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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Bill Hayes was amazing today. That exchange between Gabi and Doug has been the most real, heartfelt part of this whole depressing story.  Doug actually showed compassion rather than going after Gabi's husbands heart like a freaking savage. These scenes have to be so difficult for BH to get through. Dude is one talented badass.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, boes said:

I thought Will and Sonny's attempted intervention on Julie's behalf was pretty lame.  No reason for the two of them to have anything (much) against Julie at this point, though she never seemed to care much about them, nor did she care about what Nick put them through.  But they're adult enough to have put that aside, unlike her.  But if there are any two people who should know that badgering Gabi was exactly the wrong tactic, it should be them.  The whole thing was a little too much plaster saint of them for my taste and in this instance, I think Gabi's response was pretty restrained.

I could not believe the writing for them today. Someone clearly doesn't understand the relationship between those three, because the Will I know would have told Gabi that she'd be able to lord it over Julie for the rest of her days *if* she decided to donate Stefan's heart to Julie - because he knows fully well what it's like to be on the opposite side of Julie (when she irrationally took Nick's side back in the day). The guys I know would have been so much more comforting to Gabi in her distress. More often than not under Ron's writing, the guys are just there to fit the plot, and when I'm pretty much only watching for them? I can't say I'm a happy camper.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, boes said:

Doug was amazing, today.  BILL HAYES was amazing.  He's 94 and that man can still do more with his talent than a good half of the rest of the cast.  I thought his conversation with Gabi was powerful and very well done.  Sometimes all Show does with him anymore can be pretty silly but today, he had something worth saying and he did it so very, very well.

1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

So Doug was able to talk to Gabi in a kind, calm, reasonable manner. At least he showed her respect, which is what none of the other folks have been doing. He admitted that Julie was nasty to her and she had every reason to not donate the heart. Well done, Bill Hayes.

51 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

Bill Hayes was amazing today. That exchange between Gabi and Doug has been the most real, heartfelt part of this whole depressing story.  Doug actually showed compassion rather than going after Gabi's husbands heart like a freaking savage. These scenes have to be so difficult for BH to get through. Dude is one talented badass.

I quoted everybody because you ALL said it so well.  I honestly believe he was the only reason Gabi changed her mind - simply because he treated her with kindness, not like some horrible person who HAD to give away her husband's heart to somehow atone for her sins.

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Two moments didn't work for me with Doug today.  One, I found it kind of inappropriate that he described what happened with Kate as "going sour."

Doug and Gabi did have the best scenes of this whole debacle except, dude, "I won't judge you. Only God can do that." Only God can do that comes off as vicariously judgy. 

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5 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Two moments didn't work for me with Doug today.  One, I found it kind of inappropriate that he described what happened with Kate as "going sour."

Doug and Gabi did have the best scenes of this whole debacle except, dude, "I won't judge you. Only God can do that." Only God can do that comes off as vicariously judgy. 

I also loved everything Bill said and Hayes performance was A+ and making me tear up until that line. If always felt when people say that phrase it had the unsaid “I’m not judging you because God will.” Like a conditional graciousness. It’s kinda reminds me of other nicey cliches like “I’m sorry you felt that way” or “no offense but” it’s hard to put into words but it’s like a disclaimer “I ain’t mad at ya or will hold something against you, that’s God’s job... if that happens”. Everything before that was remarkably fair. I loved he acknowledged her heartbreak and that how could she fathom taking the heart of someone she wanted so desperately to live and be with. And placing in it someone who has been unkind and seemingly heartless to her. He showed inspite of his great love for Julie he knows she does have strong faults. Rare on this shit show. Ron mustn’t not have written that speech, it was far too layered maybe Hayes improvised some of it. Once again this proves when we play history and character driven scenes this show can be truly exceptional. 

I truly thought when Brady left the room with Kristen they were gonna get an apartment for him and K, maybe JJs previous apartment/set or go to Salem Inn together. That would have been more story advancing had they done that but Ron is too lazy and this show is too cheap I guess. My mom had a friend while I was a teenager who lived in a 12 bedroom mansion of his parents; but his parents, him, his wife, his kids, his siblings and a couple live in help so it wasn’t such a big house, if that makes sense. 

Thanks @Katy M CLOCKED I used to be fluent in German  (to the point I could read newspapers in German or watch movies without subtitles and write 4 page papers in it. And spoke to people from DDR or Oesterreich at kaffestundes, so knew people who roll vowels where umlauts or the consonant eszett are and usually have a cadence, I had a crisp kinda Christoph Waltz speaking style myself, and Rolf rolls flat vowels or “r”’s randomly and doesn’t have that musical “oompa” way of talking). 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Two moments didn't work for me with Doug today.  One, I found it kind of inappropriate that he described what happened with Kate as "going sour."

Doug and Gabi did have the best scenes of this whole debacle except, dude, "I won't judge you. Only God can do that." Only God can do that comes off as vicariously judgy. 

The Kate reference didn't register with me but I agree about the "Only God can..." nonsense Doug said.  He did so very well up to then that I just ignored that passive aggressive Hallmark moment.  

But you're right.  I hate that greeting card/fortune cookie crap that passes for wisdom.

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34 minutes ago, boes said:

The Kate reference didn't register with me but I agree about the "Only God can..." nonsense Doug said.  He did so very well up to then that I just ignored that passive aggressive Hallmark moment.  

But you're right.  I hate that greeting card/fortune cookie crap that passes for wisdom.

I am not a religious person,  but I thought that God also forgives. The Salemites can probably buy enough Indulgences for their various sins to build an addition to the church.

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Did Jen really say Gabi, whose husband was shot and killed, was getting "the last laugh"?  WHAT THE FUCK?!  When did Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux lose her last shred of compassion?

I cannot believe all that "Gabi will donate Stefan's heart on one condition" stuff turned out to be a momentary humiliation of Lani without an audience.  That's it?  That was the huge ask? Not Lani giving up Eli or quitting the SPD?  Seriously?  Am I supposed to think that what Lani "went through" in those less than 2 minutes was so awful that Gabi's gift to Julie is null or even tarnished? 

  • Love 11
47 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

Did Jen really say Gabi, whose husband was shot and killed, was getting "the last laugh"?  WHAT THE FUCK?!  When did Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux lose her last shred of compassion?

I cannot believe all that "Gabi will donate Stefan's heart on one condition" stuff turned out to be a momentary humiliation of Lani without an audience.  That's it?  That was the huge ask? Not Lani giving up Eli or quitting the SPD?  Seriously?  Am I supposed to think that what Lani "went through" in those less than 2 minutes was so awful that Gabi's gift to Julie is null or even tarnished? 

I don't expect Jennifer to like Gabi after what she did to Abby but saying Gabi got the last laugh is ridiculous when she's grieving for her husband.

It's not like she's off on a shopping spree.

Edited by Harmony233
  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

Not that it matters, but they still hadn't done any testing on Stefan's heart to see if it is a match for Julie. Let's just hope it fits and find out later? 

Right! I keep hoping they get all ready to do it and then some doctor comes in and is like, "Yea, that's not a match." It'd be hilarious.

Gabi asking Lani to beg was really bad and stupid. Like, at least make all the Hortons beg. Or, like others said, make her dump Eli or quit her job. Just asking her to briefly beg alone, how mundane lol.

Sarah looked better today than she normally does so I was grateful for that. Her eyebrows are somehow worse now though since they appear to be using a reddish color on them. Very odd.

I'm interested to see what's up with Hope. I though KA did a good job today.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Gabi should have made Lani promise to break up with Eli.

I bet that will be next... regardless it all fell flat to me. Probably because given how this show goes who wants to bet Stefan comes back in a few months as good as new like none of this ever happened. Rendering all this rather pointless and a complete waste of time.

BTW I didn't like Jennifer suggesting JJ go talk to Gabi I rather not see that come to pass. JJ being ignored in all this is one of the few good things about this storyline. The other has been how great Bill Hayes has been. Doug is really the only likeable person in this storyline.

Edited by CanaryFan98
  • Love 3
23 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Yeah I don't recall that but maybe I wasn't posting here at the time. I personally didn't care I was hoping he'd go back to being the angry jaded edgy person he used to be after he found that out but no they turned him into the emasculated loser he is now..... 

Besides that baby was a lame plot point in a quad nobody really cared about. They should've just had Eli/Lani have a full on affair but trying to make it work with their respective S/Os but couldn't resist the pull etc.  

I was bothered that Jennifer wasn't angrier with Lani over the whole thing above all else.

Lani is Abe's daughter and now part of the Horton family and can do no wrong.  Just like Julie can do no wrong.

  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

Gabi making Lani get on her knees and beg was disgusting and dehumanizing.  I don’t know the thinking behind those scenes, but it didn’t make me cheer Gabi on.

It was uncomfortable.  I'm a huge Gabi fan and I wasn't cheering it on exactly.  I just found the dramatic "On one condition!" promo made it seem like it would be someone huge.  It was willful humiliation of which I'm not a fan.  But it was clear Gabi was grieving and wanted to make sure to share her pain.

I saw the scene as Gabi hurting and, though wanting to do the right thing even if just for Ari, wasn't quite ready to be truly kind or selfless. Maybe if she was not in the throws of her immediate grief, she wouldn't have done it. But as pointed out by the parade of Hortons making their pitches for Stefan's heart, she didn't have time to come to terms with it. 

So, she did something shitty because she needed to take a measure of flesh.  It wasn't right.  But much like the Hortons were wrong but understandable in pressuring Gabi, I find Gabi's actions today wrong but understandable too.  

As ill thought out and frustrating as the show can be, I would rather watch wrong but understandable than right but without understandable motivation. Without exception, motivated actions > unmotivated actions.

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

Gabi making Lani get on her knees and beg was disgusting and dehumanizing.  I don’t know the thinking behind those scenes, but it didn’t make me cheer Gabi on.

All to make Gabi more hated than ever and for Lani who never have seen a man she did not want to bang look good because she is going to be a HOrton.,

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So what did Dr. Rolf put into Hope?  He wasn't using that scalpel to trim his nails.  

Bill Hayes was really good again.  And as many of you have said, this storyline must be particularly hard, considering he and SSH have been together forever, as well as their age.  Quality shows, though, and he's quality.

I'm so glad that Jack and Jennifer are back together that I decided, after reading some of your posts about today's episode, to treat Jennifer's dialogue today as just some white noise. LALALA, Jenn, I didn't hear you!  I'm hoping that we don't hear anymore offhand cruel comments from any of the Hortons for a while, there's been too much of that from that part of the Salem peanut gallery these past few years.

Which brings me to Gabi and Lani.........It was a wince-worthy scene, for sure, when Gabi made Lani get on her knees, for more reasons than were immediately apparent, at least IMO.  Bad visuals, at the very least.  Storywise, though, I think it's pretty comparable to the viseral level of hatred that Julie has exhibited to Gabi, ever since Nick.  That behavior is what damaged my feeling for Julie and I'm hoping that Gabi won't continue, at least on this level.  Hate Lani, sure, that's a natural response for Gabi, especially given the contempt with which Lani has treated her.   But too much and we're right back into what, for me, becomes a tiresome trope like Eve hating Jenn, Julie hating Gabi, Kristen hating human lifeforms that aren't a boiled and hairless Brady, etc., - it's get old.

If this were a different show, just think of the fun Gabi and pretty much everyone could have when Julie wakes up and discovers she's carrying a little bit of Stefano AND Vivian inside her!

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, boes said:

If this were a different show, just think of the fun Gabi and pretty much everyone could have when Julie wakes up and discovers she's carrying a little bit of Stefano AND Vivian inside her!

Remember when Steve donated a kidney to Jack and everybody hid it from him because they were afraid his body would reject the organ if he knew whence it came.  They might do that again.

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Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to Jennifer's ranting, but Abigail needs to take some of the blame for her own actions. Gabi isn't entirely to blame for Abigail. But then again, she is a Horton Princess.

Lani should have maybe had to beg in front of others and not just Gabi - to get the heart.

The Hortons were pretty entitled this week.

Shouldn't there be an actual transplant team flown in to Salem to do the transplant? Kayla is the wunderdoctor? Maybe she should have roped Rolf in to helping out.

Hope seemed pretty out of it in the chapel.

Did like Xander referring to Kristen being in her crypt on the second floor of the mansion. Why can't people just talk to each other on the show. Sarah, you don't have to be involved with Eric. He can have his relationship with Nicole and you can co-parent as adults. You do not need to be married to him.

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I guess KA is getting her big storyline. Her romances with the men of Salem have all been duds. I’m guessing she’ll have some fun with this. Off course, it started 6 months ago and now we’re just seeing it.

Dear Days,

Could you please go back to a month out shooting schedule. I would really appreciate it. In the words of Gabi. I’m begging you.

Thank you, 


  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I guess KA is getting her big storyline. Her romances with the men of Salem have all been duds. I’m guessing she’ll have some fun with this. Off course, it started 6 months ago and now we’re just seeing it.

Dear Days,

Could you please go back to a month out shooting schedule. I would really appreciate it. In the words of Gabi. I’m begging you.

Thank you, 


There haven't exactly been that many post Bo besides Aiden and Rafe(ugh). Ted never went anywhere.

I actually liked her with Aiden but they trashed it for Rafe/Hope. She never recovered from that.

It doesn't help that this show doesn't seem to want to write for her beyond Bo(or Rafe). I rather Hope be single at this point she's never going to have a real non Bo love interest not named Rafe.

  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to Jennifer's ranting, but Abigail needs to take some of the blame for her own actions. Gabi isn't entirely to blame for Abigail. But then again, she is a Horton Princess.

Lani should have maybe had to beg in front of others and not just Gabi - to get the heart.

The Hortons were pretty entitled this week.

Shouldn't there be an actual transplant team flown in to Salem to do the transplant? Kayla is the wunderdoctor? Maybe she should have roped Rolf in to helping out.

That requires too much effort. Jennifer's point was had Julie not interfered Stefan would be raising Abigail's baby and she'd be in Bayview because she was the only one that knew Gabi was up to something bad but nobody else wanted to believe it.

That being said none of this absolves Abby being an idiot by not going to a professional or family when she noticed something was wrong in the first place. However Jennifer's rant really didn't bother me her saying that Gabi was getting the last laugh in all of this didn't seem to be something that was necessary here but I'm not bothered by Jennifer not caring about Gabi/Stefan though. Kind of wished she did this after the fact so it falls flat hearing it now.

4 hours ago, bobcat1946 said:

Lani is Abe's daughter and now part of the Horton family and can do no wrong.  Just like Julie can do no wrong.

Well I do agree about the Abe's daughter part they do gloss over the crappy things she does. But also they don't care about Lani to actually give her a real POV or flesh her out to the point where people yell at her etc(besides Gabi today).

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I know it’s only acting but the Gabi/Lani scenes were kind of gross. I’m not exactly sure why I so offended though. LOL!! I kind of want Lani to make Gabi pay later. I guess it will happen someday but right now i felt bad for Lani. Now, that I think about it I think when Lani has to get on her knees might have been too much for me. I know! I know! It’s only pretend. LOL!!!!

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I was actually rooting Jennifer on. Unpopular or not. Yes, Gabi is going through something awful, but I don't think Jenn going off is Horton entitlement, but a mother defending her child.

I get Abby is smug and annoying, but blood really is thicker than water.

And I rather appreciate - at least - that these people (the Hortons) aren't made to look like fake hypocrites in caring that a man that raped their mentally-ill family member is basically dead.

Although it would be nice - and this is saying something because I hate him - if Rafe had more supportive scenes with Gabi so she has someone. But then, that would maybe mean no vengeful Gabi. And it's Ron, so we can't have that.

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I don't think Lani is going to get revenge on Gabi they'll just move on to another story and act like this never happened. I don't buy this show going through all that trouble to set up a legit rivalry between these two women of color. 

I'd go into more detail but it would reveal spoilers and this isn't the thread for it.

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

I was actually rooting Jennifer on. Unpopular or not. Yes, Gabi is going through something awful, but I don't think Jenn going off is Horton entitlement, but a mother defending her child.

I don't have a problem with what Jennifer said either because that was also about Julie.

But, just like yesterday's scenes with Doug where it was all good until his last little "God will judge" bit, Jennifer's "Gabi gets the last laugh" is just insensitive. It's a such a clunky line.

Yeah, today's scenes between Lani and Gabi were cringey but then I think back to when Lani kept yelling at Gabi for leaving Julie and how she was going to be arrested and she did kill Stefan so eh. 

So I didn't get Sarah's outfit today.  I've been watching since Jack came back and I don't think, in those nine months, I've seen Sarah ever wear a halter top.  Yet there she was in one today--mid fall and a few months into her pregnancy. I get that some women don't pop right away but you'd think she'd be careful considering she wants to hide it.

Edited by Irlandesa
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6 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

There haven't exactly been that many post Bo besides Aiden and Rafe(ugh). Ted never went anywhere.

I actually liked her with Aiden but they trashed it for Rafe/Hope. She never recovered from that.

It doesn't help that this show doesn't seem to want to write for her beyond Bo(or Rafe). I rather Hope be single at this point she's never going to have a real non Bo love interest not named Rafe.

This might sound creepy but i thought she had Blazing chemistry with John during that Whole submarine saga . 

She also had decent chemistry with Sean Douglas (Who played Vargas ).

They can alWAys bring him back and give him a different role.

I think he would be great as Tanner Scofield .

Tanner is Steve ,Jack and Adrienne's step brother plus he Was a detEctive the last time he was on the canvas. 

Edited by Rafael
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@Rafael when mom was here watching the show she thought Hope had a thing for John. 

The whole thing with Lani and Gabi felt uncomfortable although they both looked fantastic lol.  I don’t like that now  it looks like Lani convinced Gabi. That was Doug.   He was the only one who showed compassion in this situation.  

Also hoping we don’t have Lani having ton of flashbacks of  her begging. 

Edited by tribeca
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I'm probably just desensitized but I didn't find the Lani/Gabi scenes gross. They were way too dumb to reach offensive for me lol. Hell, I think they should've been more gross. Like I said earlier, Gabi should have made her do it in front of an audience or make all the Hortons beg. I mean, go all in!

  • LOL 3
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10 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I was actually rooting Jennifer on. Unpopular or not. Yes, Gabi is going through something awful, but I don't think Jenn going off is Horton entitlement, but a mother defending her child.

Sure but after that had happened originally, Jennifer had said she hated what Gabi had done to Abby, but she knows that JJ wouldn't be alive today because of Gabi.

Unlike most of the characters on this show, Jennifer is actually a nice person and have empathy for other people. She knows exactly what it feels like to lose her husband and make the decision to donate his organs. Well until he comes back from the dead.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Rafael said:

This might sound creepy but i thought she had Blazing chemistry with John during that Whole submarine saga . 

She also had decent chemistry with Sean Douglas (Who played Vargas ).

They can alWAys bring him back and give him a different role.

I think he would be great as Tanner Scofield .

Tanner is Steve ,Jack and Adrienne's step brother plus he Was a detEctive the last time he was on the canvas. 

Outside of Aiden I loved her with Patrick Lockhart. I know Kristen Alfonso has always championed bringing him back.

Considering everything that happened with Ted, I can totally see Hope getting involved with a "rehabilitated" Patrick. And Ciara will have her real father around too. 

Bonus points if EJ makes an appearance. Who doesn't want to see Patrick and EJ reunite? 😉

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Rafael said:

This might sound creepy but i thought she had Blazing chemistry with John during that Whole submarine saga . 

She also had decent chemistry with Sean Douglas (Who played Vargas ).

They can alWAys bring him back and give him a different role.

I think he would be great as Tanner Scofield .

Tanner is Steve ,Jack and Adrienne's step brother plus he Was a detEctive the last time he was on the canvas. 

I wouldn't mind any of those but the show is never going to write it. I do think KA can do more than what the show gives her. However the show won't let Hope go beyond that Bo (or Rafe) bubble which shows how limited this character is.  I liked her with Aiden because it showed that Hope can exist in a totally different type of pairing and he wasn't a Bo ripoff like Rafe is. I find it interesting most fans are accepting of the men in these supercouple pairings to move on but the women can't. Sure Jennifer was allowed to move on but people kept clamoring for Jack(except maybe when she was w/ Peter and MV was Jack). I don't think that would be the case with Jack.

6 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Outside of Aiden I loved her with Patrick Lockhart. I know Kristen Alfonso has always championed bringing him back.

Considering everything that happened with Ted, I can totally see Hope getting involved with a "rehabilitated" Patrick. And Ciara will have her real father around too. 

Bonus points if EJ makes an appearance. Who doesn't want to see Patrick and EJ reunite? 😉

I loved Patrick(the only Lockhart I liked) and I also thought Hope/Patrick were pretty hot. Unfortunately he went the way of all the other non Bo and Rafe love interests and became demonized never to be heard from again. However he could've easily been paired with Chloe, Nicole etc at the time and it would've been ok with me. Plus I always wanted JJ to meet him as he was older since he helped bring him into the world.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm probably just desensitized but I didn't find the Lani/Gabi scenes gross. They were way too dumb to reach offensive for me lol. Hell, I think they should've been more gross. Like I said earlier, Gabi should have made her do it in front of an audience or make all the Hortons beg. I mean, go all in!

That's the thing they weren't going to have the other Hortons beg if they begged along with Lani I think the reaction wouldn't have been as bad but they had the black woman do it instead.  I think the optics don't really look good but to me they did it for shock value to get people talking.

Mission accomplished.

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Finally saw yesterday's episode today.  Again, the only Horton with compassion was Doug.  He at least could admit that Julie was capable of acting like a raging bitch.  Yes, he loves her, but he is under no illusion that she is just little Mary Sunshine all of the time.  That is why Jennifer's speech so irritated me.  Along with the last laugh comment, she had to stick Julie back up on that pedestal.  While Doug was saying he could understand Gabi refusing because Julie really HAD treated her miserably, Jennifer was basically saying that Julie was 100% saint and Gabi was just an evil person for not immediately pulling the plug on her husband.  It really wasn't her leaping to the defense of her daughter, it was her refusal to acknowledge that Julie has really bad qualities along with the ones she admires.

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I realize this is a soap, but hearts (or any transplantable organ) go to the person that needs one and who is the most compatible match even if it is in another state. Just because someone dies in a hospital and there is a person that needs one in the same hospital, doesn't mean the heart will be a perfect match. 

Edited by Lisa418722
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On 10/11/2019 at 3:10 PM, Harmony233 said:

The hortons infuriated me this week there not entitled to stefans heart.Acting like Gabi owed them pissed me off.

Yes, and it only got worse each day. 

On 10/11/2019 at 10:59 PM, boes said:

I'm so glad that Jack and Jennifer are back together that I decided, after reading some of your posts about today's episode, to treat Jennifer's dialogue today as just some white noise. LALALA, Jenn, I didn't hear you! 

Haha, me too. I always felt more for Abigail than anyone else during that plot anyway (dodges tomatoes). I like Jenn in fiery mother lioness mode -- I loved when she walked in on JJ and Eve and hopped on Eve's back or something, I forget exactly. But it was fiery!

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

Yes, and it only got worse each day. 

Haha, me too. I always felt more for Abigail than anyone else during that plot anyway (dodges tomatoes). I like Jenn in fiery mother lioness mode -- I loved when she walked in on JJ and Eve and hopped on Eve's back or something, I forget exactly. But it was fiery!

Here's the clip you can see for yourself

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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