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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Names:  I went to high school with a kid whose nickname was Spook because he was born at Halloween.  He had 2 older sisters - Angel and Bunny - yes, those were their legal names - born at Xmas and Easter.  

My husband has a cousin that now has 7 kids.  All the kids have an X in their name.  For the twins who are #6 and 7 the other kids got to help with thier names:  Phoenix and Bronxton.  Okay then.

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56 minutes ago, Cajungirl64 said:

Cherry.. Hello :)

Re: quitting smoking and needing to lose weight. I smoked for 30 years and quit shortly after my 50th birthday. I had just watched my dad (a smoker since the age of 15) die of congestive heart failure at just 70 years old. By the time he was 55, he'd already had quadruple bypass surgery, a pacemaker and a defibrillator but was STILL was still smoking right up until he passed away. My mom, also a lifelong smoker, was told at the age of 56 that she had mid-stage COPD. She supposedly quit for the next 8 or 9 years but I eventually caught her smoking. She went on oxygen full-time when she was 70 and passed away from advanced COPD at just 73 years old (and she was still sneaking cigarettes right up until she had to go into a hospice facility, 5 weeks before she passed). When my dad died (at around the same time my mom was put on 24/7 oxygen), I knew I was headed for serious trouble if I didn't quit. I didn't even know if it would make a difference after 30 years, but I knew I had to try. Until that point, the only time I had quit was during the nine months I was pregnant with my only child 26 years earlier. AND at 50, I was already deep into menopause, so I KNEW I would gain weight if quit (plus I had already gained a few menopause pounds).

Long story even longer, I decided to try hypnosis and use a NON-NICOTINE re-chargeable e-cig as my "desperation" backup. I was very honest with the hypnotherapist. I told her I LOVED smoking and that I really didn't WANT to quit. I never had bronchial infections, shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing. I never smoked more than one pack a day (except back in my early 20s when I still liked to drink) but I had always considered that one pack a day my reward system, my coping mechanism, and sometimes my best friend and I was afraid to give it up after 30 years. Well, she worked all of my hopes (of success) and fears (of failure) into the hypnosis "script." I was fully awake through the whole process, just INCREDIBLY relaxed. And on November 4th of this year, I'll be celebrating my 4th year without a cigarette. Yes, I really did quit right after the hypnotherapy session. In the two years following that day, I took care of my mom and stepdad as they both began the dying process - my mom of advanced COPD and my stepdad (who had been like a second dad for over 25 years) of advanced prostate cancer. Losing my dad was the hardest thing I'd ever been through until losing my mom and stepdad four months apart. 2016 was easily the most painful, grueling, awful year of my life. And yet... I NEVER picked up a cigarette. Now... Did I gain weight? Yes, I definitely did. In fact, I gained a single pound for every year I smoked - 30 extra pounds I could hardly afford. After my mom and stepdad passed away, I was seriously depressed and even though I didn't have an appetite, I didn't feel like getting out of bed either so the extra weight just clung to me like a barnacle on a boat. But a year later, after lots of hard work through therapy, I slowly learned to practice some self-care; something I hadn't done for many, many years. And as I moved forward and healed, I started to lose weight without even trying. Earlier this year, at my annual physical, my doctor told me I was back at my early 2013 weight - I had lost the 30pounds, plus 3 extra for good measure. 

I don't know your personal circumstances, but I just want to say you can do anything you NEED to do (you don't even have to necessarily WANT to) if you put the full weight of your intention behind it. In other words, if you choose to have your own back and drown out the other voices (whether it's your own internal naysayer or the voices of people you're surrounded by). Early on in my therapy work, my therapist told me the mental aspect of being "stuck" in life, whether because of grief, depression, anxiety or even fear of change, can cause the same physiological reaction in your body as your mind. She was right. Quitting smoking had been a necessary first step, but three years later, when I finally made the conscious decision to start taking care of MYSELF as well as I'd taken care of everyone else, I started shedding weight almost without even trying. I know you're probably thinking "way easier said than done), but considering I've had MS for over thirty years and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease which causes your thyroid to either overreact or (more often) under act) for ten years, I'm a true believer in the mind-body connection. Intention + action = results. 

Good luck to you, Cherry, and anyone else reading this who is trying to give up a bad habit or struggling to work through grief and inertia. Just remember, you're not alone!! 

Great advice!  You really had a tough go of it and CONGRATS on quitting.  I quit smoking when I was 24 and picked it up again mid 30s due to MAJOR stress.  I quit again 4 months ago and NEVER want to smoke again.  I am turning 50 in a few weeks and had a moment when I realized I needed to quit and lose the 30ish pounds I picked up after my father died in 2015.  I too have MS and didn't realize I had gained much weight until my last MRI.  They couldn't get the needle in for contrast and when they wheeled me out when I saw my weight.  After I realized no one was on the machine with me :) I decided that was it.  I am getting myself together so I can live longer than my parents (hopefully).  They both died much younger than their parents and its partly because they treated their bodies like shit.  One thing I didn't think would happen from quitting smoking is I am much less tired than I was.  Really odd.  But welcome! 

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This sounds like utter bullshit, but my grandpa is distantly related to twin boys named Pete and Repete. And that was from back in the 1930s! 

Sending happy thoughts to everyone having medical issues! 

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Having good thoughts for the surgery tomorrow HFC - and here's to a speedy recovery!



I don't know your personal circumstances, but I just want to say you can do anything you NEED to do (you don't even have to necessarily WANT to) if you put the full weight of your intention behind it. In other words, if you choose to have your own back and drown out the other voices (whether it's your own internal naysayer or the voices of people you're surrounded by). Early on in my therapy work, my therapist told me the mental aspect of being "stuck" in life, whether because of grief, depression, anxiety or even fear of change, can cause the same physiological reaction in your body as your mind. She was right.

I appreciate that.  With my smoking it did take awhile to get myself to that place where I really really wanted to quit, and I had help with two sessions of acupuncture.  But yes, you really have to be all in.  And I do want to lose weight, I try and go out every day and walk during my lunch work break.  I'm starting to cut carbs myself, and doing a bit more research into what I'm eating.  I gained four jeans sizes when I quit smoking...awful.  I like food, have used it as a replacement for smoking, and need to get out of the habit of grazing during the day.  The husband and I had a really interesting conversation with a hospital lab person about diet when he was inpatient recently, and it really opened my eyes to a lot...so we've been switching to wheat pasta, cutting the bread out (for me), and really it's just getting into a healthier eating habit, and needing to cut out the eating out as well.  I've been really stuck in a rut the last couple of years and need to get myself out.  What happens is I have days like today, where the male person that contributed to my dna had a doctor appointment - I have to drive to pick him up a town over, then drag him to the appointment, then wait, then drive him home, then drive myself home.  Three and a half hours gone from my afternoon, sandwiched between my work shifts, and while he was fairly quiet today (thanks be to whatever higher powers) most times I'm on the edge of my nerves listening to him pontificate about whatever military story or neighbors or local news.  I think that those of us with those difficult family members can attest to how just being around the problem person can be so draining.  

I am lucky though, the husband and child are very encouraging, and they love me as I am.  A person does have to have time to oneself or you will go absolutely bonkers!  That's why I so enjoy going to movies by myself during an early show - hardly anybody there, you have the place mostly to yourself, and it's relaxing.  I love Oscar Bait season and we are nearly there.

While I'm thinking about it...anybody else quit smoking and now the smell makes them want to puke?  I can smell a smoker a mile away now and it's just nasty! 

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4 minutes ago, CherryMalotte said:

While I'm thinking about it...anybody else quit smoking and now the smell makes them want to puke?  I can smell a smoker a mile away now and it's just nasty! 

YES. I quit in 1985 and it took quitting to realize how sensitive I am to smoke. It’s funny, I had such a hard time quitting and now I don’t know how I ever did it. It would be impossible to go back 

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1 hour ago, latetotheparty said:

YES. I quit in 1985 and it took quitting to realize how sensitive I am to smoke.

My husband & I always lived in rural areas and used a wood stove as our main heating source. When he passed away I moved into town and found out my chronic sinus issues were due to being allergic to wood smoke. 

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Crossing fingers! Our state budget is looking better so the governor's office has increased some funding. Vocational Rehab has restored funding, and I was told I was at the top of the list for services so hopefully I will start getting assistance in finding and keeping a job. It also looks like direct care workers working with developmentally disabled clients in group homes will be getting a pay raise of up to $2.25 a hour or more in the next couple of years meaning my husband will finally get a decent pay raise.

Edited by bigskygirl
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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

Crossing fingers! Our state budget is looking better so the governor's office has increased some funding. Vocational Rehab has restored funding, and I was told I was at the top of the list for services so hopefully I will start getting assistance in finding and keeping a job. It also looks like direct care workers working with developmentally disabled clients in group homes will be getting a pay raise of up to $2.25 a hour or more in the next couple of years meaning my husband will finally get a decent pay raise.

That's great!

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@Happyfatchick, I hope your surgery went well.

I encountered a lot of weird names when I worked in Georgia schools.  Chandelier, Precious, Princess, Lord, Saquesha. LaQuananisha, a boy whose middle name was A'Millionaire, multiples of Nevaeh, Heaven, and Destiny, Shoiee (pronounced Showy), Chastity (who chose to pronounce her name as Chasity because otherwise it had the word "titty" in it, which embarrased her), twins named Lawrence and Larry, amd more that I can't even remember off the top of my head.  The best one, though, was a girl named Marsha.  I pronounced it the way you would expect, and she huffed indignantly and snapped, "It's Mar-SHAY!"  Last year, here in Massachusetts, one of my third graders was named Junior.  That was his given name, not a suffix.  Mostly now it's a matter of unfortunate spelling, like the kid named Joesph, pronounced Joseph, or another called Cashous.  There are a few oddly old-fashioned names, too:  Norman, Wilfred, Elmer.

I've always been fascinated with names.  My name isn't common, but it's relatively "normal," except for the spelling.

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3 minutes ago, magpye29 said:

 Chastity (who chose to pronounce her name as Chasity because otherwise it had the word "titty" in it, which embarrased her), 

That is one of the funniest things I have ever read. Thanks for sharing!  ?

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8 hours ago, magpye29 said:

Mostly now it's a matter of unfortunate spelling, like the kid named Joesph, pronounced Joseph, or another called Cashous.

I wonder if these are the result of the parents not knowing how the name is spelled and spelling it phonetically. My grandson's name is spelled Domanick because my dyslexic daughter had never seen the name spelled so she sounded it out. On the other hand, I deliberately named my son Kristofer because I liked the way it looked.

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Re: losing weight, quitting smoking, or in general wanting to create new habits

I highly recommend the book “Hello Mornings” by Kat Lee. She also has a podcast. It is about how to establish new habits and the science behind how to do it so it is effective. At least that is the broad view. It is a book written for the Christian reader - not Uber Christian or fundie Christian - about how to spend time in the morning intentionally so you start your day off on the right foot.

Also, Gretchen Rubin of “The Happiness Project” has a book, “Better Than Before” about how to create new habits. She also has a podcast, “Happier.”

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9 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Surgery is behind me!  Thanks everyone so much for the kind words of encouragement.   Hurts like a beeyotch, but we’re moving forward.   Everything went well (according to plan).  The doc ? and the whole staff have been exceptional.  They kept stressing how I needed pain meds as soon as I got home - but he’d prescribed the good stuff, and because of the stringent warnings from the CDC, no one would fill it.  My husband was on the phone back and forth with pharmacies, and the doctors office for a couple hours - my doc ? called my husband himself and said, “I got this”.  In a few minutes, he called back and told him where to go, the script was ready.  All this around 5:00.

and since I’m bragging anyway... I poke fun at my husband alllll the time.  He Al Bundy in a short round version, and he’s an easy target.  And I’m sure I will do that again.  You know who he is, truly??  WALTER!!!  I swear, Jeff Dunham based that whole character on my man.   And I’ve always said “you have NO IDEA how much I pray I never get a serious ailment because I’m pretty sure you’re gonna let me die”.

OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH he is a ROCK STAR!!!!!  He has risen to and surpassed this occasion like you can’t believe.   He has anticipated and taken care of my every need, and actually has been since I was put in the cast over a week ago.  .  Fighting for that medication yesterday... he sounded like Me on the phone.  (Charging hell with a water pistol).  He got up to help me pee at 4 in the morning, gave me a pill and made me eat 2 spoons of ice cream so it wouldn’t make me sick.  He fed my hummingbirds without me asking.  Paid someone to clean the house while we were gone.  He’s picking my peas later this evening.  Uh-MAY-zing.  I adore this guy.  I really do.  Always have.   We’ve been married a lot of years, but at this moment, I’m not entirely sure who he is... but I’m KEEPING HIM! 

Hoooo.  This is way lengthier than I thought I could do (as always), and I have to lay back down.  Actually sat upright to type all that.  Thanks again, y’all!  ?

oh, and yes, I bragged about him to him and have thanked him over and over and over.  He’s the bomb!


That's wonderful! I'm so glad everything went well!

Edited by andromeda331
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2 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

Surgery is behind me!  Thanks everyone so much for the kind words of encouragement.   Hurts like a beeyotch, but we’re moving forward.   Everything went well (according to plan).  The doc ? and the whole staff have been exceptional.  They kept stressing how I needed pain meds as soon as I got home - but he’d prescribed the good stuff, and because of the stringent warnings from the CDC, no one would fill it.  My husband was on the phone back and forth with pharmacies, and the doctors office for a couple hours - my doc ? called my husband himself and said, “I got this”.  In a few minutes, he called back and told him where to go, the script was ready.  All this around 5:00.

and since I’m bragging anyway... I poke fun at my husband alllll the time.  He Al Bundy in a short round version, and he’s an easy target.  And I’m sure I will do that again.  You know who he is, truly??  WALTER!!!  I swear, Jeff Dunham based that whole character on my man.   And I’ve always said “you have NO IDEA how much I pray I never get a serious ailment because I’m pretty sure you’re gonna let me die”.

OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH he is a ROCK STAR!!!!!  He has risen to and surpassed this occasion like you can’t believe.   He has anticipated and taken care of my every need, and actually has been since I was put in the cast over a week ago.  .  Fighting for that medication yesterday... he sounded like Me on the phone.  (Charging hell with a water pistol).  He got up to help me pee at 4 in the morning, gave me a pill and made me eat 2 spoons of ice cream so it wouldn’t make me sick.  He fed my hummingbirds without me asking.  Paid someone to clean the house while we were gone.  He’s picking my peas later this evening.  Uh-MAY-zing.  I adore this guy.  I really do.  Always have.   We’ve been married a lot of years, but at this moment, I’m not entirely sure who he is... but I’m KEEPING HIM! 

Hoooo.  This is way lengthier than I thought I could do (as always), and I have to lay back down.  Actually sat upright to type all that.  Thanks again, y’all!  ?

oh, and yes, I bragged about him to him and have thanked him over and over and over.  He’s the bomb!

yay for super cool husbands that step it up when necessary!   feel better in no time.

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22 hours ago, magpye29 said:

@Happyfatchick, I hope your surgery went well.

I encountered a lot of weird names when I worked in Georgia schools.  Chandelier, Precious, Princess, Lord, Saquesha. LaQuananisha, a boy whose middle name was A'Millionaire, multiples of Nevaeh, Heaven, and Destiny, Shoiee (pronounced Showy)

Re: Shoiee (Showy)

were his parents into motorcycles? Shoei is a brand of helmet, and is pronounced “showy.” Just curious!

Edited by Enya Face
I was eating mozzarella sticks and can’t type
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1 hour ago, Enya Face said:

Re: Shoiee (Showy)

were his parents into motorcycles? Shoei is a brand of helmet, and is pronounced “showy.” Just curious!

No idea, but possibly.  She was the cutest little blonde girl.

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Speedy recovery and good health to all that need it.

I'm delirious with joy because finally, FINALLY FINALLY that fucking endless relenting heat that we've had for months has ended. I'm baking a cake as I type. I'm hopping with ecstasy so

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@MunichNark, how hot are we talking?  Do you have a heat wave every year in summer?  (I mean a notable one).

I’m here with my honest, heartfelt, most sincere advice on ankle surgery.  If you’ve ever had problems, you will identify.  If your problems are in the future, remember this:  

if you have to get up for ANYTHING, pee while you are up.  Always drain.  Always.  If you wait to  go until you feel the “urge” kick in, you are already screwed.  You definitely WANT to pee, keep those fluids moving and not gathering around your ankle.   Peeing is good.  Waiting is not.  I use the bathroom the furthest away because it’s open and easiest to maneuver.  Wouldn’t matter if I had a chamber pot next to the couch (Which is where I live right now).  Standing, doing the dance, pulling clothing down and out of the way - yeah, no.  Go whenever you have a chance whether you need to or not.

those are my words of wisdom.

also; when the X-ray tech came out and said “yeah, you did it up good, didn’t you?”  I said “it’s healed, yes??”  She looked at me like I was a nut case.  I said “no really, look again.  I think it’s healed.”  And I told her if it was, there would be a unicorn and confetti and that all my cyber buddies were coming in with cupcakes.  So she went along and told all the other techs and nurses and even the anesthesiologist not to scare my unicorn, because we would all have cupcakes at the end.  I got a few sideways looks, but apparently no unicorn and no cupcakes.  ?

Edited by Happyfatchick
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1 hour ago, Happyfatchick said:

when the X-ray tech came out and said “yeah, you did it up good, didn’t you?”  I said “it’s healed, yes??”  She looked at me like I was a nut case.  I said “no really, look again.  I think it’s healed.”  And I told her if it was, there would be a unicorn and confetti and that all my cyber buddies were coming in with cupcakes.  So she went along and told all the other techs and nurses and even the anesthesiologist not to scare my unicorn, because we would all have cupcakes at the end.  I got a few sideways looks, but apparently no unicorn and no cupcakes.  ?


Maybe they are just a little delayed and will be there soon. ?

Edited by Love2dance
Quote didn’t work at first
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Well Happyfatchick, Houston is a little far away to drop in with cupcakes so I will send you some virtual ones. What would you like? I normally like to bake from scratch but I found a "recipe" where you mix one chocolate cake mix with a can of pumpkin. It makes a stiff batter but it cooks up into a very moist cupcake I also will use a box of spice cake mix. I also could make you a pound cake. This is the true pound cake...a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of butter and a pound of eggs. I made it for a church pick nik and one of the ladies ask for the recipe. When I told her what was in it she had a look of fear on her face. She said I thought you cooked healthy I said not for desserts. So what would you like? If I see your unicorn here in Houston I will send him your way.

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45 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

mix one chocolate cake mix with a can of pumpkin. It makes a stiff batter but it cooks up into a very moist cupcake

... is this a real thing? Sometimes I'm a lazy baker and this sounds like it could be good for a fast chocolate pumpkin fix.

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18 minutes ago, McManda said:

... is this a real thing? Sometimes I'm a lazy baker and this sounds like it could be good for a fast chocolate pumpkin fix.

Yes, I think it makes a great  little  cupcake. Not homemade but still very good. All you need is a cake mix, not the kind with pudding  , just a plain  cake mix and a can of pumpkin , not the pumpkin  pie one, just plain  pumpkin .  I will warn you it helps to have a good mixer .  Cook normal  time and temp.

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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Yes, I think it makes a great  little  cupcake. Not homemade but still very good. All you need is a cake mix, not the kind with pudding  , just a plain  cake mix and a can of pumpkin , not the pumpkin  pie one, just plain  pumpkin .  I will warn you it helps to have a good mixer .  Cook normal  time and temp.

i have the unfortunate situation of having to eat gluten free -- i WILL find a yummy GF cake mix and try this!!!

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No cupcakes here, but I did make an apple cake. Take a slice:-)

Well, bearing in mind that our climate is not ususally extreme, the past few summers have been getting longer and hotter every year. We go from some sort of winter to summer within a day. There is no longer a springtime.

Munich's very humid as well, which makes temperatures above 25 degrees (Celsius) very hard to bear. We now routinely get temps over 35 plus degrees - my office went up to 33 recently which is just 2 degrees below the legal limit of where your employer has to send you home. Plus, we dont have or do aircon. And I live on the top floor.......

I know quite  a few of you live in very hot climates, but I'm not used to it and Im very much a "20 degrees is just fine, thanks" person, so I loathe summers now.

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@MunichNark I have friends in Milan, Italy who are saying the same thing. Abnormal heat. Nowhere to cool off. I feel for you because it is difficult to beat the heat. At least with cold you can add layers. Have you tried cooling towels? You might not be able to use them at work but you can when you get home. You get them wet, wring them, and then wrap them around your neck (or forehead). I was surprised at how much heat they wick away. I can’t post a link but here’s what they look like: 


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2 hours ago, MunichNark said:

No cupcakes here, but I did make an apple cake. Take a slice:-)

Well, bearing in mind that our climate is not ususally extreme, the past few summers have been getting longer and hotter every year. We go from some sort of winter to summer within a day. There is no longer a springtime.

Munich's very humid as well, which makes temperatures above 25 degrees (Celsius) very hard to bear. We now routinely get temps over 35 plus degrees - my office went up to 33 recently which is just 2 degrees below the legal limit of where your employer has to send you home. Plus, we dont have or do aircon. And I live on the top floor.......

I know quite  a few of you live in very hot climates, but I'm not used to it and Im very much a "20 degrees is just fine, thanks" person, so I loathe summers now.

That's terrible. I hope next year is better for you. 

I'm fortunate to be able to travel, and try to take one trip a year to a foreign destination. I follow some online travel forums, mostly the UK/London topics. It's been a hellish hot summer there too. Yikes.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

@MunichNark I have friends in Milan, Italy who are saying the same thing. Abnormal heat. Nowhere to cool off. I feel for you because it is difficult to beat the heat. At least with cold you can add layers. Have you tried cooling towels? You might not be able to use them at work but you can when you get home. You get them wet, wring them, and then wrap them around your neck (or forehead). I was surprised at how much heat they wick away. I can’t post a link but here’s what they look like: 


I hate the heat as well, but at least a/c is more common in private residences here in the USA than it is in Europe. We just had it installed here last year, but at least had window units before. I'm so glad to have it! Last year the summer was actually relatively cool, but this year has been ridiculously hot and humid. Had a brief respite for a couple of days, but most of next week will be back up into the 90's (low to mid 30's C). Come on! It's September! It did the same thing a couple of years ago, and I remember that in a few places they shut the schools back down because most of them don't have a/c as they are only in session during the months where the temperatures are such that even if it's warm, it won't be unbearable without it.

My mom was telling me that when they were living in Lebanon for a while during WWII (Her family was from Poland, but her dad was in the army and they ended up there), she remembers her mother lying on the floor, wrapped in a wet sheet, moaning, "Just let me die now!". I think I must have inherited my feelings about hot weather from her!

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This morning I went for a short walk. It was nice and cool with the sun out and no wildfire smoke. Felt like Fall to me. It is suppose to be in the low 80's and 70's for the next few weeks. Cannot wait for Fall to finally get here.

Edited by bigskygirl
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1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

My mom was telling me that when they were living in Lebanon for a while during WWII (Her family was from Poland, but her dad was in the army and they ended up there), she remembers her mother lying on the floor, wrapped in a wet sheet, moaning, "Just let me die now!". I think I must have inherited my feelings about hot weather from her!

I would have the same reaction. I do not tolerate heat well. I hate being cold, but at least I can pile on clothes and quilts. I can't take off enough clothes to cool down and you can only stay in the shower for so long before somebody wants to use the bathroom.

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Unusual names

Duff is the son of Lara Spencer 


twins named martrez and martrell 

4 hours ago, MunichNark said:

No cupcakes here, but I did make an apple cake. Take a slice:-)

Well, bearing in mind that our climate is not ususally extreme, the past few summers have been getting longer and hotter every year. We go from some sort of winter to summer within a day. There is no longer a springtime.

Munich's very humid as well, which makes temperatures above 25 degrees (Celsius) very hard to bear. We now routinely get temps over 35 plus degrees - my office went up to 33 recently which is just 2 degrees below the legal limit of where your employer has to send you home. Plus, we dont have or do aircon. And I live on the top floor.......

I know quite  a few of you live in very hot climates, but I'm not used to it and Im very much a "20 degrees is just fine, thanks" person, so I loathe summers now.

Wait there is no a/c in Germany? Not even in hotels? 

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32 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Wait there is no a/c in Germany? Not even in hotels? 

I don't know about hotels, but I know the UK is the same way. It's not usually hot enough for long enough for the expense of central air conditioning and window air conditioners apparently haven't caught on there. 

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Sassy is outside pouting right now because I vacuum up the icky grasshopper she brought in the house. I told her to catch them outside but do not bring them in the house.

I cannot stand the heat and cold either. The heat makes me sick and miserable and makes all my medical condition kick in at once. I was told by the endocrinologist I see for my thyroid disorder any changes in the weather or changes in the seasons can cause my thyroid levels to go wacky even without a functioning thyroid. The cold causes me to have aches and pain and can cause my vocal cord dysfunction to get worse along with my lovely medical issues kicking in. I like to go outside in the sunlight especially if it a little chilly or there is a slight breeze because it feels so good.

Edited by bigskygirl
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