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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Julie, do you have to get a dig about Gabi Hernandez every time you open your mouth? It's tiring.

A wedding and a baby? How wonderful! Lani still doesn't really want one, at least not yet. Would be nice if a soap had a woman character who did not want kids, no matter how much she is pushed to have one. Granted, it is a soap and you don't spend much time with the kid and before you know it, the kid goes from two years old to fifteen.

Maybe don't marry anyone for a while.

Orpheus sure was great to his daughter. Not so nice name for Kayla. Ah well, that is how a lot dudes see women, and he is no different.

Hope, you should have worn a beige/nude type bra with that blouse. The white bra was a bit jarring. Are you flirting with Rafe? Do you want to reconnect with him?

Did enjoy Jack and Steve. Too bad that Kayla and Steve haven't been able to really move on from each other and are still stuck. Steve, you disappeared for years and still expect Kayla to be waiting for you. She is allowed to have other relationships. Maybe Justin isn't exciting, but he is kind and he is stable and maybe she is tired of the drama that you bring. You can love Kayla but don't need to have a relationship with her. If you want her, prove that you are the better partner.

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Julie: So... If any one objects speak now or forever hold your peace.

A voice in the crowd: yes I find your singing annoying, you’ve only barely just now made an attempt to stop your racist snark, and your obsessions with Nick and Gabi are tired. Even your husband admitted on your death bed he could understand why some people don’t like you or wouldn’t help you. 

Julie: I meant object to the Union. 

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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Too bad that Kayla and Steve haven't been able to really move on from each other and are still stuck.

Maybe it's just a romantic part of me, but I don't see them as stuck. While rare, some DO have a love of their lives, and I think that is the case for Steve and Kayla here. And on a soap, I think the "opposites attract" formula works. It just does. At least on this soap.

Refined princess Hope/Merchant Marine/Rough around the edges Bo.

Bad guy turned good Jack (thanks to love)/Sweet, spunky Jennifer.

Thug turned softie Steve (also thanks to love)/Sweet nurse turned doctor Kayla.

And on and on.

In REAL life? Two nice, low-key people together are great. On a soap, it's lethal. And if Judi Evans cannot return (and I'm not blaming her; the poor woman is going through a LOT!), while I'm not a huge fan of her version, I do think Kassie DePaiva's Eve (should she ever return?) - or any other female with an edge, existing or new - can spice Justin back up again.

Maybe it is why WK's Ned on GH also worked better with fun/funkier women (hi, Lois!) than a "good" woman.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

As much as I enjoyed Justin/Adrienne I think it stifled the character because when he first showed up he was a total womanizer rather shady too then he got paired with Adrienne and while that was sweet and loving after they left HEA neither character evolved or developed after that.

I feel that way with Steve/Kayla the chemistry is there but neither character really evolved or grew beyond that pairing especially Steve.

This is really the first time we've seen a "long term pairing" for Justin and Kayla respectively that isn't their OTP. Other characters have had other romances.

I disagree about Justin and Adrienne but I do agree with you  in part about Steve and Kayla.  Kayla was not allowed to move on with her life when Steve was dead. Whereas Steve as an amnesiac fell for Ava and even had a child with her. I am sure he had been with other women as well.  Kayla a beautiful accomplished woman was a celibate for 16 years, how insulting!  Justin and Adrienne could still be interesting if the writers made an effort to tap into what made them so damn popular in their original run.   Justin and Adrienne had a full life together and raised 4 sons from baby to adulthood together in Texas.  That is quite an accomplishment on a soap opera.   I wish we had had writers who were interested in writing for them to give us insight on how they lived in Texas and exploring their dynamic with their sons on the show.  

I think Dena is the only writer who was  truly interested in Justin and Adrienne.  She made several efforts to bring them back over the years.   Justin and Adrienne once moved back to Salem with all of their boys but they were not seen but mentioned by Victor.  We had several characters talk about them and then they left Salem for a business opportunity for Justin.  She later brought Sonny to town and she also had plans on bringing back Alex, Joseph and Victor jr to Salem with Adrienne being the matriarch of the new dynasty of Kiriakis men.  Given how she hated the Kiriakis legacy in her original run it would have been an interesting story to see play out with Adrienne and her sons.. The show was in the process of casting Alex when Dena got fired and Ron had no interest in writing for Alex, Anjelica Justin and Adrienne.   So Dena's story was altered by Ron.  Anjelica was supposed to go after Adrienne over Alex and not Justin as written by Ron.. Ron just sucks..

  • Love 5

I was wondering why Rafe let Hope into her own home and then I remembered that the show uses the same set for Hope's house and Rafe's house. And I use the term "house" loosely because all we ever see is that damn sitting room with way too many doors. And what is up with people keeping the doors in their living rooms closed? I've noticed it in the DiMera mansion, the Kiriakis mansion, and the Hope/Rafe house. Makes it all so claustrophobic. 

10 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I did love Patch & Jack's conversation & Patch saying "You are weird & annoying but not a bad Brother"

It was obvious that meant so much to Jack. These guys are in their 60's but after all these years, Jack still gets all verklempt when his brother drops the attitude and tells him he loves him (in his special Steve way, of course). 

Edited by bunnyblue
  • Love 6

Sal should thank her lucky stars she has Lamont for a scene partner. He's so effortlessly charming, I don't even think she has to act happy around him. He seems like the type of guy everyone is happy just to be around.

I haven't liked Hope in a very long time, but I like her in supportive friend mode best so seeing her be there for Rafe and Steve has been a nice change - so long as they don't have her sleep with one of them and ruin it.

The "thug" who kidnapped Gabi seemed much more like a librarian or friendly substitute teacher. Just because someone is heavy set and ethnic does not mean they are naturally scary. The Casting Department really dropped the ball.

So they're pretty clearly telegraphing already that Claire is as nutty as ever, and I couldn't be more disappointed. I'm happy that Olivia gets to play someone with personality, I just hate that this is what's being done to Claire, who already had a lot of potential as an interesting young heroine who could make mistakes and be rootable. Now that I think about it, the show has no real rootable heroines. Lani is an idiot, Abigail is a nightmare, Ciara is a trashy dolt, Hope is just lifeless, Marlena is repetitive....and they're determined to drag Gabi down as far as they possibly can. So who does that leave us with? Nicole who has lost so much of her spark it's really sad, Kayla who I enjoy but who is turning into Eeyore, and the aforementioned Claire who will probably be setting up bombs this time around and speaking in tongues just to make Ben look extra super duper fantastic and wonderful on his wedding day, because apparently that's how a good redemption arc works 🙄

It's great to see her again but.....ugh...I can hear Ciara's "you cannot trust her! She's Dangerous!!" tone already.

I mean how fast did she go from insisting Brady look at her proposal and get back to her ASAP to seeing it in the garbage can and swearing up and down he's trying to destroy the company? She wastes no time overreacting. She'll probably have the mob all riled up to tar and feather Claire before she even sets foot in Salem again...

Hey, Ciara? I love Claire and I loathe you. Chew on them apples.

And hey, Sarah: if you stay with Xander now after everything you've just found out about him, you are a complete idiot. I mean worse than just a supposedly 40 year old doctor who runs around screaming like a teenager trying to control her first boyfriend. I mean a full-on idiot with no hope of recovery.

Don't don't get me wrong, I love Paul Telfer and I love Xander, but I really just want to see Sarah stick to her guns, tell Xander to go to hell and ignore him for like a year. And I'd love to see him just have to deal with that and be involved in some other plotline. There's just no way for them to come back from this as a couple right now. And if they do get back together in the next two weeks, then I'm going to hate Sarah for all of her screaming and yelling. I mean, she broke up with Rex just for cheating on her. Xander tried to steal her unborn child for Kristen! And then he made light of it? Yeah. Slap him again. And then WALK AWAY. No pretending to sleep with Brady to get back at him or make him jealous. Just turn your back, walk away and maybe focus on getting your mother the hell out of Victor's house.

The two of you ladies deserve every minute of misery those men visit on you if you stay with them.

I didn't hate Missy Reeves in her hospital scenes with Kayla, but I completely hate Jack and Jennifer as a couple. Annoying.

I think poor Chad and Eli both would have been better off had they stayed with Gabi.

Does anybody else not especially care what happens to Little David? I don't really care.

This "can Lani cope with being pregnant" thing....it's just way too emotionally sensitive a storyline for this show and especially for this character. It's like they're trying to make her seem deep and complex and relatable, but I really don't give a hoot. Have it, don't have it, give it to Kristen, give it to Sarah, give it a kick over the 40 yard line....just shut up.

She reminds me of one of those kids in high school who's desperate for attention, so they loudly announce they've picked up new hobbies every week or have broken up with some imaginary boyfriend or just start rambling about their life to get you to pay attention to their drama and think they're interesting. "I love JJ so much, you guys. He's the best. He's my everythi....is he sleeping with Gabi?!? Well, F Him! I'm getting with Eli now, baby! He's so damn hot! Didn't you hear? I totally banged him. He's...wait, JJ didn't cheat on me? But, I'm pregnant..! And Eli's the father! Oh man - big drama. Huge. So I guess I have no choice but to lie to JJ about it, right? Right? What did you guys think? Nevermind, I can't talk about it. Just stop! Please, this is too much! I can't bear to tell you anything more...."


"Hey guys so you'll never believe it but I've become A Nun! Can you believe that? I had no choice. It was like, the Only Way. Yes, I do still have feelings for Eli but it's SO! OVER! I don't want to talk about it! Please - don't ask me what this is doing to me! It's tearing me apart! I'm devoted to Only God Now! Actually, you know what? ANNOUNCEMENT! I've changed my mind and I'm going to go after Gabi and make her pay! The Bitch is going down! I know I was going to be a nun...but now it's Tuesday and I'm going to Kick! Her! Ass! Because Eli's the only one for me! I am going to ride him until dawn and have his babies and be his wife!!! Except....Oh My God you guys! Oh My God!!! I think I'm pregnant again, you guys. Oh geez, this just wasn't what I was expecting. Is this really the right time? I'm so torn! I mean, like, I wanted to have his kids, but I didn't know if I really wanted to have his kids, you know? And remember how I totally miscarried last time? That means this time is even more dramatic. Maybe I should just abort the baby. No really, I'm serious!! Except I totally won't, but maybe I should? I'm going to! Just watch me, I will! No, I won't. No, I'm just kidding! But I might! But I won't. Don't you see how this is tearing me up inside? Oh my God what am I going to do? What do you think I'm going to do? What do you want me to do? Why aren't you asking me what I'm going to do?"



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On 6/3/2020 at 10:38 PM, Silver Raven said:

Not very much happened.  Brady told Sarah that Xander had been planning to take her embryo at the abortion clinic and have it inserted into Kristin. 


And that is EXACTLY how Brady presented it to Sarah. As if Kristen was the unwitting victim of Xander's machinations to give her a baby. Does he really see Kristen as the innocent in this?


Now (disclaimer) I am a complete Xander fan. He makes me laugh and I like looking at him, and my weakness has always been bad boys trying to reform (Jack did nothing for me until he started to suffer when he found out he was Billy, then I was all in). I agree that Sarah as every right to be furious at him but she is viewing this emotionally as if it just happened, while for Xander the baby swap was over a year ago and the foetus heist was almost two years ago. Unlike Kristen, I do believe he has changed a heck of a lot since then and has tried very hard to be a better person for Sarah (and to some extent Maggie). Sarah is already realizing that the baby swap was not done with malicious intent but as a misguided attempt by Victor and Xander to protect her and her mom. If Xander is able to ever talk to her about the other thing (and I am SO glad it is out there and not another secret to be unearthed, although I am still baffled that he told Brady about it - Kristen sure wouldn't have) he could at least explain he in no way wanted to be involved in any of that but Kristen was going to do it anyway and he at least wanted to be there to make sure Sarah wasn't hurt. It is such a stupid and out there plot line it is hard to even put in real life excuses and explanations but there you go


I imagine Sarah will get over it just as Brady got over Kristen stealing Tate and Eric got over Nicole snatching Sydney. Baby swapping is no big deal in Salem.

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On 6/4/2020 at 8:39 AM, MsTree said:

People change as they age...and living on the edge isn't as attractive in your 60s as it might have been in your 30s.

Not really  . Besides Steve and Kayla's numerous breakups occurred as a result of offscreen circumstances which involved Steve Nichol's employment status .

From a character's point of view ,these breakups were helluva contrived and always involved trashing Steve just cause his portrayer wasn't available . 


  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I disagree about Justin and Adrienne but I do agree with you  in part about Steve and Kayla.  Kayla was not allowed to move on with her life when Steve was dead. Whereas Steve as an amnesiac fell for Ava and even had a child with her. I am sure he had been with other women as well.  Kayla a beautiful accomplished woman was a celibate for 16 years, how insulting!  Justin and Adrienne could still be interesting if the writers made an effort to tap into what made them so damn popular in their original run.   Justin and Adrienne had a full life together and raised 4 sons from baby to adulthood together in Texas.  That is quite an accomplishment on a soap opera.   I wish we had had writers who were interested in writing for them to give us insight on how they lived in Texas and exploring their dynamic with their sons on the show.  

I think Dena is the only writer who was  truly interested in Justin and Adrienne.  She made several efforts to bring them back over the years.   Justin and Adrienne once moved back to Salem with all of their boys but they were not seen but mentioned by Victor.  We had several characters talk about them and then they left Salem for a business opportunity for Justin.  She later brought Sonny to town and she also had plans on bringing back Alex, Joseph and Victor jr to Salem with Adrienne being the matriarch of the new dynasty of Kiriakis men.  Given how she hated the Kiriakis legacy in her original run it would have been an interesting story to see play out with Adrienne and her sons.. The show was in the process of casting Alex when Dena got fired and Ron had no interest in writing for Alex, Anjelica Justin and Adrienne.   So Dena's story was altered by Ron.  Anjelica was supposed to go after Adrienne over Alex and not Justin as written by Ron.. Ron just sucks..

You can check out my comments on the bitterness thread regarding this issue with Justin and Adrienne's sons and how TIIC completely dropped the ball on them .

10 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I disagree about Justin and Adrienne but I do agree with you  in part about Steve and Kayla.  Kayla was not allowed to move on with her life when Steve was dead. Whereas Steve as an amnesiac fell for Ava and even had a child with her. I am sure he had been with other women as well.  Kayla a beautiful accomplished woman was a celibate for 16 years, how insulting!  

IIRC ,when Kayla returned to Salem in 2006 for Frankie and Jen's wedding ,she  told Frankie and Jennifer that there were a "few guys"but they just never matched up to Steve plus she was a fulltime doctor and a single mom.  So I can kinda buy Into her being unable to find a new man after Steve's death .

I think these "few guys " were most likely male colleagues .

Plus Stephanie was like an infant when Steve died and that requires Kayla paying full attention to Stephanie . I think when Stephanie became a teen circa 2005, Kayla could have then focused more on herself and possibly meeting a man but then again ,Steve came back from the dead a year later ... 


All Im saying is ,I do get why Kayla never remarried . 

Edited by Rafael
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I disagree about Justin and Adrienne but I do agree with you  in part about Steve and Kayla.  Kayla was not allowed to move on with her life when Steve was dead. Whereas Steve as an amnesiac fell for Ava and even had a child with her. I am sure he had been with other women as well.  Kayla a beautiful accomplished woman was a celibate for 16 years, how insulting!  Justin and Adrienne could still be interesting if the writers made an effort to tap into what made them so damn popular in their original run.   Justin and Adrienne had a full life together and raised 4 sons from baby to adulthood together in Texas.  That is quite an accomplishment on a soap opera.   I wish we had had writers who were interested in writing for them to give us insight on how they lived in Texas and exploring their dynamic with their sons on the show.  

I think Dena is the only writer who was  truly interested in Justin and Adrienne.  She made several efforts to bring them back over the years.   Justin and Adrienne once moved back to Salem with all of their boys but they were not seen but mentioned by Victor.  We had several characters talk about them and then they left Salem for a business opportunity for Justin.  She later brought Sonny to town and she also had plans on bringing back Alex, Joseph and Victor jr to Salem with Adrienne being the matriarch of the new dynasty of Kiriakis men.  Given how she hated the Kiriakis legacy in her original run it would have been an interesting story to see play out with Adrienne and her sons.. The show was in the process of casting Alex when Dena got fired and Ron had no interest in writing for Alex, Anjelica Justin and Adrienne.   So Dena's story was altered by Ron.  Anjelica was supposed to go after Adrienne over Alex and not Justin as written by Ron.. Ron just sucks..

Uhmm, not sure if I'm posting this in the right thread ,but speaking of Anjelica ,I still think the character still had more legs and that killing her off in such a cheap manner was such a waste. 

What enraged me more was when they brought back Judith Chapman to play Diane Collville instead of reprising her role as Anjelica . UGH UGH !!!

I also would have loved to see her interacting with Jack and meeting  and trying to connect with an adult version of Alexander and possibly feuding with Adrienne or even teaming up with her to battle Kate /Vivian and the feud would involve Victor beginning the process to select the next leader of Titan and House Kiriakis  . and both sets of mums would try to ensure their offspring ,either Alexander or Philip ,is selected as the new leader of House Kiriakis . 

Hell, if Jack had returned to the land of the living with Cassie Brady instead of Kassie's Eve , perhaps Anjelica would have been supportive of Jack and Cassie and perhaps she could have  teamed up with Kate to ensure Cassie and Jack happen . So much missed potential.


Edited by Rafael
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

The show was in the process of casting Alex when Dena got fired and Ron had no interest in writing for Alex, Anjelica Justin and Adrienne.   So Dena's story was altered by Ron.  Anjelica was supposed to go after Adrienne over Alex and not Justin as written by Ron.. Ron just sucks..

Maybe but I'd take Ron over Dena.  All day and every day.

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On today's episode we got to finally meet Gwen--the actress playing her is quite good, and I like the friendship she has with Claire, but I do have to wonder why Jake never mentioned that she's British?  I did like seeing Claire and I believe that she's sincere in wanting to make amends--that being said, will that feeling still stand when she's face to face with Ciara and her entitled smugness?  I know Ciara has every right to be worried but the actress is so unpleasant, I find myself on Claire's side and wanting her to be okay and John and Marlena agree with me, so that's good right?

Jake continues to be interesting but it's a damn shame he has to share all of his scenes with Ben and Ciara--the poor man needs new people to interact with.

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On 6/3/2020 at 7:10 PM, Damian said:

This is also what Ciara says when she hands out wedding invitations.

And yet, somehow there's been no uptake on their wedding registry. 

Did Julie fall down the stairs that one time? Or did she shove Gabi? I know somebody accidentally (more or less) took a header over the stairs, but I honestly can't remember how it went. I'm sure Julie blames Gabi, though, whatever the case.

Edited by Sandman
  • LOL 3
8 minutes ago, pearlite said:

Say it ain't so, folks!

For those of you who also watch Y & R, who in hell wanted to see Emily from Genoa City with the dubious British accent reappear as Gwen?

She's English, though she's lived in the US since she was nine.


Ah.  So Gwen is being played by Emily O'Brien, from Y&R

I guess alcohol doesn't interfere with the pills Ben takes to keep him from killing people.


  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Sandman said:

Did Julie fall down the stairs that one time? Or did she shove Gabi? I know somebody accidentally (more or less) took a header over the stairs, but I honestly can't remember how it went. I'm sure Julie blames Gabi, though, whatever the case.

Julie and Gabi were sorta fighting over some test results I think (maybe a paternity test? I don't really know lol) and Julie ended up following down the stairs. Gabi didn't push her but, of course, Julie said she did and everyone believed it.

39 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

I guess alcohol doesn't interfere with the pills Ben takes to keep him from killing people.

Makes sense.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I disagree about Justin and Adrienne but I do agree with you  in part about Steve and Kayla.  Kayla was not allowed to move on with her life when Steve was dead. Whereas Steve as an amnesiac fell for Ava and even had a child with her. I am sure he had been with other women as well.  Kayla a beautiful accomplished woman was a celibate for 16 years, how insulting!  Justin and Adrienne could still be interesting if the writers made an effort to tap into what made them so damn popular in their original run.   Justin and Adrienne had a full life together and raised 4 sons from baby to adulthood together in Texas.  That is quite an accomplishment on a soap opera.   I wish we had had writers who were interested in writing for them to give us insight on how they lived in Texas and exploring their dynamic with their sons on the show.  

I think Dena is the only writer who was  truly interested in Justin and Adrienne.  She made several efforts to bring them back over the years.   Justin and Adrienne once moved back to Salem with all of their boys but they were not seen but mentioned by Victor.  We had several characters talk about them and then they left Salem for a business opportunity for Justin.  She later brought Sonny to town and she also had plans on bringing back Alex, Joseph and Victor jr to Salem with Adrienne being the matriarch of the new dynasty of Kiriakis men.  Given how she hated the Kiriakis legacy in her original run it would have been an interesting story to see play out with Adrienne and her sons.. The show was in the process of casting Alex when Dena got fired and Ron had no interest in writing for Alex, Anjelica Justin and Adrienne.   So Dena's story was altered by Ron.  Anjelica was supposed to go after Adrienne over Alex and not Justin as written by Ron.. Ron just sucks..

Yeah they had Morgan Fairchild(who botched her face with awful plastic surgery why do these beautiful women do this to themselves?!) as an Angelica recast who is a decent choice but again her face was just too distracting otherwise the bitchiness etc was on point. Despite the campy plot I actually was interested in the story because Justin/Adrienne looked to finally be getting one of their own and it was nice to see them featured than the usual airtime hogs of this show.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

(maybe a paternity test? I don't really know lol)

Wasn't it the real paternity test proving that Chad was the father of the baby rather than Stefan?  I think it was part of Gabi's plan to have Stefan get attached to the baby, then be devastated when he found out Chad was actually the father.

Claire and Gwen were fun.  I liked Gwen being a bit of a devil's advocate in regards to Claire's motivation to being at the Super Couple's wedding.   

  • Love 6

Jennifer, talking to Kayla at the hospital was the highlight of today's show.  And, the glance she gave Jack later, back at the House of Usher.  

I did catch Ciara telling Bollie that he could rent his wedding tux at any local funeral home and Bollie nixing her idea of having Will be his best man.  Once again, the psycho killer is the stable one in that relationship.  

I'm glad they're having Julie marry them.  I mean, what could go wrong?


OOOO, maybe a honeymoon at sea!  I bet Julie can get them tickets!

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@boes, it'll be a long time before the floating petri dishes are back in business. Iceberg season in Canada is May and June. There is currently a humpback whale swimming and splashing in the St. Lawrence River in Montreal - maybe that could work. And it's hurricane season!

I don't know if I believe that Claire is well enough to be released in to normal society. And that John and Marlena could keep an eye on her at their place, or whatever she was hoping for.

Her new friend Gwen seemed very normal - wonder why she is there - hiding out from the mob?

Yeah, Ben, good luck in finding a best man. Will is a strange choice and Jake is another strange choice. Ciara, you should call Rafe about Gabi being kidnapped. He is her brother. And how do the two of you expect to get this wedding in order within a few weeks? Unless you have connections, you book venues months in advance.

At least Kayla took Steve home to Hope's place to sleep off his drinking. Maybe you should not have disappeared, Steve, for all those years. Some wasn't your fault - i.e. being turned in to Stevano, but you chose to ignore Kayla for a long time and she has a right to have had enough of you and move on. Yes, you can still love each other but love does not equal relationship. You can love many people. 

The DiMera mansion seems to be shrinking in size. Why would Kayla bring a pie over?

Jack and Jennifer were kinda normal today.


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Since Ben and Ciara have no friends they could always hire strangers or actors to be guests or part of the wedding party. That’s actually a big industry and the crux of this movie A Bride for Rip Van Winkel (clips below). 

I think Gwen’s going to some fuckshit and set Claire up to take the fall. 

Brady Pub shouldn’t be serving Patch to the point he’s falling down, that’s a good way for Roman to lose his liquor license.

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20 minutes ago, katie9918 said:

Xander Is NO ONE’S victim here.

As much as everyone here hates “sanctimonious” Eric, he had every fucking right to hate the hell out of Xander because he victimized Eric twice now fully knowing he was doing so.

Greasy Xander deserves NO sympathy whatsoever IMO.

Where’s the post saying Xander was Eric’s victim and that Eric shouldn’t hate him? 


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5 hours ago, katie9918 said:

There is a lot of complaining about poor greasy Xander not getting away scot free with everything he did just because others have done and get complained about, such as Abigail.

I don't think anybody thinks Xander should not be going through his current hell for his past sins or that Eric should be his bff. However most of the stuff he did was at least a year in the past and he has sincerely tried to change since. If Nicole and flipping Kristen can be forgiven so can he. Abby whatever I have no real opinion beyond liking her better off screen 

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

And how do the two of you expect to get this wedding in order within a few weeks? Unless you have connections, you book venues months in advance.

This is a soap.  It has absolutely no connection to real life.  People routinely have huge weddings on TV shows that they planned in about a month.  Sometimes someone will make a passing reference to luckily finding a venue because someone canceled at the last minute, but usually it's simply magic.  I'm pretty sure Eric & Nicole, and Lani & Eli, will also be able to pull off an elaborate wedding after having done no more than taste cake.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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