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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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32 minutes ago, Nysha said:

I was raised to eat what I was given whether I liked it or not, so it's a good thing I was never a picky eater.

I was/still am a picky eater and having a parent that insists on not only cleaning the plate but a good size helping makes childhood hell. I know I vomited at the table at least once. More often it was dry heaves which made the situation worse because obviously I can control my gag reflex and of course I'm just being ridiculous. Needless to say, it's something that I still resent and I don't have a very good relationship with that parent. And he used to tell me that when I have my own kids and my own house I can do what want. Well guess what asshole, I do. It is the hill I would die on for my son who also has that issue and I would point out all the the time that if Mr. Toast wants to have a relationship with his kid to drop the control of what our son eats. He's 18 now, still doesn't eat much and I don't fucking care. And all those parent judgers out there can't fucking bite me.

Yes, it is still very much a sore point and it still really pisses me off. I just don't understand the amount of cruelty it takes to watch a child visibly ill and still force them to eat. And then get angry when they vomit it up at the table. I couldn't say it when I was 8 but I can say it now. Fuck you asshole. Fuck you. 

*ahem* sorry. It's just...yeah...haven't gotten over it. Dreading dinner every single night leaves a mark.

Beets taste like dirt and smell awful while cooking. Strangely, I can handle cilantro but both my husband and daughter cannot. Spinach I can handle but kale is a step too far. Why do sweet pickles need to exist when there are dill pickles, I do not understand. Sweet potatoes skeeve me out. Sweet potatoes with marshmallows are nightmare fuel. I have finally gotten to the point where I can handle very teeny tiny onions cooked until they are very, very soft.  But crunchy onions? Nope. I can handle leeks though. My husband loves most food (including beets) but the one thing he can't stand that I do enjoy is fish. He will eat sushi, though. I do like most fish. Many times when we were eating at restaurants I would get the fish just because I don't make it at home. Sadly Mr. Toast has celiac disease, so some foods are off the table. Two years ago he had a kidney stone and has to avoid purines which means no meat (chicken, beef, pork, turkey, lamb, fish--no flesh), no spinach, no cauliflower, no mushrooms, no asparagus, no peas and a list of other foods. Well, it's not that he can't eat them, he can eat small amounts of them. But he tries to avoid them as much as possible because kidney stones suck. And as much as it seems that it really limits what one can cook I liken it to writing a sonnet. I can't just free style it but I can still make something amazing. 

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Yeah cilantro tastes like soap to me. I can eat kale as long as it is mixed in with other greens but not as a stand alone.

The hardest part is ensuring everything meets your dietary restrictions. Bless one of my friends and his girlfriend. When I was struggling this summer they went out of their way to find a vegan bakery and bought me the most delicious cake I have ever had. I recently met his entire family and I felt absolutely awful being like "No. Can't eat this. No. Can't eat that." One of his sisters, poor thing, scoured the fridge looking for anything I could eat.

I need to get to a bakery and find decent desserts to drop off, if his mom doesn't temperature check me a zillion times first. They decided to try apple pie for the first time from Costco. That did not go well. 

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20 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I’m with my mom waiting for registration to open at the hospital. It’s EARLY yall. Starbucks hasn’t even opened yet!

Sending best wishes for your mom's surgery.   I hope everything goes according to plan and that she has a smooth and uneventful recovery. 

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I guess I'm right down the middle with foods. Some textures like peaches and flan are a no go. But I'm fine with messy pomegranates and cooked and raw spinach.

One thing I love, which many find weird is, peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.

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2 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

One thing I love, which many find weird is, peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.

I would probably like that. The childhood sandwich that I liked (and got a lot of side-eye for) was cream cheese and olives. 

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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

I would probably like that. The childhood sandwich that I liked (and got a lot of side-eye for) was cream cheese and olives. 

That doesn't sound too bad.

My friend has eaten Miracle Whip and peanut butter sandwiches her entire life. Blech.

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There are not many foods out there which I dislike. I was a picky eater when I was little, apparently, but also belonged to the "clean your plate!" club. I got personally guilted, not just by hearing about starving kids in Africa and such, but by my dad's stories on the years he, his mother and brother spent in exile in Siberia. There were a lot of dinners I remember suffering through, but, somehow, at the end of it, I emerged liking just about everything, and liking a lot of it too much, as it can be really hard not to binge-eat when things are delicious.

The only things I don't eat, really, are texture issues. I have problems with certain things that are slimy. Jello makes me gag, and I don't like the fat on meat, or the barley in barley soup. I also don't like anything pickled in vinegar, or tasting strongly of it. Brined pickles are OK. I'll use vinegar as an ingredient in something, but not a primary flavor. I'm also a big wimp when it comes to spicy (hot) food, so my chili, curry, etc, has to be pretty insipid. I love the flavors, but pain is not a flavor in my book, so limit the cayenne to a bare pinch.

Oh, and liver...though I have, in the past few years, realized I like duck liver. I make duck once in a while, and my younger son, when he was home from college a few years back, was telling me that he actually liked liver (he's a pretty adventurous eater), and especially duck, so I tried a nibble the next time I made it and was pleasantly surprised. Tried a bit of chicken liver some time after that, to see whether I might have just developed a taste for the stuff, but that was a hard nope.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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16 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Oh, that's a giggle! 

The Brits call an eraser (you know, like kids use in school) a "rubber." Years ago at work in the course of getting some contract or other done, I had several conversations with a nice guy. He was a Brit who with his young family had recently moved to the US, I think for work. We were chatting one day about the inevitable adjustments involved. He told me that his son was doing fine in first grade - but only after a shaky beginning. The kid had startled (or shocked) his teacher (and probably more savvy classmates) by asking if he could borrow a rubber. Two nations divided by a common language . . . 

One summer when I was in high school I participated in a program where teens from Northern Ireland came over to the States for a month.  So we are in North Carolina one of a handful of states where shagging has a totally different meaning.  Here, it's a dance done to Beach Music fully clothed.  One of the first days the Northern Irish were here I was in a car with some girls and one American girl starts rattling off a list of all the things we can do. I will always remember the look of absolute horror on the face of one of the Irish girls when Erin uttered "and we'll teach you how to shag."

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18 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Oh, that's a giggle! 

The Brits call an eraser (you know, like kids use in school) a "rubber." Years ago at work in the course of getting some contract or other done, I had several conversations with a nice guy. He was a Brit who with his young family had recently moved to the US, I think for work. We were chatting one day about the inevitable adjustments involved. He told me that his son was doing fine in first grade - but only after a shaky beginning. The kid had startled (or shocked) his teacher (and probably more savvy classmates) by asking if he could borrow a rubber. Two nations divided by a common language . . . 

Yup...my older son started school while we were stationed in Scotland, and startled his dad by announcing that he got his very first rubber. I lived in England until I was 9, so it was not strange terminology for me, but Mr Jyn still likes to relate that story.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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2 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

YES. I have taken to watching old Christmas variety shows on YouTube (Andy Williams, Dean Martin, Carpenters) as a coping mechanism when I start getting really overwhelmed with negativity, as there is something soothing in the hokey humor and songs, and knowing my beloved late grandmother watched all those shows when she was about my age now. When my husband comes in and sees one of those is playing he makes a quick exit as I've made it clear I'm barely holding on emotionally if one of those is on, and if he tries to say one thing about politics or Covid I will lose it!

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32 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Yep, so am I. I've gone a few rounds during my life with pretty bad depression, and I can feel that worse-than-blah state creeping in on me lately. In my case I get antsy, can't settle to anything, don't enjoy activities that I usually do. I don't have a magic pill for it either; I was one of those patients for whom all the damned pills they tried - either made me incredibly violently sick (Prozac) or didn't help much. My life is a lot less stressful than it was when I was working my full-time career job, and I am making serious efforts to sit and have very specific "gratitude sessions." It does help, but I can't help dreading these coming winter months. Thanks to everyone here for providing me some interesting interactions with real people.

My old treadmill died last year (unrepairable) and I had it removed (it had been assembled in my bedroom and it had to be taken apart to be taken out, lol). I have just ordered a fairly inexpensive basic treadmill because I like walking, and will use the treadmill. I know the exercise will help me. I think it's just the way my spine and hips and all are put together, but those "walking in place" workouts can be uncomfortable for me. OTOH I enjoy actually striding out. But it's 10 degrees outside with yesterday's snowfall (and ice) all over, so no I'm not going out for a stroll.

Edited by Jeeves
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13 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

Any other weirdos here that can't stand cantaloupe?

I can't even stand to have one cut up in my house...ugh..the smell.🤢

 And why oh WHY do many fruit salads (like in hotels or restaurants) have so much cantaloupe in them??

  Just me? 😁

Add me to the table. I love watermelon but can't stand cantaloupe. I agree with you about smell of cantaloupe.  I wonder too why there is so much cantaloupe & other melons in fruit salad.  I guess they are cheaper than other fruits like berries. 

My son was excited when he found out the diner in college served fruit salad. That was until he realized how much melon they added to it.

Luckily I didn't have to tolerate liver growing up. My mother couldn't stand it when she was growing up & said she would never feed it to her family. She never did. 

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I guess I'm right down the middle with foods. Some textures like peaches and flan are a no go. But I'm fine with messy pomegranates and cooked and raw spinach.

One thing I love, which many find weird is, peanut butter and bacon sandwiches.

I LOVE peanut butter and bacon sandwiches; I grew up on them. Another good one is peanut butter and honey, especially toasted on a griddle (like a grilled cheese sandwich).

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1 hour ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?



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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

One summer when I was in high school I participated in a program where teens from Northern Ireland came over to the States for a month.  So we are in North Carolina one of a handful of states where shagging has a totally different meaning.  Here, it's a dance done to Beach Music fully clothed.  One of the first days the Northern Irish were here I was in a car with some girls and one American girl starts rattling off a list of all the things we can do. I will always remember the look of absolute horror on the face of one of the Irish girls when Erin uttered "and we'll teach you how to shag."

When my MIL came over from Scotland to visit she saw a sign by the Town Hall that offered free shagging lessons. She looked us both in the eye and asked if this state (NC) was really so hillbilly that they didn’t know how to “do it” 🤣

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My mother was a very smart woman but popular culture was not her thing. One year my husband and I flew from Seattle to snowy Cleveland for Christmas...Mr. Wiser didn’t remember to wear shoes that could handle snow. So the three of us went off to the local everything store on Christmas Eve looking for something he could put over his shoes and after marching the aisles and finding nothing, I hear my then 70-year-old mother hollering at an employee, “WHERE ARE YOUR RUBBERS?”  I miss her.

Count me in on the Depressed Bench. Between everything and my mother’s death, I couldn’t give a rusty goddamn about the holidays or much else, for that matter. It seems like Mr. Wiser and I have had the same twelve conversations every day forever. Not even the treadmill is cheering me up these days.

Today I am hoping to de-funk a bit...I’m off to my twice-yearly solo run away from home where I check into a funky little cabin about an hour’s drive from here and go for a 11-mile hike out to a lighthouse. Then I drive back to the cabin, light a fire, gobble Ibuprofen like M&Ms and marvel at how much my joints have aged in six months. Last time I did this was March 11...just under the wire. I think back to the longwinded story I listened to that day at the lighthouse from a tourist who had just flown in from Italy by way of Munich and then NYC and damn, was I lucky. We had no clue, really.

Hugs all around...

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9 minutes ago, Zella said:

Is that an Eastern NC thing? I've never heard my Western NC relatives use that term for dancing. 

It’s a dance popular to the coasts of North and South Carolina. Similar to a Lindy, but without all the bounce. 


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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

It’s a dance popular to the coasts of North and South Carolina. Similar to a Lindy, but without all the bounce. 


Yeah I don't think that's a thing in the mountains (at least not traditionally), but culturally, they are far more similar to Eastern Tennessee than Eastern NC. 

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I checked in on my great aunt and cousin. They are clean, the heat and the plumbing work. I brought them takeout from a near by breakfast place that is pretty amazing (I had forgotten how tasty it was since I moved to the other side of the city). 

That’s all I can say. It’s still a shitty situation. The cat went into a hoard of stuff- With a vengeance!!
I said “whatever she sees I don’t wanna know”
“Probably mouse.”- my cousin


Now yall may remember I had a mouse problem this winter. I don’t think someone is unclean or neglectful because a mouse got in the house. But CALL a damn exterminator. Clean up the hoard so you can actually clean up the droppings!!!!! 

Im now window shopping waiting for my mom to get out of surgery. 

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21 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I checked in on my great aunt and cousin. They are clean, the heat and the plumbing work. I brought them takeout from a near by breakfast place that is pretty amazing (I had forgotten how tasty it was since I moved to the other side of the city). 

That’s all I can say. It’s still a shitty situation. The cat went into a hoard of stuff- With a vengeance!!
I said “whatever she sees I don’t wanna know”
“Probably mouse.”- my cousin


Now yall may remember I had a mouse problem this winter. I don’t think someone is unclean or neglectful because a mouse got in the house. But CALL a damn exterminator. Clean up the hoard so you can actually clean up the droppings!!!!! 

Im now window shopping waiting for my mom to get out of surgery. 

That's so sad. Unattended mouse droppings can bring on pulmonary issues. I hope your cousin is able to make some progress soon.

Sending good vibes to your mom.

Edited by GeeGolly
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15 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

That's so sad. Unattended mouse droppings can bring on pulmonary issues. I hope your cousin is able to make some progress soon.

Sending good vibes to your mom.

Yes I know- it’s very sad. Between the unattended mice infestation, the hoarding, the lack of a fridge.......My cousin wasn’t raised like this. My only comfort is that my Aunt is so far gone she doesn’t know how bad things have gotten. 

Believe you me- if I had given birth to a child, given that child everything under the sun and supported them financially far past the age of 21, and saved my own money so I wouldn’t be a burden on my only child in my old age and said child let me live my last years like that I would haunt them beyond the grave. 

It’s like a Black Grey Gardens over there! I see this situation a lot in my Sib work, the parent starts deteriorating and the mentally disabled child doesn’t say anything (if they can speak) because they are scared or dont understand. But my cousin isn’t mentally disabled. She is still capable of functioning in public and driving, following the rules of the road etc. I don’t understand any of this!! (Yes I know hoarding is a disease)

I swear my sister has more sense. If I let the fridge break and didn’t replace it in 48hrs I believe she would unplug it and push it towards the back door, like “take this shit out it’s broken!”

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16 hours ago, Olliesmom said:

Can’t stand tomatoes.  How anyone can eat a slice of tomato on a sandwich, I don’t understand. And when you slice them, all that juice oozes out eeewwww

I can’t do the texture of tomatoes, but Looooooove the taste of tomato anything. I canned probably 50 jars of salsa this year, maybe 20-25 tomato sauce for cooking, bags of spaghetti sauce in the freezer.  I love ketchup, pizza sauce, hot sauce, barbecue sauce.  Not many tomato based items I won’t consume.  Except raw tomatoes.  My parents practically lived on tomatoes back in the day. And just like you, @Olliesmom, who would you ruin a perfectly good slice of bacon by slopping a slice of runny ickiness on top???

i forgot to mention in those foods I decided never to eat as an adult:  I don’t eat eggs. I can eat a hard boiled egg - the consistency is not unacceptable.  But fried, scrambled, poached, sunny side up down or sideways -  🥴 

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Now you guys have stirred up a craving and I put beets in the oven to roast for Harvard beets later. I love beets, I love spinach, I love butternut squash. Hard pass on zucchini and lima beans. I like the flavor of mushrooms but find the texture off-putting.

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5 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Definitely.  I thought it was only me, though.

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6 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Definitely not just you. I'm struggling. I'm hoping once the election is over (whoever wins) that it will help. Being bombarded with political commercials everywhere is not helping my stress levels. It's probably the least of my stress points right now, but I'll take relief where I can get it! 

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5 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Yes although my mood is I am easily irritated. * In my head to a customer * What do you mean you don't know what shoe size you wear? Your 50 years old you should have some idea.  You are a college professor and you can't tell if the shoes fit? I have customers with severe mental disabilities ( forgive me please if this is not the correct term I mean no disrespect) who know when the shoe size is wrong. 

To my employee I have explained this 4 times and you did it perfectly last week. Its not that hard.

I am just tired. Sometimes I feel people don't think and want me to think for them. I truly enjoy my job, customers and working with my team. I don't like feeling this way.

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55 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

Now you guys have stirred up a craving and I put beets in the oven to roast for Harvard beets later. I love beets, I love spinach, I love butternut squash. Hard pass on zucchini and lima beans. I like the flavor of mushrooms but find the texture off-putting.

Oh, shrooms. Definitely on my eww list for texture.

One thing I so want to love and try again at least once a year, is yogurt. But sadly, I just don't like it. Everyone makes it look so good though.

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20 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Oh, shrooms. Definitely on my eww list for texture.

One thing I so want to love and try again at least once a year, is yogurt. But sadly, I just don't like it. Everyone makes it look so good though.

I recently watched the movie Julia/Julie and discovered that Julia Child says the way to brown mushrooms is not to crowd them.  I'm going to try that next time, as I love mushrooms.  That movie has sparked an interest in French cuisine in me.  

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I am in the cilantro tastes like soap and cantaloupe is of the devil group...

So today I finally got to take the next step in Project Yank the Uterus (my appointment with the surgeon was delayed a couple times). It is now up to my belly button, so about "20 weeks"? Don't think I'll take a picture of my bump next to a chalkboard saying how big my fibroids are now, although with this year I suppose anything goes. The doctor wanted a biopsy, which I totally wasn't expecting. Needless to say, the rest of my work day has been...fun. When we get the results back we can talk a firm time to get this mess outta me.

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48 minutes ago, beckie said:

Definitely.  I thought it was only me, though.

Oh god no, I take more Xanax now than ever before (still very small amounts), and all my fb friends are the same. It’s a lot lately!

Edited by DangerousMinds
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Beets? No no no no no....

Now liver and onion I liked, but only if my mom made it.  She'd use bacon too, in some way.  It was delicious.  Haven't had it in probably 30 odd years.

Good thoughts to your mom Scarlett45, and with you in dealing with your aunt and cousin as well.

It's probably the season onset of gray skies, I never thought I got affected by the seasons changing but the past couple of weeks I have.  Of course the trees are beautiful with all their oranges and reds and purples, but knowing I've got tons of gray days ahead, yuck.  I think February is the worst though, more gray per day than any other.  The mini Malotte is doing much better, she's down to just being stuffed up but that's your normal time of the year sinus shit we all get, I'm very relieved I can say.  The health department here contacted her, they are trying to track the current cluster.   But yes, add in the current political state and news and it's just very tense feeling.  We all need a break.

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33 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Oh, shrooms. Definitely on my eww list for texture.

One thing I so want to love and try again at least once a year, is yogurt. But sadly, I just don't like it. Everyone makes it look so good though.

Yogurt is such a texture thing for me. I'm so picky about the kinds/flavors I will eat, and even then some days I look at it and just can't bring myself to actually eat it. 

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I've been working weekends and some very long days.  Trying to get caught up.  I'm gong to take off some time next week.  Thinking of going into hibernation.  I'm not ready to travel right now.  Just low key and safe. 

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2 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

Yogurt is such a texture thing for me. I'm so picky about the kinds/flavors I will eat, and even then some days I look at it and just can't bring myself to actually eat it. 

100% with you on this!

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1 hour ago, Turquoise said:

I am in the cilantro tastes like soap and cantaloupe is of the devil group...

So today I finally got to take the next step in Project Yank the Uterus (my appointment with the surgeon was delayed a couple times). It is now up to my belly button, so about "20 weeks"? Don't think I'll take a picture of my bump next to a chalkboard saying how big my fibroids are now, although with this year I suppose anything goes. The doctor wanted a biopsy, which I totally wasn't expecting. Needless to say, the rest of my work day has been...fun. When we get the results back we can talk a firm time to get this mess outta me.

My fibroids were bigger then that and my hysterectomy was the best thing that ever happened to me. 

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3 hours ago, Absolom said:

No fridge, hoarding, and now mice, could it be time to make that call?  I know you've wanted to make sure things don't get hostile, but it's become a health issue.

You’re right. I’m still trying to convince her to clean up the back and get a new fridge. Before the weather turns.

My line is a lack of heat, running water, working plumbing or if her personal hygiene is not up to standard. My aunt is still clean, it’s warm, and she is being fed (takeout and non perishable things mostly), the linen is fresh and the house smells fine. If any of those things change I will call from the car. 

And truthfully with my mom recovering from surgery I will have enough on my hands with her and my sister until January I can’t deal with them any more than I am right now. 

But I go to check because I don’t trust my cousin. I don’t think she’s malicious- because she has to live there too! This woman used to be so clean you could eat off of her floors!

But if my aunt isn’t clean or warm or eating I will call immediately. 

1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

You are a college professor and you can't tell if the shoes fit? I have customers with severe mental disabilities ( forgive me please if this is not the correct term I mean no disrespect) who know when the shoe size is wrong. 

If you tried to put shoes on my sister that were too small she would kick them off and look at you like you were stupid. 😂

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18 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

You’re right. I’m still trying to convince her to clean up the back and get a new fridge. Before the weather turns.

My line is a lack of heat, running water, working plumbing or if her personal hygiene is not up to standard. My aunt is still clean, it’s warm, and she is being fed (takeout and non perishable things mostly), the linen is fresh and the house smells fine. If any of those things change I will call from the car. 

And truthfully with my mom recovering from surgery I will have enough on my hands with her and my sister until January I can’t deal with them any more than I am right now. 

But I go to check because I don’t trust my cousin. I don’t think she’s malicious- because she has to live there too! This woman used to be so clean you could eat off of her floors!

But if my aunt isn’t clean or warm or eating I will call immediately. 

If you tried to put shoes on my sister that were too small she would kick them off and look at you like you were stupid. 😂

I wonder if the cousin suffers from this mental disorder. It has a tendency to get worse.



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39 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

You’re right. I’m still trying to convince her to clean up the back and get a new fridge. Before the weather turns.

My line is a lack of heat, running water, working plumbing or if her personal hygiene is not up to standard. My aunt is still clean, it’s warm, and she is being fed (takeout and non perishable things mostly), the linen is fresh and the house smells fine. If any of those things change I will call from the car. 

And truthfully with my mom recovering from surgery I will have enough on my hands with her and my sister until January I can’t deal with them any more than I am right now. 

But I go to check because I don’t trust my cousin. I don’t think she’s malicious- because she has to live there too! This woman used to be so clean you could eat off of her floors!

But if my aunt isn’t clean or warm or eating I will call immediately. 

If you tried to put shoes on my sister that were too small she would kick them off and look at you like you were stupid. 😂

Yes, I put their shoes on and they come off faster than I put them on if they are the wrong size. When the shies fit and I try to take them off they will tuck their feet under the chair so I cannot untie them.

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4 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

I can’t do the texture of tomatoes, but Looooooove the taste of tomato anything. I canned probably 50 jars of salsa this year, maybe 20-25 tomato sauce for cooking, bags of spaghetti sauce in the freezer.  I love ketchup, pizza sauce, hot sauce, barbecue sauce.  Not many tomato based items I won’t consume.  Except raw tomatoes.  My parents practically lived on tomatoes back in the day. And just like you, @Olliesmom, who would you ruin a perfectly good slice of bacon by slopping a slice of runny ickiness on top??

Girlfriend, I am so with you on the raw tomato thing. Hate, hate, HATE them. Yet, I love anything made from raw tomatoes. Go figure. 

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9 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

No, not just you.  Between being perimenopausal (with fibroids), COVID, politics and shit at work I'm a raging bitch all the time.  This morning my anxiety was sky high but I still made it into work even though I was the only one from my team that showed up.  I'm tired of being the only dependable one.  Years ago I had a job where I cried all the time but now I'm just angry all the time.  I think I miss crying.  

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