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S30.E06: Odd Woman Out

Tara Ariano
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I was expecting several turtles. Did the production crew do something to ensure there’d be at least one at that time? If there were even two, I’d be less skeptical of that whole thing. It was cool to see, but it seemed massively staged, which is weird for nature.


I think they were lucky to see one!  There is a nesting season, and you can hope that one or more will come in on that particular beach during that particular night, but you can't guarantee it.

At least this was my experience with leatherback sea turtles in 1969 and 1991 in Trinidad.  As a child, I went on a planned expedition to see them, and we did, and then as an adult I got a permit to visit a beach on my own (well, with my husband) during nesting season, and there was only one, and I felt lucky to see her.  And since most sea turtle species are endangered....yep, lucky they saw one.  I cannot imagine how they'd orchestrate that otherwise, rather than picking the most popular (for turtles) beach and a night they've known in the past has a good chance of having one come in to nest.

Leatherbacks are gigantic, so I had to chuckle at Jenn thinking this one (green?) was huge.

Re challenge stupidity, at least Kelly has the excuse of having been conked on the head recently.  

I was amused that Shirin, survivor knowledge queen, knew they'd have the chance of getting sick and maybe bonding over that, but that she reported to us they did not.  I'm glad.

I guess there was not an idol clue found in the feast stuff (though that's the camp where it's gone, I think?).


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I don't understand the setup for that immunity challenge at all.  It was six versus six, yet it was only best of five?  Jenn and Tyler didn't even compete.  Why wasn't it a best-of-seven challenge?  I feel there might've been some portion of it edited out....not to mention cutting out the audio of everyone yelling, "Quit throwing the challenge, Mike!"  I thought this was going to be like that eating challenge in the China season that James' tribe was trying to throw, yet Denise simply couldn't finish her food and James had no choice but to win.


Could Mike have possibly been more obvious when he was throwing that reward? I was kind of hoping Jeff was going to just have to keep making it simpler and simpler. "OK, this time, I'll just tell you the item, and you try to hold it up. Human skull... really? Mike, that's your shoe!"


Probst suddenly turning into the Will Ferrell version of Alex Trebek would be amazing

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Oh Rodney. Poor confused little squirrel lost his nut! I can't wait to see him be all up in everyone's bizness, bro, next week. I hope he mansplodes all over the place. What a tool.


Joaquin had Survivor Boyfriend potential. Then he had to go and douche it up with the bro-est bro who ever bro'd. I knew when he said that he was in control of the game, and then told Jeff that he felt like he was in a good place that he was a goner.


I'm still confused about why Mike thought it was a good idea to let Dan talk to Sierra? WTF?! When Dan said "And I've done nothing but grovel." I died. Died! That man has zero self awareness. He's like a 13 year old girl.


I want to like Mike. He seems to know the game. But there is just something about him that grates. I'm not rooting for him to win this thing. 


I'm glad Sierra made the vote she did. I think she is thinking long-term and that vote had more to do with Joe and the no collars than with the blue collars. At least that is what I am hoping. In the meantime that vote lulls the He-Man Woman Haters into a false sense of security.


I wish we had seen more of whatever Joe said to Sierra. That man is so, so, pretty. He's the rich man's Malcolm.


I had high hopes for Tyler at the start of the season, but now I have to remind myself there is still a Tyler on the show.

Edited by ReadingZombie
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Seems Sierra just couldn't bring herself to align with Rodney, hope she enjoyed the confused look on his face and head bobbing while attempting to count to 3.

I'm a bit annoyed they showed the merge in the previews and feel it is too early.

It's not though Merge usually happens at 12 11 or 10 people left

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Joaquin had Survivor Boyfriend potential. Then he had to go and douche it up with the bro-est bro whoever bro'd. I knew when he said that he was in control of the game, and then told Jeff that he felt like he was in a good place that he was a goner.


In mourning.  Should have been Roid-ney.

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Am I the only one bothered by Rodney's geographical ignorance?  To paraphrase: "No one cares about the guy from the East Coast...  there's a guy from Texas, a girl from Utah, some hick from Maine..."


Uhm.  Dude.  Last I checked, Maine was on the East Coast, and not too far from Massachusetts, either.

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Am I the only one bothered by Rodney's geographical ignorance?  To paraphrase: "No one cares about the guy from the East Coast...  there's a guy from Texas, a girl from Utah, some hick from Maine..."


Uhm.  Dude.  Last I checked, Maine was on the East Coast, and not too far from Massachusetts, either.


Maine was part of Massacusetts at one time but I doubt Rodney knows that.

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Am I the only one bothered by Rodney's geographical ignorance?  To paraphrase: "No one cares about the guy from the East Coast...  there's a guy from Texas, a girl from Utah, some hick from Maine..."

Me personally? I was kind of impressed. Add Massachusetts to the list, and he can actually name four states!

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The editors are doing a good job--I keep changing my mind about people.


I was fully Team Sierra, but now I'm over her and her hurt feelings.  "They criticized me!  Waaaaaa."  Well, was any of it true?  Did you suck at challenges, did you slack off on your share of the camp chores?


I do remember the guys piled on after that TC and it was harsh, but she insisted she wanted to know why her name was written down and they gave her an earful.  The thing is, that's not a reason to be all pissy for the next two weeks so much as it's an opportunity for course correction.  Most people don't get the news until they're in the Ponderosa golf cart.


I'm sure Shirin would have appreciated a little bit of a heads up earlier in the game and used it for something besides a grudge.


Caveat:  Rodney's cro magnon and I'm not saying Sierra ought to let Dan off the hook, either  The man can't stumble within ten feet of her without insulting her somehow (which has become sort of amusing.)  His alliance members really need to wrap his mouth with buff.

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Also, do most people in Florida consider themselves "East Coast"? To me, "East Coast" is North of the Mason Dixon line. Anything Maryland and below is "the South".

What a satisfying boot. Goodbye asshole Joaquín, oh sorry, "Wok". Loved Rodney not being able to figure out what happened.

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As to the turtle being a metaphor, I thought it was just pretty straightforward---120 eggs, one Sole Survivor. Maybe the newborn turtle doesn't outwit and outplay the others, but it does outlast.

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Every time stupid Rodney opens his awful mouth, I hope whatever horrible thing he is saying is code for "Rodney is going away."  Yet it never happens. 


I'm not getting immunity or reward. 

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Every time stupid Rodney opens his awful mouth, I hope whatever horrible thing he is saying is code for "Rodney is going away."  Yet it never happens. 


I'm not getting immunity or reward. 


Still hoping, but at least seeing the meatheaded neanderthal get taken down a ton of pegs was worth keeping around.  Although the expression I really would have liked to have seen was when his name came up.  But I understand the logic of getting rid of Joaquin.  And hopefully that day is coming with Rodney.  Next week it'll be more of the same "I got numbers, I'm running the show."  Considering Mike said he didn't trust Rodney and thought Joaquin was pulling him into the fold, why does he think Rodney won't turn on him now?


The IC was weird.  Did everyone get a chance to go and they seriously edited it down?  When Mike went up to lose the challenge against Kelly, I noticed Joe started going back up as though he was taking another turn.  And we never saw Jenn or Tyler go.  Or did Tyler go and I missed him, because I remember nothing about him.  And only 3 correct guesses for a win?  Seemed way dialed down.  I loved the RC, though I thought the reward kind of paled in comparison to some of the others we've seen so far.  Since they are merging next week, maybe that's why.

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Rodney's face after the vote was absolutely amazing. He was surprised, but also trying to figure out how it was possible and not understanding. Flipping his head back and forth like a chicken, it seemed like he was trying to count and figure out who voted for Joaquin, and literally could not do the math. "Okay, one, two, wait- look that way. Okay, one, two, look the other way, four, five.. But I had the master plan and was playing that kid Joaquin like a yo-yo (while making puppet master motions) and I am going to ride this thing to the end. Where was I? Right, three, six, eleventy-seven..."

Forgot to add, Jeff seems to be really trying to sway the votes this season. I thought that little pep talk to Sierra about sticking together was 'even though they disrespected you, we want an epic moment so vote with them anyway'.

It was bold of Jeff, but those tribals frequently go on for hours, and former contestants have said no one ever changes their mind during tribal. Unless Keith is there, of course.

I'm sure we would have seen it but wouldn't it have been interesting if the other tribe was trying to throw the challenge too, which is why Kelly sucked so much? Maybe they reeeeally wanted to get rid of Shirin?

I also thought she was trying to throw it, and then just finally gave up and won. It's possible, I think, because they probably didn't have time to show both teams plotting to throw it, and it ultimately didn't matter what the red tribe did. I just find it so hard to believe that Kelly not only sucked at the challenge so much, but also that she didn't understand that Mike was giving it to her! Not because I think she's smart, I just struggle to believe anyone is that dumb. But I suppose anything is possible. Note to Kelly: when your opponents whispers "I'm gonna give it to you", TWICE, and then says the answer out loud repeatedly, you should probably take advantage of that. Edited by Turtle
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Anyone have any ideas why Hali was doing the challenge backwards (setting up the objects right to left) as opposed to how everyone else who was doing it left to right.  Obviously it worked out for her great but it seemed odd to me.

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Anyone have any ideas why Hali was doing the challenge backwards (setting up the objects right to left) as opposed to how everyone else who was doing it left to right.  Obviously it worked out for her great but it seemed odd to me.

Some people remember the most recent items first and then work their way back to the least recent.  Or perhaps she started from the right end first when she was watching the items and made her way to the ones on the left.  Either way, it seemed to work.

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Anyone have any ideas why Hali was doing the challenge backwards (setting up the objects right to left) as opposed to how everyone else who was doing it left to right.  Obviously it worked out for her great but it seemed odd to me.


I sometimes do this for memory challenges.doing it "backward" is the last thing item you see, so it's like, okay, and hten, this this this, and this was the first item. it's weird. :)


I will have to admit - I do like Mike, and I gave an audible "WTF" when  Rodney/Joaqauin were all like "we can't trust Mike because he's a virgin. (or celibate). which made me just remember the crap that Rodney said about how women shouldn't get off as frequently as men. or whatever he said.


I will never understand why people toss challenges. I can't remember a single time that it actually worked. (maybe Cook Islands to vote out Billy? )

the challenge thing was weird. Like...Jeff would normally squash that right away....   

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Nobody on NuBlu idol-hunting? Really?

I hope TPTB were being conscientious and trying to disturb as few turtles as possible by focusing on just the one.

The sound editors need to borrow TAR's Gong of Stupidity for Rodney's everything.

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As a law enforcement officer, Kelly's skill of observation is certainly worrying.


Why the alliance did not try to just take Rodney out? If Sierra was the swing vote, she certainly had no love lost with Rodney. Rodney perhaps the second person she disliked after Dan.

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I still think Mike is getting the winner's edit.


I'm not sure it's a winner's edit, but it certainly a slow building edit.  Honestly, Mike has been growing on me.  His awful edit early was about working too hard and huge fight with Rodney, who has now proven to be an idiot.  Within that fight, he fought with Lindsey, and it was shown that Lindsey was in the wrong personally insulting Mike.  He was also very concerned about Rodney when talking to Kelly when they were deciding between Rodney/Lindsey; I don't see that it is bad being against to loud hotheads. After Lindsey was voted out, he was trying to mend fences with Sierra and trying to make Dan not be an idiot. 


Granted, he looked a little stupid tonight in throwing the challenge, but he acknowledged that he understood it was a bad thing, and it hurt him to do it, but since he did, he wasn't going to waste it.  Then reaffirmed his skeptism of the season's idiot (Rodney), by stating he didn't share Rodney's ultimate goal.  He also once again tried to get Dan's foot to stay out of his mouth (although perhaps he should make sure both feet are firmly planted in Dan's mouth at all times so he can't speak).  He also kept trying to rebuild his relationship with Sierra and build one with Joe. Finally, he has an ally for life in Kelly (even though I'm not convinced she's long for the Survivor world).


All of this is to say, Mike has been growing on me and I'm starting to root for him to go far.  Bad news for him, since that likely means he's out next episode.

Edited by pennben
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Say what you will about the Blue Collars; at least they're fighters, at least they fight against a plan that doesn't work in their favour.  They don't just lie down and take it or stick their head in the sand.  They quote 'make moves' except for I guess Sierra who just kind of rode whatever tide came to her.  And sigh the less said about Kelly the better.


I like Mike too.  The fact that he can tolerate (and possibly even control) Dan?  Maybe he is doing God's work.


Why the alliance did not try to just take Rodney out? If Sierra was the swing vote, she certainly had no love lost with Rodney. Rodney perhaps the second person she disliked after Dan.


Joaquin was doing such a good job in charming Rodney.  Scary good job.  Joaquin is someone to fear, I think.  And Joaquin and Tyler (even though we know nothing about Tyler and we are all speculating WILDLY about the "point of Tyler") as a pack seem even scarier.  Rodney doesn't intimidate anyone.  Rodney alone can probably charm no one.  Rodney is a great GOAT.  (So is Dan, and Dan seems far, far, far less troublesome to deal with.)


I wish we had seen more of whatever Joe said to Sierra. That man is so, so, pretty. He's the rich man's Malcolm.


Had to quote this, it was so good!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I don't like Mike.  I tolerate him, which isn't hard to do among the remaining men.  I do appreciate that he gets the game, minus his earlier outbursts about work ethic.  I'm honestly surprised BC waited to throw a challenge given the friction we saw in that camp, though we may be able to thank editing for that.  The sooner Mike/Dan/Rodney/Kelly are gone the better for me.  His edit never seemed horrible in comparison to his fellow tribemates, but he's starting to reek of overconfidence.  I'm hoping that means we'll be seeing the downfall of his former tribe in the future.  I don't know if he really expect Rodney to stay loyal to him, and who knows with Sierra.  He made remarks about Joaquin reeling Rodney in, but wasn't it the other way around?  Either way, the 4 NC and 3 remaining WC could team up and have the majority.  I don't really think we're going to see one major alliance take this game, although I get the feeling we may be stuck with Mike/Dan for awhile.  I hope I'm wrong.

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Props on the blindside but not getting rid of Joe at the last tribal before the merge can be a fatal mistake.  You've got a potential challenge monster with apparently a strong social game in a strong four person alliance. 

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Also, do most people in Florida consider themselves "East Coast"? To me, "East Coast" is North of the Mason Dixon line. Anything Maryland and below is "the South".

What a satisfying boot. Goodbye asshole Joaquín, oh sorry, "Wok". Loved Rodney not being able to figure out what happened.


I live in Florida and have been ever since I was born and we Floridians have never ever considered ourselves "East Coast". We always consider ourselves "Southern". Not how the media portrays the south either.

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Fuck anyone who throws a challenge, you deserve to lose it all.


Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?

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He made remarks about Joaquin reeling Rodney in, but wasn't it the other way around?



Rodney's too stupid to reel anyone in.  I think Joaq reeled Rodney to his side.  Rodney wanted to show Joaq he could be trusted by throwing the challenge.  Suddenly Rod was willing to throw all the BCs under the bus for Joaq.  I had doubts Joaq would do the same for him.

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I’m worried for Joe. His edit is getting murkier.

I have to think that Joe had a large hand in swaying Sierra over to their side.  It certainly wasn't Dan and his monumental cluelessness.  Showing Joe as passive added to the drama, so I'm hoping that's what was behind his edit this episode.  Plus his lack of even one talking head had me not worrying too much about his imminent booting.


As soon as I saw the physical nature of the reward challenge I was sure it was going to be another blowout so it was doubly satisfying when the no collar bunch pulled it out.  

Edited by calico
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Also, do most people in Florida consider themselves "East Coast"? To me, "East Coast" is North of the Mason Dixon line. Anything Maryland and below is "the South".



OT:  Apples and oranges.  To me any state north of Mason-Dixon is north, any state south is south except Maryland since it stayed in the Union due to Lincoln's outside the law move ... but good for him on doing it. 


Separately, any state along the east coast or fairly near it like Pennsylvania is the east coast which includes everything from Maine to Florida.  I've lived In New England, Mid-Atlantic states and Florida at various times.  Always considered I lived on the east coast.  So did everyone around me.  Including Florida.   In fact most people in coastal Florida don't even consider Florida as part of the traditional south since the majority of people in coastal areas either have come from or have roots in the northeast or midwest.


I don't see how Mike isn't liked by viewers in general like some people have said here.  He had the major workaholic melt down as his one, big negative moment but seems to have stopped with that.  If he gets into uber worker mode again, then yes.  Otherwise he has been shown to be a pretty nice guy and now shows some game.  Certainly loyalty to his "sub-alliance of two" partner.  Of course it will be funny when he finds out she wasn't in any real danger on her new, temp tribe.  But no way he could have known that at the challenge.  I think among the men he and Joe are getting the most positive edits though that doesn't mean they will win to me.  Well maybe Joe since he has been forced down my throat from day one as golden boy.


If Shirin (sp?) finds some duck tape for her mouth she should last long.  Wow can she yak and yak and yak on forever.  I'd have voted her out for having to have sat through her performance of the national anthem last episode alone. 


But now is the time where the focus changes to getting out the "strong males" like Mike and golden boy.  Rodney is such a perfect goat (and as dumb as one) I don't know if they will target him but then his annoyance factor may outweigh his goat factor.  Tyler is in a good place not looking quite as strong as Mike and Joe.  Will is in a good place with his alliance and lack of athleticism.  Dan?   He will probably live long enough to grovel for awhile yet.


The women?  Mean girl Jenn is in the catbird seat right now with her old no collar mates and new converts in tow plus her idol.  Hali is her cohort.  Carolyn has her idol as an ace in the hole.  Kelly hides in the background but if they find out about her and Mike she could get perceived as part of a "power couple" though Mike would be the one targeted most likely.  Sierra is a wild card that can be either the savior or the monkey wrench in people's plans.


I like the three tribe format.  It seems to lead to a more interesting merge when it is used.  Everything seems more fluid.

Edited by green
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I almost feel like its wrong calling Rodney a goat-goats have way more intelligent than that caveman.


In watching an extra vid of Joe, it sounds like he's sticking with his no collar tribemates at the merge.  Tyler/Carolyn will probably remain tight, so we'll see where they side.  I can't really see them siding with any former BC members right now.  Shirin is a wild card, as are Sierra and Rodney.  I'm with the poster who believes Sierra voted for Joaquin more for Joe than she did because of Mike/Dan.  I still don't think she forgives them.  And she hates Rodney.  Since Rodney is likely to feel betrayed, it'll be interesting if he and Sierra actually find common ground out of it.


My prediction is next week the former BC members of Mike/Dan/Kelly go in thinking they have the vote locked up, and one of them ends up getting boot.


That RC was so close.  I'm glad Nagarote pulled it off, and if the editing didn't lie, it was thanks to Tyler's last second miss.  Jenn totally rocked that.

Edited by LadyChatts
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First of all, when Probst said that last week's episode was the best of the season, surely he was confused and meant this one?  Because this one left me with a stupid grin on my face.  The reward challenge was THRILLING and I was SO happy when the girls won it.  Then, all the comedy with Rodney and Joaquin getting blindsided and Dan being an idiot and Jenn calling Rodney a tool (and she hasn't even met him yet!).  This episode just hit all the right buttons for me.


Did anyone notice Rodney calling himself and Joaquin "apples and oranges"?  LOL, that's not what that means, Rodney.


I don't understand the setup for that immunity challenge at all.  It was six versus six, yet it was only best of five?  Jenn and Tyler didn't even compete.  Why wasn't it a best-of-seven challenge?  I feel there might've been some portion of it edited out....


Oh, definitely, they cut out a lot of that challenge, as they regularly do when these challenges go long.  I even noticed that Jeff's "first team to get 3 points wins" was overdubbed.  It was probably at least a best-of-seven, maybe even 9, but they cut out some rounds since Mike and Kelly's round went so long.  (And those two apparently had to go several times because they had to play until one of them won the point.)


I'm definitely feeling a bit of a winner's edit with Mike (but also Jenn).  He's okay I guess.  I'm worried that Lindsey's prediction that a Blue-Collar will win will come true, though I guess as long as it's not Rodney or Dan I could live with it.


I'm definitely loving the 3-tribe format because it's really hard to figure out how's it gonna shake out next week.  Here's what I see:

--The No-Collars are a strong four.  Joe will go back to the girls and they'll stick together.  Will is the only possible defector but I think he'll stick with them too.

--The Blue Collars have the most members but are fractured.  Mike, Dan, and Kelly will definitely stick together.  Rodney and Sierra are floating in opposite directions.

--The White Collars are in trouble.  Tyler and Carolyn are together, but they've lost Joaquin, and Carolyn's alienated Shirin.


Some people are predicting that some Red-Blue alliances from the last 2 episodes will stick together (Kelly with the girls, Joe with the Blues) but I don't see that happening.  I expect it'll come down to a Red vs. Blue divide with White stuck in the middle.  And I think the Blues have a chance of sticking together in spite of everything. I think Mike and Kelly may convince Sierra that she's better off sticking with them than at the bottom of the Red team.  Rodney will be super-pissed but he'll also realize that he has little choice but sticking with the Blues for the short term...unless he sticks with Tyler, who having made no other allies will definitely do whatever Carolyn suggests.  Carolyn may stick with the Reds but maybe not--she'll keep her options open.  Shirin has absolutely no allies right now, but she may also stick with the Reds just due to the small bit of courtesy Hali gave her.


We'll see.  It'll be interesting for sure!

(Red = No-Collar)

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Joe's definitely sticking with his NC.  Will might defect if he gets a better offer down the road, since he's the 4th man on the totem pole with that group.  But I don't see him jumping ship this quick.


While Sierra and Rodney might stick with Mike/Dan/Kelly at first, until they can essentially get people at their mercy into an alliance, they both have to realize they are the low ones on that tribes totem pole.  Sierra knows she was being used for a vote.  Rodney will be out for revenge.  Whether he sticks with the numbers until some people get voted off, then jumps ship, we'll see.  I could see Mike/Dan/Kelly making it through, but I won't be surprised if one of them gets booted first at the merge.


Shirin could very well be the wild card that decides the vote.  If she wants to get even with Carolyn/Tyler for plotting against her, she might set her sights on getting one of them out.  I don't see why C/T would vote with the former BC tribe.  Who does Tyler have on that tribe to be loyal to, since they (except Rodney) voted Joaquin off?  And Carolyn may feel some sort of loyalty/connection to the NC girls.  If Joe doesn't win immunity, he may find himself a target.  Should be interesting!  I like getting to the merge.

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I will never understand why people toss challenges. I can't remember a single time that it actually worked. (maybe Cook Islands to vote out Billy? )

the challenge thing was weird. Like...Jeff would normally squash that right away....   



Fuck anyone who throws a challenge, you deserve to lose it all.


Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?


If Kelly wasn't trying to throw the challenge- and I can't imagine why she would be, the editors surely would have shown something as delicious as two tribes trying to lose on purpose- then she might be the worst challenge performer I've ever seen. That was embarrassing, head injury or no.  Slightly- and only slightly- less embarrassing is how obvious Mike was being.  I'm shocked Jeff didn't say anything snarky, and I don't for one second believe the people there didn't figure out what was happening.  Hell, even before he went up Mike visibly shook his head when Dan won and tied it up 2-2, as if to say "Augh, we're trying to lose this!".


However, I disagree with the "never throw a challenge".  I can think off the top of my head of four times it happened in seasons I've seen, and it hasn't been that bad a choice in retrospect.


13: Cook Islands, Ozzy decides he has to get rid of Billy.  This is especially weird that he threw a challenge- and convinced his teammates to do it- in the second episode, since Ozzy in particular would win nearly every team and individual challenge throughout the season.  He also made final 2 and lost 5-4 to Yul, so I guess throwing a challenge didn't hurt him.


15: China (2), Peih-Geh and Jaime do my favorite thrown challenge ever.  The Zhan Hu tribe is noticeably smaller and weaker than the Fei Long tribe, and is down to a 5-7 tribe deficit with a merge fast approaching.  Survivor throws a twist of tree mail asking them to pick and steal two members of the opposing tribe, so the weaker Zhan Hu tribe picks the two strongest players from Fei Long, James and Aaron.  Ah, but Peih-Gee and Jaime realize before the immunity challenge they have been given a gift by the producers: since their team had been losing a lot anyway and was down in numbers, why not just throw the next two challenges, eliminate James and Aaron with a 3-2 and 3-1 vote, then enter the merge with two of your players safe and sound on the other side and even 5-5 split.  This wasn't a dumb move: this was the smartest move, and they got rid of Aaron at the next TC.


Unfortunately, while from a game theory perspective they were right to do this, the game itself prevented it from working.  First, Peachy would NOT shut up about the "dishonor" of throwing a challenge, and this helped clue in the other team what was happening.  Second, the two people who left Zhan Hu- Frosti and Sherea- were so stupid they didn't realize their old teammates were trying to save them and preserve a 5-5 split, so they immediately defected.  Third, before the next IC, James conspired with his old tribe to get two II and then throw the next challenge so he could bounce it back on Jaime.  Instead, they couldn't even throw the challenge on purpose, so Fei Long loses, votes off Sherea instead, followed by Jaime (post merge) and after Jean-Robert Frosti.


Jeff- classy as always- even mocked Jaime at Tribal for presenting a fake II when she went home, as if she really believed it.  She didn't, you idiot, but what else was she supposed to do, not play it?  Oh hey, just a few episodes later, James got voted off with both of his idols still in his pocket.  Of course, James was so oily and brawny and muscly, Jeff Probst seemed to not find this as laughable.  Odd, that...


30: Worlds Apart.  The episode we just watched.  No idea if this will work out or not, but since the BC people who threw the challenge- Rodney and Mike- didn't get burned by it immediately and are on paper up 5-4-3 over NC and WC, we can only wait and see.  Sierra is not wedded to BC, but they might be able to pull over other people... or might get plowed when the other two tribes plus Sierra knock them out.


So in one case, it had no effect and the throwee made the final 2.  In the second two, the decision to throw a challenge was a direct result of the tribal swap the producers introduced, so was absolutely the smart move- it just didn't work out in the long run for those involved.  In this case, we don't know yet.  I guess what I'd say empirically is, "Throwing a challenge isn't really that bad a move" since it doesn't seem to have lasting negative effects.

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Fuck anyone who throws a challenge, you deserve to lose it all.


Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?


OMG I said the same thing to my friend when we were watching. I said macaroni and beef stew do not go together at all. That would be the last combinations I would come up with when eating beef stew.

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Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?


Agreed!  Also who tops that off with hot chocolate?  No, Jeff, no, that is not worth playing for....

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All of this plus, what the hell was up with the body language between Rodney and Joaquim while they were talking alone. Each with all this excess energy, swinging their arms and clapping and grinning?!?!? 

And Rodney talking about how they're apples and oranges.  I had to rewind to laugh at it again.  Their arms were hilarious.  


Sierra seems to have brown eyebrows tattooed under her sparse blonde ones.  Good for her, but couldn't the artist have made something that looked more like hair than a solid shape stenciled on?  I'll take it over Lisa W's double set that emerged by the last weeks.  


I too was glad to see Pretty Joe kept.  Joaq wasn't too bad to look at either, though.  

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Finally, while I appreciated the blindside, Mike's throwing that challenge was kind of unnecessary if he was throwing it to protect Kelly because Kelly was not in danger of going home. And man that woman's not too bright in memorization challenges - like how many ways could Mike have blatantly kept throwing that challenge for her before she got it? However, I guess throwing the challenge was good in breaking up very quickly what could have potentially being a very, very annoying and obnoxious and formidable alliance of Rodney and Joaquin.

But Mike doesn't know that Kelly was not in danger. As the only former Blue Collar on the other tribe, she could very well be in danger. He doesn't know what's going on over there, so he was right to try to protect her since she's his closest ally.

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Also, do most people in Florida consider themselves "East Coast"? To me, "East Coast" is North of the Mason Dixon line. Anything Maryland and below is "the South".


Joe wrote NYC after Joaquin's name so maybe that had something to do with it?


Why the alliance did not try to just take Rodney out? If Sierra was the swing vote, she certainly had no love lost with Rodney. Rodney perhaps the second person she disliked after Dan.



So the Blue Collars would still have numbers at a merge. They have mentioned once or twice how Blue Collars always stick together.

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"Close your mouth, open your ears and watch what happens"



Dan Dan Dan. Can't stand him. He's not funny, not nice, not wise basically clueless presumably both in his life and in survivor. I can't decide who I want to be voted of first, Rodney or Dan. They're just the worst.


This is a fun episode. Shirin got less annoying and I like that she tried to adapt not going all woe is me or I'm gonna throw rice away routes.


At this point, I'm rooting for No collar,  hope all of them make the merge. 

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I just can't help it, I really like Shirin. I can totally relate to her backstory about always standing out, and maybe her constant talking and silliness is how she tries to compensate, tries to make people like her. But I appreciated that she realized people were not taking a shine to her and that maybe she needs to change it up and adapt.


Rodney. Gah, I just cannot stand him. His little bromance with Joaquin was nauseating. And while Mike isn't perfect, I didn't like the way Rodney kept saying he couldn't trust him. Because he's from the south, goes to church, and doesn't party? No. Those are perfectly fine reasons why you may not relate to him, but what does that have to do with trust? 


I'm thrilled that little alliance was split up, but I soooo wish it would have been Rodney over Joaquin. 


Poor Mike, it's kind of hard to throw a challenge when your opponent is failing miserably. I'm usually not a fan of throwing challenges in general, but given how lopsided these teams are, I didn't have a problem with it. And I like Kelly, so I thought it was pretty cool he wanted to do that for her. 

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If he wasn't as annoying as fuck, I would feel sorry for Dan.  He's *that guy* who desperately wants to fit in and seem cool and like he's part of the group, but he's just so weird and socially awkward and completely out of step and out of touch with everything around him.  It's uncomfortable just watching him try to play the game.


And points to Shirin, as Yogi Nomad said above, for being less annoying.  It seemed like she was making a concerted effort to tone down her monkey sex/national anthem weirdness.  I hope she's able to stick around for a while.


Rodney is such a douche, I hate him.  Give me a guy from the Bible belt or a hick from Maine any day over an asshole like that.

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Rodney's face after the vote was absolutely amazing. He was surprised, but also trying to figure out how it was possible and not understanding. Flipping his head back and forth like a chicken, it seemed like he was trying to count and figure out who voted for Joaquin, and literally could not do the math. "Okay, one, two, wait- look that way. Okay, one, two, look the other way, four, five.. But I had the master plan and was playing that kid Joaquin like a yo-yo (while making puppet master motions) and I am going to ride this thing to the end. Where was I? Right, three, six, eleventy-seven..."


Right? That was awesome. I kept waiting for him to pass out from the sheer exhaustion of it. That right there proved to me they sent home the right "bro". At least Joaquin was somewhat intelligent, which would make him more of a threat going forward. Rodney just puts all his cards out there and is incredibly easy to figure out. 



Rodney's too stupid to reel anyone in.  I think Joaq reeled Rodney to his side.


I agree. I mean, it was Rodney who was going up to Joaq and schmoozing him, but I think Joaq was intentionally saying all the right things to get Rodney to his side. He knew what Rodney was doing and it was his choice to "bro" it up with or rebuff him. 

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The editors are doing a good job--I keep changing my mind about people.


I was fully Team Sierra, but now I'm over her and her hurt feelings.  "They criticized me!  Waaaaaa."  Well, was any of it true?  Did you suck at challenges, did you slack off on your share of the camp chores?


I do remember the guys piled on after that TC and it was harsh, but she insisted she wanted to know why her name was written down and they gave her an earful.  

I think they really went to town on her. And it was poor strategy and arrogant bullying all in one. And who knows how long it went on. Dan and Rodney are not the type to stop talking when they are on topic that makes them feel manly and superior.


For being in the swing position, Sierra didn't have a good choice. She'd have liked to dump Rodney or Dan, but had to settle for just messing up Rodney's bromance. Now with the merge, I think Dan/Mike/Kelly would prefer Rodney over her still, unless he's too stupid to let them bring him back into the fold. He might be.


I live in Florida and have been ever since I was born and we Floridians have never ever considered ourselves "East Coast". We always consider ourselves "Southern". Not how the media portrays the south either.

Geographically speaking, the panhandle is usually considered deep South, and the rest of the State is really unique. Climate,  demographics and economy are not really like anywhere else in the US.

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Fuck anyone who throws a challenge, you deserve to lose it all.


Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?

Maybe all they had to work with was a Chopped basket.

And tossing in the hot chocolate? That's almost cruel, knowing what the caffiene and chocolate will do to their digestive systems.

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I think that Mike is beginning to show his ability to not only understand the game but adapt to changing situations.  If Mike had supported voting out Rodney, if there was another tribal council before the merge he and Dan would have been in the minority as Sierra would probably vote with Joe, Tyler and Joaquin.  So, break up the power couple but make sure he's not in the minority.  Although the merge does often happen at 12, it doesn't always happen at 12 so he couldn't count on being safe if the tribe had voted out Rodney instead of Joaquin.

I was really surprised about Kelly's inability to win that round-and agree with others that maybe the red team was trying to throw the challenge as well.  However, that would be awesome t.v. so I would hope they would have shown it.  I really do wonder about her head injury.  It's been a week for us as viewers, but I don't know how long for the contestants.  Perhaps someone else knows-could this be representative of her having a concussion?

I just loved this tribal and I think Rodney's facial expressions are among the best ever at a tribal council which is very interesting as I thought last week's were good as well (Max, Shireen).  Perhaps casting was going for the tribal council facial expression factor when selecting the contestants.

I did appreciate Joaquin's final words and that he seemed to just enjoy trying to play the game.  I also agree that he was playing Rodney.

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[regarding Mike giving the challenge to Kelly] Note to Kelly: when your opponents whispers "I'm gonna give it to you" [...]

This made me laugh, because if my opponent had said that to me so earnestly, I might have understood something else completely, and that's the only way I can get Kelly's confusion (not sure he said those words thought, just quoting, but if he did, hoya double entendre!!)


Anyone have any ideas why Hali was doing the challenge backwards (setting up the objects right to left) as opposed to how everyone else who was doing it left to right.  Obviously it worked out for her great but it seemed odd to me.

Maybe she's left handed? My son is, and in stuff like word scrambles he sees things that I don't and vice versa. As a team, we're deadly.


I got a phone call, was away for a few seconds, and missed who voted for whom - can someone please enlighten me? Thanks a lot in advance.

Edited by NutMeg
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"Wook hod, potty hodder" Rodney getting the boot in the next week or two is fine by me.  He's not bright, hasn't stood out in challenges and (I think) said he wasn't good at puzzles, so I don't believe he's much of an immunity threat.  Joaquin seemed to at least have some athletic and manipulative ability and while he would never win, he might cause the ouster of someone I like, although people I like are rather few.  Loved the scene of the two of them swinging their arms and flapping their hands like the chimps they are.


I like Joe well enough, but, is he stealthy or just lucky?  His early gameplay has been so lackadaisical.


Why isn't anyone hungry or complaining about food??  I'm one of those sick, sadistic fans that enjoys the deprivation aspect of the show.  Probably because I'm fat.  It's been 16 (?) days and no one seems to have lost any noticeable weight--Hello, Will and Dan (and Shirin's hips).  Those bags of beans must've been bigger than I thought.


I just can't warm up to Shirin like others have.  I can't get over her walking around bottomless (seriously, why didn't she take off her top and go all out like the other doofus?) in the beginning.  It just struck me as so weird and crude.  And why did she stop?  Pointless.

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