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S30.E06: Odd Woman Out

Tara Ariano

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When Shirin talked about her always feeling alone and misunderstood around more beautiful, skinny kids in her childhood I saw a sensibility in her I had never seen before and when she said "now I decided to do what I wasn't capable of doing back then: deal with it, adapt, fix it" I just adored her. This is a point of view I had never thought about her and I'm very glad she was able to communicate this. Now I dislike Carolyn who never found the way or never wanted to try to understand where Shirin is coming from, while Hali could do it after three days. Nice life lesson Survivor, some things are not like they seem to be. Shirin is not crazy, she is just trying (maybe in a wrong way) to fit in the only way she knows how.


Rodney and Joaquin are the kind of men I just hate. The only meaning in life for them is to party with women and spend their money to screw around. The way they were making fun of Mike's going to church every Sunday and having decided to not have sex (both of which I don't agree with but I do respect them) was just disgusting. I knew I disliked Joaquin from day one for a reason, and this didn't stop regardless his efforts to become likable. One more reason to doubt Carolyn's way of thinking and morals aligning with this jerk...


I get mad and annoyed when I see no comments made from the winning tribe about who was voted out from the losing tribe. The "omg" and "what?" when this person is revealed are not enough for me. I'm sure blue tribe talked about this matter and they were surprised Kelly was not the one to leave and Max was, but we didn't get to see it. What did they think happened? Weren't Tyler and Joaquin mad about Carolyn voting out Max? All these speculations we make in this forum seem to have no cause when we don't get the whole picture, right?


A memory game as the immunity challenge? I'm sure Rodney does not have to throw it now, he is stupid enough to let it happen by itself. But I'm happy that the immunity challenge is not a physical one once more cause it's more fair this way given how the tribes were chosen.


The acting Mike did was like watching a play of kids of the first grade. Epic.


I was SOOO happy that Joaquin left. I'm sure that in real life he is not as an idiot as Rodney is but he chose to play an aggressive game from day one and that's what he paid. The look on Rodney face after Joaquin left was priceless. He was still counting the votes about who flipped. In my opinion Jeff was right: you got a strong foursome, why not pick these people up one by one and make it to the merge with numbers? I think Sierra's decision was both wrong and right cause, while I'm always pro keeping the numbers of the former tribes intact, in this case Joe is a real threat not only winning challenges but winning the game overall.


All in all I liked Mike's behavior today and I think he is kind of misunderstood. The only person I'm sorry for is Tyler who probably won't have the chance to show his true abilities in the game.


Great episode for a change and I enjoyed it a lot.

  • Love 12

Last week I started finding Mike kind of hot, which as a blue-state, enviro-conscious atheist felt like a crisis of conscience. ("Do I just want to hate-bang him?") Then this week there was his glee at the announcement of mac and cheese, reveal that he's vaguely celibate, and sacrifice for his ally. I knew there was something more to my infatuation. Plus nice teeth. I don't know if I'm actually rooting for him, but I do enjoy watching him.


I feel discomfort on picking on the obviously less-than-aesthetically-pleasing types, but Dan and his "close your mouth and open your ears" #SorryNotSorry so-called Apology Tour '15? Go fuck yourself. Quite possibly in one of your own fat, hairy skin folds.

  • Love 16

That last leg of the challenge where Mike threw it to Kelly reminded me so much of that South Park episode where the two opposing baseball teams kept trying to lose so they wouldn't have to play baseball all summer.  Only funnier.


I'm not clear why they targeted Joachim instead of Rodney.  I would have wanted to boot the player who came up with the plan to throw the challenge, and that was Rodney.  Never.  Throw.  A.  Challenge.

  • Love 2


I get mad and annoyed when I see no comments made from the winning tribe about who was voted out from the losing tribe. The "omg" and "what?" when this person is revealed are not enough for me. I'm sure blue tribe talked about this matter and they were surprised Kelly was not the one to leave and Max was, but we didn't get to see it. What did they think happened? Weren't Tyler and Joaquin mad about Carolyn voting out Max? All these speculations we make in this forum seem to have no cause when we don't get the whole picture, right?


Well from Tyler and Joaquin's perspective, they don't know who voted for whom, and they probably think that the No Collars aligned with Kelly to vote out Max.  Kelly was the swing vote so she was never in any real danger.  And even if they find out Carolyn voted Max out, they may not care because they didn't like him either.


You know, I sympathize with Rodney's confusion just a little bit, because I think from his perspective, Mike's decision to take out Joaquin, who was an apparent ally, instead of Joe who's an obvious threat, makes no sense at all.  From Rod's perspective, his alliance with the White Collars was a major boon to the Blue Collars and he probably think he was doing the Blue Collars a favor.  Because of Mike's decision, the White Collars are now much more likely to align with the No Collars to take out the Blues.  Next week he's going to rant constantly that Mike's decision doesn't make any sense.  Or he may come to understand that Mike was trying to curb Rodney's power but think it was much too early for that.  I can't say I'd blame him.  But I dislike Rodney intensely so I'm still glad it went down that way!

  • Love 3

I knew there was a reason why I liked Mike. He clearly understands the game and seems like a huge fan of the show. I am a little worried that he put a target on his back by showing he is a player so early in the game but I hope it will work out for him.


Last week I started finding Mike kind of hot, which as a blue-state, enviro-conscious atheist felt like a crisis of conscience. ("Do I just want to hate-bang him?") Then this week there was his glee at the announcement of mac and cheese, reveal that he's vaguely celibate, and sacrifice for his ally. I knew there was something more to my infatuation. Plus nice teeth. I don't know if I'm actually rooting for him, but I do enjoy watching him.


I know, right? While everybody else is ogling Joe I am like "Damn, Mike is hot." And he could easily be my dad...

  • Love 6

Mike's comments about work, his dismissal of the work the women were doing while demanding thanks for the work he was doing, and his comments about how to communicate with women have placed him on my shit list and he probably won't come off of it. I don't think he fully understands what he is doing or saying but his attitude towards women grates.

That said, he has been right about how to try and work with Sierra all along. He did not join in the bash Sierra fun after Lindsey was voted out. He told Rodney and Dan to cool it during that silliness with Sierra sitting there. He managed to tell them to shut up without sounding paternalistic, which is kind of impressive given his other statements and behavior. Mike has developed a strong bond with Dan and Kelly which is good for his game. He has an OK bond with Sierra and I think he knows that Rodney really has no place to go.

Rodney's behavior is irksome on the Blue Collar tribe to a group of men who work in "manly" fields were the language is pretty rough and attitudes are a bit old school. When Dan and Mike, both of whom have displayed some impressive we know women when we really don't type behavior find your behavior gruff, you are in trouble. Does anyone really think that Shirin, Carolyn are going to work with Rodney? I am sure Mike is approaching it from a "White collar rich folks won't want to put up with Rodney" because he doesn't know the White Collar folks but the stereotypes say that they are less willing to work with a misogynistic meathead. And Jenn or Hali working with Rodney? Yeah, there are very few women who would work with Rodney.

I suspect Sierra went with Dan, Mike, and Joe because Mike tried to stop to stupidity and Joe seems like a good guy. Her other option was working with Rodney and his seeming twin, Joaquin, and Tyler who I don't think spent that much time trying to work Sierra. She had to choose between which of the two other BC meatheads was less offensive. She choose the group that treated her better, Joe did what Tyler should have done, and the meathead who was less offensive in Dan. Because Dan is an ass but I don't think he intends on being an ass or really understands that he is being an ass. Rodney knows he is an ass and seems to be very proud of his asshatery.

All this says to me that Mike's game play is pretty sound. He knew Sierra would be on the outs after the Lindsey vote and tried, although he failed, to do damage control. He saw how close Rodney was getting with Joaquin and realized that Rodney was not really a solid four in the original alliance of Mike, Dan, Kelly, and Rodney. His attempts to be decent to Sierra paid off because she felt more comfortable with Mike then she did with Rodney. Having Mike there allowed her to work around her dislike of Dan. Mike sees that Rodney is going to be a hot head who no one is going to want to work with so it will be painful for a bit but he is going to be able to use Rodney's vote. If Rodney is so stupid as to not see how screwed his game is outside the BC tribe, which is a real possibility, then it will not be hard to convince people to vote Rodney out.

So I am not a fan of Mike, he has some damage control to do for attitudes that I am not fully certain he knows that he has which makes it hard to do damage control, but he is playing a pretty good game. Props to him.

  • Love 8

Onto the Khaleesi's comments, she was very happy that everyone remained close-to-fully-clothed this week...


She was less excited about abrasive Rodney comparing himself to the Italian Stallion - a film series we've watched together since she was just a wee one.  Should've seen the "OH NO HE DIDN'T!" face he got for that.


Rodney:  I can see myself at the end with one hand up like Rocky Balboa.

Khaleesi:  !!!!!!!WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!  Rocky Balboa was a CHAMPION! And he had the eye of the tiger!  You are a LOSER. With the mouth of a donkey. 


Re: Shirin saying she has to adapt and change to fit in

And definitely try to keep your pants and underoos on.  That's another good way to fit in. 


Re: Rodney and Joaquin's plans to bro it up and pahhhhty together

You can tell they're trying to sound cool but they really just sound like they have to both pee.


Re:  The memory challenge

I bet the kids in my class would beat them at this.


Re:  The handsome reward meal

That looks like the stew Mom makes in the crockpot when she can't be bothered to cook.  They really went all out for this reward.


Re:  Turtle laying eggs in the hole 

I never want to eat grapes again. 

  • Love 18

Felt so bad for Shirin. I'm not big into interacting with Survivor players on Twitter, but I might need to contact her to tell her that there are some of us out here who do not find her annoying and even find her somewhat delightful.

Rodney says he and Joaquin are like apples and oranges, LOL. Rodney, that idiom does not mean what you think it means.

I thought they should have approached Sierra to take out Rodney, not Joaquin. That would be a good faith display that they are not just expecting her to go back to riding along with Blue Collar. But what do I know, it worked for them.

I don't think Carolyn is a bitch though and I really (really) hate that word.

I am not a fan of that word either, but I really (really) can't stand Carolyn. She would easily stand out as the least likable player in a normal season that didn't have someone as repellent as Rodney around.

Edited by SlackerInc
  • Love 2

Still no big favorites for me, but Mike's stock is rising.  I think they kept Rodney over Joaquin for the numbers/Team Blue aspect.  Sure, Rodney will be dazed and confused back at camp after TC, but when they explain to him (using small words and maybe some pictures) that if they can keep Sierra, Dan, Mike and Rodney together along with getting Kelly back once they merge, they have a good chance of going longer in the game. Kelly can come back with intel that the former White Collar team is fractured and everyone dislikes Shirin, so maybe they can drag her to their side too.


Rodney is the doofiest doof who ever doofed.  I'm sure the editors love when they get one of these hyper-testosterone-y bro's who run their mouths as if they were 1) God's gift to women 2) the smartest person on the team 3) over values his ability to use "strategery" to move ahead.  I know a lot of people disliked or even hated Boston Rob in his many appearances on Survivor, but he was actually smart and he played the hell out of the physical and social aspects of this game.  It's insulting to admirers of good gamesmanship  that Rodney sees himself as in the same league as Boston Rob.

  • Love 13

I've been lurking here awhile, so please forgive me if these topics have already been covered:

1. Mike's voice seems to change from Bobcat Goldthwaite-esque to normal, so much so that when he does speak normally, I always have to do a double-take to figure out who is actually talking.

2. Why does Jeff now call the bench at challenges the "sit-out" bench? I don't remember him ever doing that before. By definition, those who sit out and take a seat on the bench are sitting on the "sit-out" bench. Silly Jeff.

3. If Joe and Hali had children, those children would possess the most magnificent manes of hair on the planet.

  • Love 11

Strategic considerations aside, just from an aesthetic standpoint, I would have preferred that they vote out anyone but Joaquin.


I'm completely over Sierra and her whining. Yes, they were mean to her. We've heard her talk about that three times now, which means it's probably constant around camp. It's always the least self-aware people who start sentences with, "I'm the type of person who ..." and Sierra does nothing to change my mind about that. "I'm the type of person who plays from my heart ... and my head." I guess that's her way of saying she's playing both a moral and an intelligent game, and I see no evidence of any of that. Her whole thing is revenge, and because she can't shut up about it, everyone knows that.


Shirin, on the other hand, is playing smart, at least based on what they showed us last night. She knows now she's annoying her tribemates and she's trying to tone that down. Her feelings are hurt too, but she's not trying to guilt everyone else into mollifying her.


They really need to get Kelly an MRI. And how did Mike not get called out for throwing the challenge? Couldn't they hear him telling Kelly he was throwing it? The man doesn't exactly have an inside voice.


I felt bad for the turtle. She's trying to cover up her eggs so predators won't find them; meanwhile, a bunch of boneheads who are all gassy from hot chocolate and mac and cheese are shining flashlights on them.

  • Love 7

What’s the point of Tyler? He was one of my dark horses, but not so much now. I think he thinks he’s smarter than he really is.


This. I think I've been way wrong about Tyler. He seems pretty dumb. I'll be glad to be wrong about him being a dark horse though since I do not like him.


Mike's comments about work, his dismissal of the work the women were doing while demanding thanks for the work he was doing, and his comments about how to communicate with women have placed him on my shit list and he probably won't come off of it. I don't think he fully understands what he is doing or saying but his attitude towards women grates.


This. I want to like Mike, mostly because I feel pretty sure now that he will be the winner and because I do appreciate his choices and that he was apparently open about them, but he proved himself to be an arrogant, sexist dick to me already and I can't forget it. Also, I don't think he proved he's super smart and gets the game much in this ep. I don't have much of a problem with throwing a challenge, but it's certainly not an infallible choice. Plus, it came off like he threw it to get rid of Joe and then changed his mind, which could have been disastrous. That might have just been editing though. Also, he's really lucky everyone else is either very dumb and very deaf/blind, because he did a truly terrible job of throwing that challenge. I hope everyone knew, but wasn't worried about doing anything about it at the time and it'll come back to bite him.


I love Shirin. I always did, but she become my fave with this ep. I really hope Will/Jenn/Hali are able to get Joe back with them at merge and that they bring in Shirin and dominate the game.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I thought they should have approached Sierra to take out Rodney, not Joaquin. That would be a good faith display that they are not just expecting her to go back to riding along with Blue Collar. But what do I know, it worked for them.

I think that "Wahk" was the right choice.  If they had taken out Rodney then there is still the chance the following week that "Wahk", Tyler and Joe team up, and there is a 3-3 stalemate with everything once again dependent on whether Dan peed in Sierra's beans that morning.  By getting rid of "Wahk", Tyler and Rodney are both cut off.  "Wahk" was the common bond linking those two, and it's possible that Tyler is irritated with Rodney because he stole away "Wahk's" attention.  Joe said at tribal that he's on the bottom so he has to be open to working with anyone so he will do whatever is most advantageous for him.  It's entirely possible that Joe could still work with Rodney and Tyler, but if he's smart he will see that Rodney is more of a threat.


Speaking of Rodney, I'm surprised he actually goes by "Rodney" and not the more manly sounding "Rod".  I've known Rodneys and Sidneys that were horribly embarrassed by the "ney" part of their names.  I knew a Sidney that wouldn't respond if people called him Sidney, he eventually went and legally changed his name to just Sid.

  • Love 6

EW had an extended scene of the talk that Hali and Shirin had at the water well, including a confessional from Hali about how she is trying to help Shirin fit in because she likes her and wants to work with her going forward. 



Ahh Ha, my theory from three episodes ago wasn't s crazy after all!


I think that "Wahk" was the right choice.


I'm ordering from Qdoba today, and I think "Guac" is the right choice.  We're on the same page. 


I wasn't ready for Rodney to go juuuust yet... I need to watch his delusions unravel over a few more episodes before he gets his torch snuffed.  This prospect makes me happy. 


*AZC the grapes thing was so spot-on it wasn't funny - I almost started dry-heaving when she pointed out the similarity.  I mean, did we really need to see freshly-laid ooey gooey slime-covered turtle eggs?  Took me a second to realize I was watching it give birth while I'm sitting next to my 8 year old.  I mean, she has a little brother so she did some extensive research before his arrival- her discovery?  "The mom pees the baby out."

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 3

From another moderator, yesterday:


So it's a thread by thread thing?


I was under the impression it was a show-by-show thing.


EW had an extended scene of the talk that Hali and Shirin had at the water well, including a confessional from Hali about how she is trying to help Shirin fit in because she likes her and wants to work with her going forward. 




Smart. I'm beginning to appreciate her more and Carolyn less.  I still think it was fine of her to vote off Max but she shouldn't have antagonized Shirin afterwards.

  • Love 1

Hali could sure give Dan some lessons in diplomacy.  Dan may be the most socially ignorant person to ever play the game.  Who thinks the way to apologize to someone is to list all their mistakes?  Who does that three times without noticing the negative results?  Who thinks,  "Shut your mouth and open your ears," is ever going to go down well with anyone? 


My heart is so full with hatred of Dan and his beard that I don't have room for anyone else.  Even Rodney is now just comic relief for me., I just want him to get voted off soon so he can go potty.

  • Love 14

  It's been a week for us as viewers, but I don't know how long for the contestants.  Perhaps someone else knows-could this be representative of her having a concussion?

I don't think Kelly has a concussion.  Scalp cuts bleed like crazy.  Someone in interviews asked Jeff about it last week.  He said she was carefully examined, despite us only seeing the part where she remained blindfolded.  If you believe her partner (can't even remember- Lindsey?), Kelly didn't even realize she was the one injured.  




I felt bad for the turtle. She's trying to cover up her eggs so predators won't find them; meanwhile, a bunch of boneheads who are all gassy from hot chocolate and mac and cheese are shining flashlights on them.

I kind of figured they were using that light-less photography they use for night shots around camp.  Or did we see actual flashlights?  It had that greenish, negative look the 'night vision' shots have.  

Dan is sort of my comic relief, he's just so socially inept that it's funny. I think he just desperately wants to fit in with the cool kids, he hears Rodney, and Mike to a lesser extent, and tries to copy that. In one of her interviews, Lindsey said she likes Dan, she said he's a gentleman, but he just doesn't want to be the kid that gets picked last in gym class, I think she nailed it.


Edit: I think Lindsey nailed it about his desire to fit in, not about the gentleman part, I definitely haven't seen that side of him, lol.

Edited by BigRedCheese
  • Love 2

I don't think Kelly has a concussion.  Scalp cuts bleed like crazy.  Someone in interviews asked Jeff about it last week.  He said she was carefully examined, despite us only seeing the part where she remained blindfolded.  If you believe her partner (can't even remember- Lindsey?), Kelly didn't even realize she was the one injured.  


I kind of figured they were using that light-less photography they use for night shots around camp.  Or did we see actual flashlights?  It had that greenish, negative look the 'night vision' shots have.  

The had flash lights they used to walk to the beach but I think they turned them off when they were watching the turtle.


GaT:  Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?

I was assuming it was because:


CletusMusashi:  Does Jenn eat dairy products? I hope she could at least enjoy the macaroni and cheese. I did see her eating some dark bread, which was probably amazing for her after all that time under eating, but it would be nice if she could at least enjoy one of the hot meals.

If they'd had something that would more normally be served with beef stew, like plain egg noodles, that by itself wouldn't have made a meal for a vegetarian.


Come to think of it, it IS surprising we didn't see any votes for "Wakeen"!

Is Joaquin really so unusual a name to most people that they would have no idea how to spell it?   Major points to Sierra for spelling it correctly.


Joe wrote NYC after Joaquin's name

I'd imagine he probably went on a bit about being from NYC.:)


All told that was a lot of fun.  I'm beginning to see why Jeff thinks this is a good season.  Several satisfying blindsides so far.

  • Love 1

If Kelly wasn't trying to throw the challenge- and I can't imagine why she would be, the editors surely would have shown something as delicious as two tribes trying to lose on purpose- then she might be the worst challenge performer I've ever seen. That was embarrassing, head injury or no.  Slightly- and only slightly- less embarrassing is how obvious Mike was being.  I'm shocked Jeff didn't say anything snarky, and I don't for one second believe the people there didn't figure out what was happening.  Hell, even before he went up Mike visibly shook his head when Dan won and tied it up 2-2, as if to say "Augh, we're trying to lose this!".


However, I disagree with the "never throw a challenge".  I can think off the top of my head of four times it happened in seasons I've seen, and it hasn't been that bad a choice in retrospect.


13: Cook Islands, Ozzy decides he has to get rid of Billy.  This is especially weird that he threw a challenge- and convinced his teammates to do it- in the second episode, since Ozzy in particular would win nearly every team and individual challenge throughout the season.  He also made final 2 and lost 5-4 to Yul, so I guess throwing a challenge didn't hurt him.


15: China (2), Peih-Geh and Jaime do my favorite thrown challenge ever.  The Zhan Hu tribe is noticeably smaller and weaker than the Fei Long tribe, and is down to a 5-7 tribe deficit with a merge fast approaching.  Survivor throws a twist of tree mail asking them to pick and steal two members of the opposing tribe, so the weaker Zhan Hu tribe picks the two strongest players from Fei Long, James and Aaron.  Ah, but Peih-Gee and Jaime realize before the immunity challenge they have been given a gift by the producers: since their team had been losing a lot anyway and was down in numbers, why not just throw the next two challenges, eliminate James and Aaron with a 3-2 and 3-1 vote, then enter the merge with two of your players safe and sound on the other side and even 5-5 split.  This wasn't a dumb move: this was the smartest move, and they got rid of Aaron at the next TC.


Unfortunately, while from a game theory perspective they were right to do this, the game itself prevented it from working.  First, Peachy would NOT shut up about the "dishonor" of throwing a challenge, and this helped clue in the other team what was happening.  Second, the two people who left Zhan Hu- Frosti and Sherea- were so stupid they didn't realize their old teammates were trying to save them and preserve a 5-5 split, so they immediately defected.  Third, before the next IC, James conspired with his old tribe to get two II and then throw the next challenge so he could bounce it back on Jaime.  Instead, they couldn't even throw the challenge on purpose, so Fei Long loses, votes off Sherea instead, followed by Jaime (post merge) and after Jean-Robert Frosti.


Jeff- classy as always- even mocked Jaime at Tribal for presenting a fake II when she went home, as if she really believed it.  She didn't, you idiot, but what else was she supposed to do, not play it?  Oh hey, just a few episodes later, James got voted off with both of his idols still in his pocket.  Of course, James was so oily and brawny and muscly, Jeff Probst seemed to not find this as laughable.  Odd, that...


30: Worlds Apart.  The episode we just watched.  No idea if this will work out or not, but since the BC people who threw the challenge- Rodney and Mike- didn't get burned by it immediately and are on paper up 5-4-3 over NC and WC, we can only wait and see.  Sierra is not wedded to BC, but they might be able to pull over other people... or might get plowed when the other two tribes plus Sierra knock them out.


So in one case, it had no effect and the throwee made the final 2.  In the second two, the decision to throw a challenge was a direct result of the tribal swap the producers introduced, so was absolutely the smart move- it just didn't work out in the long run for those involved.  In this case, we don't know yet.  I guess what I'd say empirically is, "Throwing a challenge isn't really that bad a move" since it doesn't seem to have lasting negative effects.



thanks. :) (my re-re-re-re-re watch ;) ) stopped at Cook Islands, so I do know about the Billy thing. (I did forget about China). so yes, sometimes it works out :) 

I do agree - you can't flatly say "it never works out" . 


Another one is the Pearl Islands challenge throw, and I do think the only thing that potentially saved Drake was that 

1: the Outcast twist, and that 

2: Lil/Burton went back to their original tribes. 


Had it been flipped, I think Morgan takes over (because they totally started to come back from the challenge throw, on). 


I  do have to re-watch this season, clearly, because a lot of people aren't liking Mike, (whom I like) or Carolyn - so I am really feeling I am missing some serious stuff that so many people are like "I don't like ______ because of _________" and i"m like.. wait? when did that happen?

  • Love 3

Why would Mike and friends want to vote out Rodney? He is a blue collar after all and after Joaquin leaving, Rodney will be a lonely puppy that will need someone again to feed his ego. That someone can be Mike. Plus if Joaquin would have stayed, he would have aligned with other people cause he is sociable and likable, while Rodney is a pig. Rodney has zero chances to win if he is dragged to final three so he is a great choice to keep around, feeding his ego, letting him take the blame for the bad stuff and then win the million in front of his ever-rolling eyes. Rodney is Mike's Boston'Rob's Philip. Just keep him to need to know basis info and let him do the dirty work for you while you become the hero.

  • Love 2

Nice subtle irony by the editors: after the immunity challenge, in Kelly's talking head segment, she said "Mike helping me in the challenge was the first time in my life I had ever completely trusted someone and felt they had my back."


The first time in her life. Then the editors put up the graphic to identify her: Kelly, police officer.


Ouch. Wonder how her partner and the other cops she works with reacted to that.

  • Love 6
Maybe she's left handed? My son is, and in stuff like word scrambles he sees things that I don't and vice versa. As a team, we're deadly.



I agree with your theory, NutMeg.  I'm left-handed and can always do physical tasks faster if I can work right to left.  In various tests (I'm a research volunteer at Mayo Clinic) I always ask the testers if I can do it right to left.  They always say no.  I know my performance would be better if I could do it MY way.

  • Love 3


If he wasn't as annoying as fuck, I would feel sorry for Dan.  He's *that guy* who desperately wants to fit in and seem cool and like he's part of the group, but he's just so weird and socially awkward and completely out of step and out of touch with everything around him.  It's uncomfortable just watching him try to play the game.


I will never ever feel sorry for Dan bc he is one of the most disgusting misogynist I have ever seen on this show, which is really saying something considering its sexist reputation. The over-enunciated, condescending voice that he uses to talk to women only while using his normal tone with dudes is one of the most disturbing things I've witnessed this season. Along with Rodney's pandering of his sister's death and Vince's overlong, smelly hugs.


As for Shirin, kudos to her for keeping her head and not "pulling a Nina." But am I suppose to feel sorry for her when she talked about growing up rich in the OC? #firstworldproblems

  • Love 8

Yes, Zapatera threw the challenge in Episode 3 to get rid of Russell when they were up to that point soundly whipping Ometepe. And then right after, it was like Ometepe got a new life and started winning the IC's to the point that when they were merged, Ometepe was up by one in their alliance. And after getting rid of Matt again, they proceeded to quickly Pagong old Zapatera. So I guess one could argue it wasn't a good idea for them to throw the challenge.

  • Love 1

This is the point in the season where I start to lose interest, because the most objectionable people manage to stay in and get the upper hand. And the few people left to root for have no chance. And more people become objectionable.


Carolyn is just coming off as a straight-up bitch at this point. There was no reason to get so snotty with Shirin. Look - I get that Shirin is annoying. I get it. But as far as I can tell, Carolyn has never been dissed by her tribe mates to the extent that Sierra, for example, has. Her bitterness towards Shirin and Max is a little overblown, especially since now she has nothing to fear from either. Why kick someone when they're down, especially if you may need their vote somewhere down the line? 


Speaking of which, has anyone just flat out told Shirin she's annoying them? Have they asked her to stop singing, or put on some pants? I know Shirin seems to have a severe lack of self-awareness so if the others don't tell her she's bugging them, how's she supposed to know?


I was so hoping Rodney would go home, he's such an annoying cartoon, although I'm sure the producers love him and think he's great TV but he's exactly the kind of idiot I hate watching on reality shows. If Mike and Dan are fully aware he's going to flip his lid after Joaquin is voted out I don't know how they expect him to be loyal to them anyway, so they would have been better off getting rid of Rodney instead. Either way they're left with someone who's probably not going to vote with them and Rodney is more of a loose cannon anyway. It's not like he can be reasoned with.


Kelly - oh dear Lord. She's a cop? That's just embarrassing. If her recent head injury made her that discombobulated someone needs to rush her to the emergency room. She's just not smart, period. There's no way around it - she had like fifty chances at the same damn thing with someone standing there helping her every single time. What a moron. It's six lousy object. Six. And multiple chances with someone whispering the order right to you. Gah.


That was a bullshit challenge anyway. As soon as Mike and Kelly were both wrong, two other players should have gotten the next turn. The way they did it gave two players way too much control. That isn't fair to the rest of their tribe.


Anyone notice Probst's hair kept changing during the tribal council? At first it was flattened down and I wondered what the heck was wrong with it, then in the middle of the TC it was suddenly fixed right. Like the director yelled "cut" and the hairdresser came in and fixed his hair mid-council. Or they went back and re-filmed his part when they saw the footage.

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