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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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From his obituary:

After graduating from Fayetteville High School in 1955, he attended the University of Arkansas, and served in the Army ROTC. He married Mary Duggar in 1960. In 1962, he became a third generation real estate agent in Duggar Realty that his grandfather J.T. Duggar established in 1933.

He loved buying and selling property, cars, and making "big" trades. Among many of his real estate transactions, he sold sites for the Springdale Holiday Inn & Convention Center, McDonald's on U.S. 412, Heritage Funeral Home and the new Tamales Restaurant coming soon on 48th Street. He was an incredible salesman.

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1 hour ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I wonder who wrote it? Certainly not resentful Boob. 

Yeah I'm not opposed to playful/offbeat obituaries in theory if they accurately reflect the person. I've seen one for a man I know who had a weird sense of humor and his family dearly loved him, but they wrote a playful and at times snarky obit for him that included a crack about him not leaving the car parked so far away from the house the next time he decides to die in the middle of a historic snowstorm. It could have been really crass, but it was oddly sweet (and in the middle of genuinely fond comments about him) and he would have found it funny as hell. 

I'm less convinced that Jimmy Lee's obit was written from the same loving emotional space. 

Edited by Zella
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That was a nice work of fiction. The kids basically grazed all day on camera. Bedtimes starting at 8:30? GTFO! Those kids are up very late, and drop when they are tired in their regular clothes. I recall Jessa and Ben arriving at the TTH on a Xmas morning, at what Michelle claimed was wake up time. Everyone was asleep and a few kids were on the sofas. 

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10 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Schedules were being discussed elsewhere. Here’s what was put out there in 2009:


Yea, I just posted in Jill's thread - Michelle has said numerous times they all went to bed late and all woke up late. Michelle fudged this big time for the article.

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10 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

So as we were talking about JL. Deanna recently did an "exclusive" for the Sun (of course she did) and she said this:  “My father had serious mental issues. It could’ve been passed down to Josh. I do not know.” I mean there's a can of worms there.

Didn’t he die of a brain tumor?

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2 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Didn’t he die of a brain tumor?

Brain cancer, yes.

Here is the Sun article that Deanna did where she made that comment (which as many have noted is broad, likely ignorant and exaggerated and who the heck really knows what she's talking about)


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I guess Amy and Deanna don't check each other's notes -

...no longer on speaking terms with her brother and sister-in-law Michelle, as she hasn’t spoken to them since Josh’s arrest. She said she and Jim Bob once had an “awesome” and “great” relationship. 

Amy has tried to make it seem they cut ties long ago.

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11 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

"2 p.m.: Michelle and the older children reconvene for lessons in science, history, law and medicine."


(sure, meech)

Well, that's exactly what Gothard's "Wisdom Books" say. That's what he and his fellow lunatic "authors" claimed to be "teaching" the ATI/IBLP children. That's one of the reasons they proclaimed (and the Duggars followed them in proclaiming) that ATI/IBLP-educated kids were always mature far beyond their years. (rather than the opposite, as they actually are...) 

So MEEEEchelle didn't make it up. She's just following the insane nonsense that her cult leaders spouted as they wrote their insane homefooling course materials. 

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16 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

So as we were talking about JL. Deanna recently did an "exclusive" for the Sun (of course she did) and she said this:  “My father had serious mental issues. It could’ve been passed down to Josh. I do not know.” I mean there's a can of worms there.

I'm not in the mental healthcare profession, but I've never heard that SA was a mental illness that was passed down through genes from the grandparents.

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On 6/7/2022 at 10:54 AM, Churchhoney said:

Well, that's exactly what Gothard's "Wisdom Books" say. That's what he and his fellow lunatic "authors" claimed to be "teaching" the ATI/IBLP children. That's one of the reasons they proclaimed (and the Duggars followed them in proclaiming) that ATI/IBLP-educated kids were always mature far beyond their years. (rather than the opposite, as they actually are...) 

So MEEEEchelle didn't make it up. She's just following the insane nonsense that her cult leaders spouted as they wrote their insane homefooling course materials. 

Michelle did teach law!  Remember when she had all the kids, from babies up to late teens, sitting at the dining room table and she taught them about bankruptcy?  Or least how to say it.

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Taken this from the Josh thread as suggested by the mods:

I remember  the picture too. Here’s an article about it, not the picture though:


What made me laugh, was the claim that it was done to weed out any hopeful wannabe reality stars or people with false intentions. You can easily fool people with written answers. You’d have to meet somebody and look them in the eyes if you want to get a feeling of their honesty and reliability. Paper statements are worthless!

Also, I really wonder why JB would do it? It’s not like the girls had loads of suitors? Most Duggar girls were married off asap to the very first guy that showed any interest!

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36 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Also, I really wonder why JB would do it? It’s not like the girls had loads of suitors? Most Duggar girls were married off asap to the very first guy that showed any interest!

Maybe Jim Bob just liked to foster the illusion that his daughters had loads of suitors and that he had a wide selection of young men to pick and choose from. It would only help the family image to present the girls as sought-after princesses, the creme de la creme of young Fundie womanhood.

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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

Also, I really wonder why JB would do it? It’s not like the girls had loads of suitors? Most Duggar girls were married off asap to the very first guy that showed any interest!

JB did mention once that they were contacted by a lot of guys interested in the girls (to which Jessa replied, "Yeah, the weird ones," and Michelle fake laughed and "playfully" punched her in the arm). I think they did have many guys approach them in one way or another and most were weeded out before they got to the questionnaire stage.  

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4 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

Or, just being presented with the questionnaire made them realize they weren’t really interested after all.

Honestly, I think still being interested after getting that questionnaire is a bad sign. You still want to pursue a relationship with a mental 14 year old you've never had a private conversation with after having that bit of insanity thrown in your face? Gee, I wonder why.

Just now, Zella said:

I do remember the girls mentioning something about creepy guys, and it made me wonder how fucking creepy they were to be clocked as creepy by this crowd. 

So creepy that Ben "I hounded by dad to drive four hours to attend your home Church so I could meet you" Seewald looked like a good catch.

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On 6/8/2022 at 2:42 PM, louannems said:

Michelle did teach law!  Remember when she had all the kids, from babies up to late teens, sitting at the dining room table and she taught them about bankruptcy?  Or least how to say it.

Yep, right out of Wisdom Book #35. Where the word "bankrupt" or one of its derivatives appears 77 times! .... Great reading for 8-year-olds! (or mental 8-year-olds, like Meeeechelle)

Here's the "bankruptcy" section of the Table of Contents -- 

HOW DOES BANKRUPTCY TEACH FORGIVENESS? • What are the two types of bankruptcy? . . . . . . . . . . . 1784 • How have new laws multiplied bankruptcies? ....... 1785 • How is bankruptcy a punishment for creditors as well as for debtors? ...... 1786 • What are God's principles related to bankruptcy? .... 1787 • How should creditors view and treat debtors? . . . . . . . 1789 

You can have the book for your very own, right here -- I highly recommend looking through one of these. Because they're insane. And yet they're written in a style that clearly suggests to dazed and dazzled true believers, especially but not entirely fairly ignorant ones, that they come from somebody who really knows the score, I think.  I mean, the "bankruptcy" stuff talks about how chemical reactions relate to bankruptcy, among other things. There's a totally whacked out but very thorough worldview here that BG used to sell his and his cult's superiority to many many people. 


OR you can see ALL of the Wisdom Books, right here! Then you and yours can be as confused, deluded and brainwashed highly informed and wise as a Duggar. 


Edited by Churchhoney
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17 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

Is moral bankruptcy mentioned anywhere in the "wisdom" book?

Great line....great irony. 

Of course, what's also true is that the whole "book" is a rant about "moral bankruptcy," as defined by Gothard......And he defines it in a way that's quite familiar to us from Duggartown..... And neither BG or any of his followers see anything ironic about it. 

For example -- One kind of "moral bankruptcy" that can destroy you is the failure to forgive those who offend against you. Gothard  riffed on this fruquently, and especially stressed the imperative to forgive those who offend against you sexually by some kind of molestation.    

" God will not forgive us if we refuse to forgive our offenders. GJ D 2 (Read Matthew 18:21-35.) • If we translate the word forgive as "release," then we understand how God is not able to release us until we release an offender. By refusing to forgive an offender, the offended one is in bondage to his own resentment. This destructive emotion will continue to bind him until he releases his offender. Only then will God be able to release him. " (language in here....lol .... the offender needs to experience "release" while the offended remains in "bondage." Paging Dr. Freud, Dr. Sigmund Freud.")

Gee, I wonder why BG was so hot on this.....Could it be because he was a lifelong sexual offender? (and so was his brother and business partner....) Yep. I think that has a lot to do with it. 

Gee, I wonder if the Duggs followed him on that rule? ....Maybe the answer is "Yes.? 

And there's the "moral bankruptcy" of DEBT......Debt, according to BG, arises from a whole bunch of sins and thus constitutes a sin in itself....And is he talking about mortgages and college loans and credit cards? Oh, yes, indeed. ...

The moral bankruptcy called debt, he says, is a SIGN that you are secretly deeply mired in several other very serious sins -- notably greed, impatience, laziness and pride. .... So think of that the next time you remember that you have a mortgage. Because that's your moral bankruptcy, according to thsee people. 

We know how much the Duggs push that one. They certainly pushed it big time on the prospective sons-in-law, for example. .... Rather get fired from your job than use a credit card to pay for necessary car repairs so you can get to work, they told Der. ..... 

So none of this Gothard stuff was a minor thing in Duggar lives. They really really swallowed this shit and have always been spouting it. They have been deep deep deep in this sick cult created by a misogynistic sexual molester. And he's convinced them that it's the rest of the world that's got the moral bankruptcy. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 6/8/2022 at 10:11 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

Yet Boob vetted SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD Ben for his 20 year old daughter. Not creepy at all. 

Boob actually may have been onto something based on his own knowledge of teenage boys.  If only Pa Keller had decided to be diligent about vetting Anna's suitor her life may have turned out differently.

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On 6/13/2022 at 5:04 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

I was talking about the girls. 😀

Yup, they let 17 year old Justin loose on 18/19 year old Claire. Not that big of an age gap there, a hair under 2 years.

Justin was 16 when he started with Claire. They announced the engagement right after his 18th birthday. Claire said they'd been together 14 months, so he was 16 and she was 18. 

How was Josh when was with the Holt girl?

Edited by Temperance
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6 hours ago, Temperance said:

Justin was 16 when he started with Claire. They announced the engagement right after his 18th birthday. Claire said they'd been together 14 months, so she was 16 and he was 18. 

How was Josh when was with the Holt girl?

The Holt thing was even creepier, it was more or less an arranged courtship that the parents agreed to.  Josh and the Holt girl knew each other from going to church with their families and maybe they had an interest; but, as I recall, they were 14 or under when the decision was made that they would someday court and marry.  Sort of like the olden days when kings and queens would betroth their infant children to royalty in other countries to seal alliances.  Except there was no kingdom at stake here.

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7 hours ago, Temperance said:

Justin was 16 when he started with Claire. They announced the engagement right after his 18th birthday. Claire said they'd been together 14 months, so she was 16 and he was 18. 

How was Josh when was with the Holt girl?

You got it backwards. Justin was 16 and Claire was 18 when they started.

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On 6/15/2022 at 4:56 AM, GeeGolly said:

Two shitty options - getting married in under a year of dating if they're are over 18 or dating for a year or two if under 18. So they either marry someone they don't fully know or someone who is far too young to be fully formed.

Sound like sure fire formulas for success.   

It's really tragic to think how many ways their system just squanders potential.   No real educations.   No realistic possibilities of fulfilling careers.   Stilted social interaction in shallow pools.   Quickfire marriages.   Far too many children.   Rinse and repeat.

Without a TV show I wonder how far off of TTH property the 19 would have ever traveled?  Probably not much more than the homeschool gathering every year.  

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22 hours ago, Tikichick said:

Without a TV show I wonder how far off of TTH property the 19 would have ever traveled?  Probably not much more than the homeschool gathering every year.  

I think without the TV show the girls would have been married off as soon as possible and the boys would have been given close to the same JB jobs, but working for free and working hard. Oh, and the Family Felon would have been given the same prince privileges with less oversight. 

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On 6/15/2022 at 11:01 AM, Temperance said:

Justin was 16 when he started with Claire. They announced the engagement right after his 18th birthday. Claire said they'd been together 14 months, so he was 16 and she was 18. 

How was Josh when was with the Holt girl?

Technically not a big gap in terms of years. However, in terms of maturity it’s huge at that age! Most boys at the age of 16-17 are still teens with raging hormones and little maturity, whereas girls are a lot further in their emotional development. This also explains why boys are usually older than girls in most relationships. 

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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