrounded with kind words and love and affection as he fell asleep peacefully. Years later when he got sick, I got a phone call from the vet saying there was nothing more they could do for him. I was upset (and even more upset at knowing I had to tell the rest of my family) but I thought okay, we will gather everyone together, take him to the vet, and let him go peacefully. So imagine how distraught I was when I walked downstairs right after getting this phone call and found him already dead. I felt like I had failed him, letting him die alone and possibly in pain. And the worst part was knowing that I was right there in the house when it happened. Instead of being with him, I was upstairs on the phone with the vet when I should have been downstairs with him the moment that it happened.


A friend of mine recently had to put her cat to sleep. She knew he was very sick but every time he showed the tiniest bit of improvement, she said she was going to try to hold out hope. I was like no, as much as you want to believe he will get better or die naturally in his sleep, make the choice and let him go so that you can definitely be there with him when it happens or you may be wracked with guilt afterward.


Jake's story tore me apart.  It wasn't helped by the fact I had just read the story of the two missing dogs.  They had been missing for a week, and it turned out that one had fallen into a reservoir, and the other one was trying to pull a Lassie and get him help.  The picture of the injured one with his sweet frightened face - just gutted me.


Please don't let this guilt continue.  I know it's never good to compare animals and humans, but I'm about to.  When my uncle died, he chose the five minutes his daughter took to close her eyes.  She had been at his bedside 24/7 the whole length of his illness, and was just about hysterical with guilt.  Like you, she felt that he had died alone.  I reassured her that it was absolutely untrue.  My uncle didn't want her to have the burden of seeing when life left his body.  Animals are very intuitive, and I believe it's very possible that this was the case with your dog.  Even if it wasn't, your dog had a lifetime of being loved and cherished, and there's little doubt that your dog felt this regardless of being alone or surrounded by your whole family.  I'm not really into psychics, but I've seen enough incidents of psychics telling someone that their beloved pet is still with them at all times, that it gives me comfort.

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I have been wondering how the judges handle judging the designs twice.

While it might seem easy to determine who designed what during the anonymous runway show let's just assume that does not always happen. So the designs are judged first w/o designer identities attached. And I would guess favorites are selected.

Then what purpose is served by the second runway when who did what is conclusively revealed? The judges sit there taking notes and making comments perhaps now knowing that their fave designer is the maker of their least favorite anonymous runway design.

I guess I am especially curious about how they are able to disconnect from the individual designers once they know absolutely positively who designed what.

I'm probably overthinking this but it seems, to me, an opportunity for shenanigans. Or something.

So sorry for all who have struggled with the loss of a pet. My 12 yr. old kitty is slowing down and I am terrified. I have misted and cried and wept for Jake and his greyhound and all the pain here.

Edited by NewDigs
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Ashley's was overpraised and tacky. She basically stuck polaroids onto a basic dress and the judges praised it like it was the most innovative design ever.


As for Swapnil - he's pulling a Marlene and using the word 'bridal' like she does with 'architectural'. Just because it's white doesn't make it bridal.


I'm seeing a producer-driven redemption arc for Ashley (underserved) and a downward spiral for Swapnil (totally deserved - I'm surprised he was able to come up with anything between his smoke breaks).

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I don't think smoking was meant to show Swapnil as evil, just that he was slacking off and that was his excuse. I cannot crush him though anymore, because it is such a disgusting and vile habit. I just hate it, sorry if I offend. And it's my only non negotiable in dating. (Or crushing people on reality shows lol)

I still think he's a great talent so I'm wishing for him, Edmund and Ashley for the final.

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Shoot, we have hens and my husband recently had to put Love Chicken down and it was so sad. We have a small backyard cemetery and we both teared up a bit. So, we are pretty close to our animals. I can understand what he must have been feeling.

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Yes.  I suspect Swapnil has shown the arrogant over-confidence and blasé attitude to the judges a few times.  I don't think the show decided to edit Swapnil negatively and mislead the viewers.  I think Zac's comment was in a difficult spot to edit out, and they were obligated to give us a taste of what Zac was referring to.  Tim was also quite adamant in his belief that Swapnil blew off the challenge.


See,if this is the case, I don't understand why the editors didn't show us a hint of it before. To have a designer presented as talented and well liked by the judges (always in the top three, always praised, no hint of a problem) only to all of a sudden have it turn out the judges are fed up with him seemingly out of the blue is just bad storytelling. If this really has been a problem before, and the editors/producers decided it was a storyline they wanted to include, then the editors majorly fell down on the job by not setting it up.


Whether this storyline was trumped up out of almost nothing, or a real problem that just hasn't been presented before, I think the people in charge totally botched the execution.

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See,if this is the case, I don't understand why the editors didn't show us a hint of it before. To have a designer presented as talented and well liked by the judges (always in the top three, always praised, no hint of a problem) only to all of a sudden have it turn out the judges are fed up with him seemingly out of the blue is just bad storytelling. If this really has been a problem before, and the editors/producers decided it was a storyline they wanted to include, then the editors majorly fell down on the job by not setting it up.


Whether this storyline was trumped up out of almost nothing, or a real problem that just hasn't been presented before, I think the people in charge totally botched the execution.


For all we know Swapnil could've tripped an editor or something behind the scenes to bring down some petty revenge with the slacker edit.


I personally suspect that since we had one contestant leave early on in the challenge and the rest of the contestants not really having any meltdowns, those in charge wanted a bit more drama. It was probably simple enough to see the footage of the judge's criticism of the skirt and then go back and find the smoke break footage to use as a set up for him having to throw a skirt together at the very last minute.


As far as the viewers go, they've certainly succeeding in eliciting a reaction with all of the posts that have been made about it. 

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Do you mean because of her name? If that is the case my parents who named me "pure grace" if you look up name origins must have been great supporters of me, which is most decidedly not true.

She is definitely a lovely and self confident young woman, though. If I get bored, maybe I'll look up which designer has had her assigned to them on each show because it almost seems like am unfair advantage:)

Sorry, this post refers to the quote above, not sure why it wound up in two different posts.

Edited by mansonlamps
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Didn't this used to be a SEWING show?? Now it's just glue gun and putting crap on top of other crap. And didn't they use to go to go an actual fabric store and not the local dump? And there are no words to describe the atrocious hair on all the models? It just looks like greasy hair pulled into an "I don't care" ponytail. I will never buy Sally products-they look like crap!

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Didn't this used to be a SEWING show?? Now it's just glue gun and putting crap on top of other crap. And didn't they use to go to go an actual fabric store and not the local dump? And there are no words to describe the atrocious hair on all the models? It just looks like greasy hair pulled into an "I don't care" ponytail. I will never buy Sally products-they look like crap!

The lack of actual designer trips to Mood this season (they went once; Mood apparently sent over fabrics for use in 1 or more other challenges) is apparently being attributed to the fact they're not shooting in Manhattan this season (I think they're shooting in Brooklyn), like it's an issue of the additional distance between Brooklyn & Manhattan--& back--plus time spent shopping in the store cutting too much into their work time, or something (shrugs).

Edited by BW Manilowe
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I guess I was bored. Aube's season 14 designer assignments:

Ep 7 - Ashley - top three

Ep 6 - Ashley - top three

Ep 5 - Blake - top three

Ep 4 - Blake - winner

Ep 3 - Not in show (team challenge)

Ep 2 - Blake - top three

Ep 1 - Edmond - winner

Very strange. I wonder how the models are selected that Blake got Aube 3 times and now Ashley twice. If they are allowed to keep their model of they are not auf'd, no doubt Edmond would have kept her through the show's entire run so far. She does seem to be advantageous to her designer.

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Random thoughts:


Jake probably told production that he wanted to leave right when he found out about his dog.  There was a delay, of course, because he had to pack and get transportation to this flight which may not have been until the following day or certainly hours away.   

I liked Ashley's dress more than Kelly's though I understand why Kelly won.


It is a mystery why Jake was cast given his collection had to have been ultra conservative/matronly.  One reason is they may get a glut amateur designers that could not show good construction so he was there by default. 


I miss the personalities of the first 2 seasons.  It is odd to me that they have not been able to find an interesting cast since then. 


ETA.  I like the challenges that don't involve Mood; I think we would be bored otherwise.  Now if they would just give them 2 days when the numbers are down and they are back to Mood for the challenges.  

Edited by wings707
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As far as producer manipulated drama: lessee- we've had the Blake being precious, we've had the Ashley is fat/Mean Girls (that was never revisited), we've had the Marlene singing and disrupting the workroom(which was never revisited), we've had the Swapnil smoking and slacking off. Personally, I think they simply don't know what to do because the producers are hell bent on making a show about drama rather than letting a creative show evolve. Look at the Great British Bake Off. Has there ever been an ugly moment on the GBBO? Not that I can remember. Everyone is so polite, everyone is so supportive. And people watch. It's ok to not have drama. But Lifetime can't handle that.


And, they have got to be running out of sponsors for the hair and makeup and the accessory wall. Something has happened behind the scenes to cheap it out- move to Brooklyn, quit shopping at Mood, no more L'Oreal, no more Michael Kors, no more great guest designers for judges, no more inspirational trips to Paris, no more Parsons. I have been watching past seasons and see what they used to have - Banana Republic, Macy's, Vera Wang, Catherine Maldonado, Roberto Cavalli, Miss America, Mattel, and the list goes on. So Kayne gets to make a dress for Miss America in the second episode of Season 3 and Blake glues Hallmark cards on muslin? Really? C'mon now. The Amazing race has been going longer and sponsors are still lining up to do product placement. What the hell happened at Project Runway that caused ALL these sponsors to leave and the replacement to always be one (or more) steps cheaper rather than an equivalent? Something rotten behind the scenes...

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You can't ever undo that damage, I don't care what anyone says.

My sibling smoked for 30 years, quit, and after two years of quitting had multiple heart attacks and quadruple bypass surgery.


His cardiologist: "Smoking that long caused his heart attacks; his arteries were destroyed and completely filled with plaque because of his smoking."


His cardiac rehab nurse: "Smoking is the gift that keeps on giving. Even if you quit, you will probably have health problems later, either heart disease, or cancer, or COPD."

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And, they have got to be running out of sponsors for the hair and makeup and the accessory wall. Something has happened behind the scenes to cheap it out- move to Brooklyn, quit shopping at Mood, no more L'Oreal, no more Michael Kors, no more great guest designers for judges, no more inspirational trips to Paris, no more Parsons.



I wonder if their obsession for drama over actual talent has made reputable companies like those you list, not want their names attached to this shit. If the show was focused on beautiful or creative, well made clothing instead of cat fighting, mean girls and special snowflakes pretending to be dumber than bricks, maybe good companies would be proud to be associated. I know I wouldn't want my brand associated with what this show has become. It's like Top Model. They had decent sponsors back when those sponsors were naive enough to think the show was actually looking to find a model.


If Project Runway were still about finding the next great name in fashion I think good companies would want to be involved. But it's about making a TV show, getting ratings and creating drama and if they happen to find a good designer, that's just a bonus. Lose focus, lose quality sponsors. I'm surprised Marie Clare still let's Nina be associated, but then, is Marie Clare a big name in magazines? IDK I never read it and based on Nina having a job there, I can't imagine it's exactly on the pulse of fashion. That woman has no taste I can see.

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I wouldn't mind some Swapnil Juice.


The anti-smoking movement isn't as strong outside North America, so I'm not surprised that Swapnil smokes. I also disagree that his "strategy" is stupid.


Take Ashley for example. She won 2 early challenges and then hasn't won anything since despite performing very well. The judges DO spread around the wins, whether they admit it or not, and Swapnil's point is that he would rather be "safe" while there's cannon fodder around so he can pull out the wins when there are fewer people left. This increases his chances of safety when there are fewer people around, and gives the judges recency bias going into Fashion Week. Also, let's face it: these people come into the show with existing ideas or "tricks" in their arsenal, and using all of those up too early leaves a lot of designers drained creatively by the end. It's possible/likely that Swapnil is "saving" these design elements for later in the competition. There is also the argument of saving energy for future challenges.


His stupidity, IMO, is in admitting this "strategy" on camera. TPTB can now purposely impede his strategy or, as we saw this week, manipulate it through editing.


Sigh. Lindsay lives to bore another day.

Lindsay according to Lindsay: "My brain doesn't work unconventionally." "I"m kinda 'meh' today."

Lindsay according to Heidi et al.: "Boring." "No imagination."

She might be the most basic "designer" we've ever had on the show. The talent pool must be severely depleted.


I love Lindsey and hope she skates through as long as possible so I can continue being entertained by her THs. I also find her aesthetic refreshing. Her designs are stuff people would actually wear. She'll never set the fashion world on fire, but I dig the dowdy nerdy librarian thing.


She reminds me a LOT of Elena. Both have killer construction skills and an extremely specific, niche POV that goes over the judges' heads resulting in tears and frustration. They are also both freaking hysterical and would make amazing BFFs.


Thankfully Elena somehow clawed her way to F6 and got to come back for Allstars with a new attitude and completely slayed the competition. Hopefully Lindsey can turn it around next week or her days are numbered.


Is Ashley a person of color?  Color (no pun intended) me surprised, I had no idea


For some reason I assumed she is Native, but I have no idea.


The interesting thing for me about Lindsay is that she talks about the judges not liking her designs, but she hasn't (that I can recall) questioned her own talent just her ability to give them what they want.   That's either confidence in one's own ability or some special snowflake-ness.    We've seen a long series of designers over the seasons of this show who made/make perfectly nice and well made every day clothes.  Those folks go home either early or in the middle each time.  The judges have been looking for a designer who stands out with their own style and who can made interesting clothes in a variety of challenges.  That's one of the reasons Joseph was doomed.  He makes lovely dresses for a specific audience, just as you've pointed out Lindsey does.  He wasn't able to adapt to the challenges or stretch himself.  Lindsay is a bit better than him in that respect, but her comfort zone is a little closer to the judges than his is.   She's designing for younger women.   Lindsay (and Joseph) makes nice clothes.  She doesn't seem capable of stretching beyond her zone, though.  I bet the avant gard challenge does her in, if she lasts that long.


That is exactly what Lindsey is doing, though: she does what she does and the judges don't like it. She isn't blaming the judges; she is expressing frustration that "who she is as a designer" isn't what the judges are looking for.


And it isn't. As I said, I personally love her design aesthetic and find her approach to simplicity more interesting and nuanced than somebody who riffs on the same goth cliches every week, but she was cast to be filler/attractive/good TV. The tears this week were her recognizing this.


Speaking of good humor, Edmund is really a breath of fresh air. He's finally gotten his shot, and he sure seems to be loving every minute of it, working hard without drama and angst. He's a joy to watch.


Versus Amanda who is potentially the most annoying person on planet Earth.

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I remember that in the team challenge when Hanmiao and Edmund were arguing, Edmund said he needed to go have a smoke, to which Hanmiao replied that she also wanted a smoke. IMO they included footage of Swapnil smoking, and emphasized he even took a smoke break in the final hour, to support the Swapnil-is-lazy storyline. If they wanted to construct such a storyline about Edmund we would have been shown footage of him smoking instead.

My experience is that people in professions with no natural breaks tend to smoke more. It provides an opportunity and a reason to take a break. If you're not smoking, you're just standing around, you know? No reason to not be working...

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I remember that in the team challenge when Hanmiao and Edmund were arguing, Edmund said he needed to go have a smoke, to which Hanmiao replied that she also wanted a smoke.

I could be making this up in my head, but I thought this footage was included to show the two designers in question were driving each other nuts. My interpretation at the time was that Hanmiao was kidding about the actual smoking and the footage was showing that she was equally frustrated with Edmond, it wasn't a one way thing.

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I miss the personalities of the first 2 seasons.  It is odd to me that they have not been able to find an interesting cast since then.


In the first two seasons, they were looking for good designers.  After that, the focus began to shift toward casting "personalities" rather than good designers because they were trying to force the drama rather than let it unfold organically.  I mean, love him or hate him, Santino was a gift from casting heaven because people really hated him, but he could also be funny, charming and very likable.  He was simply himself.  Who would have thought at the beginning of season one that Wendy Pepper would become Wendy Pepper?


You would think TPB would figure out that the harder they've tried to force the drama (including abbreviated working hours), the worse the show has gotten and the faster the sponsors have dropped it.  Shows like Face Off, Chopped, and The Great British Bake Off should be proof that viewers don't need manufactured drama.  The same thing is happening to other shows, as well.  The farther they get from the original premise, the faster the sponsors run away.

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