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S17.E02: Episode 2

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One of my hopes for tonight's episode is that Da'Vonne has to compete in tonight's HOH "tomato" competition.  (Seven slots last night, six new houseguests + Da'Vonne)  Proving it is stupid to take yourself out of the competition.


Maybe.  But now that she's seen the competition, if it is the same, and she really wants to preserve her weave, she'll just "fall off" as early as possible to avoid the paste.


But now that she's seen the competition, if it is the same, and she really wants to preserve her weave, she'll just "fall off" as early as possible to avoid the paste.

Seems to me it would make more sense to make the competition something different and worse as a penalty to whomever sat out the first one. Worse wouldn't necessarily mean worse for her weave, but how long can she preserve that anyway?

That 2nd HOH comp took way too long.

Julie is beautiful but her hair looks really stupid. Snooki wants her "bump it" back. Also her dress is horrifying. Some Georgia O Keefe on acid shit.

I love Vanessa but she is really orange and talks with her hands too much which is weird since she's so sedate in the brief poker clips I've seen of her.

Basically every guy of this 2nd group is annoying. Even the Pee Wee Herman look alike and the math geek. STFU ghostly white rock star dentist, he's feeling himself way too much. Also he has no lips. LMFAO on Da'Vonne's snark on him and calling out the Pee Wee resemblance.

Why are the single women so damn thirsty? How many women season after season blow up their own game and other players for a guy? Damn you're there for half a million not o chase the D.

I don't even think Clays that hot. The best looking male HG was Kaysar and the most attractive females were Candace and Janelle JMHO.

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Interesting second batch we have now.  


I can't imagine John? working on my teeth.  Can he stop that constant motion?  He must have a huge stash of amphetamines with him.


Jason, this year's flamboyant gay man.  He could go far playing the cute puppy.


I like Steve.  I hope he doesn't get Ian tied around his neck.


Poker lady looks sharp.  I hope she's not too cunning for her own good.


Race Team have a big target on them right away.


I see a catfight over Clay just a roarin' down the track, Cowboy.


This season has potential.  I hope the BoB doesn't ruin it all again.

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Okay, I kind of liked the takeover. Or I liked seeing Phil at least. Jeff/Jackie weren't my favorite couple last TAR season, but they were into the game there, so hopefully they will be here too, assuming they aren't voted out first week. Of course, now I really am thinking there is going to be a Jeff Probst Hidden Immunity Idol Week at some point this summer!


Of the new group, I like Steve the best. And I like Liz more than I thought I'd like her. There still is actually no one I hate yet, but that should probably change soon enough.


And for some reason, i found the HOH competition half cool and half boring. It took a little too long with not much action, but the being lifted away and thrown into the hay pile was kind of cool, so that part I liked.

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Vanessa and DaVonne are being rewarded? Safety? A secret alliance? Please either way I want these two make a connection and be this year Hitmen.


Jackie and Jeff they could had kept. I'd been just fine with 14 players. Jackie is giving me Kim K tease. I take it she was brought in for the sex appeal.

Jason is fun but he's so loud. I think he'll make top 6 easy but his mouth might be his downfall.

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When Jason said in the DR he wanted to win HOH so he'd be in a position to be approached to join an alpha male alliance, my heart just dropped. Here we go again, can't wait to see which of the women is deemed a "floater" who doesn't "deserve to be there", or who are "bitches" and are "dangerous" and must go.

I already want to punch Jace in the face. And John. And I need Da'Vonne and Vanessa to team up and become my dream pair. I really hope my initial crush lasts....longer than a week.

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So, Vanessa is female Derrick, minus the starving daughter:


-Lies about her job where she is a professional manipulator

-Will begin every diary room session with a reference to her job and how it's helping her in the game

-Says things that other contestants say, but attributes it to the special skills she's learned from her job


Everything Derrick did last summer that was beloved by the audience, I sense she will do, but it will annoy people. Because the audience at large is willing to accept things in a man that they never will in a woman. Expect the expected. Ziiiing!


(Personally, I like her more than Derrick already. A professional poker player isn't exactly exploiting a long-standing public trust for personal gain [cough, Team America].)

Edited by Eolivet
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Tonight's batch did prove to be as underwhelming as they appeared in the preview at the end of last nights episode. Liz is cute until she opens her mouth, Vanessa brings to mind an old saying "Rode hard and put away wet." The only standout is Becky. She seems to be a nice normal person on first glance.


Jackie! (and Jeff)...now that was a treat! She was my favorite Racer from last season and I was not thrilled when they got lost in Monaco and knocked out of the race leaving me no one to root for. (Was she wearing the same red dress from her final episode?). Jeff and Jackie was TAR's best hope of romance coming out of the near universally dislike Blind Date season and that epic fizzle continues to echo here as it is repeatedly emphasized they are just "good friend" and "no passion".

I'm happy to see them but an a bit annoyed that Julie and Phil didn't make it clear if they are just here for one week or the rest of the summer. Which it is I have no idea...anyone know? Oh, and that clip of them was a complete HATCHET JOB. That was the one and only episode where they had a fight. The rest of the time they got along famously.


Speaking of TAR..I don't understand why they can find men who just happen to be gay like the boy band member and his partner last season and the late Caleb from SURVIVOR as well but BIG BROTHER always has to head straight to Central Casting for the stereotypical and flameboyant gay male a/k/a Jason. It is so beyond tired at this point.


Also Allison Grodner lives in an alternate universe where not only did the Twin Twist never happen before but Allison and her boyfriend Donnie never went on THE AMAZING RACE.

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Derrick was beloved? By who? That one fan who liked Battle of the Block? ;-)


Not by me. But he was chosen for Team America, so he had to be pretty well-liked, and I'm guessing a straw poll of casual, not online viewers would reveal him to be at least top 5 of favorite houseguests last year. In my opinion, "cop" "dad" "cute daughter" ticked several boxes in a way that Vanessa ("dates women" "poker player" "woman") likely will not -- though she looks to be playing a mix of Derrick's game with a side of Cochran's from Survivor.


I sincerely hope to be proven wrong!

So I thought the twin twist was supposed to be surprise for the audience to figure out as well,

but the commercial with upcoming scenes showed the two women.


Jeff and Jackie would not be my choice for TAR represents on BB.  Frankly, I'm almost shocked it wasn't Amber and Rob, haha.  Still, at least Jeff and Jackie got along well together for the most part.


How the hell did Jason win that challenge?  He has twigs for arms and legs and it didn't look like his harness was getting pulled at all.  Looks very much like a fix.  I just hope this isn't so reminiscent of Survivor where the early booties are virtually all women.


Funny that its the poker player and poker dealer, both hiding their professions, that sat out the challenge.


Rock star dentist is very very very annoying and seriously he'd better hope none of his patients are watching.

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I mostly liked Derrick, just hated all the nominating "who the house wanted" and voting "with the house." Which is why I'm still so mad that Battle of the Block is back. I just cannot even imagine how the decision to bring it back came about. Especially to bring it back right away. It just boggles the mind.

I'm neutral-to-oaky with Jeff, but not at all a fan of Jackie. at least it wasn't really that big of a twist to just have two more people in the house. I'm sure most of them will not be that benign.

I was just talking to a friend about BB only casting stereotypical flamboyant gay men. Why not just cast men who happen to be gay occasionally? Hell, even cast a bear or two sometimes! I have nothing against the Jason types, but they don't represent the entire population of gay men and it's annoying.

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Wow. That episode was underwhelming. We have the requisite DR shouter. And I like Liz personally, but who wears a romper like that for one's entrance on national TV? It looked like a nightie. Of course, Julie's dress reminds me of when a Project Runway designer doesn't quite get the avant guard challenge, so there's that.

I have never watched AR, so that was less than interesting. Jackie (?) seemed interesting. Now, these extra two are here to stay, right? Why leave them out of the interview cycle of everyone is sequestered? I would like to know more about them and their strategies.

The second guy to lose (the one that threw the comp)--that was so obvious. Surely the other hamsters could tell.

BotB and nomes should be next, which should make everything more interesting.

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I missed the first ten minutes of the episode, so I missed all of the intro segments, but I got a pretty good idea of what I'm in for.


Liz and Vanessa are the best out of the second group. I kind of stopped watching TAR (not because I wanted to, but because I was in university and had no television and forgot to stream episodes so I fell really behind) about four seasons ago so I don't know who Jeff and Jackie are. Let's hope they're good players. Jason's annoying as hell and I can tell him and Meg probably will team up as some point. Meg has a 'gusband' and she and Jason will be annoying together. Oh joy. Steve's annoying, as is John and honestly, there are so many J names with the guys that I am going to mix them all up.


So, I was worried that Vanessa and Da'Vonne would be automatic nominees because they chose to sit out, but it seems like they'll be rewarded instead. Good. I want those two to team up and become a secret alliance, along with Audrey and Liz. 


Becky's kind of a non-entity for me. No matter how many DR's she actually got, I kept forgetting about her. 


Ok, Jeff, Jackie, Jason, James, Jace, John. Five J names too many. That means I need one of them to be the first eliminated so I can narrow down the J-Crew. Preferably not Jackie or John. I wouldn't mind seeing more of them. 


I thought Jason, in one of his pre interviews, said that he wanted to work with the females. Now he wants the alpha males? For this alone, he's gotta go this week. I don't care if he's HOH. Get him dethroned and thrown out immediately. 


So...this is the season of Beauty and the Geeks, right? All the guys, save for Clay and Jeff (for now) seem dorky. I like it, because it might mean more female alliances, but Jason could very well throw that away. 


How the hell did Jason win that challenge?

When they first unveiled that challenge, I assumed it was designed to favor bigger, heavier players - but Jason aside, the guys were the first out. They went out pretty much from heaviest to lightest - the dancer excepted. The two smallest men walked away with the two HOH comps, so production must not have wanted any of the hunks to be HOH this week.


"Is this for serious? For serious for serious??" Well, that was quick! Scratch one off the list... also I'm having Colton flashbacks... and who actually says wooooooo??


Dubbing yourself the Rock 'n' Roll dentist and being a kid that's never grown up and can't sustain any relationships? Already all over my nerves and *scratch* Two down!


Well, that was I think the quickest/most succinct way we've ever learned someone is gay... blink and you missed it!


OMG it's PHIL!!! *faints* Best episode ever.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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The best looking male HG was Kaysar

Oh yes. And unfortunately also one of the worst players.


Vanessa brings to mind an old saying "Rode hard and put away wet."

That is literally what I said when I saw her. In fact, for a couple of minutes I wondered if there were two transgendered people in the house. Maybe the lighting in the BB house is bad because I thought she had some rather masculine features.


And speaking of horse references, did I correctly hear Austin say, upon hearing Jason's self-intro, that he felt like he was Seabiscuit and Jason was his jockey? Yikes. What does that even mean?


My first impression with the new bunch is I like Liz and Jason.

They were my favorites too although a little bit of Jason might go a long way. Just hope he's not going to turn out to be Iggy Azalea's cousin or something.

  • Love 5

"Where in 'Rado do you live?"

Please stop. I've lived here 19 years. Never EVER heard someone call it that.

That competition was like watching paint dry.

Somewhere, somehow I need the power to not watch this season. First episode was lackluster. Tonight's wasn't any better. There is 100% no reason why I should keep this on my DVR. Help me. Someone!

  • Love 3


Ok, Jeff, Jackie, Jason, James, Jace, John. Five J names too many. That means I need one of them to be the first eliminated so I can narrow down the J-Crew. Preferably not Jackie or John. I wouldn't mind seeing more of them.


I know of this other show where everyone has K names. I can send you a link to it if you want me to.


Jace is at the top of my shit list already. Otherwise, I don't find anyone that annoying yet, even the weirdo dentist. I kind of like him because he's so weird.

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Ya know, I bet in some pitch meeting this comp was a LOT more exciting than what it became in reality... and talk about a sketchy one too... we have NO idea how hard and for how long each was being pulled, you just noticed when they started levitating up their poles/stakes. So damn easy to rig that bitch... terrible.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Why are the Dentist's teeth sooooo messed up?

And how is he going to handle his withdrawal from whatever drugs he is one while on live tv.

I was checking out his teeth. Can't help it when he's a dentist. They looked clean and straight, but they are a natural color, not bleached to Hollywood White Xtreme. That's not so surprising, since whitening your teeth is bad mmmkay? Most dentist know that.  


And speaking of horse references, did I correctly hear Austin say, upon hearing Jason's self-intro, that he felt like he was Seabiscuit and Jason was his jockey? Yikes. What does that even mean?



I took that to mean Austin is the tall, strong burly "horse", while Jason was the spritely jockey and they probably could work well together. It reminded me of the the Mad Maxx movie Beyond Thunderdome, with the characters Master and Blaster who were a duo consisting of a huge musclebound guy who carried a smart. quick little guy on his shoulders and they worked as one entity. Brain and Brawn. I kept seeing those two talking alone together. 


The poker dealer, Devonne (?) (how can you remember names so early?) Her intuition has failed her so far. Once last night with Audrey's story of her families reaction to her sexual identity and tonight she didn't believe that one guy was really a dentist. Wrong! Just deal the cards 'kay? You're not skilled at reading people.


Jace hopefully will be one of the first to be voted out. He's a full on phony and I think people will pick up on that. He will spread himself too thin and will bite him in the ass, but then again Andy was a more toned down yes man, ass kisser, friendly all-around guy, so maybe....


Yep, usually BB is filled with muscle bound, pretty boy actor wannabe males and this year, none. Clay, who just your average, decent looking guy will be one of the last 5 people left in the house. The women won't want to get rid of eye candy guy, unless he turns out to be a full fledged ass.


I would try to gain an alliance with Master & Blaster (Austin & Jason (?)), Vanessa, Liz and maybe Country Joe or math nerd guy and knock out Amazing race couple, who didn't impress me. I gave up on that show years ago, so I'm unfamiliar with them. 

Edited by aurora296
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