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S07.E02: New House, Old Grudges

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Episode 2 and Sonja continues to be delusional and rude.  Complains about the guest room she's staying at in Ramona's SH house.  Is this where Mario sleeps when he's in the dog house?   Oh super sensitive.  I'd have to be contractually obligated to house her from that point on.  I'd get an oversized doghouse, put it near the pool and point her in that direction next time. 


Nice of Carole to bring a pillow to nod off in the car while Heather is talking to her.  Carole really needs to lay off the injections.  Very distorted looking.  Almost as bad as Brandi.


Loved the flashbacks at the bar at LuAnn's house.  Bye Cindy!  Bye last season wannabe! 


Ramona's apology is hollow.  LuAnn was more gracious than Ramona deserved.   And no Ramona, you don't need to go through something bad to know it sucks for the other person.  I haven't had a husband cheat on my publicly (or privately) and then go through a messy divorce but you know what?  I'd know it sucked.


Yay, no Kristin so far.  More B whining about her apartment, hotels, cars, offices and saying inappropriate things in front of paid staff.  Yea, I bet your driver wants a drink every time you are around, he'd probably even drink your Skinny Girl artificial crap.

  • Love 7

Episode 2 and Sonja continues to be delusional and rude. Complains about the guest room she's staying at in Ramona's SH house. Is this where Mario sleeps when he's in the dog house? Oh super sensitive. I'd have to be contractually obligated to house her from that point on. I'd get an oversized doghouse, put it near the pool and point her in that direction next time.

Nice of Carole to bring a pillow to nod off in the car while Heather is talking to her. Carole really needs to lay off the injections. Very distorted looking. Almost as bad as Brandi.

Loved the flashbacks at the bar at LuAnn's house. Bye Cindy! Bye last season wannabe!

Ramona's apology is hollow. LuAnn was more gracious than Ramona deserved. And no Ramona, you don't need to go through something bad to know it sucks for the other person. I haven't had a husband cheat on my publicly (or privately) and then go through a messy divorce but you know what? I'd know it sucked.

Yay, no Kristin so far. More B whining about her apartment, hotels, cars, offices and saying inappropriate things in front of paid staff. Yea, I bet your driver wants a drink every time you are around, he'd probably even drink your Skinny Girl artificial crap.

i saw it differently, I thought Ramona was using the "walk a mile in your shoes" as the entre into the apology. Since Ramona apologizes so rarely, I thought it was sincere. Luanne is right that her actions need to back up the apology, but I thought my Lu could have been more gracious. Of course Ramona, "sympathy" is being nice to someone during their troubles even though you have never been in their situation. The editing monkeys did a good job of showing Ramona's cluelessness back in the day (almost mimicking the cluelessness of Sonja's one-upping of divorce trouble in a backward way).

If Ramona's house is so big, why would she need to switch out Sonja at all? Either she is being catty or producer interference.

On Carole being a writer, I wonder if she is just not good at fiction? Basically she wrote a book about her husband and famous family, while at ABC she would have written at best some short lines for stories, she did short pieces of lunch interviews for the magazine. None of that is anything like composing a fictional world that is internally consistent, makes sense and is interesting. (and yeah, more writers need to learn those things are important in fiction )

Earth to all RH - wear a seatbelt in the backseat. You are setting a horrible example and can get yourself killed in an accident! <off soapbox now>

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 6

I so get Boca Raton 1997 from Ramona's Hamptons home. She needs to lose the dated colors and vibe and get a new cottage like Lu. OTOH Luann's big house was more Hamptons and timeless. The new smaller one is a great choice for her new lifestyle though.

I felt for Luann with people pawing thru her stuff. I wish I was one of those people. Haha would have loved to have gone and been a fly on the wall.

It is mentioned that Dorindas summer house is in the Berks I'm LOL waiting for the awkwardness when Ramona is reminded that she said the Berks are for the poor folk!

I am going to try (or "try to try" TM bart Simpson) to lay off Bethenny her antics speak for themselves.

  • Love 6

Gawd help me.


I really wanted that leopard print and fur-collared coat LuAnn had hanging up at the estate sale.


Yes, I'm just that tacky.  


Yes, LuAnn, remember all the truly vile things Ramona has done (anybody else remember a couple of seasons ago Ramona was all atwitter because she had heard about LuAnn's daughter's raucous party in the Hamptons and was calling Lu threatening to tell the tabloids?) and proceed with caution. 


I have no doubt the Ramonacoaster will be back full speed ahead within a few episodes, spewing her vitriol at all.


I wouldn't trust Ramona at all, and I appreciated LuAnn not issuing a hollow obligatory acceptance of Ramona's supposedly heartfelt apology.


And we get it, Bethenny...you basically live in your car.  Now get your ass out to the Hamptons and stir up a cauldron o'shit for us, okay?

  • Love 9

So what's the deal with Beth and Ramona? I thought they were on pretty good terms. Wasn't Ramona the only HW (besides Alex) to get an invite to her wedding? 

I wondered about that too but I assume that the way that game recognizes game, selfish narcissistic asshole yammering keepin'-in-real blabbermouth recognizes selfish narcissistic asshole yammering keepin'-it-real blabbermouth. 


I realize this is probably just my take.  I think they are both such nasty dicks that they repel each other over time.  Keep them next to each other long enough and one will have to feed on the other.

  • Love 5

I can understand that Andy had to pull a rabbit out of the hat to keep RHONYC on Bravo but I question the over use of Bethenny.  It is coming back to me now why I went from finding Bethenny entertaining to annoying by the time she left Bravo.  Never really watched her talk show so last week was the first time I had been exposed to her in awhile.  First we had the one on one with Bethenny and Andy and now she is back again on WWHL.  My only thing is Bethenny is not the only cure for what ails RHONYC.   I am hoping this isn't just some giddy solution of Andy's.  It is starting to feel a little like the Bethenny Frankel Show, with some guest appearances by various women associated with the RHONYC.

  • Love 6

Is it bad that I woke up happy that it's Tuesday? :-)

I did too! This show actually gives me a happy feeling. Aviva gone and Bethenny back make it a lot lighter. It looks like B stops the whining homeless schtick and starts getting involved with the ladies again this week and I for one cannot wait. Very curious to see why she and Ramona are not on good terms. 

  • Love 3

I used to like Bethenny in the past but this season...she's giving me a headache! Does she take speed? She talks loudly, non-stop, over people, she's exhausting!

Is Dorinda going to be the voice of reason or peace maker this season? So far she has said nothing snarky about any of the women, only nice, kiss assy remarks.

Ok, Bethenny Is kind of redeeming herself on Miss Andy's show. She's not pissed at Terry Dubrows for calling her too skinny and a lady called in and called her out for saying she was homeless and B. Explained about having no filter, she supports charities that benefit homeless people, etc...so good for her for owning it.

  • Love 6

Bitches Who Brunch - Bethanny is back!  Always stay the same Bethanny.


After all this time, I think I get Ramona.  She does not do well at all with change.  I'm thinking Simon showing up at Girl's Night oh those many years ago.  What I take from this is Ramona thought that everyone was coming over to her house for brunch and Bethanny was ruining her event with her invitation.  At least she tried to explain and apologize to Beth but it didn't really come out right.

  • Love 10

Is LuAnn the coolest mom or what? Noel gets his own separate man cave (well, boy cottage)? What a great house, too.


Sonja's got "healing hands," wheee! Sounds like a euphemism. If she's going to Canyon Ranch in Lenox, I've no idea how she's paying for it. That's the place where Cindy took Jill, LuAnn and Kelly in S4 and it's very spendy.

  • Love 2

This episode flew right by! It was actually pretty fun. Ramona being kooky and not making sense, Bethenny and her "is this real life" face, it was like old times! It did feel a bit like heather was goading Bethenny with the "buy Luann a car" deal but I just enjoy heather. She's a good time. And I liked Bethenny way more this episode.

Edited by racked
  • Love 9

I love LuAnn's new house. What a beautiful view.  And shut up Sonja with your opinion about her downsizing.  It wasn't nice.


I liked seeing Noel in the kitchen helping to roll out those meatballs!  I can't believe that he's all grown up!  Did LuAnn say where her daughter is?  I seem to remember her going off to school, but I can't remember where. 

  • Love 11

I laughed few times during this episode so it went fast and was a wonderful break from the ugly drama of RHBH

Bethenny was great with her confused face when Ramona was channeling Kelly Bensimon.

Ramona acting like a lunatic gives me life, never change Ramona, you and your "moments" are just snarkalicious, lol

B and her TH are back and they are my guilty pleasure.

  • Love 14

Bethenny's not my favorite person, but I admire someone who can look another person in the eye and say "I don't want to hang out with you." No games, no beating around the bush. The way Ramona was trying to talk her down was hilarious, considering that Ramona's in a similar situation and that Bethenny was actually pretty calm. 


I agree with Rehoboth that Ramona doesn't do well with change. She herself said "I don't like surprises" in St. Barth's and Jill referenced a time when someone brought a guest to a dinner party Ramona was throwing and Ramona got all thrown off. I think this minutia is exactly what she needs to feel in control and when she starts to feel that control slipping, the Ramonacoaster starts up. (The most egregious control freak episode I can think of was when Ramona was a guest in Aviva's Miami apartment and actually got up to tell the personal chef to ditch a course and move to the next one.)


Think of how calm and warm Ramona was on Scary Island. That's because she'd planned everything.


I like Dorinda. I know she's being politically astute, being the new woman, but I like her THs. I also like that she could potentially be a wild card, seeing as how she knows women previously from both the Ramonja camp and the Heather/Carole/"everyone else" camp.


Kristin could barely keep from laughing at Sonja.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 12

Sonja had a beer in her purse because she was obviously having beer in the car ride over- we used to call them road pops in college.  In college!  Before our brains were fully developed!


I also loved Ramona saying she thinks of her sister as a "living doll" and telling the waitress she loves her smile.  It just boggles my mind Ramona owns a business and property and isn't in an asylum.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 12

Sonja had a beer in her purse because she was obviously having beer in the car ride over- we used to call them road pops in college.  In college!  Before our brains were fully developed!

Usually the show airs 4 or 5 eps before the Sonjasanity appears. It may be a ver-r-y interesting season.


I also loved Ramona saying she thinks of her sister as a "living doll" and telling the waitress she loves her smile.  It just boggles my mind Ramona owns a business and property and isn't in an asylum.

Despite her (loud and incessant ) descriptions of herself as a "strong and successful businesswoman", I wonder exactly how well Ramona did and how much of Mario's money supported the Singers' lifestyle.

  • Love 3

This was pretty awesome. I'll take a bunch of petty women arguing over things like brunch any day of the week over the real shit that just went down at the BH reunion.

This is horrible of me, but thank GOD! Ramona is still bat shit crazy. I was really worried that she'd had a complete PR overhaul, and was going to be so "nice" all season. I mean that bit with their waitress? WTF was that? But then she lost her shit at Luanne's, and I got my Ramona back. I don't know why she can say and do the things she does, and I just laugh and roll my eyes and call her an asshole, yet still want to watch her. But I do. Unlike Aviva, who just made me want to punch someone. It's a very fine line.

At this point, I don't think I truly love or hate anyone. I think I'm getting that third season overdose when it comes to Heather and Carole. I still think they're pretty awesome, but it's like a houseguest you've had for a long enough time that the little things they do annoy the hell out of you. I had a bit of that tonight with them.

Sonja is still the worst for me, though. She's kind of awful. I think it was such a slow decent into awful, and she seems so happy and carefree, that it was hard for me to really see. But yeah, she is really awful.

  • Love 14

I love LuAnn's new house. What a beautiful view.  And shut up Sonja with your opinion about her downsizing.  It wasn't nice.


I liked seeing Noel in the kitchen helping to roll out those meatballs!  I can't believe that he's all grown up!  Did LuAnn say where her daughter is?  I seem to remember her going off to school, but I can't remember where. 


Sonja would undoubtedly do anything short of murder to have that beautiful beach home, especially in contrast to that crumbling townhouse she can't sell.


I still strongly suspect the root of Sonja's recent problems with Luann is plain, simple jealousy.


Damn, I didn't even recognize Noel at first.  He's quite a nice-looking young man.  And good for Lu for picking a place to purchase where he could have his own quarters.  


I was absolutely drooling over LuAnn's new place.  As much as I loved her old place, I'd likely prefer this one just because of its proximity to the water.  Gorgeous view.


And my idea of hell froze over tonight when Ramona poured herself a glass of water.  I was shocked....seriously shocked.  I don't think I've seen her with anything other than a glass of her Ramona swill in at least 2 seasons.  


Great episode...and next week's looks great, too.  I'm so ready for the type of snark that comes with this franchise as compared to that dark, disturbing turn RHOBH took this season.

Usually the show airs 4 or 5 eps before the Sonjasanity appears. It may be a ver-r-y interesting season.

Despite her (loud and incessant ) descriptions of herself as a "strong and successful businesswoman", I wonder exactly how well Ramona did and how much of Mario's money supported the Singers' lifestyle.


Maybe the financials will be public, as they were with Vicki and Donn Gunvalson on RHoOC.


Those financials turned out to be very interesting indeed.  

  • Love 11

I have been there, albeit in a different life circumstance, and going through hard times does tend to humble you and make you kinder. That said, I thought the women went in kind of hard on Ramona tonight. I believe she is learning and trying, in her own "Ramona" way.


ETA: I totally forgot that LuAnn was the one who coined "Skinny Girl!" Whether she buys her a car or not, LOL, Beth sure did not like being reminded of that fact.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 19
Is Dorinda going to be the voice of reason or peace maker this season? So far she has said nothing snarky about any of the women, only nice, kiss assy remarks.



I think you might have missed her reaction to Sonja, which was totally hilarious.  When Sonja was going on with her usual delusional nonsense, Dorinda was giving WTF looks to the camera.  Luved it!  She also thought Moaner's & Sonja's bickering was more silly & dopey & annoying than charming.  Me too.


Ok, Bethenny Is kind of redeeming herself on Miss Andy's show. She's not pissed at Terry Dubrows for calling her too skinny and a lady called in and called her out for saying she was homeless and B. Explained about having no filter, she supports charities that benefit homeless people, etc...so good for her for owning it.



She had such a fucking condescending look on her mug when that lady caller, who said (very nicely) B might have chosen the wrong word by saying she was homeless, because the implication is rather offensive to people who can't afford to pay their mortgage.  Eh, we know it was in no way funny -- just thoughtless, cruel & typical for Bethenny.  Ah, but B babbled some crap about that's who she is & blah, blah, blah.  No apologies, of course.  If I forgot she's nasty as fuck, she sure reminds us.  Thanks, Satan Andy, for bringing her back.  I can see why you both are so cozy.  2 peas in a pod, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 17
ETA: I totally forgot that LuAnn was the one who coined "Skinny Girl!" Whether she buys her a car or not, LOL, Beth sure did not like being reminded of that fact.



No, she didn't, did she?  B doesn't strike me at all as a generous woman -- or one to give thanks to anyone or to be appreciative to anyone.  I've never seen her be that way -- on the show or in interviews.  Once again, I'm reminded why I find her so vile.  Anyhoo, thanks to Heather, for making B squirm like hell.  Now, that I luved watching.  She was squirming again when Satan Andy brought it up to her.  Awesome!  Er, and just why is she so bothered by this?  Hmmmm.


You know, I felt really nauseous by Moaner's apology to Lu.  She has been nothing other than horrible to Lu since the beginning of the show.  I've always hated the way she spoke about Lu's marriage to the audience & in front of her children.  It was nasty as hell.  So now that she's going thru her own shit of also having a crappy cheating-ass husband, now she wants to be forgiven for her asshole behavior?  Moaner is some piece of work, eh?  I love how all this bullshit seems to somehow make perfect sense to Moaner & she justifies this awful behavior in her muddled head.  I'm glad Lu wasn't much impressed by Moaner's apology.  I know I wasn't.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 10

Ok, Bethenny Is kind of redeeming herself on Miss Andy's show. She's not pissed at Terry Dubrows for calling her too skinny and a lady called in and called her out for saying she was homeless and B. Explained about having no filter, she supports charities that benefit homeless people, etc....

She wrote a couple of pretty nasty tweets about him, though. I don't like the guy, but she did the whole "who is he?" game, and chided him for being a famewhore and seeking attention and money. Last time I checked, she, too, is on a reality show, and is considered a famewhore out for money and attention. And both are guests on Andy's show and have to answer questions like "which HW needs plastic surgery?" So what's the difference btwn. the two?

Re: the homeless comment, of course it was a joke and a pun, but it's too bad she can't acknowledge that maybe it was a poor word choice. She did indicate, however, that there are legal reasons for why she's living in hotels and/or renting, so whoever guessed that last week was on to something.

  • Love 8

I'd have a hard time forgiving Ramona if I were Luann.   Sonja's very jealous that Lu just bought herself a lovely home she can enjoy in peace.


Ramona and Bethenny both need to get their meds regulated.  Beth came in guns blazing, and quick to take offense at everything.  Ramona could not grasp what was happening with brunch. 

  • Love 5

This episode was a lot of fun for me, too. The Bethenny/Ramona dust-up was just the right level of reality nonsense for me. Petty but not too dramatic or dark, both players were on equal footing in the fight, so it was more popcorn than cringe worthy.


And I actually kind of like having such a large cast. You need a few mellower ones to react to the crazy. Bethenny’s sort of on edge all the time and no longer the underdog (and you could definitely tell some of the other HWs were treading lightly around her), but her quick-wittedness still works well as a counterpoint to Ramona and (based on next week) Luann.

  • Love 6

So how come Carole wasn't hitting on Noel?  Satan Andy would.  Gee, thanks for the TH, Carole, telling us not to let on you know nothing about cooking.  You've only said that shit oh-so-proudly . . . um, what, like 50 billion times?  Not hilarious, hun.  Lame?  Yeah.  Hilarious?  No.  Second ep in, Carole & the second time I'm telling you to go fuck off.  Sorry, but this crap about being proud of not cooking I just don't get.


Oh that Sonja -- how thoughtful of her bringing her own beer in a bag.  Wait, wasn't that the same beer Moaner was drinking in their lunch with Dorinda?  Maybe she stole Moaner's beer?  Nah, you can be sure Moaner finished her beer.  Sonja must have ordered an extra one (since Bravo was paying) & stashed it in her Sharpied bag.  Eh, a broke gal with no dough has gotta do what she's gotta do.  Funny how Sonja is still going around like she thinks everybody doesn't know she's broke & penniless.  Oy.


So why is it that they film so often when it's raining here?  Just for those peeps who don't know much about NYC -- it doesn't rain here any more or less than anywhere else.  Just saying.  And just as I'm completely baffled & puzzled why Carole is so supremely proud of not cooking, I have no idea why Bethenny would proudly proclaim she's always in her car going everywhere.  Maybe she wants to be Mr. Big?  He did that.  Seems totally ridiculous to me.  Who in the fuckety fuck would wanna be stuck in a limo snarled in mid-day traffic?  Ugh, how awful.  Sure, the subway ain't great, but it beats sitting around in endless traffic in the city.  Oh maybe I do get it.  B wants to feel like a big shot.  OK then.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

Jesus Carole!!! Hose her down like a dog in heat. Sweetie that shit is not cute. I teared up seeing Noel-when he was a little tyke I always felt bad for him begging his Mom to stay home with him. They seem to have a great relationship. It reminds me of me and my 20 year old son. They are basically adults, cute a foot taller than you but it is still your little guy. And they watch out for their single momma's!!


The jealousy permeating out of Sonja is palpable. I really wish she would find a part time job from someone else for some accountability. She is just fluttering through life in a delusion of her  fabulous ness , interns, broken down mansion. There is no one to reign her in and it will not end well.


I put the cock in tails. Shut the fuck up Beth. The sucking, fucking, blowing etc get less cute the older you get. Until you hit about 70 or 80. Then that shit is hilarious. Just ask Betty White.


Ramona- I just can't figure it out. I don't think she is vicious, just very unthinking. That Brooklyn Bridge escapade I still think was not her purposefully hurting Beth- she has no filter. Like when Simon showed up and Ramona freaked. She does not like change and she suspected Alex and Simon had a controlling relationship that reminded her of her parent's. She is still bat shit, but a bad batshit? I don't know. I think she just has a gut reaction and lashes out because she felt very unsafe growing up.


Dorinda may be o.k. Kristin is a non entity. Heather is starting to grate.

  • Love 15

I really like Dorinda thus far.  She may be the most successful new housewife in awhile, who's not helped along by being the victim of a psychopath (like Shannon in OC).  Do any of the women dislike her?  And...where has she been?  


I loved her description of Sonja as an urban myth, and a combination of...two things I can't remember at the moment but enjoyed at the time.


Bethenny on WWHL about the homeless comment- if it were a joke, why all the weeping about it?  It was an overstatement, which is fine but distinct, I think.  


This episode was a lot of fun for me, too. The Bethenny/Ramona dust-up was just the right level of reality nonsense for me. Petty but not too dramatic or dark, both players were on equal footing in the fight, so it was more popcorn than cringe worthy.


Well said!  It was stupid HW fighting, which was refreshing after the BH reunion.  I especially enjoyed that it seemed to start over Sonja, who nobody seems to want to be around.

  • Love 6

Thanks, Bethenny. Now my ears are bleeding.

NO KIDDING.  Like nails on a chalkboard.  


Noel was eyeing that chef.  Move over Carol.  


I like Dorinda too.  She looks like Princess Diana if she were still alive... ;(  


LuMan told the girls "down girls" when they sat down to eat.  Hee.


Luann telling Ramotional that Mario is on dating sights, can't wait.  How does she know?  


Bethenny, Kelly comes back and she says "Bethiney Stoppppp".  I'm with her on that.  

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 7

NO KIDDING. Like nails on a chalkboard.

Noel was eyeing that chef. Move over Carol.

I like Dorinda too. She looks like Princess Diana if she were still alive... ;(

Luann telling Ramotional that Mario is on dating sights, can't wait. How does she know? Uh

I thought Noel was more amused how the "old" woman was reacting to him.

As for how Luann knows Mario is on dating sites, isn't she single? Maybe she is on them as well tons of my friends have been "matched" with exes of their friends.

I didn't watch last season so I kind of dig Carole an Luann's friendship even though I don't like Carole.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 4

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