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S05.E21: Reunion Part 2

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Exactly. For all of Rinna's talk of Kim deflecting (which is true) Rinna is doing the same damn thing (and is not very good at it).

How can Rinna speak to something Kim Richards won't identify about HH?   It is Kim's go to ploy and she somewhat admitted to it-she gets angry and doesn't remember what she says.  It is also fairly obvious she doesn't watch the episodes.  From last night it seems she relies on what Brandi tells her about the episodes.

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I need to recant the post I've made about my sister who is in recovery (I wrote about her earlier in the season leaving the dinner table to read the big book, the AA bible) . You keep reading that big book, working those steps, keep doing your tireless moral inventory. I saw the face of non recovery last night and it's very ugly. I got your back boo and you're doing great!

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Can someone explain to me why I'm supposed to be so outraged that Lisa Rinna sent her threatening texts when Brandi sat across from Kyle and point blank told her at least three times that she was going to beat the hell out of her?


Another example of Andy trying to redeem B/K.  Why would I be outraged?  Why is this such a big deal?  I actually said those same words here one episode into the season and no one tried to smear my husband (well the husband in my mind since there isn't one in the house).  Bombshell?  Naw, totally expected reaction to someone that is as nasty and cruel as Kim.


Just like to add that those stills of her at the reunion are creepy.  She really does think she's 10 years old and cute as a button.

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So ... Eileen and Eddie worked on the same show.  In fact, that's how I came to know (and lust after) Eddie Cibrian.  I wonder if that means she knows how Eddie and Brandi began.  If she does know, either in fact or from rumor, she would be within her rights to throw that shit in Brandi's face as hard as she could.  You wanna talk about how my relationship began?  Let's talk about yours, mama.  And while we're at it, let's call bullshit on your lie that you don't keep friends who commit adultery?  Turn to Kim, the lady in the Pepto Bismol pink dress sitting to your right, and ask her how - if I'm not mistaken - *more than one* of her relationships began.

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Rinna needs to tone it down a bit. I think there is something about Harry she doesn't want to get out and rightly so, it's nobody's business. She is just going overboard with her yelling. I could tell Andy was getting annoyed with her. 


What in Satan's hell has Brandy done to her face? She looks like swollen stone, it that's even possible. 


There is an evil underbelly to Kim and we are only seeing the surface. This woman is vile. I really felt for Kyle. Please walk away from her, Kyle. Let's see where Kim is in 6 mos when her relationship with Brandi falls apart and Monty is gone. Maybe then she will hit rock bottom and finally surrender to the treatment she really needs. 

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There is an evil underbelly to Kim and we are only seeing the surface. This woman is vile. I really felt for Kyle. Please walk away from her, Kyle. Let's see where Kim is in 6 mos when her relationship with Brandi falls apart and Monty is gone. Maybe then she will hit rock bottom and finally surrender to the treatment she really needs.

God, Kim is gonna be a hot mess if these chain of events happen. If shes still on the show (when do they film again June or July?) Lets hope she'll be fired but Im not convinced with Bravo.

Finally Bravo also showed the whole convo between Rinna and Brandi how Brandi deflected talking about her and brought up Kim's problems in a slick way.

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I need to recant the post I've made about my sister who is in recovery (I wrote about her earlier in the season leaving the dinner table to read the big book, the AA bible) . You keep reading that big book, working those steps, keep doing your tireless moral inventory. I saw the face of non recovery last night and it's very ugly. I got your back boo and you're doing great!

I hope your sister does well. I feel the same way about my niece  who is 2 years into recovery. She acts quite different from Kim who speaks more like my niece did when she first got to rehab. Denial,take  no responsibility, blame everyone else. This is not the behavior of one who is in recovery

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God, Kim is gonna be a hot mess if these chain of events happen. If shes still on the show (when do they film again June or July?) Lets hope she'll be fired but Im not convinced with Bravo.

Finally Bravo also showed the whole convo between Rinna and Brandi how Brandi deflected talking about her and brought up Kim's problems in a slick way.

The last thing in the world I would ever do is defend Brandi but I do think Brandi was telling Kim she wanted out of the sisters' battle.  It came off more as just arguing with Kyle but how many times does Brandi have to indicate (to others) that she isn't the right BFF for Kim.  She has told Jennifer on air, she has told Lisar on air and now she is essentially telling Kyle she doesn't want to be in the mix.  This differs from when Kyle was accusing her (in Amsterdam) of inserting herself in the middle.  If Brandi is out next season or Kim is out, Brandi will be sending messages similar to the one she sent Andy about Ramona last night.  (See Brandi thread.)   Brandi is savvy enough to know that Kim has about zero supporters because she is asking viewers to believe her version of events over what we saw.  Brandi on the other hand asks viewers not to be so hard on her because the other women aren't perfect.  Brandi has thrown out the bully word through her inside source to People and now she is going to see if what she threw out there sticks to the wall.   

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I think Kyle should simply get an order of protection against Brandi since she is making what is termed "terroristic threats" against her and setting up a hostile work environment. Kyle should fix it so Brandi has to stay 100 yards away from her. After the threats and the physical assault she has grounds.

Lisa's too for that matter. It's all on tape. What can Bravo do? Fire them for complaining about a dangerous and hostile work environment?

Edited by Trooper York
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I wondered if some of the shock had to do with Kyle saying she'd be fine without her sister, it was her nieces and nephew she wanted to stay close to-- I think Kim's inflated, drug-addled ego never once considered that when push came to shove, Kyle might have a bigger investment in the kids than in The Goddamn Magic That Is Kim.

You could be right. Kyle has probably been done with Kim years ago it's her nieces and nephew she cant live without. It's so sad. That hurts my heart. I usually dont get this way with HWs because they are who they are but stuff like this just sucks. Kim should be ashamed but I know she isnt.

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I will have to disagree with you. Kim had/has diddly squat on HH. She clammed up until her rum soaked brain could think of a way out. Once she came up with the noble façade of " I'm not going to go there" bit I knew the bitch was lying. Goaded by Lisa to spill it she still was fumbling for a way out of her pile of BS.



I loved it when Kim said she wasn't going to tell because it was "very private." Raising the obvious question of why Kim would know it if it was private. LVP had the perfect response, asking if she read it in The Enquirer.

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Real question here: has Kim secretly been watching 19 Kids and Counting like someone I know has (NOPE, not me, no way)? The Duggars have an annoying habit that a friend of mine noticed (because I would NEVER watch them - ahemcoughahem) of referring to their daughter's suitors by their first and last names. She referred to Brandi so many times as "Brandi Glanville," I almost double checked to see which show I was watching.

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The more agitated Brandi becomes, the higher pitched her shrieking becomes.  Last night she hit notes only dogs and coyotes could hear, and I was yipping right along with them - mostly to drown her out and keep my ears from bleeding.  I couldn't even look at her face, either, which turned parts of the reunion into a Helen Kelleresque kind of experience for me.  :-)


Kim needs to get with the program (and the rest of the population) on what a SLIP is.  Because her insistence that Poker Night wasn't a slip is ridiculosity to the Tenth Power.  Oh, and I have always thought she is ugly - inside and out.


Eileen is vying for a slot on my spirit animal slate.

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I can only speak personally.  I haven't watched Atlanta in two weeks, and I am not watching NY this season because Sonja is sad, I can't stand Bethenny, and I don't feel like watching the disintegration of Ramona's marriage. 


I agree that viewers are sick of the Kim Richards show, and I think Bravo needs to make some changes, or they will definitely lose much of their audience.


One more thing I wanted to add - was the look on Kim's face when Andy was talking about Eileen's acting career. Jealous much, Kim? Or maybe Kim has higher standards than Eileen does, too LOL.

Her face was, indeed, hard. 

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Just had to respond to this.


This is exactly what I posted in the Kyle thread about addicts who use their children as pawns against family members. I mentioned this very thing happening to me, personally. I mentioned how the addict will threaten to never let you see their kids again. A form of manipulation. Typical addict shit.  Yes, Kyle did help those kids. She was the one who received those frantic phone calls from Kim's children when Kim was so strung out, she couldn't bother to tend to her own kids. If Kim's son is now suffering from mental issues, it sure as hell is not being helped by Kim's own delusional, fucked up behavior. How long before Kyle is blamed for that poor child's mental issues?


Cut the ties, Kyle. Cut the goddamn ties!! Yes, it will hurt, especially to not be around Kim's kids, but they will understand. Believe me, they will. They know who the fuck up is, and it is not you.

Kim's kids are grown up. They will continue their relationship with their Aunt Kyle if they want to. 

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The last thing in the world I would ever do is defend Brandi but I do think Brandi was telling Kim she wanted out of the sisters' battle. It came off more as just arguing with Kyle but how many times does

Brandi have to indicate (to others) ...

I have a hard time believing this. Brandi has been enjoying the Richards sisters drama being at odds because she thought it would lure way back to LVP. She doesn't like being in the middle because her plan backfired in her face. She was in the press early before the season started going on we'd see VileKyle moments and how she was showing early signs of not liking Kyle/LVP'S reconciliation. Now we see why Brandi wants to slither her way out the Richards drama she helped with by being manipulative and help coach Kim up.

Brandi has relished in the past inserting herself inbetween family drama with Adrienne. Then blurting out Kyle smokes pot but keeps it from her kids. And Bella is an alcoholic. Brandi has her own problems with her sister whom she made a disturbing "joke" at her expense about wishing to be molested like she was. Lisa R called her out nicely what happened in Brandi's childhood to make her act the way she does. Brandi claims she had a great childhood. Hmm. But yet her sister's molestation was used for kicks and giggles.

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rum-soaked raisin. 


Hateful raisin



You guys.  These 2 goddamn phrases are giving me 100% life.  Kadoooz to both of you!


One thing that actually surprised me: at least twice Kim agreed with the women about something negative about Brandi.  The first time was the Bella situation, and the second time I don't remember because of the goddamn martini.



LOL I think the 2nd might have been Kim agreeing with Kyle's point that Brandi has more "issues" with people both in the BH cast and other Housewives casts. She (Kim) said something to Brandi like, "You DO have more problems, but that's just your personality, blahblahblahblahblah..." 


I don't know if I'm getting used to the horror of Brandi's fillers or if this reunion took so long to film that they actually had a chance to settle during the course of it but she didn't look as frightening tonight


Ha!  I still find her face terrifying, BUT I will say that all of those "flashbacks" to the past season did highlight that Brandi's hair at the reunion looked 100% better without that nasty-ass, fright-wig weave.  Even that flashback to the first season during Dana Pam's Game Night showed how shitty her hair looked this past season (because it actually looked pretty decent in her first season!)

Kim is brain damaged from all the drugs and alcohol.  It's caught up with her that's for sure.  Her lies don't hold one ounce of water.  The best she can come up with is "focus on your own shit" or "you don't even know me"  to care.   LMAO!  Kim, IMO, was in the hospital because she was detoxing!  See they wont say but there is IG proof of it.  Hernia my ass!  Monty giving her a pill my ass


Seriously.  It's actually hard to decipher whether she's still using, or just completely effed in the head.  Isn't there a high percentage of drug users who are also truly mentally ill? Like, that's the REASON many of them do use drugs? I feel like I've read that somewhere. It was definitely the case with my ex's brother. He was a heroine user who'd been in and out of rehab many times before they officially gave him the diagnosis of being bipolar.   


Rum Raisin and her Homie need to go .



Amen.  As Ms. Puff would say, "Deuces, Motherfuckers,"


You know, I feel badly about Eileen's hair. It looked so great all season and on the reunion it looks like its in desperate need of a deep conditioning. Kyle's hair is also looking way too severe to me. And then there is Lisa V's - ugh. Lisa R may have had the same hair for a decade or whatever, but it suits her.



I didn't think Eileen's hair looked terrible or anything at the reunion, but I agree it wasn't her best look. It looks SO much prettier when she wears it in those loose waves/curls. 

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Did anybody else notice that Brandi was not going out of her way to defend Kim or back up her rediculous excuses? As if she is starting to realize she has aligned herself with the wrong person.

Yes, Brandi seems to have realized that she's aligned herself with evil - when she only meant to divide and conquer.

There is an evil underbelly to Kim and we are only seeing the surface. This woman is vile. I really felt for Kyle. Please walk away from her, Kyle. Let's see where Kim is in 6 mos when her relationship with Brandi falls apart and Monty is gone. Maybe then she will hit rock bottom and finally surrender to the treatment she really needs.

Let's see if Good Sister Kathy picks up the slack when Kyle has had enough.
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She, Brandi, keeps saying that Kyle denied smoking pot but she, Kyle, admitted to it and said/explained that she just didn't want her kids to know. Another thing Brandi is twisting to hurt Kyle. JMO


And, Brandi will bring it up, yet again, next week.  Is it really so necessary? 

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I loved them laughing too. Brandi is just so ridiculous there's nothing to do but laugh plus it pissed her off so it's a win-win situation. In another group of ladies Lisa R would be on my last nerve but BH needs her. Who else is going to ask Kim how many days she was actually in the hospital? Not Andy that's for sure. Lisa R was acting as our proxy and I loved it. I think I will also delight in her threatening texts next week. It's about time someone stands up to the gruesome twosome.

True - this show needs someone like LisaR so those questions get asked.

Wouldn't put it past Kim to sue over threatening texts - should get interesting.

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And, Brandi will bring it up, yet again, next week.  Is it really so necessary?

Brandi and Kim get off on making Kyle's face and body fill up with anxiety - emotional vampires!
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Maybe Kim was hitting up the gossip magazine racks while checking out at the supermarket.



Do they have gossip magazines at the check out counter in the liquor store?


Practiced (and practicing) alkies know grocery store liquor purchases are less suspicious, because they always buy a few useless food items to throw the cashier off the track.  ;-)

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This big secret Kim knows about Harry...didn't Rinna say earlier this season that he was sober for 3 years (and then there was debate over what she meant by that on here)?  And Kim's been sober that long too, right, according to her?


Could she possibly know him from some treatment program, and that's the big secret she can't reveal?


Seriously??  I really don't think that's the case, because I don't think Kim is in any treatment programs, excepting when she went away to rehab three years ago.

Regarding the 5/7/9 hospital stay, the answer was 8 which makes no sense whatsoever.  She gave the reason for the trip to the hospital as pneumonia and bronchitis for the past 8 weeks.  However, the facts that we have seen fly in the face of this answer.  We saw her out at various events during that time with no coughing whatsoever.  We saw her smoking with no coughing whatsoever.  And, I believe, we have Monty's instagram pictures of her out at a family dinner the night before Poker Night. 


We also have Kim saying quite specifically that Monty gave her one of his pain pills and urging her to attend.  And we have Monty writing on twitter that he never gave Kim any of his medication (because that would be illegal). 


The only thing I learned from all this is that maybe Monty is a liar as well as Kim.


I think that Kim figured that all out using the new math curriculum that is being taught in the elementary schools now.  

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Dayum, Eileen is a fuckin' boss!


YES! Loved her. She doesn't take shit from anyone.  Brandi going on and on about Lisar throwing the wine glass and saying what she did was so much worse than  Brandi throwing wine on Eileen.. loved that Eileen threw out there that what Brandi did was totally unprovoked. Crazy.. that's what someone is called when they throw wine unprovoked or slap someone in the face totally unprovoked.   And for all of Brandi's whimpering about how everyone picks on her and if they start something she's going to throw stuff back in their face? Um Brandi, exactly what did joyce ever do to you that made you attack her over her name, her nationality, her husband's appearance, her marriage etc? NOTHING. Except that she was beautiful and  happily married. Oh and rich.  Everything that you are not and don't have. For all the making fun of the other women's looks that Brandi engages in and calls them old etc. Sorry Brandi but the only people sitting on those couches who looks older than you is Lisa V and Kimmy!  Eileen has what? 15 years on Brandi and looks so much fresher and younger! And Brandi on her high horse about Eileen being a home wrecker (sorry but it takes TWO) If Eddie loved you, 100 women could have thrown themselves at him and he would have turned them all down sweetie! I recall a talking head where Brandi spoke of how JR has a girlfriend now but that he still calls Brandi and they have phone sex. Um if she is so against "homewreckers" and cheaters then why would she engage in a form of cheating with someone who is in a committed relationship?  Hypocrite much?


Eileen and Lisar should just host the reunion because Andy sucks at it. Everything was pro Brandi and she STILL came off looking bad.  Kim can just go jump off a bridge. Kyle and Mauricio need to cut her off completely. If she's renting one of Maricio's properties, evict her disgusting ass. Don't ever give her money don't enable anything she does. As someone else said, her kids are grown ups, they will still talk to Kyle.  Even is its behind Kim's back.  Never really liked Kyle but I feel bad for her. Kim can do no wrong. If I ever acted the way Kim did in that limo ride with Lisa R, at Eileen's poker night or on that private plane or even in Amsterdam at that dinner I would be HORRIFIED and apologizing right and left for my obnoxious behavior. But nope drugged out Kimmy doesn't think she owes anyone an apology. And I'm sorry, I highly doubt Monty who is suffering from cancer  (horrible excruciating pain) is going to tell Kim she needs to take one of his extremely strong pain pills because she has a back ache or bronchitis. Hell, I had two C-sections and never took the pain meds I was prescribed, instead took an advil once in awhile. I've had pneumonia and bronchitis (though not at the same time) and never took any pain meds, cough syrup and antibiotics yes..  Kim is full of it. She stole that pill from Monty and is clearly still on something.


Love that Lisa V and Kyle just laughed off Brandi's antics like they are now best friends. Brandi was seething.

Edited by kira28
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She, Brandi, keeps saying that Kyle denied smoking pot but she, Kyle, admitted to it and said/explained that she just didn't want her kids to know. Another thing Brandi is twisting to hurt Kyle. JMO


That's exactly what's she doing.  Kyle can say what she want but Im sure Farrah, Alexia, and Sophia watches this show (even if it's just half the time).  Brandi basically was trying to hurt Kyle's parenting that their momma isnt all perfection and peachy as she might view herself because she likes to smoke grass behind their back.  Problem with this it only makes Brandi look pathetic because she has done it too along with cocaine she did in San Francisco she admitted to Yoda back in season 4 on the way to Palm Springs.  Then of course her Xanax and wine addiction that she's proud of.  Like I said in previous posts on this topic, Kyle smoking has never ruined anyone's time in the cast nor has she violent or nasty unlike Brandi and Kim who has been tyrants together all season long with their drug and alcohol abuse.  Brandi just doesn't want no one not escape from being called out from the bad mom card.  Brandi keeps saying over and over that people can say the fuck they want to say in the cast about her but she can't say any thing about them.  But Brandi has chose to be an open book and share her whole life with the viewers!  Again all what Brandi use to be cheered for back several seasons ago when she was LVP's sidekick has now gone out the window and now she has the wambulance going at high speed!

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Yes, Brandi seems to have realized that she's aligned herself with evil - when she only meant to divide and conquer.

Let's see if Good Sister Kathy picks up the slack when Kyle has had enough.


Brandy hitched her wagon to a nag headed to the glue factory.


Kim entirely should become Kathy's "blessing", let's see how good a sister she really is. Lets see how long it takes before Kathy tells Kim to gather her craptastic booze soaked life and get out of hers.


I wish Kyle would tell Kim's children. "I love you, I love your mom but I can't be around her. It's not healthy and I am resented by her for my efforts. I am tired of her abuse. I want to be a part of your lives. Please visit, please call. If I can help you in a personal matter I will be glad to do so, but if it concerns your mother you will have to look to Kathy. I will help you, I will not help her. She said she prefers Kathy, let Kathy deal with her. I will not have anything to do with her at this point in time. If there is a family gathering I will attend to see you but will not interact with her in any form. She has made her choice, I am making mine."

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I hope some of you are right and Andy knows Brandi is gone, and that is why he is so biased. Andy has always had his favorites, but lord, last night was too much.

He treated Brandi like a delicate flower.

Rinna was willing to ask what Andy never would, so I liked that.

Kim knows nothing about Harry, she looked like a fool.

Brandi has the most irrational reactions about her children. If you watched wwhl when Jeff Lewis was on with her, Andy and Jeff joked about her eggs and she flipped out about "don't talk about my kids blah blah". Andy had to talk her down. Andy explained they never mentioned her kids. Just like her dumb reaction to Rinna basing her trashy mom look on Brandi, had nothing to do with her boy's.

Edited by imjagain
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Lisa R and Eileen:

It is clear to me, that as the new ladies, who have watched these shows like the rest of us viewers, and witnessing the slant that some HWs are given, via editing or Andy...that they have decided to be the viewer's voice and ask the tough questions and utilize strong statements that the rest of us viewers want Andy to say! Thank you! While it does seem that LisaR and at times, Eileen, are inserting themselves, I love what they are bringing to the reunion.

Smoking gun?! If it refers to LisaR's threatening texts, it's only considered dramatic because it is coming from LisaR not Brandi or Kim. Why is it ok for Brandi and Kim to go there, but when another HW does, it's going too far? Is that because Brandi and Kim cross the line of decency so often, that Andy employs different standards for the HWs with no boundaries, while looking down on HWs that "should know better?"

It feels like Eileen and LisaR are simply doing Andy's job. Some have pointed out that Andy may be giving Brandi the opportunity to hang herself...and I think that is a valid point. But, but, but, it's not that he is making Brandi feel safe to hang herself, but the wording of the questions are not putting her on the spot, they are phrased to show her in a favorable light by highlighting Brandi's point of view. (As if we need to understand what she's going through) So, instead, it puts the others ladies on the defensive about their reactions towards Brandi.

Yolanda was helping this rehabilitation of Brandi along...until LisaVP kept pushing a different point of view as to why Brandi does what she does...Yo was trying to say that everyone deserves a second chance, and that in turn puts Brandis victims on the defense. Again, another attempt to rehabilitate Brandi to the audience. Yo does admit that she knew Brandi was deflecting, but she seemed to still try to shame LisaVP especially, into making a statement of forgiveness. Yo forgets she's no innocent...the way she went after Joyce at the reunion last year as well as her constantly calling LisaVP and Ken out all year. She gave no leeway to them, but she wants us to all forgive & forget towards Brandi, AGAIN, because like Andy, they think all should forgive because they have a lower standard for Brandi.

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My thoughts 

Eileen man handled Brandi, and it was a thing of beauty.


LisaR was alittle too much, the dancing the getting up, the "effing the dog" comment were over the top, but I still like her for telling Brandi to get the tampon endorsement.


LisaV and Kyle being friends makes me giddy for next season.


Kim sticking to Kyle not backing her up, while at the same time saying whatever about everything Brandi said towards her. Sickining.


Kyle really crying was a moment that I think everyone on the stage got just how deep the hurt between sisters has gone.  I wasn't a Kyle before but I think she loves her family hard and I can respect that.


The only times I've heard Bradni screach that loud is when she feels out of her league, like when Paul told her she was a piece of shii. 

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Brandy hitched her wagon to a nag headed to the glue factory.


Kim entirely should become Kathy's "blessing", let's see how good a sister she really is. Lets see how long it takes before Kathy tells Kim to gather her craptastic booze soaked life and get out of hers.


I wish Kyle would tell Kim's children. "I love you, I love your mom but I can't be around her. It's not healthy and I am resented by her for my efforts. I am tired of her abuse. I want to be a part of your lives. Please visit, please call. If I can help you in a personal matter I will be glad to do so, but if it concerns your mother you will have to look to Kathy. I will help you, I will not help her. She said she prefers Kathy, let Kathy deal with her. I will not have anything to do with her at this point in time. If there is a family gathering I will attend to see you but will not interact with her in any form. She has made her choice, I am making mine."

That would be healthy for Kyle, but she has to be prepared not to see Kim's kids or have them in her own kids' lives - narcissists are good at manipulating people and making them loyal subjects.
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If they won't get rid of Andy then someone needs to stick a earpiece in Andy's ear and tell the little monkey what to say. The bitch softballs the hard questions, hammers the stupid stuff and is shown for a fool by the women. His favorite part of the reunion are the lady's saying "Hi Andy!". He not once asked nor followed up with a hard question nor pressed for and answer. LisaV, LisaR, and Eileen did that. 

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Kim's kids are grown up. They will continue their relationship with their Aunt Kyle if they want to.

Yes, it will be up to them - they'll have to risk their narcissistic mother's wrath turned on them for being (in her view) disloyal. I wonder if any of the fathers have given helpful guidance.
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Why did the title change ?

I felt like I was on my closet floor looking for a tiny Crack rock... I know I saw "Reunion part 2" and couldn't find it.

Edited by imjagain
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There's been a bit of a glitch, we're working on fixing it, the title will be changed back. The way the main site merges the episode thread to link it to the editorial side with the recap has gone a bit wonky. 

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Oh they can talk about Brandy's kids...I would.

"Brandy your boys are adorable, Eddie and Leanne are doing a wonderful job raising them."

"Your doing a great job so far of not letting the boys see your monstrous behavior and raising them not to have your horrific attitude and not treat people so horrifically as you do is commendable. One should give you credit for that, and I'm sure Eddie and Leanne are also doing all they can to raise them properly."

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I'm not "defending" Kim, but she said repeatedly to Kyle when Kyle was screeching about Kim uninviting her from her daughter's wedding that she didn't? So did she or didn't she? I feel like Kyle was just saying that she'd be hurt if that was a possibility of happening. Or maybe Kim threatened it but hadn't followed through yet? I'm so confused why Kyle kept going on about it when Kim said she didn't do that and that she didn't mind if Kyle was at the wedding.

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When will people learn that you never send threatening texts or emails...nothing in writing that can be used against you, folks, unless its about rainbows and lollipops . Jeez.


Eileen: She is close to 60, right? Such a gorgeous, natural beauty. It's nice to see she has just a few wrinkles in her neck and her face can actually move. I can only imagine what Kim and Brandi will look like at that age.  

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Thanks for the birthday well wishes...Between this and RHONYC, it was a 100% downright stupendous night!


I must confess that, after seeing tonight's episode, I regret every single disparaging comment I ever uttered or typed about our Little Kimmie Richards.


I mean, who the fuck knew the bitch...er, woman, was suffering from some as yet unheard of strain of a combination of bronchitis and pneumonia that didn't require supplemental oxygen while hospitalized but did require treatment with liberal doses of both oral and transdermal narcotics?


Add a disappearing hernia and apparently miraculously healing broken ribs and it's a true medical mystery.


Who knew???


Now I'm off to Google around to find a reputable charity which supports this rare medical malady, one to which I might contribute any leftover Vicodin I may have after my own recent medical adventure.


Godspeed, Little Kimmie Richards, godspeed...


(I've got tons of reading to catch up on and then I'll post more but THIS shit ^^^ was just absolutely side-splitting hilarious...Fuckin' Kim!)

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Brandi's blog is up. She says something about Kyle doing something unspeakable at Brooke's wedding. Except now we'll be speaking about it and Kyle won't be able to. From Brandi's blog:


     Kyle, Kim never mentioned you not being welcome at Brooke's wedding; she also didn’t mention what you did at Brooke’s first wedding that was      unspeakable… Kim  protected you and didn’t speak of it, so I won't go into details now, but we all know it was      unforgiveable.



Edited by Linky Loo
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My husband pretends he's not watching but then he will reference something or react to something that's going on with the housewives. So I know he's watching. Two weeks ago I came home from work on a weekend and found Bravo on and one of the housewife shows running a marathon. He claims it was the channel that was on when he turned on the tv but me thinks not.


Back in the NJ season with Joe Gorga's spray-hair fight, I noticed that my BF kept suddenly needing to walk through the living room for something just after I had started the episode. Now, I will admit, he saw the fight scene by accident; he was reading or playing Candy Crush while I was watching. But the episodes after that? That was all him, man.

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I'm not "defending" Kim, but she said repeatedly to Kyle when Kyle was screeching about Kim uninviting her from her daughter's wedding that she didn't? So did she or didn't she? I feel like Kyle was just saying that she'd be hurt if that was a possibility of happening. Or maybe Kim threatened it but hadn't followed through yet? I'm so confused why Kyle kept going on about it when Kim said she didn't do that and that she didn't mind if Kyle was at the wedding.


I suspect that Kyle heard Kim was planning to disinvite her from the wedding, probably from a family member.  That did not sound like something Kyle came up with on her own on the spot.  It sounds like something that Kim would threaten in order to get under Kyle's skin, and then pretend she never said it.

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