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S04.E12: Some Like It Hot

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I thought it was stupid to add in the dog designing, and Lassie has nothing to do with Marilyn Monroe or red carpet dresses. I thought all of the dresses were lovely, although Dimitry's looked like it would take much longer to make and he deserved the win. Helen's looked like what someone might wear for their second wedding, it was pretty but nothing special.


I was actually hoping Michelle would have won because at least she has some personality. Helen always looks like she about to sob or have a nervous breakdown. Neither of there last minute outfits was in any way attractive. Helen's looked like an amish dress and Michelle's Pancho looked like a bunch of material thrown together. 

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 8

Wonder if Helen will make a parade of gowns? Some with little capes?

I hope Dmitri goes out on a high note and designs modern, classy outfits, nothing neoprene or skater-ish. He can take more time, presumably, and is good even under time constraints, but his ideas are not always so great. I want to see something completely different from him, but he may tend to design for his Eastern European market and that is where he gets into tacky-land...

  • Love 5

I get weary of reading the Michelle hate week to week, so let me say for the record that I liked Michelle.   I thought she brought some personality to the show, she was earnest, and I think her dress this week rocked.    I never got the impression that she's a shit-stirrer.   I am really sorry to see her go.   Especially because she got robbed in the end.


This episode was a complete disaster.   WTF is wrong with the producers that they thought it would be fun to completely disrupt the designers' creative momentum -- in a 24-hour challenge no less -- with that Lassie dog-and-pony show?


I suppose that last minute design-off between Michelle and Helen was contrived to create drama.   I would bet it was planned before anyone's dress sashayed down that runway.   All it accomplished was to leave a really bad taste in my mouth.   It was fucking cruel is what it was.   Taunting them with the "what would you do if you were elected Miss Project Runway" question was bullshit enough, but then to throw in a one-hour challenge on top?   Helen's "WTF" comment was dead-on.   


And I don't care if this is insensitive or politically incorrect -- I'm sick of the show rubbing our noses in Alyssa Milano's gigantic distorted body.

  • Love 22

I don't think Helen has anything left to show us, so I'm not pleased that I have to see more of her sad dresses.  I'm glad Dmitry won, though.


I don't know if they'll ever see the light, but they've ruined this show with these one day challenges, especially when mixed in with nonsense.  I love dogs, but that was ridiculously unnecessary and misplaced.

  • Love 12

Shoutback to leighdear:

You mean this HASN'T been running for three years????!!??  I thought it started about the same time as the current iteration of Top Chef, which I believe began its Boston season in late 2009.


Haven't had a chance to watch yet because my stupid job once again interferes with my teevee watching, but I'm sure I'll have some snark to snarkerate tomorrow.


I'm glad I was wrong about Dmitry going home this week, although it exacerbates my anxieties to find out Helen is still in the building.

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 3


I never got the impression that she's a shit-stirrer.


I'm not saying she was malicious about it or plotting to do it like some mustache-twirling villain.  *GRIN*  I never saw her season so I have nothing against her and also felt she could be entertaining and funny. But I do think she was pushing the envelope a bit this week. Maybe in jest, but definitely pushing her competitors a bit. The way she kept on about everyone else's stuff, I definitely saw her having a bit of fun. Like I said, not maliciously doing so, but definitely giving them a hard time. 


I am sorry she got sent home. I really don't think Helen has anything interesting or stand-out to show us, so at least Michelle would have been entertaining and unusual with her outfits next week. 



I'm glad Dmitry won, though.


I think his moment alone in the break room was the biggest demonstration of emotion I've ever seen from him. He's so dry-witted and deadpan. To see him actually throw his arms up and say, "YES!" was like Dmitry's version of making a lot of noise. LOL. And then he reined it right back in and sat quietly. The man is very unusual, but he amuses me.

  • Love 6


i use Korina as the shit-stirrer standard.   Michelle didn't even come close.


Oh boy, that's a good measure! I see Korina as a pain in the ass, malicious shit-stirrer. She drove me nuts.


Michelle seems like more of an "amused by her surroundings," with-a-wink shit-stirrer. 

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 7

Thank you editors for bringing back the clip of Helen’s “danger, Will Robinson, danger!” dress.  Good times.


I really wish Helen had kept the original bodice on her dress.  We could have enjoyed the horror on the judges and been able to say goodbye to her quickly.

And yet again, Zanna wears something truly hideous.   I cannot imagine seeing that dress and doing anything other than laugh.  Who would actually wear it?  Oh yeah, Zanna.

  • Love 6

I was wondering why there was an extra half hour this week. Then Isaac came out with the incredibly stupid doggy design challenge that had nothing to do with anything. WTF? And then of course there was another stupid redo challenge, I hate those, & I hate the way they drag out who is going.


That dress Zanna was wearing was just awful. It looked like someone made a cone out of fabric & the cut holes for her head & arms.


As for the dresses:

Helen – Something about the top didn’t work for me, I think it was just too simple & boring. Why didn’t they send her home? I am over her sobbing, & her ugly nails. & her whining. She better not win this thing.
Michelle – I liked it, it was basic, but since it was supposed to be timeless, I thought it worked, so of course she got eliminated.
Sonjia – The dress looked like it was designed with this Project Runway Fashion Design Runway Collection or maybe even this Project Runway Pet Fashion Design Runway Collection
Dmitry – I didn’t hate it but I sure don’t love it. It looked uncomfortable, but I’m glad he won over Helen.

  • Love 1

Why am I still watching this show?  It doesn't make me happy--it just makes me angry.


1.  "Design, shop for and create a glamorous, timeless, red carpet gown.  Don't forget impeccable construction.  See you tomorrow!"


2.  The judges blather out ten times more scripted dialogue and utter fucking nonsense than any authenticity.  "Oh, it's just impossible for us to decide who made a better red carpet look.  Maybe if we watch you for an hour while you rip up and reassemble some stuff we didn't like the first time around, we'll be able to make up our minds."


3.  No one knows the definition of "timeless."



Edited by candall
  • Love 10

Marilyn was Hollywood's first icon? Bette Davis was what, pushing 50 when Marilyn wafted through All About Eve as a zygote? Theda Bara, Clara Bow and Mary Pickford had already retired by the time Bette Davis got there, and Florence Lawrence (the actual first female movie icon) died of old age before Bette Davis got her first Oscar.

I thought both Helen's and Michelle's dresses were more successful than Sonjia's, honestly, although I'm pleased she's moving forward. Dmitry's was basically a piece from his fashion week collection, but I guess in a contest with Michelle and Helen the judges can hardly punish him for repeating himself. Michelle's whatever that thing at the end was, though, was crap, and she should have gone home. I wonder if she left the third garment out specifically so they'd have some reason other than her shoddy work to send her home.

It's not a total loss. She got a contract dressing "her girl" out of it.

i use Korina as the shit-stirrer standard. Michelle didn't even come close.

You know, I preferred (fellow northwest hipster) Korinna. At least she was nasty to Char's face and took the consequences. Butter wouldn't melt in Michelle's mouth, in both of her seasons, except for that thing where we saw more of Michelle trashing her competitors in talking heads than we saw sewing.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

Butter wouldn't melt in Michelle's mouth, in both of her seasons, except for that thing where we saw more of Michelle trashing her competitors in talking heads than we saw sewing.


I missed the two seasons prior to the Korina one, so this was my first and only exposure to Michelle.

Edited by millennium

I suppose that last minute design-off between Michelle and Helen was contrived to create drama.   I would bet it was planned before anyone's dress sashayed down that runway.   All it accomplished was to leave a really bad taste in my mouth.   It was fucking cruel is what it was.   Taunting them with the "what would you do if you were elected Miss Project Runway" question was bullshit enough, but then to throw in a one-hour challenge on top?   Helen's "WTF" comment was dead-on.   


I kind of figured something odd like that was going to happen as soon as Zanna said to Helen in the work room something like "you have to win!" and then Helen was talking about it being her "redemption." (I'm going off of memory so wording may be off a little). I got the impression Helen could've sent a girl down the runway in a pillowcase with head and arm holes cut out and they would have found some way to make sure she got to the finale.

  • Love 5

(I'm going off of memory so wording may be off a little).

It was (can't swear to the exact wording) there are three designers going into the finale, and you have to be one of them. I thought that was a little more direct view of the man behind the curtain than we usually get.

millennium, I probably talk more than I need to and in unnecessary detail about how little I think of Michelle, because I don't like her aesthetic most of the time, and it nettles me that she was rewarded in her season for what I see as repugnant behavior with a win when she should have been sent home weeks earlier (Michelle was the first Tim Gunn save, before it became a thing). But, to rip off Top Chef, it's Project Runway, not Project Person I Would Want to Eat Lunch With.

I think she falls short there too, but it's definitely a mileage varies thing.

  • Love 3

Ha! I said "Lassie" to myself when Isaac mentioned "75 years," figuring the show wasn't going to trot out an elderly woman (and who would it be, anyway?)!


Michelle didn't follow the design-off instructions, a twist the judges could not have foreseen. She HAD then to lose. End of story.


During the season, Dimitry won twice, Helen twice, and Sonjia thrice (Michelle none, so there's that, also). These three also won the last three challenges.


To me, it's a coin flip now between Dmitry and Sonjia, with Helen not really a serious contender.


P.S. Fringe IS timeless! It's Roaring 20's; it's Swinging 60's; it's now!


Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 2

I get weary of reading the Michelle hate week to week, so let me say for the record that I liked Michelle.   I thought she brought some personality to the show, she was earnest, and I think her dress this week rocked.    I never got the impression that she's a shit-stirrer.   I am really sorry to see her go.   Especially because she got robbed in the end.


I don't like Michelle or the great majority of her designs, but I agree with you wholeheartedly that she was robbed.  Her dress was fairly trite, but it was light years ahead of what Helen sent down the runway.  The episode should have ended there, but I suspect that the producers etc wanted more drama.  It's not like this on the spot hour competition is unprecedented.  They do this crud OFTEN.  When the hour started, Michelle was calm and working while Helen was melting down. I figured it would be a replay of the past hour competition where Amanda spent most of the alloted time complaining that she was way too talented to have to compete with her opponent (was that Char?  I'm blanking.).  I think Helen's meltdown threw Michelle off her pace.    Michelle clearly lost the hour challenge more than Helen won it.  I was sad to see that, even given that I don't like Michelle's work overall.


And I don't care if this is insensitive or politically incorrect -- I'm sick of the show rubbing our noses in Alyssa Milano's gigantic distorted body.


I keep wondering whey Alyssa's stylists keep putting her in such form fitting dresses show after show.  Why not mix it up a bit with something a bit more flowing?  I don't think a pregnant woman should hide her body, but some diversity in style of those dresses would be refreshing.

  • Love 5

Any episode that features a flashback of Helen's model trying to move her arms in the dress she made when she was eliminated during her season and dogs is a win for me.

I would've adopted all of those dogs (especially Taz-SO CUTE) and definitely tried to hug Lassie.


I preferred Michelle's dress over Helen's. I thought Helen's looked like a nightgown.

  • Love 7

You mean this HASN'T been running for three years????!!??  I thought it started about the same time as the current iteration of Top Chef, which I believe began its Boston season in late 2009.

Oh good lord, I KNOW!  This season for TC has just exhausted me.  They should have skipped straight to the Gregory/Mei showdown, because we all knew it was coming!


I'm happy Dmitry will have a Lifetime TV wardrobe design credit.  Even though it's not for a major motion picture, or even a Big 3 network TV show, it's always nice to have those credits.  And Lifetime is a very heavily watched network by this show's demographic.  

  • Love 4

I keep wondering whey Alyssa's stylists keep putting her in such form fitting dresses show after show.  Why not mix it up a bit with something a bit more flowing?  I don't think a pregnant woman should hide her body, but some diversity in style of those dresses would be refreshing.


It wasn't just the form-fitting dress this week.   It was her garishly made-up face on top of it.   It seemed incongruous somehow, kind of like when she said "fuck."   She looked like the Joker.   


I have no hang-ups about pregnancy.  I have known many, many pregnant women who carry themselves gracefully.  As a rule they don't wear dresses that show off their belly buttons in high relief.  And somehow they manage to resist silhouetting themselves behind a shadow screen week after week.

I'm happy Dmitry will have a Lifetime TV wardrobe design credit.  Even though it's not for a major motion picture, or even a Big 3 network TV show, it's always nice to have those credits.  And Lifetime is a very heavily watched network by this show's demographic.  


DMITRY:   What is "Bring It?"

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who thought that Helen was trying to manipulate the situation with her "crying" and "breakdown" - everything about that rang false.


Gwad.  Why does it feel like they are going to give Helen the win?  I know the show has had these "sew offs" for the final finale spot for a while - yet I do not get the praise for either of Helen's looks.  The gown was a very basic, boring slip gown that you can find in any David's Bridal discount rack.  Her remade dress was a basic tent dress with poorly sewn white triangles (I guess it's a cute look if you're 12).


I really like Michelle's gown (sans chain) and I think that it would look stunning on someone like Julieanne Moore (I'm thinking her read hair would pop against the shimmer and shine of the black sparkly velvet).  Considering she had to console Helen of Cry I am not surprised she blanked on needing to use three looks (what a stupid stipulation).  Her outfit was quirky and showed her personality.  


And speaking of personality, how adorable was Sonjia?  I loved her talking head when she was explaining the bow on her gown - "Look at me!  No!  Don't look at me, but I want you to want to look at me."


She or Dimtry (who made me laugh with "Oh, it's Lassie!  It's Lassie!  Who's Lassie, what's the deal with Lassie?") better win.

  • Love 12


Marilyn was Hollywood's first icon? Bette Davis was what, pushing 50 when Marilyn wafted through All About Eve as a zygote? Theda Bara, Clara Bow and Mary Pickford had already retired by the time Bette Davis got there, and Florence Lawrence (the actual first female movie icon) died of old age before Bette Davis got her first Oscar.

Exactly!  How about Katherine Hepburn? Joan Crawford?  Marlene Dietrich? GARBO??? and on and on... I never liked Marilyn Monroe as a movie actress or the "personality" she became, so maybe I'm biased about what Hollywood icon means.  And who was that "actress" who introduced the challenge?  She's playing MM in a Lifetime Movie but wow, she had ZERO on screen charisma.

Edited by BusyOctober
  • Love 7

Gwad.  Why does it feel like they are going to give Helen the win?  I know the show has had these "sew offs" for the final finale spot for a while - yet I do not get the praise for either of Helen's looks.  The gown was a very basic, boring slip gown that you can find in any David's Bridal discount rack.  Her remade dress was a basic tent dress with poorly sewn white triangles (I guess it's a cute look if you're 12).


Those white triangles bugged me for a couple of reasons.  As you said, they were poorly sewed.  I noticed what looked like hanging threads were actually beads that were sewn on there in a half-arsed manner.  I keep thinking, though, that we saw almost the exact same thing on a PR outfit, was that last season?  Quirky little insets at the neckline.  I should look back through some past photos, but I don't know if I care enough to do so.

  • Love 1

Either Dmitry or Helen is going to win, and I'm horrified it will probably be pale, stringy-haired, taloned Helen of Cry.


WTF was that bizarre thing Michelle created in the extra challenge? They were punking us, right? Glad to see her gone. Cannot stand her. But I do think she's a better technician than Helen.


Anyone else notice that when the judges discussed the red carpet environment, Alyssa managed to lump herself in with red carpet actors? "When we walk down the red carpet, we want blah blah blah."


As much as I love dogs, the sudden dog challenge completely interrupted what was probably going to be a somewhat watchable episode. Then, they tacked on the sadistic last-minute challenge that could only result in crappy results. I mean, there was no attractive look, so what was the point? (Yes I know, manufactured drama.) Michelle must have been furious that this inane challenge ended her chances.

  • Love 6

I couldn't help but try to tell Isaac that Lassie is actually a male dog.  It always has been since the very first Lassie movie.  I think Lassie has been the most successful female impersonator in Hollywood. 


Michelle, that doggy costume win was a gift because your outfit was the worst.  fugly.  Sonjia definetely was the best one. 


As for the main competition, I did like Dimitry's the best.  If he hadn't had to blowdry the fringe it would have been a lot smoother so Isaac wouldn't have been able to ding it for looking to like straw.  Although it was interesting that the other judges had no problem with that.  Sonjia's was a bit over the top and if she'd used a less busy lace and a longer underskirt I'd have liked it better.  I could see a celebrity wearing it as it though to something like the MTV awards or the Grammys.  Michelle, like a previous poster said, I liked it on Hillary Swank years ago.  Its not a new design by any means and the fabric wasn't as all that as you wanted it to be.  Helen, jeez, that was so bland.  It was lovely fabric but not an attention getter which all of the other three were.  I guess we should be grateful that you didn't use one of your little ugly capelets or puffy ruffles.


I liked the guest judge even tho' I've never heard of her.  She gave great comments and criticisms.  Why can't she be the mentor instead of "let me throw out random quips that I've practiced in the mirror and I don't know how to dress" Zanna?


I didn't even realize the the show was extra long until I looked at the clock during the judging.  Both those challenge dresses were awful.  Especially Michelle's who, once again ignored the instructions because she is just that special.  Helen's was alright but nothing special.  And the crying outburst was annoying. 

  • Love 6

The thing is, Michelle does all of that making fun of other designs behind backs and is so phony/sweet to their faces. She needed to STFU and just work on her stuff. She got way too much camera time for so little charm. And I hate those back chains, remind me of "tramp stamps" tattoes.

Helen's gown looked okay on a model but on a movie actress with giant boobs, it would really turn into a negligee. But then all of the gowns were designed for thin, flat-chested women, pretty much.

  • Love 3

I liked the dog design challenge.  When it was done ins Season Three.  Are the producers so non-creative that they have to trot out challenges from previous seasons?  And I loved the look on Dimitry's face when Lassie came in.  He had no clue but at least didn't carry on about it.  Neither Helen nor Michelle deserve to be in the finals. It should be just between Dimitry and Sonjie. 

Yeah, it was funny when Dimitry didn't know who Lassie was, but what I thought was really hysterical was the look on Sonjia's face during the whole thing. She looked like she wanted to MURDER Isaac for stealing away their precious time during a ONE DAY RED CARPET DRESS CHALLENGE. I mean, yes, her dog Cha Cha was adorbs, and she did warm up to her, but I thought it was awesome when they cut to a wide shot of the contestants with Sonjia's face like stone to Sonjia in the diary room claiming how much fun the challenge is. She tried, but she could NOT sell that :)


I'm glad to see that this season is continuing apace with the WTF-erry. Helen's dress was awful and matronly, and her new bodice was really no better. It still looked like mother of the bride to me. Not red carpet at all. Michelle's dress was so much better than Helen's (even with that chain across the butt) that to have them do a "mothereffing sew-off" on the runway was a complete joke. It was like the show was saying "Wait, Helen's dress is crap and Michelle's is quite lovely, but we really wanted Helen in the finale… let's make them cut up old losing outfits and make sure that Helen makes something that looks like a human being would want to wear it while Michelle just puts weirdly cut fabric on her model like a crazy person. Then we can boot Michelle even though her red carpet dress was quite gorgeous."


Because seriously, I did like Dimitry's dress, and WOW for being able to accomplish all that work in one day -- he truly deserved the win just for that alone -- but I actually thought Michelle's was gorgeous. Which is not usually something I think about Michelle's clothes. Hell, even that terrible model that wasn't even TRYING to sell it didn't detract from how nice it looked. Sure, it's probably not the most original design, but it was MILES better than that crap Helen sent down the runway!

  • Love 7

 I can't believe that I didn't realize until last night that the whole one-hour challenge thing is just stupid manufactured drama and it doesn't matter what the designers send out, the decision has already been made.  TPTB are really pulling out the stops to try to get us interested, aren't they?  From random little dog outfits to impossible deadlines to stupid-ass challenges that produce nothing anyone would wear even alone inside the house,  Why not just shake shiny objects at the camera to hyp-mo-tize us?  Once again I am sorely disappointed that the viewers find the design process more interesting than the producers do.

  • Love 2

And yet again, Zanna wears something truly hideous.   I cannot imagine seeing that dress and doing anything other than laugh.  Who would actually wear it?  Oh yeah, Zanna.


Dale Rogers?   (Roy Rogers' wife - In case you are too young to know, Roy and Dale Rogers were a "cowboy-ish" movie musicals/TV star couple from the 40's-50's who wore lots of fringe-y Hollywood-esque western wear).

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 1

I liked the guest judge even tho' I've never heard of her.  She gave great comments and criticisms.  Why can't she be the mentor instead of "let me throw out random quips that I've practiced in the mirror and I don't know how to dress" Zanna?

I agree with that idea. I read her book, #Girlboss, but never saw her in action till now. She definitely should be offered the position over cheerleader Zanna.

  • Love 3

Marilyn was Hollywood's first icon? Bette Davis was what, pushing 50 when Marilyn wafted through All About Eve as a zygote? Theda Bara, Clara Bow and Mary Pickford had already retired by the time Bette Davis got there, and Florence Lawrence (the actual first female movie icon) died of old age before Bette Davis got her first Oscar.

What made the statement that Marilyn was the first Hollywood icon even more laughable is that the judges picked Dmitry's 20's/flapper inspired look for the win.  So I suppose, while Marilyn was hardly out of diapers, Bow, Pickford, Brooks, Baker (et al.) were just flashes in the pan, their style made no difference, yet inspired (in some part, collectively) the winning look?  Yeah, right.


This is the crux of what bugs me about PR these days and PRAS.  It's like the designers haven't an ounce of history knowledge, even not so distant history, under their belts.  If it were up to me, I'd make all potential candidates go to the Met's Costume Institute and study for a week, pass a test, and then move on.  How did Sonjia's dress escape comment that it totally referenced Marilyn's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (and later, also a reference, Madonna's Material Girl) big pink bow dress?  It was all there, on the runway, big enough to smack one in the face.  Not that there's anything wrong with the reference, but good gods, it was so f'n obvious.


Add me to the chorus of Zanna needs to go.  I can roll out of bed, covered in dog fur and my hair standing in 17 different directions, and I'll look better as my frumpy ass self than what she puts on during her critique.

  • Love 7


At least Dmitry and Sonjia are in the finale. Although seriously with the lace, Sonjia. I think it's been in EVERY look. Also the long over short skirt thing. I love some of her ideas and I like that she's not afraid of colour, but I'm bout laced out.


Dmitry, as always, so funny. Not at one way monkey level, but his whole pretending to understand what's happening around him when he clearly doesn't is hilarious. Also, he's obviously amused at Zanna, both in her attire and her comments/ observations.


Michelle was robbed in favour of Isaac's pre-ordained winner: Helen.  Just as with Anthony Ryan in season 2 of PRAS, Isaac will decide the winner and he already has determined it WILL be Helen. Maybe he feels that makes him edgy or he's just doing what the producers have appointed him. I still can't see Helen playing on QVC, so I kind of don't get the whole thing. Also, Helen does not deserve to win any fashion competition EVER when A) Danger, Will Robinson dress, and 2) pearls are NOT sparkles, ya nitwit.  And WASHED OUT seafoam green.

I hate to bring someone's appearance into it, but it seems to me as if she revels in her dirty hair and lackluster BLACK wardrobe, yet it's apparent she spends a fortune on those nails of hers. Be consistent.


I've never hated Michelle, either. I didn't get the original hatred of her in season 11 because I thought for the most part, except for the Patricia thing, she was pretty open in her critiques of everyone. We sometimes forget the producers encourage that behaviour. I think she was funny last night. And I like the easy rapport she has with Dmitry. I don't believe she was flirting with him at any point; I mean, she's engaged, and their convos seemed to be just good natured banter.

Her black runway dress was lightyears ahead of Helen's, but I knew when they were doing the one hour challenge, Helen was going to the finale.


Side note: I loved the doggie challenge because my grinchy heart grows three sizes when I see Lassie and RESCUE DOGS!!! Sonjia's made me laugh so hard I spilled my coffee. I actually thought Dmitry's was the best, but I'm okay with Michelle's win. What the fuckity fuck was that thing Helen created? No wonder the little guy shat on the red carpet. I wish he had been the only judge for the runway: Helen would have been sent home with nothing but a milk bone.

  • Love 3

I favored Dimitry the whole time, but Michelle got screwed. She was put on All-Stars to lose. My guess is the producers couldn't have 2 former winners in the finale. The favorite was Dimitry (and he delivered when it counted) so they set it up that way.


The dog challenge couldn't have had worse timing. It was sadistic to give Michelle the "win" as Creative designer for Isaac's dog fashion line. Yes, the dogs are cute--but Isaac shilling for his "pet" project seemed tacky at this stage in the game. 

Edited by cee
  • Love 3


I liked the dog design challenge.  When it was done ins Season Three.

Ah but in season three the designers had to design a dog outfit to match the outfit they did for the model.  A little bit different and better in my opinion.  I always wanted them to do it again.  But not like this.  This was just awful.  Helen's and Michelle's dog outfits were terrible.  Isaac was just shilling his doggie line.  Probably he just wanted someone else to do the designs and he'll slap his name on it.

Edited by Linderhill
  • Love 2

I am so tired of Helen's "I design for the red carpet" and then her dismissal of Michelle's statement that Helen's dress didn't have sparkler with her "she's telling a red carpet designer for the Grammy's that I don't know sparkles" and then they showed a quick photo of the dress she designed.  Really a basic red dress with straps that looked boring and ill fitting.  And, I have no idea who the 'star' was wearing her dress.  Is that the extent of the red carpet gowns she has designed?   If so, there's really no basis for her self-grandizing statements about what a high end designer she is.  Now, Michael Costello....he really has gone on from Project Runway to red carpet (oh, and Christian and Chris as well).


When Helen starting sobbing I actually said out loud "Michelle, just ignore her and keep sewing."  But did Michelle listen to me?  No.  Sigh.

  • Love 9

Notice the guest judge was auf'ed for the addendum challenge/final decision.


She had contributed thoughtful remarks in the original judging, including her opinion that Helen's dress was beautiful but unmemorable.  And Isaac just gave her a big condescending smile, like "Oh, sweetheart, you're so naïve."


I think they couldn't allow an outside blogger to overhear the real discussion about choosing Helen for the finale.

  • Love 10

Much as I have never really appreciated Helen in terms of personality, design, or commentary, I think I have to love her just a little for "My model pooped on the runway."   I think I would rather have seen Michelle in the final three because I feel we can predict with certainty what we will see from Helen - drab colors, dresses with cowls, capes -- whereas Michelle sometimes really surprises me.  

  • Love 4

Notice the guest judge was auf'ed for the addendum challenge/final decision.


She had contributed thoughtful remarks in the original judging, including her opinion that Helen's dress was beautiful but unmemorable.  And Isaac just gave her a big condescending smile, like "Oh, sweetheart, you're so naïve."


I think they couldn't allow an outside blogger to overhear the real discussion about choosing Helen for the finale.


OMG...I just read that, and heard Isaac's annoying voice in my head, and now I can't get it out!!!  

And, yes, finally, a guest judge with some insight and truth!! 

  • Love 2

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