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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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13 hours ago, norcalgal said:

If you're referring to Aiden, ITA!!!  If Bo can't be with Hope, the only other character I felt she had chemistry with was Aiden. And, throw in the fact his son Chase raped Ciara, that was built-in family drama right there. But alas...

With all due respect, as smug and horrible as Ciara is now, there is no way in hell I'd want Hope/Aiden to stay together and force Ciara to play happy family with her stepbrother rapist. Conflict, yes. But there is no reasonable resolution to me that has any of these relationships withstanding something like that.

And if Hope ever asked Ciara to, I would not blame Ciara if she ended up despising her mother.

ETA: There is Jack/Kayla/Steve. But all were already adults when that happened, Kayla was allowed her feelings, and Jack had to REALLY work his ass off to reform and have Kayla come to terms with the rape and forgive him, thus allowing Jack and Steve's brotherly bond.

With these writers, there is "insta forgiveness" (See Ben!) and no self awareness. So I still say there is a difference where Hope/Aiden/Chase/Ciara would be concerned.

Just my $1.50 on the topic!

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

What can I say? I admit to bias. At least Viv was a fun villain and had panache. Gabi seems grade-school level villain. To me, Kristen was a sociopath, NOT fun, and her relationship with a man that she used to BABYSIT when she was engaged and pregnant by said man's FATHER just grosses me the hell out.

Why did hack Carlivati even revisit Brady and Kristen anyway? There was no need for it. Especially with baby Rachel's existence. 

Edited by Rafael
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It's so sad, at least to me, that some of the show's biggest problems date back to the 50th anniversary. That's when they decided to glorify Robert Scott Wilson as an actor by giving him the gift of a serial killer storyline he did very little with, and when they trashed Aiden so Bo could look heroic for 3 and 1/2 minutes and then die.

The Ciara SORAS, Chase rape and Joey psycho-sexual Ava murder mess...hell even the pit of Danicole grief....we got all that in a span of like three months. And we're STILL TRYING TO COME BACK!

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3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I didn't really care for Ciara's 'dress'. Funny cut, she needed better undergarments, and her hair was terrible. And now someone got nail polish on it. No vat of remover handy? Who is going to pay for the 'damaged' dress?

I don't think the dress she modelled was the one she selected. In fact, Claire said it was hideous. The dress we did not see was the perfect and only perfect dress in Salem. 🙄

I also wondered why the bridal shop just casually called Ciara to tell her the one of a kind designer dress that they allowed her to try on at home was suddenly ruined, but no mention was made that she would have to compensate them for that. Perhaps Claire, or someone else, contrived that phone call.  And the dress was actually fine?

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15 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

That's why I think that's a huge red herring - WAY too obvious.

I agree that we're supposed to think that it's Claire but then the show will pull the old switcheroo and the true culprit will be revealed 🙂

I'm just so glad Eli and Lani's wedding is finally finished--does this show truly think this bland and boring couple deserves this amount of screen time?

And I'm also glad Jake's DNA tests finally came back and we will finally know if he's Stefan, Stefan's twin, a clone  or maybe even a doppelganger or maybe Jake's just Jake )

  • Love 6

Catching up... skip to what interests you... topics in bold...

Sarah/Xander: My heart broke for Sarah after she sent Xander away.  I'm rooting for those two but Xander needs to BACK OFF and support from a distance.  Move out Xander and then move back in when Sarah is ready.

Allie TeenWaif:  I like Eric/Nicole helping. Love seeing Lucas. NO ONE should adopt without the father being named, hunted down, and parental rights terminated. But Allie thinking Sami isn't going to find out is LUDICROUS.  Allie's not wrong that Sami will make it all about Sami, but she HAS to be told.  Because the ENTIRE TOWN OF SALEM KNOWS.  If Allie went to some far distant place on a 'work/study' master's program, had the baby, gave it up for adoption, and then came back -- THEN that could be a secret.  But no way no how at this point.  And yes, Allie - Grow UP. Your rich entitled but needs to deal with consequences. Get a job.  Pregnancy is not a disability.  Go see Grandpa Roman -- oh wait... he'll call Sami.

Sonny/Will: Back away from the Allie baby drama -- it can only end in tears. 

Ciara/Ben/CrazyCakes: I love me some Crazy Claire.  And Ciara having 'girl time' was great.  Ben's not wrong but he's should keep his threats to himself.  Ciara's fashion disasters freak me the hell out.  I'm thinking she's going to show up dressed in a white ACE bandage for her gown. I'm actually ROUTING for Claire to be sane this go-round.

Gabriella Josephina Hernandez DiMera: You just had that in you wardrobe?  I liked her and Rafe.

Lani/Eli: Well thank goodness they are MARRIED. About damn time.  I'd like to see their story have more cop topics where they are competent.  I liked the Gabi rescue moment.  

Julie: Is cursed and should not be allowed AT weddings let alone hosting weddings or conducting weddings.

Brady/Kristen: Run away... be free and happy for at least a few years. 

Jake: If we had doubts, they are gone.  Vivian showed up.  This means you are her son.  WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!


Edited by SueB
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27 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

And I'm also glad Jake's DNA tests finally came back and we will finally know if he's Stefan, Stefan's twin, a clone  or maybe even a doppelganger or maybe Jake's just Jake )

I still won't trust it lol. If they decide to go in a different way later they can just say someone messed with the DNA test. In general, I feel like 98% sure the DNA test will have been messed with.

But at least we'll be moving into another phase of this story now. 

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30 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I agree that we're supposed to think that it's Claire but then the show will pull the old switcheroo and the true culprit will be revealed 🙂

I'm just so glad Eli and Lani's wedding is finally finished--does this show truly think this bland and boring couple deserves this amount of screen time?

And I'm also glad Jake's DNA tests finally came back and we will finally know if he's Stefan, Stefan's twin, a clone  or maybe even a doppelganger or maybe Jake's just Jake )

The writing for Eli and lani so weird too I mean most of the stories ended happening offscreen like them bonding over there babies death and I've watched every soap RC had wrote for and this the only pregnancy where that the couple is together and happy every other one was either was some kinda drama to it  so I can't imagine what angst they will have.

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I got to tell you, I don't really care if Claire's the person behind CIara's ruined wedding dress--I applaud anyone who can take that smug, self-congratulatory look off of Ciara's face--and how obnoxiously self-righteous were Ben and Ciara's attitude when they went to confront Claire?  Yes, I can understand that Ben has his suspicions but apparently he's the only one who is allowed to actually get better from a mental illness.  I of course want Claire to be completely innocent because she has the potential to be a heroine in her own right and I really want  to see Ben having to apologize to Claire--that would be glorious-- but who else would want to ruin Ciara/Ben's wedding?

And I loved Gwen's coming to Claire's defense because Ben was being such a judgmental jerk--remind me again how rushing to blame Ben for various crimes without proof is totally wrong but he can can blame Claire without having even seen the ruined dress.

And Jake is Stefan--WOO HOO!!  I did love how he looked gutted when he realized that his memories of his life were planted and Gabi was wonderfully sympathetic but now he's met Vivian--will his mom help him?  Probably not 🙂


Edited by kitmerlot1213
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1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I got to tell you, I don't really care if Claire's the person behind CIara's ruined wedding dress--I applaud anyone who can take that smug, self-congratulatory look off of Ciara's face--and how obnoxiously self-righteous were Ben and Ciara's attitude when they went to confront Claire?  Yes, I can understand that Ben's suspicions but apparently he's the only one who is allowed to actually get better from a mental illness.  I of course want Claire to be completely innocent because she has the potential to be a heroine in her own right and I really want  to see Ben having to apologize to Claire--that would be glorious-- but who else would want to ruin Ciara/Ben's wedding?

And I loved Gwen's coming to Claire's defense because Ben was being such a judgmental jerk--remind me again how rushing to blame Ben for various crimes without proof is totally wrong but he can can blame Claire without having even seen the ruined dress.

And Jake is Stefan--WOO HOO!!  I did love how he looked gutted when he realized that his memories have his life were planted and Gabi was wonderfully sympathetic but now he's met Vivian--will his mom help him?  Probably not 🙂


I still think they are dropping far to many anvils trying to MAKE Claire look guilty.  Great twist would be if they screwed up putting the dresses back in the bags and it turns out the wrong dress was ruined.  It would completely exonerate Claire as she would know it was the wrong dress.  Not that it would make any difference - snotty, sanctimonious Ben still wouldn't apologize.

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1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I got to tell you, I don't really care if Claire's the person behind CIara's ruined wedding dress--I applaud anyone who can take that smug, self-congratulatory look off of Ciara's face--and how obnoxiously self-righteous were Ben and Ciara's attitude when they went to confront Claire?  Yes, I can understand that Ben's suspicions ..... 🙂


Okay, I can't stand it anymore, so I confess.  I did it.  And if Ben thinks what happened to the wedding dress was bad, just wait till he sees what I did to his thong collection.


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The actress who plays Gwen annoys me with her constant chewing on her fingernails!  Is that supposed to be some kind of 'cute, quirky habit" that she does?  And Sonny and his Blazer-wearing self!  Ugh, its summer time, Will has a short-sleeve shirt on, why cant Sonny dress appropriately?  And that Gwen seems mighty suspicious to me, maybe she some how ruined the dress?  And Allie seems so silly & not very bright, Eric brings up all the things she needs to be thinking about when the baby is born, and she is like "Ohhh...I had not thought of that"?!  

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4 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

... but who else would want to ruin Ciara/Ben's wedding?

Eve. And me. Fine, I'll come clean, I helped @boes do it!

2 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

And that Gwen seems mighty suspicious to me, maybe she some how ruined the dress?

I got that vibe today, too. Doesn't make any sense but that's never stopped them before. I also feel like Gwen is almost trying to convince Claire herself that she's still nuts for some reason.

Speaking of Gwen, she was back to putting her hands in her mouth again. I think I saw her chew on her fingernails and then spit. I can't! It feels like it's some kind of character choice the actress and/or director are making but I don't understand what it's supposed to mean.

BB was really great when he found out he was Stefan. I still don't really care about this story though.

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17 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

With all due respect, as smug and horrible as Ciara is now, there is no way in hell I'd want Hope/Aiden to stay together and force Ciara to play happy family with her stepbrother rapist. Conflict, yes. But there is no reasonable resolution to me that has any of these relationships withstanding something like that.

And if Hope ever asked Ciara to, I would not blame Ciara if she ended up despising her mother.

ETA: There is Jack/Kayla/Steve. But all were already adults when that happened, Kayla was allowed her feelings, and Jack had to REALLY work his ass off to reform and have Kayla come to terms with the rape and forgive him, thus allowing Jack and Steve's brotherly bond.

With these writers, there is "insta forgiveness" (See Ben!) and no self awareness. So I still say there is a difference where Hope/Aiden/Chase/Ciara would be concerned.

Just my $1.50 on the topic!

Oh, I'm not saying that Ciara should insta forgive and forget and then play happy family with Chase. But yes, Ciara could go live with another family member (she's a Horton & a Brady - there are millions of them in Salem) and Ciara & Hope can have angst/conflict because her mom is in love with hubby Aiden, while hating his son for raping her daughter and dealing with the fallout.

Maybe in time, Chase can be redeemed a la Jack and the blended family can learn to coexist somewhat amicably. Of course, all this would take time to develop, and the writing would have to be strong enough to support the story. AS IF that could ever happen in the last decade or so on this show!  Anyhoo, it's all moot since DOOL has moved on from Aiden/Chase.  

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Most of the Show was preempted for local news, and I was going to ask if there was anything of note during the reveal of the DNA test results but it sounds like I missed "Jake's" reaction.  

The funny thing about Gwen's oral fixation is that it's something that could have been treated while she was at the mental hospital, and yet here she is in Salem claiming to be completely sane.  Not that an oral fixation is an indication of mental illness but it makes me wonder if it's something being done to demonstrate a degree of dishonesty.  If nothing else, I'd guess she has some deep-rooted anxiety issues.    

Gwen mock-strangling herself at Ben was hilarious, and I don't even hate Ben Weston.  

Edited by enchantingmonkey
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I thought Gwen seemed a little too interested and involved in Claire's life and Ciara and Ben. Something is up with her. Sure, she can make a comment about Ben being in Bayview too. And why is she staying with Dr. Evans and John Black? She doesn't have family or friends? But she sure has clothes!

Ciara, your outfit is hideous. Isn't it a bit hot, being July and all? If it is humid and hot in Salem, your feet will swell and hurt in those booties. Unless life for you is an air conditioned home, an underground parkade, a trip to another parkade and up an elevator to another air conditioned apartment or home. Ben has a right to be suspicious, and you too, and maybe question Claire's new friendship. Claire and Gwen don't really seem to have much in common.

One of my nail polishes tipped over and leaked on my living room glass top coffee table last year.  The bottle opening is small and it took a long time for a small amount to leak. It was cleaned up within a couple of minutes with some nail polish remover and a tissue. How much nail polish was on the dress? As far as I know, Costco doesn't have huge bottles of it and any significant amount would take a month or two to escape the bottle. Unless one hangs the dress and maybe throws a few bottles of polish at it.

Allie, you have a lot of serious and life-altering decisions to make about your baby. This isn't 50 years ago when women gave up children for adoption. There are parental rights involved now. And decisions about sealed or open adoptions, giving your medical history, etc. It's not as easy as thinking Rafe would make a good dad. There may be other options that involve other folks being on some waiting list. Fortunately, as a wealthy young woman, you do have options. You also have your brother and his spouse interested in your baby, which may be awkward and hard for you to deal with. Eric is right, you may visit Salem and see your baby with whoever adopts him or her. How will you handle that?

Nice work by the actor who plays Jake to find out that he maybe is not the man he thinks he is and his identity has been a lie. Kinda convenient that his mother came to town. He doesn't look at his body and find any scars or anything from any injuries? Granted, both Jennifer and Brady had heart replacements and an excellent plastic surgeon to ensure that any scars were like an invisible zipper.

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Sickened by Carlivati ignoring all Kristen's crimes just to give her and Brady a Happy ever after.

Shame on this hack for completely ignoring the fact that Kristen raped twice now. Eric and then Brady under the guise of being Nicole. That kind of sick, toxic foundation doesn't deserve a Happy Ever After !


What the hell is wrong with this guy ?

Rather give Brady a happy ever after with Chloe . 

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8 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

Gwen is officially my hero!!! I loved her pointing out Ben’s hypocrisy and taking him down a few pegs. I hope Claire is innocent simply to watch that smug smirk  wiped off Ben’s face.

Keep her on the canvas please . Hell,give her the honour of culling this serial killer. 

Edited by Rafael
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11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Ciara, your outfit is hideous.

This reminded me, they changed that weird, teddy-like undershirt thing she was wearing and replaced it with a plain black leotard type thing. I found that funny and interesting. It seems someone finally put their foot down and was like, no, this is too stupid and ugly for fuck's sake!


Kinda convenient that [Jake's] mother came to town.

Right. I thought before that perhaps Vivian was the one behind this Jake persona but that seems unlikely now. It still seems very convenient that Stefan's mother showed up just in time for Jake to be 'revealed' (I still don't trust it!) as Stefan.

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The Gabi, Vivian and Jake scenes were well done and I wonder if Jake’s remembered childhood was actually Sam’s memories and I wonder if Dr. Rolf, who apparently cheats at checkers, would help Vivian—he seemed to hate her too.

The Will, Sonny and Eric scenes were interesting in that Eric seem to think that Rafe’s getting the baby was a done deal.

I am grateful that I could fastforward the Elani scenes which seemed to go on forever.





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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

It sure looks like they're moving to a Rope reunion.


This was the conflicting thing about the PG storyline yes I think Princess Gina was played out but it was one of the few thing that kept Rope from happening. Even though I don't care for Rafe its a shame they never revisited him and Jordan or even him and Zoey(1st one) as I thought there could've been some potential with those chicks.

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"He cheats!" was probably in there for good reason, at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I remember Dr Rolf making derogatory comments about Vivian in the past but I could see him working with her if he thought there was something in it for him, especially if he thought it would allow him to continue with his research.  Many thanks to Louise Sorel for returning to this silly Show and bringing a hint of "reality" to it.  I still have a little PTSD from what Robin Strasser did with the character previously.  

Which past is Jake/Stefan trying to hold on to by having sexxxy times with Gwen?  Enquiring minds want to know!  

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Of course, Julie couldn't wait to bitch to Hope about Gabi showing up at the dullest wedding in town . Vivian showing up and trying to kill the dullest bride would be biggest news to impart. And then propping what a hero Rafe was for saving Lani's life. Just another reason for me to dislike RAfe.

I guess Allie thinks Rafe is a great dad material but I wish the show would actually use real example of this so it actually connects to the show history., Oh that's right, we rarely saw Allie and Rafe have any meaningful scenes the way he had with Johnny.

But they could mention when he got those stuffed penguins for her and Johnny when Sami was in witness protection or her favorite cookies that FakeRAfe didn't know about or how about those few months living together when Allie was the only child living with her and Rafe as EJ had blackmailed Sami for full custody of Johnny and Sydney.


Yeah I can think of anything else. As a group with her brother and sister when Sami was married to Rafe, I am sure Rafe did stepfather things, but Allie has not seen him since she was a child. or kept in touch with him since she left Salem as per Rafe. 

I just don't get why she would have this overwhelming love for Rafe to the point that she wants to give him her unborn child. 


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1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

This was the conflicting thing about the PG storyline yes I think Princess Gina was played out but it was one of the few thing that kept Rope from happening. Even though I don't care for Rafe its a shame they never revisited him and Jordan or even him and Zoey(1st one) as I thought there could've been some potential with those chicks.

I definitely was hoping for a Jordan/Rafe reunion, just so they both could be moved off the canvas quicker. The character assassination of Jordan still really bothers me because it wasn't entertaining or fun as much as cringe-worthy and forced.

I'm trying my best to think that these scenes are simply about Hope and Rafe becoming friends again and finding a healthy middle ground, even though I know Ron only writes things in a certain way...take for example the complete subtlety we've seen from Gwen since she arrived on the show. 🙄

I'm really tired of Rafe being touted as such a great person. He's just kind of there. I guess not trying to murder people or rape people makes you great in Salem, but there's never been any particular appeal to Rafe as a person.

10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

they changed that weird, teddy-like undershirt thing she was wearing and replaced it with a plain black leotard type thing. I found that funny and interesting. It seems someone finally put their foot down and was like, no, this is too stupid and ugly for fuck's sake!

Yes! Thank you for noticing that 😁😁😁 I was sitting there watching questioning my own sanity, but I had made such a mental note of the bizarre layering she had been using the previous day, with the red top around her bust and then the translucent fabric with the boning around her midsection, because God forbid a day goes by where Ciara doesn't show off her midriff, who does she think she is Britney Spears? Anyway, the minute I saw it was suddenly black and opaque I was asking myself if now the show had lost the budget it needed to give the characters completely new outfits and we were just going to see one item change at a time to signify the passage of time LOL.

I hope Vivian gets out of jail fast because if they wanted to do nothing but give her 50% of the screen time on the show, that would suit me just fine.

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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

I definitely was hoping for a Jordan/Rafe reunion, just so they both could be moved off the canvas quicker. The character assassination of Jordan still really bothers me because it wasn't entertaining or fun as much as cringe-worthy and forced.

I'm trying my best to think that these scenes are simply about Hope and Rafe becoming friends again and finding a healthy middle ground, even though I know Ron only writes things in a certain way...take for example the complete subtlety we've seen from Gwen since she arrived on the show. 🙄

I'm really tired of Rafe being touted as such a great person. He's just kind of there. I guess not trying to murder people or rape people makes you great in Salem, but there's never been any particular appeal to Rafe as a person.


I agree I mean if they said this about Abe that makes sense. Rafe not so much. Now if he's touted as one of the more sane people in Salem that I agree with. 

They really should've just reunited Rafe/Jordan and had them leave town raising David together after they got past Evan etc. but that's too sane for this show apparently.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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As two well paid police officers, Lani and Eli couldn't afford a hotel room or airbnb for a couple of nights? The parents couldn't book and pay for one for them? Who is going to clean up JJ's apartment? Who will take those lights down? Julie had to hire someone to do it. She is not that tall. I skipped most of their scenes.

At least Eric gave Will and Sonny leads on some agencies for adoptions. Some kids just don't fall in to one's lap. They are not the only folks looking to adopt a baby. It may also be awkward for Will to raise his sister's baby. Allie still needs to think about giving her baby up for adoption and finding the right parents, which may not be Rafe or her brother.

No leftovers from the wedding for Julie to share with Hope? Did anyone actually eat anything? Very busy telling all the gossip - first Gabi shows up, does nothing, and then Vivian tries to take out the bride but Eli somehow manages to text Rafe, who saves the day.

Good work from Gabi, Vivian and Stefan. Why he has to angrily go back to his current life with Gwen is weird. She apparently was not good for him, but he comes back for more.

Edited by Frozendiva
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On 7/2/2020 at 2:48 PM, BuckeyeLou said:

And that Gwen seems mighty suspicious to me, maybe she some how ruined the dress? 

I get the vibe she did and find her preoccupation with Claire and Ben and Ciara a bit weird. Her past seems sus too how she was so willing to check herself into the mental hospital and do something that could get Jake killed merely out of jealousy. It would be interesting if Gwen turned out to be related to the nurse Ben killed or Paige or related to the Weston’s and that’s why she gives a damn about Claire or what’s up with Cin. 

Ally is working my nerves. Mainly because a lot of what she says is bullshit and she’s very childish and weird in her behavior and reactions. 

Julie, our control freak and passive aggressive queen nit picked Abe for helping and Hope for “coming at the perfect time, since I finished all the clean up!” They didn’t even show a reception meal or cake cutting so I guess it was minimal except for sweeping the plaster from Viv shooting the ceiling (that Ron never showed since they couldn’t afford that affect) and putting away candles and flowers. 

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Gwen is hella sketchy ... she seems like a mischief maker itching make trouble.  I did appreciate that Claire had a friend who would come to her aid.  She was always treated as "most likely to be guilty".  That it was true is besides the point, I like someone legitimately vouching for her.

That said... Is Gwen sleeping in the same queen bed as Claire?  Because where else is she staying? Once again Grandma and Grandpa are asleep at the switch.  This is supposed to be a TRANSITIONAL period for Claire.  Not just room and board.  Marlena needs to know about the accusations and talk to Claire.  How is she handling being accused so quickly?  I'm calling it now -- if Claire slips, this is on Marlena for not paying attention.

Huh... never knew I'd have a soft spot for Crazy Cakes ... but I do. 



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Now that the endless celebration of the marriage of the hapless Eli and the deadly dull, both in spirit and in brain cells, Lani, is over, does this mean that Julie and her megahorn mouth, along with her wardrobe of tastefully draped tableclothes is going to be locked in the Horton cellar so we can all regain our hearing?

It's so fitting that Julie just LOVES Lani, since they're both so similar.  There are plenty of scenery chewers around, but nobody quite chows down on a scene like SSH.  She overtalks, squawks, mugs for the camera and flashes those googly eyes and that fake smile like Monty Hall has just invited her to "come on down".  

Come on down, Julie and let us lock you in the cellar.

What a week.

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5 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

They didn’t even show a reception meal or cake cutting so I guess it was minimal except for sweeping the plaster from Viv shooting the ceiling (that Ron never showed since they couldn’t afford that affect) and putting away candles and flowers. 

There were only 8 people at the wedding including the wedding party and so it was probably a quick meal and a slice of a cake as Eli and Lani were already in bed just a few  hours after Vivian was taken away.

And Hope was only invited to clean up after the reception?  No wonder why Eli and Lani have no friends.

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Julie, wasn’t even miffed or commenting her ceiling was blasted open but get offended if Abe puts the centerpieces any sort of way. Terrible writing w as much forethought as a Saved By the Bell episode. Also she was more outraged at Gabi coming than Vivian brandishing the gun and presumably breaking her kitchen window and climbing in. 

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Everybody going on and on and on and on and on about how boring Eli and Lani are.  This whole damn show is boring.  There isn’t anything exciting going on with this show.  A bunch of characters I don’t care about running around.  Weddings for couples I don’t care about.  Sonny and Will have the baby rabies when they really shouldn’t.  The serial killer is still king.  This show is awful.  If it ended up getting canceled, I wouldn’t shed a tear.

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2 hours ago, superdeluxe said:

Everybody going on and on and on and on and on about how boring Eli and Lani are.  This whole damn show is boring.  There isn’t anything exciting going on with this show.  A bunch of characters I don’t care about running around.  Weddings for couples I don’t care about.  Sonny and Will have the baby rabies when they really shouldn’t.  The serial killer is still king.  This show is awful.  If it ended up getting canceled, I wouldn’t shed a tear.

Well they're currently being featured at the moment. I think Eli at least has a pulse Lani doesn't she did briefly when she was a nut going after Shawn and JJ at one point. Otherwise? She seems dead inside.

I agree they're in good company everyone and everything is terrible. Which is why it doesn't matter who leaves this show because its still bad no one character/couple can save this sinking ship at this point.  I think that Corday secretly wants this show gone as he doesn't seem to rollout his plan to save Days there's no saving it tbh. They're lucky NBC hasn't found anything better to replace Days with otherwise it would've ended ages ago.

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21 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Good work from Gabi, Vivian and Stefan. Why he has to angrily go back to his current life with Gwen is weird. She apparently was not good for him, but he comes back for more.


13 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I get the vibe she did and find her preoccupation with Claire and Ben and Ciara a bit weird. Her past seems sus too how she was so willing to check herself into the mental hospital and do something that could get Jake killed merely out of jealousy. It would be interesting if Gwen turned out to be related to the nurse Ben killed or Paige or related to the Weston’s and that’s why she gives a damn about Claire or what’s up with Cin.

Ok, wasn't Gwen introduced as someone who voluntarily checked herself into Bayview because she was fearful of her ex, and was hiding out from him at Bayview?  If this ex is NOT Jake, then I guess it makes sense that she's so desperate to get back together with him. BUT, if the ex IS Jake, then WTF?!?!?  What am I missing?

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, norcalgal said:


Ok, wasn't Gwen introduced as someone who voluntarily checked herself into Bayview because she was fearful of her ex, and was hiding out from him at Bayview?  If this ex is NOT Jake, then I guess it makes sense that she's so desperate to get back together with him. BUT, if the ex IS Jake, then WTF?!?!?  What am I missing?

🎶 if that’s your ex you should probably own a pistol, but I’m guessing it’s wiser to exit with dude 🎶 is an interesting theory

but I’m pretty sure Jake was the ex she was hiding from in the mental institution since he mentioned looking for his the last few months and the trail going cold when he got to Salem (the hospital location). 

I like how the Show and literally non of the characters have asked Jake what exactly his career entailed when he worked for the mobbor cares. Was he a drug pusher? Hijack trucks? Run illegal card games? Traffic women? 

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

🎶 if that’s your ex you should probably own a pistol, but I’m guessing it’s wiser to exit with dude 🎶 is an interesting theory

but I’m pretty sure Jake was the ex she was hiding from in the mental institution since he mentioned looking for his the last few months and the trail going cold when he got to Salem (the hospital location). 

I like how the Show and literally non of the characters have asked Jake what exactly his career entailed when he worked for the mobbor cares. Was he a drug pusher? Hijack trucks? Run illegal card games? Traffic women? 

I want to know what memories he has prior to the time he showed up in Philadelphia.


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