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Season 5: Days of Real Housewives Lives - The Season in Review

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I think aside from Taylor being drunk at Yolanda's when Yolanda was first introduced (something about Brandi having slept with everyone in Beverly Hills), the only other interactions Taylor and Brandi had were when Brandi was still a "Friend of." There was Brandi's party in Malibu where Taylor went all crazy on Camille and Didi and Brandi asked her to leave. And then, there was Brandi's attack on Taylor about her book about Russel at that season's reunion. 

  • Love 2

Thanks Matilda. I had forgotten Brandi's attack on Taylor about the book at that reunion until you mentioned it. Something about Taylor not waiting a "hot minute" to write it after Russell's death. I thought they didn't like each other but couldn't remember specifics. I need to go back and try and find that episode with Brandi's party - I vaguely remember Camille and Didi at a party but not Taylor going off on them. My excuse is I watch too many Housewives shows and have forgotten a lot!

Edited by parrotlover
  • Love 1

I still remember the scene during the season 2 reunion where Taylor asked Brandi if it was true that she slashed Eddie Cibian's tires after finding out he was leaving her/cheating on her with Leeann.. and brandi proudly admitted it was true.. and Taylor gave this look that indicated that she thought Brandi was nuts.  If trainwreck Taylor thinks you're nuts.. then something is wrong here LOL

  • Love 12

I still remember the scene during the season 2 reunion where Taylor asked Brandi if it was true that she slashed Eddie Cibian's tires after finding out he was leaving her/cheating on her with Leeann.. and brandi proudly admitted it was true.. and Taylor gave this look that indicated that she thought Brandi was nuts.  If trainwreck Taylor thinks you're nuts.. then something is wrong here LOL



I have to say that I applauded Brandi for admitting that. Because if I were in a situation where I found out my husband was cheating on me with two different women while I was pregnant with our second child, hubs would be lucky to get through it with a couple of slashed tires.


So, maybe I'm crazy/nuts as well, but that was a reaction that I actually understood. Because as much as I like to think that I would be dignified and classy in the face of adversity (and I have done quite a good job of that over the years if I do say so myself), I think everyone has a tipping point where their Jerry Springer trashy side will come out. 


The problem with Brandi is that she seems to have a low threshold for when to show that side. You splash mud on her shoes and she is burning your house down. Me, I reserve my crazy for the important shit.

  • Love 18

I have to say that I applauded Brandi for admitting that. Because if I were in a situation where I found out my husband was cheating on me with two different women while I was pregnant with our second child, hubs would be lucky to get through it with a couple of slashed tires.


So, maybe I'm crazy/nuts as well, but that was a reaction that I actually understood. Because as much as I like to think that I would be dignified and classy in the face of adversity (and I have done quite a good job of that over the years if I do say so myself), I think everyone has a tipping point where their Jerry Springer trashy side will come out. 


The problem with Brandi is that she seems to have a low threshold for when to show that side. You splash mud on her shoes and she is burning your house down. Me, I reserve my crazy for the important shit.


Had that been the only incident.. I would have to agree with you...   However, i remember liking her during season 2.. and the reunion was the first time I started to realized that Brandi wasn't all there.


I do think the first half of the season was great.. second half focused too much on the Kim situation with little vignettes involving Lisa V and her adopted son Max.. and Eileen taking some of the girls to the burbank film festival.  I think the second half of the season would have been as good as the first half.. if they had shown more day to day stuff instead of gossiping about Kim/Brandi.. etc.

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Didn't she point out they were HER tires too, since they owned it together?  Ha. 

I don't know. I remember her saying she did call him and warn him not to drive on them because he would end up in an accident.



Had that been the only incident.. I would have to agree with you...   However, i remember liking her during season 2.. and the reunion was the first time I started to realized that Brandi wasn't all there.


Oh, I know. I am not defending Brandi at all. That is why I said she has a low threshold. She goes nuclear at the slightest thing. I will applaud the tire thing all day long because I personally felt the situation deserved an equally hurtful response. But, Brandi doesn't deal in equal responses. You tell her she's mean, she accuses you of destroying her kids. 

You bump into her, she throws a brick through your window. She isn't unfiltered. She is unhinged. And while, I can get behind a little crazy in certain situations (I totally understood LisaR's nuclear reaction to Kim bringing up Harry), I can't buy into the way Brandi consistently goes for the kill. And so often it is unprovoked. Like her saying people were calling Bella an alcoholic. Completely uncalled for and untrue. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 13

I have to say that I applauded Brandi for admitting that. Because if I were in a situation where I found out my husband was cheating on me with two different women while I was pregnant with our second child, hubs would be lucky to get through it with a couple of slashed tires.


So, maybe I'm crazy/nuts as well, but that was a reaction that I actually understood. Because as much as I like to think that I would be dignified and classy in the face of adversity (and I have done quite a good job of that over the years if I do say so myself), I think everyone has a tipping point where their Jerry Springer trashy side will come out. 


The problem with Brandi is that she seems to have a low threshold for when to show that side. You splash mud on her shoes and she is burning your house down. Me, I reserve my crazy for the important shit.


LOL I've done similar things when I was younger with cheating boyfriends.


I agree with your last sentence though because she doesn't seem to have a... I'm trying to think of the right wording ... fixed sense of ethics or standards, maybe?  I don't know.  She applies certain reactions and behaviors to everything, no matter how inappropriate.  She reminds me of that parable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".  She reacts so strongly to everything, so when she really has been hurt by someone or a situation, people will think that she's either lying or overreacting or both.  Slashing her cheating husband's tires might sound like an understandable one-off reaction if done by anyone else, but for Brandi, that's her go-to for all situations, it seems.  I can understand why, then, it's just tacked onto her already long list of bat shit crazy behaviors.   

  • Love 7

I initially felt the same way as you LotusFlower, but some people aren't cut out for college -- I have no idea if Gigi is or not. But given her interests and her ability to do well in an industry that has a short shelf life it makes sense to strike while the iron is hot. I think it has the potential to open many doors for her should she desire it. I guess I just came around to thinking that this might be the best path for her.

Gigi can go to college later. I joined the military out of High School. I'm on college in my 40's and I'm on the Presidents List. I would have been a horrible college student in 1988 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 13

I honestly don't think Brandi is nuts or crazy.


I think she mixes her anxiety medicine with booze and loses what few inhibitions she has.  What I really think though, is that she really was devastated when blindsided with Eddie's cheating, and the divorce, and hasn't really recovered from that.  I did like, for example, when she said she hoped someday to be able to do the co-parenting and joint family holiday dinners, but right now can't envision it happening.


As far as the show?  I think she it all just went to her head, and she overestimated that heady new found popularity and ego.  She went from the depths (the divorce, very worried about money) to the high of being very popular with fans, and an increase in salary (security.)  In playground terms, she got too big for her britches.  I can see how it happened, she was never really in show biz before, and failed to realize people build people up to watch them fall.


However, her biggest mistake was alienating Lisa.  Whether she fell for Kyle's manipulations and desire to bring Lisa down, or not, she participated.  She had a huge ally, and chose to insult her, and throw a tantrum about Lisa using her to promote VPR.  Yes, Lisa did it, but BIG PICTURE BRANDI!  So incredibly stupid of her to do that, and to even THINK Kyle would stay against Lisa.  Yes, Kyle wanted Lisa brought down, but she never even wanted Brandi on the show.  Trusting Kyle?  DUMB.


I think she's had her comeuppance though, but will it be enough?  Probably not.  She FUBAR all of the good will she had going, Lisa is no longer laughing at her jokes,and Ken is furious.  She's screwed, and I think she's realizing it, finally.  Idiotic move on her part.


Oh, and yes, she owned that vehicle with Eddie, I remember her pointing that out quite clearly now.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 1

I still remember the scene during the season 2 reunion where Taylor asked Brandi if it was true that she slashed Eddie Cibian's tires after finding out he was leaving her/cheating on her with Leeann.. and brandi proudly admitted it was true.. and Taylor gave this look that indicated that she thought Brandi was nuts.  If trainwreck Taylor thinks you're nuts.. then something is wrong here LOL

But there was something else going on in this exchange. Taylor was in the midst of her pretending to be an advocate for victims of domestic abuse, so she asked the tire slashing question and gave that look to show that Brandi is a crazy, violent person. It was completely self-serving.

  • Love 4

Taylor was on some nonsense like, "You can't believe everything you hear! I heard you slashed Eddie's tires."


"I did slash Eddie's tires."


Brandi explains, Andy and Camille laugh.


Taylor (smug): "I rest my case."


Brandi and Camille call Taylor out: "What case is that?"


This is when Brandi calls Taylor to task for exploiting Russell's death for profit.


I was fine with all of it. I thought Brandi was taking ownership of her own ridiculousness and it was a refreshing change from the usual posturing that happens on these shows. It is such a far cry from the lunatic she has become today.


The weird thing is that Taylor and Brandi were unwitting allies by default in the third season because Taylor was pissed that she got excommunicated from the group over the threat of a lawsuit and then the Maloofs go and threaten a law suit. Taylor is the one who ignited the whole tea party fiasco (actually, both tea party fiascos). She actually gave everyone the double bird, ha!

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 7

I honestly don't think Brandi is nuts or crazy.


I think she mixes her anxiety medicine with booze and loses what few inhibitions she has.  What I really think though, is that she really was devastated when blindsided with Eddie's cheating, and the divorce, and hasn't really recovered from that.  I did like, for example, when she said she hoped someday to be able to do the co-parenting and joint family holiday dinners, but right now can't envision it happening.


As far as the show?  I think she it all just went to her head, and she overestimated that heady new found popularity and ego.  She went from the depths (the divorce, very worried about money) to the high of being very popular with fans, and an increase in salary (security.)  In playground terms, she got too big for her britches.  I can see how it happened, she was never really in show biz before, and failed to realize people build people up to watch them fall.


However, her biggest mistake was alienating Lisa.  Whether she fell for Kyle's manipulations and desire to bring Lisa down, or not, she participated.  She had a huge ally, and chose to insult her, and throw a tantrum about Lisa using her to promote VPR.  Yes, Lisa did it, but BIG PICTURE BRANDI!  So incredibly stupid of her to do that, and to even THINK Kyle would stay against Lisa.  Yes, Kyle wanted Lisa brought down, but she never even wanted Brandi on the show.  Trusting Kyle?  DUMB.


I think she's had her comeuppance though, but will it be enough?  Probably not.  She FUBAR all of the good will she had going, Lisa is no longer laughing at her jokes,and Ken is furious.  She's screwed, and I think she's realizing it, finally.  Idiotic move on her part.


Oh, and yes, she owned that vehicle with Eddie, I remember her pointing that out quite clearly now.


You know as much as I dislike Kyle and think that she would salivate at the opportunity to make herself look like Lisa's or anyone else's victim, I just can't buy her being a mastermind behind a "take Lisa down" plot. I just don't see her or either of her sisters as being smart enough to be that devious. Kyle, for all of her mean girl antics, could never be Regina George. She is more like a hanger on of Regina's. She has the mean girl behaviors, but not the intelligence IMO. 


I suspect that Brandi originally agreed to Lisa's plan to make it look as though Brandi had moved on and would film with Scheana, and then caught some feelings about it as it was happening. I think it is much more likely that Brandi came to Kyle and said, Lisa is doing all of this horrible stuff to me. You were so nice and supportive after the tampon incident, so I thought I would warn you about what she is also saying about you.


I think you are right that Brandi thought her popularity would last and that is why she decided to stage her coup. But, I don't believe that Kyle was or even is now smart enough to come up with something like a plot to take Lisa down. I think Kyle most likely thought she could pin Lisa down with something that Brandi told her and Brandi would then back her up and Lisa would then look like the bad guy victimizing Kyle. 


I think Kyle wanted a big come to Jesus moment of them hashing out their differences on camera at the finale party and then she and Lisa would rebuild their friendship. But, I don't think she ever thought more than a few feet in front of her face, because, she just isn't very bright. I saw last season as Brandi telling Kyle things. Kyle trying to find moments to confront Lisa about those things, and both Kyle and Brandi getting frustrated at how Lisa was able to shake it off and move on.


I think Brandi was much more instrumental in the plot to go after Lisa as HBIC than Kyle was. I think Brandi thought that she could put her new friend/benefactor Yolanda in Lisa's place and all would be wonderful. I think that is why Brandi went out of her way to befriend Carlton. She knew that Carlton hated Kyle and wanted to keep her in her back pocket. I think that is also why she took an immediate dislike to Joyce. Joyce and Kyle hit it off right away. Joyce tried to warn Lisa about what Brandi and Yolanda were saying and Lisa, not only refused to believe her, but disliked her because of it. 


Brandi reminds me of Tamra on OC. She is the woman that for the life of me, I can't figure out how she got as much as she did. Tamra has no education, no class, and no actual friends. But, she managed to parlay that into a large amount of money, plenty of fame, and getting paid to be as trashy as she wants on national television. 


No matter what, Kyle is always going to be hindered from being her true self because of Family Loyalty. Whether that means keeping secrets about Kim, or putting on a good face for her husband's business, or pretending that her niece never made a sex tape. Brandi, like Tamra, is not inhibited by those things. 


I think it is much more likely that Brandi was behind the plan to take down Lisa V. and I think that she came up with the plan as the season was filming and that is why it failed. If she had been more willing to learn from Lisa, she may have realized that she could only put dents in Lisa's armor and would have to work for more than a single season to accomplish a full take down. Because Brandi is street smart, but not Tamra levels yet. 


Kyle, for all of her mean girl activities, just isn't bright enough to come up with a plan for the season. I think Brandi had a plan and then changed it. Her changing it is why she didn't succeed. If she had let Lisa rehab her image into someone who was over the cheating and had moved on, she probably could have succeeded in making enough people feel bad for her. But when it didn't work, her desperation started showing. And that was her downfall. 


Think about it, Brandi had Lisa V. Kyle, Camille, and Yolanda in her court at one time. She just fucked up and went too far. It's most likely the story of her life. 

  • Love 15

The reason I think Kyle is behind it is that Kyle has been trying since long before Brandi even joined the show.  We can agree to disagree, because I really don't want to go back and point out all of the clues we saw, or Kyle's previous attempts right now.  I totally agree Kyle is not smart, but I think she planned this one out to the letter and gathered her troops for the Puerto Rico death blows.  If I remained detached enough, there was a part of me that actually admired Kyle for finally achieving what she's tried to for years.  I may at some point list all the reasons I believe Kyle was behind it all.  (A windstorm damaged my LONG fence, and I'm distracted right now.  ;)


I certainly don't think Brandi was some innocent bystander in it all though.  I DO think her final straw was the set up of inviting Sheeaanneae and not giving Brandi a head's up, AND then expecting Brandi to congratulate her on her engagement.  I would have been pissed at that too, and probably smiled sweetly at Lisa and said something like, "That will never happen.  I wish you had told me she would be here, did you not think to mention it?" death stare with smile firmly in place, walk away, ignore Sheaneanea completely.


Brandi doesn't have that much self possession, and on top of that, I think she was thrown by her presence, and pissed, and very much wondering if Lisa was just using her at that moment.  Lisa has mastered the knack of the polite put down, which is far more devastating normally.  The rest of them?  Have not.


The weird thing to me is that it seems like Brandi really did expect Lisa to "get over it" and "be even now" and then go back to status quo.  It's almost as if she thought it was "for show" or something.  Those accusations (and yes, I think Kyle deliberately fed Brandi that false information about not owning the restaurants/living in the valley, etc. because of the very very very telling look Brandi gave Kyle during the reunion when that came up.) 


Brandi tried to play with the big dogs, and didn't have the ruthlessness of Kyle, or the intelligence of Lisa, so she got burned.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

I am not going to quote the whole post, but MatilaMoody, your entire post was everything....it was sheer perfection. I think you have it all exactly right. Kyle just isn't that smart, but more than anything she just isn't that strategic. She gets entirely too emotional to ever think strategically. Brandi is strategic. Just look at the way she played the whole lawsuit deal with Adrienne. This is when I began to hate her, but is was just so brilliant. She learned that Adrienne was not talking about the whole reveal and stepped away from filming for a time, and Brandi took over the narrative of the story. There will never, ever be a more solid performance by a HW than by Brandi Glanville in S3. Ever. When Brandi gets into trouble is when she does get emotional. She did that with Lisa over the whole Scheana deal. This is when she overplayed her hand. She was pissed and she was hurt (and I defeneded her over that whole deal time and time again over Lisa) and she just took it one step too far. Kyle's most pathetic scenes ever were in S3 when she was following Lisa V around like a dog with her tongue hanging out begging her to love her again. Kyle wanted more than anything to be friends with Lisa again. She was finally getting her way by the middle of S4. Lisa was calling her again every day (instead of Brandi), they planned a joint party for Mauricio and Ken. Things were finally getting good for Kyle at the same time they were getting bad for Brandi. Brandi was the one reminding Kyle of the things Lisa had said about her and Mauricio. She was reminding Kyle of how badly Lisa had treated her because she didn't like that she was losing Lisa to not just Scheana, but to Kyle. Anyone who conveys a narrative that Kyle was the mastermind has to forget that Brandi was the one with the final nail in the coffin in the form of magazines in a suitcase. Brandi just let her emotions get in the way and she lost it all.

  • Love 8

You know as much as I dislike Kyle and think that she would salivate at the opportunity to make herself look like Lisa's or anyone else's victim, I just can't buy her being a mastermind behind a "take Lisa down" plot. I just don't see her or either of her sisters as being smart enough to be that devious. Kyle, for all of her mean girl antics, could never be Regina George. She is more like a hanger on of Regina's. She has the mean girl behaviors, but not the intelligence IMO. 


Yeah, I just don’t see Kyle as a plotter and a schemer. 


Brandi is a plotter and a schemer.

Lisa V. is a plotter and a schemer.

Camille is a plotter and a schemer.

Taylor is a plotter and a schemer.


Kim fumes and stews in resentment and anger but she’s not with it enough to be a plotter and a schemer. 


Lisa R. seems like a react in the moment and temporary insanity type but I don't see her as a plotter and a schemer.


If I thought Eileen gave a damn about petty shit, I’d bet she could be a good plotter and a schemer.  Well, at least she's played some excellent ones on TV.  LOL


I don’t think Kyle has it in her to construct some kind of “take down” plan and then gather up allies and execute.  Nope, I just can’t see it.

  • Love 13

I just don't see her or either of her sisters as being smart enough to be that devious. Kyle, for all of her mean girl antics, could never be Regina George. She is more like a hanger on of Regina's. She has the mean girl behaviors, but not the intelligence IMO. 


Kyle isn't particularly bright, however, her nastiness is inbred.  It's as genetic as Kim and Paris' lazy eyes.  They grew up pampered children in Beverly Hills and the art of conniving was started early by their mother.  I think they're each capable of planning a take down.


Kyle + Kim > Regina George.  Factor in Faye.  If only they would harness that power for good and not evil.  LOL

  • Love 5

Is it wrong that I think Eddie is so freaking handsome?  I remember seeing him on something and not even knowing who he was and just thought,"Dang, guy is good looking."  I guess he is just my type.  


ETA, I don't really know much about him and I am sure if I did I would lose a lot of my lust for him but for looks, I likey,

Edited by raiderred1
  • Love 6

I've had a crush on Eddie Cibrian since he was Matt Clark on "The Young & The Restless" and I was, like, a pre-teen in those days and didn't even know what gay was. Matt Clark ended up being a horrible person who lied to the police and said Nick Newman shot him when instead it was one Amy, who he had raped, but that's for a different thread.



The weird thing is that Taylor and Brandi were unwitting allies by default in the third season because Taylor was pissed that she got excommunicated from the group over the threat of a lawsuit and then the Maloofs go and threaten a law suit. Taylor is the one who ignited the whole tea party fiasco (actually, both tea party fiascos). She actually gave everyone the double bird, ha!


  • Love 3

LOL I've done similar things when I was younger with cheating boyfriends.


I agree with your last sentence though because she doesn't seem to have a... I'm trying to think of the right wording ... fixed sense of ethics or standards, maybe?  I don't know.  She applies certain reactions and behaviors to everything, no matter how inappropriate.  She reminds me of that parable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".  She reacts so strongly to everything, so when she really has been hurt by someone or a situation, people will think that she's either lying or overreacting or both.  Slashing her cheating husband's tires might sound like an understandable one-off reaction if done by anyone else, but for Brandi, that's her go-to for all situations, it seems.  I can understand why, then, it's just tacked onto her already long list of bat shit crazy behaviors.

See, I never get the pleasure of getting this far with ex boyfriends. I think it might be because as soon as they find out the other personality wants to go on the dates to the kind of run away. Oh well, we always have more fun without them. Who's crazy now Brandi?

  • Love 1

Oh, you guys need to stop typing out her name.   Three more times and she's going to appear on our screens again and scare the bejesus out of me!    ; - )

I think that's a really good suggestion for any wife that you want to get rid of but she manages to drive the boards discussion. Take that BG&KR!

  • Love 1

Thank gosh the season is over!  Started out well and just declined into such toxic levels.. the fact that the person running the show.. Mr. Cohen is a middle school mean person trapped in a middle aged body says it all.



  • Love 1

Yeah, I just don’t see Kyle as a plotter and a schemer. 


Brandi is a plotter and a schemer.

Lisa V. is a plotter and a schemer.

Camille is a plotter and a schemer.

Taylor is a plotter and a schemer.


Kim fumes and stews in resentment and anger but she’s not with it enough to be a plotter and a schemer. 


Lisa R. seems like a react in the moment and temporary insanity type but I don't see her as a plotter and a schemer.


If I thought Eileen gave a damn about petty shit, I’d bet she could be a good plotter and a schemer.  Well, at least she's played some excellent ones on TV.  LOL


I don’t think Kyle has it in her to construct some kind of “take down” plan and then gather up allies and execute.  Nope, I just can’t see it.

About halfway through the season credible stories began to be published that I think were at the heart of the Vanderpump/Glanvillian feud last season.  Brandi was apparently turned down as a partner in PUMP. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/18/brandi-glanville-tried-invest-lisa-vanderpumps-restaurant-pump/


So when she was rejected she started this more than a sidekick campaign and in the process attempted to forever destroy relationships between Kim and LvP, Yolanda and LvP.  It was easy to recruit Kim as she has never liked LvP and I am sure Brandi gave her plenty of insight on she and Ken's feelings towards Kim.


Season 4 Kyle was hardly in the position to organize a takedown.  She had way too many battles to fight-Lisa, Yolanda, Carlton and Brandi.  At the beginning of the season there was just Kim and Kyle against the others.  Joyce and Kyle hit it off only because Yolanda and Joyce didn't. 

  • Love 4

You could almost see Brandi's Xanax and wine kick in when she was talking to Lisa V, the dramatic "my father is dying" talk (which made me wonder why she was at a party and not at his bedside) and the "I told you I love you" crap. Honestly, who among us would pick up the phone everyday to call the person (that slapped us) to inquire about their father?  Did Lisa even know her father had surgery? Brandi put it back on Lisa V like it was Lisa that was the badly behaved one.


Yo's leggings at the Hangover party looked a bit Forever 21 ish.


I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Kathy Hilton's  "you do magic now????" to Andrienne. 

Sure Nicky Hilton is a name that is recognizable but she hasn't been on my radar in about 20 years, what is she doing these days? Am I not in the right circles to see the fashion icon out and about?  Obviously I am not in those circles but really, has she been a fashion commentator on anything lately?  What qualifies her as a the word in fashion? I am not being snarky, just want to know.


  • Love 3

I honestly don't think Brandi is nuts or crazy.


I think she mixes her anxiety medicine with booze and loses what few inhibitions she has.  What I really think though, is that she really was devastated when blindsided with Eddie's cheating, and the divorce, and hasn't really recovered from that.  I did like, for example, when she said she hoped someday to be able to do the co-parenting and joint family holiday dinners, but right now can't envision it happening.


As far as the show?  I think she it all just went to her head, and she overestimated that heady new found popularity and ego.  She went from the depths (the divorce, very worried about money) to the high of being very popular with fans, and an increase in salary (security.)  In playground terms, she got too big for her britches.  I can see how it happened, she was never really in show biz before, and failed to realize people build people up to watch them fall.


However, her biggest mistake was alienating Lisa.  Whether she fell for Kyle's manipulations and desire to bring Lisa down, or not, she participated.  She had a huge ally, and chose to insult her, and throw a tantrum about Lisa using her to promote VPR.  Yes, Lisa did it, but BIG PICTURE BRANDI!  So incredibly stupid of her to do that, and to even THINK Kyle would stay against Lisa.  Yes, Kyle wanted Lisa brought down, but she never even wanted Brandi on the show.  Trusting Kyle?  DUMB.


I think she's had her comeuppance though, but will it be enough?  Probably not.  She FUBAR all of the good will she had going, Lisa is no longer laughing at her jokes,and Ken is furious.  She's screwed, and I think she's realizing it, finally.  Idiotic move on her part.


Oh, and yes, she owned that vehicle with Eddie, I remember her pointing that out quite clearly now.

Kyles manipulations? It was Brandi that had to tell Kyle what Lisa did. She couldn't wait to bring up the magazine story. I think she tried to play chess and that the queen down, it blew up in her face.

  • Love 8

Kim gets all the flack for being aggressive but IMO I think it just looks worse because she has these weird, random spurts of YOU'RE LYING and BACK OFF that make her look insane and/or on something. Maybe she's both, I dunno, but Kyle has escalated almost every situation going back to The Limo. Kyle was the aggressor with Brandi at the gay mixer; Kyle was the first to raise her voice when Kim -- initially -- very gently probed her in Palm Springs; Kyle was in Kim's face in front of Little Kathy; Kyle was the one who (again, JMHO) cruelly snapped "What do you think about THAT?" after the Brandi intervention comment reveal; Kyle got mad at Lisa V for not originally listening to Kyle about Brandi, and Kyle got mad at Lisa R for "not having her back".

I think Kyle is just as mean and even more self-centered than Kim. She's just smarter about how she plays it, and crikey, enough with the tears and the long-suffering sister act. Kim's not all there and has tantrums. Kyle is all there and still mean a lot of the time. All the wives are talking about Mean Girls all of the time...if I was in high school with Brandi, Kim, and Kyle, I'd have Kyle immediately pinned as the Queen Bee. Maybe LVP would be running the show behind the scenes, but we've all seen Carrie, right? Who's the "plug it up" ringleader, Brandi, Kim, or Kyle? YMMV.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

Who's the "plug it up" ringmaster, Brandi or Kyle? YMMV.


Ohhh. Love it.  Kyle for sure.  Brandi would be the hanger on girl with the pigtails and baseball cap.  P.J. something or other was her name in real life.


Yolanda would be the Amy Irving character.  Eileen as the gym teacher.  Though I don't think she acts like the mother, I think Lisa V resembles Carrie's mother. 


Mash up Carlton and Eileen's house and we'd have Carrie's house. 

  • Love 6

Kim gets all the flack for being aggressive but IMO I think it just looks worse because she has these weird, random spurts of YOU'RE LYING and BACK OFF that make her look insane and/or on something. Maybe she's both, I dunno, but Kyle has escalated almost every situation going back to The Limo. Kyle was the aggressor with Brandi at the gay mixer; Kyle was the first to raise her voice when Kim -- initially -- very gently probed her in Palm Springs; Kyle was in Kim's face in front of Little Kathy; Kyle was the one who (again, JMHO) cruelly snapped "What do you think about THAT?" after the Brandi intervention comment reveal; Kyle got mad at Lisa V for not originally listening to Kyle about Brandi, and Kyle got mad at Lisa R for "not having her back".

I think Kyle is just as mean and even more self-centered than Kim. She's just smarter about how she plays it, and crikey, enough with the tears and the long-suffering sister act. Kim's not all there and has tantrums. Kyle is all there and still mean a lot of the time. All the wives are talking about Mean Girls all of the time...if I was in high school with Brandi, Kim, and Kyle, I'd have Kyle immediately pinned as the Queen Bee. Maybe LVP would be running the show behind the scenes, but we've all seen Carrie, right? Who's the "plug it up" ringmaster, Brandi or Kyle? YMMV.

I think this is an interesting way of looking at things but there would have been no conversation at the Gay Mixer had Kim and Brandi not decided to have Brandi crash-even Brandi has said this.  There would have been no retrieving Kim from the limo had she stayed and finished her job and not insulted all of her co-workers-that was on Kim, not Kyle, Kyle had to remind Kim that it was her behavior Poker Night, which was 100% Kim that caused all the discourse with Kim and LisaR and Eileen, it was Kim that escalated the house conversation by screaming, "liar and you're lying," when caught in an intentional misrepresentation. I guess maybe if I just once saw or heard either of these sisters use basic common sense when hitting a raw nerve I would have a different view.  For me, the most annoying thing is Kim is asking Kyle to treat her like a healthy older sister and then turns around and seeks refuge in Brandi, who claims she is there for her and will protect her.  Either Kim is healthy or she is not.


So it really isn't a couple of insane moment designed to make Kim look bad.  It may very well be that Kyle does not have the education or experience to deal with someone who is as flipping gone as Kim.  I have often wonder how much of these conversations are chopped out because I am at the point that I don't believe these conversations go south as quickly as they do between Kim and Kyle.  Maybe it is historic personal details that are too difficult to translate on screen but neither sister seems to have a very smooth way of dealing with each other when they have contrary views.  I do believe if a sober Kim thought she would be uncomfortable in Palm Springs she could have suggested an alternate site-say Kathy Hilton's or the house in Palm Springs where Lisa Vanderpump stayed. 

  • Love 2

Last night was nothing but junior high with better dresses and drinks.    "she said this", "Oh, she said that". . . it never ends.   What would be great is if ALL the women were in a room, being filmed, when they watch the edited versions of what plays on TV, and then comment.    YO is starting to get on my nerves with her way too simplistic view of how to fix things.   Kyle & Kim - it never ends and never will.  


I can't see, without major changes, how they are going to film next season.   WHO, besides Kim, is going to want to film with Brandi????   When can Kim & Kyle be at any event without getting into it?   We get it, the Richard's family is screwed up, let's move on.   LisaR (I hope she comes back) surely won't want to get into any more drama with Kim, or Brandi.     Yo - doubt she will be coming back, unless it's on an extremely limited basis.   And what will she do - lecture Brandi (but, oh no I'm not mothering)?   LisaV is so done with Brandi - there will be no more forced playfulness - she can't trust Brandi to not cross that line again.  She's over Kim, but can manage to at least be polite, but that doesn't make for good TV.    What will Brandi's storyline be - her once a week podcast & cheap wine?  If Kim is busy, does that mean endless scenes in her bedroom (who is 42 and has a Hello Kitty in their room), with her hairdresser?    Clearly this group is way to divided, and it doesn't look like they are going to set aside past grudges.


I hope Bravo doesn't fall for the (fill in the blank) needs the money so we can't fire her.  So, who needs to /should go?   If it is Brandi - it will be interesting to see how Kim will act without Brandi to back her up, or for that matter, have anyone to film with. 

  • Love 4

Kyle isn't particularly bright, however, her nastiness is inbred.  It's as genetic as Kim and Paris' lazy eyes.  They grew up pampered children in Beverly Hills and the art of conniving was started early by their mother.  I think they're each capable of planning a take down.


Kyle + Kim > Regina George.  Factor in Faye.  If only they would harness that power for good and not evil.  LOL

That's just it. I think that Faye is the Regina George of the group. I think that Kyle is constantly trying to make "Fetch" happen and will never be smart enough to plan a take down. 


Factor in the way Kyle can't control herself when she gets emotional. Like, she could have totally come out the winner at the Gay Mixer if she had just said the first part of her apology and not have gone any further. If she had just walked away after saying she was sorry for getting physical without any mitigating of the apology, she could have totally won that whole scenario. But, Kyle, in addition to being pretty dim, is just not able to control herself enough to be any kind of mastermind. So she went around seeking everyone's approval to be pissed that Brandi was there and then escalated the argument with Brandi. I was glad that she told Kim "Fuck you" but it just wasn't the right moment because she had already behaved so badly that I couldn't enjoy her saying what needed to be said and it just made Kim believe that much more in the power of Brandi's friendship.


The Gay Mixer proves to me more than anything else (including her obvious dim nature) that Kyle is incapable of planning and executing a take down. Especially a take down of someone like Lisa V. who Kyle herself considered to be a champion chess player. Kyle was so focused on getting back in Lisa's good graces and finally getting fan approval, that she was too focused on herself to try to plan a take down. In Kyle's limited brain, she thought she won the fight at the Gay Mixer because she actually was on the right side, but couldn't see that she handled it completely wrong. 


She is just not a mastermind even in the ridiculous world of the Housewives. There is no way I can ever believe that she planned the take down of Lisa last season. Nothing that she has done in 5 seasons has shown her of being capable of focusing on anything other than how something immediately effects her. There is no long term planning in her self important world of being the victim. And Brandi handed her the opportunity to be Lisa's victim for all of the world/viewers to see. 


Brandi on the other hand, made her very first reunion appearance as part of a plan to get on Lisa's side and become a full time cast member. Brandi managed to control an entire narrative about being "sued" by Adrianne when there was no law suit. There wasn't even a cyst and decease letter addressed to her - it was to her friend. Brandi came armed with lies that were just believable enough to get others on her side. She did that at that first reunion and she did it all last season.


Lisa even pointed to Brandi trying to divide and conquer again by saying that Kyle said something about her while they were shopping in Amsterdam. Brandi was the mastermind and it backfired because she couldn't keep it together enough to accomplish her goal - which makes sense, because I don't think Brandi even knows what her ultimate goal was or is anymore.

  • Love 5

For the record I'm not trying to give credence to Brandi because I believe that her life with Eddie prior to her divorce was comparable to Kyle's and some of the other rich, but not super rich HWs, and now she makes disparaging remarks about vacations and nannies as part of her bitterness of what she lost when Eddie left.

Aww but Brandi gained help in her child care with the divorce. There's this nice lady LeeAnn who takes care of her kids 50% of the time and even pays for doing so.
  • Love 11

I hope Bravo doesn't fall for the (fill in the blank) needs the money so we can't fire her.  So, who needs to /should go?   If it is Brandi - it will be interesting to see how Kim will act without Brandi to back her up, or for that matter, have anyone to film with. 

Bravo dropped RHoA Sheree, and she was in much worse financial shape than Kim R or Brandi.

  • Love 2
Kyle isn't particularly bright, however, her nastiness is inbred.  It's as genetic as Kim and Paris' lazy eyes.  They grew up pampered children in Beverly Hills and the art of conniving was started early by their mother.



I agree she has a nasty streak (finger pointing mean girl style), but I don’t really think of her and Kim’s background as “pampered.”  I think their mother had them hustling from the time they were toilet trained.    First for work/fame, eventually for husbands.  To the extent Kyle is normal, I think it is because Big Kathy was distracted and left her to raise herself and drive herself to work (without a license, if I recall).  To me “pampered” implies a certain amount of having everything handed to you – I think they got the champagne taste upbringing, but not the kick back and relax and live it up part that goes with producing the celebutantes.  It was always about needing to do better, get better, get more, set themselves up for life.  Kathy and Kim went crazy once they were out on their own with rings on their fingers and money to burn.  Kyle, not so much, because there was no money to burn, and she felt the responsibility of motherhood in a way the others either didn’t or didn’t have to, with the kind of household help that means being able to go out and get blasted 6 nights a week, while putting the dress and pearls on for dinner with the in laws the 7th night.

  • Love 12

I agree she has a nasty streak (finger pointing mean girl style), but I don’t really think of her and Kim’s background as “pampered.”  I think their mother had them hustling from the time they were toilet trained.    First for work/fame, eventually for husbands.  To the extent Kyle is normal, I think it is because Big Kathy was distracted and left her to raise herself and drive herself to work (without a license, if I recall).  To me “pampered” implies a certain amount of having everything handed to you – I think they got the champagne taste upbringing, but not the kick back and relax and live it up part that goes with producing the celebutantes.  It was always about needing to do better, get better, get more, set themselves up for life.  Kathy and Kim went crazy once they were out on their own with rings on their fingers and money to burn.  Kyle, not so much, because there was no money to burn, and she felt the responsibility of motherhood in a way the others either didn’t or didn’t have to, with the kind of household help that means being able to go out and get blasted 6 nights a week, while putting the dress and pearls on for dinner with the in laws the 7th night.

I agree.  Paris ( I hate that I even know who she is) was and most likely still is pampered, she has never wanted for a damn thing. Kim wasn't. She was pampered once she married a wallet and even through she blew through those marriages and the money she still expects to pampered. She misses it. It is a drug to her just like the pills and the booze.

  • Love 4

I have watched RHOBH from the first episode until now, never missing an episode, and for the life of me I cannot remember - Brandi and Taylor - did they have much interaction? I really can't recall so it leads me to believe they didn't have many scenes together. I want to say there was only one season they were both on because Taylor has been gone for several now.  And I kind of think they didn't like each other but can't recall any specific incidents. The reason I'm asking is because I know there's been talk of Taylor, Camille, and Adrienne possibly returning, and I vividly remember Brandi and Adrienne's interactions, but not Brandi and Taylor. 


So if Brandi and Taylor did have problems with each other, I'm kind of hoping Taylor comes back. :)


And perhaps we could finally see Taylor "go Oklahoma" on Kim's ass.


Hell, after this season, I'd pay good money to watch that shit go down.  

  • Love 11

I don't know. I remember her saying she did call him and warn him not to drive on them because he would end up in an accident.



Oh, I know. I am not defending Brandi at all. That is why I said she has a low threshold. She goes nuclear at the slightest thing. I will applaud the tire thing all day long because I personally felt the situation deserved an equally hurtful response. But, Brandi doesn't deal in equal responses. You tell her she's mean, she accuses you of destroying her kids. 

You bump into her, she throws a brick through your window. She isn't unfiltered. She is unhinged. And while, I can get behind a little crazy in certain situations (I totally understood LisaR's nuclear reaction to Kim bringing up Harry), I can't buy into the way Brandi consistently goes for the kill. And so often it is unprovoked. Like her saying people were calling Bella an alcoholic. Completely uncalled for and untrue.

Eddie version is that Brandi admitted it after he confronted her, so presumably he noticed that something was awry.



Eddie Cibrian -- My Ex Slashed My Tires

12/11/2009 7:22 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

Alleged serial cheater Eddie Cibrian claims he's the victim in his broken relationship with his soon-to-be ex wife Brandi ... along with the tires on his motorcycles.

In custody papers filed by Eddie, he claims Brandi slashed his tires in August -- then she immediately admitted to it when he confronted her about it.


Here's the best part: In the docs, Eddie says Brandi "told me that it made her feel better that she slashed my tires."


Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/12/11/eddie-cibrian-brandi-slashed-tires-my-ex-slashed-my-tires/#ixzz3VWugJCqT


Edited by quinn
  • Love 1

All I can say about this f-d up season is: Thank God it's OVER!  Good grief, if I had to listen to the whining scratchy voiced Richards sisters even ONE MORE MINUTE I would have gone insane.  OK, that's an exaggeration...

I think that it's time for Kim AND Brandi to hit the trail. Just go.away.  I think maybe one reason Kim lurves Brandi so much is because she reminds Kim of Kingsley.  The whole go for the throat thing.  I think that when Monty passes away, Kim is going to totally lose.her.shit.  Mind's already gone.

I too have watched this show from the beginning and this season;  without Amsterdam, would have been just completely sucky. I'm not even sure I will watch again but rest assured, I'll still read THIS! :)

  • Love 2

The best part of S5 was the dinner blowup in Amsterdam.  That discussion thread was the most fun we've had on the board all season.  


Tonight I was looking through the screencaps and noticed that only Brandi and Yolanda tried to diffuse the situation.




LisaV chimed in by telling Kim that Kyle has defended her before..........1,000 times.


Eileen spoke up but that got heated too.  She's just not as good at bringing the drama as LisaR.


LisaR will no doubt go down in HW's history for her performance.




That leaves one housewife.........Kyle.  And what did Kyle do?




Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5

The worst moment in this entire season to me was Brandi's classless "fingerbang" comment.  And it upsets me that she was able to say something so crass and get away with it.  Still coddled by Yolanda (while sometimes doing the "tough love" stuff).  David Foster was nastier to Taylor for singing than he was to someone making such a crude comment at a dinner party attended by a music legend, for fux sake!  

  • Love 14

The worst moment in this entire season to me was Brandi's classless "fingerbang" comment.  And it upsets me that she was able to say something so crass and get away with it.  Still coddled by Yolanda (while sometimes doing the "tough love" stuff).  David Foster was nastier to Taylor for singing than he was to someone making such a crude comment at a dinner party attended by a music legend, for fux sake!  

I suffered from second hand embarrassment at multiple points during that episode. 


From Brandi's comments to Babyface about the ring, Brandi sitting on David's lap and thinking it's cute, Brandi's lame ass apology to Eileen where she couldn't even make eye contact, giving Eileen the I'm-sawwy necklace without so much as a box/bag or card, not being embarrassed when the other women straight up tell her that they think she's crazy, trying to make it seem like she was watching Eileen on Days in high school when that's simply impossible, not realizing that the finger banging comment was inappropriate even when she hears the comments of other people who clearly aren't amused but also aren't completely trying to kill the moment, etc. 


That episode should be reason enough for why Brandi is not a fit for this franchise. 

  • Love 11

This is a great recap of the season finale.  I literally laughed out loud......more than once at phrases like: 


- Intervention Telephone

- Kaftans By KyleQueen Of Delusion

- risqué cut-out conspiracy

- KimKillah

- InterventionGate


RealityTea BH Season Finale

Smart move.


For Kyle..........probably because if it's not about Kyle, why should she be there?

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 1

On Brandi's father, I just felt that it was another in the long line of sympathy ploys she uses when she's pissed off the lot of them.  Of course, I believe it happened and I believe she is worried about her dad, but if your dad is on death's doorstep, you aren't at a party.  You're at his bedside.  We've seen her use her personal tragedies before to get the pity party going when people have had enough of her shit.

  • Love 12

I think that when Monty passes away, Kim is going to totally lose.her.shit. 


IA and will go further and say that she is planning to totally lose her shit, during a nice long satisfying binge. I will say that she is laying in supplies as we speak, pills/patches. I do not doubt that she has some residual feelings for Monty but the recent/current portrayal as the lovey-dovey caregiver is dressing the stage for a heartbroken-and-therefore-justified binge. Practicing addicts assess life events as opportunities to indulge and rate them according to the potential, so there is no way that Kim will not be taking full advantage of this one. A part of her is counting the days.

  • Love 14

IA and will go further and say that she is planning to totally lose her shit, during a nice long satisfying binge. I will say that she is laying in supplies as we speak, pills/patches. I do not doubt that she has some residual feelings for Monty but the recent/current portrayal as the lovey-dovey caregiver is dressing the stage for a heartbroken-and-therefore-justified binge. Practicing addicts assess life events as opportunities to indulge and rate them according to the potential, so there is no way that Kim will not be taking full advantage of this one. A part of her is counting the days.


Thumbs up and thundering applause!  You nailed it.   Bold to all of it. 100 percent. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 9

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