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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I'm so pale I'm almost see through, and I burn at the drop of a hat - good thing my career in IT, and my love of reading in bed, while having TV marathons keeps me indoors as much as possible - and I used to make my own sunburn cream by making really strong willowbark tea, and mixing it into some vitamin e cream. It took away the pain and the redness pretty much straight away. (Willowbark for those who don't know, contains the same stuff that's in aspirin).

My questions:

1) what age do they let these girls shave their legs? I wonder if they make them wait way beyond the embarrassing point.

2) probably no tampon usage either, huh?

I remember having the biggest argument with a chick I worked with when I was15 who wouldn't use tampons because, and this is a direct quote "I don't want to lose my virginity until I'm married". She called me a slut right to my face when I said I'd used them since I was 12, and I couldn't make her understand that you can still be a virgin and use tampons.

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Quote from abseedee on 30 Mar 2015 6:41 PM: Noxzema is excellent for sunburn pain also!  It doesn't take away the redness but it soothes the skin.


Noxzema is great for sunburn pain, especially if you keep it refrigerated in the Summer. But pure aloe vera gel will not only kill the pain but I think it eliminates or at least greatly reduces any permanent skin damage, because I've never even peeled after using it. The first time I noticed this was after spending an entire day outside at the New York State Fair when I was in college. Got a bad burn on the back of my neck,  the one spot I hadn't thought of applying sunblock - we're talking lobster skin. I was still living at home so my Mom applied a generous dollop of aloe vera gel from a tube she always kept in the fridge. The pain was instantly gone, so instantly that I could tell where she still need to put some gel - that's where it still hurt and felt warm. The next day the redness had noticeably faded and it didn't hurt at all to have warm or even hot water on the skin. Never peeled, not one flake. Aloe vera gel has been a staple in my home ever since. 

I agree about the aloe vera.  We have aloe plants that need very little maintenance  When I get a burn from cooking I run outside, break off a piece and rub the liquid on the burn.  I just repeat doing it until the pain is completely gone.  I don't get any blistering or scarring after it heals.


eta:  regarding sunburns.  i live in hawaii and when i was in my teens and into my early 20's my girlfriends and i would go to the beach every saturday during the summer.  thinking back i realized how stupid we were and didn't know anything or heard about melanoma then (not that any of us have it now).  we never used sunscreen.  we are tan year round but during the summer we wanted an even darker tan so we put on baby oil.  rub on, lay in the sun for about 1/2 an hour, swim for a bit, run back out and put on more baby oil.  the only time i got a really bad sunburn was being at an all day concert event.  i had a backless top (nope, didn't put on baby oil, lol and of course no sunscreen) and i didn't really feel any burn until the next morning.  OUCH!!!!

Edited by abseedee
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I remember having the biggest argument with a chick I worked with when I was15 who wouldn't use tampons because, and this is a direct quote "I don't want to lose my virginity until I'm married". She called me a slut right to my face when I said I'd used them since I was 12, and I couldn't make her understand that you can still be a virgin and use tampons.

She and I obviously share the same mother as I was told the same thing. I went along with it until I had the guts to try a tampon. Then wondered why I waited so long.

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I live in Australia so I've also got the sunburn thing down-pet ;) I got horribly burnt on my shoulders the day before I had to go on a hiking trip so I spent a good 2 hours with a bucket of ice water and a towel. I would soak the towel in the ice water and as soon as it got warm, I would dunk it back in the ice water and it was the best thing I could have done.  When my brother got burnt on his arms, he did the same thing with a face-washer.  It is a bit time consuming but it works really well because it draws the heat out and cools the skin down.

Plus aloe vera obviously!  That stuff is gold!

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LOL...lots of different topics going. many of which I could probably respond to, but since the latest appears to be sunburn-related, let me just say/ask this: My husband and two of our kids (now adults) have experienced this thing where if they get a somewhat bad burn, sometime around the next day they will suddenly break out in an itch which is beyond the power of anything to make a dent in. It's not a topical itch, but something more like nerve damage; they will be in absolute agony which nothing seems to be able to make a dent in aside from a few shots of some sufficiently potent alcohol or, in the case of my younger son, going out on the racetrack down the street and literally trying to outrun it (I think he may have set some records in the process!). It's such a helpless feeling to see them writhe in pain/itch while nothing you attempt to apply, from aloe to oatmeal to yogurt to Benadryl cream makes any difference. It will last for 4 or 5 hours, then just start to dissipate and is fine by the next day.

To such a horrible pain which sounds worse than what my husband had, I offer sun protective clothing such as Sun Precautions.  It works.  There are some other brands and they work reasonably well also, but I've found Sun Precautions the best for us.  It isn't cheap, but I've had some pieces for 12 to 15 years and they still protect and look good enough to wear.  You have to handwash in Dreft though.

LOL...lots of different topics going. many of which I could probably respond to, but since the latest appears to be sunburn-related, let me just say/ask this: My husband and two of our kids (now adults) have experienced this thing where if they get a somewhat bad burn, sometime around the next day they will suddenly break out in an itch which is beyond the power of anything to make a dent in. It's not a topical itch, but something more like nerve damage; they will be in absolute agony which nothing seems to be able to make a dent in aside from a few shots of some sufficiently potent alcohol or, in the case of my younger son, going out on the racetrack down the street and literally trying to outrun it (I think he may have set some records in the process!). It's such a helpless feeling to see them writhe in pain/itch while nothing you attempt to apply, from aloe to oatmeal to yogurt to Benadryl cream makes any difference. It will last for 4 or 5 hours, then just start to dissipate and is fine by the next day.


This makes sense. I read something a long time ago - some kind of new theory that itching is the body's very first/lowest stage of pain.

Edited by Wellfleet

I'm grabbing a quick moment at a friend's house to update.

The last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. Short version: During her ambulance transfer, Maisie stopped breathing and had a seizure. It was a long seizure and resulted in her being put back into a medically induced coma for eight days. We never made it to the "in network" hospital and our beautiful baby girl was taken, instead, to a less equipped hospital in the middle of nowhere. As I type this, she is being air evac-ed back to the university medical center where we were at and where she thrived. She is doing okay, now. She's almost five and a half pounds, but all the progress we made with her physical coordination was undone in that one night. I don't know how long we will be in the NICU, but I know we are going to be back in the care of the best. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I will update when I can tomorrow.

I'm grabbing a quick moment at a friend's house to update.

The last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. Short version: During her ambulance transfer, Maisie stopped breathing and had a seizure. It was a long seizure and resulted in her being put back into a medically induced coma for eight days. We never made it to the "in network" hospital and our beautiful baby girl was taken, instead, to a less equipped hospital in the middle of nowhere. As I type this, she is being air evac-ed back to the university medical center where we were at and where she thrived. She is doing okay, now. She's almost five and a half pounds, but all the progress we made with her physical coordination was undone in that one night. I don't know how long we will be in the NICU, but I know we are going to be back in the care of the best. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I will update when I can tomorrow.


Oh wanderwoman - can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this and how sorry that you've had to go through it. Thank you for letting us know. You know that everyone of us here are pulling and praying for you, thinking of you and of course our little Maisie girl. God bless you all...

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I'm grabbing a quick moment at a friend's house to update.

The last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. Short version: During her ambulance transfer, Maisie stopped breathing and had a seizure. It was a long seizure and resulted in her being put back into a medically induced coma for eight days. We never made it to the "in network" hospital and our beautiful baby girl was taken, instead, to a less equipped hospital in the middle of nowhere. As I type this, she is being air evac-ed back to the university medical center where we were at and where she thrived. She is doing okay, now. She's almost five and a half pounds, but all the progress we made with her physical coordination was undone in that one night. I don't know how long we will be in the NICU, but I know we are going to be back in the care of the best. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I will update when I can tomorrow.

I'm so glad Maisie is doing better. She's a little fighter. Hopefully Miss Maisie can stay at this hospital where she is receiving such excellent care. Sending prayers and hugs your way.
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Oh wander woman I am so very sorry but not surprised, unfortunately.  I had the problem with my mom and many times with my husband, and while they older, the situation and reason for it is the same.  As I said the hospital was fined over $100,000 for releasing too soon, and nobody ever wanted to take responsibilities for anything.   My heart bleeds for you and your little one, believe me.  It's an insurance problem and polices thing.  They make the ones who love them die a thousand times.  When they want the patient gone they want them gone NOW and there you are.  I was so exhausted after a few years of this I almost died.  My love goes out to both of you.  So much love.

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WW, thanks for the quick Maisie update. We were all concerned and pretty much holding our breath feeling like something wasn't quite right. I'm so sorry for Maisie's setback and I'm glad she's back at the University Hospital with the team of doctors, nurses and therapists who know her and who are expert and giving her care to advance to the next level of progression. Hang in there. Prayers and thoughts go out to Maisie, you & hubby

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I'm grabbing a quick moment at a friend's house to update.

The last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. Short version: During her ambulance transfer, Maisie stopped breathing and had a seizure. It was a long seizure and resulted in her being put back into a medically induced coma for eight days. We never made it to the "in network" hospital and our beautiful baby girl was taken, instead, to a less equipped hospital in the middle of nowhere. As I type this, she is being air evac-ed back to the university medical center where we were at and where she thrived. She is doing okay, now. She's almost five and a half pounds, but all the progress we made with her physical coordination was undone in that one night. I don't know how long we will be in the NICU, but I know we are going to be back in the care of the best. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I will update when I can tomorrow.

Oh no  i am wiping away tears as i am typing.  I am sending prays, love, full frontal hugs, and kisses to you and your husband and to our champion fighter Maisie,

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Sending love and prayers to you wander woman. I am so sorry to hear of the path you have had to travel to get Maisie back where she belongs. So glad you have your amazing medical team back at your side. Really wish there was more we could say or do, but know you have a ton of us rooting for Maisie every day! Please make sure you and hubby are taking care of yourselves too. Little walks for fresh air, a mid-day brownie, a haircut - seems frivolous but those little things can help take care of you, and that helps Maisie.

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Oh dear, not what we were hoping to hear, except for the part that Maisie is doing okay now and back in the care of the real experts.  Sending as many positive thoughts as possible to bolster all of you at this trying time.  And as itsnotreality says, please do take care of yourself too.  You are more help to Maisie if you are as rested and fed as possible.

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I'm so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how horrible the last two weeks have been.  I hope that Maisie will quickly regain those coordination skills that you and the nurses worked hard for and I'm sure that she will, once again, be receiving the best possible care.  

Please take care of yourself too! Maisie needs you healthy and well. 

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We are back in our NICU home and I have time to update more thoroughly. We won't know the extent of the set back until she is evaluated here. Just in the few hours she has been back, she has improved. Her lungs are clear for now and we will know more tomorrow. The insurance has graciously said they will make an exception and let us stay here until she can be discharged home. How generous of them. :/

It took me three hours to write this and it's time for sleep. Full frontal hugs to you all. Also know that we don't need anything but good thoughts and prayers. We waited until we were financial stable to have kids and we are fine. Your friendship is plenty.

Eta: I posted the whole story and DH was uncomfortable with it being online. I edited out most of the post. I'm sorry.

Edited by wanderwoman
  • Love 9

We are back in our NICU home and I have time to update more thoroughly. We won't know the extent of the set back until she is evaluated here. Just in the few hours she has been back, she has improved. Her lungs are clear for now and we will know more tomorrow. The insurance has graciously said they will make an exception and let us stay here until she can be discharged home. How generous of them. :/

It took me three hours to write this and it's time for sleep. Full frontal hugs to you all. Also know that we don't need anything but good thoughts and prayers. We waited until we were financial stable to have kids and we are fine. Your friendship is plenty.

Eta: I posted the whole story and DH was uncomfortable with it being online. I edited out most of the post. I'm sorry.

Prayers really do get results so glad the insurance company graciously is letting you stay.  As always i am sending prays, love, ffhugs and kisses to you and your husband and our champion fighter Our baby Maisie. 

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I am thrilled Maisie is back in her NICU temporary home. Home is where mom and dad live , along with her crib. I know this was a rough time for all of you so I am sorry. Glad the insurance company is backing off.

Soon, Maisie will be home with you. And you will be able to enjoy her at home!!

Frontal hugs to you and dad. I don't think I have ever typed that sentence before. LOL.

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Wanderwoman, my heart dropped a little for you, but I'm glad everything is doing okay. I don't know you personally, but I feel really conected to you and your family (that goes for the rest of you sinners here in the prayer closet) I really want the best for you, and your darling little girl. She sure is a fighter though, I wish you luck when she hits her teens.

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In case I ever forget to thank them daily, I wanted to take a moment a j d thank these wonderful NICU nurses. From the moment Maisie got back here, they've been focused on her needs, our needs, and even the needs we didn't think we needed.

Maisie's due date was this past week and, to be honest, with everything that has happened, I'd forgotten that it was a milestone. A due date didn't seem to apply anymore because we knew we weren't going home on that date and, for our girl, it would be one more day of struggle. The nurses came in to our room with a wonderful little cake - for the three of us. They put a special little sign on her door and gave her a new blanket. It was such a genuinely kind gesture. Each nurse who has been on Maisie's team wrote a little note on a 6x6 square of paper, since they know I want to create a scrapbook. But, more than that, they gave us this piece of paper on which they'd photocopied her original footprints and overlayed that with her current footprints so we could see how far she has come. It is a treasure.

The Easter Bunny visited every NICU baby and left a Beanie Baby Bunny. Except for our girl- she got a lb additional gift- a onesie, from her primary nurse, that has "I'm the Khaleesi!" Embroidered on it. Lol.

  • Love 17
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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