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S10.E14: A Storm Is Coming

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I don't get all the Brianna hate in this forum. I haven't see every episode of this show, so perhaps I missed something, but Brianna seems sensible, takes care of her family, and could have turned out much worse with Vicki as a mother.


I really liked Brianna when the show first started.  She seemed like a normal teenage girl, relatively smart and not spoiled, unlike Kara Keough (Jeana's brat of a daughter) or the others -- Lynn Curtain's trainwreck spawns, Tammy Knickerbocker's daughters who thought that they would always have money to fall back on, and Lauri Waring-Petersen's eldest daughter, who was somehow born and survived without a brain in her head.


Something happened to Brianna after she got out of nursing school and Vicki and Donn divorced.  IMO, that something was Ryan.  I think she changed immensely after she and Ryan married.  She became bitter and angry about many things, primarily her mother.  Vicki isn't the best Mom in the world, but before Ryan, Brianna seemed to deal with her in a better way.  Also, Brianna absolutely hates and abhors Brooks, whom Vicki started dating around the same time as Brianna met Ryan, if I remember correctly.  


I don't much like Brianna any more because she just seems angry all the time.  


I also call bullshit on her not being able to make friends, or do things in Oklahoma because she doesn't have any family around.  She works two jobs - isn't there anyone at either of those jobs that she could become friends with?  Ryan is in the military - aren't there other military families or couples that they could spend time with?  


I don't know much about Oklahoma, but their house looked fairly new, in a new-ish development.  Aren't there other young families, etc. around?  


I think the reason Brianna has no friends is because Ryan is douchebag, and everyone but Brianna sees it, and no one wants to be around him.

  • Love 21

I thought it was interesting at the steak dinner when Vicki had to ask Ryan if it was ok if she moved one of the babies closer to her to give Brianna a break on her birthday. My mom wouldn't ask permission, she'd just snatch the kid up regardless. I get the impression that Ryan is really milkng the back surgery for all its worth, refusing to lift a finger to help with the kids yet still dictating their every day life.

I noticed Brianna was hemming and hawing over the car gift yet it didn't bother her to choose the most expensive model on the lot.

I've said plenty regarding my feelings on Ryan (Tamra's) and Eddie echoed my sentiments prefectly. Entitled loser boy who needs to find a damn job and stop procreating in the meantime.

And I'll sit at my table for one over here by saying that I don't hate Meghan. She doesn't bother me (her relationship with Jimmy leaves a lot to be desired).

Still tired of the Beadors and their miserable lives. The oldest girl reminds me of Zack Hanson circa 1995 of Mmmbop fame.

Edited by Mountainair
  • Love 7

Tornadoes do hit downtown areas. The old myths about not crossing rivers, traveling over hills or even mountains, and striking cities has been disproven time and again. Thing is, Tornado Alley contains so much unpopulated land that the odds of a given storm hitting a downtown area of a mid-size or larger city are quite small. But put a city like Chicago, Dallas, or Kansas City in the way of a long-path EF4 or EF5 and having a meal in a restaurant will provide absolutely no protection unless they have room for everyone in the meat locker.


I'm sure you are 100% correct.  I would also NEVER drive downtown to try and outrun a storm or advocate anyone leaving their house during a storm!  But, if I had reservations for Mickey Mantle's in Bricktown during a tornado watch I wouldn't cancel my reservations and I'd feel pretty safe going.  It's just about being weather aware around here :)  

Edited by Sooner Smiles
  • Love 8

Nothing. I just can't stand him. He seems so phony to me, and always "on" for the camera.


Terry did offer up his little anal leakage story this week.  He really will do anything for camera time. 

Okay, I'm from the midwest, but I've never been to Oklahoma. Do they not have basements there? What's up with the tiny storm shelter under the garage? Also, I really didn't get the mentality of - "Instead of going into the storm shelter, we'll just go out to dinner downtown". I mean, obviously nothing happened, but....wtf? 

Since dinner was filmed, I think the real discussion was should we go ahead and go to dinner as planned or should we stay here in case this becomes a warning and there is a touch down nearby.  If there is a tornado near here, we may need to get into the shelter.  But of course, the sight of Vicki in the tiny storm shelter was too good of a visual (and audio) for production to pass up, so we had to see that option up close and personal.  Throughout that scene I kept thinking "Nobody puts Vicki in a spider hole!  Nobody!"


That storm shelter looked like look 'the hole.' You know where the military or prison would put a soldier/prisoner who has done something bad back in the day. I am not claustrophobic but that legit like look an underground tomb. Nope!

Can you imagine Vicki trapped in there?  She would be the first one rescued. Even if the entire house fell on them, her caterwauling would be heard for miles around.  The responders would have to get her out of there first because they wouldn't be able to hear the sirens otherwise.  For Briana's sake, I hope her kids didn't inherit Vicki's lung capacity.  

  • Love 10
Excuse me if this was mentioned on the 2 pages of commentary I haven't gotten to yet but I'm 100% team Briana on this one.  She has every right to want to keep her family away from Brooks considering what he said to Ryan when he got drunk what was it, 2 seasons ago?  I wouldn't want my kids near someone who suggested my husband smack me around to keep me in line either.  I don't care if he was drunk when he said it, the fact that he even has that in him to say would be enough for me to stay clear of him forever.


I agree. In my experience, people tend to be more honest when drunk. Brooks is creepy as hell. So is Ragey Ryan, and it is kind of odd how he was recording him, but one creep does not negate another. 

  • Love 14

Someone was asking if Brianna lived in Moore since we've had bad luck with tornadoes.  She actually lives in Choctaw which is a nice suburb, but more small town than Moore, Norman or OKC.  Tinker is a huge base.  My hubby was in the Air Force for 26 years and he was stationed at Tinker when I had my son.  There were a ton of Mommy and Me type groups that were available, as well as the ubiquitous Bunko parties for military wives :)


Also, for whoever was asking why the choice was the storm shelter or going to Bricktown for dinner for some reasons tornadoes never hit downtown...or they haven't in the 41 years I've been alive.  My Granny always said it was because of the river, but I'm no Gary England (a famous OK meteorologist) so I have no idea if that's true or not.


The garage storm shelters are super convenient and super easy since we can't have basements here. When I was a kid most storm shelters looked like the one Dorothy had in the Wizard of Oz.  With it in your garage, it means you don't have to run through your yard in the hail and wind if you have to get into it.  Of course, Vicki and Brianna were being way more dramatic about any it than they needed to be.  


I lived in Moore for the May 3rd tornado which was the strongest in recorded history and the May 20th tornado a few years ago that took out practically half of the city.  I've never in my life heard of anyone sitting in their shelter for 12 hours.  You also register your shelter with the city, so if for some reason you are trapped they send the fire department to come and dig you out.  


Just a little OK knowledge for some background.  I so rarely have any knowledge that is useful in the Real Housewives Universe! lol


That was me. I did look up where she lived and saw it wasn't Moore. My son is the one that goes to OU, so I'm a little familiar with the Norman area. My husband picked up my son from school a week after they had to take shelter in May, and said there was some damage driving up. OU has a Weather FB/Twitter account and are very good at keeping people informed. He is majoring in meteorology, so the perfect area to study it!


As for Brianna making friends...It wasn't until my oldest started kindergarten that I made friends. I was also lucky to move to a street when he was in first grade that was full of boys that were the same ages as my kids.


Vicki was once again getting slammed on her Twitter account last night.

Edited by Cranky One
  • Love 5

What I hate about Terry is that everything has a dollar amount attached to it. "We invested a million dollars". Everything is always, "look at me! I have money, lots and lots of money". Bite me, Terry.

Looking at it from  a different perspecive, IMO, it was rather smart mentioning the amount they(Terry & Heather) are putting up of their own money for the skincare line, meaning we believe in this product so much we're willing to lose a million if it's a flop.

Smart too if it's a success, they collect the profits


Sine T & H have been on Evine  about once a month or so since its debut in Apr, I'd say it's doing well.

Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 8



I'd also be curious as to why Bri is working two jobs and how many actual hours she is logging in. I mean are they 2 part time jobs or what? I'm glad that she is working and isn't a wastrel like the other OC kids but damn that sounds freaking exhausting with 2 jobs, 2 toddlers and an injured husband with no help or friends for relief besides Vicki coming into town for a few days sometimes.




I was wondering the same thing.  Could it be that Brianna is doing per diem nursing work, at two different hospitals?  She could be working two 10 or 12 hour shifts at each.  Several hospitals in my area are now doing that, because it allows more flexibility with scheduling for the nurses, plus I believe it also cuts down on salary and associated expenses for the hospital.  Maybe if any posters here are ER or hospital nurses, they can speak more knowledgeably on this - I have only heard this from some nurses that I know in my area.


If that is the case (and we don't really know if it is), Brianna is not working any more hours than any other full-time working Mom.  


And, given Ryan's personality and past comments, I don't get a real "take care of the kids" vibe from him, even without his back surgery situation.  I get the feeling he would be the kind of Dad who would not change a diaper or do a night time feeding when the boys were babies.


I also think that Vicki, although a crazy, over the top person, loves her grandchildren and her children.  And, I'm sure that Vicki's fourteen visits to Oklahoma could have possibly been her way of helping Brianna.  I can totally see Vicki hopping on a plane to Oklahoma after a phone conversation with Brianna where Brianna may have complained of being tired, or sounded tired or frustrated, etc.  Also, fourteen trips to Oklahoma in one year's time equates to more than one trip a month. Wasn't there ANY way at all that Brianna and Ryan could have a date night when Vicki was there, or get together with other couples for a night out?   This is why I think that the reason they don't have friends is because Ryan (and, to some degree, Brianna, as well) are both just unlikeable people, and other couples don't want to be around them.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 8

Forever = As long as the BRAVO money keeps rolling in.  I doubt if she could ever earn enough at a REAL JOB to support even herself very well.


I wonder if Tamra made her quota at the real estate company?  Didn't she have to sell a certain number of homes in a short period of time in order to retain her license with that agency?

  • Love 2
Wasn't there ANY way at all that Brianna and Ryan could have a date night when Vicki was there, or get together with other couples for a night out?   This is why I think that the reason they don't have friends is because Ryan (and, to some degree, Brianna, as well) are both just unlikeable people, and other couples don't want to be around them.


Ryan seems  like a bossy know-it-all.  I'm sure that could wear thin with his fellow co-workers. 

You would think that in the 14x out of the year that Vicki has visited that Brianna could have some time to visit the hairdresser while Vicki is there.  I mentioned it before, but Brianna just looked worn out.  She looks very unhappy. 

  • Love 7

I couldn't stand Tamara's bid for shock value once again by saying to the Pastor... 'I had a sex party'.  "We made a sex tape."  Ugh.  You had a party with sex toys as decoration.... and you made a workout video with heavy innuendo.  


I always give Briana a break, since she seems relatively normal for having Vicki for a mother.  She has said her piece a million times about Brooks.  She doesn't want to be around him, and that's her choice.  She made the suggestion of staying at a hotel.  Even if Briana could stand Brooks I would think it still wouldn't be a bad idea to stay at a hotel with the little kids.  Seeing that he is sick, and kids are germ fests.


Vicki is totally trying to shut Briana up, and look like the greatest mom on earth ,by buying that SUV.  Briana pretty much had to accept the car, or look like a total jerk.  And then after she accepted the car Vicki was figuring she would shut-up about Brooks, or risk looking like an ungrateful daughter... who is glad to take a vehicle from her mom, but won't give her a pass on her boyfriend.


I FF'd Megan I just can't stand her.


The Beador dinner was sad.  There just doesn't seem to be any joy in that house.  I blame David.  Everyone else does. 


Terry and Heather had to drop how rich they are again, buy mentioning that they have 1 mill of their own cash invested in their skincare line.

  • Love 7

I really liked Brianna when the show first started.  She seemed like a normal teenage girl, relatively smart and not spoiled, unlike Kara Keough (Jeana's brat of a daughter) or the others -- Lynn Curtain's trainwreck spawns, Tammy Knickerbocker's daughters who thought that they would always have money to fall back on, and Lauri Waring-Petersen's eldest daughter, who was somehow born and survived without a brain in her head.


Something happened to Brianna after she got out of nursing school and Vicki and Donn divorced.  IMO, that something was Ryan.  I think she changed immensely after she and Ryan married.  She became bitter and angry about many things, primarily her mother.  Vicki isn't the best Mom in the world, but before Ryan, Brianna seemed to deal with her in a better way.  Also, Brianna absolutely hates and abhors Brooks, whom Vicki started dating around the same time as Brianna met Ryan, if I remember correctly.  


I don't much like Brianna any more because she just seems angry all the time.  


I also call bullshit on her not being able to make friends, or do things in Oklahoma because she doesn't have any family around.  She works two jobs - isn't there anyone at either of those jobs that she could become friends with?  Ryan is in the military - aren't there other military families or couples that they could spend time with?  


I don't know much about Oklahoma, but their house looked fairly new, in a new-ish development.  Aren't there other young families, etc. around?  


I think the reason Brianna has no friends is because Ryan is douchebag, and everyone but Brianna sees it, and no one wants to be around him.


This, a thousand times!  Before Ryan, Briana would deal with Vicki in a cute, sarcastic, eye-rolling manner.  Post Ryan, she turned mean and started giving Vicki a hard time and accusing her of really stupid shit, stupid shit that likely came from a control freak military man with severe rage issues.  


When Briana asked Vicki if the car was to buy her silence, it seemed awkward coming out of her mouth.  I have no doubt that that theory came straight from Ryan's paranoia - always thinking the worst of people, or that people are out to get them/scam them (ruin their couches!) in some way.  I don't think he even cracked a smile last night, and the way he and Briana interact is weird and chilly.


I think Briana is not only exhausted because of work and the kids, I think she's been beaten down by raging Ryan's outbursts, but she would never admit that to Vicki.


At the very least, I think he's trying to drive a wedge between Briana and Vicki so he has complete control over her.  Military brainwashing methods, so to speak.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 21

The part about it being hard for Brianna and Ryan to make friends rings more true than anything else to me. We moved a lot - 8 times in 14 years. The first times were easy and fun before we had kids. We both met people at work, would go to Happy Hour and parties, and just basically had more fun than we could handle. The few times after kids were very, very different, especially when they were young and not yet in school. You get home from work at 6 or 7PM, have dinner, and it's time to put the kids in bed. We never really had any friends during those years, and my husband and I are extremely social people.  Having zero family to help was a huge struggle. The last time we moved, the kids were 8 and 10, and they got involved in sports. That is when we really began to make friends with other parents and our social life became big again. It just is what it is. I didn't get the impression that Brianna was bitching about it; just stating a fact. 

  • Love 16

The only person on the OC that I really, really, really dislike is Vicki and I wouldn't trust Brooks ever.........about anything.


I'm having a hard time understanding why there's so much anti-Briana and Ryan sentiment.  Is the incident with Lydia's mother and Vicki's white couch the reason people say he's "raging?"  Or was it something that happened last season (which I missed)?

  • Love 6

So I looked it up...there's no Marine base in OK. There is a Marine detachment at Fort Sill, which is about 85 miles away from Oklahoma City, and I thought Brianna and Ryan were near OKC? However, I also thought at some point I heard/read that he was a recruiter, which could mean he's anywhere. They're not necessarily located near a military installation and there's not going to be a huge built-in military community for them to associate with, so I can kind of see where it would be hard to meet people if that's the case.

I'm sure Brianna's "celebrity" has something to do with it too. She's gotten pretty well known through RHOC, and is probably a little guarded when meeting new people. Plus her husband is an asshole.

I'm beginning to strongly suspect (and I'm probably late to the party on this) that the suspicion about Brooks' cancer originated with Brianna, in order to make him look even worse...I'm guessing she fed it to Tamara who planted it with the pyschic. Meghan was strategically invited to that luncheon, because if someone was going to dig into or perpetuate that story, it would likely be her, knowing that Vicki would find it easier to take down the new girl. Hopefully all will be revealed in an EXPLOSIVE THREE-PART REUNION, and Tamara and Vicki will once again be at war with each other for the next season.

  • Love 2

What I have noticed about the Beadors is how the kids seem to gravitate towards David in the family scenes. Of course, little girls love their daddies but they seem more comfortable with him, lean on him and are much more touchy-feely with him than with Shannon. When my parents were frequently in emergency rooms, I met a couple of E.R. Nurses that were kind of "traveling" nurses that worked in more than one E.R. Regularly. I don't think they worked anymore than the other nurses, they just worked one place one day and another place the next day.

  • Love 6

This, a thousand times! Before Ryan, Briana would deal with Vicki in a cute, sarcastic, eye-rolling manner. Post Ryan, she turned mean and started giving Vicki a hard time and accusing her of really stupid shit, stupid shit that likely came from a control freak military man with severe rage issues.

When Briana asked Vicki if the car was to buy her silence, it seemed awkward coming out of her mouth. I have no doubt that that theory came straight from Ryan's paranoia - always thinking the worst of people, or that people are out to get them/scam them (ruin their couches!) in some way. I don't think he even cracked a smile last night, and the way he and Briana interact is weird and chilly.

I think Briana is not only exhausted because of work and the kids, I think she's been beaten down by raging Ryan's outbursts, but she would never admit that to Vicki.

At the very least, I think he's trying to drive a wedge between Briana and Vicki so he has complete control over her. Military brainwashing methods, so to speak.

I think, though I cannot know, that Brianna became a mother and her mother then appeared in a different light. It's hard not to be impatient with a soul-sucking needy individual like Vicki when babies with real needs are there to be served. If B is "mean" to some, well, V won't be held off with anything less. Ryan may be the monster some feel that he is, but V would turn me into one. That way she would be on notice not to try her shit on me.

  • Love 9

The only person on the OC that I really, really, really dislike is Vicki and I wouldn't trust Brooks ever.........about anything.


I'm having a hard time understanding why there's so much anti-Briana and Ryan sentiment.  Is the incident with Lydia's mother and Vicki's white couch the reason people say he's "raging?"  Or was it something that happened last season (which I missed)?

There was no white couch.  He is rude and raging and scary. 

It was pretty bad behavior and it was caught on tape.  http://www.realitytea.com/2013/08/09/ryan-culberson-blames-editing-for-his-behavior-towards-lydia-mclaughlins-mom-on-the-rhoc-season-finale/  Far worse than Brooks and Ryan lied according to Judy who would know if she drinks red wine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dMHnTAHpxg  The fight with Judy

Then there is this when Ryan gets caught flat out lying.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-8/episode-818/videos?clip=2667409


So I don't think this is minor to me it is on par with the Brooks recording in the "how dare he" department.  Ryan does not see things as other do and he was picking on an elderly lady.  The woman did not get in his face and he is basically delusional and dangerous.  Lucky Briana gets to have him all to herself in her beautiful home in Oklahoma.

  • Love 16

I think, though I cannot know, that Brianna became a mother and her mother then appeared in a different light. It's hard not to be impatient with a soul-sucking needy individual like Vicki when babies with real needs are there to be served. If B is "mean" to some, well, V won't be held off with anything less. Ryan may be the monster some feel that he is, but V would turn me into one. That way she would be on notice not to try her shit on me.


Actually, Briana turned mean before she had her babies.  As for Ryan being portrayed here as a monster, it wasn't only his crazy outburst at Lydia's mom over couchgate, it was about the way he took over Vicki's household, running it as he saw fit, and scolding Vicki if she didn't succumb to whatever stupid shit he was overreacting about.  That said, I think he's the only person who can out 'overreact' Vicki because he had her kowtowing to him (and still does) like a meek, little mouse. He definitely intimidates her.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 16

Poor Briana. I think there is so much more going on with her asshole husband than she wants anybody to know. She is miserable and has no way out. Did you notice Vicki walking on eggshells around him, as if she is afraid to rock his boat. He said a couple of thing that show his controlling behavior is in full force:

1. When Vicki was playing outside with the kids, he came outside to show Vicki the map of the tornado and told her to get the toys locked back up "the way he had it". 

2. Sitting at dinner as someone upthread already said, Vicki had to ask him if she could move the kid over next to her? WTF? 

3. At dinner, Ryan said, well, we're not moving just because one person wants us to....  


I see from the previews for next week, Tamra's new found Christianity is short lived. She is shown screaming at Brooks to tell the truth for once in his fuc&*^g life!

She agrees with Eddie to tell Ryan he has to pay back the $8,000, then says straight to the camera that Ryan isn't going to pay it back. You stupid bitch. How do you think your husband is going to feel after you looked him straight in the eye and lied to him (again)? 


Re: Vicki. For a woman so in love with her boyfriend (at the time, anyway), have you ever seen someone travel so much when her love has cancer? Going to Oklahoma 14 times in the past 12 months, whooping it up on the girls vacation and all the business trips she goes on? I think she totally knows that Brooks doesn't have cancer. I want to see her get herself out of this farce. 


Oh, I saw the Dubrow's skin care line on one of the shopping channel. First of all, it's on one of those not so popular shopping networks that nobody watches and secondly, it sucks plain and simple. Nothing out of the ordinary, same old same old skin care. I'm afraid Miss Terry's million dollars is going to go down the drain on this little venture.  

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 15

Icky seems scared of Ryan in case he might order Brianna not to see her, let her stay with them etc...so she tiptoes around him. It is a shame that Brianna is married to him. If she wasn't, she could be back in OC, living the life, Icky paying for everything including sitters, probably, so Brianna could work if she wanted to. Icky would probably even buy them a house or build one in her backyard. Sometimes I wonder if Brianna feels stuck, due to the way she got married, and also because she has watched Icky have two failed marriages. Maybe she can't admit she made a mistake. Anyway they sure do not seem very happy, Imo. I feel sorry for her, as to her, her choices may seem like staying with a thug or returning to an overbearing, triumphant mother.

  • Love 13


Icky's performance during the storm prep in OK was a classic example of her egomania and ridiculousness. And of course she had to toss "I want my mommy" into the mix.


Yes!  This!  And, if I heard it correctly, didn't she first say something like "But what about me?" immediately followed by "I want my Mommy!" 


She should have a T-Shirt made with that quote.


Too true!  T-shirts and embroidered pillows with "WHAT ABOUT ME??????" and "I want my mommy!" should be the next products for sale in the Watch What Happens Live online store.


Vicki was dead serious when she corrected Brianna that them moving to OK was definitely harder on Vicki than it was on them.  She honestly believes this.  I don't think Brianna is mean because she gets fed up with her mom, I think she's normal.  She had a different way of dealing with Vicki when she was a teenager living under her roof because she was a teenager living under her roof.  Moving out on her own and having her own family is obviously going to change her perspective on things, not to mention her patience is being tested from several directions now, so there is less for Vicki to tug on before Brianna has enough and gets snappy.  Just because Vicki is her mother, I don't expect Brianna to just smile and take whatever bullshit she throws around as a sign of respect.  I believe she DOES respect Vicki as her mom, and appreciates her help with the kids, but also sometimes just doesn't need all the extra crap.  Her brother is clearly over Vicki's shit, too, which I applaud, but he's not forced to deal with Vicki as often or as intensely as Brianna is, so his irritation level is going to be lower than hers.  

  • Love 22

I actually agree that Brianna has the right not to be around Brooks...which she wasn't going to be, so what was the problem? I also agree that she has the right to stay in a hotel...so do it. She knows Vicki isnt going to be happy with it, so just do it or don't. Ugg. Brianna (much like her mother) is one of those exhaustingly insecure people where it's not enough for them to get what they want, you have to approve of what they want too. If you want to stay in a hotel then book it, tell your mom and then deal with her disappointment. Instead Brianna has to try to get Vicki to admit to something(I'm still unclear on what was going to happen at the house) that makes it not a choice, but a necessity, to stay in a hotel. Because God forbid either one of those women ever just admit they made a choice and they will live with the consequences. See, this is why I actually have always liked Michael more than Brianna. He was all of 19 when he realized he couldn't use Vicki's crazy as an excuse not to live his life and he needed to go out and be his own man and just own up to what his life was. He knows he's not getting a car for his birthday, but he also isn't wasting time trying to figure out how to "win" with his mom.

  • Love 6

Re: the comment further upthread that Vicki shows respect for Ryan by never trashing him in her comments like Brianna does Brookes - that ain't respect, Vicki knows Ryan would come for that ass, and Brianna would go AWF. She crazy, but she ain't THAT crazy.

 Vicki likes to act like a little girl with her "Oooo, I'm so SCARED" crap and her "I need my mommy" schtick because she thinks it makes her look young and cutsie. She needs to get it through her thick skull that she IS old, not nursing home old, but not young and sexy and cutsie (doubt she ever was sexy or cutsie). I couldn't believe she said she needed her mommy when Brianna told her about the tornado.SHE is the one who is supposed to be comforting Brianna, no the other way around!




I find it very interesting that Brianna says these warning are constant ... and Vicki has been out there 14 times in 12 months ... yet has (seemingly) not encountered a tornado watch OR gotten into/seen their storm cellar - until now. And is acting so very brand new.

  • Love 7

I would have more respect for Brianna's wish to protect her children from Brooks, if she didn't choose a man you guys call "Ragey Ryan", to father them.  I think a man prone to anger and violence is a lot more dangerous than a con artist.  It's not like Brooks would be baby sitting the children, or have any alone time.  I have a feeling Brianna would have a problem with Brooks in the "family home" even if she were childless.


I used to think that Eddie was a nice looking man.  This season, I think he looks like an exhausted chipmunk. 


Eddie did good, but it won't matter in the long run, unless he puts his money where his mouth is and leaves Tamra's lying butt. Will he?? Because Tamra will be supporting her low-life spawn forever. That woman he married must think she is in pig heaven. She knows what's what. But any price is too high to have to be with (sleep with, ugh) that piece of human waste of Tamra's son.


I just don't know what to think about Sarah.  She seemed to be an independent woman who had an unfortunate habit of having children by every man she dated.   But I believed she was very proactive and supported her children without assistance from the fathers.  Now I wonder if she latched onto Ryan with the mistaken impression that he was rich.  I wonder if she's pressuring him to adopt her other children.  With Tamra's tendency to support Ryan, Sarah could potentially collect child support on four children.


I was completely confused by Meghan's cancer scare?  Was she biopsied?  Huh?   Was BRCA testing done in her family?   I must have been half asleep because I think I missed a lot last night. LOL  Better rewatch and comment more coherently.  


Meghan visited the doctor in the episode, and the doctor seemed completely unconcerned that it may be cancer.  Despite the prevalent familial history of breast cancer, Meghan stated no one had been tested for the gene.  Meghan was tested that day, and when she told her mother, the mother said something incredibly ignorant like - there's no using getting tested unless you plan on doing something about it.  Her mother seems to be laboring under the assumption that the choices are prophylactic mastectomy, or dying of breast cancer.  That really irritated me.  The point is to be extremely vigilant, and begin mammograms and/or ultrasounds younger than the average public.  I was a little shocked that Meghan had (up to this point) let her mother make the decision that Meghan shouldn't be tested.  I got the impression that the mother has the same over powering personality that Meghan does.

  • Love 5

Curious, if Ryan is so controlling, why is he 'allowing' Vicki to visit them every few weeks. Usually a very controlling raging personality wants wife to be cut off from all family.

For that matter, he's 'allowing' Briana to work. He's 'allowing' her to travel too.


Ryan has a military direct personality, you don't move up through the ranks--and career  being milquetoast. So no, Ryan doesn't take any shit from Vicki.


Also, could it be at the restaurant the kid acts up when not near a parent so that's why Vicki asked if she could have him knowing his parents can read him?


And no, Vicki should not the the 'person' who decides where they live.

Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 12

Meghan doesn't know how to cook?  Not even boil rice?  And did you see how she was chopping vegetables?  Insanity.  No one at the age of 30 can be that dumb.  But she's the prototypical third wife princess.  Do they own that house they're in now?  If not, it's sure cheap looking, but it's probably worth in the 7 figures because of the location.  There are houses that look exactly like theirs, in our area, and they're only about $350,000.  And what was with that Native American headband?  She loves that silly stuff.  


There's no such thing as a tornado "warning" that lasts 6 hours.  They were in a tornado "watch" which means conditions are right for the formation of tornados.  Vicki is an idiot when to comes to dying in a tornado or being in a shelter.  You suck it up, bitch, and save your life.  


I think Tamra needs to be put out to "pasture" by her Pastor.  Why can't say that word?  And I can't believe she's talking to a man of the cloth about a sex tape and a sex party.  I hate to be a doubting Thomas, but I just can't believe she's found religion.  And could Eddie have dressed up any more tacky?  He couldn't put on a pair of dockers?  No, he looks like he needed a flea dip.   He was better dressed when going out of sushi.


Does anyone know how Heather did on the sales of their cosmetic crapola?   There are so many freaking skin care products on the market, I can't believe people fall for something just because some pseudo celebrity slaps their name on the bottle.  


Did you all read about how nasty Vicki was at a spa in San Diego?  It was written in one of those weekly celebrity mags that she and some friends went to this spa, and had "thousands of dollars" of treatments, and Vicki apparently went batshit crazy over the charges, so the manager, thinking she didn't want a disruptive fight, told Vicki to pay what she felt was fair.  She apparently wrote a check for $500, which the manager said didn't even cover the gratuities for all the treatments these women got.  Vicki apparently thought that just her presence at this place would be enough to pay for the entire day of spa treatments for her and her friends.  


Geeze, if I get crabby, will my husband buy me a fancy Tahoe?  

Edited by KLovestoShop
  • Love 4

I would agree with this whole post more if it said, "Dress your size" instead of "Dress your age".  Is everyone over 50 supposed to wear shawls and granny dresses?  It's true Vicki tends to buy her clothes too tight, but the style of the white dress was fine for her age if you ask me.  If she would do a few crunches and maybe wear spanks I think she would have looked marvelous in that white dress, even if she is over 50.  If you ask me Vicki actually looked sexier than line backer looking, thin as a rail, 30 year old Meghan.


Agree that I should have also said "dress your size" but I still maintain that once you are over 40 it's time to put away the low cut cleavage tops (saggy pendulous breasts and/or cleavage wrinkles are not attractive) and the short skirts and dresses that are barely covering your lady bits. The alternatives are not limited to granny dresses and shawls - no need to use extreme examples. See Heather for examples of how to dress appropriately for your age and not look tacky, ridiculous and embarrasing. Any professional stylist would say the same.

  • Love 13

There was no white couch.  He is rude and raging and scary. 

It was pretty bad behavior and it was caught on tape.  http://www.realitytea.com/2013/08/09/ryan-culberson-blames-editing-for-his-behavior-towards-lydia-mclaughlins-mom-on-the-rhoc-season-finale/  Far worse than Brooks and Ryan lied according to Judy who would know if she drinks red wine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dMHnTAHpxg  The fight with Judy

Then there is this when Ryan gets caught flat out lying.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-8/episode-818/videos?clip=2667409


So I don't think this is minor to me it is on par with the Brooks recording in the "how dare he" department.  Ryan does not see things as other do and he was picking on an elderly lady.  The woman did not get in his face and he is basically delusional and dangerous.  Lucky Briana gets to have him all to herself in her beautiful home in Oklahoma.


That was absolutely terrifying.  The guy was almost shaking with rage, and that was in response to calm/soft voices.  Imagine if someone countered with a challenge.  I really think he would be swinging.  He came right up in Vicki's face to intimidate her, and almost chest bumped her.  I have little doubt that he's crossed the line with Brianna and the children.  Brianna does look miserable, and part of that may be keeping the children quiet and well behaved so daddy doesn't get upset.


I think the reason Brianna has no friends is because Ryan is douchebag, and everyone but Brianna sees it, and no one wants to be around him.


If Ryan is as controlling as it looks, he may be perfectly fine with Brianna's isolation.  Women are harder to keep in line when they have outside support systems.  Vicki's visits seem extremely excessive, and Brianna doesn't seem irritated by them.  I'm sure Vicki provides a buffer in the home, and Ryan is forced to control himself a little better.


Where did Brianna meet this loser?

  • Love 13

I would have more respect for Brianna's wish to protect her children from Brooks, if she didn't choose a man you guys call "Ragey Ryan", to father them.  I think a man prone to anger and violence is a lot more dangerous than a con artist.  It's not like Brooks would be baby sitting the children, or have any alone time.  I have a feeling Brianna would have a problem with Brooks in the "family home" even if she were childless.


I used to think that Eddie was a nice looking man.  This season, I think he looks like an exhausted chipmunk. 


Meghan visited the doctor in the episode, and the doctor seemed completely unconcerned that it may be cancer.  Despite the prevalent familial history of breast cancer, Meghan stated no one had been tested for the gene.  Meghan was tested that day, and when she told her mother, the mother said something incredibly ignorant like - there's no using getting tested unless you plan on doing something about it.  Her mother seems to be laboring under the assumption that the choices are prophylactic mastectomy, or dying of breast cancer.  That really irritated me.  The point is to be extremely vigilant, and begin mammograms and/or ultrasounds younger than the average public.  I was a little shocked that Meghan had (up to this point) let her mother make the decision that Meghan shouldn't be tested.  I got the impression that the mother has the same over powering personality that Meghan does.

A couple of things bothered me with the breast cancer scenes and what Meg and her mother said.  First of all, having a BRCA mutation does not equate getting breast cancer.  There are many 'categories' that have different levels of cancer likelihood.  It's just not that simple.  I totally agree with you about her mother.


Secondly, sorry Meg, but not every woman (or man) wants to know if they have the mutation if there's breast cancer in their family.  It's a personal choice.


I don't know if you saw Meg's blog.  It turned out that she doesn't have a BRCA mutation.

  • Love 5

When I first married Mr. Irritable, his mother gave us a beat up, tarnished brass bed frame that came from the house of one of her dead ex-husbands. She had not bought it herself, she was getting rid of it anyway, and we basically hauled it away for her. She mentioned it every time we saw or spoke to her, for years, saying things like, "I'm so glad I was able to give you that bed so you have somewhere to sleep" and "Are you still enjoying the beautiful brass bed I gave you?" and "Didn't I do good, giving you that bed?" We're talking hundreds of times per year she wanted us to thank her for the bed and acknowledge that she made our lives better. Finally, we bought a new bed and frame, and the same day we drove the brass bed to her house and stuck it in her garage. I never wanted to hear about it again for the rest of my life, and I have never accepted anything from her since because I just can't take it. If she had given us something of large value like a car, I would be in a padded room by now.

Oh Irritable, I'm cracking up because your MIL sounds just like my aunt. She's a hoarder-lite who forces her completely obsolete items on me and expects for me to be eternally grateful. The last thing she gave me was a faux leather cd case. And then she tells family members about how she tries so hard to help "people" i.e., Me, but people are so ungrateful.

On topic, I'm so not going to diagnose Brianna, because I only play a doctor on TV, but she seems almost depressed. When she mentioned having no friends and no social life, I thought maybe she was suffering from some post-partum Blues. She's got two small kids, a job, a Ragey husband, her grandmother passed away, no social life, and yeah, I get that she chose to get pregnant, but I'm sure it's a lot on her shoulders.

She knows her mother better than anyone and if she doesn't want to stay at her house, I'm sure she's got a reason.

Oh and Eddie totally has Rapey Ryan and What's her Name's number. I wonder what his reaction was to the DV situation.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 4

I love when they visit Brianna in Oklahoma.  Loved how she didn't bother with hair and makeup for those first scenes ... she looked "new mother up all night" rough and I can relate to that!  There is no way I would be around someone like Brooks who suggested slapping me around, nor would I let my kids around him either. And yes, my relationship with my mother would be severely strained if she laughed that kind of comment of Brooks' off.  Brianna has every right to dislike Brooks and is a smart woman for arranging her life to avoid him.  That kind of talk is a red flag, it is not funny. Brianna is way more intelligent than her mother.


That being said, still do not think her marriage with Raging Ryan is a lot of fun.




  • Love 14

Curious, if Ryan is so controlling, why is he 'allowing' Vicki to visit them every few weeks. Usually a very controlling raging personality wants wife to be cut off from all family.

For that matter, he's 'allowing' Briana to work. He's 'allowing' her to travel too.


Ryan has a military direct personality, you don't move up through the ranks--and career  being milquetoast. So no, Ryan doesn't take any shit from Vicki.


Also, could it be at the restaurant the kid acts up when not near a parent so that's why Vicki asked if she could have him knowing his parents can read him?


And no, Vicki should not the the 'person' who decides where they live.

You have points. It's the way he comes across and the look in his eyes. As if to say, my word is final and if you cross me, there are going to be big problems. And yes, I do believe he is "allowing" his wife to travel and work. If he decides he no longer wants to allow it,  then she won't. Just my opinion. 

  • Love 7

I did not understand why Megan's doctor did not do a needle biopsy. She said the doctor could feel the lumps and it was most likely an infection. My doctor does not operate that way. Any suspicious lump is biopsied. Any cyst is aspirated and the fluid is biopsied.

Especially with a family history !   I would insist my doc do a biopsy !

  • Love 4

I understood her comment to jokingly mean that she's taking care of kids on her hospital job and taking care of adults (husband and mother) at home.  Anyone else?


Brianna mentioned working with adults and pediatrics in a way that implied (at least to me) that they were two separate jobs.


And, given Ryan's personality and past comments, I don't get a real "take care of the kids" vibe from him, even without his back surgery situation.  I get the feeling he would be the kind of Dad who would not change a diaper or do a night time feeding when the boys were babies.


If Ryan is the rage monster that he appears, it's likely that Brianna shelters the children from him by providing all the personal care.  The way that Vicki tiptoed around him had alarms bells ringing for me.

  • Love 7

Long time lurker- first time poster. I live in OKC. My husband's office is the second floor above Mickey Mantle's (the still shot at the end was of his office window!!). There is a rather large basement in that building. He has ridden out many a warning there. Vicki mentioned it was her favorite restaurant, so they might have known that. Their shelter was tiny. I'd rather be downtown. And yes, they live in Moore (maybe not Moore proper, but I believe it's like us and in the school district). We have bad luck here on that side of town with tornadoes.

I never need to hear Megan say the word "cancer" ever again.

Edited by Marcya23
  • Love 12

I think it's possible that maybe Ryan agrees to all the Vicki visits because she pays for stuff? I was sort of wondering if they are a little over their heads in OK. Maybe they overestimated how much lower the overall cost of living would be and got into a mortgage that's a bit of a strain. Hence, Brianna going back to work. I also wondered if that was why Brianna felt the need to talk to her mom about booking a hotel instead of just doing it. Maybe she needs Vicki to pay for it? A decent hotel room in OC is easily going to be between $200 to $300 a night. Maybe that's out of their budget. It seemed like Vicki was buying the kids a lot of stuff and Brianna wasnt stopping her. Maybe their budget doesn't allow for a lot of extras and it bothers Ryan and Brianna more than they want to admit so Vicki's welcome as long as she's paying for new toys and clothes and dinners out. Could be?

  • Love 7

There was no white couch.  He is rude and raging and scary. 

It was pretty bad behavior and it was caught on tape.  http://www.realitytea.com/2013/08/09/ryan-culberson-blames-editing-for-his-behavior-towards-lydia-mclaughlins-mom-on-the-rhoc-season-finale/  Far worse than Brooks and Ryan lied according to Judy who would know if she drinks red wine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dMHnTAHpxg  The fight with Judy

Then there is this when Ryan gets caught flat out lying.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-8/episode-818/videos?clip=2667409


So I don't think this is minor to me it is on par with the Brooks recording in the "how dare he" department.  Ryan does not see things as other do and he was picking on an elderly lady.  The woman did not get in his face and he is basically delusional and dangerous.  Lucky Briana gets to have him all to herself in her beautiful home in Oklahoma.


I did watch that season but watched the clips again to refresh my memory.  Could Ryan have handled the situation better?  Absolutely!  Did we see everything that happened?  Probably not.  Is Judy "an elderly lady?"  No, not really.  At the time she was 64 and IIRC a self-professed pot head and proud of it.  I don't want to sound like I'm excusing his anger; it's obvious he has anger issues.  However, I cannot overlook this sentence from the first link:


"Ryan is a joint terminal attack controller with 11th Marines who is currently deployed on his fourth tour of duty in Afghanistan."


Four tours of duty in Afghanistan takes its toll on our service men and women so I'm not about to condemn Ryan for the incident with Judy, the pot head.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 12

I have to disagree with the assertion that being drunk exposes peoples' true thoughts. Sure, it does some of the time with some people. But part of the reason I quit drinking was because I became that crying girl in the bar bathroom. And I cried over shit I didn't care about at all. OH GOD I WAS CLEANING TODAY AND I RAN OUT OF WINDEX WAAHHHHH. For real. I did not actually have a deep rooted fear of living in filth, or anything. I was just a drunk idiot. It was not that deep.

I think Brooks is also a drunk idiot. The people you have to worry about, IMO, are the Russell Armstrongs of the world who stay silent and go home to beat their wives.

I totally agree, alcohol is not a truth serum, nor does being drunk stand up in a court of law, lol!

  • Love 3

That was absolutely terrifying.  The guy was almost shaking with rage, and that was in response to calm/soft voices.  Imagine if someone countered with a challenge.  I really think he would be swinging.  He came right up in Vicki's face to intimidate her, and almost chest bumped her.  I have little doubt that he's crossed the line with Brianna and the children.  Brianna does look miserable, and part of that may be keeping the children quiet and well behaved so daddy doesn't get upset.



If Ryan is as controlling as it looks, he may be perfectly fine with Brianna's isolation.  Women are harder to keep in line when they have outside support systems.  Vicki's visits seem extremely excessive, and Brianna doesn't seem irritated by them.  I'm sure Vicki provides a buffer in the home, and Ryan is forced to control himself a little better.


Where did Brianna meet this loser?

She met him on line, met and married him within a short time frame,  Briana had a uniform Jones in her single days.  Ryan had an incident with  former flame and she requested a restraining order  http://news.lalate.com/2013/08/19/ryan-culberson-restraining-order-documents-strike-rhoc-exclusive/  apparently Ryan is a line dancer.

  • Love 10

I caught up on old episodes and think only that it must be hard to be Heather Dubrow (TM Shannon Beador.)  This show is just the cretin's hour.  It's innately uninteresting to me.  Heather is a snob and sometimes disingenuous and she voluntarily has sex with Terry, but she's almost my heroine for how she gamely interacts with all of the nitwits on RHOOC without just losing it every time she has to see them, check or no check.  I don't want to watch a show of this kind to try and relate to people - that's why I like RHONY, I know NYC, and I don't admire the Housewives necessarily, but some of them have style, self-control, college degrees, jobs.  RHOOC has Heather - who has screwed up at moments but seems to firmly draw lines about how much of her actual emotional self she's willing to sacrifice - who had a real career, and a college degree, and self-control, and good clothes, and a gross airport hangar house-to-be.  And she has to hang around with a droopy dog who found keratin, is in hucksteristic sales but pretends she's a financial advisor, who has no brains, no couth, no taste, and no ability to bring in a man she doesn't have to support financially, who has a whiny spawn with grandbabies with a psychopath.  And she has to BFF it up with a complete monster who has no loyalty to even her children or husband on any level, who has a chilling lack of sincerity and education by any measure, and who lives in some tract house that looks like a Wayfair/Home Good explosion. 


It's befuddling, the idea that these shows, which started off with 'behind the gates' promises, are as low-rent as RHOOC.  Snobbery would improve this show so much.  Shannon has added less than I'd have thought with putting the infidelity front and center, and she doesn't seem any more attracted to things requiring brains than Vicki.  This show is just a soul-suck of mouth-breathing trashbag racist prosperity gospel adherents who see no value in books or broader culture.  I know this has always been true but when I skip for a while and then watch, it's really shocking.  Excepting Heather, none of these women could begin to hang with most of the Housewives on NY, ATL or BH.  They're too stupid and crass and it shows in every possible manner - the jobs and lack thereof and schooling and lack therof in the Housewives kids and consequent grandchildren beginning to roll in.  No one has the inclination besides H. to do anything besides drink and lie and fuck and shop and accessorize really, really poorly.  Heather's the only one who is even slightly awesome on vacation - they don't ever want to do anything in foreign countries either!  She does, and she's the only one who was a true success before her marriage, and who bothered with school.  Those things are connected, and it's so sad that some of the garbage people (TM Julie Klausner) will never get it.  So sad.  And on ATL, where most of the 'wives didn't go to college -- even though there's a currently barred lawyer in the mix -- they have something real: wit, generally, and careers with a creative bent (Kandi, Nene, Cynthia - who was big back in the day, knew/knows Leon and the sort of New Jack Swing generation of actors/musicians/models).  RHOOC is just like the worst of the worst that this culture has to offer if we're not including things like hate groups monitored by the SPLC.  I wish I were kidding.   Some interactions could be in an Al Qaeda training video.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 11

Re: Vicki. For a woman so in love with her boyfriend (at the time, anyway), have you ever seen someone travel so much when her love has cancer? Going to Oklahoma 14 times in the past 12 months, whooping it up on the girls vacation and all the business trips she goes on? I think she totally knows that Brooks doesn't have cancer. I want to see her get herself out of this farce.

Word. I can't believe they thought they were going to get away with this scam. Vicki isn't as smart as she pretends to be. EDUCATION, Vicki! (As she so patronizingly said to the sushi girl).

Sadly, though, even though the con has been called out, I think both Vicki and Brooks will and can get away with denying it until their last dying breath. There won't be any smoking gun because of HIPAA laws, unless one of them confesses, which I don't see happening.

  • Love 7

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