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Meagan....news flash, it's not extremely rare....


My ex lived with us for almost a year when he broke up with his girlfriend.  My daughter with my husband would chide "That's ******* beer, not yours."  And, he would watch her sometimes and treated her like his own too.  


It was a win win..... instead of paying rent - send the money to our sons (my sons with my ex) while they were away at college. Anything that broke in the house, he fixed.  Win win.  We did have 2 empty rooms after all.  It was my husband's suggestion.  It helped my husband out, not sending them money.  Then my ex FINALLY remarried.  But yes, at one time I had two men living with me....jokes could be endless.  Meghead - now THAT's rare.  


Tamra can be on camera with Ryan's stepdaughters but not her own.  Ouch.  

  • Love 8


I am tired of Meghan telling us how cool a stepmom she is. I think she gets along so well b/c they're both about the same age mentally. I thought the stepdaughter's behavior was typical teen stuff but wondered why no one told her to cut it out.

Vicki's segments this week were rougher for me than last week, probably b/c I could relate to it better. Was she only on for five minutes this week?

I pretty much ignore Tamra's stuff but wondered about her step-grandkids. Are babies always that ugly when born, or was that b/c she takes after Tamra's ferret-face slacker of a sun? Speaking of whom, why is he and his family going to move in with Tamra? I did love Eddie's reaction, heh heh. I noticed Tamra STILL hasn't learned how to produce tears when she dry-heave-cries!

Shannon and David... awkward!

Bored with the Dubrows now. Why was Nicky making a model of the new manse?

  • Love 4

Oh, yeah. Forgot about that, and of course, she had to say something about her mother not being cold in the ground, and warm in the mausoleum. So dramatic. I think that's a common phrase uttered in movies. Didn't Sally Field say something like that in Steel Magnolias? Really, I'm sympathetic, but Vickie sometimes can go too far.

I wonder if Donn went to the funeral?

I was 32 when my grandmother died. She was the first family member i had die and we were extremely close. She passed in late October and November was cold and rainy, I remember being upset that she was cold and wet even though i knew she was dead and couldn't feel anything so I kinda understand.

  • Love 7

So Tamra says Ryan has become a man, but the guy has never had a job that wasn't handed to him by Simon or Tamra, and now wants to move back to OC to be close to mommy (and her checkbook).


Sarah met him online.  She was single, had 3 kids, and lived in a small town in Northern CA.  Something tells me she wanted to (1) get out of Mayberry and (2) get her face on TeeVee.  There's no way any woman would seek out Ryan from afar without some ulterior motive.


I think her I-run-a-gun-shop thing was just more RH bullshit.  The shop caters to law enforcement, she's attractive, and I can see her making sales calls to police stations the same way Pharma Babes trot into doctors' offices.  But she was never the owner and most likely not the manager, either.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 5

David closed that door so he could talk privately to Shannon about bringing what he did up every 5 minutes in front of the cameras. If you don't mean what you said about forgiveness and moving forward then let me know and I will pack my shit and get out of here if there is no hope for us. Well that's what I would of said.

Don't get me wrong, I get it that Shannon is so hurt by David's betrayal. But in saying that if SHE wants to continue being husband and wife, then she has to stop beating him over the head with stupid requests like compiling a list of where he took that woman. Whereas David would probably never say GTFOH, he probably should of said, I am not doing that.

  • Love 5
At this point I'm picturing Shannon going over every menu item from every restaurant. "David?!? Did she have the spinach salad? I love that spinach salad!!!! How could you let her have that salad? David! David! I'll forgive that you let her have that salad, but I'll never forget. I'm trying so hard to get over this affair, but every time I eat this salad I'm reminded of your betrayal."


OMG that was perfectly Shannon-esque!

  • Love 4

There is something terribly intrusive about Meghan glomming onto the dressing/pre-formal party--or whatever that idiocy was.To me, she had no right to be there. This is a special moment that Jim's ex-wife and her daughter should have shared ALONE or with close friends of their choice.


I hate when people say that, "all teenagers act that way." NO, they don't. I hesitate to criticize anyone who is struggling with cancer, and maybe that dirty ape's mother felt constrained by the cameras, but I have to wonder why she didn't knock her ungrateful, nasty daughter's teeth down her throat. And I agree with the poster up-thread who said that Jim should have pulled that dirty ape aside and set her straight...by knocking her teeth down her throat. I did like that the other girls in the suite contrasted sharply with Jim's daughter--further emphasizing that she is a Tamballs-style trailer monkey. One good thing is that everyone will forever be able to see how that filthy ingrate behaved to her dying mother. I realize that people process grief differently, but she (Jim's daughter--sorry I don't remember that loser's name; nor do I care to)  was nothing but a gross. rotten to the core pig we all observed, so I give her a pass on nothing,

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 8

Some women are like this, and I don't get it.  They need to know every detail:  Were you in love with her?  Where did you meet?  How many times did you have sex?  I know my limitations.  I would allow those images to burn into my brain, and I'd never get them out.



That cheesy c-section baby was distinctly fresh from the uterus.



You forgot:  Hayley thinks that it's easier to communicate and identify with Meghan versus her mother.  Keep putting those daggers in the dying woman's heart, Meghan.  This season will be endless.  This might be the last time Hayley's mother forgets her dress.  This may be the last time Hayley treats her dying mother like shit.  And so on.


Hayley's underage and it goes against my own rules to say this about a minor - She's a bitch, and an ungrateful one at that.  She walked right past her mother without making eye contact, and went right into Meghan's arms.  And I don't believe that Meghan backs LeaAnn up when the cameras are off.  Every time Hayley got mad at her mother, she immediately looked at and bitched to Meghan.  If Meghan typically shut this crap down and reinforces LeAnn's authority, this would not happen.  Meghan is playing good cop, and it's no wonder Hayley is choosing her over her mother. 


Perhaps it's the no-nonsense Midwestern in me, but after about five minutes in the suite, Hayley would have been pulled aside and advised to knock it off.  If her behavior continued, the suite would have been vacated, and her little ass would be getting ready in her own bedroom.  If it still continued, I probably wouldn't have kept her from the dance (since it would have punished her innocent date), but her curfew would have been drastically reduced, and she'd lose her phone.  There is nothing that grates on me more than an obnoxious teenager.



The only person who cracked down on Hayley's entitlement and bitchy behavior was Jim.  LeAnn had a smile plastered on the whole time.  I don't think it's Jim who's teaching her to act like this.  She has a mother who seems to have no authority or respect, and a step-mother who indulges and coddles her for her own benefit.  At this point, I think Meghan deserves Hayley, and LeAnn probably fights cancer better when not in this brat's constant company.  I still don't see a deep connection between Hayley and Meghan.  Meghan's crying about LeAnn dying, and Hayley responds with a - "yeah it sucks", completely dry-eyed and bored with the conversation.  I wonder if Meghan bribed her away from her mother so Meghan would have a better storyline.


Regarding Jim's sunset comment, I'm going to have to go back and watch.  I got the impression that he was mocking Hayley's ungrateful behavior, and repeating what she had said.


I don't like Jim, but he backed that shit up (tm Dorinda) when he set her straight about insulting her mother on the beach.   LeAnn smiled and allowed it, and her step-father seemingly ignored it.  They are doing this girl no favors.  At this point, I dislike her more than any other HW's child.  Considering there are three Manzo children, that speaks volumes.


I, too, noticed Leanne's sort of serene smile face that she had almost the entire time.  I was thinking that maybe Meghan went to a lot of time and trouble to set this pre-prom party up totally according to what Meghan liked with little or no input from Leanne or her daughter.  And then Leanne, knowing how her daughter generally reacts to things like this, enjoyed her daughter's less than appreciative attitude.  You think you know me and my daughter, Meghan?  You don't know us.

Edited by rehoboth
  • Love 5

Okaaaay Meghan.

You want to be close to your step daughter Hayley (that's good) and to help her mother Leanne. However, bragging about being hip and cool and "getting it" like a lot of Moms don't. Isn't that saying you want to help Leanne in one breath but then rubbing her nose in it the next breath? And then to mention that because you are closer in age to Hayley that you can communicate better with her "than, say, her mother?" ... This makes me want to wring Meghan's long skinny neck! Communicating as a younger person is not communicating BETTER than her own mother, whom she had known for how many years?!

To me, this just illustrates how self absorbed this Meghan is. I don't like how she is using her husband's ex and her age and illness as a spring board for her own fabulousness. How dare she.

Phew. I'm only 3 minutes into this ep!!

Edits: spelling is important

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 10

I haven't watched the housewives in years but have been dipping in and out recently due to the 100 episodes stuff. I only mention this because I think watching regularly inures a viewer to how god-awful some of these people are. Dropping in again after all these years, some things jump out at me.


I initially thought Vicki's reaction to her mother's death at the bunco party was staged because it was so over the top. I no longer think that. Now I think she's one of the most needy, narcissistic people to grace reality TV. I actually wanted to slap her when she was screeching all the mommy stuff and staggering around. She should be ashamed.


Brooke is using her and is playing her like a cheap fiddle.


No surprises that participants work the reality TV angle. But Tamra does it so visibly and clumsily. She struggles so hard to stay on top. You can see her eyes watching what the cameras are doing, and she marches in and out of situations to deliver her lines like it's bad community theater.


Heather is practically screaming that her husband's desperate drive for money and celebrity is driving her crazy and threatening her marriage. Plus, I suspect Terry might be gay. Plus, I wonder if some bad stuff goes on behind the scenes in that family.


Megan's use of her stepdaughter's pain - her mother's impending death - to secure camera time is one of the worst things I've seen on TV in a long time.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 11


if Mr. Irritable cheated, that would be it for us, because I know that I would never be able to look at him again without thinking about it.  You just have to know yourself, and what you can and cannot handle.

This!  I totally get why Shannon feels the way she does and of course she's insecure and jittery.  I would be too.  However, I agree with the quote above - you have to know yourself and what you can and cannot handle.  I couldn't handle it either.  And if I were to stay and give him another chance, it would be miserable for both of us, so no matter how much I thought I loved him, I'd have to let him and the marriage go. 


I'm not saying that people can't forgive and forget and indeed move on with the relationship and heal, I just know "me" and I could NOT handle it.  To me, infidelity is my deal breaker.  

  • Love 9

Okay, so Megan is a "cool" stepmom because SHE knows social media. She can talk to Hayley about Instagram and Snapchat? Bahahaha! So can my 62-year-old mother. She is a habitual Snapchatter. You're nothing special, sweetie. 


I'm sorry, I know Hayley's mom is sick and maybe she's harboring a lot of anger because of that, but for some reason I feel like she would be just as bratty either way. I mean, she just walked into that lovely setup her parents had provided and didn't even look around. It was like she had walked into a million rooms like that in her life, and this was nothing special. She just comes across as really ungrateful and entitled. 


So all the flashbacks with Ryan about the baby he "lost" juxtaposed with him holding his daughter were supposed to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right? I had the opposite reaction. I was fucking scared out of my socks. I want to take baby Ava and run far, far away. And now Tamra is offering to finance their move down to OC? Eddie, you better shut that shit down!


Coco hates Terry! Love it. Just wait til she finds out you called her a "bitch" on national TV. 


Heather cracks me up. I love how she was expressing what "a lot of work" it is, raising her 4 kids, and then she retreats to a separate room to make a phone call from her leather, highbacked chair, leaving the nanny to wrangle the kids. I know that's what nannies are for. But when you have to literally lock yourself in your room to make a phone call, while kids are going apeshit in the other room, because there's no one else there to help you - come tell me about what "work" it is. 


Shannon and David - SO awkward! FYI - your kids don't need to know why you're mad at each other, or even that you are mad at each other. I do think it's healthy for kids to witness SOME discord from their parents, so they know it's normal and learn healthy ways to deal with disagreements. But that is NOT what's going on in the Beador household. Save your histrionics and passive aggressive bullshit for therapy or when the kids are at school. Because randomly closing the door in your daughter's face to ostensibly have some argument was just shitty. 


I would really like to know just who it was that barred Brooks from Vicki's mother's funeral. Because I think that was really shitty. Look, Brooks has always come off as very shady and insincere to me, and I give just about everything he does (including the constant prayers) the side eye....but for whatever reason, he brings some happiness and comfort to Vicki. She needed that and who was the sanctimonious ass who denied it to her? Seriously. Just fucking ridiculous.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 8

Meagan....news flash, it's not extremely rare....


My ex lived with us for almost a year when he broke up with his girlfriend.  My daughter with my husband would chide "That's ******* beer, not yours."  And, he would watch her sometimes and treated her like his own too.  


It was a win win..... instead of paying rent - send the money to our sons (my sons with my ex) while they were away at college. Anything that broke in the house, he fixed.  Win win.  We did have 2 empty rooms after all.  It was my husband's suggestion.  It helped my husband out, not sending them money.  Then my ex FINALLY remarried.  But yes, at one time I had two men living with me....jokes could be endless.  Meghead - now THAT's rare.  


Tamra can be on camera with Ryan's stepdaughters but not her own.  Ouch.  

I can one up you. My ex and current husband are both named Ed.. For years I have made jokes like, Hi I'm Jennifer, this is my husband Ed and this is my other husband Ed. And I once old someone 2 Ed's are better than 1. I've even called it a double Edder.

Disclaimer. There is nothing funy going on . My Ex has stayed with us for brief moments of time 

  • Love 17

I understand Shannon not wanting to go to any restaurant her husband took "his affair" and then I thought David was home and to bed by 8:30 in the evening-best bet for Shannon would be to check places with Early Bird Specials or room service.  I wonder if when they went for their date night at the St. Regis if the clerk said, "nice to see you again, Mr. Beador, three more stays and you will earn a free night."  Shannon's explanation about not wanting to go to the same place David took "his affair" would have been far simpler if she has said, "I don't want to go where they went."  I don't understand the thing about seeing friends.  I would think if David saw one of their mutual friends that would be the information I would want.


Vicki and Shannon and the medium vs. median.  That was humorous.

  • Love 7

I think she had a face lift a few seasons back; it was part of the show, if I am remembering correctly. Does anyone else remember that?

I think so? It's difficult because Mauricio's mom on RHOBH and Zoila on Flipping Out did as well. Getting an older woman nipped and tucked is second only to vagina waxing in popularity. We'd have to ask the median to be sure. Being the divider on the highway of life and death I'm sure this is something he'd know. 

I have a weird visceral hatred for Meghan so intense that I don't like to say anything about her because I think she could cure cancer (she already knows how to diagnose it just by looking at people) and I'd still dislike her, which is unfair on my part. However, I will say that I wish they had gone with a Vanderpump Rules girl for the early 30s slot. I know Kristen is available. At least they'd say what they really mean. "When Vickie's mom died? It was sad. 100%, like, legit sad. But then I was thinking about it and I was like Vickie? Is literally old and you're a teenager so it's like sad but like not AS sad." She could also bond with Shannon in that a discarded false eyelash could trigger traumatic memories of unfaithfulness.

I found it disturbing that Brooks couldn't go to the funeral. I don't like some of my relatives' sig others but I'd never ban someone from a support system during the funeral of a parent unless something really extreme had occurred. Seems like it'd have to be more people than just Brianna to determine he is unwelcome. If it was just Brianna...ugh, then fuck her feelings. Mom trumps grandma in this case. She can put her feelings aside so Vickie can mourn the loss of her mother with Brooks.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

OK, I'm completely baffled by Ryan moving back to OC.  First off, Sarah seems like an extremely nice woman.  All of her daughters seem very well-behaved & sweet.  So what is a seemingly nice woman like her doing with a loser like Ryan?  Have they gotten married yet?  Is he gonna leave Sarah & go back to OC?  I thought she owns a gun store she inherited from her parents.  How could she move to OC?  Color me totally confused on this situation.  


Anyone think having a kid is gonna suddenly make Ryan responsible?  Yeah right.  I suspect poor Sarah is gonna be stuck raising another kid on her own.


I saw a preview of Eds saying he didn't wanna support a grown man, but Tams is the breadwinner of the 2 of them, so he really has no say.  She owns the gym & she's the one making the big Bravo cash, so Eds can shut his trap & take a seat.  Tams controls the dough.  If she wants to waste her money on Ryan the loser, it's her choice.

Wait, did anyone notice some lamebrain producer thought it was necessary to put Lizzie's name underneath her when she met Heather?  What the what?  Poor, poor Lizzie.  They assume we forgot her already.


I got a very weird feeling with that conversation between Tamra and Ryan that somehow, Tamra has found a sneaky way to finally have the baby that she wanted with Eddie.  I don't think Ryan and Sarah are married yet, and it just seemed like Tamra was trying to talk Ryan into coming back to Orange County with the baby so that SHE could raise Ava.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 2

I know Meghan is hip and indulged the kid in all her favorite snacks but I was a little taken back when I saw the kid and Meghan sitting on the bed with the upholstered headboard snacking on greasy finger food.  I am quite sure there was a table in the room to enjoy their snacks.  I think Meghan should have splurged to get someone to do Hayley's hair - not a good prom look.

  • Love 2
Him having an affair just gives her more room to ramp it up IMO. He might have foolishly thought the affair was his get out jail card. The idiot didn't know the woman he married.


This. Right here. I'm sure Shannon is truly devastated by the affair, but I think another part of her was like, "Yes! Now I will have the upper hand. I can finally make him do all the things I've been nagging him about for years". Those two are so dysfunctional. 


Bored with the Dubrows now. Why was Nicky making a model of the new manse?


There was probably some school project that required them to make a model of a historical or cultural building in their area, and Heather insisted he do the new manse, "because one day it will be really important and historical. It has a porte-cochere, for God's sake!"


Sarah met him online.  She was single, had 3 kids, and lived in a small town in Northern CA.  Something tells me she wanted to (1) get out of Mayberry and (2) get her face on TeeVee.  There's no way any woman would seek out Ryan from afar without some ulterior motive.


No woman would seek out Ryan from anywhere, period, without an ulterior motive. That is truly a face that ONLY a mother could love. 

  • Love 14

Haylie was supposed to be going to a winter "formal"? If so, what were those kids wearing? Is that the fashion on the west coast? The kids who go to Homecoming or Formals or Prom here in the Northeast get really dressed up in pretty dresses and tuxes or suits. The girls dresses weren't anything special, and when I saw Haylie's date, I thought he looked like he raided Ferdinand Marco's closet.

One thing I've learned about super rich people is that the money they have is never enough because they spend it like maniacs. I'm guessing if Terry lessened his workload, Heather would bitch because she wouldn't be able to purchase a $7000 sink and go over on the cost of cabinets by $500,000. Heather wants Terry to spend more time with the family AND she wants all the money his work brings in. Can't have both.

  • Love 8

I know Meghan is hip and indulged the kid in all her favorite snacks but I was a little taken back when I saw the kid and Meghan sitting on the bed with the upholstered headboard snacking on greasy finger food.  I am quite sure there was a table in the room to enjoy their snacks.  I think Meghan should have splurged to get someone to do Hayley's hair - not a good prom look.


I got the feeling that Hayley and her friends would have been perfectly happy getting ready for the formal/prom at their own homes.  Not one of the girls, including Hayley seemed appreciative or seemed to like the idea of a hotel suite.  Yeah, Hayley acted like an indulged, spoiled brat, but she also had forgotten to bring her dress with her (and, in usual teenaged girl action, blamed her mom - this is very typical).  So, right there, you have a level of 17 yr. old stress that probably has no boundaries.  Who knows what else she and other girls forgot to bring with them to the suite?  It is so much easier to get ready at your own home or one of your girlfriends' homes, where last minute necessities are usually pretty available (safety pins, nail polish, makeup, bobby pins, hairspray, etc.).  


I'm kind of giving Hayley and her friends a pass on the unappreciative side of that.  They probably thought originally that it would be "cool" or fun to be on TV, but then, when the logistics are actually staring them in the face, I think they realized that this is not so much fun.  Plus, not ONE of the other girls' or guys' parents were there to take photos, or anything.  Around here, pre-prom gatherings are usually for both the kids and the parents.  Groups of friends all meet at one house, and all the kids' parents are also invited to take pictures, meet each other, etc.  Photos are taken, there are light refreshments, and the kids go on their way, whether by car, limo or sometimes, a party bus.  


I was also wondering if Hayley may be on some type of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication.  She seemed pretty pissed off about everything, and given all that it going on with her Mom, maybe she is taking something to help her get through it.  (Not a good idea for a 17 yr. old, in my opinion, but, hey, I don't live in the OC, where most kids are pampered and coddled that much.)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 5


There is something terribly intrusive about Meghan glomming onto the dressing/pre-formal party--or whatever that idiocy was.To me, she had no right to be there. This is a special moment that Jim's ex-wife and her daughter should have shared ALONE or with close friends of their choice.


Maybe Jim's ex- wife asked Meghan to help. Just because she seems fine on camera doesn't mean she had the energy to deal with whatever planning went on with the formal. For all we know, she may be feeling like crap most of the time (unlike Brooks) and welcomes the help. Meghan is an asshole, but she and the ex (who's name is escaping me at the moment) seem to have a good relationship. I had no problem with her being there.


I did love that Hayley's friends both confirmed that Hayley's mom told her to bring her dress and Hayley was all, "Whatevs".


I think Jim's comment about Meghan not getting the sunset she wanted was because the girls were taking so long to get ready and the photographer kept saying they were losing the light. They problem missed the prime sunset time they were going for because the sun had already set below the horizon.

  • Love 8

At graveside services they rarely lower the coffin while the family watches now.  The family doesn't know how lucky they are.  I could see Vicki pulling a Pearl and riding the coffin into the ground.



Oh dear.  I'm officially going straight to hell.  Not passing Go, not collecting $200.  Because this gave me a chuckle that I really needed this morning!


Ok I still don't actively hate Shannon, but I cannot defend her this week.  Her whole "Stepmom" (perfect description to whomever posted that!) act was fairly nauseating. As was her saying--out LOUD--that she thinks her stepdaughter relates to her more than with her own mother. Girl, have an auditorium full of seats!

I initially thought Vicki's reaction to her mother's death at the bunco party was staged because it was so over the top. I no longer think that. Now I think she's one of the most needy, narcissistic people to grace reality TV. I actually wanted to slap her when she was screeching all the mommy stuff and staggering around. She should be ashamed


Thank you.  I cannot with her melodrama.  Oh and when she was going on about "she shouldn't have died like like"?  Really Vicki? Really?? The woman was 83 years old and died peacefully in her bed with her dog by her side.  As far as deaths go, that one is pretty damn good.  Does she realize how many people die in hospital beds.... sick, in pain, scared???


At this point I'm picturing Shannon going over every menu item from every restaurant. "David?!? Did she have the spinach salad? I love that spinach salad!!!! How could you let her have that salad? David! David! I'll forgive that you let her have that salad, but I'll never forget. I'm trying so hard to get over this affair, but every time I eat this salad I'm reminded of your betrayal."


Omg.  This is gold!  ("Gold, Jerry, gold!!")


I think she had a face lift a few seasons back; it was part of the show, if I am remembering correctly.  Does anyone else remember that?


Yep she sure did!  I must say it turned out really well.


Haylie was supposed to be going to a winter "formal"? If so, what were those kids wearing? Is that the fashion on the west coast? The kids who go to Homecoming or Formals or Prom here in the Northeast get really dressed up in pretty dresses and tuxes or suits. The girls dresses weren't anything special, and when I saw Haylie's date, I thought he looked like he raided Ferdinand Marco's closet.



Yes, I learned when watching Laguna Beach (see--reality TV can be educational!) that girls on the West Coast really don't seem to get all gussied up for formals and proms the way that we did on the East Coast. 

Wait--did I just say "gussied up"?  How old AM I??

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 15

Tonight was most likely the last time I'll watch this show live.  Aside from the fact that there were way, way too many commercials, the episode was a total snorefest.  IMHO.


Vicki's crying for Tamara did nothing for me, especially because she didn't shed a single tear.   She's pathetic to milk her mother's death for screen time.


I thought the baby was cute but there's no way the baby we saw tonight was just born.


Of course that baby was just born.  They were still in the hospital.  Baby still had langao (sp?)  on her. What made you think she was fake???  Having given birth to two babies myself, that's pretty much what mine looked like when they came out, especially via c-section.


I also feel for Vicki.  I don't think she's faking anything.  I'm going to be a hot ass mess whenever my mom passes, so I'm not going to snark on that.   I can't even think about my mom passing without crying.  I do think it was tasteless for Bravo to air this storyline, though, permission from Vicki or no.


Megan is obnoxious, as is her stepdaughter.  Quit calling yourself a mom.  You've been married to this guy for a hot second and haven't dated him much longer than that.  You're also just a few years older than her.  Give it up, honey.

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 12

Oh dear. I'm officially going straight to hell. Not passing Go, not collecting $200. Because this gave me a chuckle that I really needed this morning!

Ok I still don't actively hate Shannon, but I cannot defend her this week. Her whole "Stepmom" (perfect description to whomever posted that!) act was fairly nauseating. As was her saying--out LOUD--that she thinks her stepdaughter relates to her more than with her own mother. Girl, have an auditorium full of seats!

Thank you. I cannot with her melodrama. Oh and when she was going on about "she shouldn't have died like like"? Really Vicki? Really?? The woman was 83 years old and died peacefully in her bed with her dog by her side. As far as deaths go, that one is pretty damn good. Does she realize how many people die in hospital beds.... sick, in pain, scared???

Omg. This is gold! ("Gold, Jerry, gold!!")

Yep she sure did! I must say it turned out really well.

Yes, I learned when watching Laguna Beach (see--reality TV can be educational!) that girls on the West Coast really don't seem to get all gussied up for formals and proms the way that we did on the East Coast.

Wait--did I just say "gussied up"? How old AM I??

The girls were in cocktail dresses; Hayley's covered in sequins. They dress in club wear, not traditional "formal." It seems very California to me.

Her hair and make up were a problem.

  • Love 1
Haylie was supposed to be going to a winter "formal"? If so, what were those kids wearing? Is that the fashion on the west coast?



Yes I thought the same thing!  Haley's dress honestly looked like something Shannon would wear. It was kind of old ladyish. 


Thank you.  I cannot with her melodrama.  Oh and when she was going on about "she shouldn't have died like like"?  Really Vicki? Really?? The woman was 83 years old and died peacefully in her bed with her dog by her side.



I think at one point Vicki said "I wanted her to live a long life".  I mean, I agree this is sad, and I would be devastated too, but she DID live a long life.  This wasn't really a person that was taken too soon.  Sorry to sound insensitive.


My take on David and Shannon is that he was being a huge jerk.  First last week and his cryptic comment about seeing a girl on the beach, then this week, "My day was better than yesterday..."  wtf with this guy?  Just leave then if you're going to do that shit.  Why are they trying so hard to stick it out?  They have zero happiness whatsoever.  I don't think that will change over time.  

  • Love 10
I wonder if David and his mistress spent most of their time at the local Wendy's all you can eat baked potato bar.


I feel horrible saying this, but I kind of wish David would have taken his mistress to see Dr. Moon. 


I think at one point Vicki said "I wanted her to live a long life".  I mean, I agree this is sad, and I would be devastated too, but she DID live a long life.  This wasn't really a person that was taken too soon.  Sorry to sound insensitive.


I'm trying not to judge Vicki, because I have no idea how I would act if my mom passed. I'm sure grief brings out all kinds of reactions. However, I did yell at my TV - "She HAD a long life!" Losing a parent is always going to suck. But you had 50+ years with her, while some lose their parents super early. Honestly, it almost sounded like she was so upset because of the suddenness of it. Maybe she would have preferred her mother being diagnosed with a terminal illness and watching her slowly fade away? Surely it's awful to not have the chance to say goodbye. But looking at it from the loved one's perspective, I'm sure a sudden, painless death in your own bed is preferable to suffering in Hospice for months on end. Again, I'm in no place to judge, but hopefully with time Vicki gains some perspective on this one. 

  • Love 10

I think at one point Vicki said "I wanted her to live a long life".  I mean, I agree this is sad, and I would be devastated too, but she DID live a long life.  This wasn't really a person that was taken too soon.  Sorry to sound insensitive.


Yes - thank you - I knew she said something else that irked me.  Maybe I am over-sensitive about it since I lost my mom in her 50s, but yes, as far as I'm concerned, 83 IS a good, long life. 

  • Love 8

I find it telling that Shannon wants to excise everything about the affair from her life except David. I do understand to a certain extent; of course people don't want to be reminded of past slights, and I'd probably lose my appetite if I found out a certain restaurant was their special place. Still, it's not about hotels, restaurants and dummy e-mails. It's about David choosing to step out of the marriage. You can burn the shoes he did it with but the intent was still there.

Shannon can be insufferable but damn, David seems like a manipulative dickweed between last week when he brought up a hot chick giving him the eye, and now using his kids as pawns in a fight in front of Shannon. "I was mad because your mommy did a, b, and c..." That grossed me out. I liked that the oldest girl wasn't having it. She and Coco withholding affection from Terry on the grounds that he farts won the night.

I thought Ava was adorable and I have no shame in calling out ugly babies! They could've washed the amniotic fluid off her face a little more thoroughly but she had a sweet face and perfect tiny lips. Ryan still perpetually looks 5 minutes away from a shooting rampage. Kind of sad that the Montage of Ryan's Maturation couldn't find any footage of him looking like a nice person.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 7

I'm am so sick of Shannon and David. Get them off my screen already. They both treat each other like shit and their poor children are the real victims in all of this.

Vicki was tolerable last night. I was very glad to see that Bravo cameras were not invited to the funeral. She's a needy, narcissistic ball of ME! ME! ME! But I've known that for years.

It was interesting seeing all the flashback scenes of Ryan and Tamra and how different he looked. Still like a rat but a baby rat Instead. I know pretty much all the women from California (as shown on TV) look alike but it's creepy how much Ryan's baby momma looks like Tamra. I've seen Instagram photos of Ryan's little family on Green Screen so the whole, "move back to the OC" is definitely so Tamra has a story line and because they probably can't support themselves and four kids without mommies help.

These people have nice OC homes. Why rent a stale hotel suite? And if you insist on doing that hire a hair and makeup artist while you're at it! I think the daughter is an entitled bitch but I think everyone, adults included, in the OC are. I expect no less. You reap what you sow and all that. It doesn't make it right and I'll be damned if my own children behave that way but I'm also not treating them to hotel suites, fancy cars, 1,000 sq ft. Bed rooms with private balconies, etc. especially without having done anything to earn it besides being born.

  • Love 4

Shut up Vicks I'm done!  "I want her to be warn, I want her to wake up."  She's not in a coma for freak's sake!  And talking about playing music in the mausoleum?  I had the feeling she meant it was nice for her Mom, and not the visitors!  When she was crying and shrieking with Tamballs, I noticed there were no tears.  Eyelashes and mascara remained perfect.  And after sleeping for one hr. a night for a few days which I do believe - she has to say she's going to drag into work.  Oh yeah, sure you are.  Hate to say it, but Brooks looked better with his weight loss. 


I also noticed she was dragging a Tumi suitcase around.  They showed the name prominently.  And I remember Shannon telling David to "get her the Tumi" when she was packing for the retreat.  product placement me thinks.  They are frightfully expensive.  Either they have to name drop or Tumi giving them some free stuff.        

  • Love 5

Sigh.........Where to start???

Heather:  I just can't with Terry.  I just can't understand how he is as successful as he is.  He must be God-like with a scalpel because I wouldn't let him come near me to do any kind of plastic surgery even if he paid me.  And I've had plastic surgery in the past.  Heather telling her kids about Vicki's mom dying and Tamra's granddaughter being born seems a bit weird to me too.  I don't remember my mom sharing details like that about her friends when I was young.

Tamra:  Didn't bother me at all this episode.  I kinda liked her excitement over the baby.  Both her and her mom did seem to engage Ryan's fiancé's kids in the waiting room tho, which is good.

Vicki:  I still don't think so much of the stuff surrounding her mom's death should have been shown.  On one hand I feel like it was such an intrusion into a family's pain but on the other hand we are talking about Vicki here so I really shouldn't read too much into it.

Meghan:  #tryingtoohard  #she'snotdeadyetyouidiot

Shannon:  She's a loon so nothing more to say.

  • Love 2

I agree with everyone who is saying Shannon needs to kick David out or STFU.  For real.  My (step)dad had a ridiculous, oh-so-cliche, two-minute thing with his secretary a thousand years ago when I was away in college.  My mom called me and talked to me about it b/c she was mortified and didn't know who she could confide in.  He ended it quickly and they stayed together.  I came home 3 or 4 months later for summer break and it was HELL ON EARTH.  She'd drink too much wine at dinner and inevitably she'd start in on him.  After a couple of weeks, no matter how pissed I was at him for being so stupid and hurting my mom, I just blew up and told her to either forgive him and move on, or kick him the hell out, but to hurry up and pick because she was making life hell for all of us.  They celebrated their 35th anniversary this year. 

I totally agree with David needing to be completely open and honest, but this is something Shannon is NEVER going to be able to get past.  She can't get past him eating chips, salsa, and baked potatoes for God's sake.

  • Love 11

Is anyone else thinking Bravo might be planting the seeds for a twist on the Beador's dysfuntional marraige story line? I was expecting it to be a season of Shannon not being able to stop herself from pushing David away further, but I'm wondering ... the strange story David told about some woman he saw at the beach, and the short scene of his taking Shannon into the pantry (or whatever that room was) without any explanation made no sense to me. Why show that? I don't find it a stretch that David could be manipulating Shannon. 

  • Love 7

I wonder if Jim's daughter likes the idea of being on camera and that's why Meghan's there filming at the pre-party. It didn't hurt sometimes bratty Kara Keough(used BMW!!!), although she was pretty equipped with one-liners. Hailey is a bit more restrained than Kara. I also think someone had posted Jim was meant to be filmed with his second wife, so that could mean it's all about the kid.


Brianna was better behaved and actually filmed longer than Kara, but Kara's mom left the show so who knows how long it would last. I suspect after Laguna Beach that being on tv carries a certain cache in these Orange County teen circles, and maybe Jim or his daughter wanted in. Could even explain the quick 3rd marriage-a marriage of convenience to get them all on camera.


Having said that, I want to like Meghan. She's from my area, she seems to be intelligent, but I seriously want to shove a damn hashtag up her ass. Shannon needs to just cut ties, find herself a sweet man who wants to be told what to do. She's wound so tight that when her springs pop Carlsbad will drop into the ocean. It's uncomfortable and she's swiftly losing record popularity. I understand she worries about her kids, but that f'd up crap she and her hubs are spilling is going to scar those kids too.


I chuckled like crazy at the man-boobs thing. Even if it was scripted it was funny as hell.

  • Love 2

So Shannon and David return home from an evening where, apparently, they've been taught to say something complimentary before they say something critical. And what are the first words out of Shannon's mouth as they walked in the door?  "Why didn't you put that furniture back the way I told you to?"


I don't think I've ever seen such a toxic relationship played out on TV. She never misses an opportunity to punish him, he looks desperately unhappy and depressed and those poor girls are having to have these awkward conversations with their parents. Awful.


I am so glad Bravo didn't follow Vicki to Chicago with a camera crew. It was enough to hear about Vicki hauling her mother's corpse out of the coffin without seeing it. But I bet Andy's made a mental note never to miss an opportunity like that again.  I noticed, too,that when Vicki was crying (during Gramra's visit before she left for the birth) her cheek implants looked really prominent and ... not good. I know her face was probably swollen from crying, but still you could see the shape of the implants in her face. Why do these women do this to themselves?


As for Gramra, I bet if she could she'd have excluded Ryan from the delivery room just so she could be there. I think it'll be an interesting conversation when Eddie finds out Gramra wants to bankroll Rapey Ryan to get him back in the OC. And of course, it wouldn't be just him she'd be supporting - if his fiancee and 4 kids are coming too.


I skipped through Meghan's segments. I don't like her at all and as she wasn't interacting with any of the other HWs, I couldn't be bothered to watch.

  • Love 6

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