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S05.E20: Reunion Part 1

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I've never had the warm fuzzies for kyle. I never heard of her or kim before RHBH, and from the start, kyle (as well as kim) has struck me as being an arrogant, entitled and very mean piece of work....(indeed, the way she went running after the poor drunk woman who made a pass at mauricio at the first season's white party gave a VERY clear insight into the aggressive and potentially violent direction kyle can go when she thinks her 'property' is in jeopardy)...and had I felt neutral toward her, kyle's continual smirking would have been a dead give-away, even if the original game night nastiness with (then) newbie brandi had never happened. No matter how much she tries to play the martyr, I'm not buying it. She and kim are a very well matched set - mean, nasty, aggressive, and totally willing to engage in anything to accomplish their goals - which is to be in total control of everyone and everything withing their purview. Apparently, kyle has simply learned how to hide it better.

Agreed.  I think Lisa VP was the first on-screen casualty of Kyle's mean girl streak in Season 1 when she decided she was besties with Taylor.  Then cried about it when Lisa backed away from her.  She just doesn't get that it may work within her family and hanger-ons, but doesn't fly with the rest of us.

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Good Lord.  What a snoozefest.  Or maybe it was because I had sooo much wine?? Who knows. Ready for Kimmy to throw Alexia under the bus.  Finally, the Umansky and Hilton families will see Kim for who she truly is! A Complete and Utter Asshole!

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I especially liked it when many of the women asked Brandi "who" was talking about Bella being an alcoholic and she replied "the blogs".  It just made it easier for me to mute her.  What an ignorant piece of trash.


I don't care for Kyle at all - but I do give her credit for not biting the bait with her sister.  Although she did herself no favors by losing it with Brandi.  She put herself in the position she found herself last night.  The balancing act she's been juggling all these years continues to blow up in her face.  Pick a lane (your husband & girls or saving your sister and keeping family harmony) and stay in it.  Yes, I'm oversimplying it, but really - she has placed her dilemma in our faces season after season, so.......I can't invest in it anymore.


Lisa Rinna turned me off in so many ways but I can't help but have respect for her relative calmness in the face of the Toxic Twins.  JMO I'm not convinced that her daughter felt any contrition for her chubs comment, but rather Lisa knew that there would be major backlash.  LR is a bit too clever for me; I get the impression that every step of her life is choreographed.  JMO again, like Kyle, one of these days her life is going to implode, big time.  I did love how she shut Kim down about Diving with the Stars......priceless.


I like how Lisa V finally was able to respond to things volleyed her way, with deadly calm.   Previous reunions she sat there like a deer in the headlights.  I agree with many that she has both Kyle and Brandi's numbers when it comes to friendships/alliances.  In the case of Kyle, I believe it was an actual friendship that foundered by actually seeing how Kyle trashed her behind her back - as many here have said, her unmistakeable mean streak.  IMO Lisa underestimated what she had undertaken by befriending Brandi and it ended up with Brandi and Co. gutting her at the last reunion.  IMO she isn't investing herself in this show like in seasons past.  VPR is her soft landing place, warts and all.


Yolanda delivered exactly what I anticipated - very little.  She looked ill and Persnickety really nailed it for me.  It is sad.  I didn't think Andy had the balls to bring up the Yolanda/Brandi exchange, given that she was so ill, but it was great to hear such defense of Bella by Lisa and Kyle.  How idiotic Brandi looked when coughing up her "source".  Like others, I wish her a healthy recovery.  I have my reservations about her chasing all of these different treatments.


I like Eileen and liked how she calmly laid out how she talked of specific incidences of Brandi's misbehaviors, not general gossip.    I hope she will be back next year.  She might not be the most glitzy one in the cast but she actually does have money, connections, and the lifestyle - and a job.  I appreciate how she conducts herself, maybe my age is showing.


Brandi is.....to me.....a lowlife trashbox.   As is Kim Richards.  And that's why Bravo loves them and will probably renew their contracts....

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I don't necessarily think Kim was happy with the estrangement either - but her changing tacks in a nanosecond based on Kyle's non-reaction or measured reaction tells me that Kim might not have been sincere about the joint therapy idea in the first place.  It's like Kim placed more importance on her not being perceived as weak or vulnerable than actually taking a step towards rebuilding a relationship with her sister.  This is what I see as an abuse of Kim's "power" over Kyle -- imo, Kim just wants to play this game as long as she has the upper hand (ie, Kyle is supposed to jump in with the "I love you, let's do it..." stuff.) . Personally, I hope Kyle is over it, which would remove some of that power and put them on more equal footing, should they choose to move forward.  Again, just my opinion. 

By keeping Kyle out of her life Kim has a built in pity party if and when Monty passes or she loses her court case to scream Kyle was not there for her or Kyle abandoned her in her time of need.  I think Kim's guilting power is losing some of its potency.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Kyle barely said 5 words last night. What was she leading?

Exactly.  I think she worked very hard not to bite any bait her sister was throwing out there.  Until she lost her shit with Brandi, that is.

By keeping Kyle out of her life Kim has a built in pity party if and when Monty passes or she loses her court case to scream Kyle was not there for her or Kyle abandoned her in her time of need.  I think Kim's guilting power is losing some of its potency.

Excellent point.  And Kim is damn lucky that Mauricio and Kyle aren't taking her to court over Alexia's dog bite.  I definitely think Kim's guilting power is on the wane....thankfully. 

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I don't get why these women are so fixated on whatever comes out of Brandi's mouth by now. Her motivations, like the thoughts expressed, come from such a shallow place, and you just can't take her so seriously.


She doesn't mean much with most of what she says, until you come back firing, and then she feels license to get ugly back. The whole "stop picking on me" on her part—I think—comes from her lack of understanding that she actually started it. She doesn't get (and for some of these things, neither do I, if I'm being honest) why it's worth spending all this time arguing about something that she spent literally not one second thinking about saying or doing. Should she take a second and think? Sure, but they know what they're getting from her now and can stop clutching their pearls at her already.


Also, in context Brandi obviously said "watch your back" to Lisa about trusting her relationships with the other ladies, especially Kyle, so let's step back on the suggestion of a threat there. The whole "I've beaten you up in my head a hundred times" thing is ugly, but hardly an indicator of anything other than a vivid fantasy life.


So much of the conflict on these shows seems to come from the participants' lackluster communication skills. Seems if they could just express themselves clearly, they'd have less to argue about. Poor ol' burbly Kim trying to compare her selection of gigs with Lisa Rinna, and trying to say—because she did finally say it that way, even though by then the catty umbrage had already started and it got ignored—that Lisa would put herself out there more than Kim. Not in an "I'm so special/accomplished and you're such a sellout" way, but in a "you're way more adventurous than me" way.


Kyle likes to use the "my sister" thing like it's some kind of magic talisman that heals all wounds. There are plenty of siblings who aren't that close and don't get along for many reasons valid or otherwise. Being raised with another person is not a guaranteed passport to lifelong relationship intimacy, and shouldn't be used as a club to try and force it. 


I'm not team Brandi/Kim in any way (because they're obviously flawed people who'd be tough for anybody to handle day-to-day), but I just don't get the hysteria or the need to treat every catty or nasty comment as such an atrocity.

I hear what you are saying and you make great points.

I can say that, if I was stuck dealing with her, I would use phrases to take Brandi down a notch or 2 anytime she made some obnoxious comment to me if I had to work with her. You can ignore her, but when it doesn't stop, she deserves the backhand they are dishing out to her. Just because she's stunted and supposedly doesn't know any better, doesn't give her the right to make up stories about you constantly, and get in your face, than turn around and say she's was either joking or that it's all your fault. I thank God I don't have to deal with someone like her. In the past, I've been around people that behave like she does, never that bad, but close, and you can only ignore it for so long. Just like someone else's child that misbehaves and gets in your space, while the parent does nothing, you can only take so much "joking" from an idiot like Brandi.

It's so sad. She is a broken bird, like LVP and Yo tell us, but Brandi limits her wrath towards Yo and dishes it out to the other ladies for one reason. She's a bitch. She hates people who are happy, when they don't want to hang around with her. I liked the analogy to the dog biting it's owner, however, many times it's done with intention. She is her own worst enemy.

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It makes me sad to see what Kim has become. I'm around her age and back in the day she was my idol. I wanted to be her.

Her hair was to die for and she was everywhere. Tuff Turf, The Horrible Honchos and one of my favorite movies the original Assault on Precinct 13 where she gets blown away at the ice cream truck. I just loved her.

I was so happy to hear she would be on this show. Now I can't stand her. Its sad.

I'm not doing well with my teen idols. My crush was Leif Garrett and my idol was Kim Richards.

I was a dumb ass kid.

I hope Brandi and Kim are gone next season. If not I honestly don't think I'll be back next season.

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It makes me sad to see what Kim has become. I'm around her age and back in the day she was my idol. I wanted to be her.

Her hair was to die for and she was everywhere. Tuff Turf, The Horrible Honchos and one of my favorite movies the original Assault on Precinct 13 where she gets blown away at the ice cream truck. I just loved her.

I was so happy to hear she would be on this show. Now I can't stand her. Its sad.

I'm not doing well with my teen idols. My crush was Leif Garrett and my idol was Kim Richards.

I was a dumb ass kid.

I hope Brandi and Kim are gone next season. If not I honestly don't think I'll be back next season.

I loved Kim's hair and Leif Garrett too.

Eh, still like the hair, I abhor the person. I don't know whatever happened to Leif, I think he succumbed to drugs too.

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My take away from this whole episode was Andy continuously telling Brandi he was defending her, and her fighting him on that!



He may have been defending her, but if the best defense somebody makes for you is that you're the equivalent of the family dog that can't be expected to abide by human manners...


I have no idea if Rinna's daughter feels bad about the comment, but I have no doubt whatsoever that she felt pretty horrible about the reaction it got.  I'm guessing most of us made flippant comments when we were teenagers that if played back to us on national television today would make us cringe.  Doesn't make it right, but hopefully she learned a little empathy.


I don't know if Kim was sincere about the olive branch of working it out off camera/in therapy with Kyle, and then turned vicious when Kyle seemed less than warm to the idea.  It's just as possible that was her way of saying "this is your last chance, Kyle, agree to make up at some date to be determined and don't come after me for the Kingsley stuff and I won't take the fight to you either."  

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I loved Kim's hair and Leif Garrett too.

Eh, still like the hair, I abhor the person. I don't know whatever happened to Leif, I think he succumbed to drugs too.

And I loved both of them on Little House.  ETA, I mean the  sisters Richards.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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It makes me sad to see what Kim has become. I'm around her age and back in the day she was my idol. I wanted to be her.

Her hair was to die for and she was everywhere. Tuff Turf, The Horrible Honchos and one of my favorite movies the original Assault on Precinct 13 where she gets blown away at the ice cream truck. I just loved her.

I was so happy to hear she would be on this show. Now I can't stand her. Its sad.

I'm not doing well with my teen idols. My crush was Leif Garrett and my idol was Kim Richards.

I was a dumb ass kid.

I hope Brandi and Kim are gone next season. If not I honestly don't think I'll be back next season.


One of my favorites, too.


Whenever I've heard "vanilla twist" since then, I always have to stifle a giggle.


And how ironic that her childhood role bitching about her ice cream got her plugged in the chest.


If she'd have settled for the plain vanilla in that movie, her character would have survived.


Life imitating art or art imitating life?


Great movie, one of my standout Kim roles.  Didn't even bother to try to watch the remake.  The original was perfection.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Was Leif Garrett on Little House? What role did he play?

Sorry. I meant both Richards sisters.  I should have clarified. Sean Penn did have a non-speaking part, which I only recently discovered. liefs hair would have worked well with Pa's though

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I'm glad Brandi finally confirmed what many felt when she looked to Kyle during the last reunion.  The "information" about Lisa not owning her restaurants, being bankrupt, and "used to live in the valley" came directly from Kyle.

Talk about twisting the truth.  Sure, Brandi says that Kyle told her. If Brandi said Kyle's daughter was overjoyed as she watched the ISIS beheading videos, that would probably be the truth too! 


How many times has Brandi lied or twisted a bit of truth?  Just recently she claimed Eileen called her an alcoholic. Eileen blasted her on camera and pretty much got Brandi to curl up in a fetal position because she knew Eileen was telling the truth. All Eileen ever said was Brandi was a "mean" person when she was drunk.


I know what show I watch.  I know when Brandi has mentioned an untruth. I don't have time to list every single time she did, but I will mention the whole "Adrienne is suing me" shit. Somehow I think it doesn't matter because as long as Brandi is on this show, she will be seen as the victim and Kyle is a f*cking c*nt.


By the way, that is not the first time Brandi referred to Kyle as such. Remember when Brandi sent a text to Kyle, but she thought she was sending it to someone else? You cannot tell me if Kyle ever uttered *FC* to Brandi, she would not be slammed for it.

Edited by GreatKazu
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It makes me sad to see what Kim has become. I'm around her age and back in the day she was my idol. I wanted to be her.

Her hair was to die for and she was everywhere. Tuff Turf, The Horrible Honchos and one of my favorite movies the original Assault on Precinct 13 where she gets blown away at the ice cream truck. I just loved her.

I was so happy to hear she would be on this show. Now I can't stand her. Its sad.

I'm not doing well with my teen idols. My crush was Leif Garrett and my idol was Kim Richards.

I was a dumb ass kid.

I hope Brandi and Kim are gone next season. If not I honestly don't think I'll be back next season.

My sentiments exactly! It's so sad to see her this way. The glory has faded long ago.

I was thinking about this too lately. It was disturbing to see Jimmy McNichol last season, YIKES.

Well, at least Vince Van Patten held up well.

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Sorry. I meant both Richards sisters. I should have clarified. Sean Penn did have a non-speaking part, which I only recently discovered. liefs hair would have worked well with Pa's though

Ok, yeah I was wondering if I misunderstood you. Lol, you're right about Leif and Pa's hair! He could have been a distant cousin to Albert.

Edited by msblossom
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By keeping Kyle out of her life Kim has a built in pity party if and when Monty passes or she loses her court case to scream Kyle was not there for her or Kyle abandoned her in her time of need.  I think Kim's guilting power is losing some of its potency.

And I hope you are correct. 

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Lisa Rinna turned me off in so many ways but I can't help but have respect for her relative calmness in the face of the Toxic Twins.  JMO I'm not convinced that her daughter felt any contrition for her chubs comment, but rather Lisa knew that there would be major backlash.  LR is a bit too clever for me; I get the impression that every step of her life is choreographed.  JMO again, like Kyle, one of these days her life is going to implode, big time.  I did love how she shut Kim down about Diving with the Stars......priceless.


I like to think -- and it's true, I've been called a dreamer many times in life -- that Daughter Rinna (was it Delilah she said?) heard how snide her comment sounded when the show aired, realized how insensitive she came off, and really did feel some remorse.  Of course, maybe she just is insensitive and doesn't give a crap. But I know that I've made offhand, often heat of the moment-type comments of which I'm not proud, and I'm definitely old enough to know better - so maybe she's just in the process of learning by doing.  Or not. 

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Actually, speaking strictly as someone who has had suspicions of/negative vibes from kyle since season 1, I would (regrettably) believe brandi should she do so.

Yes. I would possibly join you in this.


That boy was fine.

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One part that bugged me was the discussion about Lisa R's supposed anorexia. Andy asked BrandI if she thought Lisa was anorexic and BrandI said something like "I would never judge or label her as anorexic, even though she doesn't eat in front of me . " She made a second similar comment. It was typical passive/agressive, manipulative BrandI bullshit (Unless Brandi is drunk or angry, then she drops the 'passive' part. ). Instead of calling her on it, Andy said something about how Lisa judged Brandi even though Brandi wasn't judging her. What a joke. Andy was definitely going easy on Brandi in that scene, imo. Fortunately, Lisa saved the day by outing that Brandi did call her anorexic in a text.

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I hear what you are saying and you make great points.

I can say that, if I was stuck dealing with her, I would use phrases to take Brandi down a notch or 2 anytime she made some obnoxious comment to me if I had to work with her. You can ignore her, but when it doesn't stop, she deserves the backhand they are dishing out to her. Just because she's stunted and supposedly doesn't know any better, doesn't give her the right to make up stories about you constantly, and get in your face, than turn around and say she's was either joking or that it's all your fault. I thank God I don't have to deal with someone like her. In the past, I've been around people that behave like she does, never that bad, but close, and you can only ignore it for so long. Just like someone else's child that misbehaves and gets in your space, while the parent does nothing, you can only take so much "joking" from an idiot like Brandi.

It's so sad. She is a broken bird, like LVP and Yo tell us, but Brandi limits her wrath towards Yo and dishes it out to the other ladies for one reason. She's a bitch. She hates people who are happy, when they don't want to hang around with her. I liked the analogy to the dog biting it's owner, however, many times it's done with intention. She is her own worst enemy.

Well said. 

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My sentiments exactly! It's so sad to see her this way. The glory has faded long ago.

I was thinking about this too lately. It was disturbing to see Jimmy McNichol last season, YIKES.

Well, at least Vince Van Patten held up well.


Jimmy didn't look too well. Although, I watched his segment on the Oprah: Where Are They Now show and I will say, he seemed very happy, looked great, and seems to be doing pretty good for himself with his wife and family in Colorado. He is a co-founder of an entertainment production company.


Vince and his family (brothers and dad) always seem very happy, upbeat, and overall a loving family. Eileen and Vince seem very much in love and very happy. Nice to know Eileen and his former wife get along and spend time together from time to time. That is how adults handle situations, especially when there are kids involved.

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I like to think -- and it's true, I've been called a dreamer many times in life -- that Daughter Rinna (was it Delilah she said?) heard how snide her comment sounded when the show aired, realized how insensitive she came off, and really did feel some remorse.  Of course, maybe she just is insensitive and doesn't give a crap. But I know that I've made offhand, often heat of the moment-type comments of which I'm not proud, and I'm definitely old enough to know better - so maybe she's just in the process of learning by doing.  Or not. 

I hear you - I'd like to think that as well, but after the case of the rolling eyes over the coat from Target, I just wasn't getting the warm and fuzzies.  Maybe the girls just don't want to be on the show and are being typical snarky teens intent on embarassing their mother, or maybe they are spoiled, entitled snots.  In either case, hopefully it's a learning experience for both kids. 

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Yolanda: "My children are no better than anybody else, even the people that live in Ohio."

She didn't phrase that very well.

I live in Ohio and my children are better than her! Better than her and King David put together! *Hair flip*


1)  The only reason she singled out Ohio was because when Andy read the question, it was from JOSH IN OHIO.  (or some other name I can't remember) THAT is why she mentioned OHIO.


2)  Brandi should know that having your period is no big deal since women in their 60s on Hormone Replacement Therapy ALSO can have their periods.  


3)  I am sure Kingsley is dead.  Any licensed dog that SEVERELY BITES someone is usually put to death (or severely restricted), especially if the victim is a CHILD.  Second, NO HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE IN SUE-HAPPY CALIFORNIA would EVER write a policy for a homeowner with a pit bull with a history of BITING CHILDREN. Even owners with well behaved pit bulls have problems getting insurance.  


4)  KIM on Revenge was awful.  She kept touching her hair like they do on the show.  You don't do that on a dramatic series (except when it's super windy) because you appear nervous and "break the fourth wall."  She looked like she was some woman who won a small role on Revenge in a charity auction. 

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I think Bravo succeeded brilliantly this year in Brandi as the vile villain who everyone is loving to hate.



Does everyone love to hate her though?  I can only speak for myself, but I don't.  I'm just sick of her histrionics and childish antics and will be much happier with her off my TV.


http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/lisa-v-the-line-has-been-well-and-truly-crossed I think that is the theory Lisa Vanderpump has put out there.   Brandi destroys relationships because she  is worried the other person will tire of her and not find her worthy of their friendship.  I believe she is also horribly aggressive in initially cultivating the relationships.    I think Brandi took the rejection by Lisa as an partner in PUMP very hard as it cemented her feelings that Lisa thought of her more as a sidekick than an equal http://www.wetpaint.com/lisa-vanderpump/articles/2015-02-17-turned-brandi-glanville-down-business.  I also question why a single woman would want to hang her hat and invest her money in a gay restaurant?


Can you imagine being business partners with Brandi?  What a losing proposition.  Her shenanigans are not cute and I'd find them even less cute if they were costing me money.

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If only Pa were here to take her to a cabin in the woods and rid her of her addiction. Brandy makes Nellie Oleson look like a nice girl

Haha--Nellie was always my favorite, even in her bad days. And Nellie at least had to be pushed to some kind of brink before really losing any semblance of dignity, unlike Brandi. 


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Does everyone love to hate her though?  I can only speak for myself, but I don't.  I'm just sick of her histrionics and childish antics and will be much happier with her off my TV.



Can you imagine being business partners with Brandi?  What a losing proposition.  Her shenanigans are not cute and I'd find them even less cute if they were costing me money.

I don't hate her either.  I think there is a lot of creepy in her background. Just my guess, but her father gave me the creeps and I got a bad vibe about her family.

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 NO HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE IN SUE-HAPPY CALIFORNIA would EVER write a policy for a homeowner with a pit bull with a history of BITING CHILDREN. Even owners with well behaved pit bulls have problems getting insurance.  



Doesn't Kim rent?  Homeowners is required if you are carrying a mortgage, but renters insurance is a different beast and a lot of people are irresponsible and do not get it.  Also, they don't actually come out to see if you have a dog, you can just lie and say no and the policy gets written.  You'll just be up shit creek if something happens.  I don't see Kim as being responsible and she's already shown herself to be a rude liar.  On a semi-related tangent, I'm a homeowner in LA and I'm not sure if my dogs are on my policy.  It was written before I had dogs and I'm not sure If I ever called and added them.  My dogs are also not registered.  They are spayed, always up to date on their shots, chipped, and generally just ridiculously cared for, but not registered.  I was going to, but it was a PITA, and quickly fell of my list of things to do.  I guess I'll learn my lesson if animal control ever comes door to door looking for illegal dogs.

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I've never really had an opinion on Kyle, but I was pleased that she withstood Kim's withering speech without wavering or crying - or even breaking eye contact - and then of course, Brandi's Tampon String, which deserves its own Twitter account by now.


On re-watch, both Andy and the selection of viewers' questions were relatively pro-Brandi (for ex., "Lisa, don't you think Brandi's held to a different standard," etc.), and she really bit the hand that feeds her when she turned on him. Yes, I apologize for the pun.

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I don't hate her either.  I think there is a lot of creepy in her background. Just my guess, but her father gave me the creeps and I got a bad vibe about her family.

I might hate her, but I don't love to do it.  I'm not sure my feelings are strong enough to be called hate though.  I do dislike almost everything she does, but I think tired of her better describes my feelings than hate.

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Does everyone love to hate her though?  I can only speak for myself, but I don't.  I'm just sick of her histrionics and childish antics and will be much happier with her off my TV.



Yeah, I'm not sure that was an accurate description.  I mean -- and this is just me, here -- I don't love anything regarding her, not even my "hate".   I also don't see Brandi so much as villain as just an average vile asshole who disgusts me at every turn.  The only reason she may stand out is because she's a "pretty" asshole.  But an asshole by any other name, still smells as bad. 


I'm not excitedly tuning in each week to see what "shenanigans" Brandi gets into this time.  I'm barely interested in watching this show anymore because of my disgust and boredom for her and Kim.  If I weren't posting here and enjoying the banter and commiseration, I'd have lost interest in watching, probably during the AmsterDAMN cluster. 

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I think that Kyle and Lisa are in the perfect position to deal effectively with Brandi. Out of the rest of the cast, including Kim and Yolanda, Kyle and Lisa have had the most experience with Brandi and her napalm nature. With that said, as much as I enjoyed how they both handled her last night, I really wish they had taken a different approach.


The best way to deal with Brandi is to neutralize her mid-attack. Lisa was on the offensive last night, and I applaud that because I haven't see that from her before. Usually at reunions, she will be very strategic and phrase things in certain ways without really committing to a stance. Last night she gave no quarter. She came prepared to address everything with her without flinching. It was refreshing, but not the move of a master manipulator. Kyle is always an emotional disingenuous mess at reunions (I have a theory on why both Kyle and Kim come across as so disingenuous no matter how sincere they are, but that is a different post). So, I was glad to see that she did hold it together for the most part.


Here is where I think they went wrong. Instead of engaging Brandi, they should have dismissed her every chance they got. When I say dismissed, I mean every time she threw a childish comeback at them ("I still get my period", "you're jealous because he didn't want to fuck you", "watch your back", etc.) they should have laughed derisively and then turned their attention back to Andy to wait for the next question. That would have not only spiked Brandi's guns, it would have put Andy on the spot as the shit stirrer. While Brandi would be trying to figure out her next move to get a rise, or display of anger, or pearl clutching out of them, Andy would be stuck trying to fill the dead air while Lisa and Kyle patiently waited for his next question.


If they had done that at any point, Brandi wouldn't have been able to do anything. They would have effectively neutralized her to the point that she couldn't even backpedal like she does when she goes too far with Yolanda. Her guns would have been spiked and she would have either left the stage in a huff as a way to get attention, or she would have just started trying to engage them in whatever way she could by throwing out insults until she had to be told to be quiet by Andy.


They both know that Brandi will do absolutely anything to be relevant and keep that Bravo paycheck. They wouldn't even need to refuse to film with her to neutralize her. They would just have to stop giving her what she wants and then...no more Brandi.


I have confessed many times to how much I dislike Kyle, but I also think that she is much more relevant and needed on this show than either Kim or Brandi. Even when I absolutely hated her after season 1 I thought she was much more needed on this show than Kim was. After she took the brunt of viewer wrath as Game Night Fall out, I thought she was even that much more needed on this show. I mean here we had Kim being and asshole, telling someone she had never met that she didn't like them,and hiding that person's crutches. But, the viewers blamed Kyle. Kim wasn't considered responsible for her actions and Kyle standing up for Kim was some how worse than the things that Kim did and then admitted that she never watched after the fact. A producer even stepped in and wrote a "Behind the scenes" blog in defense of Kyle. They need Kyle on this show, even as a villain.


Lisa has always been my favorite Housewife of any franchise. She manages to be likable and villainous in the fun Dynasty way. I don't like everything that Lisa does. But, I love her. And it isn't because she is masterful at it or "owns it". It is just that she is freaking FABULOUS! She is trashy when it suits her; she is manipulative when it suits her; she is sweet and charming when it suits her. She was made for TV. And I think that she was grooming Brandi to be the same and thought that they had an understanding about that until Brandi turned on her. I don't know how much shit Brandi made up about Lisa versus how much Lisa really did feed Brandi things off camera. I tend to believe Lisa simply because Brandi has been proven to be the biggest liar on this show since Taylor Ford Armstrong. So, I do think she was genuinely hurt by Brandi last season. Not the kind of hurt she was with Kyle though. Because I think with Kyle it was a hit to Lisa's ego that Kyle made disparaging comments.You can get over hurtful comments with time, but to have someone accuse you of something in a public forum, things that you deny but are worded in such a way that they are believable by someone you trusted enough to mentor is the difference for me.


So, knowing all of that going in, I really wish the two of them could have equally and effectively minimized Brandi's presence in a way that was spectacularly dismissive but not overtly hostile. 

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1)  The only reason she singled out Ohio was because when Andy read the question, it was from JOSH IN OHIO.  (or some other name I can't remember) THAT is why she mentioned OHIO.


2)  Brandi should know that having your period is no big deal since women in their 60s on Hormone Replacement Therapy ALSO can have their periods.  


3)  I am sure Kingsley is dead.  Any licensed dog that SEVERELY BITES someone is usually put to death (or severely restricted), especially if the victim is a CHILD.  Second, NO HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE IN SUE-HAPPY CALIFORNIA would EVER write a policy for a homeowner with a pit bull with a history of BITING CHILDREN. Even owners with well behaved pit bulls have problems getting insurance.  


4)  KIM on Revenge was awful.  She kept touching her hair like they do on the show.  You don't do that on a dramatic series (except when it's super windy) because you appear nervous and "break the fourth wall."  She looked like she was some woman who won a small role on Revenge in a charity auction. 

I think he is alive and back at home with her, according to 1 of the trainers that Kim hired to work with Kingsley after the KR attack, he, the dog, was renamed and placed with another trainer so that his bite history did not follow him. Alexia was considered an adult when she was bit so the dog has not bitten any children, as of yet. It can be easy to get around reporting the bite even when you go to the ER by not giving the name of the owner to the hospital staff. I am not sure Kim is responsible enough to carry rental insurance, I actually doubt that she does have it and if she does, that does not mean she told them she had a dog let alone a PB dog. IMO, she, Kim, could care less that anyone got bit because she believes that is just the way the dog shows his love/devotion to her.....always her needs/wants above everyone else's welfare/safety. JMO

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Here is where I think they went wrong. Instead of engaging Brandi, they should have dismissed her every chance they got. When I say dismissed, I mean every time she threw a childish comeback at them ("I still get my period", "you're jealous because he didn't want to fuck you", "watch your back", etc.) they should have laughed derisively and then turned their attention back to Andy to wait for the next question. That would have not only spiked Brandi's guns, it would have put Andy on the spot as the shit stirrer. While Brandi would be trying to figure out her next move to get a rise, or display of anger, or pearl clutching out of them, Andy would be stuck trying to fill the dead air while Lisa and Kyle patiently waited for his next question.

This.   This is also how they should deal with her on the show.   You don't refuse to film with her--she is included--but you never engage--you smile, greet her, and then turn and engage some other housewife who isn't crazy.   If it is a dinner, you offer her more to eat, or to refill her water....and move on.   If she tries to engage, you smile, nod and move back to talking to the person on your other side.

If you don't engage directly, she is going to lose it because provoking others feeds her need for attention.   If you just acknowlege her presence but never really go any further, she has nothing to do.   She can talk to Kim.   

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This.   This is also how they should deal with her on the show.   You don't refuse to film with her--she is included--but you never engage--you smile, greet her, and then turn and engage some other housewife who isn't crazy.   If it is a dinner, you offer her more to eat, or to refill her water....and move on.   If she tries to engage, you smile, nod and move back to talking to the person on your other side.

If you don't engage directly, she is going to lose it because provoking others feeds her need for attention.   If you just acknowlege her presence but never really go any further, she has nothing to do.   She can talk to Kim.   

I agree that how they should deal with her on the show but IMO, the reunion is different. They need to call her out, without raising their voices or pointing their fingers, or swearing/calling her names, on any lies she spews about them, tell the truth, then look ay Andy and say.....Next question/subject and turn away from Brandi as they do it.

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1)  The only reason she singled out Ohio was because when Andy read the question, it was from JOSH IN OHIO.  (or some other name I can't remember) THAT is why she mentioned OHIO.


2)  Brandi should know that having your period is no big deal since women in their 60s on Hormone Replacement Therapy ALSO can have their periods.  


3)  I am sure Kingsley is dead.  Any licensed dog that SEVERELY BITES someone is usually put to death (or severely restricted), especially if the victim is a CHILD.  Second, NO HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE IN SUE-HAPPY CALIFORNIA would EVER write a policy for a homeowner with a pit bull with a history of BITING CHILDREN. Even owners with well behaved pit bulls have problems getting insurance.  


4)  KIM on Revenge was awful.  She kept touching her hair like they do on the show.  You don't do that on a dramatic series (except when it's super windy) because you appear nervous and "break the fourth wall."  She looked like she was some woman who won a small role on Revenge in a charity auction. 


I am not sure that Alexis would be considered a child. Wasn't she 18 at the time she was bitten? Would the rules applied to a child still apply? Not disputing anything that you are saying because I agree with most of it. I just want to know if the rules about it being a child would still apply.


I feel like I should also chime in on the whole vicious dog thing. I was mauled by a German Shepherd when I was 4. I was in shock for a week, and at age 40 I still have the visible scars on my legs. My brother was mauled by a Doberman as a teen. He wasn't as lucky in his surroundings (the owner didn't come to his rescue as in my case) and ended up dying as a result of the attack. I have always been uncomfortable around dogs in general as a result of my experience. So the stuff with Kingsley really disturbs me. I don't want any animal to ever be mistreated, but I do believe that there are situations where an animal should be put down for public safety reasons - in both me and my brother's case the attacks were unprovoked, but the dogs were allowed to simply roam free with no supervision and the owners weren't concerned with what the dogs would be up to while running around.


I only mention that history because 1) I am very relieved to know that animal ownership laws have evolved past where they were when I and my brother were children. 2) I believe that Kim is the most irresponsible dog owner that I have ever witnessed. 


I would really like to know more about this specific case, even though it brings back many disturbing memories for me. So, when I ask if Alexis would be considered a child victim, what I really want to know is if there is any possibility at all that Kingsley is not back in that house and an active danger to children in Kim's neighborhood or social circle.


ETA: In both dog attack cases, my father had to go directly to the owners and demand that the animals be put down. I am pretty sure that he actually threatened to do the deed himself if the owners didn't go through the proper channels to have it done.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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One of my favorites, too.

Whenever I've heard "vanilla twist" since then, I always have to stifle a giggle.

And how ironic that her childhood role bitching about her ice cream got her plugged in the chest.

If she'd have settled for the plain vanilla in that movie, her character would have survived.

Life imitating art or art imitating life?

Great movie, one of my standout Kim roles. Didn't even bother to try to watch the remake. The original was perfection.

"This isn't vanilla twist, its regular vanilla". I can still hear the music when the car is following her and her dad. I have the movie on VHS somewhere. I need to see it again.

First time I watched it, I gasped when the guy shot Kim in the chest.

Sorry for being off topic. I didn't know anybody else liked that movie!

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Brandi's Blog


Brandi: Kyle Backstabbed Lisa V.

by Brandi Glanville

April 1, 2015 • 6:34 PM ET

Brandi breaks down the first part the reunion and tells us what she really thinks of Kyle and Lisa's friendship.


Hello Bravo and Housewives Fans,

I was almost out the door to watch my littlest actor perform a one “boy” play when I found out I have to blog the reunion! I was out last night with TV execs so didn't get to see all of it--bet you'd like to have been a fly on the wall during that dinner. Ha! Well, since I didn’t know I had to blog, this may be a little late. Sorry!

It would be nice if the RHOBH reunion were a time to look back, reminisce, and laugh at the past year, like most reunions, but Housewives’ reunions are more like Seinfeld's Festivus with the "The Airing of Grievances" taking center stage.

We see the ladies looking beautiful, Yolanda especially. Considering what Yo is going through, it's amazing how calm, cool, and collected she appeared. Loved the Victoria Beckham dress.

As you can tell, I was stressed just being there. No, I didn't want to be there. I knew certain people would be in attack mode, and they were. I saw it during the entire season, so why would it be different at the reunion?

There is still a misunderstanding I'd like to try to clear up again, gently. When I spoke of a Housewife's daughter, I was trying to make an analogy. I had seen a few unfair and untrue HW blogs take false potshots at the young lady in question, the same type of untrue potshots that are thrown at me. I was trying to say, "When a stranger tries to label someone something ugly, even if the allegation isn't true, it can still sting, annoy, and cause a defensive reaction." It's hard to hear unfair lies about yourself or someone you love. My example was misunderstood, because I wasn't clear and chose the wrong words. Yolanda speaks several languages and my Cali girl speak isn't always one of them.  Anyway, it's my fault I didn't explain myself better. I hope I finally did now.

As for Lisa V., I believe she knew exactly what I had tried to say, twisted my words, and brought it up to manufacture an ax to grind. Kyle? Kyle can't follow most conversations, so it's a case of her simply piggybacking Lisa V. or anyone attacking others.

What other points require addressing? Kyle DID backstab Lisa V. and Ken Todd last year. She ABSOLUTELY told me Lisa V. had an affair and had filed a bankruptcy. I was simply used to deliver the message...on TV. My fault. I was manipulated and let myself be used. I have to take complete responsibility for that. I lived and learned.

What's odd is that Lisa V. and Kyle obviously don't like each other and have nothing in common. Lisa V. is quick and smart. Kyle is slow and not smart. They use each other, backstab each other, and mock each other every chance they get. However, they do like to get together and pretend to be "classy" ladies, boast about money, and plot together.

So actually, Lisa V. and Kyle may be perfect for each other. Enough said there.

The rest of the reunion, I don't have much to say. Kim was great, strong, on point, and funny. And, yes, we are still friends. Thanks to Andy for trying to take up for me. I didn't understand his analogy about horseplay, or maybe “puppyplay” at the time. But, the intent is more important than the delivery, right?  I’ve been trying to get that point across for years. But SOME people like to focus on a misunderstood or misstated word or phrase, rather than the intent. I won't be one of them.





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Does everyone love to hate her though? I can only speak for myself, but I don't. I'm just sick of her histrionics and childish antics and will be much happier with her off my TV.

Can you imagine being business partners with Brandi? What a losing proposition. Her shenanigans are not cute and I'd find them even less cute if they were costing me money.

I agree with the first part completely.

The second part, I had never heard until this that Brandi wanted to be business partners with Lisa? How did I miss that?

I don't do any of the Twitter, Instagram or any of that stuff so I only know what I read here.

That's interesting. Is there a link someplace where I can read about it?

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MatildaMoody - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog attack experiences. How awful. In regard to your Q about reading more about the Kingsley case, there's a link in Kim's thread to the lawsuit between Kim and Bravo and Kay Rosario, the former friend who is suing. I read some of the complaint, and there's a lot of detail as to the dog's behavior and Kim's alleged negligence. If you're asking instead about Alexia getting bit, I don't know if any of the parties have gone public on that, save for Kim's interview with one of the tabloids, putting the blame on her niece for entering her bedroom.
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