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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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11 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Fellow misophonia sufferer here. I can’t stand to hear mouth noises or spit 🤢🤢🤢

That doesn’t bother me too much, but the constant sound of people mowing their grass here really starts to grate.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Same. It’s not easy to live with and I get tired of people telling me to “just get over it”. 

I have Misophonia (and Misokinesia).  My autistic son suffers as well. Its a relief to have someone else that understands and to be able to talk to about it. You're right, it's not easy to live with and I'm sorry you are told to get over it. 

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Both my husband and I have trouble sleeping if there are any noises…birds, sirens, wind, tummies growling, etc, etc. in addition, I have tinnitus, and it drives me crazy when I become aware of it. It sounds counterintuitive, but we have to sleep with a sound machine. We use the “white noise,” waterfall setting. We take a machine with us on every vacation, or we can’t sleep.

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I posted in the Family thread about an issue I'm having with my siblings, so I won't repeat myself here.  My siblings don't realize there's an issue, but I'd really appreciate your virtual support and prayers as I struggle to keep some old demons at bay as I deal with my hurt.

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@Leeds - I'm sorry for your troubles and sending good thoughts your way.

So, yesterday afternoon I did something that was a bit different in my life for the last many many months: I went to a movie. In a theater. I'm not a huge movie-goer but still, I'm glad I did it. I saw The Duke, which isn't streaming and was well worth the effort to haul myself to the theater. Jim Broadbent just killed it; what an actor. Strong cast throughout. Helen MIrren nailed her role (of course, lol). A well-produced period piece (England in 1961). 

So, I'm old but not dead - I may have audibly sighed with appreciation when Matthew Goode was onscreen. Dishy. Even in that court wig. Just saying. 

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4 hours ago, Leeds said:

I posted in the Family thread about an issue I'm having with my siblings, so I won't repeat myself here.  My siblings don't realize there's an issue, but I'd really appreciate your virtual support and prayers as I struggle to keep some old demons at bay as I deal with my hurt.


I went to the family thread to respond. Again I’m sorry you’re hurting- those close to us can hurt us the most. 

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18 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Is everything all of a sudden all centered for anyone else? It's highly annoying.
























Edited by Leeds
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31 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Is everything all of a sudden all centered for anyone else? It's highly annoying.

There is some backend stuff going on with the site (I don’t know the technical terms) so I have hope that this is temporary like several other things have been while things get tweaked. 

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First day with my new person for work. What a hoot! He’s great, and his dog is quite the entertainer. Sings, dances, goes up on her hind legs and wipes her face like a squirrel. Oh my goodness!

Edited by ginger90
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6 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

First day with my new person for work. What a hoot! He’s great, and the dog is quite the entertainer. Sings, dances, goes up on her hind legs and wipes her face like a squirrel. Oh my goodness!

Okay, I read that and skipped right over the part where you said “the dog is quite the entertainer.” I thought you were saying that your new coworker sings, dances, and…..and this is where I got really confused! 

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3 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Okay, I read that and skipped right over the part where you said “the dog is quite the entertainer.” I thought you were saying that your new coworker sings, dances, and…..and this is where I got really confused! 

I changed it to his dog, hope that helps others! 🤣😂

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

First day with my new person for work. What a hoot! He’s great, and his dog is quite the entertainer. Sings, dances, goes up on her hind legs and wipes her face like a squirrel. Oh my goodness!

That’s great!

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3 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Is everything all of a sudden all centered for anyone else? It's highly annoying.

I would have been happy with centering.  My account vanished for awhile.  I wasn't the only one.  I think at first we all thought we'd been banned.  Too traumatic the afternoon before Josh gets sentenced.

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I just plain out could not get on the site for a couple of hours.  The screen would just flash and then go blank.  I'm glad it seems to be fixed.  I thought something was wrong with my laptop, but other sites were working, and my new desktop was doing the same thing on this site.  All is well for the time being.

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Just now, CalicoKitty said:

I just plain out could not get on the site for a couple of hours.  The screen would just flash and then go blank.  I'm glad it seems to be fixed.  I thought something was wrong with my laptop, but other sites were working, and my new desktop was doing the same thing on this site.  All is well for the time being.

Same. I was able to access the site homepage, but not the forums, on either my iPhone or iPad. 

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Just now, Cinnabon said:

Same. I was able to access the site homepage, but not the forums, on either my iPhone or iPad. 

It makes me feel better to know I was not the only one.  I'm glad we are both back on!

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My chuckle for the day, related to a used paperback book that I ordered from an Amazon seller. They kindly provided USPS tracking information - I think they use a third party service in some way. I saw that the package had arrived in our area (Denver) the other day and expected to see that it was out for delivery by yesterday. Nope. Look at this. It's gone to ATLANTA GA now. That's a real WTF. It came from TX, headed to CO, and got to CO. And now it's in GA!! Here's the screenshot of the tracking info. If it were something important I might get my knickers in a twist about this, but it's not a critically important item so I'm just a bit amused. Hope it eventually gets here.


BTW, Colorado's got so many people and phones now, that we are getting yet another area code. The new one is: 983. Those are the numbers you'd use on a non smartphone for: WTF. 🤣

Edited by Jeeves
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Maybe @Jeeves package is hanging with mine.  It shipped from Florida in early May.  Got to the local USPS distribution center on Friday the 13th.  Then it pulled a Gilligan.  It was scanned 4 hours later at a different center on the other side of the state, and hasn't been scanned since.  Last update is the 17th with no location and just the status "delayed"

I did put in a lost package tracing request, but in their quasi-government infinite wisdom they decided my overworked local PO was the correct place to handle the search even though they have no ability to actually search either of the distribution centers, so I'm not holding out much hope.

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9 hours ago, Jeeves said:

My chuckle for the day, related to a used paperback book that I ordered from an Amazon seller. They kindly provided USPS tracking information - I think they use a third party service in some way. I saw that the package had arrived in our area (Denver) the other day and expected to see that it was out for delivery by yesterday. Nope. Look at this. It's gone to ATLANTA GA now. That's a real WTF. It came from TX, headed to CO, and got to CO. And now it's in GA!! Here's the screenshot of the tracking info. If it were something important I might get my knickers in a twist about this, but it's not a critically important item so I'm just a bit amused. Hope it eventually gets here.

I had something similar happen to me once (and a larger purchase, so my knickers were in a bit of a twist), and when the package finally showed up a week later, I was able to figure out that it took a detour out of state because the sender had reused a box and neglected to remove/ cross out the previous scanner code thing. Apparently the postal machines "read" those just as much as they read the actual address. I like to recycle boxes when mailing something, but I make sure to remove or scribble over any previous labels, bar codes, etc.

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I  constantly have packages that show they are in Reno, which is an hour away from me.  The next day it shows the package is in Stockton, CA, then back in Reno again, and finally to me.  I have had several packages get lost this past year, and have had to have a refund issued or have had to reorder the item.  Sometimes the packages have been listed as "undeliverable" and returned, which means the Post Office destroyed the packaging.  And, sometimes, the original package shows up weeks later, and then I have two of the same item.  (At least if you have reported the item lost, and it does show up eventually, you can keep it for free.) I really don't like Amazon using USPS.  I have a lot more problems than when Amazon delivers.  I am in my home town for my mother's funeral tomorrow, and I drove by the new Amazon warehouse.  It is HUGE!  It is out in the country, and I have no guess as to how many acres it takes up, but it is a fair number.  I am amazed at how big that building really is.  I'm not sure how many jobs it brought to the area, but I think I heard about 1500.  That Amazon building is---an Amazon!

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One of my packages has been picked up from origination by a "carrier" and has been languishing at some place waiting for pickup.  Weeks.  I don't need it and don't have the energy to pursue right now.

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in reference to jill's new kitchen colors etc, reminded me to share:   we recently painted our cabinets a color called 'grayish' which is such a pale gray that it changes with the different hours of the day. i love it!  also, tuesday, we had new carpet layed in the front half or our home. it was called meadow something. it is a blend of about 4 colors of gray, white, brown and green maybe....not sure but its GORGOUS!!!!!  it involved completely emptying my formal living room, library area and office/sewing room. what a freaking challenge. it has taken part of tuesday afternoon, all of yesterday and all of this morning to put things back in place along with cleaning out and dusting along the way (i have a lot of stuff and the hutches were full). now, 2 out of 3 rooms look beutiful...my sewing room/office is a work in progress. i put my computer back together first before anything so i could check in all day yesterday for the updates.  and just to brag, two old gals in their 60's moved 99% of everything themselves.   quite a feat!

Edited by zoomama
my computer is being weird. like it wont spell gorgeous correctly no matter how many times i correct it up there.
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This beautiful spring morning, we went to the Farmer's Market. When we got home, I made a huge bowl of my world famous potato salad for the bbq tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty hot. Next week is a busy one (for us!) with taking my mother to the doctor and then a graduation party (8th grade) for our oldest grandchild. We bought her a free standing mirror for her room. I thought that would be nice for her for getting dressed for high school over the next few years. Hope everyone is having a nice Memorial Day weekend!

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I had a nice Saturday. A photo group I belong to, met to shoot at this place where a guy has exquisitely displayed his ENORMOUS collection of old cars. Hard to describe. Not generally open to the public; you have to go with a booked group. It was fun, lots of walking, followed by lunch together. 

I posted above the other day about a used paperback I bought from an Amazon seller. The seller's in GA, I'm in CO. The USPS tracking showed that the package got to Denver - and then showed up in Atlanta! Update is that now it's on the move again - in a distribution center in Memphis TN. The Amazon order status sez it's due by Thursday. I won't hold my breath waiting for it, but it will be nice to receive it eventually. 🤣

@zoomama - the new color on your kitchen cabinets, and the new carpet, sound wonderful. But gosh, what a lot of work and moving stuff! I hope you're at the "relaxing and enjoying the nice new rooms" stage by now.

@BetyBee - I love potato salad! And BBQ. Sounds like you're having a good weekend. I'm sure your granddaughter will appreciate that mirror. Good choice!

I too wish everyone a good weekend. 

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9 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

I'm so sorry for your loss @CalicoKitty.

Thank you.  We had the burial Thursday.  All her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were there, and we had a nice private service.  She never liked attending long funeral services, so we made sure her's was short and to the point. She had a deep faith, and she would have liked what was read and said.   It is good she is out of pain and confusion now.  Thank you for your thoughts.

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10 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Happy Sunday news:

Free concerts in the park are back. I am definitely going to go ! 

Joined a few meet up groups and will try to go and try to see/learn new things. 

Good for you Cookie! I love concerts in the the park, too! Hope you enjoy the meetup groups. You are brave to do it, and I’m really proud of you! Plus, it’s always good to see and learn new things! 👏🏼👍

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11 hours ago, Love2dance said:

Good for you Cookie! I love concerts in the the park, too! Hope you enjoy the meetup groups. You are brave to do it, and I’m really proud of you! Plus, it’s always good to see and learn new things! 👏🏼👍

Thank you 😊 

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🎉 Happy Birthday @Rabbittron

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. I had a good week (well just 4 nights) in NYC with my guest (She spent 4 nights at my home before we headed up there) I’m getting old and feeling my age. My friend was much younger and could out walk, out last and out do me at every turn. I’m catching up on some rest with my kitties today. 

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Happy Birthday, @Rabbittron! You may share a birthday with David Rodrigues but at least you aren’t married to Jill! 

Is it just me, or does anyone else need another day (or 2) to recover from the long weekend? I feel like we just crammed more errands and stuff around the house into the weekend, so that I’ve barely sat down since I left work Friday (sitting in the salon chair doesn’t count). It’s almost 5 on Monday and I just want a whole day to sleep in, nap, not have to cook any food, and basically do nothing. 

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39 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Happy Birthday, @Rabbittron! You may share a birthday with David Rodrigues but at least you aren’t married to Jill! 

Is it just me, or does anyone else need another day (or 2) to recover from the long weekend? I feel like we just crammed more errands and stuff around the house into the weekend, so that I’ve barely sat down since I left work Friday (sitting in the salon chair doesn’t count). It’s almost 5 on Monday and I just want a whole day to sleep in, nap, not have to cook any food, and basically do nothing. 

I worked all weekend and I am working today.

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Being retired my schedule is mostly my own. Mr lookeyloo flew up north today to spend time with his elderly father. Long story for another time. I took him to the airport, came back and took my mental health walk and then later went to see the new Downton Abbey movie. Didn’t disappoint and tears were shed. Made a new drink. A Paloma. So many recipes on line. Just went with one. 

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18 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I haven't had a chance to see the new DA movie, but I heard they killed off the Dowager Countess. Is it true? 😱


Well, they didn't exactly kill her off, she died in her bed with family around.

I'm trying to do a spoiler.  I hope I got it.

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