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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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5 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

@louannems, I think you must also live in Washington state?

“Governor Inslee, Sunday morning, ordered restaurants and bars to shutdown indoor service and to limit outdoor service to parties of five or less. Indoor gyms and fitness centers must also shutdown. Same with movie theaters, bowling alleys and museums. Indoor gatherings with people outside your household will be prohibited unless participants have quarantined and tested negative.

”Indoor gatherings, outside one’s household, are prohibited unless participants quarantine for 14 days prior to the gathering or quarantine for seven days prior and receive a negative COVID-19 test within two days of the planned gathering.”

This is the most severe set of restrictions since lockdown last spring.
We have a statewide mask mandate, but like everywhere, that’s only as helpful as compliance and/or enforcement. Part of our decision to return ourselves to lockdown was Mr. Wiser watching a maskless woman in Safeway pawing through the broccoli last week. Lovely.


While I think the restrictions on gatherings at home are reasonable in light of the current situation, how could it possibly be enforceable?  People wanting to attend events in others' homes aren't going to turn themselves in and I would imagine that neighbors would be very reluctant to report a household that seems to be breaking the rules.  Everyone is on edge these days and the last thing anyone needs is to antagonize the neighbors even if they are superspreader fools.

Edited by doodlebug
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In Arkansas, we are getting increasingly desperate but toothless warnings that things are getting bad. I think local jurisdictions might crack and impose lockdowns before the state. That is what happened in July and the state followed. 

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It’s just going to be Husband and me for Thanksgiving again this year. We really don’t have any family here anyway. I have a brother-in-law and a sister that live out of town, and I haven’t seen either one of them in over 7 years. I am not close to my sister at all, but am a closer to my BIL. Husband and I used to celebrate holidays with his father, sister, her SO, and her lazy son. Oh boy, were holidays fun - NOT. Father-in-law passed away 2 years ago in September, so we have been having our own holidays with just the two of us which has been wonderful. This year, Husband’s Big Birthday is on Thanksgiving. I will be making us a spectacular Thanksgiving dinner and a kick-ass cake for him since  I love to cook and bake. I also posted on Facebook for my friends to send him birthday cards, whether they actually know him IRL or not. So far there has been a huge response, so that will make him happy. I plan on tying all his cards up in a ribbon and giving it to him. I think he will be surprised, and he will like it.

7 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I think that many politicians are going to try to avoid tightening things up before Thanksgiving.  Ohio's governor has become very slow to add new restrictions even though much of the state should be at level purple based on the numbers.  

I know, but I really, really wish Mike would do something. Anything! Our numbers are off the charts! I think he lost his groove once Dr. Amy resigned rightfully (after the, you know, death threats to her and her family and all...)

Edited by Westiepeach
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My state is a supreme example of rampant Covid and a governor who doesn't want to do anything (Texas). We have over a million cases and no real restrictions on anything, just a "please wear a mask in public" mandate that no one really enforces. It's ridiculous and terrifying.

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1 minute ago, emma675 said:

My state is a supreme example of rampant Covid and a governor who doesn't want to do anything (Texas). We have over a million cases and no real restrictions on anything, just a "please wear a mask in public" mandate that no one really enforces. It's ridiculous and terrifying.

Pretty much the same situation in Georgia. Not sure of the exact number of cases but it is increasing rapidly. 

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2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Here in the midwest, virtually ALL Chinese restaurants will be open.  For that matter, a ton of other restaurants are going to be open for carry-out at least.  I was looking for a local place to get carry-out on Thanksgiving and there are at least 5 within a mile of me here in suburbia.  Hard to believe that NYC  doesn't have at least that many options.

Exactly. I’m in SW Ohio. We’re ordering takeout on Thanksgiving.

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We already had our Thanksgiving - this week. Just my husband and kids. We ate outside, because one of my kids works with the public daily and they aren't always masked. We also had a Birthday cake for our November baby.

On the actual day we'll likely get Chinese and Zoom with the rest of the family.

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We are cooking a traditional meal for Thanksgiving, but are getting Chinese take out for Christmas. No large family gatherings.  

In N.C. our Governor is doing all he can to help control covid, but many resistant, ignorant residents refuse to comply.  Their audacity is infuriating.  Yesterday, I passed by a local event venue and saw through the window tables with guests  seated. Guests were streaming in. Much more than 10 people. The parking lot had at least 30 cars!  What a wedding! It’s really disgusting. If we don’t get relief with a vaccine, we may need to design covid protection respectful districts. 



Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Sometimes I think that we need to have Covid wards and ERs filmed and shown on television 24/7. I’m reminded of the Viet Nam war, which was an abstraction to most of the country until they began showing footage from the war on the evening news. Until people saw what war was doing to soldiers...kids, really...they didn’t really get it. It was just something hippies and college kids were fussing about. 

With HIPAA and privacy issues it would never work, but for too many, the virus doesn’t exist until it hits home. Literally. 

I read a terribly painful Twitter thread this morning from a frontline caregiver in South Dakota. Many patients are refusing to believe they have Covid and screaming at doctors and nurses to be treated for whatever it is they REALLY have, because Covid is a hoax. Bad enough to be trying to do the impossible for all these months, but now to be abused and called liars? That’s...unforgivable. 

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I’m still not sure what I’m going to do for Thanksgiving...My parents are high risk and refuse to be indoors with me. I am fully on board with that, because they are being extremely careful, to the point that I’m essentially their only disease vector — and I would be devastated to get them sick! The problem is, since spring we have been sharing meals outside with social distancing in place — but just in time for the holidays, it’s getting too cold and dark for that, and I can’t be around them indoors. My boyfriend is planning to have the holiday with his parents, but they’re extremely high risk and I have never met them before, so I don’t know how I feel about joining their meal. And my boyfriend is the only person in my bubble, so aside from my parents and him, there’s no one else who I can spend the holiday with. 

Anyway, I had a very hard week at work. I’m constantly getting in trouble lately, often for things that I don’t have control over or that are unreasonable/impossible, so I’m perpetually failing, but in ways that I can’t actually fix. And meanwhile, the managers are being nicer to me than ever, even as they're constantly chewing me out, which just makes me feel more confused and therefore more stressed. Really, I’m feeling extremely stressed about the job altogether and have been for a long time... Aside from the stress over my actual work is the stress that comes from my employer’s response to covid, which has frankly been challenging to deal with. For a short time she allowed us to work from home a few days a week, but even then we were never fully remote and there were A LOT of very challenging policies around remote work (literally 3+ hours a day were spent in full-staff Zoom check-in meetings, we had to have our cameras on for hours at a time in a weird surveillance “work room,” etc). And work from home has been completely prohibited since May or so anyway. So I have to go in to a full office 5 days a week — and of course everyone has a different idea of “reasonable precautions,” so my coworkers do a lot of things I don’t feel comfortable with, and then I have to sit there for 40-50 hours a week sharing their air while they refuse to mask anyway. I feel like there is a ton of pressure on me there aside from anything related to covid, and then on top of that, how my employer has responded to covid is putting a ton of pressure on me, too, and now... my jaw is constantly tight, I can’t sleep, I literally have stress dreams (nightmares) about work, I’m basically a nervous wreck. And I’m just a glorified bookkeeper! This should not be a high stress position! I’m planning to stay at this job for at least three more months — and I’ve already been there more than four years — but it is getting very difficult to hang on. A part of me wants to just give notice and get this weight off my back! But another part knows that it’s irresponsible to quit a job before lining up a new job, and in this economy especially... And if I can hang on until February, I will hopefully have my CPA license, my law school applications will be in, I’ll get my reimbursements for CPA exams/licensure AND my annual bonus, and maybe things will even be in a better place in terms of the economy and covid response by then. But I don’t know how to handle the stress in the meantime. Any advice welcome.

My happy Sunday thing is that I was up all night last night stressing out and have been a nervous wreck all day, but I have been spending that time escaping into mystery novels — and these books are such a lifesaver! The two that I’ve been reading are One By One by Ruth Ware and Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane (I finished that one last night). I recommend both, and if you like mysteries, Ruth Ware’s are always pretty great. She does modern Agatha Christie type stories, where there’s always a locked room mystery involving a strange cast of characters. So thankful for novels, reading is my happy place.

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

struggling with whether to cancel y trip to texas for thanksgiving week/twin birthday week.  i have read about the rise in cases there as well as what our own governor says. 

Zoomama, I went back through your posts...you’ve gone through so much, health-wise! Please reconsider putting yourself at further risk with this trip? 

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12 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Sometimes I think that we need to have Covid wards and ERs filmed and shown on television 24/7. I’m reminded of the Viet Nam war, which was an abstraction to most of the country until they began showing footage from the war on the evening news. Until people saw what war was doing to soldiers...kids, really...they didn’t really get it. It was just something hippies and college kids were fussing about. 

With HIPAA and privacy issues it would never work, but for too many, the virus doesn’t exist until it hits home. Literally. 

I read a terribly painful Twitter thread this morning from a frontline caregiver in South Dakota. Many patients are refusing to believe they have Covid and screaming at doctors and nurses to be treated for whatever it is they REALLY have, because Covid is a hoax. Bad enough to be trying to do the impossible for all these months, but now to be abused and called liars? That’s...unforgivable. 

There is one sobering picture in the news lately. A refrigerator truck being used as a morgue. The door is open. I let you all envision the rest.

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20 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

With HIPAA and privacy issues it would never work, but for too many, the virus doesn’t exist until it hits home. Literally. 

Sadly it's too true.  A woman I know was considering the pandemic is a hoax idea a few months ago and has been much more of the I need to live over following health orders exactly has been converted.  A family member died a few days ago of COVID.  Six days from diagnosis to death and she's in shock.  He was retiree with no known risky behavior.

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@rue721, I am so sorry about everything you’re going through. I have had jobs like that and it just sucks. I had one where I had to hang on for two years in order to save enough money to quit, responsibly... I had a pad of those little post-its and I wrote 104 through 1 on them and every Monday I peeled off the top sheet...a low-tech countdown calendar! I am sure they have cool apps for that now. Maybe that would help?

 I guess the good news is that we’re heading into the “nobody’s thinking about anything work-related anyway” season, so maybe that will help take some of the pressure off. In the meantime, maybe declare the Thanksgiving weekend “A Celebration of Rue721.” Stock up on everything you love to eat and drink! Have ice cream for breakfast! Stream entire seasons of embarrassingly cheesy television! Whatever congratulates you for being you. 

Sending a big virtual hug...

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10 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

There is one sobering picture in the news lately. A refrigerator truck being used as a morgue. The door is open. I let you all envision the rest.

that was here in our metro area in april/may. bodies in the refrigerator trucks on shelves, bodies piled in empty hospital rooms in bags etc. sadly we have apparently learned nothing. because we are "tired of pandemic precautions" or "our liberties are being stolen" in my small township, cases are 5 times higher today than in april and it is not just old people

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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

My state is a supreme example of rampant Covid and a governor who doesn't want to do anything (Texas). We have over a million cases and no real restrictions on anything, just a "please wear a mask in public" mandate that no one really enforces. It's ridiculous and terrifying.

This is exactly how it is in Iowa. 

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Happy news Sunday:

No one stole my mail yesterday. Packages came and I wasn’t home. What a relief. 

1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

There is one sobering picture in the news lately. A refrigerator truck being used as a morgue. The door is open. I let you all envision the rest.

There was a funeral home who kept the bodies without refrigeration. It made the news because the neighbors complained of the smell. Hope the guy paid fines. The funeral home ran out of refrigerator spots. 


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2 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

Happy news Sunday:

No one stole my mail yesterday. Packages came and I wasn’t home. What a relief. 

There was a funeral home who kept the bodies without refrigeration. It made the news because the neighbors complained of the smell. Hope the guy paid fines. The funeral home ran out of refrigerator spots. 


I remember that. This picture is recent. Maybe in El Paso?

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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

Zoomama, I went back through your posts...you’ve gone through so much, health-wise! Please reconsider putting yourself at further risk with this trip? 

i have pretty much decided not to go....just waiting till the last minute to actually do it.  maybe i need to make the call tomorrow and just 'bank' my ticket again. i would hate to get there and then not be able to get back home.  


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This is on a lighter note. I think I posted about my parents giving me a tv for an early Christmas present...I picked it out. Well, I’m not pleased with the sound.  I’m considering returning it. I’m a huge music person and it has to have good sound. This 55 inch doesn’t have as good of sound as my 42 inch.  I’ve considered adding a sound bar, but, I’ve heard setups where people have done that and it seems distracting. It’s like a disconnect of the picture from the sound. Any input is appreciated. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Oh, @SunnyBeBe, we had a soundbar and it was so great. My husband is a sound snob and in the new house he set up his huge 6 ft tall Martin Logan electrostatic speakers which also sound awesome. (They are over 20 years old and still sound great, but they look similar to the pics, but not exactly the same) But we got just as good sound from the soundbar and if I had my druthers I'd use the sound bar--the sound quality is so good and they don't take up much room and very easy to use. So much better than the tv speakers. So much better. 

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I can tell story after story just from my small street alone.  New neighbors held a two year old birthday party.  Approximately 50 guests - catered dinner with no masks and no social distancing.  They did at least have the tables for dinner outside under canopies.  The little children were running around touching each other, sharing toys, etc.  The people across the street have people over all the time.  Some kind of gathering every weekend.  The only thing they have changed is doing curbside pickup at Walmart instead of going inside.  Next door they were holding a party every month until I ratted them out to the county.  Two other of my neighbors had their children and grandchildren come and stay in the house with them for several nights.  

People were out trick or treating and there was at least one Halloween party in the neighborhood.  I have zero doubts about why we can't control the pandemic.  We won't even discuss the people not wearing masks properly.  I now fill out a how was the service for almost every trip to the grocery store listing any employee not masking properly.  

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I don't think I have enough time in my day to follow the example of the people holding office.  Some of the stupid stuff they do HAS to take practice, or planning, or something.


This is the first time I have heard of people getting sick from wearing masks.  I wonder what they are doing differently than usual.  Maybe they are running low on PPE and reusing when they shouldn't?  If you don't wash and switch them daily they probably do cause at least some kind of skin irritation or something.  Acne at the very least from rubbing.


@Dimi1 you and yours have been very very lucky.  I'm glad.

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Just watched a beautiful launch of the SpaceX Dragon, sending 4 humans (including a very cute pilot who will be the first black astronaut to live on the space station) into space. One bright spot in the midst of the 2020 grim.

Edited by emma675d
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5 hours ago, louannems said:

In a minute our governor will be talking about new restrictions.  Sources say in house dining will once again be banned.

Yes, he did ban inside dining, and, among other restrictions, he closed bowling allies!  Sorry Rodriguii!  And Washington state is not near as bad as Ohio.

Also no indoor gatherings of people who don't actually live with you.

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5 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

@louannems, I think you must also live in Washington state?

“Governor Inslee, Sunday morning, ordered restaurants and bars to shutdown indoor service and to limit outdoor service to parties of five or less. Indoor gyms and fitness centers must also shutdown. Same with movie theaters, bowling alleys and museums. Indoor gatherings with people outside your household will be prohibited unless participants have quarantined and tested negative.

”Indoor gatherings, outside one’s household, are prohibited unless participants quarantine for 14 days prior to the gathering or quarantine for seven days prior and receive a negative COVID-19 test within two days of the planned gathering.”

This is the most severe set of restrictions since lockdown last spring.
We have a statewide mask mandate, but like everywhere, that’s only as helpful as compliance and/or enforcement. Part of our decision to return ourselves to lockdown was Mr. Wiser watching a maskless woman in Safeway pawing through the broccoli last week. Lovely.


Wow!  I'm in King county and I don't think I've seen an unmasked face in a grocery store since May!

Also, I see so many people pawing through produce, that since the pandemic began, I only buy produce in tubs, bags or frozen.  Including apples, oranges, salad greens and tomatoes.

Edited by louannems
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On 11/14/2020 at 4:30 PM, Oldernowiser said:

I mention she’s almost fifty? 

What?  I mean, are you saying I shouldn’t be posting my bikini pics?  What’s the age cutoff??

I’m sitting here making a mental list of sites I need to go delete my pics from.  

speaking of other sites, when I went on fb yesterday, a whole BUNCH of my friends (these are people I’ve known for 25 years!!) had posted their handles for Parler.  

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50 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

What?  I mean, are you saying I shouldn’t be posting my bikini pics?  What’s the age cutoff??

I’m sitting here making a mental list of sites I need to go delete my pics from.  

speaking of other sites, when I went on fb yesterday, a whole BUNCH of my friends (these are people I’ve known for 25 years!!) had posted their handles for Parler.  

Yess, I had the same experience. My thought was " You have got to be kidding me! "

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’ve considered adding a sound bar, but, I’ve heard setups where people have done that and it seems distracting. It’s like a disconnect of the picture from the sound. Any input is appreciated. 

I’m am so reverse techno savvy I almost cry when we get something I have to learn.  But my husband has a sound bar in the man cave.  I’ve never noticed any kind of disconnect from it at all.  The only thing that bugs me (and I rarely ever use that TV), is 2 different little gadgets to turn on.  And always that little hesitation between each that makes a rare user (like me) wonder if it IS coming on.  The sound bar hesitates and then spells out hello... but then there’s more hesitation before the TV picture comes on.  It’s not a terrible irritation.  K

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15 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

I’m am so reverse techno savvy I almost cry when we get something I have to learn.  But my husband has a sound bar in the man cave.  I’ve never noticed any kind of disconnect from it at all.  The only thing that bugs me (and I rarely ever use that TV), is 2 different little gadgets to turn on.  And always that little hesitation between each that makes a rare user (like me) wonder if it IS coming on.  The sound bar hesitates and then spells out hello... but then there’s more hesitation before the TV picture comes on.  It’s not a terrible irritation.  K

I'm the same.  All my children have sound bars and I have the same issue.  Must find remotes or the right buttons on a remote and then hope I can get them both on.  There is no other issue and the sound quality is great.   Grandson figured it all out by age six.  He probably would have done it sooner but that's the youngest he was allowed to touch remotes.

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I don’t even know how I failed to mention this before now (given that the hubs is the protagonist in so many of my stories...).  He came home sick (I think) Tuesday and said he thinks he just have Covid.  He runs our shop and faces customers every day.  I said “you have a head cold”.   I mean; it was all snot and yuck blowing out of his face.  Not that we have a certifiable “list” of Covid symptoms, but I’m reeeeeally well acquainted with his cold routine.  It was a cold.  

Not that I’m not worried about him every day, and not that I wouldn’t care - if I’d thought for one second he had Covid, I would have behaved differently, I promise.

he says “How do you KNOW it’s not Covid?”  I said “you get 50 colds a YEAR.  This is the same thing you get every year.  This means you only have 49 to go”.  I think he was actually insulted that I didnt believe he had Covid.  

Here was his logic:  with all the precautions and safety measures people are taking for Covid, there’s NO WAY a normal cold germ could get through.  

Huh?  What??  I had to walk away and shake it off.  What is even logical about that???  I then snorted my way through his explanation to my cousin - who ALWAYS  gets me, and always ageees with me.  But this time, he says... “well, that’s seems right, to my way of thinking”.  

I’m surrounded.  

He tested negative.  

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4 hours ago, louannems said:


This is what happens to states that's refuse to have a mask mandate.  Keep your eye on North Dakota, which doesn't even appear on the hot list til Aug 7th.  And on South Dakota around Sept 7th.  This is really horrifying!


Things that grind my gears:

-That there are two Dakotas. One is sufficient.

That is all. Have a great week everyone!

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5 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I was JUST complaining about the 2 Dakotas. 😂

I don't care that it happened back in 1889. Truly don't. They need to just merge back into one state. 


North and South Dakota, you listening to me? Seriously. You'd be better off as one. You'd both profit from the Little House stans who visit De Smet religiously. It's time to reunite! Germany did it! So can you! 🙌🇺🇸🙌🇺🇸🙌

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9 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

speaking of other sites, when I went on fb yesterday, a whole BUNCH of my friends (these are people I’ve known for 25 years!!) had posted their handles for Parler.  

 If you search  Parler Screenshots in the Twitter search bar, you will see some of the terrifying, disgusting posts people are posting there.

Creepy af stuff.

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I did call the numbers you guys provided.  Thanks for that. They gave me a lot of good leads and some duds. The duds were mostly in the money area, which is unfortunately the area I need help in most. I can't go out job hunting right now,  because I'm sick, and even though my dr doesn't think its covid (and I've taken a test that I'm still waiting to hear the results on), I'm not taking any chances. 


I've been going through our stuff trying to find stuff to sell, but were pretty poor. Have been barely making it for a while.  We got a nice 32 inch TV last Christmas that we've never used since we could never figure out how to get it set up. I have some handmade stuff that I've crocheted and cross stitched, but that's it. So now I don't know what to do. When I feel better I plan to hit the pavement looking for a job, but I know there are lots of people out of work now so I'm not very hopeful.

I'm trying to stay positive,  but feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. 

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My job is figuring folks out. I think there's endless reasons why some don't take covid seriously and less reasons why some do take it seriously. Where do you all think folks fall in the not-taking-it-seriously category. I see the under 25 crowd as having an under developed frontal lobes. Then there's the political non-believers. But what about the rest?

And what if this was reversed. What if wearing a mask, social distancing and good health hygiene increased your odds of winning a national lottery and increased the odds of your friends and family winning? Would more folks do it?

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31 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

My job is figuring folks out. I think there's endless reasons why some don't take covid seriously and less reasons why some do take it seriously. Where do you all think folks fall in the not-taking-it-seriously category. I see the under 25 crowd as having an under developed frontal lobes. Then there's the political non-believers. But what about the rest?

I have been making fun masks for college students. professor daughter and her professor friends have been giving them out to their classes as prizes. they find their students are more willing to wear something fun or funny. even more likely to properly wear it in class if their classmates saw them "win it" and they pick it out. Silly thanksgiving turkeys were a big hit.

i just sent a bunch of christmas and winter ones . cranky cats in christmas sweaters, dogs with reindeer antlers, gingerbread people, hot cocoa, glittery snowmen etc. the hope is they will wear them when they all go home next week.

Edited by crazy8s
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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

I have been making fun masks for college students. professor daughter and her professor friends have been giving them out to their classes as prizes. they find their students are more willing to wear something fun or funny. even more likely to properly wear it in class if their classmates saw them "win it" and they pick it out. Silly thanksgiving turkeys were a big hit.

i just sent a bunch of christmas and winter ones . cranky cats in christmas sweaters, dogs with reindeer antlers, gingerbread people, hot cocoa, glittery snowmen etc. the hope is they will wear them when they all go home next week.


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9 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:



Best line ever ever!!!!  

1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

My job is figuring folks out. I think there's endless reasons why some don't take covid seriously and less reasons why some do take it seriously. Where do you all think folks fall in the not-taking-it-seriously category. I see the under 25 crowd as having an under developed frontal lobes. Then there's the political non-believers. But what about the rest?

And what if this was reversed. What if wearing a mask, social distancing and good health hygiene increased your odds of winning a national lottery and increased the odds of your friends and family winning? Would more folks do it?

I do hang with a lot of non masking people - to the point we actually cross swords about it - but also people that I’m able to live and be with even when our swords Are tangled.  I keep saying to them over and over and over as nauseum:  it makes OTHER PEOPLE more comfortable when YOU wear a mask.  So just think about it like you’re doing THEM a favor.  Right?

one of my cousins can show you actual studies (???) done that show you are killing yourselves masking and breathing back in your own CO2.    But they found the research because they disagreed with the mask in the first place. 

im not an anti masker, but I live on the compound with many teens and a couple tweens.  Every one of the teens has a job. My oldest is in college and is home Once a month.  She’s always been our most dedicated masker.  I don’t wear a mask at home. Or rarely. 

in my area, blacks are hands down THE BEST maskers.  And depends on the “seriousness” of the journey.  Grocery store - yesterday I saw 1 man unmasked, and he stood out.  Gas station, 60/40 not masked. 

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16 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Happy news Sunday:

No one stole my mail yesterday. Packages came and I wasn’t home. What a relief. 

There was a funeral home who kept the bodies without refrigeration. It made the news because the neighbors complained of the smell. Hope the guy paid fines. The funeral home ran out of refrigerator spots. 


Hey, Cookies!  When is the surgery on your legs?  What did they do/are they going to do?  Please let us know.

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30 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Hey, Cookies!  When is the surgery on your legs?  What did they do/are they going to do?  Please let us know.

Had 2/8. Now waiting for insurance approval for the next 2.  Maybe I will be done in February??? 

Decided to go dairy free to see if it helps my stomach problems. Ehhhhh my body cannot digest non dairy milks. Fun times. Haha.


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