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S06.E10: Expect A Miracle

Tara Ariano

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I disagree with your statement that "$1700 is nothing" to someone making over 100K a year. I make over 100K a year and I'd feel 1700 a month, for sure. That's how much I pay for daycare for my two children so I can work and trust me, we feel that hit. People seem to think 100K annually makes someone rich; far from it. That's really not THAT high of an income. Also, one of my co-workers is going through a very messy divorce and was being asked for a ridiculous amount in child support so her ex could stay home (with school aged children, mind you) while my co-worker continued to support all of them. The judge said that would be a no-go and REQUIRED her to go get a job, which she did. Once you get divorced, it's not okay to expect your ex-spouse to continue to support you to the extent that you don't need to work. Expecting someone to suddenly wholly support two households on the same income isn't fair. Or realistic.

I know that $1700 a month isn't "nothing" in the sense that, yes, he would still feel it (my husband makes over 100k but with student loans, etc. we feel nowhere close to "rich"). I meant that it is a small portion if his income and it's not like the court is bankrupting him.

And there are plenty of stories of women who ask for ridiculous amounts of child support but, as you said, the court won't accept that. So if Jeremy is paying $1700 a month, yes, he can afford it.

Edited by this-one-is-mine
  • Love 2

Well, this particular court wouldn't accept it.  That doesn't mean there aren't others who will.  Just look at Leah, that girl is never going to have to work a day in her life.  She will be able to support herself, quite comfortably, off of child support for her three children alone.  There's something wrong with that picture.  I still think 1700 monthly for ONE child in West Virginia, is absurd. 

  • Love 9

Well, this particular court wouldn't accept it.  That doesn't mean there aren't others who will.  Just look at Leah, that girl is never going to have to work a day in her life.  She will be able to support herself, quite comfortably, off of child support for her three children alone.  There's something wrong with that picture.  I still think 1700 monthly for ONE child in West Virginia, is absurd. 

I have a feeling that if she doesn't get a grip on her spending, she will be going to work at 40 when all the child support stops.  Unless she manages to get herself knocked up again ... but the caliber of man is going to decline.

  • Love 6

I have a feeling that if she doesn't get a grip on her spending, she will be going to work at 40 when all the child support stops. Unless she manages to get herself knocked up again ... but the caliber of man is going to decline.

Totally agree. When Corey accidentally knocked her up, she was the hottest young thang in WV. When Jeremy married her, she was pretty, but kind of down on her luck. Yes, most of it was her fault, but she was young and cute (and wealthy) enough to get a pass for those mistakes. Now, what is she? She looks strung out and haggard. She's still thin and blonde, but she uses up money in an instant, has three kids from two dads. Most 25ish year old guys aren't going to see her as a prize like they used to.

  • Love 4


The kicker is that she needed an upgrade ring after TWO YEARS. Isn't that usually something that happens 10, 15, 20 years down the line, if the couple is dirt poor and can't get a great ring when they get married?

Karl will upgrade to another guy, as soon as she can find that sucker. Bye Javi!



If Leah was getting $1700 a month then why did she have to move back in with Mama Dawn and give up that house?

I thought I heard Leah say part of the divorce settlement was Jermy would receive the house they lived in. Did anyone else hear her say that to Muther Dawn?



I still think 1700 monthly for ONE child in West Virginia, is absurd.

I think a big part of it is because Jermy isn't going to have Adderall all that much because of his job. That is why Leah said to her mom that when Jermy is in town, he was to call her so she could take the baby to him for visitation. A part of the calculation for child support is dependent upon the amount of time the baby is with each parent. It may be the calculation came out to where Leah will have her daughter for at least 75 percent of the time.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 3

Yes, she did say Jeremy gets the house in the divorce.  It makes sense because it's on his family's land, next door to his mom.

Then, that may also explain why he must pay the amount of child support that he has been ordered to pay. Leah is without a home. Usually in a divorce, the couple is sometimes ordered to sell their home and split any profits. In this case, Jermy keeps the home and Leah receives nothing. The mediator may have suggested to the court, via Leah's attorney, that Leah should receive a bit more in child support because she will need to put a roof over her child's head now that she is without a home. Regardless of the fact that Muther Dawn and company would help Leah, the courts wouldn't focus on who can help Leah, and I doubt Leah and her attorney would let the courts know she can live with her mother for free. Anything to get more money is the goal. If that is not the case, then Jermy was likely ordered to give Leah a certain amount of money as a settlement for him receiving the house.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

I agree that it seems like a LOT of money for one child, even if she has the kid 75% of the time.... it seems like she should also be responsible to work and provide for the child...she is 50% responsible for creating the little doll, after all. BUT, in the majority of CS cases, it stops when the child turns 18 (or in our case, when the kids finish their last month of HS). So she may be set for the next 16 years or so, but I wouldn't say for life. We all know she ain't saving that money ;)

  • Love 3

This is what Jo gets for thinking with his pecker and impregnating a grifter when he was 16. Kail is the lowest trash. That being said, it is very difficult to believe that Jo is unaware that there is a whole Internet of information out there that he can access and see what his options are regarding making a deal with Kail or going to court. It's difficult to feel sorry for anyone who claims total ignorance today when there are plenty of sources of information that were not available in the not too distant past. Pay for a consult with a lawyer and stop shaking in your boots at this piece of trash and her lifestyle of the rich and bitchy. 


What the hell kind of court system do we have when there are reams and reams of film showing Kail's lavish lifestyle and disregard for Jo, yet it is he that needs to be terrified of going into a courtroom?

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 4

What annoys me is that Leah can now completely give up pretending that she wants to work and live off MTV and child support cash.  This show was about life as a teen mom and while that clearly isn't true anymore (hello Kail and her cars!) it is beyond stupid to show a single mother of three lazing around complaining all day without even thinking about an education or job.  If she is getting $1700 from Jeremy and even just $800 from Corey (IIRC he pays for Ali's medical bills so he pays less CS and besides, he has the girls more) PLUS the supposed $140,000 from MTV, she is sitting on $170,000.  That is a crazy amount of money given that all she does is throw some bread on the table and wrestle unhappy, unwashed girls into her car so that she can drop them off with someone else.  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 8

I hope nobody hates me for this but I thought Jenelle looked nice at the lunch with Barb. I really liked the dress she was wearing, I'm a sucker for nautical theme. She's still a horrible human being. Barb should have moved far away with Jace. I would love it if Dr Drew read these girls the riot act and actually told them what they're doing is wrong. No Janelle, you cannot take a boy out of the only home he's ever known. But he'll just treat them with kid gloves and nothing will get solved. <br />Also, Leah's hair annoys me, just keep it one length!

  • Love 3

I agree. I think Jenelle cleans up well. Then she opens her mouth...

$1700 IS a lot of money but Addy earns every penny. She practically raises herself and she helps out the twins when she can, guards the car when needed, etc. All she asks is that she takes off her shoes when she wants and get a purple HUGS every now and then. She deserves $1700.

  • Love 14

I agree. I think Jenelle cleans up well. Then she opens her mouth...

$1700 IS a lot of money but Addy earns every penny. She practically raises herself and she helps out the twins when she can, guards the car when needed, etc. All she asks is that she takes off her shoes when she wants and get a purple HUGS every now and then. She deserves $1700.

She wants to be able to spit freely too!

  • Love 3

I agree. I think Jenelle cleans up well. Then she opens her mouth...

$1700 IS a lot of money but Addy earns every penny. She practically raises herself and she helps out the twins when she can, guards the car when needed, etc. All she asks is that she takes off her shoes when she wants and get a purple HUGS every now and then. She deserves $1700.

I agree that Addy deserves the money, but with Leah for a mom poor Addy will never see a dime. Leah will spend all that money on pillses and dickses as soon as she receives it.

  • Love 7

I really couldn't stand Jo early on but I definitely have done a 180 on him. Something is just not right though when he is so scared to go to court. How could little bitch, Javi, say Jo doesn't have a job? Jo was driving a nice car too, I think. Looked like a BMW but there are so many luxury cars, I could be confused. Anyway, Jo seems like he's either hiding something or terrified of Kail. I mean, the court just can't make him turn over almost all his pay because Kail wants it. Let the judge tell her to piss off. Where's the Jo that would even just mention he could take her for 50/50 and maybe be owed child support? Maybe he's overwhelmed with another baby on the way but damn. And Vee looks miserable and miserable alone out there and I'm sticking to my opinion that these two having a child right now was one of the dumbest things they could have done.

Eta: after seeing that Kentucky clerk have 4 marriages, I don't see Leah having a problem finding stupid men all of her life. :)

Edited by whydoiwatchtv
  • Love 6

I really wish MTV wouldn't have shown Leah talking about the figures as far as her child support payments. $1700 a month (or rather, $800 plus $1700, so $2500 if we include Corey's child support) seems like a LOT to most teens and young adults out there. Heck, you can tell from reading this forum that many of us grown-ups think that's a lot of money! It sends the wrong message to young women and teens - have a baby and look how much money you can get from the baby's fathers!

If that's what the judge decided Addie deserves because Jeremy's keeping the house & Leah has her almost all the time, fine. But I don't think most kids watching the show realize that this is in no way a typical child support payment and situation for a teen mom - they owned a home, Jeremy works out of town most of the time, and he makes way more than the average young man. I wish we wouldn't have heard the number and just "he has to pay me child support."

I guess these figures probably do probably scare the heck out of young men & teen guys, though.

Leah would be stuck like chuck if she'd gotten knocked up by the likes of Adam or Jenelle's first baby daddy....she's lucky she has guys with jobs who will pay their child support.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

Chelsea really needs to learn how to talk to Aubree about Adam. "Oh he has a lot of girlfriends? How many boyfriends have I had? That's right. one! What do you like better?" She just stopped sleeping with the man what, 18 months ago? Adam is a total piece of shit but he IS Aubree's dad and Chelsea participated in that. Chelsea loves that she is so much better than him and getting Aubree to basically tell her so. 

  • Love 15

This is going to sound incredibly racist - it's not intended to be.

A lot of minorities have a distrust of banks, courts, etc. Couple that with the fact that many family court judges are EXTREMELY biased in terms of "mom is best" ... I can understand his apprehension.

He really needs to go to court - but it will be very difficult to convince him of such.

My cousin pays a little over $1000/mo in child support for 2 kids in NYC and has appeared more times than I can count in the past 15 years because mom "needs" more just because he earns more.

IF you fix your lips to tell the court you can't afford the support amount? They tell you to get another job even if it means seeing your child less.

I feel that child support should be set at the time of break up and then a yearly COLA applied. If dad works multiple jobs and goes to school etc to improve his life why is his ex entitled to it?

Anyway, every time my cousin would go to court, he wasn't even allowed to speak. His expenses don't matter. Only his GROSS pay (less taxes). Meanwhile, mom is a single SAHM to teens. No imputed income.

The last time he went, they increased his support AGAIN and then made it retroactive and put him into arrears (he's NEVER missed a payment in the 15 years he's been paying support). He hired a lawyer and fought the arrears (he won) but by the time the new order was signed (4 months or so) he has already paid off the arrears ($4000).

Do you know what the court told him when he asked about getting the overpayment back (or at the very least "credited" to his account)? Tough. Once the payments are processed? They're gone.

So mom got a $4000 windfall and my cousin is assed out.

This happens A LOT.

My cousin's fiancé gets upset because he keeps saying they can't have kids until he's done paying support because you never know what your finances will be since child support can change so drastically every time mom "needs" more. It never occurs to mom to get a damn job.

Their lives are essentially on hold and at the mercy of a vindictive woman who HATES him.

ETA: https://www.google.com/search?q=credit+for+overpaid+child+support&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS603US603&oq=credit+for+child+support+ov&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&hl=en-US

Edited by MrsSmartyPants
  • Love 6

I was reading the Kail and Javi tweets on Starcasm (here: http://starcasm.net/archives/328700) and there was a link to a story about Vee tweeting. In it, she says:



TWEETER 7: Tell Jo he will probably pay less in court… Do the Delaware calculator online & check

VEE: think he hasn’t done that? Lol he’s a very smart man..




He must have inherited a fortune or won the lottery, because I just can't see a $3k per month payment.

I don't follow them too closely but didn't Jo's parents have a business? Their home was very nice, as well. Maybe Jo has money from the sale of the home and/or company that was set aside and Kail wants her hands on it. Jo might have received a nice amount in a trust. Not everyone that gets a bit of money in their life spends it like there's no tomorrow, Kail and Javi. Oh, well. I've thought too much about this already, lol.

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I don't understand Kail & Javi's issue with Jo's employment status ESPECIALLY since he's paying his support.

And it's obvious that he, at the very least, HAD a job recently, since I don't know too many banks that will give loans to unemployed folks with debts like child support; due monthly and for the long term.


  • Love 4

I don't follow them too closely but didn't Jo's parents have a business? Their home was very nice, as well. Maybe Jo has money from the sale of the home and/or company that was set aside and Kail wants her hands on it. Jo might have received a nice amount in a trust. Not everyone that gets a bit of money in their life spends it like there's no tomorrow, Kail and Javi. Oh, well. I've thought too much about this already, lol.

I believe Jo's father has a business that services photocopiers, and Jo worked for him.  I would imagine competent technicians are in demand, and he would not have a problem obtaining employment in Dover.  As Kail so snottily stated, the house he bought is a fixer-upper.  So he's most likely doing OK and seems to be living within his means.

  • Love 3

I am a little confused, i rewatched the other week and I never heard Jo say he bought the house. He could be a renter, the last place he rented too. Plus, military do pay for health insurance. If Jo is paying lesd then $500 monthly, it only comes to $17 a day average....it really isn't that much. Plus, while Kail may be in Javi for benefits, Issac isn't his kid and he can choose to take care of Kail's share that does not mean Jo shouldn't have to pay his.

  • Love 2

And Vee looks miserable and miserable alone out there and I'm sticking to my opinion that these two having a child right now was one of the dumbest things they could have done.

Eta: after seeing that Kentucky clerk have 4 marriages, I don't see Leah having a problem finding stupid men all of her life. :)

As much as I've liked Jo as of late, what adumbass for getting another girlfriend pregnant without being married, or at least an engagement. Regardless of future promises with Vee, he has a kid. Does he really need another one so soon? How about getting settled in his new home and with his new career in a new state first?

I'm just waiting for the MTV Leah and Dawn double wedding special. I'm certain Dawn would get herself knocked up again if it was physically possible (chronologically, and if she is physically able to have sex with that giant gut & "hind end.")

  • Love 3

I am a little confused, i rewatched the other week and I never heard Jo say he bought the house. He could be a renter, the last place he rented too. Plus, military do pay for health insurance. If Jo is paying lesd then $500 monthly, it only comes to $17 a day average....it really isn't that much. Plus, while Kail may be in Javi for benefits, Issac isn't his kid and he can choose to take care of Kail's share that does not mean Jo shouldn't have to pay his.

The details of the child support order have not been revealed. All we ever got out of that season was, Jo is paying child support.


There is a reason why it was agreed upon for Javi to have Isaac on his health insurance. I don't know much about military benefits but, maybe someone else here can clear it up. My understanding is, the military benefits as far as health insurance is concerned,  covers all of Isaac's needs. Jo's health insurance likely covered a portion of Isaac's health care with the rest having to be paid out of pocket. If that was the case, it might have been on Karl to pay all of Isaac's out-of-pocket expenses and his co-pays. Kail likely balked at having to do that and instead requested Isaac be put on Javi's health insurance so as to avoid paying anything out of her pocket.

  • Love 1

What annoys me is that Leah can now completely give up pretending that she wants to work and live off MTV and child support cash.  This show was about life as a teen mom and while that clearly isn't true anymore (hello Kail and her cars!) it is beyond stupid to show a single mother of three lazing around complaining all day without even thinking about an education or job. 


They need to change the name of this show to "My Twat Won The MTV Lottery," cuz this show has NOTHING to do with real teen mothers. These girls are the 1% of teen moms, pretending for the cameras to be the 99%.


If the original intent was to be an actual reality show about teen pregnancy, then they may have accomplished something with the original "16 and Pregnant." But these ongoing "real life" soap operas really are a whole different sociological phenomena, one that has more in common with winning a lottery (in other words, lucking into something awesome you did literally nothing to deserve or earn).... This show is an illustration of what happens to random teenage girls who get knocked up if you then throw money at them for it. So far the results are pretty grim. Most of these girls are not making good decisions about their free money. 


I think MTV can look forward to decades of lawsuits once the easy money dries up. And not just from the greedy lazy parents. Once these children grow up and realize their entire existence was warped by this bullshit codependency between their parents and this corporation. Those children are paying the price right now. My heart aches when I see the alert, slightly fearful look on Jace's face when the yelling starts. And Leah's kids fucking break my heart, all three of them. Each one of those kids is already paying the price. Gracie is a fucking basketcase. They'll either have to drug her up or break her down to get her through school. Ali has probably already missed a vital window of opportunity for early intervention with her disease's progression. Missing those therapy appointments, not using the wheelchair, this stuff adds up. And little Adderall is this frantic ball of energy, always just on the verge of exploding. Aubree's neuroses will be less dramatic; the usual stuff about her fucked up father. And Isaac is utterly at the mercy of a capricious, vengeful, narcissistic god. I pity all of these children. 

  • Love 9

I am a little confused, i rewatched the other week and I never heard Jo say he bought the house. He could be a renter, the last place he rented too. Plus, military do pay for health insurance. If Jo is paying lesd then $500 monthly, it only comes to $17 a day average....it really isn't that much. Plus, while Kail may be in Javi for benefits, Issac isn't his kid and he can choose to take care of Kail's share that does not mean Jo shouldn't have to pay his.

He does own the house.  It is listed with Dover, DE public records under his name. He bought it for 186,000 on April 14, 2015.

  • Love 4

I think Jo got whatever he has from his parents.   Who knows if that would even be considered in calculating child support.   


Kail won't ever give him a number because she will always be wondering if she could have squeezed more from him.   She's totally going to take that to court.  Then turn around all sad faced eeyore and say oh well to bad we couldn't do it ourselves, and we had to fight again.   Javi is SO dumb, it's like watching a guy walking down the street totally oblivious to the anvil that's about to fall on his head.   He also wants Jo to pay more, as much as possible, hmmmm what happened to how he is Isaac's daddy and according to Kail MORE of a father figure than Jo?  


The details of the child support order have not been revealed. All we ever got out of that season was, Jo is paying child support.


I'm almost positive the amount was around 250 a month.   

Edited by lexiexx
  • Love 3
Plus, while Kail may be in Javi for benefits, Issac isn't his kid and he can choose to take care of Kail's share that does not mean Jo shouldn't have to pay his.

As far as the military is concerned, Isaac is automatically a dependent of Javi's when he and Kail married.  Therefore, he is entitled to all the benefits a dependent gets--same as Kailyn or Lincoln.  So he is covered free of charge as long as Javi signs him up, which is free, and there is no reason for him not to.  It would be dumb for him not to get him fully insured--for free.  The only thing that would come out of Javi's check would be for dental insurance which is about $37 a month, and once again that includes Kailyn and Lincoln.  No additional charge for Isaac. Kailyn is just being dramatic, and a lying liar who lies. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 10

Yeah I'm pretty sure Kail said that Isaac is entitled to that when she was sharpening her claws and planning the next child support payment, I mean, her second child and wedding.  She married Javi for those benefits, his income, and the fact that she could stick it to Jo by moving far away with Isaac.

Kailyn is just being dramatic, and a lying liar who lies.


Also manipulative.   She wants to point out to Javi that he is covering Isaac's medical expenses.   'I'm all sad eeyore right now because YOU are paying for Isaac's medical benefits, we need to get money from JO!  Jo is the asshole!   Jo should pay!   But it would make me sad to take him to court.   Sad face.   What ever should I do Javi?'   She plays that little bitch like a fiddle.

Edited by lexiexx
  • Love 2

$1700 a month is a little less than $25000 a year. That's nice, but I'd hardly call it a lottery ticket or an excessive amount of money to raise a child. Plus child support has nothing to do with how big a bitch the mother is. It's not punitive.

I agree that Joe should go through the court and get a fair settlement instead of trusting Kali, WHICH IS WHAT KALI SUGGESTED!

I don't like these girls either, but I'm not seeing criminal masterminds this week.

  • Love 6

Maybe Javi's CO (or whatever the equivalent is in the USAF) told Javi to lay off on the Air Force stuff while he's on the show. So many countries hate us enough as it is.  If they see Kail and Javi on screen, some might protest USAF presence in their countries.  It could start WWIII.  (I for one, would prefer they stay out of Texas in the future.)

  • Love 7

I feel SO BAD for Vee (and say as much every week) but this isn't the reason.

Jo is a great dad. He's a better dad than Kail is a mom.

He said to her "tell me how much you need and I will give it to you". Of course Kail & Javi stayed on their rehearsed script and kept repeating about his current support "not making a dent blah blah blah".

Vee wouldn't have to worry about that stuff with Jo because VEE ISNT KAIL. I could see Vee & Jo being able to co-parent effectively.

We know Jo isn't in arrears - because if he was? Or had ever been? KAIL would have been ALL OVER THAT SHIT.

Jo pays his support. And I'm confident (based on what I've seen on the show) that he would pay VEE's child support without complaint - if it came to that.

"We have spite fights". No, Kail - YOU have spiteful intentions.

Kail's scenes kill me. "Oh we need this bigger house with a pool, etc". "The amount of money Jo gives me DOESNT MAKE A DENT".

Bitch, your kid doesn't cost more to raise just because dad is making more or because YOUR expenses have gone up. Child support should be set at the time of break-up and get yearly cost of living increases. That's it.

As far as the insurance, it may work out for them all for Javi to have the family plan and have Jo pay ISAAC's portion of the premium IF there is a difference in price to cover Isaac. Jo should not have to foot the bill for the entire premium (which is what it seemed like Kail wanted).

That's not how child support determinations are figured, for better or worse.

  • Love 3

As much as I've liked Jo as of late, what adumbass for getting another girlfriend pregnant without being married, or at least an engagement. Regardless of future promises with Vee, he has a kid. Does he really need another one so soon? How about getting settled in his new home and with his new career in a new state first?

I'm just waiting for the MTV Leah and Dawn double wedding special. I'm certain Dawn would get herself knocked up again if it was physically possible (chronologically, and if she is physically able to have sex with that giant gut & "hind end.")

Agree about Vee's pregnancy. She wanted a child so badly, she better be prepared to help support it.

  • Love 3

 Has a reason ever been stated as to why Leah is unable to work? Is it because she is so, so slow or is it because she is lazy or is it both?

I would guess it's because anything she could make wouldn't even cover child care for three small children, one with special needs.  iThen there are the doctor appts and physical therapy appts. etc.   Despite popular opinion, taking care of three kids under the age of five is work.   I know Leah's condition has prevented her from doing much of that this past year, but in the end she is the one that's responsible for the day to day of it.   She seems completely overwhelmed and I really hope she gets some help that sticks.   



I can wait when teen mom ends and Karl is broke divorce with two kids. Her ass would actually need a job or downgrade her lifestyle.

I hope Jo gets more time with Issac. Karl is out of her damn mind with CS. I know women who get pregnant on purpose or complain how their child needs xyz. Why does any child need $200 pair of pants or shoes and be in a 50k a year private school? Why does a women need CS to get her hair and nails done plus by expensive clothing. Children aren't paychecks.

I agree that children aren't paychecks but taking care of them isn't exactly sitting around in the salon either.   I don't know where that number came from but I doubt Issac is in a $50K a year preschool in Dover, PA.   I'm not going to count Kail's money but a house seems like a smart investment for a young family.   Issac seems happy and well cared for so that's good.  It's too bad Kail decided to move away from Jo though.  Having Issac's father just down the street would have been so nice for Issac and so easy for Kail.   i think Jo made the right decision to move near Issac and I like how he tries to get along with the mother of his son; I think he's matured alot over the course of this series. 


I sympathize with Leah....being in my early 20s with no education/skills, no real work experience, having three young kids (one with disabilities), etc would be one of my worst nightmares. I do think Leah does care about her kids and gets enjoyment from them, unlike Jenelle who couldn't care less because she's likely a psychopath.

I cannot even imagine how overwhelming that would be - especially without a partner she felt she could count on. And now we can add homeIess to the list too.    I couldn't believe Jeremy would toss the mother of his child out of her house, not to mention it's the girls' home too.    I truly feel bad for Leah.   She just seems so broken.  


Jenelle just needs to stop pretending she wants to be a mother to Jace.  it would be easier on everyone, including Jace, if she would just let it go.  In all these years I've never seen her really want to be a mother and I really wish she hadn't had another child.  But she did  and I'm sure she is looking for someone to take him.  Maybe Nathan's mother?  


Last week during a conversation about the breakup with Nathan her girlfriend asked her, "What are you going to do about Kaiser?"  I thought that was a strange question but Janelle's answer was even stranger to me when she said she wasn't sure for now.  I felt like she was saying  now that Nathan is gone we don't need this prop baby anymore.  Except there isn't anyone she can pawn this baby off on.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 9

Javi SHOULD NOT have been involved in the child support conversation.  It's between Joe and Kail.  Joe was trying to be reasonable.  Going to court would have cost BOTH of them $$.  Sitting down and going "over the numbers" and coming up with an agreed upon amount seems perfectly reasonable, but then Kail has never been reasonable.  Cut the dude a break Kail.  He's a good Dad.



We all know Jenelle wanting Jace back is about Jenelle.  She doesn't give a shit what it would do to Jace.  SHE made the decision to sign custody over to her Mother.  I swear if that was my daughter, I'd have beat her ass by now.



  • Love 4

I would guess it's because anything she could make wouldn't even cover child care for three small children, one with special needs.  iThen there are the doctor appts and physical therapy appts. etc.   Despite popular opinion, taking care of three kids under the age of five is work.   I know Leah's condition has prevented her from doing much of that this past year, but in the end she is the one that's responsible for the day to day of it.   She seems completely overwhelmed and I really hope she gets some help that sticks.   



I agree that children aren't paychecks but taking care of them isn't exactly sitting around in the salon either.   I don't know where that number came from but I doubt Issac is in a $50K a year preschool in Dover, PA.   I'm not going to count Kail's money but a house seems like a smart investment for a young family.   Issac seems happy and well cared for so that's good.  It's too bad Kail decided to move away from Jo though.  Having Issac's father just down the street would have been so nice for Issac and so easy for Kail.   i think Jo made the right decision to move near Issac and I like how he tries to get along with the mother of his son; I think he's matured alot over the course of this series. 


I cannot even imagine how overwhelming that would be - especially without a partner she felt she could count on. And now we can add homeIess to the list too.    I couldn't believe Jeremy would toss the mother of his child out of her house, not to mention it's the girls' home too.    I truly feel bad for Leah.   She just seems so broken.  


Jenelle just needs to stop pretending she wants to be a mother to Jace.  it would be easier on everyone, including Jace, if she would just let it go.  In all these years I've never seen her really want to be a mother and I really wish she hadn't had another child.  But she did  and I'm sure she is looking for someone to take him.  Maybe Nathan's mother?  


Last week during a conversation about the breakup with Nathan her girlfriend asked her, "What are you going to do about Kaiser?"  I thought that was a strange question but Janelle's answer was even stranger to me when she said she wasn't sure for now.  I felt like she was saying  now that Nathan is gone we don't need this prop baby anymore.  Except there isn't anyone she can pawn this baby off on.

I agree with most of what you said. The only thing about Kailyn buying another house so soon is that it is not a good investment if you already have a home that is not yet sold. The exception would be if the rental and/ or seller's market is booming in the area. Also, if Javi is in the military (?), is it possible that they may move yet again in a few years?

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I couldn't believe Jeremy would toss the mother of his child out of her house, not to mention it's the girls' home too.    I truly feel bad for Leah.   She just seems so broken.


I'm no fan of Germy, but I don't really think he 'tossed' Leah and the girlses out of the house. I'm guessing both agreed to the arrangement beforehand, for a number of reasons. I believe their house was right next to his parents so Leah would probably feel uncomfortable living there after all that went down. And just a guess, but maybe Leah didn't want to maintain the house by herself? I wouldn't call her homeless in any case. Along with Mama Dawn and her millions of hillbilly relations, she is pulling in six figures a season plus child support from both dads. She can and possibly already has already gotten a place of her own.


As for her not working...I agree at this point getting a part-time, low wage job would probably be pointless for Leah, even though I will say she has plenty of help with child care so that isn't the problem. Which is why her ass she should be at the local community college/tech college/trade school a few days a week to get herself some kind of training. That would be one of the best things she could do for herself and her children at this point.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Which is why her ass she should be at the local community college/tech college/trade school a few days a week to get herself some kind of training. That would be one of the best things she could do for herself and her children at this point.


Leah never seemed to have the drive to do any of the work that will be required to get some kind of higher level education, or trade school education.  She constantly makes excuses.  I don't think she realizes that many, many women manage to hold full-time jobs, have children, and manage to take classes and do homework.  My sister-in-law is a single mother of 4 children--one of them has special needs, works full-time, and manages to make straight A's while taking classes in the evenings.  Yes, she has a lot of help from her mother, but so does Leah.  Actually, Leah has more help than any of the other Teen Moms.  Of course, Leah will have to give up her pillses and dickses.  Yeah.  Leah SHOULD be gettting herself to a school of some sort, but I just don't see that happening.  Prove me wrong, Leah!

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