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S04.E10: Versatile Tops And Bottoms

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Eek, neoprene...not again. Seriously, for ready-to-wear on QVC??

Michelle needs to shut up, for my sanity, also Helen. Michelle telling anyone to just worry about their own stuff is a joke.

Why do designers have so much trouble making sellable separates? God forbid if the twist was to use real people as models- that is what they should have done for these "all stars".

Of course, look at what some of them are wearing, most of them. I would not be able to give Michelle, Helen and some others the time of day just bases on their own tastes, to be honest, if seeking a designer.

I love Dmitri but I do not love his taste. And that royal blue is kind of over. Sonia's yellow is pretty awful too. They are all making this so much harder than it should be. Of course the limited time does not help, but taste would not improve with more time.

AM's runway look was frightening. Head to toe.

At least the judges made sense for the challenge.

Not liking Michelle's fabric at all. Issac was right, it is very airline somehow.

Helen's looks were actually pretty good.

Fabio's ok but did not care for his messy print.

No to Dmitri and to Jay. Liked Sonia's grey outfit, not the yellow dress.

Jay managed to make that red outfit SO unflattering on the model.

But- Omg these judges. Forget it, I know nothing about anything.

But I really hate the see-thru skirts...thought they were finally over.

If AM likes something, I am automatically turned off to it.

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Why do designers have so much trouble making sellable separates? God forbid if the twist was to use real people as models- that is what they should have done for these "all stars".


The ability to design marketable separates is extremely important these days, so I have no idea how some of these contestants think they can make it with just dresses and jumpsuits. 


I wish Mila Hermanovski or Alexandria got a crack at this challenge. 

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The ability to design marketable separates is extremely important these days, so I have no idea how some of these contestants think they can make it with just dresses and jumpsuits.



Designers have no idea how to make marketable separates. I've been looking for a decent skirt for years.

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Really, Jay, Fabio and Michelle all could have gone on this one. Did anyone else catch Michelle's charming eye roll when told she was in bottom three but safe? She is sickening. If she is so above this, why is she there? Why didn't she succeed so wildly after her win?

Glad Sonia won over Helen anyway. Really surprised they liked Dmitri's outfits so much. I guess maybe that speaks to their tastes. ..or it really is me.

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I actually liked most of the outfits in this challenge, excluding Michelle's.  The print was ugly and I can't imagine any woman wanting to wear either outfit.  Those puffy sleeves were awful!  All I could think of was clowns as both models walked down the runway.  How that woman has managed to skate by week after week is beyond me. 


I loved Sonia's gray outfit.  The neckline of the yellow dress -  not so much.  Jay seems nice, but his departure has been a long time coming.

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I could be wrong, but as far as I know Lisa Robertson is no longer on QVC and George Katsi-whosis is no longer on the Fashion Police. So it was quite the study in irrelevance tonight. But what else is new?

I knew Jay would lose because his looks were ugly and poorly made. Michelle's were just ugly. But so incredibly garish and clown-like. I actually liked Helen's black dress, and I can't believe I'm saying that. Neoprene and lace, Dmitry? Really? Everything else was the usual fug.

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I liked that Michelle was trying to think of women of all sizes, not just model-size, but to choose a print... that is not something most women would want to wear head to toe. Yikes.


And while I like Dmitry, as soon as he chose neoprene I cringed. Same with Sonjia's bright big-bird yellow dress. Yikes again. 


As for Fabio... I admire his attitude about fashion and life in general, but enough with the pastels!! I think the judges made a great point that he needs to think about what people would want to wear, not just what he likes or thinks is modern.

Why didn't Alyssa say goodbye to Jay like she did with the other designers (with a hug or kiss on the cheek)? It seemed like everyone was all, eh, who cares, see you, Jay... 

I think Jay didn't do a great job, but I thought his ready to wear outfit looked like something Gwyneth Paltrow would wear. Maybe it was the colors and the skinny pant leg, maybe it was that his model had stick straight long blonde hair, I don't know... I just thought I could see her wearing it with some fabulous ankle boots or high heels. Maybe the pants didn't drape well, but I really didn't think it was a bad outfit. Especially compared to some of the others' work.

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And yet again, Helen called a button UP shirt a button DOWN shirt.  Idiot.  And again, she used those stupid floral appliques on that black dress with the pilgrim collar in back. 


I'd love for Dmitry to ditch the neoprene, but I thought his designs were gorgeous.  Neither totally right for QVC, but beautiful to look at.


Interesting how Isaac called out Fabio at the end, for being in the bottom several times.  "Don't do it again".  He seemed very disturbed. 


I thought Sonjia's grey outfit was adorable, but the yellow thing was not attractive to me. 

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Michele's print gave me a "Lanz of Salzburg" vibe, and then her outfits turned into a straight-up homage to pajamas and a nightgown. Hideous and totally unflattering and I don't believe any of the judges actually thought those huge puffy sleeves were "fabulous."

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I really didn't get the love for Sonjia's yellow outfit. That dress looked so... heavy or something. That jacket thing did too.

I thought Jay's outfits looked cheap. I was waiting for one of the judges to say that. That red dress was a fiasco. It reminded of that boring red dress Mitchell made in the last regular PR season, plus an awfully bad hemline.

Edited by wovenloaf
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Glad Sonjia won. I liked both her looks.


Helen's separates outfit looked very Kate-esque. The black capey dress looked exactly like something she had made before during her season. I forget which challenge it was, but it was one of the only things she's made that I remember liking. 


Dmitri has once again descended into ice dancing territory.


I liked Fabio's separates, but the dress was a dropcloth with a ribbon. Hideous. I knew he wouldn't be going home over Jay, though. Even if his clothes have been forgettable, at least Fabio stands out more on screen than Jay does. They always off boring personalities before terrible work.


I can't even remember Michelle's enough to comment on it. MEH.

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Why were Michelle and Helen shrieking about the words Project Runway AllStars appearing in Times Square (or wherever)? I could understand the histrionics if their designs were being featured, but no...and a tourist behind them, while partially blurred, totally agrees

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And yet again, Helen called a button UP shirt a button DOWN shirt.  Idiot. 

For dress shirts? I would call it a button down in conversation (despite actual buttoning direction), and i feel like people around me do too. Maybe it's just a regionalism?

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I just started watching this season, so I don't know all the characters. The two printed dresses were horrible -- way too busy. I liked the neoprene guy's stuff, but they are not for the QVC customer. I also liked the one black dress.

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Woven....The term "button down" in the fashion industry has always referred to the type of collar that includes small buttons and buttonholes to keep it secured flat against the shirt.


"Button Up" still applies to ladies blouses, dating back to times when ladies were dressed by maids, and they always started buttoning from the bottom and working UP.  Ladies dresses & blouses sometimes had dozens of buttons.  Same reason ladies blouses button on one side, while men's shirts button on the opposite side.


Yes, I know a lot of silly sewing trivia...*LOL*

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Both of Sonja's outfits, though I would have liked the yellow dress much better without the cut-outs. She was the right person for the win.


Helen's black dress, although she has done a similar dress before on the regular PR show.


Both of Dimitri's looks were awesome,  but they were totally wrong for this challenge.


I actually liked Jay's separates look, although the pants did need some tweaking. 




Michelle's. Holy carnival clown, Batman!


Helen's separates outfit. The model looked pregnant.


Jay's fashion forward look. Terrible all around.


Both of Fabio's looks. Wtf was that print he made? Looked like really bad tie-dye, or like grade-school finger-painting. 


I really like Fabio, and I think he's handsome and cool looking, but his designs have been getting worse and worse with each episode. 

Edited by Zima
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I wanted Helen to go home because I dislike her so much. It made me perversely happy that not only did Sonja win, but she won after Helen and Michelle's talking heads about how terrible her outfit was. AND she beat Helen AND Michelle was in the bottom.

Michelle's print was way too much and I didn't understand the one version front and one version back on her fashion forward look. I liked Jay's pants, but probably because that's the way I like to wear mine.

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Helen's disdain for women who wear ready to wear, her insistence she is a high end designer only and her comment about "midwest housewives" made me want to punch her. Her black dress was OK, but I didn't like the embellishment and she has done this dress several times before in her season. Glad Sonjie won and her separates were really lovely.


Dimitry's ready to wear looked like Star Trek/Ice Capades to me, but I did think his dress was pretty. Michelle's was awful, but at least it looked fashion forward, and God help me she is growing on me a little bit (not Helen, ever). Jay needed to go for the awful pants but Fabio really had the worst outfit on the runway. How is a tie dyed shift dress fashion forward? He needs to ditch the baby pastels and try something new; sometimes I wonder if he creates ugly outfits on purpose. He can look around the room and see what other people are doing I would guess.

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Helen's disdain for women who wear ready to wear, her insistence she is a high end designer only and her comment about "midwest housewives" made me want to punch her.


I kept saying, "Since when is Helen a 'high end designer'?" Apparently I'm totally missing out on her awesomeness.

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I liked Sonja's yellow dress, and I loved the eyelet blouse.  I think the skirt would have been more ready to wear if the print didn't extend past the lining, but evidently that's a thing now?


Sonja's successful yellow dress reminded me of the dreadful pieces Sandahya and Shar put out last season on PR.  That vivid color needs simplicity, and I thought Sonja was spot on with it, although I didn't care for the gray jacket on top.  I also liked the weight of it-almost like it helped ground the color somehow.


I'm terrified that Dmitry is out of ideas.  Because his fashion forward dress is like his Rockettes dress but in neoprene and with lace applique, and the suit is just like so many of his other suits that he's done before.  I love him and his poker face so very dearly, but come on buddy-step away from the neoprene, the geometrical cutouts, and the ballroom aesthetic.


I just always assume Jay is going to be in the bottom because I think he's terrible.

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Michelle said she knows what women, size 0 to 24, want to wear. That's it? Beyond 24 she has no idea?

Zanna told Helen not to go too Morticia Adams. Lol.

When Isaac mentioned 'duty free/airport ' I thought he meant that Michelle's fabric reminded him of some of the boxes duty free perfumes come in. I can totally see what he was talking about.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Michelle said she knows what women, size 0 to 24, want to wear. That's it? Beyond 24 she has no idea?


Considering most designers don't make clothes over a size 8 (or maybe a 10), I appreciated that she wanted to think about those who are over size 16. I just wish I'd liked the design she created.

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Helen's separates outfit looked very Kate-esque. The black capey dress looked exactly like something she had made before during her season. I forget which challenge it was, but it was one of the only things she's made that I remember liking. 


It was during her final challenge, I think. I believe it was part of her collection. She had a red dress with that same sort of type cape thing. So she's still doing the same old stuff. Still thinks of herself as the Second Coming of fashion, with nothing to back it up.

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Yeah, QVC is exactly where every designer hopes to show their line.

Sonjia-I was surprised to find I liked both outfits-LMAO at Helen when Sonjia won.
Fabio RTW-I liked it. It was pretty basic, but it looked comfortable & fashionable with clean lines
Helen RTW-I like it for the same reasons as I like Fabio’s, would make good office wear in the Summer
Jay RTW-Loved this, great pants, loved how everything fit-After listening to the judges, I give up.

Fabio FF-I liked the front, but wasn’t big on the droopy back so this only gets an OK
Helen FF-I thought it looked OK, but there was nothing fashion forward about it.
Dmitry RTW-I’m a little confused because I thought this outfit was OK, as a fashion forward outfit

Didn’t Like
Helen-Both outfits were just too busy for me.
Dmitry FF-Too much & too exposed.
Jay FF-Just ugly

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The ability to design marketable separates is extremely important these days, so I have no idea how some of these contestants think they can make it with just dresses and jumpsuits.

Right?  Apparently Helen only designs gowns.  How does that work?  I seem to be alone in really disliking both her looks tonight,  I thought the shoulderline on the black dress made the model looked hunched over, and I wondered if she was repeating that from the challenge where a couch cushion was turned into a jacket without changing its shape.  Which was also a look I hated, so what do I know.


Loved Sonjia's grey separates.  What a gorgeous outfit that was.  Not so much the yellow number, which kind of made the model look like one of those inflatable waving figures in front of a used car lot.  Still, I'm glad she got the win on the strength of the grey look alone.


Dmitri's outfits were beautiful but not as appropriate for the challenge.  That blue color is no longer current, let alone forward-facing.  


All of the looks on the bottom belonged on the bottom.  Fabio's blue leather jacket and shorts was very pretty but has been done many times before.  Michelle's weren't flattering, and neither were Jay's, especially that red dress that made the model look so very, very wide. 


And speaking of wide, good god, is Alyssa expected to be the next octomom? 

Edited by FineWashables
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I give up. "Neoprene and Lace" is just about the most horrible (fashion) thing I can hink of.

Jay's RTW wasn't that bad.

Sonjia's stuff looked like it was made of felt.

Oh, and I liked Fabio's.

Am I insane? Is it Opposite Day on PR?

Edited by AudreyHorne
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Helen said last week that avant garde isn't her thing.  This week separates aren't her thing.  So what's left?  Dresses? Most of hers are crap on a cracker.


I have always really liked Dmitry, if for nothing else than "one way monkey", but his blue outfit was so Star Trek it wasn't funny. (Kudos for Madding crowd for calling it out first.)  Plus, I will never not associate neoprene with toilet dying.  Thank Ra'mon for that.  Michelle's prints were just pajamas, straight up and down.  One modern PJs, one old lady PJs.


I loved Sonjia's day wear outfit.  The yellow look, not so much.  Jay's and Fabio's looks were just so boring, I don't really have any memory of them.


What I do remember is this was a QVC challenge.  (Anyone remember when there were decent sponsors?)  Yeah, the Miz is on QVC, but this is what it produces:



(Notice the model in pink in the background, probably dying because she actually took 4th grade science at some point in her life.)

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Sonjia was the only one to design an outfit that would be flattering to women in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The flowing, but not tent-like, style of the grey top would look good on both busty and less boobily endowed women, and the whole look would be lovely on plus size women as well as those who are model slim. It was trendy enough for younger women, but the length of skirt would work well for more mature women who don't want to rock a short skirt and would be appropriate for many workplaces. Also, someone under 5 foot 11 could wear it well. Though the confessionals made it seem like she had no idea what was doing, she seemed to be the only one who understood the brief - or had any familiarity with what QVC actually sells and which demographics it targets. She was thoughtful, and she deserved the win.


In contrast, Michelle's looks were only appropriate for extras in American Horror Story: Freak Show. I really wanted the judges to ask her who her woman was, because those were just nuts.


And Dimitri - who over a size 2 can wear a neoprene suit with a bare midriff? And, again, where would she wear it, other than to Comic-Con, because it looked very sci-fi? When the judges said the jacket could be worn with jeans - only if they were super high-waisted or the woman felt comfortable wearing a crop top. You're still the ProjectRunwayDeisgnerILF, but come on, dude.


This whole "I don't understand sportswear" attitude the designers have baffles me, both because there's like 500 people on earth who wear gowns/couture on a regular basis, and because they're wearing normal clothes while they work. Uh, maybe you ought to think about why you liked those jeans/t-shirts/sweaters that are on your back and figure out how to make some of your own.

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Considering most designers don't make clothes over a size 8 (or maybe a 10), I appreciated that she wanted to think about those who are over size 16. I just wish I'd liked the design she created.


In some ways I guess she was thinking about women of all sizes - her outfits were both hideous for anyone from size 0 to size whatever.

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 Of course the limited time does not help, but taste would not improve with more time.


When they are obligating the winning look to be worn or sold, they need to give the designers an extra day.  It's just not fair to the client.



And yet again, Helen called a button UP shirt a button DOWN shirt.  Idiot. 


I didn't know this was a thing. I have never used the term, "button up", in my life.


Did I hear the guest judge say that Dimitry's neoprene and lace skirt would look cute with a gray sweatshirt?  I can't even imagine how horrific that would look.


Fabio's pattern looked like a spin art game I had when I was little.  You'd drip paint onto the little canvas, and then turn it on to spin.  I think my patterns looked better than Fabio's.

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Considering most designers don't make clothes over a size 8 (or maybe a 10), I appreciated that she wanted to think about those who are over size 16. I just wish I'd liked the design she created.


Oh, if only we had a way to judge Michelle's mad skills making women of all sizes happy...


Oh, wait. We do. Remember Miranda Lambert?


Cute as a bug. Tiny little thing, carrying some weight around she wasn't happy with, but given her height probably not more than a size six at her heaviest. Nice legs, narrow waist, big bosom, all of which she wanted emphasized. Wider than she wanted and arms that maybe took a little being careful with, which she wanted de-emphasized.


Michelle gave her this. No waist, no bust, a long, stiff skirt with padding around the hips, armholes which cut her rail-thin model in a bad place, and a bizarre scarf-thingie which cut the whole thing in half vertically and made the woman wearing it look even wider. And when Miranda Lambert pointed out that it was unflattering and inappropriate, Michelle told her that she only designs for people who are cool enough to be her friends.


So, yeah, no. I don't see Michelle as a boon to the glorious rainbow of women out there. I think she's trying to market herself to QVC. Where apparently larger women really want to wear the upholstery from my mom's old wing chair.


Not that Helen would know, since apparently that's not the sort of thing they wear in the couture mecca of Weehawken.

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Jay clearly gave up - he even said so, and it showed. In the end he produced his runway looks in just two hours, because he started over at the last minute.


I loved Sonjia's grey outfit. One of the few times in the past years that I've actually liked a PR outfit. And I love checking out her own clothing each week. She's very stylish.


I just checked Google and it's true Lisa R. is leaving QVC after 20 years. Over time she has auditioned for several talk shows but never been selected. She's a former beauty queen. I've often wondered how the QVC hosts keep their sanity, saying the same thing over and over for many years.


I wonder if Alyssa wears those old-lady upsweeps to give the illusion of height, and the tacky big jewelry to try to draw the eye away from her increasing girth (bless her heart).


Michelle's print might have worked in a simple DVF wrap dress style. But her looks were disjointed and odd.


So Joan Rivers' sidekick George is now pushing his own fashion line...

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Loved Sonjia's grey separates.  What a gorgeous outfit that was.  Not so much the yellow number, which kind of made the model look like one of those inflatable waving figures in front of a used car lot.  

LOL!  that is exactly what it looked like.  When the model was going up and down the runway and those arms flapping I kept laughing.  Didn't make the outfit look better.  I liked Sonji's grey outfit - but isn't that something she made before?  When they did the storage unit challenge?


I didn't mind Helen's RTW except for those crazy black epaulets on the shoulder.  The black dress was not flattering to the model; made her look boxy.


Fabio's RTW was okay - except why do they put second layer on the back?  Did not like the FF, the back looked liked they wrapped themselves in a sheet.


Michelle's was actually okay; but what was the model wearing underneath, a bathing suit?  If you have to wear something like that perhaps it not RTW or for the QVC audience.  Does anyone know if Michelle's model use to be on America's Next Top Model?  A few weeks ago I was watching an old ANTM marathon (college edition) and she looks like someone who was on that show.


Dimitry's would have been a lot better if he chosen something other than neoprene.


Jay's RTW was okay; but why in the heck would he put his model in those black strappy heels?

Edited by tobysmom
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I didn't think Helen's stuff was the worst thing up there, but she's so unpleasant and full of herself, I wanted her to go. Heh.


On a different topic, why didn't they have the Project Runway "All Stars" ring the bell at that NASDAQ thing? I know American Idol used to have their top ten do it, not Seacrest or any of the judges. Just goes to show you who this show is all about.

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Michelle's print looked like a Rorschach test and my grandmother's 70s curtains had a horrible bastard child. So much eye searing ugly in one print. If she had done something simple, then the print might not have looked so terrible but both of her designs made the pattern seem even worse. I laughed when she said that she took her separates and turned the sexy up to create her fashion forward look. So a floor length nightgown buttoned up to the neck with mutton sleeves that somehow migrated down so that the poof starts above the elbow is sexy?


Jay's tank top was too plain, as was Fabio's leather shirt. I hated Helen's high low blouse, especially paired with that skirt.

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Yeah, it was Jay's time to go.  No doubt about that.  Sonjia may annoy the other designers with her approach, but she did create the best pair of outfits on the runway this week.  Not perfect, but pretty, flattering, wearable, and coordination between the two.   I'm happy with both the winner and auf'ed.


Specific comments:  


Dmitry:  I loved that blue outfit, but thought the lace was a bit extraneous.  I think I'd have liked it even more if he'd skipped the lace and done black bands around the bottom of the skirt and at the wrists.   He needs to lay off the neoprene, however.   The yellow outfit really flattered the model's body.  Those insets really accented her shape well.  The color combination was harsh, but the yellow looked great on the model.  Still not a huge fan of that lace.  Maybe another design of black lace?


Fabio:  Good grief, that wearable outfit was dull.  With the exception of the leather, it's something I would expect to pick up off the rack at Target.   Why did his dress have a massive sac hanging down behind the model's butt?  It reminded me of those poop bags that are hung behind horses pulling carriages on city streets.  Except, of course, the horse poop bag makes sense.


Helen:   Jeeze louise.  That ready to wear outfit looked like a maternity outfit for a high schooler.  That's not a good combination.  I didn't get the love of her black dress, although it WAS better than the two piece outfit.  Those flaps on the back looked like beetle wing covers or maybe part of a nun's outfit.  It was ok, but nothing to squeee over like the judges were doing.  I really didn't see the connection between the outfits.  The two piece outfit was a flared top and skirt/skort.  The dress had wings down the back.  What was the linkage again?  That they both were kind of flappy?


Jay:  Honestly, did he think that those saggy pants in an ugly vinyl looking fabric would sell?   The little tank-ish top was fine, but damn those pants were fugly and ill fitting.  If they made a model look like that, what would they do to my butt and legs?   His dress was one of the worst things to walk down the runway this season, and that's saying a LOT.  Saggy.  Ill fitting.  Looked unfinished.  Unflattering.  And what was the coordination between those two?  The teeny red stripe across the back shoulders of the tank top?  It was definitely his day to go home.


Michelle:  Both those outfits sucked dead sheep sideways, but still weren't as bad as Jay's.  That print was a frigging disaster.   Her ready to wear outfit was way, way too much.  MAYBE that top over some black cigarette pants.  Maybe.  The skirt kept coming apart front and back as the model walked.  Does ready to wear include the potential of flashing the model's crotch?   The high end outfit looked like a slutty Holly Hobby outfit on sale at Frederick's of Hollywood.   Terrible, but again not as bad as Jay's.  


Sonjia:  I loved her ready to wear, although she needs to make a few outfits without lace or perforations.   I would wear that top in a minute with skinny black pants.  The skirt was lovely and flattering but that liner will need to come down a few inches for wear by regular women.   Her upscale dress was thrown together in no time at all, but it was striking, coordinated with the ready to wear, flattered the model, and was beautiful.   I'm not sure why she put the jacket over the model's shoulders like a cape.  I'd like to have seen it both on and just draped.  I'm glad Sonjia won.

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Ha, I thought the back of Fabio's dress looked too similar to a saggy diaper but I'm willing to go with poop bag.


Although I thought Dmitry's yellow dress was a little too Dancing with the Stars, in the closeups you could see how meticulously he placed the different pieces of black lace and it looked really beautiful.

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Will no-one rid me of that fugly Fabio?! Cannot stand looking at or hearing from him!! BLEAGH!


1971. That is when I wore a "Granny" dress (Michelle's style was called that) with puffy sleeves. 1971.

Michelle said she knows what women, size 0 to 24, want to wear. That's it? Beyond 24 she has no idea?
Size 24 is pretty darn big, but in any case, it was not meant to be taken quite literally, I don't think. Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I didn't know this was a thing. I have never used the term, "button up", in my life.

Me neither, at least as an adjective (I suppose I have as a verb, like "button up, it's cold outside"). Guess I need to turn in my girl card, because I've never buttoned a shirt, blouse, or anything else from the bottom upward. You put on a shirt, you start at the top. Doesn't everyone??

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Random thoughts to dump from the brain before work:


Dmitry, for the love of Coco Chanel, STEP AWAY FROM THE NEOPRENE. Oh, and I'm pretty sure most QVC shoppers (and "real women" in general) would not embrace the bare-midriff "suit," neoprene or not.


Michelle's print did her in. Too darn much of it. As a "real woman" who appreciates a little flow in her clothes, I didn't hate the concept. But I imagine many/most  over size 10? 12? would look at themselves in that print and see "circus tent." Potential for a big seller that got lost in the fabric.


Speaking of fabric -


Fabio was so caught up in making mad, passionate fashion love with his created fabric that he forgot to design. Dress in said fabric was "meh," not "fashion forward." Ready to wear was okay but a little sad, thanks to the colors. Oh, and for the record, I suspect I speak for many when I say that a garment involving a big old hunk of leather across my chest would not be a summertime favorite.


Jay and Helen: made my eyes hurt. Their garments, that is.


Sonjia: winner by default? See advice to Dmitry re your obsession with cutout fabric, though. Didn't hate the RTW look, though the skirt fabric looked awfully stiff when she held it up at either Mood or the workroom. Probably necessary for design, but didn't look especially comfortable.


Whew. I feel so much lighter. Not light enough to bare my midriff in neoprene, though. ;)

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I'm sorry but Michelle's models looked like rodeo clowns.  I like a good print and I might have even liked that print done differently, but I thought those outfits were absurd. 


I didn't really think anybody deserved to win this week, but I guess Sonjia winning was OK.


The line "I don't think anyone's ready to wear neoprene" cracked me up. 

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As if I did not loathe Michelle enough already...her awful dresses in that hideously ugly print made me see a gown I made in 1977 for a prom, of the world's ugliest print...I cringe madly to even think of it. The photo evidence is long gone but the memory burns in my brain. Now it has all resurfaced. I thought even she had to be kidding when she chose it.

Also that scene outside the stock exchange was super embarrassing...I was also blushing and cringing on their behalf. An uncomfortable episode for me, lol...

I really marvel at how Dmitri's mind works...they say ready to,wear, he think Queen Elizabeth blue in neoprene and heavy black trim; they say elegant garden party, he thinks neoprene in an awful color with some bizarre trim, etc...he somehow convinces himself that whatever he feels like making meets the challenge, and mostly, seems to get by with it. A lot to be said for charm, I guess. Fabio is the same way in just making whatever the hell he wants. Should have been a double elimination last night.

Edited by Bebecat
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According to how the judges have ruled this season, if I were a contestant here's what I'd send down the runway:


"My girl is a self-made 20-something jet setter magazine editor who owns a helicopter she flies off in to spend weekends drinking Absinthe with the crown heads of the Lesser Antilles. In other words, she's someone everyone can relate to.  I've made granny print, backless, bare midriff, shoulder padded neoprene jumpsuit with the hem just below the shin and saggy draping across the ass. The tacked on rivets & lace make this look go from day to night."


When do I get the prize money?

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According to how the judges have ruled this season, if I were a contestant here's what I'd send down the runway:


"My girl is a self-made 20-something jet setter magazine editor who owns a helicopter she flies off in to spend weekends drinking Absinthe with the crown heads of the Lesser Antilles. In other words, she's someone everyone can relate to.  I've made granny print, backless, bare midriff, shoulder padded neoprene jumpsuit with the hem just below the shin and saggy draping across the ass. The tacked on rivets & lace make this look go from day to night."


When do I get the prize money?

LOL! Love it - For the Win!!

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