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S11.E07: Week 6

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Anyone who needs to announce that they went to Deerfield and Princeton and that they are an intellectual and deep has real issues. Basically Ian left because Caitlyn doesn't have the same class background as he does and wasn't impressed by his. His announcing that he is so "self-aware" when he seems completely unaware of his class privilege is sort of unbelievable.

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I loved Britt's mom telling her he was (just) a friend. Yes, just as we've been saying for weeks, Britt. And her face and TH, "...friend zone...but I'm sure that's not what she meant."


Of course that's what she meant. And this isn't the first time she's heard you talk about him so I think she knows (1) you're not serious and (2) he's nothing special. At all.


But I do feel sorry for Britt that when ATFR comes around she won't have that "relationship topper" to Kaitlyn's F1 that she's been trying for with this (ridiculous) Brady thing. He's creepy and has no talent as a singer-songwriter (imho). I wouldn't be surprised, per comment upthread, if he -did- ask to borrow money. I'm with her mother--she can surely do better than Brady.

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Thanks Ian for giving me a new set up for one of my favorite jokes (apologies to people who share his alma mater):

Q., How do you know if people went to Princeton?

A., Just wait five minutes and they will tell you.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Their having sex doesn't bother me (except Nick, ew, and I hope they provide condoms) but their PDA sure did.

I totally agree with this.

I know I am a biased member of Team Kaitlyn, but as a consenting adult I think she can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants. Even if the "confessional"/talking head clip were filmed at a later date, I do believe intimacy is important to Kaitlyn. That being said...her and Nick were very inconsiderate to those around them on their date (as mentioned by multiple people already in the thread). They were in a church for goodness sakes! I also agree that it's a comment on her character (and perhaps intelligence) that she just jumped into bed with up to 3 contestants pre-FS (depending on what "news" source you're looking at). Have some forethought sweetheart...this will obviously upset EVERYONE.

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OMG and LOL!  I can't believe my 80 year old mother watched this, she doesn't hear that well so I hope she missed Kaitlyn's sighs/moans coming from the bedroom!

Ah, your mama's been there, done that... ; ) 


I'm agnostic, and yet I'm about to throw a bucket of holy water on these cats in heat in the cathedral. Ew. "I want to know every part of you" is creepier than "fiance-type stuff." Why would they not turn their microphones off?

OMG. Kaitlyn is going to out herself because she's going to assume everything they have is ruined because of Nick--not because of Jared! So much crying next week! Seriously, is all of that crying JUST next week?!

I'm also agnostic, and their lack of decorum in the cathedral bugged me, too! Is that one of the "decommissioned" cathedrals, I wonder? Ireland experienced a huge drop-off in Catholic Church attendance in the wake of the pedo priest scandals, and hardly anyone attends anymore (like 20% in a highly Catholic country). A lot of churches have been repurposed as museums and the like. Maybe this one is an event rental space. Gorgeous architecture -- it deserves a classier pair visiting for dinner!


Tornado watch interrupted most of the episode for me but good god, those sex moans were super gross. And now Kaitlyn is worried Nick is gonna tell the guys? So she doesn't want her future to fiance to know about this even though it's on a freaking tv show. How is this woman thirty. She is stupid.

 I don't get it, either. I've always been an introvert, and I never gave it out easily, and this is one of the reasons -- I don't trust easily. She sleeps with a guy, ON TV, not even knowing if she can trust him to keep his mouth shut? If he does talk, would she think that's OK, even though it would mean ruining her show? So weird to me. Totally different world view. Even if you are a woman of free love, so to speak, couldn't you dial it down while on a TV show where you're ostensibly dating a dozen guys? No self control here.


Granted Kaitlyn can do whatever she chooses, but this served to bolster my opinion that she and Nick had something going on before the show. It might have been just texting or phone calls but it feels to me like there was some baseline intimacy and a whole lot of build up to finally being able to be alone together. The only thing I will say is if she is nervous that he might say something to the other guys then that should tell her something about his character.

I had that strong impression, too. If they hadn't already slept together, they certain were in physical proximity at some point. I've never seen contestants on this show, even ones who eventually married, get that physical on the dates themselves, even leaving out the sleeping together aperitif. And I've seen every episode.


We used to wonder how the final one would feel after seeing the Bachelor macking on all the other women, but this? What is Kaitlyn thinking? I hope the guy she chooses is really open-minded!


I shoulda known they were going to give us yet another cliffhanger ending. I'm amazed how many men are still left. I am really starting to wonder if they're not going to have a mass desertion at some point. That said, it has been plenty dramatic -- Kaitlyn makes her own dramazzzz, and she's damned good at it.


I am annoyed we never saw anything of Shawn and Kaitlyn's five hours in her room -- say, wha?? And she actually told him (or he thinks she did) that he's the one?


The idea of a wake date sounded horrific, but it turned out to be much better than at least half of the other group dates. Except of course they had the one guy who recently had a family member die be part of it. Typical producers.


Britt and what's his face are so boooring.... Friendzone, indeed.

Edited by Andromeda
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the winner of the Emmy for outstanding reality TV editing.


I got so much joy out of watching that scene where Nick returns post-coitus and tells the guys about his date.  The passive-aggressiveness on both sides was tremendous. Joe with his "Well, you know, she also took 'extra time' with Shawn" and Nick throwing the "intimate, personal" part of their date in everyone's face, when everyone clearly knows what he means by "talking on the couch."  The subtext was amazing and rivaled anything I've ever seen happen between teenage girls.


I won't lie that I felt bad for Shawn in that scene though.  He looked positively grief-stricken.


As for the wake thing, all I can come up with is that when told to come up with date ideas for Dublin, some random producer said, "Hey, Dublin.  James Joyce.  Didn't he write Finnegan's Wake?  That's it . . . wakes are totally Irish."  

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Wow, you can't spell narcissist without Ian!  No matter how his sound bytes came to be, he did say all of those things.  There wasn't any reason for him to skewer Kaitlyn once he decided that there was nothing there, he only did it because he believes he is superior to just about everyone, and he couldn't bring himself to walk away without making sure he stated all of the ways he is superior to Kaitlyn.  His enormous ego wouldn't allow him to bow out gracefully and accept that she just wasn't that into him - the only acceptable way to go out was to make her understand that she is a piece of dumb garbage for not being into him.  I personally think humor is VERY important in a relationship (not that I think Kaitlyn is funny...she is so much less funny than she was during Chris' season, and I found her to be try-hard then), and anyone who believes over-thinking and being "deep" and humorless makes them a great catch only comes across as the opposite to me. I suppose he has the potential to be a good bread-winner, but the idea of spending my life with someone who is constantly judging our conversations to determine if they are deep and meaningful enough...*shudder*, no thanks.  I wonder if there is anyone out there in the world that will ever be able to appreciate Ian the way he believes he should be appreciated.

Edited by Irritable
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I think this is the church (and they used it twice in this episode): 


"Christ Church Cathedral is one of Dublin's oldest buildings, a leading visitor attraction and a place of pilgrimage for almost 1,000 years. Famous for its breathtaking beauty, magnificent architectural features and wonderful floor tiles, Christ Church is also popular as a venue and is host to many high profile concerts throughout the year. It is home to the tomb of Strongbow, leader of the Normans, who captured Dublin in 1170. The Medieval Crypt, one of the largest in Britain and Ireland, extends under the entire Cathedral and contains The Mummified cat and rat, trapped in the organ in the 1860s. Guided tours, including the belfry, available up to five times a day Monday to Saturday."

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There was a young (or just short) woman holding a camera who had the most horrified expression on her face when Nick was dancing.  It was a hilarious capture by the camera crew.



Yes, yes, yes!! I forgot to mention this.  It was like she intended to take their picture but then she saw their pathetic attempts at "dancing" and instead stood there with the most amazing WTF face I've seen in a good while.

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Mr MML also noted that only Kaitlyn and Nick seemed to be enjoying their own dancing and thought the bystanders thought they were mocking them.

Again with the unimpressive dancing from the "dance instructor" too.

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The editing is definitely off the charts this season. Two things that struck me as particularly weird:


1. Kaitlyn's talking heads after the Nick sleepover, those that were interspersed with her talking to a producer from the balcony, look like they were filmed on the night of the rose ceremony in San Antonio. She's wearing the same dress and earrings, and her hair and makeup look very similar. But she's talking about her time with Nick "last night". I know they film a lot of the "in the moment" talking heads after the fact, but that was a really egregious continuity error for the producers to not keep track of the outfits. 


2. Nick returns to the suite the morning after his date, still wearing the previous day's clothes. Why did none of the guys call him out on that? It couldn't have been more obvious that he'd spent the night with Kaitlyn, and you know that at the very least Shawn would have had a field day with that. 


Speaking of Shawn, I was also getting Britt vibes, as someone said upthread. At least he had the good sense not to throw his hissy fit in front of Jared, but it was still ugly. Did he think that just because he has "trust issues" he's a special snowflake and Kaitlyn should end the show right then and there and declare him the winner? I liked him a lot in the first episode, but he's quickly losing points with me.


And speaking of Britt, she was wearing one of Brady's douchebag beanies! With a floral dress! Indoors! No wonder her mother looked less than impressed.


Again with the unimpressive dancing from the "dance instructor" too.


I actually thought Kaitlyn's footwork wasn't so bad. Nick, on the other hand, looked like was pogoing in an invisible mosh pit.


ETA: Did Kaitlyn and/or Jared even know who the Cranberries are? They showed no reaction when they saw Dolores, Noel, and the string orchestra. Jared only said something about the Cranberries in a VO. Usually, even when it's a group/performer that nobody knows, the lead does a spiel about how much they love that performer's music. Now they have a band who was a worldwide sensation, and Kaitlyn doesn't even acknowledge them.

Edited by chocolatine
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To the people of Ireland [after that endless shot of Kaitlyn and Nick's vomit-inducing PDA and... oh, hell, the rest of the episode]:


We're really, really, really, really, really sorry.  Really sorry.


We never meant to force the cruelest, most repugnant and offensive spectacle since the great potato famine on you and your citizens.  If we'd only known this episode of The Bachelorette was coming, we would have passed a law or something.


Please don't hate us.






extends under the entire Cathedral and contains The Mummified cat and rat, trapped in the organ in the 1860s


ETA: that last part sounds like a pretty good metaphor for Nick and Kaitlyn's relationship.

Edited by bobbyjoe
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I have a fear of birds too and I TOTALLY freak out like Kaitlyn in that scene at the park. I've used the husband as a bird shield many times! The wings flapping and the coo-ing *shudders*


The guy who left...his name is Ian? eh who cares. Good riddance!


Nick telling the guys about how "intimate" and "personal" his date was is all I need to know about him. Smarmy creep. Girls - never date a guy who kisses and tell!


I like all the guys on the group date tonight. I'll be ok with any of them being the next Bachelor. Well, maybe not Jared because he looks too much like my little brother!


I specifically tuned in tonight because of The Cranberries. I am very jealous of that date!


Oh hey it's Brit. Listen to your mom, Brit.

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I'm not one to say this show has integrity but I will 100% not watch if Ian is the Bachelor, that is gross.  A whole season of a humourless ass who slut-shames everyone who doesn't throw themselves at him, yeah, sign me up!


How do people like this even get made? He's like the male version of Amazing Amy from "Gone Girl." 


I still like Nick. Sorry everybody. I thought it was funny after Nick and Kaityn passed the pigeons, she said "I actully did really well." And he was like, "That was really well?" I like a little flirtatious teasing to cut through all the fake sentimentality we always see on this show. I also still like Kaityln. She's certainly not the brightest gal ever but she strikes me as sincere, plus I'm partial to people who laugh a lot. 


Oh my god the fucking Cranberries. And they're Kaitlyn's favorite band? Oh girl no. I guess they're a pretty big get for this show, though. 


ETA: Maybe I've been watching too much UnReal, but during the balcony scene, it seemed to me almost as if Kaitlyn originally felt okay about hooking up with Nick, but the producer kind of talked her into feeling bad. 

Edited by violetr
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The idea of a wake date sounded horrific, but it turned out to be much better than at least half of the other group dates. Except of course they had the one guy who recently had a family member die be part of it. Typical producers.



I don't mean to minimize Ben Zs discomfort about the wake but didn't his mother die when he was 14 years old? And isn't he 30-something now? I'll bet there were other guys on that date who had had to attend funerals/wakes of loved ones more recently than he did. Time he got some professional therapy to deal with his lingering grief.


Or maybe it was just more producer shenanigans. I really feel like this season they are forcing more drama and stupid made up stories about the goings-on - trying to create story lines where there were none and it's all coming across phony as hell.

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If all Kaitlyn wanted to do is get laid by Nick, she could have done this outside of the show. And if she already had (as some speculate), then why bring him on the show?


Ian is right, Kaitlyn is a terrible B'ette...with enough estrogen for the next 37 B'ettes.

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Yes, but do you have birds tattooed on both your triceps?

If I may : I don't like lizards in real life, still, I have a salamender tattooed on my foot because the mythology around it speaks to me and I like the reminder. If the symbolism of doves spoke to Kaitlyn enough that she felt the need to wear them, it's not contradictory imho.

I too have a fear of birds, thanks to Sir Alfred Hitchcock. I should have listen to my parents at the time and not watched The Birds behind their backs after they said no. My punishment for not listening is a long one : 25 years later, I still can't cross a plaza with a flock of pigeons without sweating bullets. At the beach, I'm sure every seagull is out to get me. If I found most of them beautiful and lucky to fly, I don't trust those little fuckers!


On topic : if I couldn't care less that Kaitlyn slept with Nick or the mailman but I really didn't want or need to hear moaning. I don't know, put your mics under a pile of dirty laundry in a closet before getting on with it.

That also made me question if Nick and Kaitlyn were playing with the viewers, because there are some easy ways to be more discret. Going to the bedroom while cameras are presents and leaving the mics on isn't one of them. All the damage control after that with the TH "when I'm with Nick, I forget cameras"... I don't know, even if I can't find an angle for all this to be fake, the way it played out on my screen, I still can believe it's truly true. 

I didn't watch all seasons of the franchise but if I understood correctly, one Bachelor was a "player" and slept with a lot of the women without it ever shown on tv? Why would any lead do that so openly when the slut shaming is so high those days? I mean, more power to her for assuming her sexuality and not being an hypocrit like Andi was if all of it was genuine but she doesn't strike me as someone here to make a point at all. Furthermore, she displayed a taste for drama previously, so yeah, I can't shake the feeling I'm being played by those two.

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Again with the unimpressive dancing from the "dance instructor" too.

She's also the "hairdresser" who desecrated Joshua's hair. And the "funny Bachelorette" who just delivers cringe-inducing, canned knock-knock jokes.

What's good about her again?

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Seems clear that Kaitlyn had sex with Shawn in their 5 hour "chat" that happened in the days preceding Nick's date.   That is why Shawn was so over the top upset by her date with Nick that ended up in a "chat" on her couch.  A normal date (coming home after dinner) with Nick would not elicit such a strong reaction culminating with a talk to his producer and wanting to walk out.   Nor would Kaitlyn be so upset that she had sex only with Nick.  She could easily justify, to herself, one clandestine sexual encounter.  


She is freaked out that they both will find out about the other.  Nick almost said it when he commented that their time together was intimate.  Shawn knew what that meant.   Looks like that may come to light next week. 


I like Kaitlyn and this season, now that it is rolling.  It is a welcome reprieve from the usual dull and strained effort we get every season. 


I loved catching the UnReal moments last night!  

Edited by wings707
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Seems clear that Kaitlyn had sex with Shawn in their 5 hour "chat" that happened in the days preceding Nick's date.   That is why Shawn was so over the top upset by her date with Nick that ended up in a "chat" on her couch.  A normal date (coming home after dinner) with Nick would not elicit such a strong reaction culminating with a talk to his producer and wanting to walk out.   Nor would Kaitlyn be so upset that she had sex only with Nick.  She could easily justify, to herself, one clandestine sexual encounter.  


She is freaked out that they both will find out about the other.  Nick almost said it when he commented that their time together was intimate.  Shawn knew what that meant.   Looks like that may come to light next week. 




Yeah its painfully obvious that she had sex with Shawn in San Antonio and that's why she freaked out about the possibility of Nick telling about their encounter in Ireland.    I'm actually kinda surprised that the San Antonio sex was edited out but I guess it didn't fit the storyboard.


As for the other guys, good thing they are enjoying the free travel and booze as now they are just the greek chorus for the Shawn/Nick show.  Luckily it looks like  only Jared is emotionally invested so no big deal for the likes of Tanner, Ben Z, JJ, Joe, etc.  

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Bachelorette:  'I'm looking for someone with whom I have a connection.  We both really have to let our guards down if we want to get to know each other. I want someone who will be honest with me and I can be honest with them."


Bachelor:  "Honestly?  You're a bit shallow."


Bachelorette:  "Why you #$#@!%*&!!_@! How dare you!  Get out of here now!"

Edited by Rainsong
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My assumption of the Kaitlyn panic was that she didn't sleep with Shawn last week, despite spending the extra time with him.  She didn't hold back with Ick, so she's now afraid of his over-sharing with the world.  He does have a history of that.  


Shawn's distress was realizing that despite Kaitlyn telling him he was "the one", he didn't get the goodies the way Ick did.  

Edited by leighdear
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Kaitlyn speaking to an off-camera producer was bizarre but her words and reactions were the result of 'talking up' i.e. the method used by production staff on those horrible daytime talk shows to get people's emotions on a knife-edge so spouses and families can tear lumps out of each other for your entertainment (?).


It wasn't quite the 21st Century version of Shakespeare's Juliet balcony scene.


Two suggestions for peace of mind:  1) Before he leaves, tell Nick explicitly to keep his yapper shut.  2) Tell the producer you're tired, hungover and just had a shag and to leave you alone as you walk back inside to take a shower.

Edited by Rainsong
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First of all, I totally didn't understand why they included that clip of Brady and Britt and her mom.  It was so weird.  Did they do it to highlight there is no relationship or do the powers that be think there is one and this will somehow make all Britt fans super happy?  The previous clip of Britt and Brady made it pretty clear they are not staying together...she can't seem to coherently say she actually likes him all that much.  And at the very least the confusion at this visit shows what we have already seen--she just doesn't have a real sense of what she wants or how she feels.  


I thought when they went on the group date that she actually has a pretty good group of guys.  They were a good mix, and seem to be decent, nice people.  I loved a couple of the guys jokes at the wake...and even though it was odd, it was better than some of the other dates.


I don't even know what to say about Nick.  I think she got swept up in it all, but she definitely needed some restraint given that this is a TV show.  And regardless if she cares what viewers think or not, she should care what her potential F1 will think.  


I think Ian's statements in the car were the comic gold of this show.  People with inflated egos stating they should be the bachelor while all of the viewers laugh, and think--this is exactly why you will never have the chance to be the bachelor.  ha ha!

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My assumption of the Kaitlyn panic was that she didn't sleep with Shawn last week, despite spending the extra time with him.  She didn't hold back with Ick, so she's now afraid of his over-sharing with the world.  He does have a history of that.  


Shawn's distress was realizing that despite Kaitlyn telling him he was "the one", he didn't get the goodies the way Ick did.  



Shawn would not assume Nick slept with her by his retelling of the date.  I just don't think his level of freak out matched the situation.  He doesn't trust Nick so the Shawn's first assumption, had he not had sex with her,  would be he was beefing up the date to cause jealousy.  


My vote is for sex with both! 

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 Maybe I've been watching too much UnReal, but during the balcony scene, it seemed to me almost as if Kaitlyn originally felt okay about hooking up with Nick, but the producer kind of talked her into feeling bad.

Yeah, first she's the modern fun loving woman who thinks a good physical relationship is important to explore and definitely was laughing about it in the morning after balcony scene. Then Show says oh no, we need a modern fun loving woman who made one mistake.... I think maybe Nick is issue--people don't really like him so they also won't like her (cough Courtney and Ben Flapjack cough). So rewind! Retakes to show her regretting her tiny little mistake....

Also, maybe girl needs to lay off the Guiness and Jameson's til she leaves Ireland. They can make you do some regretful deeds.

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Ok so she bangs Nick then she regrets it because she's afraid he's going to run and tell the guys which in a way he does, he just doesn't come out and say they had sex but sorts of hints..  When Kaitlynn is doing her balconey scene (where I don't think she knows she's being filmed) she says she's afraid he's going to tell the other guys and she doesn't want them to get upset and leave. She said she's afraid everyone will leave and at the end of this she will be left with no one. Um ok, even if every single other guy packs up and leaves isn't she left with Nick?  Or does Nick really suck in bed and after trying him out she's decided he's not "the one"?  She was all into Nick and now she's more worried about Shawn and the others finding out and abandoning ship.  Felt so bad for Ben Z at the Irish wake. that was creepy and wrong. I know it was supposed to be funny and the guys were cute with their jokes but how cruel to subject Ben Z to that. I realize he was 14 when his mom died but still..

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And speaking of Britt, she was wearing one of Brady's douchebag beanies! With a floral dress! Indoors!

I thought that was absolutely hilarious, like a reversal of the dread parents of teenage girls have that their daughter will go out with  the high school bad boy and come home covered in piercings.  Instead beautiful Britt goes out with a Pauley Shore man-child and regresses to her middle-school years.


My over-friendly brother went to Dublin and said that in every pub he entered, the Irish guys wanted to beat him up.  So when Nick started making out on the bar stool I had high hopes. 


My vote is Shawn didn't have sex with Kaitlyn,  I think he said something about talking for six hours.


Every time Nick looks up through his lashes with that simpering little smile and his finger tips over his lips, he reminds me of a well trained Geisha.


I really, really like Tanner.  He seems like he's probably the smartest guy there yet friendly with all the others and with a delightful self-deprecating humor.  Take note Ian, that's how it's done.


I'm starting to get really mad at the way they're running the show this year.  How many times did we see teasers of Shawn busting into Kaitlyn's room with the voice over saying, "I thought we had something together?"  Now it appears he said that line to one of the camera men. I sit up for two hours waiting for confrontations that are promised in the beginning and never happen and every little bit of drama is dragged out over two or three shows.

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I was in Dublin a few years back and I kept looking for a shot of this place.  I don't know if it's still there but it was right near many places they showed, like Temple Bar, the Ha'penny bridge, and the Dublin Spire.  Missed opportunity!



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I decided to watch live and ignore my insane hatred for that vile Nick person. Gaaagggggg. Should have watched it on tape to FF.

I actually like Kaitlan. And thinks she's a decent bachelorette. Oh well, different strokes I guess. No pun intended.

I was reading Twitter tonight and was shocked at the nastiness directed at her. I wish people would give the girl a break, people sometimes do dumb things.

The slut-shaming going on towards her this morning is repulsive.


There was a young (or just short) woman holding a camera who had the most horrified expression on her face when Nick was dancing.  It was a hilarious capture by the camera crew.

Here she is, courtesy of Kristen Baldwin at Yahoo Entertainment:


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Last night, Kaitlyn did the talking head interview wearing a white lace dress, and her makeup looked different.  A few of us wondered if that interview had been done much later, like in real time very recently, because something was "off" .

Well, I turned on Good Morning America this morning and Kaitlyn is on  -  in the white lace dress and pale pink lipstick.  

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Good catch by the poster who said the morning after balcony scene was most likely shot in San Antonio.  I thought something was off about that shot, but I didn't put two and two together.  The exterior shot of the hotel where they were staying was of a rather old stately european hotel.  The balcony was rather stark white modern with tons of sun.  It did not match with that hotel's exterior or interior for that matter.  So, I tend toward the theory that it was shot in San Antonio and that she did have an evening of important intimacy (is this a producer provided word?) with Shawn. Also the editor provided word strips?  Who knows if that is what she said in San Antonio or in an interview somewhere else?   Such editing monkeying and fakeiity fake dramaz this season.


I thank all of you posters who pay attention to the show as I obviously don't.   None of this would occur to me without y'all. 


Everybody has their own opinions, and this is just mine:  Kaitlyn is a girl who loves some drama and throws herself into situations where it can occur.   The producers knew this when they chose her.  (I don't believe the contestants chose her for one single moment.)   She might not plan the drama, but she certainly doesn't use any foresight to avoid it either.  And OK, this is just me, but women screaming in "fear" and then giggling and simpering are beyond annoying.  Beyond.  You've got at BIRD  IN FLIGHT tattooed on your arm!   Maybe men like this silliness, but think what it's like when you are 45 or 50 and no longer a darling damsel in distress.   To me, and I know, I know, I am horribly unsympathetic to fears about snakes, birds, spiders, whatever, address your fear and don't make it everybody else's burden to bear.  


And Shawn, your hair is disgusting.  DISGUSTING.  I can't bear to see it.  I don't mind you, but I can't look at that hair.  Nasty.  Nick had some cute moments, but overall, I don't see his massive appeal.  Doesn't he come wrapped with caution tape?  

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I don't think Nick was discreet at all.  I feel like he told the guys he had sex with Kaitlyn in about 45 different ways in like 5 minutes.  I don't care that K had sex with Nick Shawn or whoever.  I just think Nick has no decorum and class and the shit he said to those guys was so unnecessary and tasteless.


I think I have to start pitying Ian instead of hating him so fiercely. But also I hope he never gets laid again.


Thanks for the picture of Horrified Camera Girl Alison.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I've been racking my brain trying to remember someone that reminded me of Kaitlin. What do ya think? LOL!duckfacefullhouse.jpg


Lips need a bit of plumping, but yes, I did think that Kaitlyn looked like a little kid pouting on the couch after Ian left.  

I don't think Nick was discreet at all.  I feel like he told the guys he had sex with Kaitlyn in about 45 different ways in like 5 minutes.  I don't care that K had sex with Nick Shawn or whoever.  I just think Nick has no decorum and class and the shit he said to those guys was so unnecessary and tasteless.


I think I have to start pitying Ian instead of hating him so fiercely. But also I hope he never gets laid again.

Don't you think Shawn strongly hinted that he had sex with Kaitlyn too?  He said almost the same things as Nick except he said they sat on the bed instead of the couch.    Sorry.  I didn't mean "sex."  Meant to say "intimacy."

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Lips need a bit of plumping, but yes, I did think that Kaitlyn looked like a little kid pouting on the couch after Ian left.

Don't you think Shawn strongly hinted that he had sex with Kaitlyn too? He said almost the same things as Nick except he said they sat on the bed instead of the couch. Sorry. I didn't mean "sex." Meant to say "intimacy."

When Shawn say it, its classy. When Nick say it, well everything Nick say is bad.

Even with Shawn possessiveness and slut shamming, people are like poor Shawn. I don't get it

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I don't think Nick was discreet at all. I feel like he told the guys he had sex with Kaitlyn in about 45 different ways in like 5 minutes. I don't care that K had sex with Nick Shawn or whoever. I just think Nick has no decorum and class and the shit he said to those guys was so unnecessary and tasteless.

I think I have to start pitying Ian instead of hating him so fiercely. But also I hope he never gets laid again.

Thanks for the picture of Horrified Camera Girl Alison.

The conversation between the guys felt very staged to me - as if they've been told by the producers what to ask and as if they've been going round and round in the topic for a while. It seemed like Nick was trying to choose his words carefully, rather than be like "lol, we banged, suck it losers," and he seemed sort of over the conversation. As a caveat, I've never seen Nick as slimy or a real villain, so that may be coloring my interpretation, but it seemed like that whole setup was trying to get him to tell the other guys he had sex with her and him trying to sidestep it.

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The conversation between the guys felt very staged to me - as if they've been told by the producers what to ask and as if they've been going round and round in the topic for a while. It seemed like Nick was trying to choose his words carefully, rather than be like "lol, we banged, suck it losers," and he seemed sort of over the conversation. As a caveat, I've never seen Nick as slimy or a real villain, so that may be coloring my interpretation, but it seemed like that whole setup was trying to get him to tell the other guys he had sex with her and him trying to sidestep it.

Brooks for Does season said none of the guys recapping their dates are natural. Its all producers asking questions.
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What about how Nick said he knew how Ian was feeling and what he was going to do and say to Kaitlyn?  Nick is oh so smarmy!  Of course he knew, and tried to give advice to Ian not to hurt Kaitlyn because he really really like cares.  Eye rolll.  If that was any other guy Kaitlyn would be indignant like "You knew?  And didn't tell me?"  This season is so lame.

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The heavy make out scenes with a cut to the cross on the altar were distasteful.


I thought the fact they were nearly engaging in foreplay in a church was pretty disrespectful, and I'm Jewish. Frankly, given that, I don't find the cut to the cross all that much more distateful. It's almost like someone shaking a judgy finger at her and saying, "Ahem...perspective. Remember where you are!" OTOH, I'm sure the editors were *actually* giggling in the editing suite, because the footage was golden. Why do I watch this show when I feel I need a shower afterward?

Edited by Captain Asshat
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I thought the fact they were nearly engaging in foreplay in a church was pretty disrespectful, and I'm Jewish. Frankly, given that, I don't find the cut to the cross all that much more distateful. It's almost like someone shaking a judgy finger at her and saying, "Ahem...perspective. Remember where you are!" OTOH, I'm sure they were giggling in the editing suite, because the footage was golden. Why do I watch this show when I feel I need a shower afterward?


ITA!  I have no problem with Katlyn wanting to take a fun day with a guy she likes to the next level but BARF with the overly PDAs!  Hugging, kissing, holding hands is one thing but IMO the hand up her dress, the french kissing, maybe I'm old fashioned but I say keep that behind close doors.  (Maybe, maybe in the pub with lots of drinking going on was ok but just walking around on the streets and in the church was just gross)


And it doesn't help that I find Nick a total scuz anyway.  I just get douche bag realness from him. 



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I didn't even recognize Britt with that knit hat on during the credits.  I think she takes on the personality/characteristics of whoever she dates.  All during Chris' season as well as the first episode of this season, she was all about having her hair draped in a specific manner.  Then, she completely covers her hair with a knit hat?  Doesn't make sense.


As to the episode itself, I felt really bad for Joshua.  I believe that he was being sincere and honestly thought that when Kaitlyn asked them their opinions about Nick and how things were among the men, that she really meant it.  He didn't get the memo that what she really wanted to hear was that any decision she made was GREAT!  Also, she really did seem to purposefully humiliate him with that haircut.  I really like him.

Now, the wake.  Even though my parents died years ago, I thought that wake was in extremely poor taste.  I think (and this is only my opinion and I know others disagree with it) that for many people there are just some things to not mock.  And, I think death is one of these things.  Many of us miss our loved ones even though years may have passed since they died, and we still feel the reality of it.  I liked that Ben Z. was honest about his feelings.  I liked Tanner's humor during it.  But, I think that the show purposefully created an awkward situation (who would have ever guessed.....).

It was interesting that Kaitlyn's main concern about the guys finding out that she has already had sex with one or two of them is that they would all leave and she would be alone at the end.  Hmmm.  I hope that all of the guys realize that the only real relationship they will get out of this are the friendships they make with each other.

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What about how Nick said he knew how Ian was feeling and what he was going to do and say to Kaitlyn? Nick is oh so smarmy! Of course he knew, and tried to give advice to Ian not to hurt Kaitlyn because he really really like cares. Eye rolll. If that was any other guy Kaitlyn would be indignant like "You knew? And didn't tell me?" This season is so lame.

YES YES YES! Nick's shit-eating grin while he was telling her this made me want to punch out my TV--he is such an Eddie Haskell turning everything to make him seem like he added value to it. Why she didn't turn on him for pretty much encouraging Ian is beyond comprehension.

Although she did not really seem that upset about what Ian said--perhaps she has heard it before....

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Did we see Ian talking to Nick last episode and Nick not saying anything? So he should have ran and tell that to Kaitlyn?



Yes we did see Nick & Ian talking last week but I guess he didn't bother telling Kaitlyn about their little conversation.  I remember it as Nick had his usual smirk going.

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