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Real Housewives in the Media

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,
  • Take discussions of individual housewives to their threads.
  • Watch your tone.
  • This is not the let's complain about who "ruined the show" thread.  Let's stick to media discussions. 

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I can't remember in which thread zoeysmom posted this Bethy throws shade link.

I don't keep close watch for juicy tidbits on SM or in the media so now wonder if the tide could be turning against Methenny. AllAboutTheTea is less than enamored, calling one of her expressions an "immature smirk" and calling her recent actions as a hypocrite?

Is this new? Or has B been less than all-that with them, and other outlets, all along?

Andy defends her by citing ratings but I have to wonder if SG won't suffer some  mean-bethy collateral damage. Then again, if reviews of her product as crap didn't discourage sales...

Edited by NewDigs
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Throws shade?

All she did was respond to someone posting the photo of Tom with Ramona first season and say, "Is that Tom?  Wow."

To be exact:



Omg this is luann's fiance season 1???!!! @ramonasinger wow! https://twitter.com/paulatheresa76/status/740944442719412224 …

9:32 AM - 9 Jun 2016


Edited by Umbelina
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Sadly, I don't think anyone is surprised.  I just hope this doesn't trigger a relapse in Jules.

Oh man, I am actually surprised!  I wrote a dumb-me post about how nice I thought he was.  I never, ever thought he'd be doing this, let alone be stupid enough to be caught now, during her first season.   Such a public hurt - I hate that the most for her.  Poor Jules.



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Bethenny sort of explains her mess.  So Bethenny met this guy when she was 18 and he was 21 and just happened to go to school with his wife and although she has remained friends with him she has only said hello to the wife a handful of times.  He did marry young at 23 and his wife was only 21.  I wonder if they have children, maybe grown by now.

Edited by zoeysmom
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14 minutes ago, Midnight Cheese said:

Oh man, I am actually surprised!  I wrote a dumb-me post about how nice I thought he was.  I never, ever thought he'd be doing this, let alone be stupid enough to be caught now, during her first season.   Such a public hurt - I hate that the most for her.  Poor Jules.


Me too, cheese, me too. :(

  • Love 5
On June 15, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Midnight Cheese said:

Oh man, I am actually surprised!  I wrote a dumb-me post about how nice I thought he was.  I never, ever thought he'd be doing this, let alone be stupid enough to be caught now, during her first season.   Such a public hurt - I hate that the most for her.  Poor Jules.



I'm surprised as well. He seemed like such a nice guy. I actually thought they were cute together. I never sensed that she irritated him the way she does me. He always seemed very indulgent about things like her being unable to cope with making coffee or finding time to take a shower after the nanny got the hell out. I wonder if Bravo is doing some last minute editing to make sure they get any and all glimpses of any friction in the relationship. 

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6 hours ago, LayOffMeImStarving said:

This report says Michael just filed for divorce from Jules. ☹️

Life & Style

I'm thinking he Kelsey Grammar'ed her. A keep her busy while he has some serious side chick kinda thing.

53 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:



Bethenny sort of explains her mess.  So Bethenny met this guy when she was 18 and he was 21 and just happened to go to school with his wife and although she has remained friends with him she has only said hello to the wife a handful of times.  He did marry young at 23 and his wife was only 21.  I wonder if they have children, maybe grown by now.


Edited by islandgal140
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As much as I think this is another one of Sonja's hare-brained attempts at a career, I found myself saying Go girl when I saw this. If for no other reason than I think it was ludicrous that Sonja was asked to give up her aspirations to appease Bethenny. Please. Who made Bethenny Frankel the final word?

(I get Bethenny's point of view too, but let the market decide. TipsyGirl probably won't last a year anyway. Who are they going to draw, other than 20something females?)

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, archer1267 said:

As much as I think this is another one of Sonja's hare-brained attempts at a career, I found myself saying Go girl when I saw this. If for no other reason than I think it was ludicrous that Sonja was asked to give up her aspirations to appease Bethenny. Please. Who made Bethenny Frankel the final word?

(I get Bethenny's point of view too, but let the market decide. TipsyGirl probably won't last a year anyway. Who are they going to draw, other than 20something females?)

LOL, It's not Sonja's restaurant! Peter/real partners own it, Sonja is just the face of the drink and maybe the face of the restaurant but not a partner. LOL Just a note, it is rumored that Peter offered Ramona the same deal, to be the face of TG and she said no because she feared Bethenny's reaction. Which is funny because Ramona had her own wine business well before Bethenny did.

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Just a note, it is rumored that Peter offered Ramona the same deal, to be the face of TG and she said no because she feared Bethenny's reaction.

Remember she(Ramona) tried to do a deal with the same skeevy dude last year.  That AOA bar.  Turns out he did not own the bar, was not partners with someone that owned the bar, was some kind of partner of a group that supplies bars with bar stuff.  Bethenny pointed that out in her office take down of Sonja.  I bet Ramona told Sonja not to do it.  But Sonja needs money.  So this should be enough to put her back where she was.  You know Morgan money.  It will pay for her childs private school, pay to have the furnace fixed, pay to replace the thread bare rugs, it will be a real winfall.  Meantime B is not filming with her but I'm sure she doesn't really need that Bravo money now that she is the face of Tipsy Girl!  Go Sonja, go.  Poor thing.

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If the restaurant becomes a reality it becomes ludicrous that Bethenny is trying to tie it to Skinnygirl.  If she were a good businessperson, she would visit the restaurant and do a "no hard feelings and good luck" photo op.  Just no way Skinnygirl products and a Tipsy Girl restaurant are one in the same.  Bethenny gives the assertion traction by putting that out there.  It would have been so much better for her to say tipsy and skinny are not the same thing.  Luanne has a Girl Code song, Carole is writing a girl meets vegan chef book, and they have been celebrating "Girls' Night Out", since before there was Skinnygirl.

  • Love 5

I disagree, it would have more traction with Bethenny's approval OR future arguments or discussions with Sonja.  She's handled it perfectly.  In addition, the alcohol side of her business is in partnership or ownership of Beam.  She will do what they advise, as she should.  Why give a Shyster more press?  That would be stupid.

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Bethany got some nerve suing Sonja for violating her trademark.

I clearly remember Skinny Bitch was before her Skinny Girl. Did they sue Beth???? Besides Sonja's concept besides is not in competition with Skinny girl.

 It is a bar/cabaret project that includes a line of booze. 

WTF, Beth has a monopoly on boozing girls?????

I for one just wish the best for Sonja, old girl might really pull this one off.

She was born to party and entertain. lol

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She might be a "partner" if by that you mean she didn't get paid upfront and is only going to get a percentage.  I think that's how this guy operates, that and getting "investors" so he can bilk them out of their money.

Sonja's involvement is basically PR and face, the PR being a cheap way to get publicity, by trying her best to get under Bethenny's skin so the guy gets free TV time. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, LIMOM said:

So Sonja is nothing more than an employee with the Tipsy Girl Company?

I thought it was a partnership, my mistake then.

Sonja mentioned that she signed a contract so she is employed by them. I think when she meant partnership, she's talking similar to the way an athlete or celebrity endorses a product. They aren't invested or owners of the company but they use their name and face to promote the product and get a royalty based on sales. That's exactly the kind of business deal Sonja loves - spend no money and you have people who want to work with you and enable your idea of self-importance that your name and image will help their product be successful.

  • Love 4

I'm confused as to what grounds Bethenny would be suing the Tipsy Girl owners. Apparently Bethenny tried to trademark the name as well but it was denied because the name was trademarked by Peter and co. back in the summer of last year. Clearly their trademark was approved because it didn't violate any of the contingencies of her own trademark. So what is her accusation and what is she trying to prove?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm confused as to what grounds Bethenny would be suing the Tipsy Girl owners. Apparently Bethenny tried to trademark the name as well but it was denied because the name was trademarked by Peter and co. back in the summer of last year. Clearly their trademark was approved because it didn't violate any of the contingencies of her own trademark. So what is her accusation and what is she trying to prove?

Peter trademarked TG as a restaurant. When you apply for a trademark you do it for one of around 40 or so categories.  He didn't apply for it for a beverage, or any consumable good, just for the restaurant.  They actually had that launch party for a product they had yet to secure (or even apply for) a TM on. Beth got wind of what they were doing, and she actually applied for the TM for wine before Peter did, clearly to prevent him from launching it.  He applied a few days later.  Neither trademark has been granted at this time.  She isn't suing him or Sonja, but trying to prevent them from getting the TM. 



Edited by motorcitymom65
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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Peter trademarked TG as a restaurant. When you apply for a trademark you do it for one of around 40 or so categories.  He didn't apply for it for a beverage, or any consumable good, just for the restaurant.  They actually had that launch party for a product they had yet to secure (or even apply for) a TM on. Beth got wind of what they were doing, and she actually applied for the TM for wine before Peter did, clearly to prevent him from launching it.  He applied a few days later.  Neither trademark has been granted at this time.  She isn't suing him or Sonja, but trying to prevent them from getting the TM. 



Now that's a storyline with a fun twist! I hope its the one they tell, but probably not and we'll be left to figure it out at the reunion scream fest. I keep saying that B should get behind it as her storyline because she could present her products in a different way and have even more reason to bring attention to herself. I think she made a poor choice in storylines to one; bitch at most of her cast mates and come across as a real b*tch which can't be good for her brand  two; be seen as a savvy business woman protecting her brand. Poor choice B. (and yes I know there are those that think shutting Sonja down was a good call so lets not go down that spiral again)

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Peter trademarked TG as a restaurant. When you apply for a trademark you do it for one of around 40 or so categories.  He didn't apply for it for a beverage, or any consumable good, just for the restaurant.  They actually had that launch party for a product they had yet to secure (or even apply for) a TM on. Beth got wind of what they were doing, and she actually applied for the TM for wine before Peter did, clearly to prevent him from launching it.  He applied a few days later.  Neither trademark has been granted at this time.  She isn't suing him or Sonja, but trying to prevent them from getting the TM. 



Ohh...the article I read said that her request for trademark was declined which is what confused me. Thanks for the recap!

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12 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It's juicy, isn't it? The reality of what is going on behind the scenes is more interesting than what we are seeing. 

For sure! I'm sure this will come up at the Reunion but I'm assuming that neither party will address it if it's still a pending legal issue. Learning about the behind the scenes does make me appreciate that despite my varying dislikes for the NYC women, they seem real to me and not manufactured or 'put on' just for the sake of being relevant.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, archer1267 said:

Oh God. By saying that her Hamptons pad is where "everyone" parties (including Christina Aguilera and "the most powerful agents in Hollywood"), B has become the very sort of thirsty person she mocked in her earliest seasons.

4 hours ago, archer1267 said:

So damn thirsty. She mocked thirsty individuals this season. At the beginning of this season, she was all over LuAnn who thirstily tried to get invited to the RHoBH party at Beth's Hamptons house. Hell, she's barely let up on Sonja who is both thirsty and delusional as fuq.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, archer1267 said:

Oh God. By saying that her Hamptons pad is where "everyone" parties (including Christina Aguilera and "the most powerful agents in Hollywood"), B has become the very sort of thirsty person she mocked in her earliest seasons.

I also loved from the article:

On a recent episode of PEOPLE’s List, Frankel gave viewers a grand tour of her sprawling Hamptons estate, which includes her prized Yes Bar, a “disgusting shack” which the star transformed into a destination for her celebrity friends.

Really?  According to the home records I could find, it's a 2280 square foot house on a half an acre of land:


Crap.  My estate multiple sprawls her.  Who writes this stuff?

As for who has been there, how embarrassing for you Beth.  That's the best you can do as the equal of Martha Stewart?

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, archer1267 said:

Oh God. By saying that her Hamptons pad is where "everyone" parties (including Christina Aguilera and "the most powerful agents in Hollywood"), B has become the very sort of thirsty person she mocked in her earliest seasons.

Weren't you blown away with the celebrity that is "Jamie Foxx's guys"?  Bethenny has always had a soft spot for the help.  Someone needs to help Bethenny get out of her own way.  She isn't going to be re-writing Hamptons cool anytime soon.

8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I also loved from the article:

On a recent episode of PEOPLE’s List, Frankel gave viewers a grand tour of her sprawling Hamptons estate, which includes her prized Yes Bar, a “disgusting shack” which the star transformed into a destination for her celebrity friends.

Really?  According to the home records I could find, it's a 2280 square foot house on a half an acre of land:


Crap.  My estate multiple sprawls her.  Who writes this stuff?

As for who has been there, how embarrassing for you Beth.  That's the best you can do as the equal of Martha Stewart?

I think the shack is the out building Ken Todd was less than impressed with.  It was a shack turned into a bar with some décor from TJ Maxx.

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On July 8, 2016 at 6:04 PM, parisprincess said:

Someone needs to inform Andy that it isn't Bethenny's fibroids responsible for ratings; it's the drama between the cool and collected Luann and the bitches who are trying to tear her down (and she ain't having it!)  I know that's what's keeping me entertained.   

You could make the argument either way (I never think it is any one person responsible for the ratings). If the fact that they are trying to "tear her down" is the reason for the ratings, then they wouldn't be as good if Lu was just happy and in love and they were leaving her alone? If that is the case then they are in fact responsible for the high ratings, at least in part. Any by "they" you would have to include Beth, since as far as going after Lu, no one has done more of it than Beth with her "fuckdoll" rant. 

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4 hours ago, archer1267 said:

Tom's reportedly set the record straight on his dalliances with Ramona and Sonja. We'll never know what the truth is exactly, but I can totally buy Sonja breezily saying "Oh darling, let me go check my diary and I'll get back to you!"

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Remember last season when Lu was mad at Carole for barging in her room because she said it would have been terrible for her son to have to know something like that about his mother? Now a year later and she's gotten herself engaged to a dude that has to take to the press to explain that his alleged banging of her friends in the past isn't quite what they are making it all out to be. Priceless. Someone should ask Lu how Noel feels about all of this at the reunion. 

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20 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Remember last season when Lu was mad at Carole for barging in her room because she said it would have been terrible for her son to have to know something like that about his mother? Now a year later and she's gotten herself engaged to a dude that has to take to the press to explain that his alleged banging of her friends in the past isn't quite what they are making it all out to be. Priceless. Someone should ask Lu how Noel feels about all of this at the reunion. 

Tom would not have to take to the press if certain RH were honest about their relationship with Tom.  Ramona backed off but Sonja is a little questionable.  For some reason Bethenny decided to make unsubstantiated allegations that have now been deemed false.  No one would have ever known had Sonja not been trying to create a storyline.  At some point Sonja should be thinking about her daughter might feel about Sonja having to take to the airwaves to brag about her conquests.

2 hours ago, snarts said:

Carole can't be happy with this seating arrangement.  Separated from Bethany, the horror!


CnVfGPrWgAE4zwV (1).jpg

I wonder why both Bethenny and Luann have on white pants and tops and their hair is similar as well.  Luann, Sonja and Dorinda all seem to have the same neckline.

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 2:44 PM, zoeysmom said:

 I wonder why both Bethenny and Luann have on white pants and tops and their hair is similar as well.  Luann, Sonja and Dorinda all seem to have the same neckline.

I think B's is a sheath dress. It does seem to fit her beautifully and I'm glad she's back to fashion that fits her. Ramona looks less swollen and Carole's dress probably would have looked better if her hair was down in romantic style curls and with highlights. There I said something nice!

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,
  • Take discussions of individual housewives to their threads.
  • Watch your tone.
  • This is not the let's complain about who "ruined the show" thread.  Let's stick to media discussions. 

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