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S04.E01: Made In Manhattan

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Yeah, but Dmitry and Fabio have something in common.  They are both Season 10 designers.  Something about that particular season, the casting worked out really well for my tastes.  Something about them all being around the same age and (kind of) complementary personalities - I say "kind of" because of Elena - made it one of the most overall fun and likeable casts in my opinion.  It was one of those seasons where the "villain" of the season (the strongest personality being Elena IMO -- I'm going to ignore Ven) was one of the most harmless villains in my opinion.  A villain who was kind of loved-hated by the other designers instead of just hated-feared.  I thought the combo of those top 10 designers - minus Ven - were a very likeable, young, hip, attractive cast without hateful or horrible personalities.  (Sonjia and Gunnar also being part of that crew.)


I would honestly pay for a version of this show without Helen.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 8

An AWESOME start with Michelle being in the bottom. *LOL*  Keep her there, please!  I would rather Kate have been ejected, but I'm ok with her there.


I'm going to be Team Dmitry all the way, so I'm just looking for the rest to entertain me!


The concept of blue lipstick escapes me. 


I do love Ivanka Trump.  She's amazingly smart and really classy.  She always impresses me. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 14

Good first episode, although the only thing that "wowed" me was Benjamin's dress. Good on him for listening to Zanna, who gave surprisingly good advice this time 'round!


I'm in the minority in that I really like Michelle and think that she's very talented, so I'm glad that Patricia was cut over her. 


I love Dimitry and Fabio; I hope they both make it to the end. 


Surprisingly, I remember all of the designers! 


I think this season is going to be fun, and there is enough talent to balance the number of drama queens (I'm looking at YOU Helen and Gunnar!)

  • Love 3

Oh wow...Helen made a gown for her uptown girl.  Gee, that's something new.  I won't have to take any Nyquil now after seeing that.  I like how she very hesitantly approached Alexandria...afraid much?  


I thought the girls were all kinds of jacked up, except for Sonjia and Alexandria.  The guys were much better, I really did like Fabio's design as well as Benjamin and Gunnar's.  I'm hoping that Gunnar does well here, I remember liking his designs but not all his comments his season, maybe he's dialed down on some of the quips.  One can hope.  


I can't believe it - hair products I've actually used are being promoted!   

  • Love 4

I thought the downtown collection was miles above uptown.  Chris was right.  Except for Alexandria's (which I loved), the women's was a collection of blah tube dresses and one tent.  Those darts on Patricia's looked lethal.  What happened to her pomegranate seeds or whatever--did she just run out of time?


I wish Kate would have gone.  I have zero interest in seeing what she can do again.

  • Love 10

I hope Alexandria calmly heaves a sewing machine at the gruesome twosome and takes out HelenandKate.  Or is it KateandHelen?   Where does the remora (Kate) go in name-placement compared to the host (Helen)?


Kate's design with those cupcake-liner titcups was a fucking disaster, but very, very Kate.  I loathe her and wish that despite those Fembot boob darts that Patricia was waving goodbye to Pancake.  Ivanka had her dead to rights - there were execution issues of course, but Kate has no concept or intellect guiding her tacky, tacky designs.  She takes insipidity to offensive levels and is a fake 'nice girl' to boot, a disgusting combination.


Julia, I'm with you - most excited to see Dmitry and Fabio (I saw Dmitry heading into a Ricky's on Monday night and wish I'd had something to ask him to sign 'one-way monkey!  Love, Dmitry' or similar).  I'm also happy to see Chris March, though I agreed with Ivanka's take on his look, and am interested in seeing what Samantha and Sonjia do.  I remember Sonjia made a fantastic jacket during her season, and she had some interesting looks and can carry off blue lipstick, which should be impossible.  And I'm glad that Alexandria is back and probably has some good defenses against letting psychotic crybaby Helen and her sniveling handmaiden even come close to touching her.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 11

So happy to see Chris March again & Dimitry. Glad Patrica got aufed, that dress was awful. When she was up there explaining the "concept" of it I was like what the fuck? It's a short tent with torpedo boobs. I did like her war cry (or whatever it was) as she exited, but I was embarrassed for the judges at their reaction (Mizrhai, what a dick).


I've seen every season except the first one and I don't remember the chick with the blue lipstick.


I really liked Chris's outfit, but that's the only one I would personally wear. Although I did kind of like Alexandria's. Glad Fabio won & glad he's back too. The only ones I'm not to thrilled to see back are Gunnar and Helen.

  • Love 7

Woven, who doesn't? He's delicious.


Forgot to mention Michelle going to hug Kate when she came off the runway. What the hell? Is this the same woman who on her season didn't like to touch or be touched? And her hamming it up on the runway when they discussed her dress was too much. She didn't really bother me in her season, but I think she might during this one. I feel like she's putting on a show for us.

  • Love 9

Thank you lord Patricia's gone.


I thought the jumpsuit and Chris's kilt were my favorites.   I agreed with Trump's comments on Chris's outfit overall--his costume-y-ness always trips him up--that belt was off--it looked like a stage piece, not fashion.     I actually didn't mind the fit on the top because his girl was pretty flat-chested but on a more curvy girl it would not have worked.


Honestly I didn't really like any of the women's looks and they didn't relaly become a collection of any kind.    The men --even if there were weak spots did some subtle things to pull their different looks together into a whole.   Benjamin is never going to let us forget that the judges liked his dress.    I didn't.

  • Love 5

This show is tougher for me to watch than the regular Project Runway, mainly because there were a few years in the middle where I stopped watching so I didn't recognize a lot of these people. I knew Helen, Alexandria, Justin and Kate, and think I've seen Chris March in commercials, but the rest I don't know at all. I did like Fabio's jumpsuit and was glad he won. 


As for Helen.... didn't she make that outfit already on regular PR? I feel like we've seen those curvy lines following the seams or curves of the body, only last time she tried to incorporate a bowtie at the top? (I think that was the challenge, incorporating a bowtie design, from the guy on Modern Family.) So she's rehashing already on challenge #1. *shakes head disapprovingly* 

  • Love 4

Woven, who doesn't? He's delicious.

Forgot to mention Michelle going to hug Kate when she came off the runway. What the hell? Is this the same woman who on her season didn't like to touch or be touched? And her hamming it up on the runway when they discussed her dress was too much. She didn't really bother me in her season, but I think she might during this one. I feel like she's putting on a show for us.

Agreed. Same folksy, overly-familiar affect as Amanda.

  • Love 6

Aww, sorry to see Patricia go first. Agreed, her design was terrible, but she's overall such an interesting personality and when she gets it right, I find her work really amazing.


Personally, I would have eliminated Michele, just for showing up looking the way she did. Hair, clothing, all her choices looked as if she dressed from a kit that was meant to be for a hipster Halloween costume in a room without a mirror. Totally unflattering - which I always think is a strange thing in a fashion designer.


Gunnar, please just shut up and sew. I really hope he isn't going to be the star of the Talking Heads this season.

  • Love 14

While I do really dislike some of the returning contestants, something about this episode was like a breath of fresh air after the shit show we were just subjected to in Season 13.

The one hour format is so much better and I felt we got the right balance of all the shows elements. The mentor actually "mentored", there wasn't manufactured drama and it was nice to have a new slate of judges. (Everyone involved in pushing the "best season ever" narrative for Season 13 have lost all credibility with me ... I'm looking at you Tim).

Bye, bye Patricia - what a relief - but I might have been happier with horrible Michelle. It looked like a costume for an extra on the set of a caveman movie.

  • Love 15

This was pretty boring. I was actually more excited to see Nastasia from ANTM (Fabio's model) IMO she is easily the most gorgeous model this season, she really elevated that look.


Kind of had a feeling Patricia wouldn't be coddled all the way to the end this time, I do like her though and was hoping she would outlast Kate and Gunnar at least.

Edited by blaase
  • Love 1

Kate really irritates me and always has, so I really don't want to see her or her designs yet again.  Why must she be on PR for a third time?  I was really hoping she'd be sent home instead of Patricia.


I totally agree. I liked Patricia in her 1st go-round and was looking forward to seeing more from her. I have zero interest in seeing more from Kate. If we haven't seen anything WOW from her yet, I think it's time for PR to stop calling her. Please. Stop trying to make Kate happen.


Although as soon as I saw Patricia's tent, I knew she was going home unless by some weird upset, the boys were the losing "team".

  • Love 5

So glad Patricia is gone already, she was exhausting during her season, & I wasn't looking forward to another one with her.  I thought both Kate & Justin's outfits were horrible, Kate's was really badly sewn, & Justin's was way too short. I actually liked the uptown collection better than the downtown, & Alyssa Milano is just as annoying as last season.

Wow, the women's collection was a total bore, except for Alexandria's which to me looked very high end and fabulous. Samantha's was fine too.

The men's were better but not really all that great. And it showed me either how hard it is to stay objective sometimes or how much I really can't stand Benjamin, cuz when in the first second his look came out I thought, "Alright, alright, not bad" but then his name flashed across the screen and I went "BLERCH UGH NO HIDEOUS." I think I settled on "It's ok" in the end.

It was funny how Georgina said Chris' was original while Ivanka thought it was cliche. I liked it!

Fabio made a good jumpsuit but whenever someone makes that I get flashbacks to Gretchen and Anya and that's not good.

Is Helen and Kate not friends anymore? I didn't see them interact once and Helen didn't even get up to hug Kate. I hope they're not because I want to like Kate. She was a bright spot in season 11. Speaking of Helen, surprise surprise that Alexandria was courteous and Helen was like "ew". I bet Alexandria hasn't given Helen a second thought since their season.

I liked Dmitry's neck thing he made for his outfit.

I don't remember Sonjia's dress but she looked fabulous. Hope she stays a while.

Edited by joelene
  • Love 2

Did anybody else notice that Georgina wasn't announced as "The Gorgeous"? I nearly fell over from shock. 


Count me in with those who have a crush on Dimitry. I think I may also be developing one on Fabio.


Also...PLEASE give the designers more two-day challenges! One-day work is, more often than not, going to be quite lackluster.

I was waiting for Georgina's intro as well! Color me stunned!

And ITA agree about both my crush on Dimitry (although I'd love a Chris March victory) and the hope for more two-day challenges.

  • Love 6

Oh man, was there some secret side battle between Alyssa and Ivanka to see who could speak in the most faux aristocratic dialect possible?

Had to laugh at the richness of Ivanka complaining that Chris March's belt was "tacky." Apparently she has no familiarity with her own accessory line or her father's entire being.

I'll watch until Chris March gets booted off and then I'm out.

When I saw Zanna again I groaned: "Oh yeah. This is that series with the cheerleader for a mentor." (Although, Tim isn't much better these days. Hell, I'd welcome Anne Slowey back and I wish Joanna Coles wasn't busy running Cosmo.)


Helen reproducing the same basic dress/silhouette she almost always does.


Alexandria irks me b/c of her snotty confessionals and just her overall snotty being. I'm sure there will be many more to come. I did share her reaction to Kate coming back for the 3rd time, though.


I like Ivanka but I think she lacks real imagination and is all about basic ready-to-wear, as evidenced in her faulting of Chris March's look but gushing over Michelle's.


I really like Fabio but actually preferred (ugh) Alexandria's look.

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 1

Well, that was uninspiring. I don't know if I want to stick with the season if this is going to be the quality of work. I thought we might have some luck with Chris March, Dmitri, and even Michelle but that was a pathetic showing. 

The one day challenge strikes again!


Aww, sorry to see Patricia go first. Agreed, her design was terrible, but she's overall such an interesting personality and when she gets it right, I find her work really amazing.


Personally, I would have eliminated Michele, just for showing up looking the way she did. Hair, clothing, all her choices looked as if she dressed from a kit that was meant to be for a hipster Halloween costume in a room without a mirror. Totally unflattering - which I always think is a strange thing in a fashion designer.


Gunnar, please just shut up and sew. I really hope he isn't going to be the star of the Talking Heads this season.


I don't like Patricia's work, and I think she is purposefully obtuse sometimes, but for the most part I like her, and there are some interesting things she brings to the runway.  Michelle is the worst, everything about her reads that we are all just so lucky she is here, and for her part she would just rather not be, but she is busy doing the world a favor by being on my TV again.  They can't cut her lame ass fast enough.  I would love it to be a double elimination with Helen, but then again, i want to spread out the joy of seeing the two of them getting eliminated.


Had to laugh at the richness of Ivanka complaining that Chris March's belt was "tacky." Apparently she has no familiarity with her own accessory line or her father's entire being.

I'll watch until Chris March gets booted off and then I'm out.


LMAO at this....so true, so true.  Although, I will say I like her as a guest judge, but I refuse to buy anything she has on the market.  A lot of guest judges go out of their way to be assholes, and I'm glad she didn't do that.  I like Chris March, but it was sort of an ode to the 90's.  I loved Ben's look



Also, I know Alyssa is pregnant, but why that hair?

  • Love 3

And her hamming it up on the runway when they discussed her dress was too much.

Seriously!  What was with all that mugging for the camera, and the weird accents? 


Poor Georgina.  I wonder if next week she gets to go back to being gorgeous? 


Last time Gunnar was on, he was determined to be Josh 2.0.  Looks like he's still reaching for that.

  • Love 2

An AWESOME start with Michelle being in the bottom. *LOL*  Keep her there, please!  I would rather Kate have been ejected, but I'm ok with her there.



I think Kate should have gone home, too.   Patricia's dress was more interesting, even with the really bad breast darts.   Kate's was a poorly made bridal dress.  Nothing interesting at all.


I'm kind of hoping that Michelle and Helen get stuck together on a really difficult team challenge with a short deadline.   

  • Love 5

Not to mention the makeup.


I was kind of surprised by how obvious it was who made each outfit. Whether it's a "point of view" or "one trick pony" remains to be seen I guess.


I'm going to assume she has been subjected to the Mary Kay makeup treatment in an effort to please the sponsor.  Natural question becomes, was she wearing accessories from the QVC wall?

Seriously!  What was with all that mugging for the camera, and the weird accents? 


Poor Georgina.  I wonder if next week she gets to go back to being gorgeous? 



A true travesty, I mean everyone has an off day, but she wasn't even stunning or radiant.

I'm kind of hoping that Michelle and Helen get stuck together on a really difficult team challenge with a short deadline.   

Part of me wants that too, but I have decided I don't want them double eliminated.  It will be such a moment of true smiling happiness for me when they each get cut, I want to be able to savor it.

  • Love 9

I hope this isn't going to be Project Runway: All-Stars Teams!  I'm a little scared it might.  The women's collection was boring.  Couldn't anyone have used a little color? Sonjia's lips had the most color in that collection.  I didn't like Michelle's - there was that gap in front that had a funny movement when the model walked.  Also Michelle was talking so strangely while the judges discussed her work - odd accent, fake jokey, etc.  I liked her on her season but all I felt was "Come off it!" here. When Alyssa said Ivanka was going to wear the winner's look I knew Fabio won.  I could see her wearing the jumpsuit but not so much wearing Ben's.


I was hoping Kate would be eliminated.  Her dress was not only poorly-designed but the fabric looked like the muslin they use for patterns, mocking up the garment, etc.  I'd rather have seen more from Patricia than Kate. I hope Helen is eliminated early, too. 

  • Love 1

I agree Kate's dress looked like cheap muslin.  I wonder what kind of fabric it was.  She also kept telling her model how hot she looked.  Kate managed to make a skin tight dress that accentuated the boobs look NOT hot.


I was pleased by the diversity in garments the downtown team showed:  jumpsuit, pants, separates, dress.  It made me hope that at least some of the designers can do something interesting in a one-day challenge. 


I hope they don't do many teams.  It seems unfair in a way to link an All-Star's fate to anyone but themselves.   In a regular season, I don't mind teams.

  • Love 4

I didn't understand Alyssa Milano being the host last year and I still don't get it.  What credible fashion experience does she have?  Whoever styles her should be fired.  Her clothes, hair and make up are usually atrocious. She is actually very pretty, but the way she looks on this show disguises that many times. Either she makes bad choices for herself or allows others to convince her they know what they're doing.  I think the pregnancy ramped up her fakey fake speech pattern she had last year. If she wants to lose her Noo Yawk accent, go to a vocal coach.  Don't try to "Professor Higgins" yourself without professional help.


UGH!  Michelle is back.  She really lays it on thick with the dramatic flailing & facial expressions.  Sparkle down, sister.  And was her voice so nasally on her season?  I think I'll wear out the 'mute' button on the remote for sure this season.

  • Love 14

And another thing....


Somebody needs to re-write Alyssa's prize package speech. She says, just as Heidi says on PR about the cash prize "To Start Your Line"....


It's All-Stars....Aren't you supposed to ALREADY have a line?  How about the cash is for whatever the hell they want it to be for!  *LOL*



Sparkle down, sister.

I LOVE this phrase!  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 7

Alyssa Milano just bothers me.  However, her use of "boys' team" and "girls' team" was just too much.  These are men and women.  There is nothing that screams boys and girls to me.  It bothers me on these shows when the judges ask 'who is your girl?'  but to refer to the designers themselves as boys and girls is over the top.  It actually reads disrespectful to me.


Go Chris March.

  • Love 5

I rather liked Helen's gown; the liquid flow of it.  And really liked Benjamin's dress; wished that had gone for the win.  But yes, enough scorn can't be heaped on Patricia's bag lady. It reminded  me of that 'I Love Lucy' episode where Ricky had someone make a 'Jacques original design' out of an old potato sack.


With Fabio's architectural hair and beard, he looks like he could be one of those heads on Easter Island.

Edited by LuciaMia
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