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Season 11 (Kaitlyn) Spoilers

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I think he says both Nick and Shawn propose. It was in some gossip magazines as well.

And this is when the show disintegrates into a sex contest.  Not just this season, every season .  If she has sex with Sean, then Nick, then tries them both again in the fantasy suite, they both propose -  is she picking the one she actually wants to spend the rest of her life with?  Or the best lay?  


Poor Nick - he beds TWO Bachelorettes, and "falls in love", proposes, and both say "no thanks". 


Then again -  I'm not sure he didn't actually WIN.  He got to travel, drink, be on TV, have sexy times, and then he can walk away without having to pretend he's engaged.  Maybe that was the plan all along - 

Producer -  hey Nick! you want more TV time?   we'll take you to Ireland.  All you have to do is play the villain, get the other guys to resent you, do the whole "wounded, rejected suitor"  thing you did last time.

Nick -  Well, do I get to fuck her?

Producer - sure, Ok, we'll make sure that happens, do we have a deal? 

Nick -  sure, why not, the girl is Britt, right?  she's hot.

Producer - No, the other one.

Nick -  damn.  Oh wait - the skinny dipper?  well, yeah, why not?

  • Love 13

Fabulous, Backformore, FABULOUS!


Nick -  Well, do I get to fuck her?
Producer - sure, Ok, we'll make sure that happens, do we have a deal?
Nick -  sure, why not, the girl is Britt, right?  she's hot.
Producer - No, the other one.
Nick -  damn.  Oh wait - the skinny dipper?  well, yeah, why not?



May I speculate further?

     Nick - And am I guaranteed a special appearance and fee on the next Bachelorette?

     Producer -  If I'm here, you're here.  You are reality-show gold!

     Nick - Thanks.  I've been honing my skills.  I'd like a stipulation for some variation of sex in the next contract--male...female, I don't really care.

     Producer -  I think you'll like the cast we've already lined up.

Speaking of Shawn's looks...which seem quite odd to me.  Maybe he needs a better haircut (much more on the sides).  Didn't one of the other guys tell him, "You're the best-looking guy here."?   Was Shawn being ridiculed?   Does his beauty just not work on television?   I kinda like the guy, but I'm in my 70s and much more able to deal with a broken/needy/jealous man.  Could not have handled his neediness even at 40.

  • Love 3

I completely see the Gosling similarities in the face, but I've never understood the appeal of Gosling, who is goofy-looking to me, so I'm not getting Sean's appeal either.  But then I don't know if I've ever seen a guy on this show I'd actually be attracted to.  Going on the show in the first place means they're already starting pretty deep in a hole for me.

  • Love 4

LOL. Thing one and thing 2. Though I think Shawn has a rugged attractiveness. Nick looks stinky and probably is a slobber kisser.

It's funny, because to me, I'd pick Nick over Shawn. Nick is weirdly effete at times, and smirky, but otherwise seems like an okay looking dude (the abs help). Shawn is pretty busted looking to me, and often really sweaty/oily looking (to be fair, his voice helps bump up his attractiveness).

  • Love 6

^ FS threesome, heh. Well, since the season is being twisted into something different from its norm, why not go all out...bring Britt back for a foursome, end the franchise with a bang (no pun intended).

But seriously, the next season should be interesting in how it progresses compared to this one. I'm using "interesting" very loosely, as you know.

Edited by KR Vermont
  • Love 1

It's funny, because to me, I'd pick Nick over Shawn. Nick is weirdly effete at times, and smirky, but otherwise seems like an okay looking dude (the abs help). Shawn is pretty busted looking to me, and often really sweaty/oily looking (to be fair, his voice helps bump up his attractiveness).

I don't have anything against Shawn. He has a rugged look that's attractive to me. My problem is just that he seems so boring, serious, but not serious about anything (except, I guess, his relationship).


I'd definitely choose Nick over Shawn. I hate the tight green pants, but that doesn't really matter. He's attractive, you can see him thinking things out and I actually think he'd be easy to "read" in that way, which is nice. Plus, a big plus, he seems like he'd be fun to be around. He's looking for the fun in a situation, quick to get the humor. (One reason I thought that he and the humorless Andi were a bad match. At least Kaitlyn has a reputation for being a fun person who likes to laugh.)


Then again, I've been surprised by how polarizing Nick is for an audience. I've never seen anything wrong with him, he seems perfectly fine, looks-wise and personality-wise, to me. (Plus, on this show, big points for not being boring!)

  • Love 8
Maybe Shawn's appeal doesn't translate to us because we can't smell him on TV.  Kaitlyn did say she was attracted to his scent.  She loves the way he smells.


There ya go. Nothing like pheromones to control a situation -- and I am being dead serious here, having spent 3.5 years in a terrible relationship because, as God as my witness, of his smell. It was a revelation to me, how much his scent pulled me in and kept me there long after I should've walked.


That was some good sex. Everything else was lousy, but eh, win some, lose some.

  • Love 1
I'd definitely choose Nick over Shawn. I hate the tight green pants, but that doesn't really matter. He's attractive, you can see him thinking things out and I actually think he'd be easy to "read" in that way, which is nice. Plus, a big plus, he seems like he'd be fun to be around. He's looking for the fun in a situation, quick to get the humor. (One reason I thought that he and the humorless Andi were a bad match. At least Kaitlyn has a reputation for being a fun person who likes to laugh.)



IMO you forgot one very important difference - Nick is actually employed, something Shawn is admittedly not. 

  • Love 6

Ben definitely gave a good performance for his Bachelor audition.  The problem for me is that he's completely forgettable and obviously a nice guy.  No smolder, no swagger, no confidence.  Exactly the kind of guy The Bachelor Production Machine will chew up and spit out.  To me, his balls just don't seem big enough for the gig. 

  • Love 4

This season has gone from bad to worse.  For a minute there I was enjoying a change.  No more.  I FFed through a lot last night.  


Getting rid of Joe was difficult?  Really, Kaitlyn?  Oh fuck no, it was not.  Production's attempt to save this season failed.   


Shawn is VERY unattractive and we have seen NOTHING lovable about him!   


When I found myself wanting her to choose Nick last night I knew something had gone terribly wrong.  I usually function on a high level of sanity.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 9

Ben definitely gave a good performance for his Bachelor audition.  The problem for me is that he's completely forgettable and obviously a nice guy.  No smolder, no swagger, no confidence.  Exactly the kind of guy The Bachelor Production Machine will chew up and spit out.  To me, his balls just don't seem big enough for the gig




Uh, I thought even Alex Michel, the original franchise-starting Bachelor was completely forgettable. But wait, there was also that Prince what's his face, who had zero smolder, Jason Mesnick, olympic level crybaby, and the unforgettably bland and boring Ben Flapjacks, who I still blame lovable Ashley for inflicting on us while she ran off into the sunset with JP.  


Ben H is a no-brainer, IMO. Those lonely, lack of self-esteem cast will be losing it the first time he gives them an ounce of attention.  I am sure even Britt will be crashing Ben H's season if he gets the gig. And Claire with her racoon. And Ashley I.  Heck, even Des might be stopping by on the pretense of giving him some advice. Maybe Nikki too. 

  • Love 4

Uh, I thought even Alex Michel, the original franchise-starting Bachelor was completely forgettable. But wait, there was also that Prince what's his face, who had zero smolder, Jason Mesnick, olympic level crybaby, and the unforgettably bland and boring Ben Flapjacks, who I still blame lovable Ashley for inflicting on us while she ran off into the sunset with JP.  


Ben H is a no-brainer, IMO. Those lonely, lack of self-esteem cast will be losing it the first time he gives them an ounce of attention.  I am sure even Britt will be crashing Ben H's season if he gets the gig. And Claire with her racoon. And Ashley I.  Heck, even Des might be stopping by on the pretense of giving him some advice. Maybe Nikki too. 


This. Sure Ben H. doesn't particularly excite me but no other Bachelor lead ever has and I must have missed all these high standards of male leads they've previously had that Ben will not measure up to. Who - boring, dull, lunkhead Chris Soules? Ben Flajnick of the horrible, horrible greasy hair? Smarmy "Prince" Lorenzo, etc.? I mean Mesnick looked like some boring accountant you probably wouldn't give a passing glance at some party and he was made the lead where I was actually asked to believe that 25 women really came for and were excited to marry him. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

The Ben I see looks like his testicles haven't even descended yet and I keep waiting for him to start singing "When it's time to change, then it's time to chaaaanngge".  


None of the guys from this season, regardless of when they left the show, would be my pick.  Of course I'll still watch, but none of them are to my taste. 

  • Love 6


The Ben I see looks like his testicles haven't even descended yet and I keep waiting for him to start singing "When it's time to change, then it's time to chaaaanngge".


OMG too funny. I am not going to be able to get that song out of my head now.


Oh when it's time to change

You've got to re-arrange

Who you are into what you're gonna be!


Shanana Nanana Nanana 


Shanana Nanana Nana



I had the Brady Bunch album back in the day. Good times.

  • Love 5

Does anyone know when production would have put these episodes together? It is hard to imagine how they could make kaitlyn and shawn look any worse. I wonder if this is payback for the snapchat mistake?

Before the snapchat mistake I believe, I don't think snapchat was a mistake at all. 

Some of the Kaitlyn fans are saying she did it one purpose because the producers threw her under the bus. The producers are a lot of thing but they didn't make Kaitlyn a shallow surface person and Shawn a possessive emotional abusive creep. 

Edited by gator12
  • Love 2

OMG too funny. I am not going to be able to get that song out of my head now.


Oh when it's time to change

You've got to re-arrange

Who you are into what you're gonna be!


Shanana Nanana Nanana 


Shanana Nanana Nana



I had the Brady Bunch album back in the day. Good times.


I may still have it. Okay, the CD. Don't judge. But if Ben H is the new Bachelor, I wonder if they'll get Christopher Knight on for a guest shot? (I do, however, think Ben Z -- aka Benzie -- is quite hot ... if we have to have one of the top 8, my pick would be him). 

If they choose Ben H, then they need to get Cody away from Michelle Money STAT and get him working on the Ben body.  He was soft & pasty during the boxing date.  And we know The Bachelor always has pool parties at the mansion.  


Ben seems very asexual to me and very boyish.  Maybe a few Testosterone shots would help.  

How does an "asexual" person seem because I don't get that vibe from him at all? Sure he has a baby face and doesn't look as "manly" as Ben Z. (who is the same age) but I don't think women would be disappointed having to compete for a chance with him. 

yeah, I don't understand that.  Some men are more hairy, some are less.  Ben is "boyish", but that doesn't equate to asexuality.

Asexual means he is neither straight nor gay, but not attracted to either gender.  People who are asexual don't look a certain way, and if someone was asexual, they would be uninterested in going on a dating show, because they are uninterested in dating, kissing, having sex.  Testosterone shots don't "fix"  asexuality, because it's not something to fix, just like you can't "fix"  homosexuality.


Ben is cute, seems nice and sincere.  Since he's on the show to date Kaitlyn, I assume he is heterosexual. 

  • Love 1

There's definitely something boyish about the way he looks but I personally don't see that as a bad thing. I guess I can understand it not appealing to those who go for the more buff, "manly" (I don't necessarily view these type of guys as manly myself) guys like a Ben Z. or Josh or even Chris Soules. Honestly the only impression I've gotten of Ben this season is that he comes across as a normal person. Like a guy I could see myself meeting at some event, conference, etc. And that may be seen as boring to some because unfortunately for him, his normal was in a season of Shawn the crazy clinger versus Nick who some viewers believe to be the most evil master manipulator that ever appeared on the show. Basically Ben sort of got lost amidst all the crazy. 

  • Love 3

If we are going with a seemingly nice dude, I'd prefer Ben Z. He looks like someone who would handle drama better then Ben H. I don't want Ben H to go through such BS.

My personal pick would be Tanner because he's a little snarky and knows bachelor history well. But that ain't happening.

Jared is not leading man material imo. And Cupcake is too cheesy.

  • Love 3

I guess this is a dumb question, but what did Kaitlyn do in the snapchat that was so bad the producers would want to give her a bad edit?  And what IS a snapchat?


I have a strange feeling that Ben might be Kaitlyn's choice.  In previous years, the edits all point to one person as the Bachelor/Bachelorette's choice.  Then it's the 'sleeper' who is the F1.  Wouldn't it be funny if they (producers) were leading us (and RS) astray with both Nick and Shawn?


I don't like either Nick or Shawn.  Nick smiles when he's supposedly talking seriously.  Shawn's looks just don't appeal to me.  But Ben is a doll.  

  • Love 1

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