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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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ooooooooooh, ChiCricket. Page 4, Section A, (see circle diagrams with arrows) of Bill Gothard's BEING A GODLY WIFE TO YOUR GODLY HUSBAND: "Purposing to Embrace SERVANTHOOD With Grace" says that you should NOT, in ANY circumstances, mess with your husband's TV channels..

To do so (it plainly states) will cause you to be infertile. (Also has been known to prevent your home baked bread from rising properly).

I would tread VERY lightly around this issue.

Speaking of TV, apparently in a pic of Iz yesterday, someone noted that D&J do, in fact, have a television. Well, GOOD FOR THEM!!! you may move your playing piece forward two spaces!! I feel oddly satisfied by the TV. I have a feeling Pistol Pete will be watching some football this fall, and THATS normal. Maybe Muffin will find some cooking shows or some scrapbooking infomercials. Plus, I just kinda like it that there IS a TV in their home. Somehow it makes me believe they aren't quite so isolated now.

  • Love 5

Sometimes, it is good to get away from the Duggar  BS.


I have a question for our wonderful moderators.  I also understand that you guys are crazy with all the recent posts.  


When you have time, I am very curious how you became mods for this forum - or other PTV forums.  Did you have an interest in the Duggars?  Watch the show? I feel like Barbara Walters- but I think that when you have time, enquiring minds would love to know.  


Thanks again for all you do!!!

I enjoyed TWoP, and when I joined here it felt similar. I was (and am again) a stay-at-home mom to two older childre (9 and 12) so I have the time to help out. When the call went out, I volunteered. When I was on TWoP, the Star Trek Enterprise forum was awesome--they even sent me a gift when my now 9 year old daughter was born. So I have a great love and appreciation for how forums like these create supportive and lovely communities.


I don't watch the show at all. I tried, when I joined up and offered to help. But I just couldn't get past 10 minutes of it. Thankfully, we don't need to watch the show to be able to moderate it, because all the shows I watch were already taken when I joined. I did end up getting a few I watch, but they're nowhere near as busy as this forum. I can tell you I learned all I need to know about the Duggars and the show shadowing my mentor in here for a month. 

  • Love 11

Oh, YOU know:  the SIN of Omission is the Baptist's best friend.


as in:

Did you go by the bank today?    I sure did!!!  (Forgot to stop, but drove "by").  I'll do it tomorrow and no one will ever know...

What are you doing today?  Well, I need to vacuum, do the wash and get some paperwork done.  (I'm going to be on the Duggar forum all day).

Have you seen my blue Hard Rock T-shirt?  I saw it just last week, it can't have gone far.  (I threw it out last week, "saw" it on the way to the trashcan).

Have you paid this bill yet?  Yep, I did!  (Its on the bottom of the paperwork pile, but I paid it...)

Have you been keeping up with all that Duggar mess?  I've seen some stuff on the internet... (Are you kidding me??  I know Josie's MIDDLE NAME and Jenny's favorite color!!!)


And this is Josh (our narcissist):

Where will you live in Nicaragua?  near Managua (I have no idea).

How will be you keep my babies and my daughter safe?  Oh, we'll have round the clock protection.  (I have no idea).

How are the local authorities help you?  Oh, the government is all on board.  They WANT our help!  (I have no idea).

How will Rachel pay bills and eat when you leave to go down there in August?  Oh, that's ALL in our budgeted money.  (I have no idea, but I'm guessing you won't let her go without heat, and you will SURELY feed and clothe your grandchildren).

What will you DO there, really?  The ultimate goal is to spread the Word, but our mission is to rescue these girls from prostitution.  (I have no idea).

What will you do with Lucy?  If you take her down there, how will you keep her shut up and protected; how will you feed her?   [the big fat lazy basset who is the PET to my babies.  The villagers in Nicaragua are poor, they don't OWN dogs for pets.  There ARE some dogs, for protection.  This is NOT Lucy.]  The kids LOVE her, they'll keep an eye on her.  Lucy?  Who's Lucy?

How will I communicate with Rachel?  We'll have internet and when in Managua, we'll have phone service.  I'll make sure you get to talk to her all you want.  (That's a joke, right?  Because I'm a NARCISSIST, and my whole GOAL here is to get Rachel AWAY from her family.  I don't care if you only talk to her once in 6 months, or if you NEVER talk to her!)


Omission:  the 8th deadly sin.  The Baptist 3-second rule:  if you can keep your face straight and go on talking about something else within 3 seconds, it's the same thing as telling the truth.  We didn't LIE, after all.  "Lying" and "not telling the truth" are not the same thing.  See?

Love it! What a great expression for human nature in healthy, trusting, relationships. Because you know Mr. Baptist understands perfectly and is fine with it. Now, for Mrs. Narcissist it is (I'm pretty sure) a very different situation. 

  • Love 2

As sweet as the idea is, and as much as I love the show of support, I would so prefer everyone think about putting that effort and expenditure to a March of Dimes shirt. They really do amazing research and had a direct hand in making sure lil' miss, dh, and I were taken care of. We have great insurance and I think knowing that another Maisie might benefit from help would be more amazing than a shirt. But, I do love the idea! I'm going to do a fundraising run in August in memory of little man and in tribute to Maisie, so I may hit you guys up for shirt ideas then. :)

You guys are awesome just for thinking it. FWIW, we have a little drawing of a wolf puppy encircled by a daisy chain that was on her isolettte and I, too, associate her name with daisies.

 I just printed the March of Dimes Donation Form i will be doing my small part.   .

  • Love 3

It was actually, literally a dream that I had, about the Maisie shirt. I don't even wear shirts with slogans, unless as sleep shirts. And on reflection, I'd be hesitant to put her name out there for all to see and ask about.

I suspect the "team Maisie" slogan was my subconsciousness telling me something. I have debilitating health issues and it frustrates me; some days thinking about that little fighter brings a smile to my face and reminds me to keep things in perspective. I might put a little daisy sticker on my computer as a reminder, just for me.

March of Dimes is already on our rotating donee list, so they get a contribution from us about every three years. There are so many important organizations and they all need funding. It's overwhelming, but we do our best. :-)

  • Love 6
I have a question for our wonderful moderators.  I also understand that you guys are crazy with all the recent posts. 

When you have time, I am very curious how you became mods for this forum - or other PTV forums.  Did you have an interest in the Duggars?  Watch the show? I feel like Barbara Walters- but I think that when you have time, enquiring minds would love to know.



Similar to my lovely co-mods, I was an active poster on TWoP, and I always secretly wanted to mod there.  (No, really.)  So when the TWoPocolypse happened, and a friend directed me here, I shadowed our fearless leader Dave until he put out a call for mods.  Mainly I mod network shows, and when this whole In Touch thing came out, most of them were on summer hiatus, so I volunteered to help out until the wave of posting is over.  I've never seen 19K&C, because I'm not a big fan of non-competitive reality shows, but like frenchtoast, I feel like I'm now an expert on the subject.  ;-)


I will say, though, that even once I'm not modding in here, I'm still going to come visit this Small Talk thread periodically.  Y'all have built a really lovely community in here.  And of course I have to check back in on Miss Maisie!  <3

  • Love 14

Saturday, I bury my daughter after six years of carrying her ashes around. I am depressed.

Her headstone is beautiful. She designed it. Or rather, we used her artwork on her headstone.

Miss Jellybeans  I know nothing can take away the pain of saturday but remeber someone is always in this thread 24/7. if you want to chat  ffhugs to you and your son

Edited by amitville
  • Love 2

Didn't know where to post this.  I almost posted in the media thread about the 911 call and DHS because that is where people were talking about it.  Thought maybe here was better.


I didn't know you could refuse DHS.  I really wish I had known this years ago.

Someone who was being a vindictive bitch called and made some OUTRAGEOUS claims regarding myself and then fiancé (now husband). 


They actually went to my daughters school - pulled her out of class and talked to her without even contacting me.  They then called me and asked to come to our house.  No warning.  I said yes.  I was terrified and had never dealt with anything like that before.  In the meantime, my daughter called from school very upset about what had happened.


The lady came and told us all the outrageous claims - one being that we were on drugs and drugging my daughter (13 at the time) among other such vile things I can't even type because I get too damned angry.  She talked to us and looked around the house (checking for food in the frig and bs like that.  She also told us that my daughter told her that all was false. She then told us that all we would have to do was come in and take a drug test.


We did.  We knew it would be negative.  We also were informed to take in all the drugs we were currently prescribed.  We did.  First time in my life I've ever had to pee in a room with someone watching me.  It took forever.  It was horrible.  


Gets worse.  A few days later, this bitch social worker calls to tell me that my test came back positive for cocaine.  We were at lunch with friends at the time and I was physically ill.  I kept saying- this is impossible!  Impossible.  Everything on earth went through my mind. 


Finally, I called the bitch back again and proclaimed how wrong it was and something clicked in my brain to ask her if any of the medications I was taking could have caused this false reading when combined or whatever.  She looked at the paper and had not even looked at the medication list- one of which was a medication for ADHD. She said she would have to call the lab and ask.


Thirty minutes of hell later, she called me back and told me that it was just that and the case was dropped.  Thanks for all the hell you put us through.  


I sincerely hope that no one did something spiteful and called in a negative report.  Honestly, it's worse than when you are completely innocent.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 3

Didn't know where to post this.  I almost posted in the media thread about the 911 call and DHS because that is where people were talking about it.  Thought maybe here was better.


I didn't know you could refuse DHS.  I really wish I had known this years ago.

Someone who was being a vindictive bitch called and made some OUTRAGEOUS claims regarding myself and then fiancé (now husband). 


They actually went to my daughters school - pulled her out of class and talked to her without even contacting me.  They then called me and asked to come to our house.  No warning.  I said yes.  I was terrified and had never dealt with anything like that before.  In the meantime, my daughter called from school very upset about what had happened.


The lady came and told us all the outrageous claims - one being that we were on drugs and drugging my daughter (13 at the time) among other such vile things I can't even type because I get too damned angry.  She talked to us and looked around the house (checking for food in the frig and bs like that.  She also told us that my daughter told her that all was false. She then told us that all we would have to do was come in and take a drug test.


We did.  We knew it would be negative.  We also were informed to take in all the drugs we were currently prescribed.  We did.  First time in my life I've ever had to pee in a room with someone watching me.  It took forever.  It was horrible.  


Gets worse.  A few days later, this bitch social worker calls to tell me that my test came back positive for cocaine.  We were at lunch with friends at the time and I was physically ill.  I kept saying- this is impossible!  Impossible.  Everything on earth went through my mind. 


Finally, I called the bitch back again and proclaimed how wrong it was and something clicked in my brain to ask her if any of the medications I was taking could have caused this false reading when combined or whatever.  She looked at the paper and had not even looked at the medication list- one of which was a medication for ADHD. She said she would have to call the lab and ask.


Thirty minutes of hell later, she called me back and told me that it was just that and the case was dropped.  Thanks for all the hell you put us through.  


I sincerely hope that no one did something spiteful and called in a negative report.  Honestly, it's worse when you are completely innocent.  

Following all there guidelines you ended up making that bitch worker look like a fool.  So sorry this happened to you and your daughter and husband.  

  • Love 2

I will have a good thought for you Saturday Jellybeans.


As verklempt as I am over Christopher Lee (yes I'm silly) I have to say that this made me giggle...


 II truly believe you are waiting at the door with a beverage and a sweet.  Your grandson are so lucky to have you.

I have coffee and muffins for her when she comes.


It's like Karen in Goodfellas - when the FBI came to search the house she offered them coffee!

  • Love 2

Thank you everyone. Right now is my last quiet block of time before everyone arrives tomorrow. Tents, tables, and chairs will go up in our backyard. We are serving pizza and cake afterwards. Oddly enough the pizza is coming from the same Dominoes we ordered from when she was a child. I still live in the same area I raised my kids.

It will be nice to see the "kids" I have not seen since elementary/junior high... and to think they still want to come and bring their families. My house was like grand central station at the time. Some of them have grandchildren. I cannot fathom. I mean she was supposed to be 40 this year.

I am vegging on this forum. It is hailing. I don't know if I should file 30 hail claims on my Jeep, just got paid for one.

I don't want to go to her funeral Saturday.

  • Love 7

Don't feel bad.  I have a box of ashes in my closet and no idea what I'm going to do with them.  You're moving forward.

Don't try to "sprinkle" them somewhere. I tried to sprinkle my dad's remaining ashes into the hole we put my daughter's memorial tree in and it went everywhere. They don't...sprinkle. Just bury the box. I had my dad all over me and am still a little freaked. Ugh.

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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