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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I haven't been watching regularly, but did watch today for the Elani wedding. I know a lot of people think they're boring, but I like them.  

So what was the purpose of having Lani's mother faint?  Obviously to get her out away from the wedding, but why?   If it was low sugar, a cookie, or candy bar that Abe gave her should have helped, and she'd have no reason to need to lie down.  I thought maybe she had another health condition she was hiding, but what would be the point, since she's not a regular character?   So why have her at the wedding, if only to send her away.  Was the wedding taped over 2 days, and the show's budget could only afford to pay her for one day?  

Oh, I really like Lani's hair.  Guess they finally got rid of the wig?

  • Love 4

I am so over Kristen's whisper talking. Speak up, woman! 

Julie, STFU (some things will never change)!


Welcome back, Vivian. Here's hoping you can spice up the incredibly boring Elani wedding. 

4 hours ago, boes said:

I bet she has a whole drawer-ful of hearts that's she's ripped out over the years.  They're her midnight snacks.

Oh, my



  • Love 9
3 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

Even in victory, Gabi acts smug. I hated her attitude. I hope she goes.

I have no problem with Gabi's smugness, she has earned the right to lord it over her enemies who have been persecuting her for a long time now. I usually don't like vixens but her enemies are not noble people, in fact, they are just horrible hypocrites.. Has Abigail ever paid for her sins? If you are a Horton princess, you are automatically forgiven for every bad thing you have ever done.

3 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Even in victory, Gabi acts smug. I hated her attitude. I hope she goes.

I loved Jonah and Wendy together but Jonah and Carrie had such a natural chemistry and I wished the show had put them together. Think of all the obstacles they would have faced at the time as an interracial couple.  A Jonah/Carrie pairing would have been awesome.. Unfortunately, Carrie got saddled with Austin and that hurt her in my opinion.. Austin was so much better when he first showed up in town, he was an artist who was handsome, smart, ambitious, charismatic strong and engaging in addition to being a boxer.  He became an idiot under JER to facilitate Sami's schemes..


Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

I have no problem with Gabi's smugness, she has earned the right to lord it over her enemies who have been persecuting her for a long time now. I usually don't like vixens but her enemies are not noble people, in fact, they are just horrible hypocrites.. Has Abigail ever paid for her sins? If you are a Horton princess, you are automatically forgiven for every bad thing you have ever done.


2 hours ago, lb60 said:

I am so over Kristen's whisper talking. Speak up, woman! 

Julie, STFU (some things will never change)!


Welcome back, Vivian. Here's hoping you can spice up the incredibly boring Elani wedding.

And if Julie and Lani weren't so obsessed with her, it wouldn't be nearly as satisfying.  The fact they neither of them were as concerned with the actual, you know, wedding as they were with Gabi shows just how much she's won.  If they were able to move on with their lives and simply ignore her, she'd lose most of her power over them.  Have to admit, I LOVED her entrance "It's magic.  You said my name 3 times and here I am."  

And yes, here's hoping they at least give Vivian some great one-liners

I'm really hoping Brady actually leaves for a while.  I'm sort of ticked that the ONLY person who brought up the potential of fall-out from Brady's stupid revenge plot was Ciara.  Marlena couldn't be bothered to point out that hundreds or possibly thousands of people losing their jobs because Brady wanted to throw a temper tantrum was beyond heinous?  Boo-hoo, Brady's sad so many innocent people must pay the price.


  • Love 11
4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Nope they dated but they both totally disappeared from the show with very little explanation.

Eli/Lani were the first for an onscreen wedding which is unfortunate it took this long and they're not that good a couple either.

I rather have seen Jonah/Wendy get married on screen I found them sweet in the limited airtime they received although their existence was used to facilitate the date rape drug Sami used on Austin as they're the ones who let her know this existed.

While I appreciate Gabi isn't fake crying I still don't find her to be this "bad bitch" the show wants me to see her as. Although her wardrobe is actually up to par for that type of role.

Thanks!!!  I originally thought they disappeared as well. There is an old Ebony cover with Tammy Townsend (Wendy) along with other black couples. One of the couple's is getting married. For some reason I "remembered" the cover as Tammy and Thyme (Jonah) getting married on the show, and thought I had missed it.  Crazy!!!!

Speaking of, why can't we get Jonah, Wendy, and Benjy Carver back? As well as Theo, Jett, Celeste, and Cameron. 

I miss the Days when there were more than 3 black people on the show!!!!

  • Love 6

There was like 3 people at the wedding, Eli's a Horton. Where are they? Hope is eating pizza at Rafe's? Where's Ciara? Claire? Shawn and Belle are in town? Jennifer? Jack? Lucas? Allie? ALL are in town.

Gabi deserves what she gets really, then she cries how she's wronged and the victim or doesnt' deserve to be jailed because of her daughter. She should be in jail for all she did to Julie. Then she walks into the 2 people who saved her worthless life just days ago to ruin their wedding after she ruined the last one? 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Artsda said:

There was like 3 people at the wedding, Eli's a Horton. Where are they? Hope is eating pizza at Rafe's? Where's Ciara? Claire? Shawn and Belle are in town? Jennifer? Jack? Lucas? Allie? ALL are in town.

They did have Rafe say that Eli/Lani wanted a small wedding so they did try to justify it on screen. It's another one of those catch-22 things because it's really sad and stupid when there are weddings with no guests but at the same time I know they don't have the money to really go all out so.

I still can't get over how great Gabi was today. I dread that she's gonna be back in Jake's orbit now. Jake sucks lol.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I have no problem with Gabi's smugness, she has earned the right to lord it over her enemies who have been persecuting her for a long time now. I usually don't like vixens but her enemies are not noble people, in fact, they are just horrible hypocrites.. Has Abigail ever paid for her sins? If you are a Horton princess, you are automatically forgiven for every bad thing you have ever done.


I loved Jonah and Wendy together but Jonah and Carrie had such a natural chemistry and I wished the show had put them together. Think of all the obstacles they would have faced at the time as an interracial couple.  A Jonah/Carrie pairing would have been awesome.. Unfortunately, Carrie got saddled with Austin and that hurt her in my opinion.. Austin was so much better when he first showed up in town, he was an artist who was handsome, smart, ambitious, charismatic strong and engaging in addition to being a boxer.  He became an idiot under JER to facilitate Sami's schemes..


I think Jonah/Carrie could've been a nice pairing and not just in looks either however Days don't really delve into the interracial aspect of a pairing like they should so I don't think it would've been that much better. OLTL did this with Hank/Nora and others. 

I do agree they did dumb down Austin from when he first arrived that I do wonder what Carrie saw in him and I say this as someone that was a Carrie/Austin fan since my tweens. Now I think Austin was too good for Carrie after the whole thing with Rafe how she mentioned that their marriage didn't have much excitement etc. 

  • Love 2


4 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Yes, Gabi was able to create GabiChic because of the money her dad gave her from his ill gotten gains and then Gabi took that and made it into success.  Abs gets handed her jobs and then sort of doesn't seem to actually do them anymore and no one mentions it to her either.  I think that's the main difference in Salem nepotism.

That could be said for the rest of Salem I mean don't get me wrong Abby has like zero ambition since she has existed but sadly I feel that way about most female characters on this show these days that are written as the heroines. The vixens/bad girls are the ones who want to have jobs etc but the heroines don't really want for anything as they are handed everything from jump and seem to have very little goals beyond their man. Soaps were more progressive in writing women back in the 80s/90s than they are in 2020.

Paige was an exception in recent years as she wanted to be a doctor and was inherently decent but they killed her go figure.

  • Love 6
45 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I still can't get over how great Gabi was today. I dread that she's gonna be back in Jake's orbit now. Jake sucks lol.

I thought she was awful today. She was so smug that she came across as totally unlikeable. What was the point of going to Eli and Lani’s wedding just to gloat? She looked like a massive fool today.

  • Love 7

I laughed when Julie said Gabi's name three times and she showed up. I also noticed how tiny Julie and Gabi are compared to some of the other actors there. Most seemed 6 feet tall compared to the two of them. Julie and Lani are obsessed with Gabi and she has some weird power over them. Lani, you will destroy your marriage to Eli all by yourself. I still have no idea what she and Eli see in each other.  No depth to them, no nothing.

Should Gabi have gone to the wedding? Nope. But it did give the wedding mayhem that usually occurs at weddings in Salem. However, Gabi was just the red herring for the real mayhem coming.

Hi Vivian! She looked like Rayna from OG Star Trek. Crashed in - LOL.

Hope and Rafe having pizza? Gabi walking in with her fabulous sparkly jumpsuit. Hope was spared from biting in to the pizza!

Brady, you are a dolt to go off with Kristen. Kristen, you are a dolt to give Chad your shares in the company. Chad, you are being a jerk. Look at your own issues and insecurities and stop blaming Gabi for everything. I question Chad's ability to run a huge company. He could probably barely operate a small store.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Hope and Rafe having pizza? Gabi walking in with her fabulous sparkly jumpsuit. Hope was spared from biting in to the pizza!

Not so! At first Hope was pretend eating little tiny morsels from her fingers.  Maybe a mushroom.  Or an olive.

And then suddenly she started taking bites of pizza!  Which we know is old and cold.  I think this is the actors having some fun with the audience.  She knows that people will be watching to see if she eats the pizza, so she nibbles on nothing at all, and then suddenly starts taking bites out of the pizza. It was hilarious.

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16 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I need to clarify--I was joking that Kristen left the baby at the convent, apparently Rachel has been left was a friend Kristen trusts--no name was mentioned--but I wouldn't put it past her though, because Kristen would think the nuns owe her something.  I find it very disconcerting when Kristen talks about Rachel, like Rachel is the perfect embodiment of all that is good in the world, when she's actually a normal, fallible little girl.

I did like Gabi's pointing out to Chad that she has created and run her own successful company whereas all of Princess Abs' jobs have been handed to her by loved ones--her mom, her husband and her dad. Truth hurts, don't it

In typical Lani fashion, she talks big about how she holds grudges and Gabi better not ruin her day but when Gabi walks into the wedding, Lani looked like she was about to be overcome with a case of the vapors. And now Vivian has made her appearance--rip her apart Viv 🙂

It would make more sense if she left the baby with her brother ,Peter Blake -DiMera.

  • Useful 1
15 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

All this would be much better  Lani was much better when she was a sex obsessed nut who was fixated on Shawn before they dropped it and reunited him with Belle and she was written out until she was brought back to break up JJ/Gabi.  I agree she didn't need to be Abe's daughter its not like that would get me to like her either. She could've been Lexie's daughter that gave her up and came to town to find her only to learn she died but her and Abe bonded like father/daughter. Tamara keeping Lani from Abe doesn't make her look good considering Abe isn't like Stefano or his ilk where I'd understand why she would keep something like this from him. 

I also like your Eli scenario at least this would give me a reason to care for him just don't make him a Horton male and do nothing with it. Then again is par for the course and he's double cursed he's a Horton male and black so its not going to get better storywise. 

They just throw people together and expect us to care when its the journey that made it worthwhile in the first place for fans to invest in characters.

Nah. Lani could have easily been the daughter of Jonah Carver or Karen Carver , Abe and Jonah's sister  .

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Thanks!!!  I originally thought they disappeared as well. There is an old Ebony cover with Tammy Townsend (Wendy) along with other black couples. One of the couple's is getting married. For some reason I "remembered" the cover as Tammy and Thyme (Jonah) getting married on the show, and thought I had missed it.  Crazy!!!!

Speaking of, why can't we get Jonah, Wendy, and Benjy Carver back? As well as Theo, Jett, Celeste, and Cameron. 

I miss the Days when there were more than 3 black people on the show!!!!

Cameron didnt even need to exist  .the actors who played Cameron should have been cast as Jett Carver. 

I do agree that it wojld have been neat to have Brandon Walker ,Wendy ,Jonah ,a grown up Benjy carver ,Theo and perhaps Abe's sister , Karen Carver as well . Hell bring in Marcus Hunter 's offsprings as well and have them stay at uncle Steve and aunt Kayla .

  • Love 2

From spoiler pics, i thought Hope was in a robe eating with Rafe, but she is just in a dress 🤣. It feels a bit like they are teasing them. I was not a fan of theirs at first, thought she was better with the guy that tried to kill her but the show had to ruin him and his son 😡. But i came around, then they ruined Rafe and Hope with Sami nonsense and i don't want this ride again.

I watched the wedding just to see Gabi and Vivian. I still don't get why Gabi showed up and it actually played like a dream/fantasy sequence, especially when Gabi first came in and repeated what Julie had said. They really should have shown at least Lani testifying and Gabi reacting but without that piece of the puzzle, it seems random that she would show up when she does not think about these people. I am a Gabi fan, but I would have no problem with Gabi adding spice to Elani and being an interloper, but it has to be shown. It can't just be Lani and Julie talking about her. Gabi needs to play a role and feel like a current threat. As it stands, there was really no need for her. Tamara fainting and Vivian was all they needed. Abe, ELani saved Gabi because it is their JOB, then they gleefully testified against her. Why should Gabi like them? lol that he said they don't hold grudges and Lani said they do. lol

Marlena's first statement about marriage was very nice. It is great having louise sorel back. The wedding felt too empty for this kind of reveal but Elani are so distant from everyone else that i can't think of who else should be there for reasons other than blood relations.

Ugh ugh ugh. Gabi is just not involved in Elani the way the last few days have tried to make it seem. What does Gabi have to do with Marlena asking for objections? Was she expecting Gabi to show up? This is really bugging me because Gabi interactions would have given Elani something to do other than jump in bed.

i get that Julie is obsessed with Gabi, but it was still rude of her to interrupt the wedding. Has Abe ever gotten to read Tamara the riot act for denying him 20+ years of his daughters life? Why did Lani give a speech to the guest before the I do's? lol It felt like they were waiting for the break in.


Edited by Thatoneshow
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  Not a fan of Chad v Gabi but glad she got to gloat. I still don't understand why i am supposed to believe a company that was run by freaking Stefano, then his rapist, kidnapping, murderous son, then Stefano again?, with Andre thrown in somewhere, would have an issue with Gabi. This is why I hate Dimera enterprise. This town is about to give two of Stefano's victims a key to the city for saving people from him but the board thinks Gabi would be a problem? And once again Gabichic is supposed to be the most successful branch of Dimera but the board has allowed Chad to keep it closed. This show continues to suck at writing business stories. Brady thinks he can sell off assets and companies without, victor and the SEC looking into it, Chad keeping his money maker closed to spite Gabi, Dimera board illegally rewrote Gabi's contract. Just ridiculous.

The way everyone keeps dismissing the idea that Rolf could be behind Abbys drugging makes me want to scream. Hope looked at Gabi like she was delusional. If anyone should believe her it would be Hope. For Pete's sake, the man had her going around as Princess Gina for over a YEAR and had Steve filled with Essense-o-stefano. Chad you want Gabi to be sent to prison so you won't feel guilty for wanting to bone her. You go out of your way to talk to her and can't keep her out of your mind. lol

I tried to fast forward all the Bristen scenes because I cannot take anymore of these two but i saw part of them w/Chad and Brady saying "lets go". Bye losers. Don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya. The director really needs to come back from coffee break. When Chad said something about not being able to act like he didn't see Kristen, he sounded like he was about to blackmail her. That should have been corrected. I ff the rest but from what i read, blackmail was not his intention. 

I haven't really enjoyed the Hernandez scenes lately but i liked them today. they were cute and lighthearted.

I am guessing since Vivian is back, she will be the one that Rolf called and is actually behind the drugging. She wanted to punish Chabby for hurting Stefans feelings and Gabi for "moving on" so quickly

5 minutes ago, Rafael said:

What is Sarah and Brady 's actual endgame ? Im confused. 

I think the writers saw how stupid that storyline was going to be and quickly put an end to it. Their revenge is now over. Brady is leaving town with sister Kristen and Sarah and Xander are doing some kind of mating ritual.

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7 hours ago, bannana said:

Not so! At first Hope was pretend eating little tiny morsels from her fingers.  Maybe a mushroom.  Or an olive.

And then suddenly she started taking bites of pizza!  Which we know is old and cold.  I think this is the actors having some fun with the audience.  She knows that people will be watching to see if she eats the pizza, so she nibbles on nothing at all, and then suddenly starts taking bites out of the pizza. It was hilarious.

It really was hilarious and I hope you're right that KA was doing it on purpose.

3 hours ago, Thatoneshow said:

I still don't get why Gabi showed up [to the Eli/Lani wedding] ...

Because it was the only way to make that wedding not dull as hell lol.

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, Thatoneshow said:

From spoiler pics, i thought Hope was in a robe eating with Rafe, but she is just in a dress 🤣. It feels a bit like they are teasing them. I was not a fan of theirs at first, thought she was better with the guy that tried to kill her but the show had to ruin him and his son 😡. But i came around, then they ruined Rafe and Hope with Sami nonsense and i don't want this ride again.

If you're referring to Aiden, ITA!!!  If Bo can't be with Hope, the only other character I felt she had chemistry with was Aiden. And, throw in the fact his son Chase raped Ciara, that was built-in family drama right there. But alas...

  • Love 5
On 6/30/2020 at 1:52 PM, CanaryFan98 said:

Eli/Lani were the first for an onscreen wedding which is unfortunate it took this long and they're not that good a couple either.

I've been watching for decades and did not know this so I'm shocked really.  Very disappointing it took this long.  Agree it sucks it had to be such a void of a couple.

Edited by DanaMB
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That wedding was so hilarious.

hack my life kitchen GIF by truTV


I was mesmerized by Gabi's boobs in that white jumpsuit.  They are just so perfect and don't droop or fall out her outfit, in spite of her running around flailing about.

Wow, Ciara is seriously stupid. "Gee, I wonder how my perfect wedding dress got nail polish all over it when Claire was returning it to the bridal shop.  Hmm...?"

angry jamie king GIF


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Can Lani and Eli go on an extremely long honeymoon now? Like, forever? The amount of time it took for that stupid wedding to take place. I kept waiting for Marlena to bust out the reverend from Spaceballs: "We're doing the quick, quick version. Do you? Do you? Great, you're married." Although I did sincerely enjoy them including the jump the broom tradition.

Did anyone else feel like Vivian wasn't quite her awesome self? Vivian of yore would have been, "Nah, whatevs" and pulled the trigger, damn the consequences. 

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5 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

That's why I think that's a huge red herring - WAY too obvious.

Yeah.  Unless they are planning to reveal her as behind the wedding dress thing very soon, showing her painting her nails feels like a red herring because who else could it be?

Although, the fact that neither Ciara or Ben thought of Claire might mean Claire is the person behind it and the suspense is in us knowing it while they don't.


Edited by Irlandesa
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

That's why I think that's a huge red herring - WAY too obvious.

I hope it is a red herring, because I love Claire being back.  But Ciara not coming to that conclusion either way is just ridiculous.

And while I am bitching about Ciara, I hate hate hate it when she calls Ben "Ben Weston".  She does it constantly.  

I am actually liking Ben much better than Ciara, and I really don't like Ben.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, lb60 said:


black and white gun GIF


Talk later.

When will these people learn?

The amount of times I screamed, "JUST SHOOT THEM!" at the screen in the brief amount of time that Vivian was on today was pretty amazing.

1 hour ago, bannana said:

I was mesmerized by Gabi's boobs in that white jumpsuit.  


1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

"Skate away, Nancy."

Who said this? I missed it but I love it.

14 minutes ago, bannana said:

I am actually liking Ben much better than Ciara, and I really don't like Ben.

+1. But I go back and forth with which one I hate the most. The last Ben scene I watched was when he was being a bit serial killer-y but also hot with Claire and since that entertained me I like him better for now lol.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, RunningMarket said:

Can Lani and Eli go on an extremely long honeymoon now? Like, forever? The amount of time it took for that stupid wedding to take place. I kept waiting for Marlena to bust out the reverend from Spaceballs: "We're doing the quick, quick version. Do you? Do you? Great, you're married." Although I did sincerely enjoy them including the jump the broom tradition.

Did anyone else feel like Vivian wasn't quite her awesome self? Vivian of yore would have been, "Nah, whatevs" and pulled the trigger, damn the consequences. 

I didn't watch, so WOW - props to DOOL for incorporating this. Too often, POC and their culture get short shrift on this show. Will wonders never cease. Does anyone know if one of the actors asked for this, or did the idea originate with the writers?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, norcalgal said:

I didn't watch, so WOW - props to DOOL for incorporating this. Too often, POC and their culture get short shrift on this show. Will wonders never cease. Does anyone know if one of the actors asked for this, or did the idea originate with the writers?

I think I read on Lamon Archey's Twitter that it was something both he and Sal Stowers wanted to do and he was grateful that NBC acquiesced and let them.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, norcalgal said:

If you're referring to Aiden, ITA!!!  If Bo can't be with Hope, the only other character I felt she had chemistry with was Aiden. And, throw in the fact his son Chase raped Ciara, that was built-in family drama right there. But alas...

I think the latter was to completely destroy Haiden and it pretty much did for me I mourn what they could've been. They could've had Chase/Ciara drama without the rape part especially when it was Ciara that bullied Chase and this is how Hope/Aiden met.

Oddly enough I think ruining Aiden/Chase did more damage to Hope/Ciara in the long run neither character recovered.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

Did anyone else feel like Vivian wasn't quite her awesome self? Vivian of yore would have been, "Nah, whatevs" and pulled the trigger, damn the consequences. 

She does look a bit ill or something.  Great to see her back though.  

Other tidbits: 

  • I hate what Ciara has been wearing of late.  And maybe it's time for a hair cut or different style.  
  • On the flip side Hope was exceptionally beautiful yesterday.  She's was glowing.  
  • Loved Jake's crack about Gabi's ice skating outfit. 
  • And for a change of pace (DAYS) how about giving us a fun wedding with lots of great surprises instead of all today's mayhem.  This one trick pony has become very old.  
  • Love 10

I wanted Vivian to take one look at that photo and say "that looks nothing like my son." Why do I have a sinking feeling that Louise Sorel is only back for 2 days to prop Jake/Stefan storyline? She deserves so much better.

And I'm massively fed up with Ron's penchant for letting dull as driftwood actors eat up screen time while my favourite leading ladies are forced to wave guns around at wedding ceremonies and recycle cliched dialogue. Kristen, Vivian, Gabi ... they all deserve so much better than this schlock.

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Just now, DisneyBoy said:

I wanted Vivian to take one look at that photo and say "that looks nothing like my son." Why do I have a sinking feeling that Louise Sorel is only back for 2 days to prop Jake/Stefan storyline? She deserves so much better.

And I'm massively fed up with Ron's penchant for letting dull as driftwood actors eat up screen time while my favourite leading ladies are forced to wave guns around at wedding ceremonies and recycle cliched dialogue. Kristen, Vivian, Gabi ... they all deserve so much better than this schlock.

Viv and Gabi? Maybe. Kristen deserves nothing but misery, pain, and prison.

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It takes a good writer years to introduce a character, build them up and figure out their nuances, explore their humanity and get the audience invested. And it takes precisely one minute for a hack writer to turn around and have said character try to make some old woman's heart blow up, or wave a gun in someone's face at a wedding, or try to steal an unborn baby. It makes me so upset to see all the great acting and great writing, or even only serviceable acting and serviceable writing, undone for the sake of a cheap cliffhanger.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, A.J. said:

Kristen has done no more vile things that Vivian.  And Gabi is not far behind.  

What can I say? I admit to bias. At least Viv was a fun villain and had panache. Gabi seems grade-school level villain. To me, Kristen was a sociopath, NOT fun, and her relationship with a man that she used to BABYSIT when she was engaged and pregnant by said man's FATHER just grosses me the hell out.

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17 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I think the latter was to completely destroy Haiden and it pretty much did for me I mourn what they could've been. They could've had Chase/Ciara drama without the rape part especially when it was Ciara that bullied Chase and this is how Hope/Aiden met.

Oddly enough I think ruining Aiden/Chase did more damage to Hope/Ciara in the long run neither character recovered.

I think Ciara was destroyed by becoming a rape victim and it does not help that she is with a serial killer now. Ciara should have grown up in real time that younger actress was just so damn awesome.. Since the show is obsessed with every character being a Sami clone, they had one in Ciara who would have had her own trajectory as a bad girl.. She loved bad boys, she had a crush on EJ, she blackmailed Sami for diamond earrings, she had a burgeoning rivalry with her cousin Allie, she used to boss Chase around and she had a sweet bond with Theo.. We saw different aspects of her personality. All we needed was a competent writer to give us a great story that would have brought everything together for Ciara Alice Brady.. 

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58 minutes ago, A.J. said:

And for a change of pace (DAYS) how about giving us a fun wedding with lots of great surprises instead of all today's mayhem.  This one trick pony has become very old. 

I'm sure that will be Ben and Ciara's wedding...

I'm a fan, but even I can see how propped to the heavens they are. 

  • Love 3

I didn't really care for Ciara's 'dress'. Funny cut, she needed better undergarments, and her hair was terrible. And now someone got nail polish on it. No vat of remover handy? Who is going to pay for the 'damaged' dress?

I wanted to knock Julie out for her comments that Eli and Lani's love is the only love that ever loved - something like that. Wonder how you will talk about that heathen Lani a year or so from now when the marriage crumbles. She broke my grandson's heart! He fell under Gabi's influence for a few weeks! Barf.

Wonder whether people actually listen to and understand the vows they are making. It's all fun until life throws a curveball. Both are bland pudding and may they live blandly ever after.

Jake does have some good one-liners - Gabi's sparkly ice skating outfit, etc.

Vivian at least has some panache and a certain je ne sais quoi about herself.

Someone should have used the broom to escort Julie out of the ceremony.



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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

What can I say? I admit to bias. At least Viv was a fun villain and had panache. Gabi seems grade-school level villain. To me, Kristen was a sociopath, NOT fun, and her relationship with a man that she used to BABYSIT when she was engaged and pregnant by said man's FATHER just grosses me the hell out.

Eileen Davidson's Kristen was a bit more fun that Stacy's version.  It took a while for me to warm up to her.  She's more brash and animated in her portrayal.  But I like her now.  And I get and agree with the sleeping with a father and son thing.  

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33 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

I'm sure that will be Ben and Ciara's wedding...

I'm a fan, but even I can see how propped to the heavens they are. 

I'm a fan as well but I doubt their wedding will be smooth. 

I at least hope Eric and Nicole get one.  But on this show, I doubt it.  Either Daniel or Sami will show up to make a mess of the day.    

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