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S10.E07: Bowling In Heels

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Vicki's bio on Bravo says that her sisters Kim and Kathy were adopted, and refers to Billy and Lisa as her brother and sister.  Since Vicki would have been the one to provide this information, I'm sure Kim and Kathy really appreciate that she went out of her way to make the distinction known.  Gross, Vicki.

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I loved when Vicki explained the reason that Shannon and Tamra were invited to listen to the quack make up shit to comfort her about her mother. Something like, "since I was with you both when I got the news, I thought it was important that you be here for me tonight". Oh, gee, thanks Vicki. Glad you decided who needed to be "here" for you. I cannot get over how narcissistic that woman is. I cannot imagine anyone - no matter how good of a friend that they are - wanting to have to sit around and be a part of something like that. Just another example of Vicki calling up the camera crew to come over and watch her grieve for her mother a little bit more. Bitch, please. I cannot even make myself feel sorry for her. Not even a little bit. 

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150608_2871982_Meghan_s_a__CoolStepmom.jThis picture from her blog is terrifying.

Seems that Meghan is  only a giraffe when she sits down and exposes her ultra-long neck (or stretches it reach for foliage in tall tree branches). But when she's walking around in tight-fitting sports apparel, she becomes a praying mantis. She's RHOC's first Transformer wife.

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This is because they film the THs on a blue screen now.  They used to film them set up in the persons house ie. a real background.  But starting last season they do them on a blue screen and sub out the backgrounds, so you will see them in the same outfit, but different backgrounds, some appear to be daytime, some are night backdrops.  if you pay attention it is very noticeable and fake looking.  The lighting on the person does not match the background.  And sometimes the backgrounds look super fake, like last year the one they used for Lizzie had the ocean on the background, with the rolling waves that never changed, it was incredibly fake.

I noticed that as well and wondered why they decided to do that.


ETA: Removed extra quoted material.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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"since I was with you both when I got the news, I thought it was important that you be here for me tonight".



Yes!!!!!  This killed me, too.  The thing with narcissists is that no matter how many years I witness their behavior and know that I should expect it, I still managed to be shocked by their self-centered words and actions on a regular basis.  People like this just seem like they can't be real! 

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So I think its best for Tamra and Eddie that they don't work together. If I had to work with my DH we would absolutely murder each other. Some people just cannot do it especially when you have 2 dominant personalities ( not that we have seen very much of dominant Eddie but I have a feeling he does exactly what he wants when he wants)

The seance seen made me LOL.  I am not a huge tamra fan but I did appreciate her trying to call the guy out lol.


I am not a mom but Meghaen made me angry pretending like she had anything to do with raising Hayley. Its her only storyline. Hayley is just there because I am sure Meghan buys her and her friends booze/ do whatever the hell they want and hello 100 dollars a week? And oh yeah cameras.

I'd show up and pretend to take Meghan seriously too ( or in Hayleys case, sit there and roll her eyes)

Hayley failing that ridiculous 'school' program doesn't shock me in the slightest. I really wish she had a rational adult around to kind of give her a kick in the pants. What is she going to do with her life if she can't even pass high school? Its not like she is working in a factory 14 hrs a day and doesn't have time. LOL. No sympathy here from her not doing what she should be doing. IDK if everyone is just coddling her because her mom is dying ( which I feel for) but when life sucks ass you still need to get up and pay your bills- shes learning a very bad lesson here.


EDIT: I dont want to seem unsympathetic but I know 2 people who have actually been on the terminal side of cancer and continued to work themselves even though they were very,very ill, one has since passed (RIP) an the other is doing OK . You can't just check out of life when cancer/disease/ things hit the fan. My family just went through a near death experience with my FIL and while both my DH and I took off 

a week from work ( he was in multisystem organ failure after going into septic shock) At some point you need to face life again ( he was still critical -25 days in ICU. Doing amazing now THANK GOD)


The bowling was funny, I actually enjoy the episodes a lot when people are NOT screaming and fighting. I just want to see rich people prance around. I laughed how Heather is all like ' want me to send a car?' LOL. I forsee Heather and Terry being broke in their golden years.

Edited by yogi2014L
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I totally believe the Tamra/Eddie conflict is true, not jut a storyline. He was snippy and sarcastic with her last season. He took on ALOT of baggage when he married her with all her kids, the big custody fight with Simon, Ryan and his bullshit, and it looks like Ryan is back in town now, yay, even more drama. Reality has set in and Eds is not liking it. 


Since when is it ok to wear heels on a shiny hardwood bowling alley floor? I remember when you could be kicked out for that. You can tell I haven't been bowling in a long time. 


Shannon and Meghan: After wasting several episodes on their fight,  I guess they are ok now? Same with Tamra and Lizzie. So fake, fake, fake. 

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I must have been in a weird mood while watching the show because #1 I didn't hate Tamara. Loved her calling out that medium. Hilarious that she flustered the guy. Even Brooks was laughing. Also didn't hate Shannon when she was at the gym. Still don't buy that David is interested in working on their marriage. Whatever dirt Shannon has on him is HUGE because everything she seems to be doing is make him rub it in the ex mistresses face how much he loves HER and wants to be with HER and his family. His mistress was married so the reason David may be there is because she was the one who didn't want to leave her marriage and be with David. Shannon may have "won" by default.  But it sounds like it was a deep emotional thing for David if it lasted eight months to a year. That was more than just sex. If its been six months since she found out and they have been to counseling, couples retreats etc. Shannon should be ALOT farther along in the healing process- at least to the point where she doesn't think about it 50 times a day and tear up at the gym over the affair.


Also I strangely felt sorry for Megan. seems like Jim and Haley's mom have hired a live-in baby sitter to care for Haley because they can't be bothered (I realize  Leann has cancer and probably is exhausted and couldn't handle Haley being around all the time) and Megan has NO experience baby sitting. Except that Jim married her and so Megan gets to call it "parenting" and is trying but has no idea what to do. Add that to having a husband who is never around and clearly despises her. It's not her place to put Haley on BC but my god the girl is 17 and her parents hadn't done so yet so Megan gets a pat on the back for at least handling that. I could be wrong but sounds like its all on Megan (or at least she feels responsible) for making sure Haley goes to school and stays out of trouble. I didn't buy Megan's fake crying but I'm sure she feels frustrated.

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What was that speech meghan was giving to the brat? Talk about rambled. When i was 14 i had to get a job and i did odd jobs through school for spending money and school needs. I couldnt get my own phone until i had a job to pay for it. I had to put money away too.

this kid h as no clue and wont have any until the adults put their feet down and discipline

okay rant over

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When did condoms become out of vogue for teenagers?  If I had a daughter (or son for that matter) she'd be well versed in banana wrapping.


At 5'6 134 lbs and not exercising; Shannon is damn lucky she's at a good weight.  Of course, she's got the middle aged pooch going on, so it would be healthy for her to exercise/eat well to get rid of some of that belly fat.  Doesnt' she have some kind of homeopathic hoo-ha remedy for that ?


Ah Vick.  Damn your Mother for not checking with you before she died.  Didn't she know she was supposed to clear it with you?  She's got a lot of nerve dying peacefully without you screaming in her ear.  


I'd have given ANYTHING to know my Mom died peacefully rather than seeing her struggle her final months.   Ugh, Vicki infuriates me with her narcissism.

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I love seeing places I've been to on this show!  Our company Christmas party was at that same "bowling alley" (and I use the term loosely) and we even bowled on those very same two lanes.  


Someone commented on them not requiring bowling shoes.  Rest assured, a real bowling alley would require real bowling shoes for a multitude of reasons.  However, the place they were is very much a "boutique" bowling alley set up for people who are only bowling for the kitsch factor of it - and not really into bowling.  Nothing wrong with that, just a different market.  


And they were "stranded" on the 73 toll road, where it costs more than $5 to travel about 5 miles.  A silly toll road if I've ever seen one, but you're highly unlikely to get attacked or anything by some crazed killer with a machete.  Cars break down (even limos) and I am sure the limo company and/or the production company sent some one to rescue the damsels in distress very quickly.



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Nice bracelet David gave to Shannon as a shut the hell up gift.

Omg, I busted out laughing at that bracelet. A dragon as in dragon lady lol, nice subliminal message there David.

I feel for Shannon but I couldn't help laughing at that gift.

Edited by imjagain
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So I wasn't only one who thought "dragon lady" when they showed that bracelet?


So how is thinking about David 50 times a day (about every 30  minutes) different from "all day"?


I don't think we have a new thread, but this using a medium to contact mom.  What in the fuck.  And while I am with Tamra, this guy is full of shit the way they are now cheapening mom's death by using it as the typical Bravo segment complete with the dopey music during Tamra's talking head.   

That was messed up, but at least Tamra tripped him up.

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After re-watching the segment with the medium, I have to say, that was a great scene. First, Mr. Median Strip says Vicki's Mom has "charisma" in her eyes when talking about Brooks. Then, Tamara asks about the tattoo and the guy spins it to he can't hear the answer because Tamara won't shut up, meanwhile Shannon is biting her lip to not laugh. Then, Billy is told he's constipated, to which he replies, "I was not aware of that, but, OK". And, then Brooks is doing all he can to keep from laughing out loud. Then, Vicki says Brooks can tell Billy about enemas and Brooks says, "just let it go". I loved it!

Edited by Bronzedog
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Sometimes people cheat just because there is something wrong with them, not because something is wrong in their relationship. Some people just suck. Shannon has issues, so David should have either divorced, or not cheated. I think she has every right to bitch moan and complain to him for some time. I'd just rather not watch. If he doesn't like he can leave their relationship.

HEAR, HEAR !!! clap, clap, clap.

F___ you cheaters. Ask for a divorce then have at it...I have no sympathy for anyone that wants to have their cake and eat it too.

I also have no sympathy for the security breach I just heard about on some website for cheaters. Google the website Ashley Madison. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I think that's giving Terry too much credit. I think Terry dislikes David because of his bank account.

Well, there's that too!!!

But I very much agree with the thought that Terry & Heather knew...from those friends she lunched with who discussed the email.

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I think that's giving Terry too much credit. I think Terry dislikes David because of his bank account.


I agree. I think if what Shannon said on WWHL is true, the others only knew a short while before she found out. So, Terry's treatment of David was more about envy than anything else. Heather and Terry wanted to be the richest couple on the show. The envy they had over David and Shannon's house, complete with a basketball court, shined right through and made Terry and Heather feel less than. When they were the ones used to making others feel less than. The fact that David and Shannon never even thought of it as a competition was just salt in the wound for them. 

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Meghan continues to irritate.  She tosses $100 a week at the kid, and the kid is clearly not living up to her end of the bargain?  But,hey, she's a great step mom because she knows all about Twitter, Instagram, etc.


Am I alone in thinking that she probably did the kid's homework for her?   Yep, Stepmother of the Year.


F___ Meghan, I have no sympathy for that twit. She wants to brag that she's stepmom of the year, and she's been one for all of 2 minutes. It's not easy, no sh@t Sherlock. She wants the praise and Jimmies wallet, well, that's what happens when you marry someone with kids. Those kids come first. I'm not excusing Jimmys responsibilities as a parent, but it's real life.

Shannon was merely pointing out that birth control isn't a cure all. That's something that should be under LeeAnn's responsibility. Ok, Meghan, it's because you don't want to be a grandma at 30, or is it what's best for Hayley? It seems as if Meghan is taking on way more than what should she need to as the step mom, but again, she went into that marriage with her eyes open. This is her second marriage and she's not that naive.

I'm going to love Vicki bitching out Meghan for spending too much $$$.

Was this marriage a deal where Jimmy told her she would be THE nanny?

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So Tamra is toying with the idea of "getting back into" real estate (as if she were ever serious in the first place)?  Just out of curiosity I checked to see if she's kept her license active.  Horror of horrors:  she hangs her license at the same company I work for -- albeit different offices.  Interesting to note that the name she uses is Tamra Sue Barney.

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After re-watching the segment with the medium, I have to say, that was a great scene. First, Mr. Median Strip says Vicki's Mom has "charisma" in her eyes when talking about Brooks. Then, Tamara asks about the tattoo and the guy spins it to he can't hear the answer because Tamara won't shut up, meanwhile Shannon is biting her lip to not laugh. Then, Billy is told he's constipated, to which he replies, "I was not aware of that, but, OK". And, then Brooks is doing all he can to keep from laughing out loud. Then, Vicki says Brooks can tell Billy about enemas and Brooks says, "just let it go". I loved it!

... and then there's the reveal of the Heavenly Dental Plan ™...

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I'm going to love Vicki bitching out Meghan for spending too much $$$.


The second they introduced trophy wife Meghan, I knew that Vicks was going to jump all over her her ass about 1) not making her own money and 2) spending Jimmy's. Vicks is a broken record about that shit

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That is also in Meghan's blog for this episode. If she's being sincere, it kind of makes me sad; she seems extremely naive about many things in her life.

Raising Hayley is not Meghan's job - maybe her asshole husband married her to be a live-in nanny/errand-runner/packer/unpacker/in-town sex partner instead of a treasured wife. Edited by nexxie
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Megan is an idiot.  She did everything ass backwards last night.  You don't just hand $100 to a teen that isn't even doing the bare minimum and expect her to make good decisions.  In my area (different part of CA), only students that are having issues are allowed to go on the homeschooling program.  I'm not buying the whole "she has to take her mom to treatments, etc" bullshit.  First of all, that is completely inappropriate to have a 17 year old drive her parent to chemo and dr appointments when there are other people, such as LeeAnn's husband or even Megan for that matter, to do it.  Too much to put on the kid.  Secondly, if she can't even manage to do the assignments OR show up for a once a week check in, something is really wrong.  She has PARENTS, for fuck's sake!  Where the fuck is Jimmy if his kid is doing so poorly?  It is kinda still his responsibility.... just sayin.  


And later that night, when we see Megan wash her face and put on the studious glasses, she was SO doing the assignment for Hailey.   HOW is this helping anyone?  And where the hell was Hailey?  She clearly wasn't at home that night, so where was she?  At her mother's house?  If so, why wasn't her mom aware of this going on?  And why wasn't Megan on the phone with Jimmy filling him in?  So many questions... 


In summary, YES Megan - you are failing miserably. 

I agree that Meghan is an idiot and is trying to use her role as stepmother to ingratiate herself with a husband who's not into her.I also thought it was complete bullshit that Haley doesn't go to school so she can drive her mother to chemo, but I also thought Megan was just checking the homework, not doing it. Although, I wouldn't put it past her. Haley seems to have some serious issues. Curious about whether she's getting therapy to deal with her mother's illness and why she takes medication.


I hope for Vicki's sake that Brooks is not perpetrating a fraud, but sometimes I have my doubts. It is interesting and very kind if sometimes intrusive what an interest Shannon is taking in his health. And the fact that he's juicing and drinking coffee anally, makes me wonder why he won't meet with the doctor Shannon suggested who does both Western and Eastern medicine -- mostly because I just think he's really shady.


Agree that Tamra is going back to real estate because that gym isn't making money. I think they're also going to fight over the money she wants to give Ryan. If the baby mama owns a gun shop, why do they need subsidizing? He needs to stay his ass where they are if he can't afford the OC.

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I noticed how enthusiastic Shannon was about Brooks beating cancer and though it a bit overbearing and then I saw the clip with her playing Bunco and last night she was playing a game with Dorinda, all I can say is she is very enthusiastic when she is championing something or competing.  It sounds as if now that they have gotten use to Shannon they think her a little less daft and accept her enthusiasm.


I think the women were trying to make Shannon feel less self-conscious but Tamra was wrong to tell her to stop talking about herself.  Heather missed a sales opportunity when Shannon complained about her dry skin-she should have offered a bucket of their new skin care products.  When Tamra talks about herself it is always how hot she is.   Shannon has great legs, something that can't be said for Vicki or Tamra. 


Last night on WWHL, Shannon explained the meaning of the dragon bracelet, she and David are both born in the year of the dragon, although I do like Dragonlady explanation better, 

Edited by zoeysmom
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Speaking of the WWHL episode, both Shannon and Dorinda looked fantastic. Dorinda looked all cleaned up...:). Shannon looked trim again, her make up was flawless. I like fun Shannon. Hopefully, this is a sign that the domestic situation has improved dramatically. Shannon did not want to answer questions on Meghan or Tamras marriage...she was asked, she didn't bring those relationships up.

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I do think that Tamra is getting back into real estate because Cut Fitness isn't cutting it moneywise.


So Tamra is toying with the idea of "getting back into" real estate (as if she were ever serious in the first place)?  Just out of curiosity I checked to see if she's kept her license active.  Horror of horrors:  she hangs her license at the same company I work for -- albeit different offices.  Interesting to note that the name she uses is Tamra Sue Barney.

She let her license lapse, but renewed it last November.  That would coincide with CUT Fartness losing money towards the end of the year.  Getting (re)started in real estate sales takes long hours and weekends.  I don't see Tamra putting in the effort as long as she has easy money from Bravo to prop her up.  She hasn't had a listing under her name -- ever.  Shane Keough got his real estate license with much fanfare from his mother, but didn't do jack shit and ended up moving to Vegas.


 If the baby mama owns a gun shop, why do they need subsidizing? He needs to stay his ass where they are if he can't afford the OC.

She doesn't own the business.  It is owned by a Navy veteran, according to the website.

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Shannon: 5'6 and 134 lbs. sounds very thin to me. I'm 5'3 and when I weighed 135 I was considered skinny by my friends and family. Maybe it's the grandma way she carries herself. Of course, OC standards for slimness are other worldly compared to the rest of us mortals. Anyway, the woman gave birth to three kids so of course she's going to have a pooch. Why not just get a tummy tuck like Tamra and I'm sure Heather did after they both had their 4 brats. 

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This episode was a snoozefest.


When Meghan's scenes come on, I leave the room. What a great stepmother she is. Not. I also ignore Tamra's scenes, but did watch the attempts to film a gym commercial with Eddie. Talk about painful to watch.


I don't know what to think about Brooks. He definitely looks unwell losing so much weight so I hate to think someone would fake an illness like that although I know it's been done. Shannon means well and is trying to help, but she needs to make the offer and then back off.


I like Shannon but she is so neurotic. So she's down from thinking about David's affair from all day to 50 times a day. Yeah, I guess that is some kind of an improvement. The bracelet definitely seemed like an affair amnesia gift but she loved it.


But of all the things in this episode I could obsess on, I know I'm being picky, but here goes. I understand after having twins that Shannon wanted to tone up her abdominal muscles, and lose some weight, but I seriously have a problem with someone 5'6" saying that 134 pounds is fat, which Shannon herself said. I'm 5'6" and would love to be a "fat" 134 pounds. I guess you have to be skinny to live in the O.C., but things like this bug me because I feel like this is why women have issues about their bodies. I understand getting toned up, but don't think Shannon looked fat at 134 pounds.

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So how is thinking about David 50 times a day (about every 30  minutes) different from "all day"?


Right? I was like, "Damn, that's an awful lot." Was she thinking about the affair 100 times a day before that??? I know it would be hard not to think of it, but if you have that much spare time to devote to wallowing, get a job or a hobby or something. 

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Isn't California a state where a minor can get BC without parental consent?

Meghan didn't get her on BC. A medical professional did, after an examination and confidential consultation with their patient!

Anyone who has watched a season of RHoOC could have been the median that night!

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Shannon: 5'6 and 134 lbs. sounds very thin to me. I'm 5'3 and when I weighed 135 I was considered skinny by my friends and family. Maybe it's the grandma way she carries herself. Of course, OC standards for slimness are other worldly compared to the rest of us mortals. Anyway, the woman gave birth to three kids so of course she's going to have a pooch. Why not just get a tummy tuck like Tamra and I'm sure Heather did after they both had their 4 brats.

Yes, her weight of 135 was good for someone her height, but she's on TV. I'm sure when your clothes get tight and you are on camera that's motivation to keep your weight on the low side of the scale. I'm proud to see women not elect to go the plastic surgery route every time they need a fix. I don't have any judgment on it, and a stomach after twins must be a drag! It's harder to face the fact you need to work at it if you don't get the liposuction or tummy tuck.

I have a friend who looks almost too skinny, but her lower stomach is still squishy 20 years after having her twins. (4 kids total) She is about Shannon's height, weighs about 120-125 but has a stomach that is out sync with her thin arms and legs. She will only wear a one piece bathing suit, she eats very healthy and looks much younger than her 53 years. She says she's proud of her battle wounds! (Stretch marks). She has the disposable income to get it fixed, but she doesn't want to. I think whatever works for each person.

What Shannon has done with the trainer and a better diet seemed to work!

Edited by IKnowRight
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But of all the things in this episode I could obsess on, I know I'm being picky, but here goes. I understand after having twins that Shannon wanted to tone up her abdominal muscles, and lose some weight, but I seriously have a problem with someone 5'6" saying that 134 pounds is fat, which Shannon herself said. I'm 5'6" and would love to be a "fat" 134 pounds. I guess you have to be skinny to live in the O.C., but things like this bug me because I feel like this is why women have issues about their bodies. I understand getting toned up, but don't think Shannon looked fat at 134 pounds.

I obsessed over this too, so welcome to the club. Heh.  AT 5'6 134 is a good weight, definitely not fat.   But from a health perspective, I can understand trying to get rid of some of the belly fat.... but not something to go crazy over.  OTOH, she should be exercising for the simple fact it's a healthy habit.

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Isn't California a state where a minor can get BC without parental consent?

Meghan didn't get her on BC. A medical professional did, after an examination and confidential consultation with their patient!

Anyone who has watched a season of RHoOC could have been the median that night!

But Meghan said she got Hayley on BC. Meghan said SHE wasn't ready to be a grandma. Was it Meghan's idea? That's the odd part. She said she had LeeAnn's support? WTF. LeeAnns the mom. Meghan has not been the stepmom since Hayley was young, the inks not even dry on the marriage certificate. I think she meant LeeAnn and/or Jim thought Hayley should get BC OR Hayley thought she should, but why us it Meghan's decision as she made it sound?

BC is medicine. It's not baby aspirin. Some people have blood clot issues, among other things on BC. As a viewer I'm side-eyeing what Meghan says she decides for Hayley as her stepmom of 2 minutes.

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Tamra's complaints about Eddie seem very much like the ones she had about Simon. Yes Tamra, running a business is more than a full time job. My husband started a business 30 years ago and I was lucky if I saw him more than a few hours a week for years. We finally have a normal life now, we have good people in place, but we are near retirement age, and it puts a tremendous strain on a family. I don't think Tamra understands sacrifice, so the business or the marriage won't survive, probably neither one.

Shannon stating she still thinks about the affair 50 times a day wasn't a surprise to me. Over the years (I'm old), I've known many betrayed spouses. It took at least 2 years for most of them to quit obsessing. One lady developed Alzheimers, years later, and she forgot her children's names, her own name, and nearly all of her history. She remembered her husband's affair long after other memories faded. I would hear her say over and over, because Alzheimer patients repeat themselves, "I think Paul is seeing someone". It must have been a terrible hurt. Shannon is already an obsessive person so I don't see her letting this go.

Edited by watcherwoman
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How much deeper in denial can Vicki get? She needs to put on her big girl pants and learn that life and death go hand in hand and be grateful that she had her mother for as long as she had. There's many people who lose a parent when they're very young. My niece was only 16 years old when her mother had a heart attack and died instantly right before her eyes. I can understand a 16 year old not being able to cope with that, but a 53 year old adult woman should be able to understand death. Accepting death is a process that people need to go through by mourning them but calling her mother and leaving voice messages for her isn't going to help much with acceptance.

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I'm pretty sure Hailey lives with Meghan at a minimum of half-time; the entire premise of the Edmonds' return to CA was that Hailey was in their custody and wanted to be closer to her mom, right? Meghan suggests to Hailey, LeeAnn, and Jim that birth control is now appropriate since Hailey is 17. LeeAnn and Jim approve. If it was Meghan's idea, then I don't see anything problematic in the way in which Meghan articulated the scenario. I wouldn't be surprised if Hailey was more amenable to such manner of ideas and/or discourse as opposed to either of her parents. Meghan has a self-congratulatory streak that borders on mild delusion in terms of her responsibilities but I don't think it's any more notable or offensive than, say, everyone (including Heather herself) lauding Heather for "having it all" and achieving the awe-inspiring accomplishment of being able to take care of four kids with a multi-person staff . . . As for the preview of Vicki's financial "advice" to Meghan, I might be able to concede that she has something resembling a respectable point about women ensuring their own financial solubility were it not for the fact that her obsession with money comes down to jealousy. I can recall quite specifically how she practically seethed when Lauri landed her second meal ticket at 48 and George showered his catch her jewelry. Meghan knows enough to have her name on the deed to one or two houses so, while she's not going to be set for life if things go south, I'm pretty sure she's going to be okay. She's an adult even if she doesn't always act like it; she knows the game. She's also young and pretty. All things considered, pretty sure she'll be okay.

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So Shannon gained some weight during the fall-out from the affair. Not surprising. I'm a stress eater myself. Kadooz to her for trying to get back on track, but let me tell you - "taking a day or two and not really eating" isn't going to help. In fact, it will do the opposite. It will slow your metabolism way down and then when you DO resume eating normally, your body will not burn it off as quickly. It's simply not healthy, and I wish she would have had this discussion with her trainer, instead of it being some quippy remark in her TH. 


When Shannon's not being a sad sack with David, she actually cracks me up. I love how she orders like Sally Albright. "I want a Grey Goose and water, with a slice of lemon. But I want the lemon on the side. And bring the water separate, because I like to mix it myself. But it must be distilled water. If not, no water. Just the vodka. But then no lemon". HA! 


Also, it kind of amuses me how serious and passionate she is about Brooks's treatment. He's only juicing! No protein! Bad Brooks. I do find it interesting that he's just blowing off her Eastern-Western doctor, who apparently sees patients from all over the country. I wonder why that is. It couldn't possibly be because it would be too "kooky" for him. After all, he's taking nature showers and doing coffee enemas. So no, unorthodox treatment isn't the reason. I really just wonder WHAT it could be that's stopping Brooks from seeing a doctor that Shannon knows. Hmmmm......


That "seance", or whatever-the-fuck it was supposed to be, was drop-dead (pun intended) hilarious. That guy was so full of shit, and I hate people like that - preying on the grieving and vulnerable. Tamra is usually my most-hated on this show, but even a broke clock is right twice a day. When she called the "medium" out about the tattoo, I wanted to give her a big, ol high five. The funny this was, it didn't even seem like her original intention was to call him out. It seemed like she was just having a side convo, asking Billy what the tattoo was, maybe relating because Rapey Ryan was known for surprising her with heinous tattoos. But since Mr. Medium had to micro-manage everyone's behavior (because if others are talking he can't hear the deceased - ya right!), he decided to be all school marm and ask Gramballs what she just said. Thus alerting everyone to the fact that he has no fucking clue what tattoo Billy's son has, and was just taking a stab in the dark with that one. Classic! 


Also, Mr. Psychic, thanks for alerting a room full of people - and the national viewing audience - that Billy has a bowel blockage. Damn. That was uncomfortable. Oh well, call Dr. Moon!


But Tamra really is insufferable and she and Eddie should NOT work together. She's the kind of person that hates the way you do things, but gives NO solutions as to how things should be done. Just exhausting. And Eddie is simply dripping with contempt for her. I wonder how much longer the Judge marriage will last. 


I did love her saying she wants to be stuffed, though. I have told everyone I want to have my husband stuffed if he dies so he can just sit on the couch and it will be like he's not dead at all. Bah! 


Megan's scenes with Hayley just make me cringe. First of all, how about handing her the random $100 bill AFTER her work is done? And her dishes picked up? Give it to her at the end of the week, after verifying that she's done everything you expect of her. Because right now it looks like little miss took the Benjamin, dropped her homework like a bad habit, and hit the town with her likely equally obnoxious and entitled friends. You could tell that little speech was all for show. Hayley wasn't believing a word of it. 


And was it just me, or was Megan doing her homework for her??? I mean, I suppose she could have just been checking her work. But damn, she put her glasses on, got out her calculator, got into bed....looked pretty serious to me. 


But I just don't understand Megan's logic. "You know, You don't have to spend all the money right away. You could save it up and then you could buy something that's truly yours, and not bought with money someone just gave you". Even though that saved money would be compiled from money someone just gave you? What in the ever loving fuck? Megan, just drop the act. You're not a parent here, not even close. You've been on the scene a few months and this girl was raised long before you came waltzing in. You're not going to screw her up or improve her. So just leave it alone. 


I did think the one thing Megan did right was give Megan birth control. Or at least, I don't have a problem with it and don't get why the other women would. They're so outdated, all of them. What? If there's no birth control, girls just won't have sex? How's that working out for all the underage mothers out there?


I was seriously hoping that the women who opted to bowl in their heels would break an ankle. Get over yourselves. Personally, I think bowling shoes are adorable. Am I weird? 


I'm left with one lingering question - HOW did Lizzie break her ribs????

Whoa--!!!! Get outta my head--!!! LOL

I too was laughing at the absurdity of Meghan's sage advice on saving for something you want, not just having someone hand it to you, even though the actual money was, in fact, just handed to her. What a twit-!!

Loved your reference to Shannon ordering like Sally Albright----made me laugh out loud. My husband says I order like Sally too....nothing is ever simple.

I agree about giving out birth control pills, but Meghan forgot to mention they don't protect you from STD's....should have handed her a box of condoms too.

I can't help but like Shannon, and I know if I was ever in her shoes, I'd have to end the marriage. There is no way I could ever get over it or stop talking/thinking about it. Sadly, I don't think their marriage will make it. I also thought she looked fine, as it seems 119 would put her underweight.

And I too hated seeing them bowling in their heels....I love the cute boxy look of bowling shoes.

I thought Vicki's "my mom will babysit" was genuine. I also think Brooks does have cancer......he looks bad.

So, can someone spill the beans on how Heather stays so thin?

Tamra was such a bitch to Eddie...,they seem to really dislike each other.

The broken down limo was weird with no resolution.

Is it just me, or does David have a more whiny/high/feminine voice since the affair became RH gossip? I can't believe all the HW's knew and no one told Shannon.

All in all, I enjoyed the episode.

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Shannon: 5'6 and 134 lbs. sounds very thin to me. I'm 5'3 and when I weighed 135 I was considered skinny by my friends and family.

I'm glad you said that, lol. I am 5 ft 3 and weigh about 140. I'd rather be 130 or maybe 125, but I'm not fat. I'd love to be 5 ft 6 and 134. Shannon is not fat.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I completely agree with this!


When I was 17 I didn't get an allowance.  I had a job AND I still had to do all the chores I did before I got the job. I also had to pay for my own gas. imo,  If Hayley wants spending money she should get a job working in one of the stores where she likes to shop (assuming they offer employee discounts).


It killed me when Megan revealed that the $100 didn't include gas money. She has a credit card for that!

Ah, but did your Dad play MLB for 20+ years?  Did you grow up in an affluent lifestyle?  Did you have two stepmothers in the span of six years?   I get what you're saying - I never had an allowance either, I had a job, but I think Haley had a completely different childhood.



The second they introduced trophy wife Meghan, I knew that Vicks was going to jump all over her her ass about 1) not making her own money and 2) spending Jimmy's. Vicks is a broken record about that shit.

Ha!  I truly enjoy when Vicki does that but then I like that Vicks has always been the only OC ho-wife to make her own fortune. That and like her, I think everyone should be able to support themselves  - and I'm not counting Bravo checks.


 Accepting death is a process that people need to go through by mourning them but calling her mother and leaving voice messages for her isn't going to help much with acceptance.

When this was filmed It had only been two weeks since Vicks suddenly lost her mother.  I'm cutting her some slack on this. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I loved Ghoulina's Sally Albright reference regarding Shannon's drink ordering. Hilarious!


David is arguably very attractive but his voice, gah. I love low, deep voices in men; they are very seductive. David's, not so much.


I secretly admit it would be fun to see Tamra back in the dating world again. Maybe her and Jeanna Keough could hunt for men together.


I think Brooks might really be sick, sadly. He doesn't look that sick but losing all that weight isn't good and the other thing I've noticed is that he is quieter and more reserved. Just doesn't seem his usual over-the-top self.


Jimmy Edmonds clearly has another woman-or several-in St. Louis.

Edited by Sage47
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Meghan has a self-congratulatory streak that borders on mild delusion in terms of her responsibilities but I don't think it's any more notable or offensive than, say, everyone (including Heather herself) lauding Heather for "having it all" and achieving the awe-inspiring accomplishment of being able to take care of four kids with a multi-person staff . . . .

Thank you, THIS.

The self praise for doing a fraction of what most moms have been doing for centuries, for a fraction of the time, that is what is so damn annoying. It was also Meghan who noted that Heather does it all, without mentioning Heathers staff. Not to mention that we know that Meghan has, at least, one assistant, plus full time movers for all the address changes. She is not doing the step parenting, planning and moving on her own like the majority of moms/stepmoms.

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I'm going out on a limb here and saying that you can count the time to at least one separation/divorce announcement with an egg time. Pick a couple, just about any couple.

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When Tamara and Vicki's limo broke down, I had to laugh when Heather volunteered to "send a car".  That's the same thing she offered to Brooks when Vicki was wailing in the background.  Either Heather owns a fleet of cars with chauffeurs, or she's working dispatch for a cab company. 


So have Heather's dogs been sent to the animal shelter yet or what? Because we've seen more of the nanny than we have the dogs.


I can't think too hard on this, or it will make me crazy.  I volunteer at a shelter that exclusively gets dogs from county shelter death rows.  When people surrender an animal at a "kill" shelter, they sign a form that states their animal may be euthanized immediately.  When people surrender their animal to a "no kill" shelter, there's a possibility their pet may be living in a cage for years.  Irresponsible pet owners make me crazy.


I missed the whole "alternative school" thing, so I'll have to watch again to catch up, but around here, if a student is attending an "alternative school", it is because they are having other issues besides emotional ones....drug or alcohol abuse, juvenile arrest records, multiple suspensions from mainstream school, etc.


When I moved, my cousin was living with me.  We moved to another state, and there was about one month to go on her junior year in high school.  The high school here actually told us she would have to repeat her entire junior year - we walked out in tears.  After calling and bitching about "no child left behind", they suggested the alternative high school.  So she went there, then had to go as a senior as well.  She graduated on time, but she also made a few friends who could be described as juvenile delinquents.  She ditched school for the first time, had sex for the first time, etc.  All very secretive - which was not like her. 


So whether Hayley is like my cousin, or like the delinquents, less supervision is the worst possible option.  A seventeen year old should not be responsible for taking her mother to all her doctor appointments (I don't believe it for a moment - it's an excuse for why she's going to that school).  And a person dying with cancer shouldn't be reliant on a petulant teen who ignores, rolls her eyes at, and blames everything on the patient.

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The self praise for doing a fraction of what most moms have been doing for centuries, for a fraction of the time, that is what is so damn annoying. It was also Meghan who noted that Heather does it all, without mentioning Heathers staff. Not to mention that we know that Meghan has, at least, one assistant, plus full time movers for all the address changes. She is not doing the step parenting, planning and moving on her own like the majority of moms/stepmoms.

Thank you.  I'm so sick of these women patting themselves on the back for their amazing feats.  I think of my mom (and countless others) who was basically a baby factory from age 20 to age 40, and for several years was handling five kids by herself while her husband was overseas during WWII.  War Rations, public transportation, rented rooms, the whole nine yards.  Meghan, Heather, and the rest of these pampered super moms would not last a day under those conditions.

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I rarely have strong reactions about anything a HoWife does or says, but Meghan saying "I put her on birth control" annoys the hell out of me! As if Hayley were a pet cat or dog needing heartworm medication rather than an almost-legal-adult step-daughter whose mother, although battling cancer, is still very much alive. You don't "put" teenagers on birth control, they are prescribed the pills by a gynecologist and it's up to them to take them daily -- or not. As someone mentioned above, there could be medical complications, for example. I'm really peeved by Meghan saying it that way and also talking about it on TV for all the world -- and all of Hayley's friends, and enemies, to see.


Yes, Hayley acts like a sullen, entitled teen. Is she actually taking time from school to drive her mother to medical appointments and chemo? Has anyone considered maybe this is not the best thing for her to be doing? Ok, if she wants to and volunteered as part of caregiving her mom, I have no problem, as long as she's doing her schoolwork. Also, anyone bother to find out if she's seriously depressed by all that's going on around her and acting out somewhat because she doesn't know how to ask for help? (I realize the "medication" she was angry about forgetting may be an anti-depressant. At 17, it would be better to have talk therapy in addition to medication.)


You know what I think about that suite that Meghan got so Hayley and friends could dress for the formal? I think Meghan wanted them to have access to it after the formal to hang out and party with their friends and dates. Meghan is the one who described getting ready for her own formals and how exciting it was to plan with friends, figure out who would get the booze and how, etc. She strikes me as the kind of "Cool Mom" (like Amy Poehler's character in "Mean Girls") who probably even had some beer in the suite for "the kids" after party -- with the reasoning being that at least they were in a safe place and no one would be driving.

Edited by RedHawk
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I also think Meghan has thrown herself gung-ho into moving, parenting, and all that is because essentially Jimmy let her know it would be her job as his wife to do these things while he's on the road earning the big bucks. He's probably quite the traditional man/husband. She's bought into it because she gets to be on a reality show and join the OC charity circuit as "wife of" a rich-and-famous MLB player.


And if she mentions being "young" or "30" one more time, my head will explode. It's one thing it say it a couple of times, but I really think we hear it at least once per episode. It doesn't earn you any prizes, Meghan. If fact, in a few years when you see your own behavior, I hope you've matured enough to be appalled at your stupid sense of superiority.

Edited by RedHawk
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So Bunko is for old ladies, but Charades and Pictionary is for hip young trophy wives - got it Meghan.


I thought that Megan looked beautiful tonight. But I am one that doesn't mind her looks. I understand her frustration. I know people think she's acting. She may be, but it was nice to see her be vulnerable for once instead of being arrogant or condescending. Hayley gets $100 a week for doing homework and putting away her dishes? Plus her own credit card?


I actually felt for Hayley in that clip.  It was pure theatre.  And Meghan looked like an idiot pretending it was the first time she set the rules.  And then to give $100 allowance to her for doing homework and putting away her dishes, after first explaining she has not completed these tasks - major fail.  All for show, and I can't blame Hayley for rolling her eyes.


Why why WHY does Lizzie dress like she does and spackle on the make up? She is a charactiture of a Fredericks of Hollywood catalog model. The talking head she did was disturbing. She needs a makeunder.


I think Lizzie is stuck in pageant land.  There was a scene last season where Lizzie had her hair pulled back, and her mouth was closed.  She looked shockingly like Angelina Jolie.  AJ also has exaggerated features, but she knows to downplay them, rather than highlight, as Lizzie does.  Sometimes it seems that "drag queen" is the look Lizzie is aiming for.


I don't think she was confused as to how she gained weight or how to get it off we saw her going to the gym.  I think she was putting herself down and the other ladies were letting her know she was fine and should not be so hard on herself until Heather went on -at a later time and said what she said. I don't think it was a lack of knowledge on Shannon's part more of a lack of commitment


We know Shannon weighed 134#, but do we know how tall she is?  I'm 5'9", and when my weight drops to the 130s, friends and family start inquiring about my health, and expressing concern I'm too thin.  Luckilly, I don't live in OC, where being a tall woman who weighs more than 119, is a shameful out of control binger.

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