Tara Ariano November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 The Flash faces a new meta-human named Tony, who can turn himself into girded steel, but Cisco comes up with a plan to take Tony down. Meanwhile, Iris gets in trouble over her blog; Eddie witnesses Tony's abilities and asks questions that Joe doesn't want answered; and Joe asks Dr. Wells to help him solve Nora Allen's murder. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/
Maverick November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 The Flash faces a new meta-human named Tony Where there's a name that will strike fear into the heart of the Scarlet Speedster. Looks like Cisco fell down on the naming job this time around. Joe asks Dr. Wells to help him solve Nora Allen's murder. Dude, stop. He totally killed her. This is like seriously some 'call is coming from inside the house' shit. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-576331
wingster55 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Dude, stop. He totally killed her. I don't think this is the case. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-579135
SimoneS November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Poor Barry and Iris with their injured hands. They were so adorable together in their final scene. Eddie is such a nice guy, but I am still rooting for Barry to win Iris. Damn, Joe was on to Wells, but then let it go. Who is this guy in yellow? The flashbacks of Iris and Barry with Joe were sweet. Team nerd rocks! Edited November 19, 2014 by SimoneS 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580220
RandomWatcher November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 RIP Tess Mercer Anyone catch what the message on the wall was? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580225
opus November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 RIP The Streak 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580236
Enero November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Do not screw with Joe show! I think Wells knows more than he's letting on about Barry's mother's death. It can't be a coincidence that Joe's house get ransacked and he gets threatened by some supernatural entity just when he starts asking a lot of questions of Wells no less. I didn't understand why Iris gave Tony her phone when he asked, and based on his scary stalkerish behavior I don't understand why she wasn't more concerned when telling the Flash about his hand and arm "transforming." She really didn't seem that scared at all until Tony kidnapped her. And after what she went through tonight, I don't understand why she'd risk herself by continiously blogging about her experiences. Barry going after Tony was NOT wise. I know he was running off anger and adrenalin, but still, very foolish. Good episode. I didn't think it was as good as the previous, but I did like that we got a little more focus on the Barry/Iris/Flash dynamic. Loved the flashback scenes of them with Joe as kids. The chemistry between Barry/Iris/Flash is really starting to meld. I'm feeling and seeing the potential there. Cisco is a kid after my own heart. I'm really enjoying his character too. Edited November 19, 2014 by Enero 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580240
Tangerine November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 RIP Tess Mercer Anyone catch what the message on the wall was? I believe it was "STOP OR ELSE" 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580241
Jediknight November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Anyone catch what the message on the wall was? Stop or else. Wells didn't do it. They focused so much on him being the killer in this episode, that it's too obvious. Wells didn't do it, I go back to him being Monitor and he's getting Barry prepared for what's to come. He knows the fate of everything relies on Barry. Enjoyed the Barry Eddie bonding. I'm sure Eddie loved it as well. Love that The Streak is dead, and he's now The Flash. He gets the name less than 10 episodes in. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580244
Shanna November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I liked this one. I really like Eddie, wells was creepy, the main story was strong and emotionally resonant. My only issue is keeping iris in the dark and sadly, I think that is going to continue. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580258
ybrik November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Caitlin waiting to ask Barry about what he was doing the previous night till right before she popped back his shoulder was funny. Cisco's excitement with Barry creating a sonic boom was great along with him wanting to go after their childhood bullies. I love the dynamic with them. Cisco is wildly enthusiastic about the whole superhero thing while Caitlin could care less about that but just cares about Barry being okay. Glad Iris got in that final punch but not thrilled with her basically ignoring that she is putting herself in trouble along with opening herself up to being used against the Flash. Of course this could be settled if Barry and Joe told her the truth. Liked Eddie and Barry bonding and being friends. Was surprised that Joe was already suspecting Wells. Of course, everything seems to Wells being the villain which means there has to be a twist. Glad that the Flash is officially the Flash. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580274
catrice2 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Why does every superhero have to expose their "secret" identity to everyone, or leave enough breadcrumbs that any Hansel or Gretel can figure out who they are? I hate that we have yet another hero wearing a mask that tells everyone who he is...it is why I disliked the Tim Burton Batman movies..every movie there was someone else finding out who Batman was. Now Arrow may as well point an arrow to himself, and the Flash just had to tell his old nemesis. Ugh! Loved that Joe had questions about Wells and I hope he is only pretending to be satisfied with this answers. I saw more chemistry between Barry and Iris as well as the Flash ...hopefully this will continue. I see no chemistry between Iris and Eddie. he is the weak link in the show. He will find out about Barry before Iris does. Not a terrible episode. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580317
Xantar November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Apparently Barry also has supernatural powers of concentration because he was remembering to use his vibrating voice in all kinds of situations where I personally would have forgotten. If I had just delivered a supersonic punch that I didn't think was possible before and broken my hand in the process, the last thing I would be worried about would be making sure Iris can't recognize my voice in the heat of the moment. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580350
Lantern7 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I thought this was the weakest episode. It felt formulaic to me. I mean, it was still good, but Iris had to be distressed, and she still insists on being Flash's main cheerleader, which makes her a target for guys like Girder. Yes, I'm calling Tony that. I'm sure Cisco would approve. And yeah, WTF is up with locking up Girder and exposing your secret, Barry? That was dumb, and it doesn't take due process into account. And Barry is supposed to be a smart guy. Anybody else sweating about Joe? I hope he doesn't get targeted by the Big Bad. He's too good to kill. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580381
CMH1981 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Why does every superhero have to expose their "secret" identity to everyone, or leave enough breadcrumbs that any Hansel or Gretel can figure out who they are? I agree, what is the point of wearing a mask? I guess he suspects that his ex-bully now nemesis won't ever break out and now come after Barry and Iris. Dumb. They need Barry to come clean to Iris b/c she can't seem to figure out that she should stop. writing. the. damn. blog. He came after you based on you blog idiot. Let's have Barry tell Iris so we can get to the next stage of their relationship where Joe or Barry decides that by being w/Iris it will be putting her in danger. It's a basic step in superhero relationships 101 before they eventually get together or the eventual "Gwen Stacy Outcome." The training scene was kind of hot b/t Barry and Eddie. I get more chemistry b/t these two than Barry and Iris, or perhaps i'm just looking for it more ;-) Ever since I read that one hypothesis of who Dr. Wells really is that's all I can think of now. I really thought they were going all the way w/it this episode w/Wells and Joe. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580411
ybrik November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 yeah not sure what to think of him revealing his identity to the bad guy. Also forgot to mention the hint about a burning man that has been spotted. I think for those who have been spoiled it is pretty obvious who this is. I did get kind of nervous when I saw Joe was part of the last scene. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580444
opus November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 There was no other way to stop Tony except for running thru and messing up half the city? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580461
catrice2 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Oh, Iris was not exactly weak in this episode. I think she was actually pretty savvy. Also, what would make them think 2 cops could protect her from a man that could transform himself? Was Eddie boxing in his dress shoes? I am also not buying Eddie as a good looking jock type. He is not really attractive. He looks more geeky than Barry the "nerd" guy. This show needs an upgrade on the eye candy, and Wentworth Miller is not it! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580475
manbearpig November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 RIP Tess Mercer Anyone catch what the message on the wall was? It was Tess Morgan. It definitely made me think of Tess Mercer though, who was one of the better parts of those last few years of Smallville. Always loved her in scenes with Chloe in particular. I liked this episode, I guess. Still not entirely sold on the show but it is a lot of fun and there's not really much more I ask for from a CW show. I do think Iris is becoming more and more likeable each episode, so that's something. I do think the episode as a whole was pretty forgettable, though, apart from the last scene with Joe. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580490
opus November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Last nitpick before I go to sleep-- Run Iris out of the building, not to the back of the hallway. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580503
bluebonnet November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Who is feeding and caring for the prisoners? Has that ever been mentioned? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580507
manbearpig November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Who is feeding and caring for the prisoners? Has that ever been mentioned? If it has been mentioned I have no memory of it. It was nice that Barry got to confront his bully at the end of the episode, but I do think it was a little bit dumb to reveal his identity to Tony because we all know those prisoners are breaking out at some point. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580513
foreverevolving November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 First about the last few seconds: Oh shit!.. Oh Shit!! Yea i went there (finals fever) RIP The Streak And may you never resurrect again. RIP Tess Mercer What makes you think it is her? she's not a canonial DC character, i'm pretty sure she's restricted to the Smallville verse only.- unless something changed since I last checked. Apparently Barry also has supernatural powers of concentration because he was remembering to use his vibrating voice in all kinds of situations where I personally would have forgotten. If I had just delivered a supersonic punch that I didn't think was possible before and broken my hand in the process, the last thing I would be worried about would be making sure Iris can't recognize my voice in the heat of the moment. True. I thought this was a good episode. pretty well rounded, kept me intrigued. Wells is not the killer, but it is interesting to note that the killer is still out there. I still continue to wonder if Wells is related to Barry is some way. I wanna know who Tess Morgan is. i'm sure we'll find out more in the future, she seems to be important to Wells storyline. FYI i totally ugh-ed a bit when they showed the killer snarling at Joe.. that was some Alien vs. Predator rabid thingie going on there. which was.. whatever and scary too. Poor Joe. Eddie and Barry together fighting was pretty awesome- i want more of that show. Cisco continues to grow on me with each week. I'm happy with Iris not knowing, I want her to be smart report lady and piece the flashy pieces together. she's curious by the Flash, totally understandable, i'm like that too- once something grabs me it's like trying to extract meat from the mouth of a lion.. goodluck! I liked her scene with Barry in the cafe at the end, see show this is the kind of scenes that will make this pairing grow on me. and than you give me more Barry Caitlin, and I know you don't do it on purpose but.. I loved the relocating shoulder scene. Also: 39 min in- "a man that is on fire"?!!! now that's a heavy handed Firestorm reference! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580525
Pepper the Cat November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Who is feeding and caring for the prisoners? Has that ever been mentioned? And where do they go to the bathroom? And why don't they have a bed to sleep on? I know they are bad people but come on! They need so e basic things. A bed, a toilet, something to pass the time like a TV or computer. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580538
bluebonnet November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 This was the first episode where I had a twinge of hate for Team Flash, and all because of a bunch of asshole prisoners who look like they are being treated inhumanely. I probably wouldn't have cared to much if Barry hadn't outed himself (seriously, how dumb! These prisoners apparently have nothing to do but talk to one another). The issue of the prisoners is going to bother me from now on, or until the show decides to reveal how they are being cared for. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580562
thuganomics85 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Thank you to writers for just having the B-plot be all about Joe and Wells interacting. I could watch Jesse L. Martin and Tom Cavanagh play off each other for an entire hour. Got some insight into Wells' tragic background, but I'm sure we're only scratching the surface about that. That said, the tag makes me think he really isn't the killer. After he went out of his way to convince Joe he had nothing to do with it, I can't seem him being that obvious with threatening Joe. He might know more then he's letting on, but I'm thinking that was someone else. Joe just can't catch a break, huh? So, it felt like the meta human plot was mainly for a) Barry to work out some temper issues and dealing with past bullies and b) have Barry and Joe be right that Iris' blog can be dangerous. That said, I still think they would be better off telling her. It's obvious she won't quit, and if she keeps digging, she might accidentally put herself in danger again. Whatever, I still find this whole thing the weakest part of the series. At least Iris got a punch in, once Tony was taken down by the sonic punch. Barry showing Tony is face at the end really does seem reckless as hell, and I wouldn't be surprised if it does come back into play, if the prisoners start finding ways to break out. Cisco and Caitlin were great tonight. Loved the trio bonding over all the bullies they had growing up. Nerds got to stick together! Some Barry/Eddie bonding this time. It was a nice change, but I wonder what the long term plans are for Eddie. RIP, The Streak! Hello, The Flash! Only took them six episodes! It took about a season and a half before Ollie finally started calling himself Arrow. Loved the "man that is on fire" sightings. I'm pretty sure I know who that is! Not my favorite episode, but pretty fun and entertaining. That's pretty much what this show is in general, and I like it! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580564
theschnauzers November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) I'm pretty sure Tony had easily figured out that Barry is the Flash so Barry loses nothing in appearing at Tony's Super-duper Max cell at STAR Labs. I'm more surprised that Iris hasn't, and I'm even setting the sense that Eddie is figuring it out after Barry destroyed the boxing bag. It was pretty good to have Barry be the one who drops the idea of calling the Streak as "the Flash" to Iris, you think for a journalist she'd realize who the Flash is. Edited November 19, 2014 by theschnauzers Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580566
Lady Calypso November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I am also not buying Eddie as a good looking jock type. He is not really attractive. He looks more geeky than Barry the "nerd" guy. This show needs an upgrade on the eye candy, and Wentworth Miller is not it! What I like is that they've established Eddie as anything but that. Well, I guess it's more that they established that Eddie was not a jock in school until much later on. They didn't really even say what he did in high school in terms of sports. I like the twist that Eddie was bullied in school, much like Barry, Caitlin and Cisco. It goes to show that not even Eddie was that cool and he even could relate to Barry. I also love the line about him knowing that friends are hard to come by. It goes to show that Eddie probably wasn't even popular, or he was popular but extremely lonely. They could have made him out to be a jock with tons of friends and not being able to relate to Barry, but showing that they're alike not only established a friendship between them and helps make the bonding this episode make sense, but it also helps build the Iris/Barry relationship and why Iris may be attracted to Eddie and possibly Barry in the future. I'm really liking Eddie. Sure, he's the weaker link of the show, but he's definitely still interesting enough for me to want to stay on the show. Another thing I love about this show? Iris is not that typical damsel in distress. I remember the first episode of Arrow, with Laurel coming to save Tommy and Oliver from some punks in his club and I didn't buy it for one second. Iris, on the other hand, is intelligent enough to flirt with Tony long enough to pull the fire alarm. Not only that, but she delivers the final punch and it actually makes sense! Go Iris! They even establish that her dad taught her how to defend herself at a young age! Also, I love that she's now going to look into all the meta humans, not just The Flash (yay! The Streak is dead!). It actually makes this infinitely more interesting, and more dangerous for her. At least she won't be solely obsessed with The Flash, so it does make the story better. The Joe/Wells scenes were excellent. I love how Joe is genuinely curious about him, as he's probably protective about Barry (and has probably already done detailed background checks on Cisco/Caitlin) and Wells is still acting very sly and mysterious. Also, that ending? Poor Joe. That would freak anyone out, but I do think Joe will survive. It would be the worst thing if they killed Joe off at the end by Reverse Flash, or whoever the killer is. I think it's much more interesting if everyone stays alive. And this show really isn't disappointing me much yet, so I hope they don't get rid of Joe just for shock value. Barry's relationship with Cisco and Caitlin are really great. I love how Barry constantly thanks them for their help and that he NEVER thinks of just himself as the hero. He considers them to be a vital part of what he does, and that's amazing. That shoulder scene was hilarious. I understand why Barry revealed himself to Tony at the end. Now that he has him beat, he wants to show Tony how the bullied can overcome the bully and he wanted to get closure himself from his childhood nemesis. Tony's locked up anyway (for now) so he doesn't have the chance to tell anyone, so why not? Wouldn't that be funny if Tess, Wells' dead wife, was the Reverse Flash? It would be a twist, that's for sure! I'm not sure how it would work, and if people would be happy, but it would be potentially interesting. But I highly doubt it'll happen. It may not have been the most interesting episode, but it certainly furthered Barry/Eddie's friendship'ish, brought back together Iris/Barry and it had Wells/Joe! So, the episode still wins in my book. I'm not looking for the most accurate show in terms of science (not that I'd know what works and what doesn't). As long as it surprises me, turns the cliches on its head and keeps me entertained, then I'm happy! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580573
Tangerine November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Joe is over 30 and on a CW show so I'm automatically worried for his well-being. Don't mess with Joe, show! He's one of the best things about it. I enjoyed Barry and Eddie bonding. Eddie seems like a pretty decent guy so I'm curious as to whether or not he'll meet his comic book destiny. I thought that the Barry and Iris reunion at the end was nice and well-done. I really got the sense that they missed each other. I'm honestly not seeing any chemistry between Iris and The Flash yet though. I just think Iris reverts to a weird, giggly flirting mode that seems a bit out of character to me. I absolutely LOVED Iris being smart, pulling the fire alarm and landing that final punch on Tony. Edited November 19, 2014 by Tangerine 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580579
steelyis November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I thought this was the weakest episode. It felt formulaic to me. I mean, it was still good, but Iris had to be distressed, and she still insists on being Flash's main cheerleader, which makes her a target for guys like Girder. Yes, I'm calling Tony that. I'm sure Cisco would approve. And yeah, WTF is up with locking up Girder and exposing your secret, Barry? That was dumb, and it doesn't take due process into account. And Barry is supposed to be a smart guy. Anybody else sweating about Joe? I hope he doesn't get targeted by the Big Bad. He's too good to kill. Not gonna lie, I loved seeing Iris knock Girder the fuck out! Almost as much as I loved the flashback of Iris putting baby Barry on his ass. I also wish Barry hadn't unmasked in front of Girder. I totally understand why he wanted to rub it in, but it was still short sighted. Eventually Girder's going to escape or the Flash Mob will grasp civil rights are a thing and give the meta humans they imprison over to the legal system, and then what, Barry? That being said, I laughed when Barry did his little in zone dance. After the episode with Felicity this is my favorite episode. We got to see characters interact that hadn't before, like the scenes with Wells and Joe, which were very well acted. And Barry and Eddie, who I'm sorry to say, had more sexual tension in their punch the body bag harder scene than Iris and Eddie ever had together. It was nice to see Barry and Eddie get along, or rather it was nice to see Barry make an effort to get along with Eddie instead of rolling his eyes at Eddie all the time. Cisco and Snow are an adorable and geeky pair. I love Cisco's absolutely justified enthusiasm at Barry breaking the sound barrier, and Snow's calm, but very rational concern for Barry's safety. I also like her calling out Barry's borderline stalker behavior. That end stinger was creepy as hell, and the look of naked fear on JLM's face, especially when he saw that message... damn, that man can act! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580615
Hook75 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Is Tess Morgan really dead? Maybe she is the killer. Don't mess with Joe, Show! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580623
benteen November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Really good episode and I'm continuing to enjoy this fun show. Tony was a convincing bully that you wanted to see get smacked down. I can totally understand Barry wanting to spike the football in his face but revealing his secret identity to him was dumb. Love the Joe and Harrison interaction and good stuff on the Eddie front. Iris is definitely not another Laurel Lance and that's a good thing, though hiding the secret from her is stupid and patronizing. I like the development of the Flash in the blog though. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580692
Actionmage November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Was Eddie boxing in his dress shoes? Yes. Yes, he was. It gave me pause, but apparently Barry's space is a CSI lab and a workout room! That folks who aren't CSI folks know about. Because...TRTS (They Read The Script.) I don't mind too much; we got nice Barry/Eddie bonding. I am also not buying Eddie as a good looking jock type. This confused me, as Eddie said he was a former "fat kid". You don't have to be a "jock type", good-looking or not, to box. You just have to want to learn how to box properly so you don't hurt yourself. I did love the cheesy line about Barry working on his speed. I was actually disappointed in Barry's solution to Tony. Not only did he take the wrong meaning from Flashback!Joe's message, but he disregarded the more important piece--fight smarter! If Tony/Girder was essentially steel, why not gimmick something that counters steel and maneuver Tony into a trap that neuters his effectiveness? I'm not Cisco, so I'm not sure what, but there's lots of comics that have figured that problem out before. Instead we have Barry taunting a bully that has been neutralized after "one good punch". From Joe, a man that partially depends on his physicality for his personal safety on the job, I expect that outlook. For Barry, Caitlin, and (for me) especially Cisco, I would expect something unconventional. If someone had posed the situation in a way that intrigued Cisco, he probably would have dropped his "sonic boom punch" idea for now. Show? I need Joe to survive a few seasons. Leave him alone. ::wags Mom finger :: Iris was better this episode. Like others, not sure why she did anything Tony said, but she had the scary steel man in her face, so I'm not that upset. I would ask the cops if I could use some of that cash to get a new phone though. Stolen as it no doubt was. Dude broke my phone! If Iris doesn't show some awareness of what Tony flatly told her- that he tracked her down specifically to have her write about him instead of The Streak? Then I'm going to get angry with the writers. Granted, he had a worse time understanding 'dead' than Oliver Queen, but he was clever enough to see who was writing what about other folks he could take on/down. I don't think she should necessarily give up writing, but she needs to be more thoughtful about where and how she writes. (I am old; when Eddie's escort came to take Iris home from work, I was hoping she'd pick up the napkins/whatever, that Barry scattered in his coming and going. I have worked retail and leaving even a small mess gets you talked to the next shift. Not severely, but a 'hey, try not to leave a mess.' They're food based, so cleanliness.) Wells? I so don't want you to be a villain, but you and your shivving and threats and fake paralysis just work against that. I still hope you aren't the Yellow Man. Next week: Looks promising! Oliver hasn't seen a truly angry Barry, so it will be fun! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-580729
wmdekooning November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Where there's a name that will strike fear into the heart of the Scarlet Speedster. Looks like Cisco fell down on the naming job this time around. The episode description from my cable guide called Tony "The Girder"... <shrugs> As Barry was running the roughly 5 or so miles to break the speed of sound I was really impressed by the SFX for the speed running and getting into the action, generally enjoying the episode when I realized I was enjoying the series as a whole. I thought to myself, "Gee, remember when we were worried this show was ganna suck, that the costume was ganna be cheesy, and that the FX for the running weren't ganna work out?" 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581006
statsgirl November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 When Barry was running to get to mach1.1 speed, all I could think about is "what if the door to the school is closed?" I really like that they are making Barry and Eddie friends, and Eddie helped him understand how he needed to defeat Tony. It would have been so easy to make Eddie a jerk but this way works so much better, and if Iris chooses Barry in the end, more satisfying. In one of their scenes, I thought Tom Cavanagh and Grant Gustin looked so much alike I started wondering if they were going to have Wells be Barry come back from the future. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581010
VCRTracking November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Something better not happen to Joe, show. Edited November 19, 2014 by VCRTracking 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581012
steelyis November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 The episode description from my cable guide called Tony "The Girder"... <shrugs> As Barry was running the roughly 5 or so miles to break the speed of sound I was really impressed by the SFX for the speed running and getting into the action, generally enjoying the episode when I realized I was enjoying the series as a whole. I thought to myself, "Gee, remember when we were worried this show was ganna suck, that the costume was ganna be cheesy, and that the FX for the running weren't ganna work out?" Man, you don't even know! I remember thinking it was going to suck because I was being one of those fanboys who thought it would never live up to the 1990-91 series. I was wrong. In a lot of ways it surpassed the 90's series and became something I wish future DC properties would emulate. What I wouldn't have given if Man of Steel had even half the heart The Flash has. I also remember being wary of how the show would treat Barry being taken in by Joe. Now? Barry and Joe's relationship is the most perfect thing about this show. Something better not happen to Joe, show. I swear I thought something bad was going to happen to Joe during that last scene and I was ready to go the fuck off! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581075
Jack Kerouac November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Who is feeding and caring for the prisoners? Has that ever been mentioned? Yeah, I was asking this when they first introduced the prison. How do they get food? Where do they sleep? Do they get entertainment or just stare at the walls forever? Who decides how long they stay in prison? Who PAYS for everything, including food, etc. The prison they have set up makes ZERO sense. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581085
Xenith22 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) So...in doing his mach speed punch the Flash seemed to do quite a bit of damage to the city for those 5 miles? I wonder if that plot thread will be mentioned at all? I would think there would be quite a few people who would not be big fans of his right now if they have heard about and were willing to believe in the existence of the Flash? I was actually disappointed in Barry's solution to Tony. Not only did he take the wrong meaning from Flashback!Joe's message, but he disregarded the more important piece--fight smarter! If Tony/Girder was essentially steel, why not gimmick something that counters steel and maneuver Tony into a trap that neuters his effectiveness? Yeah I was definitely expecting for them to go for something involving Girder's weakness from the comics of corrosion/rust. I thought the sonic punch was going to be an idea saved for a future episode, and that instead Barry was going to knock him in the schools swimming pool or dose him with something from the school's sprinkler system that would induce rusting if he tried to use his metal form.. I guess they are saving that kind of solution for when he undoubtedly escapes his prison sometime next season. The prison they have set up makes ZERO sense. Yeah before this episode I guess I had kind of assumed they had a stasis kind of thing going on with the prison since that would take much less maintenance...it's the only really plausible explanation I can think of when you are talking about a guy who can turn into gas or control the weather around you there is no way you could open any kind of door or hatch in their cell without them instantly escaping and killing you. So for now I am going to stick with that theory...that as soon as the steel door closed over the glass that Tony was gassed into going night-night. Edited November 19, 2014 by Xenith22 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581092
BkWurm1 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 The tag at the end was seriously intimidating. I wonder if Joe will tell Barry or try to keep it quiet. I can't imagine Barry deliberately putting Iris in danger. Plus, didn't they just lose all the case related info? I really don't know what to think of Wells. He's deadly and scary but is he the one that killed Barry's mom? After tonight I lean toward no but then who is he? I like Iris, I really do but I was getting some serious Lana in the Talon after hours Smallville flashbacks and believe me, that is not pleasant. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581141
AudienceofOne November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I enjoyed this episode but why the hell did they basically make Iris and Barry brother and sister Apart from the fact the actors play it as siblings, it meant several conversations in the episode made little sense or were even skeevy. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581194
Writing Wrongs November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 What's all this mention of Tess? Did I miss something? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581288
chelsie November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Why not just get a damn magnet. Dude is made of steel ffs. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581295
Oscirus November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 In this week's issue of what have they done with Iris, I have nothing. This is pretty much what they should have been doing from the start. This is the first episode when I saw why they were friends.I especially appreciated the fact that "The Flash" is a Barry and Iris name as opposed to Cisco. I especially love that she didn't wilt in the face danger and even landed the knock out blow ( That's got to be embarrassing as hell getting knocked out by a smallish girl.} That being said, calling out Flash on the blog like that? That was pretty dumb. Establish an email or something. Also Iris being in danger because that ape read her blog? Yea right. Like someone like that would bother reading blogs. I know they're trying to establish the blog was dangerous, but come up with something more believable. The b story with Joe and Wells worked well. I loved the twist that started with Joe needed the Dr's help to Joe investigating the DR to Joe genuinely needing the Dr's help at the end. Of course, Joe probably shouldn't have been so sloppy and ironically, he's the main person putting Iris's life in the most danger but it works for his character. I get telegraphing your villains, but holy crap. Did they make it anymore obvious that Eddie's a bad guy. Even if we ignored the comic book name, he pretty much lines up perfectly with most comic book villains. Bullied as a child? check. Misunderstood rich/politician kid? check. Bonds with the hero? check. Starts off as a good guy that's loved by everybody? check. Dating the girl that the hero wants? check. I'm liking that they show a new power each week. I wonder how long they'll be able to keep that up. I do question how Barry didn't recognize the bully when Iris and recognized him and the bully recognized him and Iris. It strikes me as peculiar. If Iris winds up falling in love with the Flash, it's Barry's fault since he insists upon flirting with and visiting her in costume. But yea, at this point he's easily my favorite comic book tv hero. Hopefully they give Caitlin more then just being the naysayer because that'll get old really fast. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581315
SimoneS November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Thinking about it, you are right that Eddie is too good to be true. Maybe he will be transformed into an evil meta-person or maybe when he realizes that he is losing Iris, Eddie's true dark personality will emerge. If Iris winds up falling in love with the Flash, it's Barry's fault since he insists upon flirting with and visiting her in costume. But yea, at this point he's easily my favorite comic book tv hero. I think subconsciously that Barry wants Iris to fall in love with the Flash since he is unable to initiate a romantic relationship with her as regular Barry. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581351
phoenics November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I think subconsciously that Barry wants Iris to fall in love with the Flash since he is unable to initiate a romantic relationship with her as regular Barry. I was thinking the exact same thing. I loved this episode - that ending was so chilling. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581437
Gwen-Stacys November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 And after what she went through tonight, I don't understand why she'd risk herself by continiously blogging about her experiences. I think it's because they're setting her up to be a serious honest to goodness reporter. There are plenty of reporters IRL who put their lives on the line for the sake of "getting the truth out there". From going to warzones or countries that are obviously anti-their country of origin, it happens. And it also could just be stubborness. The more people threaten her, the more gungho she is about it. Some people (myself) just opperate that way. I continue to love all of the Flashbacks (he he he) with the WestAllen family. Joe continues to be my favorite character and one that I would actually really really be upset if he dies (which is why I think he very well might). And I laughed outloud at baby!Iris taking out baby!Barry...and then older Iris being the one to coldcock Tony, saving Barry from ass-whooping #4. I like that The Flash continues to be cheesy. Cheese can be a good thing, and Flash has yet to turn into bad cheese for me. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581526
Chicago Redshirt November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 What's all this mention of Tess? Did I miss something? When Joe was questioning Harrison, Harrison told him to look into Tess Morgan to get to the truth about him. From their later conversation, it appears that Tess Morgan was a scientist that Wells said was much more brilliant than him, who died around the time of Nora Allen's murder. Harrison tried to shoot down the notion that anyone had developed the particle accelerator tech 14 years ago, so therefore there couldn't have been the creation of someone with similar super-powers to Barry's 14 years ago. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581588
Writing Wrongs November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Oh. I thought people were talking about Tess from Smallville. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581615
Guest Accused Dingo November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Is it a requirement of a show that the love interest of a super hero be the least interesting person on the show because on all the super hero shows i have watched it is kind of a trend. Joe and Harrison are kinda cute together. I enjoy their scenes. Getting deeper int the mysteyof who killed Barry's mother. Stupid bullies. Barry cannot fight at all, can he? Enjoyed the acenes with Barry and Iris's cop boyfriend (whose name still escapes me) Edited November 19, 2014 by Accused Dingo Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/#findComment-581821
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