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S17.E20: Episode 20

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Everything about this episode was virtually perfect, save for four things:


1.) Clay and Shelli's first kiss.  Who the fuck cares about their supposed "love?!"

2.) Derrick and Cody, the two people most responsible for BB16 being completely boring and predictable, being back to pollute the show again.

3.) Clay and Shelli are one of the more disliked showmances, yet Clay still got no boos whatsoever.

4.) The reveal that even with seventeen houseguests cast this season, they're still bringing back a juror?!  WTF?!  Will they have an extra double eviction to make up for that?!


But everything else -- the last-minute scheming of Clay and Shelli, Austin's upset at being thrown under the bus by them, the HoH argument with James, Jackie catching on to Vanessa's game, Jackie also figuring out Austin was wavering, her knight confessionals, Liz, Julia, and Austin's uncertainty of whom to keep, and Clay and Shelli still claiming their hypocrisy as to how loyal they were -- was amazing.


And while I thought the vote would be close, I won't be upset that Clay left in a total landslide.  In fact, a unanimous vote.  He was more deserving of the boot than Shelli was, anyway.  Hope she enjoys playing without him!  Oh, and another plus for Clay leaving?  NO MORE FAMILY SHOUT-OUTS FROM HIM ON EVICTION NIGHTS!  :):):):)


I'll fill you all in on what caused the unanimous vote in the thread comparing the episodes with the real story going on.


Pretty damn good episode to see the golden couple split up, the more disliked half being evicted, the requisite hot guy Grodner usually likes to push on the audience not only GONE, but gone PRE-JURY, and an endurance/stamina HoH Competition that the women, at the time of the show's end, seemed to be dominating!  Hope the competition goes well for James, Jackie, Meg, and (for those who didn't know that she's joined them) Becky's side!

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 9

Honestly, Shelli, Clay isn't being sent off to his death. Can it with the cry-fest already. 


And what the hell was that about Clay saying Meg has showmances with almost everyone in the house?! That came out of left field. That's his defense for the bathroom moment? Because that's pretty weak, dude, and you're gonna have some explaining to do to Shelli when she gets booted out.

Yay! My favourite endurance competition! And an interesting spin to the optional prize part of it. There's always an HG or two that I like to see fall on their asses. Jackie and Becky looked like they were hauling ass there in the beginning. I hope Austin falls. Many times. Hard.

  • Love 5

Color me shocked when, in a season dominated by strong women, Derrick chooses two men as his favorite players, one who seriously has no game and the other who has questionable attitudes towards women himself and isn't above calling one the C-word. Thank you, Derrick, for confirming why I detested you last season. Not that I dislike James all that much, it just doesn't surprise me that Derrick would choose him as a favorite.

  • Love 21


And while I thought the vote would be close, I won't be upset that Clay left in a total landslide.

Well, had the voting been a few hours earlier, it likely would have been close. It was a glorious afternoon on the feeds - Clay pretty much lost any votes he had to stay between 2:30 and 3:00 PM hamster time.




Clay, the denim on denim look is not good.

I think Clay gained the BB equivalent of the freshman 20 during his stay. That shirt was at least one size too small.

Edited by SteveAC10
  • Love 2

Did anyone else notice that during the "live" eviction, everyone (including Shelli) was wearing black shorts and matching sneakers except Clay and James (the two who wouldn't be playing in the next HOH comp)? Kind of a spoiler alert...

Lol yes. I appreciated Becky somewhat keeping the suspense by wearing that black dress eviction outfit until Jason was evicted. Then she changed into her endurance wear.

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 8

I expected Clay to go but not by a unanimous vote. There was a divide leading up to tonight. I want to know what happened before the feeds cut for the live show. Hopefully we'll find out on Sunday's episode.

Shelli is so emotional over Clay being evicted. Geez he's not going not war, you'll see him again in 1.5 months. I wonder if she'll have a Ginamarie moment and stare at the memory wall while wearing his cowboy hat.

The Hitmen segment added nothing to the episode. What was the point? The irony of Cody saying he likes those who make big moves isn't lost on me.

Becky was zipping through that HoH comp.

Yay a Double Eviction.

  • Love 8

Color me shocked when, in a season dominated by strong women, Derrick chooses two men as his favorite players, one who seriously has no game and the other who has questionable attitudes towards women himself and isn't above calling one the C-word. Thank you, Derrick, for confirming why I detested you last season. Not that I dislike James all that much, it just doesn't surprise me that Derrick would choose him as a favorite.

This was so gross. "We love these two dudes as gameplayers. And these chicks are totally hot". Hey hitmen, the women are owning this season's ass, so maybe just shut it. Blech.

Clay was a total ass trying to paint Meg as some kind of slut, and making it seem he was totally innocent. Dude, it was your head all up in her boobs. Stop. I am so very glad his pretty boy, entitled, worthless, clueless, recruited ass is gone. Maybe now I can get back to trying to enjoy Shelli.

  • Love 21

What's up with Julie's glasses?  I don't remember that look.


I am so happy this disgusting showmance is coming to an end.


It's nice that Derrick can throw Cody a few burgers to thank him for the $500 thousand, while Cody, ever the grateful cute puppy, is just thrilled that he was able to do it.  Barf.


Cringeworthy speeches.  Vanessa gets what she wants, again. 


It sucks Shelli has to stay, but Clay is mercifully gone.  I wonder how "faithful" he is going to be on the outside and how much Shelli is going to obsess about it while trapped inside. 


Julie was good.  I liked the Meg question then Clay basicly says she's a slut.  He really is clueless.


Becky is jammin'!  She could be a fun HoH.  It's going to be a long night.

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 11

I like Shelly so I'm hoping to see her kick a little ass now that Clay is gone. He was a huge distraction for her and added nothing to her game.

I don't like Jackie, Meg, or James so I want one of those three to go home next. If not one of them, I hope Austin goes.

Finally, why is Steve such a non-entity on the show? He is one of the most useless players to ever play.

  • Love 1

I really just need Meg to stop talking.

I hated that conversation in the HOH room SO MUCH. I understand that James's goal was to get Shelli out, and that's fine. But why was it so frigging important to stress that everyone should agree on it? Why can't anyone think for themselves?!? Argh! And why were Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia strategizing with James, Meg and Jackie anyways?

I actually didn't care who went because they are both obnoxious, especially when a twin came out after their barf first kiss and Clay said "did she not see us?" Um, ass, so what if she did? She can't come in the backyard because you're macking on your true love? Get over yourselves.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 12

I will admit I am very nervous that everything is on Jackie's shoulders in order to keep the Sixth Sense creeps from dominating the game once again. The ONLY hope I have is that she looks athletic and she's a dancer so hopefully she is agile and has stamina. If not she and James are getting KO'ed in the double eviction next week.


I could have gone my whole life without looking at the smug pair of "Hitmen" who managed to zap 99% of any suspense or enjoyment out of last summer's BIG BROTHER. I hope we NEVER see a player like Derrick again because he had no kryptonite...what fun is that. Also to add insult to injury we had to see that spineless wuss Cody trot out "daddy dearest" to the BBQ. Something just aint right with that boy.


I assume Sunday we will see in flashbacks why Meg and Jackie would vote to keep Clay. I actually cheered out loud when Jackie pegged Vanessa as being shady and untrustworthy trying to steer the vote.


And if we lose the SS opposition in a double eviction...I am starting to develop this feeling in the pit of my stomach that at the end of this game in September we could stand a chance of having any combination of Steve, Becky and Johnny Mac in the final two...in other words people that showed up not to play the game and were just carried along as the big guns do each other in....any of those winning would be a horrific end to a fairly good season so far.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2

I never minded Derrick last season because (IMO) he did play a great strategic game (I know, no competition, and he WAS boring), but that segment tonight really was gross.  Whichever one of them said they thought JMac was playing a great game clearly meant "he's entertaining AND he has a penis," because, really???  Not that Cody has any room to talk about strategy anyway.  I don't care which side you're on, the women this season are head and shoulders above the men in terms of gameplay.  Except for Meg, but she's not there for the $$ anyway, clearly.  Neither was Clay, apparently, so BYE FELICIA.  

  • Love 6

Oh, and another plus for Clay leaving?  NO MORE FAMILY SHOUT-OUTS FROM HIM ON EVICTION NIGHTS!  :):):):)


I had forgotten about that! That is a huge plus, because those shout-outs were obnoxious with bells on.

Honestly, Shelli, Clay isn't being sent off to his death. Can it with the cry-fest already. 

She is certainly an easy crier, at least in the BB house.


And what the hell was that about Clay saying Meg has showmances with almost everyone in the house?! That came out of left field. That's his defense for the bathroom moment? Because that's pretty weak, dude, and you're gonna have some explaining to do to Shelli when she gets booted out.

Yes, methinks he doth protest too much. He seemed to be an active participant, and wasn't trying to shut her down. And flirts a lot, but I wouldn't call that "having showmances with everyone." What a clod.

Yay! My favourite endurance competition! And an interesting spin to the optional prize part of it. There's always an HG or two that I like to see fall on their asses. Jackie and Becky looked like they were hauling ass there in the beginning. I hope Austin falls. Many times. Hard.

That would be a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

I cannot say anything about the Derrick and Cody segment that hasn't been well-said already. Ugh.

  • Love 6

Shelli annoyed the ever-loving shit out of me.  Quit bawling, nobody feels sorry for you.  I get the feeling she might be a stage 5 clinger in her relationships.  A strong stage 4, anyway.  Even my 5 year old said, of her diary room pity parties, "Hers would stop crying, if hers would stop talking about it."  (Yes, he still confuses she/her sometimes) 


Also, and this has been bugging me for a long time, what is with the stupid ass rehearsed crap they do in the hallway between votes.  Do they sit around and plan it out like 'Ok, Liz, when I pass you, we'll flap pretend bird wings.  Austin when I pass you, I'll put my hand on the wall and you duck under it.  Liz and Julia, how about the good ole mirror effect.'  And does that mean they know the voting order?  I get second-hand embarassment when I watch that.  

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 16

Thank you for posting what Johnny Mac said. I knew he rhymed something with Clay, but I could not remember it. So much better than Clay's shout-outs while voting,

Would anyone care to put in spoilers what is Meg's leg trouble?  And also what went down that made the vote unanimous?  Thank you!


I don't think Meg's condition is a spoiler. She has psoriatic arthritis, and had some kind of foot surgery earlier this year. As to your second question, there's a thread titled Episode v. Feeds, which is set up for questions like that, for people who want a few spoilery details about what was left out of the episode.

Shelli annoyed the ever-loving shit out of me.  Quit bawling, nobody feels sorry for you.  I get the feeling she might be a stage 5 clinger in her relationships.  A strong stage 4, anyway.  Even my 5 year old said, of her diary room pity parties, "Hers would stop crying, if hers would stop talking about it."  (Yes, he still confuses she/her sometimes) 

So funny! Out of the mouth of babes.

  • Love 2

Yeah, OK...no. Derrick the ringer I can grudgingly admit merits an invite back, due to his winner status (and his distinction of Most Likely To Describe His Daughter As Starving). But Cody? Really?! Cody who did almost as little as the much-maligned Victoria all last summer? Seriously?! Hate to say it, Cody, but I knew Mike Boogie, Mike Boogie is (no) friend of mine, and you, sir...etc.


Much as the Brigade irritated the tar out of me, they at least had a legitimate Day One alliance. I am so sick of these dudes making a zillion alliances with each other, looking around at who's left at final 2 and going "See! We had a two-person alliance this whole time!"


Breathing a sigh of relief that Clay can't charm his way to the half million. Beautiful cinnamon roll, too privileged for this game, too pretty.

  • Love 5

Shelli's non stop crying alone was enough for me to want her bounce. Shut the hell up already.


It really pisses me off that there are like two people fighting against people who are clearly steering the game. Becky is more than happy to line up and be cannon fodder for that group after weed everyone else out. The other people not in the sixth sense play no games. It's Jackie and James fighting a uphill battle. There should be a supreme power struggle between two sides of the house but instead we have a middle filled with people who do jack shit.

  • Love 4

And so the Furless Bat goes extinct.  Small tear…eh, I'm over it.


As much as I'm glad that my joke about James having exactly one ally to play for him in this HoH is even more true than before, since this is a comp that Meg (with her bad leg) can't even dream of doing well in, I'm a bit annoyed that we are now getting back-to-back "tune in Sunday to see who the new HoH is!" weeks, and it's going to be three in a row, since next week is the Fucking Fast-Forward (I'm on record [many, many times] as hating this type of double evictions, more than anything except that stupid "counting" Veto comp) and the second HoH there is never revealed until the Sunday show.  So I can't even watch tonight's BBAD to tide myself over the gap, unless I want to spoil myself.  (And I never want to spoil myself.) Thanks, BB!  [/rant]


Nitpick:  James did not outlast all the members of the Sixth Sense.  Vanessa wasn't playing.


I really just need Meg to stop talking.


Why were Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia strategizing with James, Meg and Jackie anyways?


Because they didn't want James to know that they were part of an alliance and had (with Steve, who votes with them) enough votes to do whatever they wanted, anyhow.  Keep it under wraps and let the dim bulbs on the other side think they're safer than they are.  I loved how the show wants us to think Jackie is some sort of genius for possibly figuring out that Vanessa and Shelli are working together…on Day 50.  You keep up that big thinking, Sir Jacqueline!  No wonder Da'Vonne wants you to win, she knows a player when she sees one! 


What is with the stupid ass rehearsed crap they do in the hallway between votes.  Do they sit around and plan it out like 'Ok, Liz, when I pass you, we'll flap pretend bird wings.  Austin when I pass you, I'll put my hand on the wall and you duck under it.  Liz and Julia, how about the good ole mirror effect.'  And does that mean they know the voting order?  I get second-hand embarrassment when I watch that.  


Seriously.  Every time I see this stuff I want to barf. I wish they'd just put a second path from the DR to the house, so the HGs didn't pass each other at all. Maybe after you vote, you go out the back of the DR (the way they take expelled HGs out) and then just a quick left turn to the backdoor of the Storage Room (the one production uses to stock the SR with food) and reenter via the Storage Room?  Even if that 20 feet (or whatever) is normally open and shows the backstage area, how tough would it be to rig a curtain or something?  Anything to avoid this kitschy crap.


Plus in BBCan3, one exiting voter cornered the incoming voter in the corridor and spent over a minute trying to influence the vote.  (This was edited out of the broadcast episode because it wasn't a live eviction.)  Just because it hasn't happened here yet (to my knowledge) doesn't mean it couldn't.  Better safe than sorry, right?


Much as the Brigade irritated the tar out of me, they at least had a legitimate Day One alliance. I am so sick of these dudes making a zillion alliances with each other, looking around at who's left at final 2 and going "See! We had a two-person alliance this whole time!"


Breathing a sigh of relief that Clay can't charm his way to the half million. Beautiful cinnamon roll, too privileged for this game, too pretty.


Derrick and Cody did have an early alliance, within the…nope, refuse to say that name…but it was a three-person deal, including Zach.  (Known as Jump Street, or Los Tres Amigos; I forget which name they used first.)  It wasn't until Week 5 that they firmed up a specific two-person deal.


Cody:  "Derrick is like a brother to me"…well, he'd better be, given that you gave him a $450,000 gift!  How stupid would you feel giving the money away to some guy you barely knew?  I mean, really.  And I loved Cody looking slightly ill when Derrick was cheering him up by talking about the magazines he'd modeled in…yeah, Cody's seen those checks.  A few zeroes short of $500K, I'm thinking.


Rather strange that they had the Hitmen retrospective instead of family segments on Shelli and Clay; the split-up showmance would seem to be a natural for it.  Not that I needed more Clelli time, it just seemed odd.  Perhaps this was the week originally scheduled for Derrick's Takeover? (Yeah, he'd been booked for one.)


And I'm surprised Clay really thinks he had no chance at winning. Well-liked non-threatening jocks do nicely in this game.  See Drew, Hayden Moss, Shane and Cody, for example. But I'm glad he's gone.  I just feel bad for Clay's "Creative" Sub-Title Writer, though; he or she was surely looking forward to a few more weeks with ol' Marblemouth.  I guess the show waited too long to spotlight that aspect of Clay; they must have thought he'd be around longer.  Just like Shelli did. 


As for the HoH, I predict an Austin win;  "Teacups", aka the slip'n'slide, really favors long-striding guys.  Past winners include S8 Zach, Kevin (the only guy in that iteration; Jeff was outgoing HoH), Jeff, Shane, Jeremy (in tandem w. Aaryn) and Caleb. I'm fine with this; my only question is whether he'll have enough of a lead that he takes time to grab the $5000 ball (a gift for Liz!) first, prompting Vanessa's weekly "Austin, what are you dooooooing????" DR session, right on cue.

  • Love 1

Clearly something happened we didn't get to see.  I mean the Evict Shelly crowd SHOULD have had enough votes.


Jackie, Meg, John, Steve, Becky.  That's all it would take.  But this unity NEVER happens.


Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa.  They were outnumbered. If people weren't idiots.


This is how this stupid alliance keeps winning this show. When Jason went even THEN the non-Sixth Sense people ALSO had the numbers (because Julia wasn't there with her own vote).  But again, these idiots acted like that wasn't the case.


I think it's got to be in part because Meg is really stupid and still thinks Shelly (and Clay before he got booted) were her besties. Ditto for Becky. Despite everything basically coming out about an alliance and her name not being part of it, Becky thinks she's somehow an associate member or something.


As for John and Steve?  Who knows what they actually think about anything. John gets lots of airtime for quips, but his most strategic thinking is veiled from us. Steve gets nothing, because he's either too weird or too boring (or both).


BTW: Clay in his interview? Man, that boy is dumb.  What's coming out of his mouth is barely English.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 3

It was hilarious when Jackie wanted to discuss the gameplay behind Vanessa's halting frowny puzzlement--"Maaaaybe keep Shelli instead????"--and James didn't know what she was talking about.  Either that bluff looked better in real life or James has no bullshit detector at all.


Cody seems perfectly content with the results of last season.  Apparently, for him, 500k was not too high a pricetag for 'que dates with Derrick and getting to talk on the phone "almost every day, if there's an opportunity."  So. . . good.  I'd rather see that than someone feeling stupid and bitter.


P.S>the new Show vs. Feeds thread is terrific.  Lots of info to help the show make more sense--they ALL voted for Clay???--but no competition spoilers that ruin the next episode.

Edited by candall
  • Love 2

Well, I'm glad Shellie stayed over Clay. I can't stand the broad, but I think she deserves to be there more. I guess it depends on which side you're looking at. I could see why Vanessa and them would be worried that Clay would work with the other side. He is very well liked, especially by Meg. Frankly, I was surprised the vote wasn't split. But I guess James and co. thought they'd be outvoted anyway, so better not to rock the boat? C'mon, I LIKE boat rocking!


I did find it hilarious how Clay was all noble, "I can't campaign against this girl"....while Shellie said the same thing, but basically wanted to campaign for herself anyway. Again, she deserves to be there more. She's just more thirsty for it. 


Was that seriously their first kiss???? What the hell were they doing all those nights in the HOH room? Just cuddling? Really?


I'm really liking Jackie. She's sharp. She immediately knew something was up with Vanessa, that they wanted to keep Shellie for GOOD, not just until next week. 


I thought Clay's exit interview was pretty classy, until he basically called Meg a tramp and took no responsibility for bathroom gate. I really want to know what Shellie thinks when she sees that. I'm sure he'll pass it off as "game play". 


Off to peak at the feed thread so I can see who the HOH is! 

  • Love 1
What's up with Julie's glasses?  I don't remember that look.


They were giving off an annoying glare. Also, stupid nitpick, but I cringed when Vanessa told her, "Nice shades!" Sunglasses are shades. You could have said "specs" if you were trying to be cool/cute/whatever. 


I will admit I am very nervous that everything is on Jackie's shoulders in order to keep the Sixth Sense creeps from dominating the game once again. The ONLY hope I have is that she looks athletic and she's a dancer so hopefully she is agile and has stamina. If not she and James are getting KO'ed in the double eviction next week.


I'm hoping for Jackie too! But it would be interesting if Steve or Johnny Mac won. Also, I wonder what Becky would do. She's been kind of playing both sides, but that seemed more of a thing with Clellie and not so much the other members of the Sixth Sense. Now that Clay's gone, I wonder where her head is at. 


Also, and this has been bugging me for a long time, what is with the stupid ass rehearsed crap they do in the hallway between votes.  Do they sit around and plan it out like 'Ok, Liz, when I pass you, we'll flap pretend bird wings.  Austin when I pass you, I'll put my hand on the wall and you duck under it.  Liz and Julia, how about the good ole mirror effect.'  And does that mean they know the voting order?  I get second-hand embarassment when I watch that.


LOL, I feel the exact same way. Totally cringe worthy. I wonder if production asks/forces it? I imagine there's so much downtime (boringtime) in the house, this is like the high point of their week!

  • Love 2


Shelli was ridiculous with the I can't live without you and my heart belongs to you. I read her bio and it says she has always been in relationships...one right after another. She was only married for a year. She is 33 but acts like a middle school girl. So dramatic and childish.

Only married for a year?! Oy. See, I don't necessarily think actual relationships can't come out of this experience - there have been several already. It's very intense, and it really is a ton of time to spend together continuously. And I would have less trouble believing this was one of those if a) Shelli hadn't said in her packing-to-go segment that she was a puma, because she wasn't old enough to be a cougar and b) I didn't believe that she simply chose the best-looking guy in the house and attached herself to him like a barnacle. Because of course she's entitled to that. Bonus points that he looked exactly like her brother and was kind of stupid, so she could control him easily. If this cast had all entirely different men, I think it would have played out the same - she picks the "best' one and that's it.


I hope Clay gets home, sees just how exactly he looks like her brother, ponders the outsized creepiness of that (or has someone explain it to him) and then starts having fun with all the early 20s party girls who are no doubt going to be flinging themselves at him. That's where he should be at this point in his life. He was so much more natural with drunken Meg, and they seemed much more like they belonged together than Clay and Shelli did.


I will miss the captions, but I did love the sweeping romantic music scratching to a halt when <twin> came through the door. Perhaps the editors can come up with something fun for Austin next.

  • Love 3

Well, that was mildly disappointing. Then again, every year there's that super strong player who never goes up and when they DO actually end up on the block, everyone is too afraid to take the opportunity to get them out. This season, Shelli had that honor. I mean, I knew that Clay would likely be sticking around because their alliance would rather keep Shelli around since she's the brains of that particular outfit. But I didn't think the votes were going to be THAT lopsided. The hell? After this it's off to that wonderful new show vs feeds thread to discover the truth! 


When they said that was Clay and Shelli's first kiss, I too was like "SERIOUSLY?" Those two have been cuddling for over a month and their lips never once came in contact? I call BS. Although I did enjoy the music the editors chose and the screech when Liz/Julia (I honestly can't tell them apart yet) came outside. Heh.


Clay's comment about Meg being the house bicycle was a bit rude. Not sure where that came from. 


Nice to see Derrick doing so well, but Cody's "modeling" photos were like Top Model rejects. Not good. He's still pretty, though. Although when he and his brother were both shirtless I had to notice that his brother was cuter and had a better body. Sorry, Cody! (Also, they were playing Kan Jam wrong. There's supposed to be a slot in the front so the frisbee can go in it. Just saying…)


I'm going to try and not spoil the results of this HoH comp like I did last time. And I'm looking forward to a double eviction simply because there are still too many damn people in this house. We need to move this along, people! Project Runway is back, and that's an awful lot of TV to have to watch on Thursday nights!

3.) Clay and Shelli are one of the more disliked showmances, yet Clay still got no boos whatsoever.

Do we ever really think that opinions of stuff like that we hold on boards like this and Jokers penetrate to the real world?  The studio audience are sheep and pretty much applaud if there's a sign saying to do so, but otherwise just sit there.


Although there's a nice contrast to Big Brother in lets say... the UK... where people yell, scream, boo, hiss etc. constantly. Why?  Because what happens on Big Brother there makes the newspapers, talk shows, etc.  Here the only way that happens is if someone's a big fat racist.

Clay's comment about Meg being the house bicycle was a bit rude. Not sure where that came from. 

Even if it's true (honestly, without seeing the feeds who would know?), only a total ass would put it that way on live TV.  Julie DID ask the question, but I'm sure that WASN'T the answer she was expecting.  Then again, production probably should have informed her that Clay has the sensitivity of a piece of sandpaper and the intelligence of a brick.

I hope Clay gets home, sees just how exactly he looks like her brother, ponders the outsized creepiness of that (or has someone explain it to him) and then starts having fun with all the early 20s party girls who are no doubt going to be flinging themselves at him. That's where he should be at this point in his life. He was so much more natural with drunken Meg, and they seemed much more like they belonged together than Clay and Shelli did.

Frankly Shelli's Svengali act on him was already wearing off. She's very attractive, but a 23 year old barely-not-a-boy is not going to stick with a 33 year old reality TV hookup.  It's not clear to me if Shelli actually believes it will stick, but she's doing a good impression of doing so.

It makes no sense to me that they'd vote out a weaker player over a strong one. I detect the fine hand of production on this eviction. They probably made sure the houseguests kept Shelli because she'll make for better show drama and gamesmanship than Clay would have. But what was that last minute business with Clay and Meg all about? I gotta give props to dim bulb Clay though for tossing Julie's attempt to throw some "are you a playa?" shade right back at her. Bet Julie wasn't expecting Clay to all but call Meg a gardening utensil on live TV. She stepped in her own trap.



Also, and this has been bugging me for a long time, what is with the stupid ass rehearsed crap they do in the hallway between votes.  Do they sit around and plan it out like 'Ok, Liz, when I pass you, we'll flap pretend bird wings.  Austin when I pass you, I'll put my hand on the wall and you duck under it.  Liz and Julia, how about the good ole mirror effect.'  And does that mean they know the voting order?  I get second-hand embarassment when I watch that.  

Thank you! It is so dumb and not cute, at.all.  I remember one year a HG (can't remember who) would be busy checking herself out in the giant mirror. She couldn't get enough of herself. 


Yeah, OK...no. Derrick the ringer I can grudgingly admit merits an invite back, due to his winner status (and his distinction of Most Likely To Describe His Daughter As Starving). But Cody? Really?! Cody who did almost as little as the much-maligned Victoria all last summer? Seriously?! Hate to say it, Cody, but I knew Mike Boogie, Mike Boogie is (no) friend of mine, and you, sir...etc.

Well I for one was glad to see all that meat on the grill. It just proves that he is using his winnings to put food in his daughters mouth. Yuck. I can't believe he was still playing the family card by stating he used his winnings to set up a college (food) fund for his daughter. Dude, we get it you are a father. So what? I really can't stand people who think they are so noble because they have kids. Yeah he still looking like a boring pig. Cody's brother was nice to look at though. Did Cody's father kiss Derrick on the lips?


They were giving off an annoying glare. Also, stupid nitpick, but I cringed when Vanessa told her, "Nice shades!" Sunglasses are shades. You could have said "specs" if you were trying to be cool/cute/whatever.

Yeah, that bugged the crap out of me too. No everyone wears "Shades" indoors. 

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It makes no sense to me that they'd vote out a weaker player over a strong one. I detect the fine hand of production on this eviction. They probably made sure the houseguests kept Shelli because she'll make for better show drama and gamesmanship than Clay would have. But what was that last minute business with Clay and Meg all about? I gotta give props to dim bulb Clay though for tossing Julie's attempt to throw some "are you a playa?" shade right back at her. Bet Julie wasn't expecting Clay to all but call Meg a gardening utensil on live TV. She stepped in her own trap.

Actually you don't need production. It's essentially the same situation as when Jason got voted out. The non-6th sense people AGAIN had a majority and yet the vote went the way Shelli wanted it to. Why? Because a bunch of these players are totally willing sheep, even though they're not part of this alliance. They willingly go along with their voting. Steve, for example, who seems to have all the interaction of a bump on a log, does whatever he's told to do. Becky desperately wants to be Shelli's bestie and seems to go back to her to update her on what the other side of the house is saying or doing (and voting with her). John gripes and groans about being their tool, but has never taken an opportunity to vote against them (which makes sense when they had a majority, but during the last two votes they haven't). Even Meg wanted to be their pal--even if it was really because she wanted Clay to bone her.

Edited by Kromm
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Cody:  "Derrick is like a brother to me"…well, he'd better be, given that you gave him a $450,000 gift!  How stupid would you feel giving the money away to some guy you barely knew?  I mean, really.



Derrick needs to string him along until they're back on All Stars and he can run his game again for him.


I noticed that they threw out that somebody from jury will come back into the game.  So we'll see how that affects who gets kicked out.  I think in previous seasons it meant strong players wouldn't get sent out before that twist, because they would "come back" and "be mad."  Which made for boring evictions.

Edited by kassa
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Do we ever really think that opinions of stuff like that we hold on boards like this and Jokers penetrate to the real world?  The studio audience are sheep and pretty much applaud if there's a sign saying to do so, but otherwise just sit there.


Well, if the studio audience were like the folks at Jokers, I'd be really worried.  I'm told their "favorite HG" poll actually ranks Vanessa below Jeff, fer Pete's sake.  ("Below Jeff" sounds like it should be an oxymoron by definition…)  Based on that result, I assume the Jokers crowd is not only less intelligent than the "sheep" in the studio audience, but less intelligent than actual sheep, as well.


The non-6th sense people AGAIN had a majority and yet the vote went the way Shelli wanted it to. Why? Because a bunch of these players are totally willing sheep, even though they're not part of this alliance. They willingly go along with their voting. Steve, for example, who seems to have all the interaction of a bump on a log, does whatever he's told to do. Becky desperately wants to be Shelli's bestie and seems to go back to her to update her on what the other side of the house is saying or doing (and voting with her). John gripes and groans about being their tool, but has never taken an opportunity to vote against them (which makes sense when they had a majority, but during the last two votes they haven't).


I'm not sure why not voting the way a particular viewer might want them to vote makes the "middle" players (Becky/John/Steve) qualify as "sheep", exactly.  Becky wants to work with Shelli and Clay (to the point of leaking information to them), why shouldn't she vote the way they want, then?  Especially if Shelli is the stronger player, allegedly, and Becky has a good relationship with her, why vote her out?  So Meg (whom Becky has never been in an alliance with) can drunkenly drool over Clay some more?  Not really seeing Becky's motivation there.


We know John has been in an alliance with Clay and Shelli since Week 2 (it was the agreement they made that got him to be a willing and throwing pawn), so why shouldn't he honor Clay's wishes?  Again, even when James and Meg and Jason were making these giant alliances (the nine-person "High Rollers" of Week 1, the eight-person "Dark Moon" of Week 5), they never included John in them, so why should John be part of James's "Avenge Jason" nonsense?  Clay and Shelli have kept him safe (the annoying pawning aside) and they're taking the bullet for him this week, just as he probably planned (that's why you ally with the showmance, they make a great shield), so why should John help James screw them over?  Just because some people in the audience like James better?  I don't think they showed John the "who's your favorite HG?" videos in the DR.


Steve really can't be discussed because the relevant information for him hasn't been aired at all. Even putting it under spoiler tags, as I did originally, is probably against the spirit of the thread, so I've removed the spoilers.


Underdog-rooting only goes so far, in my mind.  The Sixth Sense have been in power because they're better game players, IMO (and even with how annoying Clelli could be, better people, too, I'd say…even with his "hero" edit, James came off as repulsively sexist in that HoH bedroom discussion, for example), so anyone wah-wahing because Jason went back to Mommy's basement is only seeing the game they want to see, I say.   I would have found Clay getting booed a ludicrous over-reaction, and  I applaud the civility of the applause.  But JMO.

Edited by DAngelus

I am so sick of these dudes making a zillion alliances with each other, looking around at who's left at final 2 and going "See! We had a two-person alliance this whole time!"


I love that description! When Julie said we were going to look in on Derrick and Cody, I couldn't even remember what Cody looked like until I saw him, let alone what he did in the game. Then I saw him and it all came back to me: he sat next to Derrick. End of story.

The takeover weeks featuring past houseguests could have been interesting had BB allowed to do anything interesting, but of course that would never happen.

I thought Julie seemed 'off' tonight.  Like she wasn't feeling well, or something was bugging her.

Since the glasses are new, I wonder if she had an eye infection. Her right eye looked a little wonky, as if it was too painful to open wider.


Or she had lasik or some other eye surgery or was coming off a migraine or something. I thought they were becoming, at any rate.

And so the Furless Bat goes extinct.  Small tear…eh, I'm over it.

Twinkle, twinkle furless bat,

How I wonder where you're at?

Not. *

And I'm surprised Clay really thinks he had no chance at winning. Well-liked non-threatening jocks do nicely in this game.  See Drew, Hayden Moss, Shane and Cody, for example.

He was self-aware enough to know that Shelli was the better strategist (which really surprised me), so he may have been sufficiently self-aware to know that his tendency to blow up at people could blow up his game. I'm thinking of his abysmal attempts at apologizing to Day, which just made her angrier, and the way he blew up at James after nominations. I'm not 100% sold on that, for the reasons you state, but it's possible.

I also wonder if part of him wasn't thinking, "Hey, I can get out of here and enjoy the rest of my summer!"

*Cribbed from Lewis Carroll's adaptation of the nursery rhyme. I couldn't work the part about the tea tray in, sadly.

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