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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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To be clear, they didn't say the word 'sluts' but look at all the stirring up desires talk, the modest dress, the crazy rules, etc. It was as much the victim's fault, as Josh's (to JB&M, anyway).

I dunno, Josh was sent away to renovate the Hobby Lobby Hotel or whatever, and the girls weren't. JimChelle did seem to implement some whacko modesty rules, but that included rules that required the boys to be even more covered up than the girls.

I think the repercussions for the girls lasted longer than Josh's. The girls were forced to forgive Josh when he returned and live in the same house with him.  After he came back, Josh still seem to be the golden child and heir to Jim Bob.  It's disturbing to me to see how much alone time Josh had with his sisters after. Ex. when he drove them down to Florida to help with wedding preparations. They were in a group and had the car cameras, but still. 


The girls have had to listen to Jim Bob and Michelle lecture on how men are stirred with their eyes by the feminine form and it was their responsibility to prevent desires that could not be righteously fulfilled.  Girls aren't viewed as having that type of visual stimuli. Also, I wonder if they are still locked in their room.


Over time, it seems like the clothing rules for the boys are more relaxed. There have been pictures of them in shorts. I think that it is one good thing about Ben and Derick being in their lives. There's evidence that the boys don't have to run and swim in jeans anymore.  The wearing the shirts in the pool may seem weird, but at least they are protected from the sun. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 11
Whether I agree with them or not, I have a great admiration for anyone who has the courage of their convictions.


I do too and I get what you're saying. BUT I don't think that's the case here. According to their convictions, both religious and cultural (God and family 24/7, which are convictions I believe in, BTW) if they knew this kind of thing was in their closet, they should have NEVER gone on TV in the first place. And although they took the chance, when it came out they should have retreated to heal, to protect their daughters, to get their son proper therapy, to protect HIS family because now his wife and kids are tainted with this forever because the Duggars will not retreat. So what's at stake here? On one hand: money and notoriety. On the other: family, protection, healing, therapy, regrouping, reconnecting, slowing down and enjoying the kids still at home, taking care of new grandbabies--IOW, what every other healthy family does or attempts to do. 


IMO, stepping away from the public and asking for privacy would go a long way to show their credibility as a family that puts the Lord and themselves above everything else. The Duggars have been put to the test (so to speak) and they're choosing fame--which is quickly turning to infamy. 

  • Love 12

It's their 31st anniversary today! Watch as they have another staged moment for the cameras as Boob presents Mechelle with her present. 



Lucky there are no June babies to mar the gemstones and make that ring even more bulky! As a June baby, I hate that pearls don't play well with most gems (diamonds excepted), and are a pain to wear (no lotions, oils, etc on the skin underneath). 

Matchy matchy shirts.  Isn't that precious?  Looked from the size of the ring that there were enough stones there to be one for each kid, but could have been only the months in which she had a kid.  I don't know how many that would be.  Significantly less, tho.  She acted like she'd never heard of mother's rings before.   Good grief.

  • Love 7
I often wonder what would have happened if the roles were reversed. What if it was one of the older girls preying on a Duggar boy? Not that I would ever wish for that to happen, but I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle would have swept it under the rug like they did with Precious Josh?

I think they would have. Not for the girl's sake, but because it would be a blemish against the family and they couldn't have that now, could they? 

  • Love 3

The matching really, really bugs! I've been married almost 21 years (8/6), and we have only worn the same color when we go to sporting events. My colors just aren't his. For instance, today I'm wearing a deep rose tee shirt. The hubby is not metro enough to pull off that look! He's wearing a grubby white tee touting the Azzuri. LOL

  • Love 5

I think they have changed, and they should just admit it. It would do both them and their crowd a lot of good. It doesn't have to be about "big" things like courtship models but I know I liked the bates, for example when they admitted they have raised their oldest and youngest children very differently because of who they (the parents) are. That was SO relatable and ordinary and honest, but didn't talk about their convictions or anything like that at all.

  • Love 6

Oh dear. That ring is so very typically Jim Bob. A grand gesture that is ultimately totally impractical and rather tacky. A ring made up of all the children's birth stones sounds lovely in theory, but in reality it's just a massive mess of cheap rocks that no one would wear except as a novelty. Judging from Michelle's reaction, she agrees with me.

  • Love 9

They just can't turn it off, can they? In ten years they'll still be acting like reality TV stars. This video will get them blog posts and attention, of course. At least until the next big news story makes the Duggars totally irrelevant.


Nice stealth appearance by Josh. I'm sure that was intentionally tossed in as a trial balloon.



Anna is wearing the same shirt for over a week now.

Well, they're poor for real now, and have to look it!

  • Love 4

That ring looks like something you get in one of those little vending machines at the grocery store.  50 cents gets you something like that.


Sorry, it's ugly.


Stop it with your stupid home videos already!  What's next?  Jim Boob takes a dump? Holy cow, you don't need to video EVERYTHING.  How boring can you get?

  • Love 8

The ring is tacky and looks like it was purchased from a vendor at a swap meat. In all the years I've been watching the Duggars, Michelle has never seemed like a big jewelry person. That thing will get shoved in the back of a drawer and won't be worn once.

You seem to be forgetting that michelle is all about the bling, friend.

  • Love 14

What's odd about Mechelle is that in recent years, she's seen with only a simple gold wedding band and that tacky digital watch. However, in older specials, she is clearly seen wearing a full wedding set. I guess she decided to "modest" things up and go with just the band. IIRC, her engagement ring in the set was a solitare; they are easy enough to be sized, if that's the issue. 


I also recall the girls writing in their book that once they reached a certain age (maybe 18?) that Mechelle gave each of them a gemstone ring from her collection to wear as their purity ring. I remember the talk that Jana was engaged when she was once spotted wearing hers on her wedding finger. Anyway, that's that story. Mechelle DOES have the "bling," she just doesn't wear it, and I wonder if she has more rings for the remaining five daughters, or if she'll have to break up that ring to give them nice purity rings like their four oldest sisters.

  • Love 3

You look up the word pathetic online and that video is going to pop up.


They think they can just turn on a video camera and churn out something that will make the viewer think they're watching TLC. As bad as they always looked during the show, this is exponentially worse. Jim Bob is dorked out with a huge chuckles the clown grin, desperately trying to re-create the sense of being a TV star:


"I had that made for you *hyuck."

"You did?!?!"


Like he'd painted her likeness into the fucking Sistine Chapel. Wow.

  • Love 7

You look up the word pathetic online and that video is going to pop up.


They think they can just turn on a video camera and churn out something that will make the viewer think they're watching TLC. As bad as they always looked during the show, this is exponentially worse.



And this shows how much they've learned from their decade-plus on television. Compared to how much they think they know. Just hanging around a tv-production crew to the extent that they have ought to have imparted some sophistication about the process to anyone who was paying attention, seems to me. But these guys seem to come into everything assuming that they're the ones who know the score. The Dunning-Kruger effect again, I suppose.

  • Love 3

They just can't turn it off, can they? In ten years they'll still be acting like reality TV stars. This video will get them blog posts and attention, of course. At least until the next big news story makes the Duggars totally irrelevant.


Nice stealth appearance by Josh. I'm sure that was intentionally tossed in as a trial balloon.


Well, they're poor for real now, and have to look it!

LOL at 'stealth appearance by Josh'.  

  • Love 3

Why do they feel the compulsion to film every precious moment?  Figures JB would get M'go to hell something that has to do with motherhood.  She has no identity outside of motherhood as JB so enjoys reminding her with all of these very special taped for viewing moments.


I want to read the card that came with it. Dear Mother, I mean Michelle, you are nothing but a mother and how wonderful that is.  You will never be anything except  a mother so wear this ring with pride.  You won't be having any more babies so this is it, this ring had all of your kids remembered on it.  You've been a great wife these last 31 years giving me all of these stamps of approval from God, I mean blessings,  but as you know it's all over now.  Here's your ring of retirement the show is over. Love, Jim Bob

Is that an actual thing or just Jim Bob's way of subtly bringing up HOW MANY BABIES HAVE SPRUNG FROM HIS LOINS?

Yes to the second part.

  • Love 5

"Her best labor yet." Honestly, WTF says that? Is it some kind of competition? Do they video every L&D and then compare them all to decide which is the "best"? These sick assholes really are obsessed with pregnancy, childbirth and babies. I've never seen anything like it. I'm still waiting for Michelle to become a surrogate for the daughter/daughter-in-law that can't get pregnant.


That would be a yes. 

  • Love 3

I would never have bothered watching the ring video, except the comments here had me laughing until I cried. So very awkward. JB explains what it is and that it includes all the kids' birthstones. Then he says, "I had it made for you." Michelle: "Did you REALLY?" Why, no, the local jeweler just happened to have a mother's ring with exactly the 19 (20? 21?) stones that matched our family.

I never really watched the show and so hadn't ever seen the interior of the TTH. How cozy. It looks like a bunch of people waiting for the next Greyhound. They even have the requisite tile floor for ease of hosing off bodily fluids.

ETA: I just showed the vid to my husband and he burst out laughing and said "It looks like a Super Bowl ring!" Which...may be the point! I know it will look most fetching with a polo shirt-n-skirt combo.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 18

That is one of the ugliest rings I have ever seen. It looks like it came from a gum ball machine.

You have the start of a great "Ode to a Ring" going here. Run with it! :)

It is very unattractive, and I would say unwearable, except maybe as a cocktail ring type of thing. You know she will constantly be snagging stuff on it.

  • Love 4

Wait just one cotton pickin minute.  Just watched video with audio and JB says it's for all of her 19 children.  What happened to Michelle's letter to Jubilee where she says that from now on she will say she has 20 children (or 21 depending on which version of the letter she decides on).  Jubilee needs a spokesperson and her place on the ring damn it. 

  • Love 5

I would never have bothered watching the ring video, except the comments here had me laughing until I cried. So very awkward. JB explains what it is and that it includes all the kids' birthstones. Then he says, "I had it made for you." Michelle: "Did you REALLY?" Why, no, the local jeweler just happened to have a mother's ring with exactly the 19 (20? 21?) stones that matched our family.

I never really watched the show and so hadn't ever seen the interior of the TTH. How cozy. It looks like a bunch of people waiting for the next Greyhound. They even have the requisite tile floor for ease of hosing off bodily fluids.

ETA: I just showed the vid to my husband and he burst out laughing and said "It looks like a Super Bowl ring!" Which...may be the point! I know it will look most fetching with a polo shirt-n-skirt combo.

I took her "Did you REALLY?" as an excellent piece of shade. It looks more like something JB made himself than anything a decent jeweler would put together.

  • Love 4
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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