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After Paradise

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Actually, after watching weeks of the after show, I would really rather they simply go back to airing the two hour episode on Monday and leaving it at that.  Not a big fan of this format on Monday nights and I do like Big Brother on Sundays, which I now have to record.  But oh well.

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Some do that to repent for sins committed the previous week.

I think you're onto something! Maybe Ben is out doing naughty stuff in his spare time, and THAT is why he has to work out during lunch :)
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Dan looked TINY. I spent a few minutes pondering his size and his hair

Jublia looked/sounded STUPID (just like Joe said in one of his talking heads) when she brought up a twitter comment of Joe's and he just reiterated the comment and she showed her stupidity. Did she watch UnReal and decide to play the "strong woman hear me roar" card? LOL @ her representing all wronged women. GTFO! What is ironic is that Joe made her relevant imo. Now I don't care what Joe did to delusional Jublia and only dislike Joe for his treatment of Jonathan and Mikey. I agree with Joe about Jublia being stupid and whatever her name is…lol. However he is still a POS about he treated Jonathan and M. At least Joe apologized. She was not gracious in how she handled it so Joe win that round imo. Joe should have blamed (lied) everything on obsession over Sam and lots of booze. I am not a fan of Joe (insecure dom with obsessive tendencies; he can't handle being in power--brings out the worst in him as seen with how he manipulated Jonathan) but I still prefer him over pseudo-empowered woman yet still the perpetual victim Jublia.

I'm so glad two callers weren't pro-Jublia.

Chris Harrison trolled us with the Nick/TB joke. I fell for it. LOL! I'm sure Nick got paid well for that brief footage.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Maybe I'm the only one in America who's sad that Nick isn't TB. So, yes, Chris, you got some of us with your fake out!


But Ben H seems like a nice guy and I'm intrigued because I know someone here on this board knows him personally and wrote nice things about him at the beginning of Kaitlyn's season. (More, please!)


re: religion. I see that Becca is tweeting she'd be a great girl for him, being a virgin and religious herself. So we might see her back on, who knows? (Personally, I don't see her as his type but then again, I thought she was very dim -- and perfect for Chris. So not exactly a stellar track record).


Joe is still a psycho in my book, although he put on his best "I'm a nice guy, see" sociopathic personality. He only slipped once, seeming to get hostile when the blond cohost told him it would have impressed her that he truly was sincere if he'd apologized to Juelia off camera as soono as he was off the show, not wait to try to impress the audience.  But he's as dumb as a bag of rocks because in addition to looking angry that she wasn't kissing up to him for apologizing at all, he said, "But isn't it better to do it here, where everyone can see it?"


Yeah, Joe. It's better that way--because you don't care ANYTHING about Juelia's feelings and are just trying to win over the public. What would be the point of a private personal phone call?  What a jackass he is.


I did enjoy Dan's description of Ashley S looking for all the hidden cameras in the bedroom they were in--beyond the big "R2D2" one that "follows you around" (creepy!)  They made her sound crazy, but it wouldn't suruprise me AT ALL if TB did hide cameras in the bedrooms. We've certainly seem some after dark shots that made it look like people had no idea they were being filmed. And that audio from Kaitlyn's season may have been from mikes inside the room, for all we know.


I think Ashley S is prettier and -far- more interesting and nice-seeming than Samantha, so I really don't understand why so many guys are competing so much for Samantha. Even Ashley I seems more "attractive" in the sense of being beautiful and fun, if she'd just dial back the crazy. (But isn't crazy better than bitchy? No, guess not.)

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I wonder: is it possible for a show as ridiculous as this one to jump the shark? Because if so i think it did when Jenny M and the polled viewers decided that: even though the difference between Sam and Joe's stories was that Joe was claiming that they had both planned out being together and been in lots of communication while Sam was claiming they hadn't AND the producers had shown us Sam telling Joe to lie about how much they had been in contact--they decided to believe Sam.

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is it possible for a show as ridiculous as this one to jump the shark?



This entire franchise jumped the shark years ago. Yet it continues to run, and even gets more air time now (BIP = three hours per week) than ever before. 


Sad state of affairs, but there you go.

it wouldn't suruprise me AT ALL if TB did hide cameras in the bedrooms.



Remember when AshleyS was on the first episode (I think it was) of AP and they showed a clip, filmed in night-vision green, that showed her in bed with Dan, getting up and walking around on the bed? Too embarrassing IMO, but that's what this franchise thrives on. CH introduced the clip like we were going to see Ashley as a crazed Martian, the clip aired, then straight to commercial. Terrible. And so rude.

Maybe I'm the only one in America who's sad that Nick isn't TB.



Actually, I think a season of Nick would be interesting, especially if he ended up with a wife at the end. But knowing Fleiss, he would fill the mansion with 25 (or more) crazed basket cases and wannabe serial killers, just to make Nick continue to look like a schlep.

Edited by saber5055
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This particular show is a throw-away.  ABC can easily shit-can it next summer and still do BIP III successfully in whatever iteration it thinks is most profitable.  2 hours Sunday and 1 hour Monday, 1 hour Sunday and 2 hours Monday, etc.  Whatever time slots are available, they can fill with any parts of this franchise that are, again, most profitable.  


They will measure the effectiveness of this show at the end of the season, and either bring it back or not.  As with all other flavors of the franchise, they don't really care about viewer opinions because there is only one word there that is important: Viewers.  


Because viewers = ratings and advertising revenues, which determine if there actually IS a shark, and if it's even capable of jumping.  Nothing else matters.  If the ratings aren't there, the shark exists and will most probably jump.


Of course, it's all just my opinion. :) 

Edited by leighdear
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Maybe I'm the only one in America who's sad that Nick isn't TB.


Nope.  Not the only one. 

I think it would be an entertaining season, someone who was rejected TWICE, having to do the rejecting. 

Edited by backformore
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Don't make assumptions. I go to church every Sunday, and I'm not prim. I don't deny "boring" (I'm also an accountant haha), but I'm not prim :)


Okay, semantics, strike prim and enter contained.  :>)  That might not fit you either, I am not aiming to pigeon hole Christians.  I found Sean dull (understatement).  I hope Brian surprises me.  I will watch no matter what, of course.  It is all about FFing and how much is necessary.   I assume stuff all over the place until I know.  This, because I cannot contain myself!  


I would have preferred Nick, too. 

Edited by wings707
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Okay, semantics, strike prim and enter contained.  :>)  That might not fit you either, I am not aiming to pigeon hole Christians.  I found Sean dull (understatement).  I hope Brian surprises me.  I will watch no matter what, of course.  It is all about FFing and how much is necessary.   I assume stuff all over the place until I know.  This, because I cannot contain myself!  

To be perfectly honest I'm not so sure Ben won't be dull.  IMO from what we saw of him on Kaitlyn's season, he didn't appear to have much of a personality.  At least he's not a virgin!!! :)  Speaking of virgins, Padma mentioned above that Becca has been tweeting interest in Ben.  Becca seems like a nice enough person, but I can't imagine the kind of conversations these two would have!

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I think Nick could've been an entertaining Bachelor if they gave him a crop of more intelligent, conversational, sporty, artsy types over the vacuous, pageanty, drama queen dime-a-dozens they cast so many of. [eta: And throw in a sex coach contestant, like Kaitlyn had in her batch of guys. heh]

Ben will wade through a lot of women he typically wouldn't have much interest in if he was out on his own meeting them, since the Show casts more for ratings than who may appeal to the Bachelor/ette. Because their 'finding love with a husband/wife they can see in the room' theme is b.s. ;) Which is not to say I won't tune in. Ha!

Edited by KR Vermont
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Wings, you missed my post above. Just fyi, the next Bach is Ben, not Brian. Jimmy Kimmel said he hopes we can call him just plain Ben and not Ben H. from now on.

Was there a Brian?  I just assumed it was a typo.

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Jared's a two face [/seinfeld]. Maybe it's his teeth but from some angles he looks downright homely on the after show, the lighting must have been good on BIP.

I was just coming here to post this. He was basically a mute on the show, so mouth closed, he is vaguely attractive. However, watching him smile or talk on the after show, he's fugly. His grill is jacked up.

Edited to add Jaclyn looks like a 40 year old divorcee. At least she gave the droopy girls a little support on the after show. Oh, and I still adore Chris B. I don't know why.

Edited by snarts
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He was basically a mute on the show, so mouth closed, he is vaguely attractive. However, watching him smile or talk on the after show, he's fugly. His grill is jacked up.

I don't know if Jared's snobby, dull, or a complete space cadet. I think it's a combo plate -- all three.  When CH and his asshole co-host were having a laugh at Ashley I's lengthy letter, he looked either pissed off or 'wait, what's so funny? huh?'  Come on, dude. Perk up.

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I enjoyed Chris B.'s little film of past adventures, but they could have done so much more! His spectacularly bad performance at the "Highland Games," on Emily's season, his adorable family at the home town visit, his broken leg or sprained knee or whatever in the last Paradise. I'll miss him. I'm sorry he said there was "zero chance" of getting with Clare!

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Oh my gosh I hate that blonde woman, whose name I haven't bothered to learn, for attacking Samantha that much. So freakin' (tm Carly) what if Samantha had been semi-friends with Jublia on their season? At least half of these people knew each other before Paradise so what does that mean? Late comers have to back away from any "relationship" that's already been established for two whole days? The nasty blonde woman would not let up! Not to mention Chris Harrison had told her to stay away and she came back and proved exactly why Samantha had been afraid of her. These bullies are making me feel really sorry for Sam, she didn't kill Jublia's baby, you losers! Someone should have backed that witch right off the set.

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They sold Bukowski short with the montage of all of his rejections. Didn't he get like 3 women to sleep with him on BIP and 2 on BP?! He's gotten more on-camera action than anyone In Bachelor History. I bet when they retired Michael Jordan's jersey they didn't show a lowlights montage of every time he missed a shot. Have some respect. Bukowski is legendary. Yet, at least they did recognize that enough to actually make him a jersey to retire, so kudos on that, show.

Joe made a leather-bound book of his text messages with Samantha to send to Harrison as Exhibit A?! People, think of the effort this took. He screen capped 400 text messages, emailed them to himself, opened on his compter, resized them, printed them, carefully cut each one to size, and glued in a journal that he specifically bought for this purpose. Oh, man, and I thought Kardashley's novella to Jared was over the top. You know when you buy a book on Amazon and they recommend two others and you can buy all three at a special price? They should do a bundle deal of these two when you purchase Harrison's book.

Edited by JenE4
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Samantha comes across as a bitch; sorry to say that about a fellow woman but she does. Also, dim, emotionless and self-serving. What could she and Joe have been texting about that took over 400 texts? And then she dumped him for grandpa Dan?

I don't agree with the Co host woman sending her bad stuff on Twitter-this is a TV show, you don't have a personal relationship with her lady.


They barely said anything to Ashley I and she was wearing a really weird outfit. Jared continues to seem boring and I never have any idea if he really likes Ashley or not. I continue to love Chris B and think he has a nice smile and a funny personality. 

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What in holy hell is Kardashley wearing?!?




She looked so uncomfortable in it!  


And enough with all the "fall on your sword" talk as if this was some kind of greek tragedy. Poor Samantha, she was actually apologizing as if she had truly done something wrong, not understanding that the producers LOVE this kind of drama.  It was "terrible" "I'm so sorry." WHO CARES???


Jared is a mope. 

Edited by TheFinalRose
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I'm starting to really wonder about Jared. There just appears to be nothing there.

Samantha really? Making the co host leave? Surprised she didn't pull her tissue, sniff sniff, trick. A www Chris she was mean, boo boo, make her leave. Whatever.

Super duper pleased that I didn't have to see Kris Jenner. I have zero tolerance for all things Kardashian.

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At the end of the show when everyone was mixing and hugging, it appeared Jared and Ashley weren't too motivated to exchange a glance with each other, let alone talk. I won't read much into that (they probably talked moments later that we didn't see), but I did notice he never(?) says anything bad about AI.

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I refuse to believe that Chris B. is cutting all ties with the franchise.  I'm betting he'll still do appearances and gatherings, so as to scope out all the new talent coming out.  It will be a dark day indeed when the next Bachelorette doesn't get treated to Grown-ass-man Bukowski waiting at the bottom of the drive when the limo's are vomiting out the next crop of new guys....*sigh*.  It's the end of an era.  

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Oh my gosh I hate that blonde woman, whose name I haven't bothered to learn, for attacking Samantha that much. So freakin' (tm Carly) what if Samantha had been semi-friends with Jublia on their season? At least half of these people knew each other before Paradise so what does that mean? Late comers have to back away from any "relationship" that's already been established for two whole days? The nasty blonde woman would not let up! Not to mention Chris Harrison had told her to stay away and she came back and proved exactly why Samantha had been afraid of her. These bullies are making me feel really sorry for Sam, she didn't kill Jublia's baby, you losers! Someone should have backed that witch right off the set.

Even though I still don't really care for Samantha I have to agree with this. I found myself getting very irritated with that Jenny what ever her name is lady. I mean really whatever happened to polite manners. She wouldn't even let her speak for goodness sake. Rude ass woman. You know what's ironic though. She probably thought she was speaking for everybody and they would think she was some bad ass woman for giving Samantha the third degree like that but in my book she actually probably gained sympathy for Samantha with the rude way she treated her. They need to get rid of this woman and put her behind the wall permanently! 

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Host Jenny kept harping on the "friendship" between Samantha & Jujube, but I swear Samantha looked like she was ready to scream "That ignorant little hick was never my friend, I got hoodwinked into going on a weekend with her and she would never.shut.up! I can't stand her, so stop calling her my friend!"  


Samantha kept trying to say that they weren't close.  And we saw first hand how Jublia inflates the most casual contact into a full-blown relationship.  

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I am sorry that Chris B is retiring from the franchise, because I've always found him entertaining.  He strikes me as a good guy with a big heart.  His hometown visit was one of my all time favorites.  Loved his nice, warm, supportive family.

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I'm sorry but I was glad that Jenny interrupted Samantha. Sam was boldly lying so who wanted to hear it? Jublia may be a dim bulb but I am sure even she can remember if she went on trips with Sam or not.

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Tonight's episode was pathetic.  Truly pathetic.  It seems that even Chris Harrison can barely be bothered to try anymore.  


But acceding to Samantha's insistence that she be permitted to have a platform to spin damage control "tell her side of the story" without anyone "making her defensive" by, I guess, doing things like "blackmailing" her with her own words?  That was just embarrassing.  


The only thing more embarrassing was the blonde broad actually coming back.  If Chris pulled that shit on me, I'd have told him to shove his show right up his ass, and left.

Edited by Alapaki
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I 'thought' Jared was really handsome, until tonight. It looks like he has a dead tooth. Maybe his tooth sits slightly back and there is a shadow. How old is Jaclyn? She looks older, not to mention, I can't find anything attractive about her.

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Jared just has a tooth that sits slightly back, it's not dead.  I appreciate that his teeth are imperfect...it gets so tiresome seeing row after row of glowing white chicklet-veneered teeth on these reality shows.


Samantha sure is demanding for someone who is so agonizingly boring.  Sure, many may find her attractive to look at, but consider what it would be like to just lay in the dark talking to her.  She's got nothin'.  You can only have sex so many times in a day, eventually you have to spend time in a relationship enjoying each other's company or the whole thing falls apart, and I've not seen in any of the 100 hours of TV coverage she's gotten anything that would indicate she's any fun to hang out with for long periods of time.  I also thought it was pretty nasty of her to downplay her friendship with Juelia.  If they went on vacations together, they were friends, period.  Does she think saying they weren't really close makes her look like a better person?  She contradicted herself so many times tonight, and I hope she was extremely uncomfortable when the host she sent into time-out for daring to speak against her came back in.

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Shocking to admit but I half-assed watch this dumb show probably while reading BIP posts.  


But I read Jared as wanting to crawl in a hole in embarrassment that he went on these shows.  Not that he should not have known better, , but I think he tried to get exposure for modeling or something legit. He seems like a normal, low-key guy who was raised with some manners who didn't want to make a fool out of himself for more airtime.  Unfortunately for him he became Ashley I 's hostage so he had to either lead Ashley on so he could disappear and nap all day or be kind and honest with her and become a plot line.   He's no more boring than the the "couples". or the show itself.    I admire the fact that he didn't belittle Ashley's heartfelt letter to him.  


And I enjoyed the co-host's attack on Samantha.  Chris is worthless in these interviews and panders to their bullshit.  I don't care about jubelellia's "heartbreak"  but if Sam is going on the show to get billboarded by playing the villain--.and that's what she did-- then stand up to being called out on your lies and 'regrets'.  At least jaclyn was real. about what a bunch of losers are on the show.  Finally  some reality!   .    .

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I kept waiting for Host Jenny to finally nail Samantha on the lame comment she kept repeating about "If only she had known what had transpired between Juelia and Joe."  What a CROCK!  Jade and Juelia sat her down and TRIED to tell her and she cut them off!  She had NO desire to know what had gone on before she got there because all she cared about was carrying out her plan to hook up with Joe and then Nick when he got there.  Unfortunately for her by the time Nick got there suspicions about her were rampant and if she had left Joe to go out with Nick it would have confirmed the worst about her....which by this point in time HAS been confirmed about her.


And then instead of "falling on her sword" tonight on the after show...she tries to manipulate sympathy for herself..."I've received so much hate mail and my life has been threatened."  Hey Samantha, that may have worked for Kaitlyn Bristow as the bachelorette, but you are NO leading lady.

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Shocking to admit but I half-assed watch this dumb show probably while reading BIP posts.  


But I read Jared as wanting to crawl in a hole in embarrassment that he went on these shows.  Not that he should not have known better, , but I think he tried to get exposure for modeling or something legit. He seems like a normal, low-key guy who was raised with some manners who didn't want to make a fool out of himself for more airtime.  Unfortunately for him he became Ashley I 's hostage so he had to either lead Ashley on so he could disappear and nap all day or be kind and honest with her and become a plot line.   He's no more boring than the the "couples". or the show itself.    I admire the fact that he didn't belittle Ashley's heartfelt letter to him.  


And I enjoyed the co-host's attack on Samantha.  Chris is worthless in these interviews and panders to their bullshit.  I don't care about jubelellia's "heartbreak"  but if Sam is going on the show to get billboarded by playing the villain--.and that's what she did-- then stand up to being called out on your lies and 'regrets'.  At least jaclyn was real. about what a bunch of losers are on the show.  Finally  some reality!   .    .

I agree with your take on Jared and also admire him for not ridiculing Ashley. I think Chris and the blonde were dying for him to throw out some innuendo or clue about what happened in the fantasy suite with Ashley but he wasn't going there. That I think is what women see in him. He's a gentleman which is rare to find, especially on these franchise shows. I too think he got in over his head and tried to make the best of a very awkward situation. Someone commented in a earlier post that they didn't see him and Ashley talk on the show tonight and what could be read from that. Ashley seemed very relaxed and relatively happy to me so I think they may have came to a understanding or at the very least become friends.

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